What do our unconscious drawings mean? What do our doodles say?

There is probably no such person who, at least sometimes during telephone conversation or during a boring meeting I didn’t draw strange figures in the margins of my diary. Have you noticed that these figures are often repeated? Look through your notebook, you can find a lot of interesting things there - strange curls, hearts, spirals, little people, etc. These mechanical drawings can tell a lot about their author.

Spontaneous drawings are a great way to learn something new about a person, because at the moment when they appear on paper, the subconscious controls us, and it is this that hides true human fears, complexes and desires. You just have to look carefully at your own scribbles, and you will be able to understand exactly what qualities do not allow you to grow in your career and why lately It is especially difficult for you to listen to long stories about other people's problems.

Personal signatures

They are most often depicted as rather self-centered natures. They think about themselves more than about anyone else. All their thoughts revolve around one person - themselves. This is especially obvious in cases where entire sheets of paper are covered with signatures. If this description suits you, think about it: are you paying too much attention to yourself? Perhaps those around you also deserve to be remembered at least occasionally?

Hands folded on your chest indicate your hostile attitude, while those hidden behind your back indicate your ability to stand your ground to the end.

Little people

The standard “stick, stick, cucumber” scheme suggests that you are not averse to building the Berlin Wall around yourself and not letting anyone get close. If the little man is also small, then most likely you feel like a helpless, small pawn. If the person looks quite realistic, pay attention to the details. Hands folded on your chest indicate your hostile attitude, while those hidden behind your back indicate your ability to stand your ground to the end. If your arms are spread out to the sides, then this signals that you have lost control over your life. Now about the face: if it is carefully drawn, then it is very important to you what others think of you. This especially applies to appearance. By the way, large ears also indicate dependence on the opinions of others, while small ears (or their complete absence) indicate a reluctance to listen to other people’s opinions.


They are painted by people overwhelmed with feelings. They sincerely love life and the people around them, but they cannot always express this openly. Either because of the fear of being rejected, or because of the fear that they will not be understood. They simply need to broadcast their emotions outside, but they control themselves with all their might, which is why they are often unhappy.

Hearts are drawn by those who love life and the people around them, but are not always able to openly declare this.


Such drawings show that their author really wants to be the center of attention, he dreams of recognition, admiration and worship. However, star is different from star, and if yours has too many rays, and some seem to be distant from it, then most likely we are talking about a depressive state.


With windows, roof and porch - everything is as it should be. As a rule, they are drawn by those who love order, clearly plan their day, expenses, vacations - in general, everything that can be planned. These people have clear goals and know how to achieve them. You have to try really hard to knock them off the right path or change your mind on any issue.

Flowers, sun

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely you enjoy this conversation. In addition, while chatting with a friend about nothing, you can dream about a wonderful evening that you will spend with your loved one, and also draw mini-landscapes. Such drawings come from the pencils of optimistic and kind natures.

If you draw these figures during a telephone conversation, then most likely you enjoy this conversation.


And also circles and waves mean a certain fixation in an emotional sense. Perhaps you are going around in circles with your problems and can’t solve them. At the same time, other people’s difficulties do not bother you one bit, and you can easily lash out at someone who starts telling you about their troubles.

Geometric shapes

Squares, triangles, diamonds - all these angular figures are characteristic of persistent people with clear goals and strong convictions. They control their every step and are sometimes too suspicious of others. Sometimes this vigilance really gets in the way of enjoying life, so it’s worth at least occasionally letting go of the situation and letting events take their course.


According to which animal appears in notebook, you can judge your emotional mood. In fact, everything here is simple, as in children's fairy tales: a hare or a squirrel - you need care, a fox - you are weaving intrigues, a lion - you feel like the best important person in your surroundings. The image of any other animal can also be easily interpreted with the help of parables and stories for the little ones.


It is believed that they are drawn mechanically by those who are very concerned about the material side of life. It doesn’t matter whether you care about the amount of your salary, are going to take out a mortgage on an apartment, or want to pay off debts - if you constantly think about money, then the numbers will appear on paper more and more often.

Incredible facts

We often doodle unconsciously when we're talking on the phone or sitting in a boring meeting. We may not realize it, but these doodles can actually tell a lot about personalities and the mood of the painter.

