Moon in zodiac signs. The Moon is in Virgo in the natal chart of a man, a woman, or a child. Moon in the zodiac sign Virgo in astrology. How does a child perceive his mother? Moon in a child's horoscope

Basic needs
Take initiative, be a pioneer, a discoverer.
Receive independently life experience(Me myself!).
Recognition of individuality is necessary (I am an individual. My opinion must be taken into account).

  • Do not limit activity. Create a safe, comfortable space so that the child can freely explore the world and his possibilities.
  • Give the opportunity to gain life experience yourself, to make mistakes yourself.
  • Help you realize your emotions, draw conclusions, analyze. The experiences of such children change very quickly. They often miss important points.
  • Avoid direct pressure on the child. Such children strive for leadership, therefore best way to force them to do something is to arrange a competition, a competition, to motivate the child to prove that he is the first, the best, the fastest, the neatest, etc.
  • Include sports (especially team sports) and active pastimes in your child’s life. This is necessary so that the child can use up his emotional energy - running around, yelling, worrying about the team. Then he will feel happier, more satisfied and calmer.
Mother of a child with Moon in Aries
Mom is a very active and energetic person. One such mother can replace a father, a grandmother, and two grandfathers. She acts a lot, fusses, and gets emotional.
The relationship with the child is democratic, free, and full of enthusiasm. The mother gives the child the opportunity to make decisions independently. Treats him as a person. Sometimes it is difficult for a child to withstand the emotional pressure of his mother, her initiative and strong energy. Therefore, he needs to be given the opportunity to step back and rest.
Such a mother does not know how to restrain her emotions. She can be harsh, impulsive and even rude to the child. She needs to learn to be softer and more delicate.

Family traditions
The most the best option family traditions For a child with the Moon in Aries, it is important to spend active time with mom and dad. Hiking, biking, horseback riding, swimming, running. Any sports where the family will be represented as one team. Active travel, where you need to walk a lot, discover new spaces, explore new territories.
These are the moments that a child will remember for the rest of his life. The child will be proud of his family and will feel happy and satisfied.

Psychosomatics, nutrition, daily routine
Due to nervous tension, problems with sleep and headaches may occur. The eyes are also a vulnerable spot. It is advisable to give your eyes a rest and not to overstrain your vision, especially during moments of psychological stress.
Children with the Moon in Aries are prone to emotional overexcitation; they need to be “slowed down” in time and switched to calm activities.
The child's diet should contain a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts and dairy products. It is necessary to limit heavy, spicy, salty and fatty foods. As well as drinks and foods that stimulate the nervous system.
Children with the moon in Aries adapt well to changes in their usual way of life. The only thing that is important to leave unchanged is the bedtime ritual.

Moon in an earthly fixed sign.

The child is emotionally stable and resistant to external influences.

He does not know how to adapt to the emotions of others, but he does not try to impose his moods on others.

Emotions are expressed harmoniously, without sudden surges or changes.






Striving for harmony and comfort

Developed aesthetic taste, perception of beauty




Fear of change

Basic needs

The need for stability, predictability, reliability of loved ones, the surrounding space, and way of life.

The need for domestic comfort.

  • Such children love everything beautiful, high-quality, and expensive. Their aesthetic tastes are noticeable from early childhood. Must be respected and developedA child’s taste is to show beautiful things, objects of art, the beauty and harmony of nature.
  • Private property – important concept for children with the Moon in Taurus. Such a child should have his own toys,your personal belongings. Let your child store these things the way he likes. Treat his private property with respect. If you need to take something, ask permission, be guided by the child’s wishes.
  • But don't forget about the other side of the coin. Children with the Moon in Taurus are prone to hoarding,They are not very willing to share their things. Show your child the benefits. If you share, you can take other children's toys.
  • As a rule, an irrepressible passion for owning more and more things, attacks of greedarise in children with the Moon in Taurus in moments of psychological discomfort, stress, and instability of the environment. In such a situation, the baby may also overeat. The child needs to be reassured, to understand what changes in life caused these stressful conditions.By removing or adjusting these factors, you will return the baby’s feeling of psychological comfort.
  • A child with the Moon in Taurus, first of all, wants peace and harmony in the family. He does not need daily holidays, laughter and wild fun. The main thing is that the family maintains a calm, stable and harmonious atmosphere. This is such a quiet and very cozy love.
  • In the house, and especiallythe nursery should be beautiful and comfortable.Children with the Moon in Taurus are very sensitive to disharmony of space and lack of comfortable conditions.It is very good if music plays quietly in the nursery; you can hang drawings and reproductions of paintings by famous artists on the walls.
  • A child with the Moon in Taurus needs to be prepared in advance for any serious changes in life. Moving, changes in diet, routine, even switching from winter to summer clothes can become serious stress for the baby. Tell your child in advance what will happen. Explain the benefits and advantages of upcoming events for the child. If possible, let the changes be gradual and smooth. For example, summer clothes can be placed in a visible place first. The child gets used to it. Then we admire her beauty.We measure. And without any problems we move on to a more beautiful wardrobe.
  • A child with the Moon in Taurus may be slower than you. He is thorough, thoughtful and does not make rash decisions. You will have to adapt to his pace. Try not to rush or jerk the child. Any rush is a huge stress.
  • The child perceives material rewards well.WITH early age You need to learn how to handle money. Children with the Moon in Taurus are not big spenders. As a rule, they are thrifty and know how to save for some purpose.
  • For a baby with the Moon in Taurus, physical contact with his mother is very important, so hugs,touching should be the norm of communication in the family.
  • It is very useful to carry such babies in a sling or backpack.
  • A child sometimes needs to be stimulated, inspired to new actions, new hobbies, new ways of behavior. Children with the Moon in Taurus avoid change in every possible way. Another disadvantage is laziness.
  • As soon as the child becomes interested in a new idea or a new activity, parents can relax. Then he will do everything himself, showing his perseverance, constancy and hard work.
Mother of a child with Moon in Taurus

