Tatyana Larina's dreaminess in the novel Eugene Onegin. The ideal image of the heroine in the novel "Eugene Onegin". The image of Tatyana Larina

In his novel “Eugene Onegin,” A.S. Pushkin recreated all the ideas about the ideal Russian girl, creating the image of Tatyana, who was his favorite heroine. He conveys the idea that a Russian girl should be sincere, with a rich spiritual world, selfless.

The reader first meets Tatyana at her parents' estate. Since childhood, she was distinguished by her calmness and thoughtfulness. In this way, the girl was not like other children, and even with her sister they were not at all similar in character, children's pranks did not attract her, she preferred to be alone with herself. It is not for nothing that Pushkin compares Tatyana to a forest deer, who is wary of everything and prefers to hide. She loved books, because since childhood her nanny read fairy tales and legends to her, and since her parents’ estate was located far from the bustle of the city, Tatyana was very fond of nature.

Tatyana is not noticeable external beauty, but because she is very natural, thoughtful and dreamy. She finds it difficult to find someone who understands her inner world.

Having matured, Tatyana is really looking forward to great love, therefore, having met Onegin, she immediately falls in love with him. He attracts her with his mystery. Love consumes Tatiana, she cannot find a place for herself, therefore, she decides to tell Evgeniy about her feelings. Pushkin sheds tears together with Tatyana because he knows that this story will end sadly.

Naive Tatiana sincerely hopes that her feelings are reciprocated, but Onegin rejects her feelings. Tatyana's letter touched him very much, but it did not awaken great feelings in him. He says that even if he falls in love with Tatyana, he will stop loving her, because he will quickly get used to the fact that she is around. And Tatyana continues to love him.

Later Tatyana gets married and becomes famous in the world. She ceased to be a naive girl, she grew spiritually, but she did not lose the main thing. Although Tatyana’s appearance has changed, inside she remains just as natural and simple. When she meets Onegin again, she does not betray her feelings in any way. She behaves reservedly and sternly with him, although she still loves him very much. She cries when she reads his letter because happiness is so close, but now she has a husband to whom she will be faithful.

Essay about Tatyana Larina with quotes

“I’m writing to you, what more…” - every schoolchild probably knows these lines. But only a young girl will sigh languidly, remembering the heroine of her favorite novel. Tatyana Larina is the embodiment of simplicity and modesty.

How inconspicuously, but tastefully, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin compares two sisters: Tatyana and Olga.

Olga is open, flirtatious, graceful and beautiful. It is worth noting that it is with this sister that the author begins his story. And only then, as if by the way, he says: “her sister was called Tatyana.” Here, the creator finally draws attention to the young lady, who was not distinguished by her beauty and freshness of eyes.

It is interesting that Pushkin does not write a word about the appearance of Tatyana herself. The reader does not know how she is built, what color her eyes are. The reader only imagines in his imagination a girl completely opposite to the beautiful Olga. But this is no worse, because at the very beginning of the novel Olga does not give the impression of a well-mannered girl.

“She seemed like a stranger in her own family” - probably, it is after this phrase that the reader develops a greater disposition towards the girl who did not know happiness in her own family.

As you can see, another misfortune appears on the girl’s path. Evgeny Onegin. The first naive real feelings force the girl, without thinking, to write a letter to her chosen one. Oh, how wrong this was for a girl of that time. And yet, the letter captivates the reader with touching speeches, silent prayer, love that is read between the lines.

“I am writing to you...” - the first line of the letter describes her seemingly humiliating position as accurately as possible. It’s not for nothing that when reading, you should put logical emphasis on the first word. It was she who dared to do this. Probably, Tatyana thought that this would quickly win Evgeniy’s affection towards her. How did she miscalculate? Rejected by her boyfriend, she was soon forced to marry someone else.

It is impossible to separate Tatiana and Evgeniy in this work, since only with the passage of time did he perhaps realize the irony of the situation that happened so long ago. And how the years change dear Tatiana. In public, she behaves gracefully and proudly. Her gaze reveals the femininity that has come to her over the years. There is still no coquetry, no affectation, no desire to please. However, Evgeny no longer needs this. But throwing himself at Tatyana’s feet, the hero hears the well-known phrase: “I love you. (Why lie?) But I was given to another; I will be faithful to him forever.”

This is how the love story that changed Russian classics forever ended.