The size, position, and object of the drawing gives us some key clues. With doodles, as with dreams, there are some that occur quite frequently, and as such are easier to interpret.

Size and placement

Large scribbles that take up most of the page indicate that you are drawn to nature. In addition, this may be a signal that you are withdrawn, but want communication.

Small drawings in the corner of the sheet indicate that the person is neat and organized in his own way. Finding scribbles on the sides of a sheet is a sign that a person likes everything to be in its place.

Those who place their drawings in the center of the page are often extroverts who need attention. This common feature people working in areas where they need to constantly speak publicly (lawyers, teachers, various officials, etc.). The center of the page is also the need for personal space.

The scribbles at the top of the page show confidence and an abundance of ideas. If the drawing is drawn right next to the title of the text on the sheet, it means that the “artist” does not consider what is written on the paper to be important.

The left side of the sheet is the most common place where scribbles are usually located. This speaks of nostalgic feelings for the past in a person. Usage right side The sheet is not so common, mostly left-handed people draw on the right. This may indicate a desire to express oneself or talk about secret thoughts.

What do unconscious drawings mean?

Objects and items

So what exactly are you drawing?


Those who paint animals tend to be very sensitive to any living thing. The type of animal that a person draws speaks about his mood, and, often, about the type of personality he would like to have.

Read also:Do you like to draw doodles? Google will hire you

Drawings of small, weak and passive animals indicate slowness, lack of self-confidence, and also that the person is more of an introvert. Images of aggressive animals speak of self-confidence, funny and cute animals represent the playful nature of the person drawing, and slow animals represent an insolent, contemplative personality.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the elephant. He is powerful and dominant, demonstrating inner strength a person who can overcome any obstacle. Those who draw elephants are often cheerful and slightly mischievous individuals.


Arrows are drive and high degree motivation. These people are aggressively ambitious.


Chains typically indicate that a person has a sense of limitation, especially in relationships or at work. Limitations can also refer to a person’s beliefs that do not allow him to do what he wants. If a person appears in the picture at one of the links in the chain, this indicates a very tense state.


Circles are a need to find unity and peace. They can indicate a person who is trying to put all the pieces of the puzzle together and understand everything.

They may also indicate a strong intuitive feeling that the pieces of the puzzle must fit together just right to form a whole. It doesn't matter whether it applies to relationships or life in general.

Circles also symbolize lighter feelings compared to angles. They are associated with sociability, talkativeness, friendliness, and the desire to be flexible and loving.

The meaning of unconscious drawings


Fluffy clouds indicate that the person drawing is happy, a little dreamy, but has a strong sense of freedom. “Angry”, clouds before rain, represent depression or difficulties in everyday life.


The cubes indicate a person's desire to be constructive. If they are three-dimensional, then this indicates the ability or attempt of the artist to see the problem from all sides. Drawing cubes is often a sign that a person feels trapped and powerless in the face of a situation.

In combination with circles and spirals, cubes indicate that the person drawing would actually prefer to be somewhere else, doing something more interesting.

Boxes and cubes are the most common designs that people draw unknowingly.

It is important to add that boxes, squares and other three-dimensional objects are an indicator of masculinity. Moreover, if you draw boxes, you most likely have a practical, organized, and methodical approach to things.


Dots indicate anxiety and instability.


They indicate the need to listen to someone for too long and too much.


Eggs symbolize a new beginning. There may be a new talent that you didn't know about. Eggs can also indicate that you have a need and desire to settle down and build your own stable, secure nest.

Pictures we draw unconsciously


The eyes often speak about the inner self of the painter. Big eyes draw open people, and the small ones are closed. Closed eyes indicate a refusal to look within. Sad or happy eyes are a reflection of how a person feels deep inside.

Eyes are often painted by people who want to be attractive. Many people who draw immediately assume that perhaps the drawing of the eye is connected with the feeling that they are being watched. In severe cases, the eyes may indicate a person's paranoid tendencies.


The expression of a drawn face is a good indicator of the mood and character of the person who drew it. Well drawn beautiful face says that you see the good in other people.

If you draw strange or ugly faces, then this indicates your distrust. Comic faces are a desire to be the center of attention. Children's faces represent a desire to feel needed. Drawing a person's profile indicates that you are an introvert.