Mom is a soft, sentimental, but practical person.

She has good contact with the child, a warm emotional relationship.

A mother really protects her child, takes care of his comfort and quality nutrition. She knows how to calm a child down and looks for a compromise in difficult situations.

For a child with the Moon in Taurus, a mother should become a stronghold of reliability and constancy.

Family traditions

A family where a child with the Moon in Taurus is growing up must have its own culinary traditions. A child will remember the taste of his mother’s signature pie or grandmother’s pancakes for the rest of his life.

Cooking such a dish will create a festive atmosphere in the house. Your child will be very happy to help you in the kitchen.

An excellent vacation option for the family is going out into nature or to the countryside. A child with the Moon in Taurus will enjoy digging in the soil, cultivating his small garden, watching the growth of plants, and looking at insects. Nature, its beauty and tranquility recharge the baby with energy.

Children with the Moon in Taurus usually have some kind of thing that acts as a sedative. This could be your favorite bottle, soft toy, favorite pajamas, or a cookie before bed. In a situation of stress or illness, be sure to give your child his “sedative.”

What kind of mother are you for your children? Undoubtedly - The best! But there is no limit to perfection! Did you know that the second luminary in astrology - the Moon in a woman’s horoscope, shows how to improve relationships with children?

Take advantage of sacred knowledge about the impact of the Earth’s faithful satellite on female nature for the benefit of yourself, your children, and the whole family.

Find out your moon sign and read about what kind of person you are Mother!

What is a moon sign? How to calculate?

In our Western, patriarchal civilization, it is customary to look up to a man. He is the main one:

  • father,
  • breadwinner,
  • defender.

The father figure is so significant in society that even horoscopes in the traditional Western astrological school are compiled according to the Sun.

Sun In the birth horoscope of each person, he represents the father.

The zodiac sign is determined by the position of the Sun at the time of birth. Everyone knows who he is according to his horoscope according to the Sun. For example, if you are Aries, then the Sun was in this zodiac sign at the time of your birth.

Let’s ignore the fact that the role of the father in the family today is often taken on by the mother, as well as the fact that many (if not all) women in our time consciously, purposefully, persistently develop masculine qualities for the sake of success in society (study, career, business) . As a result, overly masculine women have “feminine” men.

However, it is the father figure who determines what the child will be like in society, his:

  • Personality,
  • activity,
  • activity.

sunny the zodiac sign was most likely passed on from the father (his family, influence, upbringing).

So, Aries could have been passed on from their father:

  • activity,
  • cheerfulness,
  • diligence,
  • pioneer spirit,
  • love of competitions, desire to win them,
  • the ability to live for today.

Moon in the birth horoscope symbolizes the Mother.

Not many people know where the Moon was at the time of their birth. But this is very important. Especially for women.

What is your moon sign? In what sign zodiac circle was there a beautiful companion of the Earth at the time of your birth?

Everything that characterizes you moon sign, passed down from my mother (her family, influence, upbringing).

For example, the same Aries according to the Sun with the Moon in Virgo will also be a person:

  • enterprising,
  • sophisticated,
  • humane,
  • inquisitive,
  • neat,
  • with an analytical mind.