Option 3

A.S. Pushkin - artist female images V XIX literature century. Portraits of contemporaries are found in almost every work of the writer. The search for the female ideal for Pushkin is one of the leading themes in his works.

One of the most beautiful Pushkin heroines is Tatyana Larina from the novel “Eugene Onegin”. The author embodied the true ideal of a girl in this image. The beauty of the Russian soul, moral principles, the ability to love - all are intertwined with thin threads in the girl’s characteristics.

In the very external description Tatiana feels Russian nationality. Despite noble origin, the village way of life is close to her. No social balls or the luxury of St. Petersburg can replace for her the silence of the forest, the sunrise, and harmony with nature. Larina herself is like a “fearful doe”; she is silent, wild, and sad.

Growing up on the estate, she absorbed in herself from childhood national character through fairy tales, folk songs, traditions and beliefs. The proof is the heroine’s belief in dreams. Filipyevna is for Tatyana, like nanny Arina Radionovna is for the poet, an inexhaustible spring folk wisdom. With her mother's milk, the heroine absorbed a sense of duty and decency; for her, the concept of good and evil is clearly delineated.

Tatyana is far from stupid; the author has endowed her with a bright personality. She is not like city noble girls; there is no feigned coquetry or stupid affectation in her. Her love for Onegin is sincere and for life. She opens up to him in a purely feminine way through a letter. Only in it can she openly talk about her feelings. The touching nature of the confession once again emphasizes the sensitive nature of the heroine. Pushkin loves his heroine, he “sheds tears” with her, knowing about the participation prepared for her.

Rejected by Evgeny, Tatyana finds the strength to move on with her life. The author shows us a different Larina. The girl got married, her intellectual development and strict upbringing easily allowed her to become a real society lady. Having met Evgeny, Tatyana highly and arrogantly denies him love. The feeling is long above the love still remaining in the soul. Pushkin shows the heroine growing up, but at heart she is still the same pure and sincere girl. High society has not spoiled her individuality; she does not strive to appear better than she really is. Human values ​​also remain the highest law for the heroine.

Having now received a letter from Onegin declaring his love for her, she does not condemn him. Love has not passed through her heart and happiness is close, but there is a sense of honor and duty. For Larina it is more important than her own happiness.

More than one generation of young girls grew up on the image of Pushkin’s Tatiana. Strong in spirit, faithful at heart - she has always served and serves as an example of the boundless purity of the fair sex of humanity.

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    Every great artist strive to capture in their works the ideal of the heroine in which they found expression better quality of his people, time. Pushkin's ideal was the image of Tatyana Larina in the novel "Eugene Onegin"

    The reader first meets Tatyana in the second chapter; the heroine appears to us as a girl from a provincial Russian family, a simple county young lady. Her late father, a brigadier general, was “a kind fellow, belated in the last century,” and her patriarchal family kept “the habits of dear old times,” celebrating traditional Russian holidays: Maslenitsa, Trinity Day. The life of the young heroine passes slowly, she reads romantic works Richardson and Rousseau, guesses about the betrothed, believes in omens, baptismal fears, interprets prophetic dreams based on an old book by Martyn Zadeki and loves to talk with the peasant nanny. However, from the very beginning, the author distinguishes Tatyana from an ordinary provincial family: She is in her own family
    Seemed like a stranger to the girl
    The girl does not engage in traditional girlish activities - she does not embroider, does not play with dolls,
    she is not attracted to playing burners and outdoor games with her peers, it is boring for her, but she loves to listen scary stories nanny Filipevna. Tatyana often spends the whole day sitting silently by the window, she is thoughtful and prefers solitude: She loved on the balcony
    Warn the dawn of the sunrise

    In order to enhance the impression, the author gives a contrasting image of Tatyana’s younger sister, Olga:
    Eyes like the sky are blue,
    Smile, flaxen curls,
    Movements, voice, light frame,
    It's all about Olga...
    Olga is certainly pretty: modest, obedient, always cheerful, “sweet as love’s kiss.”
    Tatyana, on the contrary, was not distinguished by either the beauty of her sister or rosy freshness, and could not attract attention.
    However, the younger sister is internally colorless, as Eugene Onegin himself notes:
    I would choose another
    If only I were like you, a poet.
    Olga has no life in her features
    The inner emptiness is contrasted with the wealth of Tatyana’s inner world, her spiritual beauty,
    kindness, moral strength and faith.

    Tatyana’s main activity is reading:
    She liked novels early on;
    They replaced everything for her
    Books have a strong influence on her behavior, Tatyana herself imagines herself as the heroine of a romantic story, and most of her actions are a copy of the relationships that appeared before her on the pages of French literature.
    However, in the sweet heroine of the novel there is nothing artificial, insincere, there is no flirtatious pose and a set of banal phrases of a society girl of marriageable age. Pushkin constantly emphasizes that Tatyana “loves without art,” “loves in earnest.” With what amazing frankness and courage this modest district young lady writes to her lover, the hero of her dreams, Eugene Onegin! In the 19th century, it was not customary for young ladies to be the first to admit their
    feelings. Tatyana understands that she is overstepping moral prohibitions, everything she was taught:
    Now I know it's in your will
    Punish me with contempt...
    Her pride suffers, her ideas about what is right and what is wrong. In a letter written in French,
    her characteristic romanticism and determination appear. She does not want to suffer in silence, but is ready to act and change the situation that does not suit her. At the same time, she believes in the nobility of Onegin: “You will not leave me.”
    The famous critic Belinsky wrote in his article: “Tatyana suddenly decides to write to Onegin: the impulse is naive and noble; but its source is not in consciousness, but in unconsciousness: the poor girl did not know what she was doing.”
    "Everything in Tatiana's letter is true, but everything is simple. The combination of simplicity with truth is supreme beauty and feelings, and deeds, and expressions...", however, the critic is sure that she would not have been able to understand or express her own feelings if she had not resorted to the help of impressions left on her memory by novels, to no avail and indiscriminately read by her.
    Be that as it may, the poems at the end of the letter are beautiful: they are imbued with pure feeling, and are a combination of sincerity and simplicity:
    ...My destiny
    From now on I give it to you.
    I shed tears before you,
    I beg your protection...
    Despite all the honesty and courage of the message, Onegin refuses Tatyana:
    Your perfections are in vain:
    I am not worthy of them at all.
    All the poor girl’s hopes were destroyed, but Eugene’s edifying, moralizing rebuke could not kill Tatyana’s love for him, the destroyed hope did not extinguish the flame that was devouring her:
    it began to burn the more stubbornly and intensely the duller and more hopeless it became. Misfortune gave new energy passions.
    And even after visiting Tatyana village house Onegin and reading his favorite books, where “Onegin’s soul involuntarily expressed itself,”
    When the girl realized who fate had sent her, the heroine continues to love this person.

    But now, after several years, we can see Tatyana in high society. Drawing the image of St. Petersburg Tatiana, the author writes:
    She was leisurely
    Not cold, not talkative,
    Without an insolent look for everyone,
    No pretensions to success...
    Everything was quiet, it was just there
    Married lady Tatyana is growing up and changing radically:
    No one could make her beautiful
    Name; but from head to toe
    No one could find it in it
    That autocratic fashion
    In high London circle
    Called vulgar
    Now she is an indifferent princess, an unapproachable goddess of the luxurious royal Neva, but Tatyana is indifferent to social life,
    she sees the falsehood reigning in high society in St. Petersburg.

    In the famous scene of Tatiana’s decisive explanation with Onegin, we see how much this trusting girl “from the wilderness of the steppe villages” felt, changed her mind, and suffered, ultimately becoming a woman wise in mind and heart. She has retained the best of the timid and simple Tanya, remembers the past, her rural house, her old nanny, her meeting with Onegin, her
    “love of insane suffering”, about such possible and close happiness.
    In this explanation, Tatyana’s whole being was fully expressed. Tatyana's speech begins with a reproach, in which she expresses her desire
    revenge for wounded pride:
    Onegin, do you remember that hour,
    When in the garden, in the alley we
    Fate brought us together, and so humbly
    I listened to your lesson!
    Today it's my turn.
    The main idea of ​​​​Tatyana's reproaches is the conviction that Onegin did not love her then because
    that for him there was no charm of temptation in this; and now the thirst for glory brings her to her feet.
    All this expresses fear for one’s virtue, and perhaps the most important thing in Tatyana’s character and behavior is an understanding of duty and responsibility to people. These feelings take precedence over love. She cannot be happy if she brings misfortune to another person, her husband, who is “maimed in battle,” is proud of her, trusts her. She will never make a deal with her conscience.
    Tatyana finds the strength to calmly and with dignity say to the person she loves and loves her the famous words of recognition and farewell:
    I love you, (why lie?),
    But I was given to another;
    I will be faithful to him forever.

    Tatyana's fate is tragic. Life brought her a lot of disappointments, she did not find in life what she was striving for, but she did not change herself. This is a very integral, strong, strong-willed female character. Tatyana's main qualities are spiritual nobility, sincerity and a sense of duty.
    Tatyana is the ideal woman for the poet, and he does not hide it: “Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much...”
    "Harmony of spirit" is the essence of her character and makes Pushkin's heroine"sweet ideal", one of the attractive and bright images Russian and world literature.

    A.S. Pushkin – great poet and 19th century writer. He enriched Russian literature with many wonderful works. One of them is the novel “Eugene Onegin”. A.S. Pushkin worked on the novel for many years; it was his favorite work. Belinsky called it “an encyclopedia of Russian life,” since it reflected, like a mirror, the entire life of the Russian nobility of that era. Despite the fact that the novel is called "Eugene Onegin", the system of characters is organized in such a way that no less, if not higher value takes on the image of Tatyana Larina. But Tatyana is not just main character novel, she is also A.S.’s favorite heroine. Pushkin, which the poet calls “a sweet ideal.” A.S. Pushkin is madly in love with the heroine, and repeatedly admits this to her:

    ...I love my dear Tatiana so much!

    Tatyana Larina is a young, fragile, contented, sweet young lady. Her image stands out very clearly against the background of other female images inherent in the literature of that time. From the very beginning, the author emphasizes the absence in Tatyana of those qualities that were endowed with the heroines of classical Russian novels: a poetic name, unusual beauty:

    Not your sister's beauty,

    Nor the freshness of her ruddy

    She wouldn't attract anyone's attention.

    Since childhood, Tatyana had a lot of things that distinguished her from others. She grew up as a lonely girl in her family:

    Dick, sad, silent,

    Like a forest deer is timid,

    She is in her own family

    The girl seemed like a stranger.

    Tatyana also did not like to play with children and was not interested in city news and fashion. For the most part, she is immersed in herself, in her experiences:

    But dolls even in these years

    Tatyana didn’t take it in her hands;

    About city news, about fashion

    I didn’t have any conversations with her.

    There is something completely different about Tatiana that captivates us: thoughtfulness, dreaminess, poetry, sincerity. She read many novels since childhood. In them she saw a different life, more interesting, more eventful. She believed that such a life, and such people are not made up, but actually exist:

    She liked novels early on,

    They replaced everything for her,

    She fell in love with deceptions

    And Richardson and Russo.

    Already with the name of his heroine, Pushkin emphasizes Tatyana’s closeness to the people, to Russian nature. Pushkin explains Tatiana’s unusualness and her spiritual wealth by the influence of the folk environment, the beautiful and harmonious Russian nature, on her inner world:

    Tatyana (Russian in soul, Without knowing why)

    With her cold beauty

    I loved Russian winter.

    Tatyana, a Russian soul, subtly senses the beauty of nature. One more image can be discerned that accompanies Tatyana everywhere and connects her with nature - the moon:

    She loved on the balcony

    Warn the dawn,

    When on a pale sky

    The round dance of the stars disappears...

    ...under the foggy moon...

    Tatyana's soul is pure, high, like the moon. Tatyana’s “wildness” and “sadness” do not repel us, but, on the contrary, make us think that she, like the lonely moon in the sky, is extraordinary in her spiritual beauty. Tatyana's portrait is inseparable from nature, from big picture. In the novel, nature is revealed through Tatyana, and Tatyana - through nature. For example, spring is the birth of Tatyana’s love, and love is spring:

    The time has come, she fell in love.

    So the grain fell into the ground

    Spring is enlivened by fire.

    Tatyana shares her experiences, grief, and torment with nature; only to her can she pour out her soul. Only in solitude with nature does she find solace, and where else can she look for it, because in the family she grew up as a “stranger girl”; she herself writes in a letter to Onegin: “... no one understands me...”. Tatyana is the one for whom it is so natural to fall in love in the spring; bloom for happiness, like the first flowers bloom in the spring, when nature awakens from sleep.