Flowers represent the feminine side of man and the desire to see growth, nature and procreation. If the painted flowers are a harmonious bouquet, then the person is attached to his family and feels complete unity with it. Jung believed that if flowers appear in a dream, it is due to the need to release emotions that a person cannot express openly.

Unconsciously drawing flowers is femininity. This is the reason why most often it is girls who draw them. In addition, flowers are an understanding of one’s personality and the expectation of blooming.


The image of food or drink suggests that a person is hungry for feelings and needs love.


Hearts say that in at the moment a person experiences romantic feelings.

Houses or buildings

They reflect a person’s attitude towards his family life. Houses must have doors and windows that indicate that a person can see what is happening outside, and his loved ones can see and hear him.

A warm, welcoming home that appears lived-in, perhaps with smoke curling from the chimney, suggests that the painter is completely happy with it. family life, and he is happy.

Chaotic, gloomy houses speak of difficult associations between the painter and home life. A house depicted on top of a hill indicates that you are very lonely.

Also, drawing houses suggests that you attach a lot of importance to shelter and safety. What you paint on houses speaks volumes about the things you value most. For example, numbers and dollar signs indicate your preoccupation with money.

Planes, cars, ships and other vehicles can indicate your desire to travel, change something in your relationships or change your life.

If you are drawing a simple house with no doors, no windows, no curtains, no chimney full of smoke, you are most likely at this point in your life very upset, feeling lonely and would like to talk to someone.

On the other hand, if you drew big house, with flowers and a garden around, you are almost certainly happy. It may also indicate that the person is materialistic and loves luxury.

Some draw thin and tall buildings. This indicates a critical mind. Such people do not show an open approach to various things.

Names and initials

Drawing your name or initials is typical for people who like to be the center of attention. Teenagers often draw only their first name, without a last name, thereby demonstrating their desire to break away from their family and do their own thing.

On the other hand, drawing someone else's name says two things: either it is the name of a person you have romantic feelings for, or it is the name of a person associated with a problem you need to deal with.


Some people just draw lines. If at the same time they press the handle hard, then they are overcome by aggression and are afraid of something. This pressure determines your mood. The more easily you move your pen across the sheet, drawing lines, the more peace you have inside.


Drawing only a person's profile suggests that the person drawing doesn't like the way he or she looks, or the person realizes that they can't draw well. IN complete drawings, but when, for example, a drawn person has no arms, this indicates a feeling of being unable to do anything.

Having no legs is the feeling of having no roots, even if you have them. It is important how a person draws his face, it speaks about his emotions. Missing parts of the face indicate a person who does not feel complete or whole.

Emphasizing and drawing exclusively the eyes indicates caution and suspicion of the drawer. Finishing the ears, as a rule, indicates the need to listen to someone for too long.

Drawing by a child: if a drawn person is floating in the air, then it means a lot to the child. Very large ears that are not adorned with earrings may indicate verbal abuse. Sometimes the lines leading to the ears demonstrate a frequently occurring insulting tone.

A mouth covered with a long slit can be drawn by an anxious child, and the complete absence of a mouth means an inability to communicate. Empty eyes indicate difficulty in perceiving the surrounding reality; they are blind to what is happening.

Large, irregularly shaped teeth are a trend aggressive behavior, especially in combination with other jagged graphic symbols, such as "spiked" fingers, legs, ears, hair.

Fun fact: Children draw pictures of feelings they cannot express.


The stars speak of a feeling of hope, looking forward to something, optimism. People who draw stars in groups are irresistibly romantic.


It usually symbolizes the feeling that either the person himself has fallen into a trap, or wants to lure someone into a certain relationship or situation.


Drawings of any type of transport indicate a desire to get away from something or to achieve a goal. The faster type vehicle, the higher the speed with which a person acts.


Triangles are the second most common unconscious pattern. They speak of a rational state of mind and a desire to know what will happen.


Trees represent our ego and our ambitions, so pay attention special attention to the health of the tree! Trees with leaves and fruits show that the artist considers love, sexual relations and children to be part of a single whole.

Bare, drooping branches indicate depression and lack of morale. Barren trees may indicate that the artist does not feel his roots.