All this is already from my mother.

Moon in a man's horoscope- his mother, as well as the ideal woman.

Do you want to find the key to a man’s heart (brain/wallet)? Find out his moon sign and match!

To find out your moon sign, just build your natal chart in any online service, and then look Where(in which zodiac sign) the Moon is located (see example Moon in Cancer - Fig. 1)

Attention! Moon sign zodiac is more important, more influential, more revealing for everyone who takes a conditionally passive position in life:

  • children,
  • non-working pensioners,
  • mothers on maternity leave,
  • housewives,
  • dependent persons and so on.

In this case, if you listen to the horoscope for the day/week/month/year, pay attention to the forecast specifically for your moon sign.

Do you dream of living an easy life? So that everything goes like clockwork - wishes come true soon after they were made, and in the most favorable way for you? Do you want the whole Universe to bless you? Enlist the help of the Moon! It's easy! Use it!

Attention! This is a secret so powerful that the successful, rich and happy people. And the secret is that they all adjust their daily/monthly/yearly routine to the Moon! - something that does not need advertising, because it is considered not only sacred, but also essential things.

Your personal free Calendar that will bring you happiness incredibly easily -!

Moon in a woman's horoscope

Moon in a woman's horoscope defines it:

  • emotionality,
  • depth of feeling
  • immediacy,
  • femininity,
  • caring,
  • softness,
  • kindness,
  • intuitiveness.

The moon in a woman's horoscope shows what is she like:

  • wife,
  • Mother,
  • daughter,
  • sister,
  • mistress,
  • teacher (teacher),
  • enchantress (magician, sorceress).

Pay attention! A horoscope is not a sentence, not a given, but list of potentials. Will you develop the natural gifts of the heavenly bodies, planets, the Universe and in which direction (positive/negative) depends only from you! You are the co-Creator of your destiny.

Child From birth to 7 years, he is incredibly attached to his mother. The mother, through her love, conveys to him everything that is in the nature of the feminine.

Child in childhood lives on the moon- absorbs everything that is female energy in the world:

  • ease,
  • joy,
  • game,
  • entertainment,
  • freedom,
  • rest,
  • creation,
  • art,
  • culture,
  • knowledge of nature,
  • interest,
  • friendship,
  • Love,
  • family and so on.

All masculine- success in studies (other activities), goals, plans, will, management of money and time, activity among like-minded people, sports, self-affirmation in society - will begin later, during puberty.

The first stage of human socialization - family - is the sphere of women.

Every woman the moon is about gift helps her be a better mother to her children.

Despite the fact that there is conditionally good and bad mothers according to the Moon, remember that you are the best mother for their children, exactly what they need!

If you feel that in your relationship with children not enough harmony, we recommend taking training courses in child psychology. The “Child and Family Psychology Online” project will give you the opportunity to immediately apply advanced and most current knowledge in practice with your child!

People with the Moon in Taurus are usually calm, serious, self-possessed and patient. They are quite predictable, since they are distinguished by the stability of their views, they are conservative, and therefore are not inclined to change their views and opinions. They always have a realistic outlook on life, materialistic interests stand above idealistic ones. Stability, security, a strong material base - this is the foundation on which they build their lives. They are usually very attached to the family, love nature, animals, and a sedentary lifestyle. They are excellent farmers, gardeners, flower growers, gardeners and livestock breeders. For fruitful work, they need a harmonious microclimate at work, a calm, quiet working environment. A person with the Moon in Taurus tries to benefit himself from any business or enterprise and stubbornly defends his interests, which always come to the forefront of life.

» » Mercury in other zodiac signs
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The Moon in the sign of Taurus is sensual, therefore it strives for all earthly joys, pleasures, pleasures. People with the Moon in the sign of Taurus know a lot about love affairs and, as a rule, they make attentive, sensitive lovers and kind husbands and wives. They have excellent taste, they have a keen sense of color, shape, texture of material, they have plasticity and a sense of rhythm. They themselves are beautiful, and love to surround themselves with expensive and beautiful things. They are reliable as comrades, they can be trusted, they are honest and decent. Although they are power-hungry, they are not aggressive, capricious and not without worldly cunning, but they are diplomatic.

If damaged– excessive sensitivity and impressionability, excessive sensuality, increased interest in opposite sex, sentimentality, touchiness, capriciousness.

The configuration between the Moon in Taurus and Venus in men's horoscopes often indicates quick, unburdensome love affairs or fleeting affairs, and in women's horoscopes - an abundance of charm and charm.