    Before leaving for Moscow, Tatyana first of all says goodbye to her native land:

    Sorry, peaceful valleys,

    And you, familiar mountain peaks,

    And you, familiar forests;

    Sorry cheerful nature...

    With this appeal A.S. Pushkin clearly showed how difficult it was for Tatyana to part with her native land.

    A.S. Pushkin also endowed Tatyana with a “fiery heart”, subtle soul. Tatyana, at thirteen years old, is firm and unshakable:

    Tatiana loves seriously

    And he surrenders, of course.

    Love like a sweet child.

    V.G. Belinsky noted: “Tatiana’s entire inner world consisted of a thirst for love. nothing else spoke to her soul; her mind was asleep"

    Tatyana dreamed of a person who would bring content into her life. This is exactly how Evgeny Onegin seemed to her. She came up with Onegin, fitting him to the model of heroes French novels. The heroine takes the first step: she writes a letter to Onegin, waits for an answer, but there is none.

    Onegin did not answer her, but on the contrary read the instruction: “Learn to control yourself! Not everyone will understand you, as I do! Inexperience leads to disaster!” Although it was always considered indecent for a girl to be the first to confess her love, the author likes Tatyana’s directness:

    Why is Tatyana guilty?

    Because in sweet simplicity

    She knows no deception

    And he believes in his chosen dream.

    Having found herself in Moscow society, where “it’s easy to show off with her upbringing,” Tatyana stands out for her spiritual qualities. Social life has not touched her soul, no, it is still the same old “dear Tatyana.” She is tired of the luxurious life, she suffers:

    She's stuffy here... she's a dream

    Strives for life in the field.

    Here, in Moscow, Pushkin again compares Tatyana to the moon, which eclipses everything around with its light:

    She was sitting at the table

    With the brilliant Nina Voronskaya,

    This Cleopatra of the Neva;

    And you would truly agree,

    That Nina is a marble beauty

    I couldn’t outshine my neighbor,

    At least she was dazzling.

    Tatyana, who still loves Evgeniy, answers him firmly:

    But I was given to someone else

    And I will be faithful to him forever.

    This confirms once again that Tatyana is noble, persistent, and faithful.

    The critic V.G. also highly appreciated the image of Tatyana. Belinsky: “Great was Pushkin’s feat that he was the first to poetically reproduce in his novel Russian society of that time and in the persons of Onegin and Lensky showed his main, that is, male, side; but perhaps the greater feat of our poet is that he was the first to poetically reproduce, in the person of Tatyana, a Russian woman.” The critic emphasizes the integrity of the heroine’s nature, her exclusivity in society. At the same time, Belinsky draws attention to the fact that the image of Tatiana is a “type of Russian woman.”

    One of the largest works of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin is the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin”. The poet devoted about nine years to its creation. He painted unusually vivid and memorable images of Onegin, Tatiana, Olga, Lensky, which brought fame to the author and made the novel immortal. Russian classical literature had a deep interest in female characters. The best poets and writers tried to comprehend and portray a woman not only as an object of adoration and love, but above all as a person.
    A.S. Pushkin was the first to do this. Belinsky considered the creation of the image of Tatyana Larina, the true Russian woman, a feat of the poet. The author gives his heroine a simple name: “Her sister was called Tatyana” and explains it this way: “The sweetest-sounding greek names, such as, for example, Agathon, Filat, Fedora, Thekla and others, are used among us only among common people.” And he explains this in the novel with the following lines:

    For the first time with such a name
    Tender pages of the novel
    We willfully sanctify.
    So what? it is pleasant, sonorous:
    But with him, I know, it’s inseparable
    Memories of the past
    Or girlish!

    We first meet Tatiana at her parents' estate. About the heroine’s father, Pushkin says with irony: “He was a kind fellow, belated in the last century,” and the mother shows all her worries about the household. The life of the family was peaceful and calm. Often, “neighbors came to the Larins to complain, and to scold, and to laugh about something.” It was in such an atmosphere that Tatyana was brought up. She “believed the legends of the common folk of antiquity, and dreams, and card fortune telling”, she was “disturbed by signs”,

    „.scary stories
    In winter in the dark of nights
    They captivated her heart more...

    Tatyana is a simple provincial girl, she is not a beauty, but her thoughtfulness and dreaminess set her apart from other people (“she loved to warn the sunrise on the balcony”), in whose company she feels lonely, since they are not able to understand her.

    Dick, sad, silent,
    Like a forest deer is timid,
    She is in her own family
    The girl seemed like a stranger.

    She was not affectionate towards her parents, played little with children, did not do needlework, and was not interested in fashion:

    But dolls even in these years
    Tatyana didn’t take it in her hands;
    About city news, about fashion
    I didn’t have any conversations with her.

    The only entertainment that brought pleasure to this girl was reading books:

    She liked novels early on;
    They replaced everything for her;
    She fell in love with deceptions
    And Richardson and Russo.

    Tatyana lives in the pages of the books she has read, imagining herself in the place of their heroines. And this romance of book stories serves as the reason for creating the ideal of her chosen one.
    What, according to Pushkin, is beautiful about this heroine? This is, first of all, the height of her morality, her spiritual simplicity combined with the depth of her inner world, naturalness, the absence of any falsehood in her behavior. The author emphasizes that this girl is devoid of coquetry and pretense - qualities that he did not like in women. Before us is a personality, an image no less significant than Onegin.
    She is naturally gifted with “a rebellious imagination, a living mind and will, a wayward head, and a fiery and tender heart.” Tatyana subtly senses the beauty of nature:

    Tatiana (Russian soul,
    Without knowing why)
    With her cold beauty
    I loved Russian winter...

    V.G. Belinsky said: “Tatyana’s entire inner world consisted of a thirst for love.” And he was right in his statement: Long ago her imagination

    Burning with bliss and melancholy,
    Hungry for fatal food;
    Long-time heartache
    Her young breasts were tight;

    Soul was waiting... for someone
    And she waited... The eyes opened,
    She said: it's him!

    And it’s clear why Pushkin’s heroine falls in love with Onegin. She is one of those “girls” for whom love can be either great happiness or great misfortune. In Onegin, the girl, with her heart, and not her mind, immediately felt a kindred spirit. In a heartfelt impulse, she decides to write her lover a letter of revelation, a declaration of love:

    I I'm writing to you- what more?
    What more can I say?
    Now I know it's in your will
    Punish me with contempt.

    But Onegin could not appreciate the depth of feelings passionate nature Tatiana. This leads the girl into mental turmoil. And even after she visited Onegin’s village house and read his favorite books, where “Onegin’s soul involuntarily expressed itself,” when she realized who fate had sent her, she continues to love this person.
    In the first chapters, the reader sees the image of a naive girl, sincere in her desire for happiness. But now two years have passed. Tatiana is a princess, the wife of a respected general. Has she changed?
    Yes and no. Of course, she “entered into her role,” but did not lose the main thing - simplicity, naturalness, human dignity:

    Ohm was leisurely
    Not cold, not talkative,
    Without an insolent look for everyone,
    Without pretensions to success,
    Without these little antics,
    No imitative undertakings.”
    Everything was quiet, it was just there...

    This line is very important - “without imitative undertakings.” Tatyana has no need to imitate anyone, she is a person in her own right, and this is the strength of her charm, which is why “the general who entered with her raised his nose and shoulders.” He was rightfully proud of his wife.
    Tatyana is indifferent to social life. She sees the falsehood reigning in high society in St. Petersburg. Just as Onegin was disgusted by his “hateful freedom,” so Tatyana is burdened by the tinsel of the “hateful life.”
    Perhaps the most important thing in Tatyana’s character and behavior is a sense of duty, responsibility to people. These feelings take precedence over love. She cannot be happy if she brings misfortune to another person, her husband, who is “maimed in battle,” is proud of her, trusts her. She will never make a deal with her conscience.
    Tatyana remains true to her duty and when meeting Onegin she says:

    I love you, (why lie?),
    But I was given to another;
    I will be faithful to him forever.

    Tatyana's fate is tragic. Life brought her a lot of disappointments, she did not find in life what she was striving for, but she did not change herself. This is a very integral, strong, strong-willed female character.
    Tatyana is the ideal woman for the poet, and he does not hide it: “Forgive me: I love my dear Tatyana so much...” In the last stanza of the novel we read the lines: “And the one with whom Tatyana’s dear ideal was formed... Oh, a lot, Rock has taken away a lot.” A.S. Pushkin admires his heroine.
    From whom was “Tatyana’s Dear Ideal” written? There is still debate about this. Some literary scholars claim that this is Maria Raevskaya, who married Volkonsky and shared his fate in Siberia. Others claim that this is the wife of the Decembrist Fonvizin. Only one thing is clear: the image of Tatyana Larina is among the most striking female images of Russian literature.

    Tatyana Larina is one of central characters Pushkin's poem "Eugene Onegin" occupies an important place in this work, because it was in her image that the brilliant poet concentrated all the best feminine qualities that he had ever met in his life. For him, “Tatyana, dear Tatiana” is a concentration of ideal ideas about what a real Russian woman should be and one of the most beloved heroines, to whom he himself confesses his passionate feelings: “I love my dear Tatiana so much.”

    Pushkin describes his heroine with great tenderness and trepidation throughout the entire poem. He sincerely empathizes with her about unrequited feelings for Onegin and is proud of how nobly and honestly she acts in the finale, rejecting his love for the sake of duty to her unloved, but God-given husband.

    Characteristics of the heroine

    We meet Tatyana Larina in the quiet village estate of her parents, where she was born and raised, her mother is a good wife and caring housewife, giving all of herself to her husband and children, her father is a “kind fellow”, a little stuck in the last century. Their eldest daughter appears before us as a very little girl who, despite her young age, has unique, extraordinary character traits: calmness, thoughtfulness, silence and some external detachment, which distinguish her from all other children and in particular from her younger sister Olga.

    (Illustration for the novel "Eugene Onegin" by artist E.P. Samokish-Sudkovskaya)

    “Tatiana, Russian at heart” loves the nature surrounding her parents’ estate, subtly senses its beauty and experiences real pleasure from being united with it. The vast expanses of the secluded little Motherland are sweeter and closer to her heart than the “hateful life” of St. Petersburg high society, which she never wants to change for something that has forever become a part of her soul.

    Raised, like Pushkin, by a simple woman from the people, from childhood she was in love with Russian fairy tales, legends and traditions, was prone to mysticism, to mysterious and enigmatic folk beliefs and ancient rites. Already in adulthood, a fascinating world of novels opened up to her, which she read avidly, forcing her to experience dizzying adventures and various life vicissitudes with her heroes. Tatyana is a sensitive and dreamy girl, living in her secluded little world, surrounded by dreams and fantasies, completely alien to the reality around her.

    (K. I. Rudakova, painting "Eugene Onegin. Meeting in the Garden" 1949)

    However, having met the hero of her dreams, Onegin, who seemed to her to be a mysterious and original personality, noticeably standing out from the surrounding crowd, the girl, discarding shyness and uncertainty, passionately and sincerely tells him about her love, writing a touching and naive letter, full of sublime simplicity and deep feelings. This act reveals both her willfulness and openness, as well as the spirituality and poetry of a subtle girl’s soul.

    The image of the heroine in the work

    Pure in soul, sincere and naive, Tatyana falls in love with Onegin, being very young, and carries this feeling throughout her life. Having written this touching letter to her chosen one, she is not afraid of condemnation and anxiously awaits an answer. Pushkin is tenderly touched by the bright feelings of his heroine and asks readers for indulgence for her, because she is so naive and pure, so simple and natural, and it is precisely these qualities for the author of the poem, who has been burned more than once at the stake of his feelings, that play a very important role in life .

    Having received a bitter lesson that Onegin taught her, who read her painful moral teachings and rejected her feelings for fear of losing freedom and tying the knot, she experiences her unrequited love hard. But this tragedy does not embitter her; she will forever retain in the depths of her soul these sublime, bright feelings for the person with whom she will never be together.

    Having met Onegin a few years later in St. Petersburg, already being a brilliant high-society lady with feelings and reason shackled in the impenetrable armor of secular decency and love for him hidden deep in her soul, she does not revel in her triumph, does not want to take revenge on him or humiliate him. The inner purity and sincerity of her soul, the shine of which has not dimmed in the least in the dirt of metropolitan life, does not allow her to stoop to empty and false social games. Tatyana still loves Onegin, but cannot tarnish the honor and reputation of her elderly husband and therefore rejects his such ardent, but too late love.

    Tatyana Larina - a tall person moral culture with a deeply conscious sense of self-worth, her image literary critics is called the “ideal image of a Russian woman,” which Pushkin created to glorify the nobility, fidelity and great purity of their unsullied life of the Russian soul.