The tree also indicates a person or thing from the past that you cannot forget. Moreover, you are afraid of getting into trouble and want to be protected if your tree stands alone. If the tree is surrounded by flowers, it indicates happiness and love for family.


Zigzags are discomfort in life that you want to escape from. They can also talk about the energy of a person who wants to learn to get along with others. If a zigzag has soft, flowing lines, this speaks of a romantic, feminine approach to things. Zigzags drawn with a large number of straight lines indicate a more aggressive masculine nature.

What do the pictures we draw unconsciously mean?


When people draw unconsciously, they usually do so with whatever they have on hand. Depending on cultural differences, the same colors can mean different things.

Have you ever wondered what the various pictures that we draw on paper without thinking mean?

Parade of numbers
Those who like to draw numbers are only concerned with material values. The first option is you figure out where and how you can make money. Second, you are thinking about how to pay off your debts.

May there always be sunshine
Are the pages of the notebook decorated with the sun or garlands? Paradoxically, your mood is by no means as rosy as these drawings. You lack warmth, care and attention. You dream of friendship and tenderness. Want some advice? Try to be around people more often in the near future. Call your friends, go to the cinema or for a walk with them, sit in a cafe. Then the sun will appear not only on paper, but also in your soul.

Oh, those figures!
Squares, diamonds, and triangles indicate clear goals and strong beliefs. Such figures are usually drawn by people who are used to openly expressing their point of view. They try not to give in to the enemy, have a practical mindset, well-developed logical thinking and are capable of holding leadership positions. Moreover, symmetrical forms mean a commitment to neatness and order, prudence and the ability to plan everything. At the same time, if the corners of the figures are drawn too sharply, this is a clear tendency towards aggression. Your problem is excessive concentration, which does not allow you to relax normally.

Crosses express feelings of guilt. Perhaps you offended someone or did not fulfill a promise, or it seems to you that those around you are reproaching you for something. Quickly discuss everything that is bothering you, or ask for forgiveness, it will immediately become easier. By the way, your drawing may contain not just ordinary crosses, but, for example, decorations or patterns containing cross-shaped elements. As a rule, women give them this look.

Spirals, circles, wavy lines
Other people's problems don't bother you too much or don't interest you at all. You are a very secretive and reserved person; you do not like it when others meddle in your affairs. You may be going through a mild crisis. Now you are a complete exposed wire. Try to control yourself, otherwise you may lose your temper and insult your interlocutor.

Shine, burn, my star...
A star is an indicator of an optimistic nature. When faced with a problem, such a person tries not to give up and tries to quickly cope with difficulties. In addition, such a drawing demonstrates the desire of the “draftsman” to attract attention.

There was a birch tree in the field...
Thin trees with bare branches depict lost and upset people. But the branched crown and thick trunk show that you are energetic, cheerful and nothing is bothering you at the moment.

Heart to heart
You are overwhelmed with feelings. I want to kiss the whole world. But you constantly restrain your emotions and from the outside appear strict and unapproachable. Moreover, the larger the picture, the greater the difference between your true face and the usual mask. Stop controlling yourself, become more open and relaxed.

Bee house
“Honeycomb” speaks of the desire for an orderly and measured life, peace, harmony with oneself and the world around us. In addition, such a drawing may mean a desire to start a family, which a person often does not want to admit even to himself.

Seven-flowered flower
Flowers and leaves indicate good character. Such people are sympathetic and love to help others. They are also sensitive and emotional. If a person draws plants in a vase, it means that he constantly needs energy recharge.

Checkmate or checkmate
You find yourself in an unpleasant or difficult situation, so you draw a chessboard. And you want to solve all the problems by developing your own tactics and strategy, just like chess players do. Meanwhile, if a similar image is in your notebook - frequent guest, then it is possible that you suffer from hidden complexes.


Painted men

This image is a sign of helplessness or a desire to evade responsibilities.

Interweaving circles

the thought of a stable connection? Maybe. But more often such a drawing reflects the desire to participate in something. At the moment you feel that you are outside of events.


The drawing eye feels that it is dependent and cannot make key decisions. Very large eyes mean high control, and in extreme cases, paranoia. If the eyes are very small, a person does not want to notice any events in life. or Drawing eyes is introspection, cognition


The abundance of your own paintings, mechanically drawn on a sheet of paper during a conversation, or thinking about some problem - signals that you are too fixated on yourself and your problems, or are in a long depression



Hatching calms

Often a person does not even notice that he begins to draw involuntarily as soon as paper and pen are at hand. However, none of the drawings are "empty". Each image is a code that our subconscious gives us.

Any human thought is expressed in movement. The drawing also reflects internal mental processes. “He can tell what the author is going through inside,” says art therapist Maria Yalysheva. - After all, when there was no writing yet, people communicated through rock paintings.

If you decipher the drawing, you can not only find out a person’s true mood, but also understand his problems and even cure mental illness. Of course, for each of us the same drawing may contain different subtext.

In my work as an art therapist, in addition to generally accepted interpretations of drawings and images, I try to rely on the individual symbolic language of each patient, his emotional and bodily reactions and manifestations, says Maria Yalysheva. - Each drawing can mean something different. But there is also universal symbolism. For example, if a person draws sharp lines, with strong pressure, which sometimes even cuts through the paper, it means that he is worried and angry. In art therapy there is even an exercise that relieves anxiety - ordinary shading. Before communicating, we suggest that clients shade the surface to relieve an anxious aggressive state.

Psychologists have summarized universal symbols and deciphered them. They interpret arbitrary drawings left by people without visible meaning, Thus:


Smooth, symmetrical shapes indicate a person who loves order and calculation in everything. The artist has clear goals in life.

Faces, heads, faces of people

They are usually drawn by cheerful, sarcastic, ironic people who want to laugh at themselves and the world around them.


Girls especially often draw lips. This is evidence of special sensitivity and talent. Such people love art very much and are creative people. However, if teeth are visible in the lip section, then this is a manifestation of internal aggression!


They express a tendency to observe. If the eyes are in different angles and types - a person delves into himself.

Rough lines, strokes

The thicker the lines and the stronger the pressure, the stronger the internal tension of the drawer. He is clearly in the middle of some kind of conflict, from which he wants to get out as quickly as possible. But so far it is “attacking” the problem only on paper.


Evidence of chaos, inner disorder. A man is on the verge of an important decision.

Forests and trees

A person seeks protection in the surrounding world. It is believed that such drawings are usually created by people who are indecisive, unsure of themselves, and who do not like to defend their rights.

Strokes from the center

They are drawn by determined people who are able to organize other people to achieve a goal.

Sun, clouds

The sun, sky and clouds are usually drawn by a dreamer. By depicting the sun, a person shows his optimism, friendliness, joy and lightness.



The desire to harmonize everything around.


For such an “artist” the main thing is harmony in everything - both inside and outside! When a person draws flowers, most likely he expects failure or is faced with a problem, and this worries him. He subconsciously strives to harmonize the situation with drawn flowers.

Double arrows

Most likely, a person is faced with a choice and cannot make a decision. He is “pulled” first in one direction, then in the other.

Sandbox from troubles

To improve your mood, any person just needs to pick up a pen and start drawing. But if you need to solve a problem psychological nature- You will need art therapy. This is one of the methods of psychotherapy popular in the West. This trend has been actively developing in St. Petersburg for the last five years and has already gained its fans. Citizens come to specialized centers to find themselves in a hectic developing world and the flow of information, to establish relationships with the opposite sex and to understand children's problems.

Art therapy is healing through art, solving mental problems through creativity, says Maria Yalysheva. - Both adult and small clients come. First, we ask what situation the person wants to talk about. Then we invite him to draw something. Afterwards we discuss the drawing and try to decipher it together.

According to the psychologist, sometimes only through drawing can a person heal. This often happens in children - by drawing their fears, they get rid of them. By the way, one way to calm yourself is to draw in the center of a circle.

If the drawing is not enough, then the patient is sent... to the sandbox. This method is called sand therapy. An adult enters a specially equipped sandbox and, using figurines, begins to sculpt his own world.

I myself tried the method of working in the sandbox. Only there I was able to grieve the loss of my grandmother,” admits psychologist Maria Yalysheva. - When she died, this misfortune did not let me go for a long time, it was hard to part with my beloved grandmother. Depression set in regularly. Thanks to the sandbox, I was able to close this wound in my soul. Sand therapy is explained simply: our inner world consists of images. In the sandbox we build this world. It’s like visualizing our inner state. Let's recognize it. Then we transform and perceive back - new world without past wounds. In the sandbox we come to an agreement with our unconscious. Sometimes this dialogue occurs on an intuitive level. Let's say a person can make a figurine of a snake. And in fact, it will reflect the qualities that a person does not like about himself. You can talk and come to an agreement with this “snake”!


“Squares” are hard workers and good “circles”

The simplest psychogeometric test will help, for example, an employer to understand psychological portrait applicant. Look at the six shapes - square, triangle, rectangle, triangle, circle, zigzag. Choose the one that attracted you the most, the one that is most “similar” to you. Arrange the rest in descending order of your “liking”. People who choose a square stand very firmly on their feet. They are good workers, stress-resistant, persistent and love order in everything. “Triangles” are ambitious leaders who want to be right in everything, energetic, strong individuals who set goals and achieve them. People who put the circle first are holistic natures who value interpersonal relationships. They are very friendly and sociable. Circle people know how to listen to others.

“Zigzags” are creative, creative, out-of-the-box thinkers. Natural generators of ideas. The rectangle is the most unstable shape in this set. Those who choose it are most likely in a state of transition and change. "Rectangles" are restlessly searching better life, because they are dissatisfied with the present. They are often confused and uncertain about themselves, but they are inquisitive. By the way, preferences may change over the course of a lifetime.

Know yourself

Draw a circle, square and triangle separately.

Now add a drawing to each figure so that the circle, square and triangle become not just figures, but in some way.

Now look carefully at the drawing: the circle is how you perceive yourself, the square is how you perceive outside world. And the triangle is how you perceive your sexuality. In other words, if you completed the circle like balloon, then most likely you see yourself in the world as a light airy creature. And if the square became beautiful house- then the outside world for you is probably a cozy, native and warm place. If the triangle has turned into a shark fin, then most likely you are a predator in sex.

Many people have the habit of unconsciously drawing something, drawing on a piece of paper. We draw when we think, at a meeting, during a telephone conversation, or simply when a pen is at hand. What is this?

It turns out that such unconscious figures, patterns, and scribbles can say more about us than we know about ourselves. Psychologists call them picture texts or doodles and actively use them in their practice.

These drawings can tell about our personality, character traits and even our current mood. It turns out that in this way we relieve tension, mobilize the psyche, and structure new knowledge and information. Sometimes these drawings help us compensate for our inability to gesture or concentrate.

Want to take a closer look at what unconscious scribbles and drawings mean?

1. Numbers mean that the “artist” at a given time is concerned exclusively with financial and economic aspects.

2. Sun or garland lanterns, No matter how strange it may be, they talk about a lack of care and spiritual intimacy. The person dreams of friendship, care or tenderness.

3. Geometric shapes with corners indicate clarity of thought, the presentation of clear guidelines in life and the presence of convictions. Their authors openly express their opinions and do not give in to trouble. These are logicians who think practically and have an analytical mind.

Also, geometric images mean a love of discipline, a calculating mind, the ability to plan and leadership abilities.

Too sharp corners indicate some kind of internal aggression.

4. Drawn cross carries with it a hidden feeling of guilt. Remember, maybe you offended someone?

5. Rounded shapes, spirals, waves They reveal people who are exclusively concerned with themselves or their problems. They also talk about secrecy or experiencing a crisis.

6. Star indicates an optimistic nature that does not give up and is able to cope with problems.

7. Thin trees with bare branches are drawn by upset or lost people. And energetic and cheerful ones draw trees with a lush crown and thick trunks.

8. Hearts painted by those who are overwhelmed with feelings, but they try to restrain their emotions. Such people from the outside look very calm, but their drawings give them away and say the opposite.

9. Honeycomb project a person’s desire for orderliness and measured life. Such people value harmony with themselves and others. Perhaps it's time to start a family.

10. Flowers and leaves mean good character, responsiveness, desire to help, sensitivity.

11. Chessboard signals that the author is in difficult situation and tries to find a way out. The regular appearance of such a pattern indicates hidden complexes.