Characteristics of the Moon in Taurus

keyword- emotional stability

Positive qualities of the Moon in Taurus: conservatism, the desire to maintain what has been achieved, realism, practical inclinations, perseverance, constancy in feelings and sympathies, the desire for harmony, a sense of beauty, art and music, connection with nature.

Negative qualities of the Moon in Taurus: stubbornness, excessive sensitivity, convenience, antipathy to change, dependence on mood, tendency to depression.

Features in male horoscope: in contact with Venus (aspect to the Moon) indicates frequent love affairs.

Features in women's horoscope: special charm.

Health disorders: throat diseases, severe tissue formations in the neck, inflammation of the tonsils, eye diseases.

Moon in Taurus in natal chart:

You are attached to everything material, so your emotions are also directed towards material comforts and possessions. When the Moon is in Taurus, a person wants to have the best and is rarely satisfied with little. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, this enhances its quality of stability and softens its changeable side.

In any situation, you always feel committed to your ideals. You are blindly loyal, sentimental, warm-hearted, kind and shy. You may lack originality, but then try not to be too harsh. You are slow, but your senses are sharp. You are very good memory. Before you commit someone action, you think it over very carefully, reaching a logical conclusion, guided by ethical rules and ideals. You accept everything new and unfamiliar very slowly and carefully. It's hard to change your mind. And when you have already made a decision, you do not want to hear any objections.

You are a decisive person, with well-developed intuition and the ability to reason soberly. You want to achieve success everywhere and in everything. You love to collect and collect, not only when it comes to land, works of art and other material values, but also when it comes to friends. You have a highly developed sense of touch and taste and perhaps pleasant voice- both when you talk and when you sing, you love music, art, dancing and everything that brings pleasure. You also constantly feel the need to satisfy your physical desires.

You welcome only those ideas that suit your stable temperament. You have a tendency towards excessive conservatism, narrow worldview and traditionalism. Beware of excessive feelings of pride, laziness, jealousy and stubbornness. When you set a goal for yourself, you move towards it slowly but surely.

You rarely deviate from family traditions, from what you once learned, or from the ideals your mother chose for you. You are closely connected with your mother, although this connection may not always bring happiness. You are loyal and loving person with strong and permanent connections in friendship, love and marriage.

In a man's horoscope, she attracts women who awaken his ambitions.

The Moon in exaltation promotes the emotional stability of Taurus, his desire to create a family that stabilizes life, decorate his own home, determines his attachment to good and tasty food, and makes him gentle and caring towards children and pets. The Moon imparts to Taurus homeliness, femininity, emotional attitude to events that affect the strength and stability of the family, the prosperity of the family. The Moon correlates with a sense of security, which is why Taurus has a strong need to have a good household that guarantees satiety and security. The Moon worries about food supplies, fears circumstances that could destabilize an established life, worries about possible changes, and makes sure that everything that has decreased is restored.

The Wet Moon makes Taurus a fertile and prolific sign in the Zodiac and promotes reproductive functions and lactation in women.

The principle of Mystery allows the Moon to preserve its intimate deep inside Taurus, it is not accessible to prying eyes. Outwardly, he is calm and decently self-possessed, but he is careful, prudent, anxious, and intuitive. He feels the creeping danger, falsehood, impending changes. Stereotype and strong instinct control his passions.

Moon in the decanate of Taurus

Sincerity, goodwill, firmness of character, love of material values ​​and physical pleasures.

A realistic outlook on life and everyday practicality. Prudence, prudence, selfishness.

Entrepreneurship, ability to concentrate on one thing, serious attitude to life, excluding frivolity.

Historical persons with Moon in Taurus

Henry III, Louis XI, Louis XVIII, Jean Jacques Rousseau, Nicolas Poussin, Joseph Chamberlain, Wernher von Braun.

Transit of the Moon through the sign of Taurus

These days the soul softens, tenderness appears, the feeling of love intensifies, aesthetic taste becomes refined, gastronomic needs increase, and appetite increases. People become calmer, more thorough, down-to-earth and cautious, but at the same time slower, seemingly sleepy and even somewhat lazy. Sensitivity and receptivity to the beauty of the world around us increases, and the desire for the small joys of life increases. The Moon in Taurus gives people a desire to enjoy comfort, tidy up the house, take care of flowers, work in the garden, draw, listen to music. Their sense of earthly affairs is heightened and commercialism is more pronounced, so people at this time are not inclined to spend money. Children usually become calmer and more diligent, but require attention and affection. You should eat only fresh foods and follow a diet; fasting is not recommended.

