Currant jam with whole berries. Five-minute blackcurrant jam - recipes with jelly, glasses, without water

Currant is a very common plant; it grows in Europe, Asia, and North America. There are many varieties of it. Interestingly, currants belong to the gooseberry family.

Black currant berries are one of the healthiest, they are a real treasure trove of health. It is rich in vitamins A, B, C, P, organic acids (citric and malic), beneficial substances such as potassium, iron, zinc and others. The content of ascorbic acid in currants is several times higher than in citrus fruits. Jam, compotes, marshmallows, jellies, marmalades, and currant wine are prepared from blackcurrant berries. Currant leaves and fruits are brewed and used for decoctions or as tea.

Currants are very useful for prevention colds, for blood purification and hematopoiesis, as well as for atherosclerosis. Helps with cardiovascular diseases. Blackcurrant jam is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Therefore, it is imperative to prepare it for the winter.

In previous articles we looked at recipes, and. Today we’ll look at some recipes for making currant jam.

Blackcurrant jam is a wonderful dessert; it turns any tea party into a celebration. It can also be used for filling pies and added to cake creams. It is prepared quickly and stores well. There are many ways to make jam. Let's look at some of them.

Recipe for thick blackcurrant jam for the winter

Properly prepared jam retains all the beneficial properties of the berry. When processed, currants almost do not lose their amazing qualities and fill our body with vitamins, strengthen the immune system, improve digestion, and make us feel better during colds and flu.

Making jam has long been a traditional activity in our country. After all, it is important to take vitamins not only in the summer, but also to stock up on them for the winter. And in this matter, currant jam is our first assistant.


  • sugar – 1 kg,
  • currants – 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to make currant jam:

We sort, wash and dry the currants. When the berries are prepared, we begin to make blackcurrant jam for the winter. It is necessary to take into account the differences from and. The berry releases juice slowly and requires more sugar. Typically, proportions from one to one to one to one and a half (currants to sugar) are used.

Currant jam will turn out tasty and tender, with whole berries, if you blanch them in boiling water for several minutes before processing, followed by cooling in cold water. The time depends on the size and ripeness of the fruit.

It is advisable to use water good quality– spring or purified from the tap. You can buy drinking water.

Pour water into a basin or enamel pan and add sugar. We put our dishes on the fire and bring to a boil.

After boiling, add a little currant and cook for a few minutes, stirring.

Gradually add currants and sugar. We prepare all the jam like this, adding a glass of berries and a glass of sugar alternately every five minutes.

Cook over low heat, stirring constantly and removing foam.

Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars.

We close the lids and turn the jars over and wrap them up.

Currant berries are prone to oxidation, so the jam is rolled up with lids that do not oxidize.

The jam can be stored at room temperature.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam

This jam is prepared very quickly and therefore there are a lot of vitamins left in it. The berries are not overcooked, each currant remains soft and whole. The jam is prepared with a small amount of sugar and the addition of water.


  • sugar – 1.3-1.5 kg (depending on the acidity of the berries),
  • currants – 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to make blackcurrant jam 5 minutes:

The jam is called that because it takes 5 minutes to cook. Five minutes is a very popular recipe, since all the vitamins are preserved in such currant jam. Despite heat treatment, the berry retains all its beneficial properties.

It is advisable to pick currants a week after ripening, before the berries begin to crack. The harvest can be harvested with brushes, and the berries can be separated before processing.

So let's get started. We prepare our currants. We clean the berries from debris. We remove twigs, sepals, and unripe fruits.

We wash the berries under cold water(under slight pressure so that it remains intact) and leave it in a colander so that the water runs out. Many housewives, before cooking, scald the currants in a colander so that the berries do not burst during the cooking process and in order to remove the film from them. Next, dry the berries.

Pour sugar (1.5 kg) into a saucepan and pour water (200 ml). Cook sugar syrup.

After the syrup has boiled and the sugar has dissolved in it, add currants to it. We are waiting for it to boil. Turn it off immediately.

Leave the berries for 2 hours so that the currants are saturated with syrup.

How long to cook currant jam? If it is used as a dessert, then the processing time can be any. If we want to focus on beneficial properties currants, then you need to reduce the time of its heat treatment.

After this, put our currant jam on the fire and boil for 5 minutes, stirring with a wooden spoon. We remove the foam. Cook the jam over low heat.

We check the readiness: to do this, drop some jam on a saucer; if a drop of jam does not spread, then the currant jam is ready.

Pour the jam into sterilized jars.

And we roll up.

This currant jam is perfectly stored at room temperature.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam jelly

Five-minute aromatic blackcurrant jelly is an excellent winter treat. At first glance, the process is labor-intensive, but in fact, even a novice housewife can handle it. This jam is prepared very quickly and easily. It freezes perfectly, since the berries contain natural pectin, and the consistency is like jelly, without the need to add gelatin or other thickeners. The jam can be used to bake various pies or simply spread on bread. This jam is a wonderful dessert for tea in the cold winter.


  • sugar – 1.5 kg,
  • currants – 1 kg,
  • glass of water.

How to make jam:

This recipe allows the use of overripe or underripe berries, as well as very large or small berries. We prepare the berries as usual: sort them, rinse them in a colander and dry them.

We prepare the berries immediately before processing - remove the twigs and sepals. There is no need to do this in advance, because after such cleaning the vitamins in the skin and pulp begin to quickly deteriorate.

Beat our blackcurrants with a blender.

Take a colander and put three layers of gauze on top. We pass our currants through a sieve.

We wait until all the juice has drained and squeeze out the remainder by hand.

Currant jam should be prepared in an enamel glassware or any other that is not prone to oxidation.

We get blackcurrant juice.

Add sugar.

We put our future jelly on the fire and slowly bring it to a boil. Cook for 5 minutes.

To check the readiness of the jelly: you can drop the jam onto a cold dish and if the drop turns into jelly, then it is ready.

Pour the hot jelly into jars that have been previously sterilized in the microwave, oven or steam. When the jam has cooled, close the lids. There is no need to turn the jars over.

Store in a cool, dark place.

Jam from black currant five minutes jelly is ready! 🙂

Bon appetit!

Blackcurrant jam is always sweet and healthy. Of course, this amazing berry is full of vitamins. Therefore, it absolutely needs to be prepared and eaten by everyone who is worried about their immunity, wants to feel great and look just as good.

“How to make blackcurrant jam”? – many women are interested. Especially those who have a garden and grow these berries themselves. There is actually nothing difficult in making this delicacy. Even novice cooks can do this.

How to cook?

This delicacy is usually cooked in glass or enamel containers. Mostly in the latter. It is customary to start making jam by preparing the syrup. The berries must be boiled in it.

There is also this manufacturing method:

The currants are placed in a special bowl and sprinkled with sugar. It will melt and the berry will give juice, then turn the heat down and cook without stirring. You just need to remove the foam from time to time.

What's most important. You need to thoroughly stock up on berries, sugar and all the necessary utensils.

Ideally, to make currant jam, you will need an enamel bowl or large stainless steel pan. Of course, we will also need sterilized jars and lids.

It is best to stir and spread the jam with a wooden spoon. But if you don’t have one, a regular metal one will do. And naturally, we cannot do without Have a good mood! After all, then our currant jam is guaranteed to turn out sweet and incredibly tasty.

Any jam will help brighten up frosty winter days and evoke pleasant memories of summer days and warm sunshine. A jar of the sweetest fruit or berry jam, opened just in time for tea with family or friends, is a great mood booster. Especially if a snowstorm is raging outside the window at that very moment.

Berries preserved in the summer will help us not only lift our spirits, but also improve our health, which is so important in winter.

Well, let's now find out in more detail how to make blackcurrant jam.

Classic recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter

We will need:

  • Currants – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.

The currants must first be washed and dried.

Now let's move on to the main thing. Pour water into a bowl, pour a glass of sugar into it and let it boil. Pour in a glass of currants. Cook for about five minutes, stirring frequently.

Pour a glass of both ingredients, continuing to cook and stir, and every five minutes add the ingredients in the same quantities.

Five minutes after adding the last glasses, close. The jars, as you probably know, need to be turned over and wrapped in warmth.

This recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter will be especially useful for those who are trying to make jam for the first time. Plus, it has the special advantage of being well stored at normal temperatures.

Currant jam in syrup

This is amazing liquid jam with whole berries is especially useful if there is a dish on your table where you can’t do without sweet sauce. Basically, of course, these are desserts - curd or dough with filling. They will become simple the perfect complement to these goodies.

And it will give vanilla ice cream a really special flavor. If we talk about formal decoration, it would be nice to drop a little cognac into this dessert, for example, and sprinkle with dark chocolate shavings.

The components we need here are:

  • Currants – 0.8 kg;
  • Sugar – 0.7 kg;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Citric acid – 1.5 tsp.

This amount of components will yield approximately one and a half liters of liquid jam.

We sort the berries, remove the stalks, wash and dry. Please note that in some varieties of currants the stalks have to be cut off.

Pour all the available currants into an enamel or stainless steel pan. Next, add citric acid. Thanks to it, our syrup will acquire a more refined taste and will not change its color to a darker one. Pour in sugar and add water. The entire prepared liter at once.

To begin with, our entire mixture must boil. At the same time, we set the gas level a little above average. Afterwards, we make sure to control the gas so that our berries don’t fall apart. It is desirable that they remain intact. After boiling, the currant jam should boil for about twenty minutes on low gas.

Now we take the jars and lids prepared in advance. After the specified twenty minutes have passed, pour our liquid jam into jars. Don't be alarmed if the currants change shape a little during cooking.

The main thing is that the berries are not overcooked. Among other things, despite the fact that our jam turned out to be thin, there is no wateriness in it. The taste is bright and there is a pleasant thickness.

After closing the jars, wrap them up and leave to cool. It is advisable to store this jam in a cellar or pantry for no longer than a year.

A little advice - if you decide to serve the jam as an independent dish, and not as an additive, it is advisable to cool it for thirty minutes.

Five-minute blackcurrant jam for the winter

This jam fully lives up to its name, because it really only takes five minutes to cook!

What ingredients to take:

  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms;
  • Water – 1 glass.
Making jam “five minutes”

Traditionally, we sort, wash and dry the berries. After this, pour water into the container in which we will cook our jam. Pour in sugar and wait until it boils. At the same time, you need to stir frequently so that the syrup does not burn and unpleasant bitterness does not appear.

Our syrup has finally boiled, and now we pour the berries into it, wait until it boils again, and cook for about five minutes on low gas.

“Five-minute” blackcurrant

This is all. You can eat five-minute blackcurrant jam! Close in prepared jars. When the jam has cooled completely, leave it in the refrigerator.

Recipe for blackcurrant jam for a slow cooker

Blackcurrant is highly valued for the large amount of vitamins in this berry. You can make jam different methods. Including the slow cooker. Perhaps the easiest way to prepare is only “five-minute”.


  • Black currant – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kilograms.

We sort the berries, clean and rinse, everything as usual. Leave in a colander for a few minutes to dry the currants, and excess water left.

Place the finished berries in a multicooker cup and sprinkle with prepared sugar. We put it in the “Quenching” mode for one and a half to two hours. This option was chosen precisely because the jam will not boil too actively.

You can close the multicooker and not worry that our delicacy will “escape.” The multicooker will do all the work for you.

We present to your attention helpful advice. Some multicooker models have a mode called “Milk porridge”. If you cook our currant jam using this mode, the process will take only half an hour.

When the multicooker turns off, we usually roll the resulting jam into jars. And don’t forget to sterilize them so that you can enjoy the sweetness throughout the winter.

When the jam wrapped in warmth has cooled, be sure to move them to the cellar or pantry. If you don’t have one, any cool place out of direct sunlight will do.

Jelly-like blackcurrant jam

The berries in this jam remain intact, and when finished, its texture is similar to jelly.

What do we need:

  • Currants – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram.

You can take any number of ingredients, as long as their ratio is one to one. We remember that before starting cooking, the currants need to be sorted, washed and dried. Now we need to prepare the syrup. Mix sugar with water and, when it boils, add berries.

Before boiling again, we try not to stir with a spoon. Instead, shake the pan gently.

This recipe uses a triple cooking cycle - let it boil, cook for two minutes, wait until it cools, and so on a couple more times.

Jelly-like blackcurrant jam is ready!

Of course, jam made only from currants is already delicious. But it’s even better and more interesting taste qualities make other fruits. Shall we try?

Currant and gooseberry jam

This is a very interesting recipe, which uses not only the above-mentioned berries, but also their natural juice.

What we need:

  • Currant juice – 250 milliliters;
  • Juice – 250 milliliters;
  • Sugar – 750 grams.

From this number of ingredients you will get a little more than seven hundred grams of thick jelly. To prepare this jam, you will only need an hour and a half, but within a couple of days.

First you need to prepare the berries. You already know how to do this. Place the cooking utensils on medium gas. The berries need to be warmed up a little and crushed - then they will give juice on their own. Grind the berries using a sieve, juicer or blender.

Pour everything into a large bowl and add sugar little by little. For one glass of juice you need 2-2.5 glasses of sugar. Mix thoroughly. The sugar has melted, now cover the dishes and forget about it all night.

Morning has come, and now the jam can be rolled. If the mass hardens, it must be heated over medium heat, but no longer than a minute. We roll up the jars when the mass has completely hardened. You can store at normal temperatures. The main thing is to keep it away from heating.

Currant and apple jam

Why don't we try making this rather exotic version of jam? Apples and lemon perfectly highlight the taste of berries!

List of components:

  • Currants – 300 grams;
  • Apples – 300 grams;
  • Sugar – 400 grams;
  • Quarter of a lemon.

So, we sort through, thoroughly wash and dry our berries. Place it in a food processor or blender bowl, sprinkle it with sugar and begin grinding until it reaches the consistency of puree. Pour the resulting mixture into a saucepan or large bowl and cook for five minutes.

Apples must be washed and peeled, cored and cut into small pieces. Place the apples in water and add lemon juice. Actually, we only needed it so that the apple slices did not have time to darken.

When our sweet puree has reduced a little, add apples and cook for ten minutes, stirring often.

We roll the finished jam into pre-prepared jars. Turning it over, carefully wrap it and leave it alone for a day. It is better to store it in some cool, dark place.

This jam will be a great addition to your favorite homemade desserts. And even just for tea and cookies. Enjoy!

Currant jam with apricots

This jam may seem more like apricot to you, but in fact the main ingredient here is currants. And now you will understand why.

What do you need:

  • Blackcurrant - a couple of handfuls;
  • Apricots – 1 kilogram;
  • Sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • Water – 2 glasses (if you want it very thick, then 1).

Once washed, cut along the seam to remove the pit. Carefully place several currants inside.

We make the syrup and, when it boils, carefully place the apricots in it. Let the jam boil, then let it simmer for about ten minutes on low gas. Then remove from the stove and wait until it cools down.

Then we boil again and cook on low gas for fifteen minutes. Again we wait until it cools down. We repeat the cycle three times. There is no need to stir the jam. Just move the apricots carefully.

When the jam has cooled, you can put it in jars. Just be careful so that the apricots don't fall apart. We are sure that when you decide to try this jam, the result will pleasantly surprise you.

Currant jam with orange

Don't be surprised by this recipe. Orange will make the jam taste much brighter. Try it!

What we need:

  • Black currant – 1 kilogram;
  • Orange – 800 grams;
  • Sugar – 2.5 kilograms.

We sort and wash the berries as usual, and peel and pit the oranges. But don’t rush to throw away the zest! Berries and orange pulp along with zest must be ground in a meat grinder.

Pour in sugar and mix thoroughly. After this, you need to forget about the jam for a day. Stir the resulting mixture periodically.

After this time, pour the jam into jars. Blackcurrant jam for the winter with the addition of citrus fruits is ready. We put it in the refrigerator.

Traditional blackcurrant jam

This recipe for black currant jam is most popular among housewives.


  • Currants – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.

The berries must be sorted, washed and dried. Pour water into a saucepan or large bowl, add a glass of sugar to the water and boil. When the liquid boils, add one glass of berries. Boil for literally five minutes. It is very important to stir frequently during the cooking process and remove the foam in time.

Every five minutes, be sure to add one glass of sugar and currants to the pan and cook over low heat. When all the ingredients are in the saucepan, boil for another five minutes and pour into pre-sterilized jars, then roll up with a key.

The jars of jam should be turned over and covered with a warm towel or blanket until they cool down.

The good thing about this jam is that it can be preserved even at room temperature. That is, there is no need to hide it in a pantry or cellar.

Blackcurrant jam with raspberries

Everyone knows how useful currants are. And there’s nothing to say about the benefits of raspberries. If you combine them together, you get a vitamin bomb! This jam will not only protect your immune system in winter, but will also give you a piece of summer.


  • Currants – 750 g;
  • Raspberries – 2.2 kg;
  • Sugar – 2.2 kg;
  • Citric acid – 1 teaspoon.

This jam is prepared starting with raspberries. The berries need to be inspected, washed and left for a while to drain the water. The same procedures should be done with currants.
Berries, currants, and raspberries should be mixed in a common bowl. Then add sugar layer by layer.

Helpful tip: It works best to mix the berries layer by layer. Raspberry layer – sugar layer – currant layer. And so on until the very end. This way the most juice will come out.

Place the jam on medium gas. When the mixture boils, you need to simmer for ten minutes. By the end of this time, remove the foam and add citric acid to the mixture - this is an excellent preservative. The jam must be carefully stirred with a spoon, trying not to crush the berries.

Roll up the prepared jam in pre-prepared jars. Then you have to wait until it cools down. You cannot immediately put them away in the cold - this can only be done after a day, when all the jars have cooled down completely.

Blackcurrant jam with added vanillin

And here is another very tasty version of jam, where only vanillin is added as an extraneous additive. This sweet seasoning will give the jam an amazing taste.


  • Currants – 3 kg;
  • Sugar – 3 kg;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Vanillin – 1 pack.

Wash the currants as usual. Next, be sure to prepare the sweet syrup. Pour all the sugar into a bowl or pan and pour in the entire volume of water at once. Set the gas to medium and, stirring frequently, wait until the sugar has completely dissolved.

Pour the currants into the syrup and bring to a boil again. After this, the jam is ready! You can roll it up, or you can immediately put it on the table.

Currant jam - black and red

This recipe, like the traditional one, is very popular among those with a sweet tooth and those who like to make preparations for the winter. Plus, this jam is quick and easy to make. This means it will definitely take a place in your personal cookbook.


  • Black currant – 0.4 kg;
  • Red currant – 0.4 kg;
  • Sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.

Sort all the berries, wash and let dry. Mix water with sugar and boil. Pour the berries into the prepared syrup and cook on low gas for about ten minutes, stirring frequently.

Roll the finished jam into jars and wait until it cools. Then put it in a cool and dark place.

Helpful advice: it is best to freeze large currants and later use them, if necessary, in compote, yogurt or jelly.

Raw blackcurrant jam for the winter

This jam, as you can understand, does not require cooking. And it is stored in the refrigerator. Preparing raw blackcurrant jam for the winter is easy and simple, but it is better to prepare it in small quantities.


  • Currants – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

The currants must be carefully sorted, all leaves, twigs and rotten berries must be removed. Afterwards, rinse well and let dry. It is best to leave the berries in a colander, this will allow the water to drain faster.

Now you need to put the berries into sterilized jars. Layer by layer you need to sprinkle the currants with sugar. Sugar must remain the topmost layer.

Now seal with lids and leave in the refrigerator for several days. After this time, the berries will release juice and the sugar will turn into syrup. Raw jam is ready.

Thick blackcurrant jam for the winter

Thanks to a special cooking method, this jam will become so thick that it will look like jelly. And when heated, all useful natural elements are activated.


  • Currants – 1.5 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 kg;
  • Water – 1.5 tbsp.

The currants must be sorted out, washed thoroughly with warm water and dried, leaving the berries to drain in a colander or placing the currants on a clean kitchen towel.

Syrup is made from sugar and water. Then you need to pour all the currants into it, mix and bring to a boil. After which, cook for literally another five minutes.

The finished jam should be allowed to cool. Ideally, at least one night. In the morning, put the jam on the gas again, bring to a boil and boil for about five minutes. Then leave it alone again until it cools down. And then carry out the described procedure again. However, now before cooling you need to roll up thick jam from black currants into jars for the winter.

A simple recipe for blackcurrant jam

The recipe is not at all complicated. Even a child can handle it.


  • Currants – 1 kg;
  • Sugar – 1 kg;
  • Water – 1 tbsp.

Peel and wash the currants. You don’t have to wait until it dries - you just need to dip the berries in boiling water for literally five minutes. Then put it in a bowl.

In a separate pan, cook syrup from liquid and sugar. When the syrup finally boils, you need to boil it for about three minutes, no more. And it is advisable to stir so that the sugar does not burn.

Pour the prepared syrup over the currants, put on medium gas and boil. Then remove the foam and leave it alone for twelve hours. After this time, put the mixture on gas again and cook until fully cooked.

The readiness of the jam can be easily determined by the syrup. If you drop the syrup on a saucer and tilt it, the drop should not spread. And there should be less foam in the bowl.

Pour hot jam into pre-prepared jars, roll up and wrap until completely cool.

- one of the few products that amazingly combine healthy and tasteful qualities. Moreover, what is especially interesting is that it is even tastier as preparations than fresh. Every housewife probably has her own recipes for making currant jam. Below are the most original of them.

No cooking

Perhaps the most valuable thing about black currants is ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Let's say more, in terms of the content of this most valuable element, currants take an honorable third place after red bell pepper. But it is ascorbic acid that tolerates heat treatment the worst.

Important! During the cooking process and subsequent sterilization, 30 to 90% of vitamin C is irretrievably lost.

Fortunately, exists simple secret, how to cook currants without cooking. The fact is that sugar and acid will perfectly cope with the role of a preservative, which will preserve the berries and protect them from the destructive effects of microbes, which in conventional recipes are killed by prolonged exposure to high temperature. Moreover, blackcurrant berries have enough of their own acid for “natural preservation”, so additionally add lemon juice or citric acid to the preparation, as in other recipes, in in this case It's not even necessary.

But here you can't spare sugar in no case, because in this case it serves not so much a tasteful role as a completely practical one. The amount of sugar by weight should be twice as much as the amount of the fruit itself. You can risk reducing this ratio to a proportion of 1: 1.5 and even 1: 1, but in this case the finished “vitamin preparation” must, firstly, be stored in the refrigerator, and secondly, try to use it as quickly as possible (in any case , it risks not lasting until spring).

Wash freshly picked fruits (along with the twigs), then place them on a paper towel and let them dry completely, turning them over periodically so that the water does not stagnate in certain areas.

Then we carefully clean the currants from green branches and dark “tails” on the top of each fruit.

The preparation of berries is identical for all recipes, We will not repeat this in the future.

Sprinkle the berries with sugar, mix well, then pass the resulting mixture through a meat grinder (you can use a blender).

Important! We do not immediately put the resulting mixture into jars, but pour it into an enamel or glass container, cover with a clean towel and leave in the refrigerator for 48 hours. Stir every few hours. Sugar and fruits should “make friends” properly.

After the specified period, we put the “live jam” into jars that have been previously washed and boiled or kept over steam. Leave about 3 cm free to the top of the jar, then fill it with sugar to the top.

We cover the jars with plastic lids, seal the top with parchment and tie them around the circumference with a rope.

The workpiece is ready. The recipe is good not only because it preserves all the useful components of currants, but this jam looks very beautiful and smells of fresh berries. True, you have to pay for everything: since the sugar content in such jam is very high, consuming it in large quantities may not be beneficial to health, but rather harmful.

Five minutes

Many housewives do not want to make blackcurrant jam because they consider it a very troublesome task. Indeed, regardless of the recipe, the very procedure of collecting and subsequent cleaning of these fruits takes a lot of time and effort: first, the rather prickly bunch is torn off, then you need to separate each berry from it, and even cut off its tail. Everything is so, but there is a recipe in which, after all the preparatory work All you have to do is perform a few simple manipulations - and an excellent preparation for the winter is ready.

This jam is cooked in one step, and it is not necessary to collect the foam during the cooking process. So the recipe is ideal for working housewives who have only two days a week to harvest and completely process it.

For 1 kg of prepared currant fruits you will need 1.5 kg of sugar and about half a glass of water.

Pour some water into the bottom of a copper or enamel bowl, add sugar, mix and melt over the fire, stirring constantly. When the syrup boils, add the whole blackcurrant fruits and, without forgetting to stir, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat to low and set aside for five minutes (stirring all the time).

After a while, pour the jam into the prepared glass jars, roll up the lids, turn the neck down, cover with a towel and leave until completely cool.

The recipe for making “five-minute” jam for the winter is good because, in addition to a small investment of time, thanks to minimal heat treatment of currants beneficial substances do not have time to come out(there will, of course, be less vitamin C in it than in the “cold” preparation, but the losses will still be insignificant). However, as in the previous case, it is difficult to call such a product dietary.

In a slow cooker

This original way blackcurrant preparations are suitable for those lucky housewives who have acquired a fashionable gadget called a “multi-cooker” and are engaged in the exciting activity of exploring its capabilities.

Unfortunately, It’s problematic to make serious reserves for the winter this way(the bowl at your disposal is limited to a given volume, and you won’t be able to use your grandmother’s basin), but as an experiment, you can easily prepare several jars of excellent jam.

Sprinkle the prepared berries with sugar in a 1:1 ratio, mix, put in the refrigerator overnight (the currants should release juice, but under no circumstances ferment), in the morning pour into the multicooker bowl, set the “Soup” or “Stew” mode (depending on device brand), cover and cook for 60 minutes. During this time we prepare the jars. Pour the finished jam hot into hot jars and roll up the lids.

In principle, a multicooker allows you to prepare jam according to any recipe, not limited to the above. Just keep in mind that the finished product may be a little thinner than you are used to. The fact is that during the cooking process in such a device, water does not evaporate as intensely as when cooking on a conventional stove or over an open fire. Therefore, water, which is present in the list of ingredients for most jam recipes, can be omitted when using a multicooker.

Important! Most gadget users recommend completely removing the steam valve when cooking jam in a multicooker, otherwise it will foam and run away.

For the same reason, you should not fill the bowl to the top; ideally, use no more than 25% of its volume!

With cooking (simple recipe)

Of course, the most delicious jam black currant is obtained from the berry, rubbed through a sieve. An airy, homogeneous mass without a single seed is the dream of any sweet tooth! Alas, not everyone can afford this option for preparing for the winter; this procedure is too labor-intensive. If you have huge harvest, and, as always, there is not enough time to process it, you can use very simple recipe, and the result is quite good.

Important! The berries must be ripe, but not overripe, since according to the technology before cooking they will be doused with boiling water, so that fruits that are too soft will immediately burst and lose juice.

Fill the prepared fruits to the top with cold purified water so that it completely covers the berries. Pour the water into a separate saucepan and bring to a boil. Now pour the currants again, this time with boiling water, bring the water along with the berries to a boil, turn the heat to low, and after a couple of minutes quickly drain the fruits in a colander. Leave the water drained from the berries!

Pour the water in which the berries were blanched into the prepared enamel bowl at the rate of two to three glasses per kilogram of berries (depending on whether you prefer thicker or thinner jam), mix with a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of currants, bring to a boil and cook simmer over low heat until the syrup lightens in color. Now pour about a third of the syrup into a separate bowl, add the berries to the remaining syrup and cook, stirring, for about 15–20 minutes. Finally, pour in the previously drained syrup, bring the jam to a boil, put it in sterile jars, roll it up and let it cool upside down.

This method speeds up the gelling of berries, and the jam turns out beautiful and tasty with minimal effort.


Usually, when we hear the word “jelly,” we imagine a deliciously quivering mass on a plate made from berries, sugar, water and gelatin. However, black currants have the unique property of gelling without the addition of this sticky substance of animal origin.

Did you know? In addition to gelatin, the gelling process in cooking is provided by two lesser-known additives - pectin and agar-agar. The raw materials for gelatin are cartilage, sinews, bones and animal skin, agarGARmade from seaweed, and pectin is extracted from familiar vegetables and fruits, in particular, from the peel of citrus fruits, sugar beets and - bingo! - black currant.

So, blackcurrant has everything you need to make jelly without any additional thickeners. In addition to the fruits, You only need sugar and water.

Important! Hybrid varieties of berries are not suitable for making jelly, since they contain much less pectin (those gelling components) than in “purebred” varieties.

Let's make a reservation right away. You can make jelly much more in a simple way, with lower costs and losses. This option is for real perfectionists.

So, currant berries in classic recipe jellies are combined with sugar and water in a ratio of 2: 1: 1.

Pour the prepared fruits into a container prepared for cooking, fill with water and bring to a boil while constantly stirring, and then cook over low heat for another ten minutes, then drain in a colander.

Now you need squeeze currant juice- this is the most painstaking part of the work. First, carefully rub the fruits through a sieve, thus getting rid of the skin and seeds. In essence, you can stop at this stage, but the classic recipe suggests squeezing the resulting puree through several layers of gauze so that the bulk of the pulp is also mercilessly removed.

Important! The pulp and cake from this recipe cannot be reused. If the juice were squeezed from raw berries, such waste would be perfect for cooking vitamin compote, but in this case, the berry has already given up everything it could.

Let's move on to the next stage - boiling. We need the volume of juice to decrease by at least a quarter as a result of simmering over low heat.

When the moment comes, we begin to gradually introduce sugar into the juice, one glass at a time. After each portion, stir the liquid until the sugar is completely dissolved, and only then add the next portion.

Pour the finished syrup into hot sterile jars, then place them in a saucepan with boiling water (don’t forget to line the bottom with gauze or a towel to prevent the jars from bursting), cover with a lid and sterilize: liter jars- 15 minutes, half-liter - half as much.

Now you can roll up the jars. After they have completely cooled, to complete the gelling process, the jars need to be put in the refrigerator for seven days, and only after that put them in a regular cabinet or pantry for storage until winter.

With dried apricots

We looked at several options for blackcurrant jam. But it happens that the harvest of several crops has ripened at the same time, and you are racking your brains about what to cook from them. Or maybe currant jam just seems too boring to you. In this case, you can prepare a more complex version of preparations for the winter, where currants will be the main, but not the only ingredient. This option will certainly appeal to housewives who love culinary experiments and, perhaps, will lead to other, no less interesting ideas.

The first combination is with dried apricots. You can even use overripe currants in this recipe; it will not harm the result.

For a kilogram of berries you will need 1.2 kg of sugar and a small handful (up to 100 g) of dried apricots.

Pour boiling water over the dried apricots until they swell, then drain the water and squeeze

We pass the prepared fruits of both types through a meat grinder.

Add sugar to the fruit puree, mix and leave for several hours until completely dissolved. Stir the mixture if necessary.

Now there are two options. You can put the resulting mass into sterile jars without cooking, using the technology for preparing “live jam” described above, but such a product will need to be stored in the refrigerator, or you can boil it for 15–20 minutes and roll it up. In the first case we preserve vitamins and aroma, but in the second We obtain a product for longer storage.

With pumpkin

The good thing about this recipe is that it requires a minimal amount of sugar, as it is quite sweet on its own.

Did you know? Pumpkin in moderation is not only possible, but also necessary for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, both the first and second types, since this one (which some for some reason mistakenly call helps the pancreas produce natural insulin.

For a kilogram of currants, we need only 300 g of sugar, 1.2 kg of peeled pumpkin and a small piece (about 30 g) of butter.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, then add the berries, finely chopped pumpkin and sugar, bring to a boil and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Carefully remove the foam that forms on the surface.

Place the prepared jam into pre-prepared jars. Roll up the lids.

In this recipe, ordinary currant jam begins to play with new notes thanks to a very small addition.

For every kilogram of fruit we need one of medium size. Sugar - 1 kg 200 g.
We pass the berries through a meat grinder, add sugar, and beat (if you have a stationary blender, both operations are combined into one). Carefully bring the resulting mixture to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon, reduce the heat and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Cut the lemon along with the peel into small slices or cubes - as you like - and add to the jam. We continue to simmer over low heat for another quarter of an hour, then put them in clean jars and leave to cool (there is no need to cover the lids at this stage so that the resulting condensation does not drip into the jam).

While the delicacy is cooling, cut paper circles with a diameter approximately 5 cm larger than the diameter of the neck of the jars. We cut the same circles from cling film. When the jam has cooled to room temperature, seal the jars as follows: first place a paper circle soaked in vodka on top, cover the top with film and tie tightly with twine.

Another version of currant-citrus jam can be prepared without cooking. One can only imagine what a killer dose of vitamin C will result, given that, like currants, they are exceptionally rich in ascorbic acid, and all of it will be completely preserved in the finished product!

For variety, instead of lemon, let's take an orange, also with peel. The proportions of orange and currant can be varied, but the main component should still be the berry, the citrus should only highlight the main taste.

We pass the berries and the orange cut into pieces through a meat grinder. Add sugar - two parts per part of fruit puree (if you use lemon, you can add a little more sugar). Mix well and keep in the refrigerator for 48 hours. We put it into jars using the “live jam” technology (don’t forget to add sugar on top of the mixture, it will additionally preserve the product).


And black currants usually ripen on ours at the same time, so their combination looks quite natural. We take currants and raspberries in a ratio of 2: 1 (you can adjust the proportion to taste). You will need 1.2–1.5 kg of sugar for every kilogram of fruit mixture. Water - about half a glass.

Mix the prepared berries, water and half the specified amount of sugar in a cooking container. Carefully bring to a boil, cook for five minutes. After this, add the remaining sugar, stir constantly so that it dissolves faster and the jam does not burn, and after another five minutes, put the finished product in jars, roll up and let cool upside down.

If you are wondering what to cook with blackcurrants for the winter, use our ideas. Do not limit yourself to strict adherence to the recipe, improvise, because good hostess- not the one who knows many recipes, but the one who can create a masterpiece from everything that she found in her refrigerator or grew in the garden. Black currant - very grateful raw material for any experiments. It is almost impossible to spoil this product!

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6 once already

Black currants, prepared for the winter without cooking, are a tasty, bright and healthy source of vitamins and microelements that can strengthen the immune system.

Black currants without cooking - general principles of preparation

Collecting and then storing berries for the winter is a widespread tradition in our country. And in order to preserve all the benefits of currants for all year round, it is best not to heat-treat the berries.

You can make jam, jelly, and jam from blackcurrants without cooking. In addition, the healthy berry can be dried and frozen. All this can be done by any housewife, even without much culinary experience.

The main thing is to stock up on berries, sugar and the utensils necessary for the preparation process: a stainless steel saucepan or basin, sterilized jars and lids, a large spoon for stirring. The utensils must be clean, dry and sterile.

For drying and freezing, as well as for jam, use unripe, whole berries. Of course, many are accustomed to using crushed and broken berries when preparing preparations from various berries, but black currants are not subject to heat treatment without cooking, so they must be free of traces of rot and dirt, otherwise your preparation will simply turn sour.

Another important point- sugar. Since you don’t have to boil black currants, make sure that the granulated sugar is clean, without crumbs or impurities. It is best to use the product fresh from the store packaging.

1. What to make from blackcurrants for the winter without cooking: drying and freezing

Who doesn’t want to enjoy delicious fresh jam from the garden on a cold winter evening, just cooked compote, pies, pancakes with aromatic blackcurrants. But here’s where to find the product, except in expensive stores, where not everyone can afford them. An excellent option would be to dry or freeze the berries. These procedures do not require cooking, a long preparation process or special effort.

Freezing. The main thing to remember and take into account is that the berries do not need to be washed. The fact is that during washing, water remains in the currants, which leads to deformation of the berries during freezing. Therefore, you should sort out the currants, remove leaves, twigs and spoiled berries and place the berries on a board or tray. Freeze the berries in the freezer for 24 hours at -18°C. Then transfer the berries to a bag or container, as convenient for you.

Drying. To prevent dried berries from spoiling and remain tasty, it is recommended to pick them in sunny, dry weather. Wet berries do not dry well. Currants can be dried either individually or in bunches. Sort the currants, place them on a metal baking sheet so that they do not fit tightly to each other. Dry in the oven for an hour at 60 degrees without closing the oven door. Store dried currants in dry, tightly closed jars in a dark place.

2. Black currants without cooking for the winter


One and a half kilograms of black currants;

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully remove the berries from the branches, remove all the leaves and grass that got caught during picking, and throw away the spoiled currants.

2. Rinse the selected berries in water and divide into approximately equal three parts.

3. Grind two thirds of the currants in a meat grinder.

4. Mix currant puree with whole berries and sugar in a suitable container.

5. Carefully, so as not to crush whole berries, stirring the jam with a spoon, wait 30-45 minutes until all the sugar is completely dissolved.

6. Pour the prepared jam into sterile jars and close the lids tightly.

7. Store in a cool place.

3. Blackcurrant jam without cooking with orange


Two kilograms of black currants;

Three kilograms of sugar;

Two large oranges.

Cooking method:

1. Sort the blackcurrants, separate the berries from the branches, remove spoiled fruits and leaves. Place the berries in a colander, rinse thoroughly, and let excess liquid drain.

2. Place the currants in a saucepan and chop with an immersion blender. You can also grind the berries in a meat grinder through a fine sieve.

3. Rinse the orange thoroughly and rub with a sponge if necessary. Cut without peeling into several pieces and also chop.

4. Mix in one large capacity currant mass with orange mass, add sugar.

5. Leave the jam for several hours until all the sugar grains are completely dissolved. Stir occasionally.

6. As soon as the sugar has dissolved, transfer the jam into sterilized jars and seal the container with lids.

7. Do not store the workpiece more than a year in the refrigerator or in a cool, dark place.

4. Blackcurrant jelly without cooking for the winter


A kilogram of black currants;

A kilogram of granulated sugar or powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To make the jelly have a delicate texture, you need to use powdered sugar when preparing it. You can purchase a ready-made product or make your own powder from granulated sugar.

2. Pour sugar in small portions into a coffee grinder and grind until powdered.

3. Grind the thoroughly washed and sorted berries in a blender, then place the mixture on a sieve with small holes. Grind the berries so that any large skins or seeds do not get into the jelly.

4. Pour powdered sugar into the currant jelly in small portions, stirring the mixture constantly.

5. Transfer the delicate jelly into clean, pre-sterilized jars and roll up.

5. Black currants without cooking for the winter with raspberries


Half a kilo of raspberries;

1 kg black currants;

1.8 kg granulated sugar;

Glass of water.

Cooking method:

1. Peel and rinse the currants. Pour for 2 minutes boiled water. Place the hot currants in a sieve and pass the berries through it.

2. Sort the raspberries and chop them using any in a convenient way until pureed.

3. Prepare sugar syrup: add water to the sand, bring to a boil, remove from heat and mix thoroughly. Wait until the syrup cools completely; you can stir the mixture periodically so that all the grains are completely dissolved.

4. Pour the jam into sterile hot glass containers and close the lids tightly.

5. Leave the blackcurrants for a couple of days at room temperature, then transfer them to a cooler place for storage.

6. Assorted jam. Strawberries, black and red currants without cooking


A kilogram of strawberries;

Half a kilo of red currants;

Half a kilo of black currants;

A packet of citric acid (15 grams);

One and a half kilograms of sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Sort all the berries thoroughly, separate the currants from the branches, and tear off the tails of the strawberries.

2. Place the strawberries in a blender bowl and puree them.

3. Place black and red currants in a large glass container and pour boiling water over them for 1 minute, then immediately drain the water and grind the berries themselves through a sieve.

4. Mix the currant mass with strawberry puree, add granulated sugar and citric acid.

5. Set the container with jam aside for half a day. This time is enough for all the sugar to dissolve. Don’t forget to come up and stir the berries once or twice an hour.

6. Pour the finished blackcurrant jam into a sterile container without cooking, sprinkle the top with a small amount of sugar, and roll up.

7. Store in any convenient cool place.

Black currants without cooking for the winter - secrets and little tricks

You can diversify the taste of your winter preparations and use these recipes to prepare not just blackcurrants, but various assorted berries. For example, currants with gooseberries, raspberries, strawberries, as well as a mixture of black currants with red and white currants. The cooking principle does not change, the main thing is to maintain the proportions of berries and sugar: one to one. You should not put less sugar, since the berries cannot be heat-treated; due to an insufficient amount of granulated sugar, jam, jelly or marmalade may spoil before they reach winter. And too much sugar can lead to sugaring of the product.

If you don't like seeds in jelly or jams, don't forget to grind the berries through a sieve. And so that this does not pose any particular difficulties, it is recommended to pre-chop or blanch the berries.

Place ready-made blackcurrants in clean, dry, sterilized jars. Jars can be easily and quickly sterilized by placing them in a preheated oven for 15 minutes.

Step-by-step recipes for blackcurrant jam with honey, cherry leaves, lemon, banana, vodka

2018-06-29 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams ready-made dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


49 gr.

196 kcal.

Option 1: Classic blackcurrant jam recipe

Currants have a fairly dense shell; they do not release juice quickly, so the jam requires a special approach. Usually a syrup is prepared into which the berries are sent. This is exactly the kind of win-win recipe here. The delicacy will turn out, preparation will not take much time, the ingredients do not need to be infused. Cooking is done in one step.


  • 1.5 kg currants;
  • 0.3 l of water;
  • 1.5 kg of sugar.

How to make classic currant jam

You need to sort out the currants and tear off all the branches. Rotten, crumpled specimens can be removed immediately. Place in a colander or sieve and rinse well under running water. If the berries are very dusty, you can soak them for a few minutes, then drain them.

While the currants are draining, prepare simple sugar syrup. Mix sand with water and boil for three minutes. According to the rules, it needs to be strained. If the sugar is pure, then you don’t have to do this, just immediately add the washed berries and stir.

Prepare currant jam over medium heat. We make sure it doesn't run away. Foam will begin to accumulate around the edges, which needs to be removed. Boil for about half an hour. If you want to get thick jam, then you can take even longer.

Usually bottled in treated cans. Sometimes stored under a nylon lid. In any case, you must first cool it, check the tightness of the lid, then put it in a cool place with a temperature no higher than 10 degrees. Sealed jars can be kept at room temperature.

This universal recipe, which can also be used for red currants; sometimes they are mixed in different proportions and made assorted.

Option 2: Quick recipe for blackcurrant jam for the winter

Such currants do not need to be boiled; they are closed in the usual way, but stored in the refrigerator. Be sure to use sterile jars or dishes washed with soda but dried.


  • 1 kg currants;
  • 1.7 kg of sand.

How to quickly make currant jam

Rinse the berries well, dry the blackcurrants on a napkin or disposable towel, then pour into a saucepan.

Add sugar and knead it all with a pestle. Place on the stove and heat slightly, stirring. As soon as the jam becomes warm, turn it off. We wait until the sugar melts. If it remains, then put the currants back on the stove and heat them up a little. You can simply beat the berries with a blender; the sugar will dissolve faster, but the seeds will also grind.

All that remains is to place the blackcurrants in clean jars and close them with tight nylon lids, which are also recommended to be treated with boiling water or steam, just like the jars.

For jam, we take high-quality sugar from packages; under no circumstances do we add sand from the table, which could accumulate dust or crumbs.

Option 3: Blackcurrant and raspberry jam (five minutes)

Raspberries and black currants ripen almost at the same time; there are rarely exceptions, which is why they are most often combined in preparations. At the end we get an incredibly aromatic, dark, but at the same time thick treat, which does not require long cooking. This recipe has been very popular for many years and is popularly called “Five Minute”.


  • a glass of currants;
  • a glass of raspberries;
  • a glass of sand.

How to cook

The recipe indicates the amount of products in glasses, but they are simply taken in equal quantities. You can take a bucket of everything or a can, it doesn’t matter. If there are fewer berries, then simply add them in different proportions, but stick to two parts. Thoroughly rinse the specified amount of raspberries and currants and pour into a saucepan.

Add sand, put it on top, don’t stir, just cover and let the berries brew for three or four hours, you can leave the currants overnight, preferably in a cool place.

Put the jam on the fire, boil the currants and raspberries for five minutes after boiling. Leave for five hours. If the jam is simply made from raspberries, then you don’t have to do this. But the currant itself is quite dense, so it is advisable to let it brew and soak so that the preparation does not sour.

Now let it boil again, boil for about five minutes, and immediately pour the boiling currant jam into jars. We don’t hesitate with twisting either, we seal it.

If you want to reduce the time for preparing jam, you can boil the currants with half the sugar for a quarter of an hour, and then add the raspberries with the second part of the sand, then boil for five minutes.

Option 4: Blackcurrant jam for the winter with cherry leaves

Adding cherry leaves is a cunning trick that is used not only when making jam, but also in preparing other delicacies and preparations. You can use cherry pits in exactly the same way. They also give off a wonderful aroma and enhance the taste. Additionally, you will need a bandage or a piece of clean gauze, you can take tulle, but the fabric must have holes in it so that the syrup can easily penetrate it.


  • 1 liter of currants;
  • 130 ml water;
  • 10 cherry leaves;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Step by step recipe

This jam is prepared in a slightly different way. We start with water, pour it into the pan and add the washed black currants. We put the clean leaves in gauze, tie a bag and throw them in after them. Place on the stove and cook for five minutes after boiling.

Now add sugar, boil the currants to the desired thickness for another 15 minutes to half an hour. Then take two clean spoons. We catch the leaves with one, and press them down with the second, squeezing the syrup into the pan.

Now you can pour in lemon juice (or add about half a teaspoon of dry acid), stir and put cherry-flavored currant jam into jars and roll up.

If fresh or dried cherry pits are added, we also tie them in a bag and throw them into the total mass, boil them.

Option 5: Blackcurrant jam for the winter “Honey”

This recipe is good because you can even use candied honey for it. Despite the small amount of this ingredient, the delicacy has a very pleasant and pronounced aroma. Before using, we sort and dry the currant berries.


  • 1 kg currants;
  • 2.5 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 80 g honey;
  • 160 ml water.

How to cook

We start with syrup. Measure out the specified amount of sugar and water, put it on the stove, stirring, and boil until it boils. Pour in the prepared black currants. Stir, boil for seven minutes and leave for a couple of hours; the jam does not need to cool completely.

Turn on the stove again and cook the jam for another five minutes after boiling, after which we add honey. Boil for a couple of minutes and pour into sterile or simply thoroughly washed jars and seal.

There is no need to try to preserve all the vitamins in honey; some of the nutrients disappear when the product is added to hot jam. In this recipe it is needed only for aroma and taste. IN medicinal purposes Only fresh honey is used, which has not been heated to temperatures above 60 degrees.

Option 6: Blackcurrant jam with lemon

Lemon is a universal additive that can be added to jam made from any berries, fruits and vegetables. Citrus enhances the taste, gives a wonderful aroma, and is also a kind of preservative, preventing the delicacy from becoming sugary.


  • 200 g lemons;
  • 1.5 kg sugar;
  • 1.5 kg black currants;
  • glass of water.

How to cook

Mix water with sand and place in a saucepan on the stove. While we are preparing fresh currants. Pour into boiling syrup and cook for fifteen minutes.

You can simply add twisted lemon to currant jam, but then the delicacy may taste bitter. It is better to remove and chop the zest, then remove the crusts white. Finely chop the pulp. Add it along with the zest and cook for another 8 minutes.

If the thickness of the jam suits you, then put it in jars. If not, boil it a little more and remove excess liquid.

You don’t have to add lemon pulp to the jam, but simply add the zest and squeeze out the juice, just add it without seeds, squeeze it into a bowl, check it and put it in a saucepan with currants.

Option 7: Blackcurrant jam for the winter “Cold”

Recipe for cold ground jam. Since the berries will not be cooked, maximum aroma and taste are preserved. If everything is done correctly, then the currants will last not only until spring, but also until the new harvest.


  • 1.2 kg currants;
  • 2 spoons of vodka;
  • 1.8 kg sugar.

How to cook

Wash the blackcurrant berries, dry them, there should be no water left on them, place them in a clean container. Next, take a blender or mixer. Use a blender to obtain a homogeneous puree, grind the seeds. Using a mixer, the mass will look like crumpled jam. Beat a little.

Add granulated sugar in parts, continuing to work with the chopper. Whisk until it dissolves. You can set it aside for a couple of hours, then continue.

At the end, pour vodka into the blackcurrant jam, simply stir and place in a sterile container, close. Store in the refrigerator at a temperature no higher than 10 degrees.

This preparation is an excellent basis for making jelly, fruit drinks, marmalade, marshmallows and other homemade desserts.

Option 8: Blackcurrant jam with banana

Banana in jam gives not only an amazing aroma, but also a very interesting consistency. This delicacy immediately turns out thick, homogeneous, it is excellent for greasing pies, layers in cakes and for other confectionery purposes.


  • 250 g banana;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 800 g currants;
  • 700 g sugar;
  • 150 ml water.

How to cook

Mix sugar and water and place on the stove. The syrup should be brought to a boil, but it is not necessary to boil. Pour washed currants into it. Now wait for the foam, remove, set for 15 minutes, cook over medium heat.

While we squeeze the juice out of the lemon. To make a lot of it, citrus is thrown into boiling water for two minutes. You can remove the zest from it, the jam will smell fragrant. It is advisable to strain the juice.

Now cut the bananas into small circles. It is advisable to take dense fruits; there should be no stains on the pulp. Sprinkle the pieces with lemon juice.

Add bananas after fifteen minutes of boiling currants. Cook for another ten minutes. Pour currant jam into jars and roll up.

In addition to banana and citrus fruits, black currants can be “made friends” with other exotic fruits and dried fruits. A handful of dried apricots, raisins, and prunes will slightly change the taste and aroma.