With intense aspects, people become more stubborn, obstinate, capricious, touchy or apathetic. It can be difficult to persuade them to do anything, as people’s suspicion and mistrust worsen. Often during this period, appetite increases, and a person cannot resist the desire to eat something tasty.

Good time:

(if it is not the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • to continue and complete previously started cases, especially those related to property, holdings, and agriculture;
  • for matters that require a long time to implement;
  • for commercial activities;
  • for stock exchange transactions, capital investments, financial transactions, registration and signing of a will, monetary documents, transfer and receipt of money;
  • for detailed negotiations, conclusion of contracts;
  • for everything related to art, fashion, jewelry, cultural events and entertainment;
  • for artistic or social activities, handicrafts, works in all types of arts;
  • to meet and communicate with the right people;
  • to strengthen emotional connections, love, dating, especially with women and artists;
  • for cultural events, engagements, weddings, receiving guests, organizing banquets and parties with refreshments;
  • for apartment matters - buying real estate, exchanging, moving, preferably on the 2nd, 8th, 21st and 25th Lunar day), repairs, cleaning, starting a new building;
  • for the purchase of agricultural equipment, building materials, furniture, durable items, clothing (bought during the Moon in Taurus, it will last a long time), as well as fashionable items, cosmetics;
  • to purchase exquisite items or jewelry;
  • for agriculture and animal husbandry;
  • for planting trees, shrubs, root crops, everything that grows slowly and must be wintered and stored until spring or the next harvest;
  • for harvesting root crops.

Bad time:

(especially if it is the 3rd, 5th, 12th, 13th or 29th Lunar day)

  • for cases involving risk and the need to make quick decisions;
  • for work involving fire and metal, dangerous tools;
  • for surgical intervention in the neck, throat, larynx, pharynx, trachea, thyroid gland, removal of tonsils and moles;
  • for the treatment of the above organs, injections, transfusions or bleeding.


  • for money, since it can be spent on pleasure or stolen;
  • stomach problems due to overeating.


  1. Sergey Alekseevich Vronsky - "CLASSICAL ASTROLOGY in 12 volumes"
  2. Marion March, Joan McEvers - « Astrology »
  3. "Training course at the Munich Institute of Parapsychology"
  4. N. Yu. Markina "Interpretation of Astrological Symbolism"

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> → Lunar zodiac sign of the child >> → Moon in Taurus" url="">

You have received a wonderful child, whose upbringing will not cause too much trouble. IN early childhood Lunar Taurus are calm and peaceful. And as they grow up, they retain all these qualities. In addition, little Taurus are hardworking, persistent in achieving their goals, and cheerful. Main problem What you may encounter is their overwhelming stubbornness. If the Taurus baby’s opinion does not coincide with yours, then believe me, victory will remain his. This may also apply to the color of the bow that you want to tie for your daughter before going to school. kindergarten, and even the kindergarten itself. If the baby refuses to tie this particular bow, then she won’t tie it, by hook or by crook. If a child doesn’t want to go to kindergarten, then he won’t go, and if you drag him by force, he will do everything for you to take him away from there: he will get sick (he may even develop a fever), throw a tantrum for many hours, or come up with something else. something. But don’t doubt that in a couple of hours they will call you and ask you to urgently come for your child. When dealing with little Taurus, all standard parental techniques - shouting, punishment, persuasion - are useless. Therefore, you should not waste time fighting your own child. Just try to better understand the motives for his behavior.

The Taurus child does not do anything for nothing. Perhaps in kindergarten he did not have good relationships with his peers or he does not like the teacher. Maybe he is just comfortable sitting at home with his mother and he perceives kindergarten as torture, invented specifically for children. Come up with competent, balanced arguments, break away from your work and spend an hour explaining to your child why he should still go to school. kindergarten. Little Taurus is very smart, and if he doesn't find a loophole in your logic, he will definitely obey. And in the little things, try to give in: let the baby choose her own bow. In the end, you also choose what to wear based on your own taste.
Another quality that may irritate you is the slowness and thoroughness characteristic of lunar Taurus. Don’t urge your child on, don’t get angry and don’t think that he is “digging” to spite you. He simply cannot do otherwise. And if, because of his slowness in getting ready, you are constantly late somewhere, then this is most likely your problem.

Another important feature of little Taurus: he is very attached to his home, only there he feels safe. Treat your baby’s personal territory and his things with care and respect.
Taurus people are prone to greed. Try to stop this in your baby. Be sure to take care of good education your child. If you provide Taurus with a successful start, then he will achieve everything else on his own. And he will do it in the best possible way. The more educated your child is, the happier and more prosperous life he will live.

Child's zodiac moon sign for other signs: