Mikhail Filippov is an actor and Gundareva's husband. Very different husbands of Natalia Gundareva. Brezhnev saved Gundareva

Widower popular actress Natalya Gundareva, actor Mikhail Filippov married another actress, Natalya Vasilyeva, several years ago. Since then, almost every year they try to go to Karlovy Vary, where a nun known for her healing prayers lives, and ask her for help.


Today, August 28, Natalya Gundareva would have turned 66 years old. The actress passed away after a serious long-term illness in May 2005. All this time, her husband Mikhail Filippov tried not to communicate with the press and seemed to isolate himself from the whole world. He mourned for a long time, but four years later he walked actress Natalya Vasilyeva down the aisle. They began to live in the same apartment in the center of Moscow, where Filippov had previously been happy with Gundareva. “Misha is still worried, but hides the pain. Natasha Vasilyeva breathed into him like a second life.”“says actress Elena Molchenko.

Every day, when Mikhail Filippov leaves for work, Natalya Vasilyeva sees him off, waving her hand from the window. She runs the house, goes shopping, buys fresh bread in the monastery shop, where Gundareva also loved to go at one time. “I am happy when Misha is next to me, when he goes to church with me. It rarely works out in Moscow. Every year we try to go to Karlovy Vary, where on Mount Aberg there is the monastery of St. Nicholas, where Abbess Nektaria lives: she heals with prayers. There's always a queue for her. So Misha and I, as soon as we arrive, go straight to her,” Starhit quotes Natalya Vasilyeva.

This year was no exception. The couple asked for healing: Mikhail Filippov needs rehabilitation after hip surgery. “He had it done a year ago, but Mikhail is still limping,” said director of the Mayakovsky Theater Leonid Osharin. “He was eager to get on stage, but everyone saw that it was hard for him. For a while he played with a stick at rehearsal. Now he’s running, time heals ".

Note that two years after the death of Natalya Gundareva, Mikhail Filippov released a book of memoirs. It is called “Natasha” and contains the actor’s revelations, full of bright sadness and love. “When we met, you were already a people’s laureate, many times the best actress of the year,” wrote Mikhail Filippov. “But I haven’t seen most of your films and couldn’t list your titles, but I knew your freckles and was happy about it .In You, adult woman, a child lived in an amazing way, a little girl from the sandbox, who with captivating gullibility tells the first person she meets: “And today we had cutlets with pasta and compote for lunch.” You made me laugh with a story from your own childhood, how one night you ate too much jam, sneaking into the kitchen secretly from the adults, and then woke me up in a terrible whisper: “Mommy, dear mommy, I’m vomiting.”

Mikhail Filippov's young wife became pregnant on the eve of his 65th birthday

A little over a month ago, the wonderful actor Mikhail FILIPOV celebrated his 65th birthday. Colleagues capital theater named after Mayakovsky, where Mikhail Ivanovich played on the same stage with his now deceased wife Natalya GUNDAREVA, and then met new love- also actress Natalia VASILYEVA, are discussing the good news. Filippov and his current 43-year-old wife are expecting a child. Three years ago, while still newlyweds, the couple tried to have a baby and even signed a contract with one of Moscow’s elite maternity hospitals. But then Natalya was unable to bear her first child.

Mikhail Ivanovich is very protective of his relationship with Natasha, says a colleague at Mayakovka Lyubov Rudenko. - Now many people give birth late, after forty, but there is nothing wrong with that. Natalya is in great shape, positive, kind, attentive. God grant that they succeed. I am sure that Mikhail Ivanovich will be an excellent father: he is a wise, experienced man, with a great sense of humor, and raised his son Mitya from his first marriage.

Let us remember, the first wife Filippova was Irina Andropova, daughter of the head of the KGB, and then the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. In this marriage, 37 years ago, Dmitry was born, who bears the famous surname of his grandfather. He is a bank employee, several years ago he made his father a grandfather, having acquired a daughter, Nastya.

For the second time, Mikhail Filippov tied the knot with famous actressNatalia Gundareva.

“I witnessed how Misha and Natasha’s romance began,” recalls Lyubov Rudenko. - In the summer of 1985, our theater went on a two-month tour to Perm and Chelyabinsk. Gundareva and I became close there. She was then incredibly happy with Filippov, but was fully confident that their relationship would end immediately after the tour ended. But upon returning to Moscow, Mikhail Ivanovich continued to look after her. After each performance, he waited for his beloved backstage with flowers behind him, and then took her home.

During the next rehearsal, Rudenko noticed a new diamond ring on Natalya Georgievna’s finger. The friend did not hide the fact that this was a gift from her future husband.

Natasha really loved beautiful jewelry, but she couldn’t afford it before,” Rudenko sighs. - Imagine, the great artist could not afford an ordinary diamond ring! Before that, we were with her in the Baltics for filming, we went into a jewelry store, Gundareva tried on something there. But I didn't buy anything. Like, what kind of shit? And they didn’t pay huge fees back then. And suddenly, soon she receives the desired present from Misha. It turns out that he sold the car to pamper his beloved with jewelry. Natasha even burst into tears when Filippov put the ring on her. And the point, of course, was not about the diamonds, but about a real man’s action.

According to a friend, when the conversation came up about children, Gundareva for some reason sadly remarked:

I can only give birth to a sick child. I'm afraid.

Natalya Georgievna worked a lot: filming, concerts, performances. Besides, she had to support her mother. Gradually great actress I realized that, unfortunately, she was not destined to become a mother.

When, having been married to Filippov for 15 years, Gundareva became seriously ill, her husband carefully looked after her, spending sleepless nights at her hospital bed, trying to instill hope for recovery. But four years later, Natalya Georgievna passed away. She was only 56 years old...

Powdered face

Having been widowed, Mikhail Ivanovich took the loss hard: he moved away from everyone and even found himself on the brink of life and death. One day I ended up in the hospital with a severe heart attack.

But then he finally found new happiness with another Natasha - Vasilyeva, who was old enough to be his daughter. Their romance began in their native Mayakovka while working on their next play.

“I watched them talking animatedly in the Actor’s House at the evenings,” recalls Lyubov Rudenko. - They turned out to be close in their worldviews, they were drawn to each other, enough time had passed since the death of Misha’s wife, and Natasha Vasilyeva was alone.

After the wedding, Vasilyeva took her husband's surname. They not only registered their relationship with the registry office, but also got married.

Mikhail Ivanovich, unfortunately, at the beginning of his career was perceived as Andropov’s son-in-law, then as Gundareva’s husband and looked at with squinting eyes,” sighs a theater colleague Elena Molchenko, widow Alexandra Fatyushina. - And he is a one-of-a-kind artist, an integral nature, highly spiritual person, which is very rare. Mikhail Ivanovich is a wonderful stage partner. I remember in the play “Running” Volodya Ilyin played Antoine, the servant of his hero Korzukhin. Ilyin decided to make Filippov laugh, to “split” him and, covered with powder, as if in flour, he went on stage. Everyone thought that Mikhail would laugh, but he didn’t! He calmly raised his eyes to Ilyin and asked: “Antoine, are you starting a pie again?” Volodya immediately crawled backstage laughing. As for Filippov’s new wife, I can say that I will be very happy when Natasha gives birth to a child for Mikhail. It is a great happiness that they met each other. Widowers and widows, I know from myself, are a sweet topic for people with long tongues. For me, as probably for Misha, it doesn’t matter what others say - it’s none of their business. Subsequent relationships will never affect the memory of previous love!

Another colleague from Mayakovka, Yuri Sokolov, ex-husband actresses Olga Prokofieva, I agree with Molchenko:

Misha deserves happiness - how much he has experienced. Natasha Vasilyeva - talented actress and a very decent person. They will have a child, and I can only be happy for them with all my heart. God bless them later life and health for the baby. Happiness comes to decent people a little later than to others. A child is a responsibility. Surely they decided to start it not out of nowhere.

Now expectant mother shines in the premiere of the play "Uncle's Dream". An interesting position does not prevent her from performing famously on stage. But colleagues talk about Natalya’s pregnancy, which is still almost invisible to others, in a whisper - they are afraid of jinxing it.

The golden youth of the times of the Brezhnev Politburo, unlike the current inhabitants of Rublyovka, managed to love, walk and suffer without washing dirty linen in the “Kremlin hut”. Their amorous secrets have not yet leaked to the people. The only exception is Galina BREZHNEVA. And so Express Newspaper managed to find out about whirlwind romances other representatives high society 70s. After much persuasion, Victoria FILIPPOVA, the granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich, spoke about them. As it turned out, the children and grandchildren of the elderly party elite were no worse than the heroes of the Brazilian TV series. For example, Victoria’s own fiancé was seduced by her mother’s friend, but the young Soviet princess was not at a loss and stole her suitor from the daughter of Kirill MAZUROV, the first secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Belarus. And in the family of Alexei KOSYGIN, free morals generally reigned - as many as two coexisted in it. love triangle! Or here’s a riddle: BREZHNEV’s granddaughter and ANDROPOV’s daughter were simultaneously the wives of... Mikhail FILIPPOV.

This is the second time Victoria has spoken frankly to our newspaper. In his first exclusive interview(No. 30, 31, 2003) she revealed the secrets of her mother and famous grandfather.

Svetlana ORLOVA,

Photo from the Brezhnev family archive

Granddaughter of Leonid Ilyich famous surname never wore it. At first she was Milaeva, like her father, a circus performer. And when she got married, she became Filippova. A year and a half ago, in her first interview with Express Gazeta, Victoria talked a little about her second husband, Gennady Varakut. But which family her first husband was from, where he studied and what he worked for, she flatly refused to say. I only declassified his first and last name.

And a funny situation turned out: both enviable brides of the 70s - Victoria, the granddaughter of General Secretary Brezhnev, and Irina, the daughter of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Andropov - jumped out to marry Mikhail Filippov. But for a long time it remained unclear: either it was one person, or the sons-in-law of two major figures in the era of “stagnation”, ironically, turned out to be not only namesakes, but also namesakes.

It is known about Irina that she - ex-wife a private in those years, and now famous actor. Having divorced Andropov's daughter, he married actress Natalya Gundareva. If this is the same person, then it turned out that Mikhail Filippov, the current husband of Natalya Gundareva, managed to be the son-in-law of two general secretaries! Of course, this version seemed unlikely. But in this case, it seemed strange, why was Victoria dark?

In order to find out what really happened, I called Brezhnev’s granddaughter. - Victoria, it’s time to tell the whole truth: did you take Irina’s husband away from you, or did she take her away from you? - I asked either jokingly or seriously. Brezhnev’s granddaughter, like a year and a half ago, lives in Pavlovsky Posad. Still rarely visits Moscow. But she still agreed to go to the editorial office and tell the truth about this mysterious story. And about much more...

Brezhnev saved Gundareva

My grandparents, Leonid Ilyich and Victoria Petrovna, never indicated who to be friends with and who not to be friends with. That’s why our youth company took shape spontaneously,” recalls Vika. - The children of party leaders rested in some elite sanatoriums, were treated in the Kremlin hospital, and shopped in special stores. And finally, our children went to the same kindergarten, where we, their parents, met at matinees. Willy-nilly, they communicated and made friends among themselves. This is how I became close to the children of Alexei Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers, the daughters of Romanov, secretary of the Leningrad Regional Committee of the CPSU, and the son of Rashidov, the leader of Uzbekistan. But with the children of Yuri Andropov, things did not go beyond simple acquaintance.

According to Vika, Andropov’s children were like “ugly ducklings” in the Kremlin aviary. True, they were not destined to grow into beautiful swans.

Somehow it so happened that all the golden youth were equal to their high position“, everyone is nice, sociable,” recalls Victoria. - But Yuri Vladimirovich’s children were the ugliest of all of us. They were unlucky: the eldest Igor and the youngest Irina were born facing their father. They were reserved and shunned our youth company. Andropov’s children, as a rule, rested with their dad at the dacha, and not in a social circle. At first, I didn’t even understand why they were acting so aloof.

The reason for the strange behavior of the children of the KGB chief was explained to young Vika by her grandmother. “Victoria Petrovna told me that in 1956 Tatyana Filippovna, the wife of Yuri Vladimirovich, suffered severe stress,” says Victoria. - At that time, Andropov worked as ambassador to Hungary. And it fell to his lot to suppress the anti-communist rebellion in Budapest. The rebels dealt mercilessly with the communists. And one day Tatyana Filippovna saw human heads on the stakes of the fence around the Soviet embassy. Since then, she began to have serious mental problems. And when there is a mentally ill person in the house, it is very difficult to live in it. Yuri Vladimirovich worked a lot, and besides, with his sick wife, he had to take care of the children himself. He was a stern man, and therefore it is not surprising that he established strict rules in the house. Yuri Vladimirovich kept them strictly - he did not allow any cars, rags, or trips abroad. But harsh family discipline did not benefit them. Igor started drinking shamelessly early. And Ira is already in student years turned into a monstrously severe neurasthenic. She was chronically depressed and always had handfuls of pills in her bag. One day I met her at the clinic and was horrified: her hands were just shaking! That day, for some reason, she ran out of medicine, and, as luck would have it, she had an attack on the way to the doctor.

And just imagine: an ugly, lanky girl, and also a neurasthenic person. Her condition, of course, left an imprint on her interactions with people. She met her future husband, Mikhail Filippov, at some party. He was a very delicate, intelligent and extremely reserved person. We saw each other at different events, not one extra words he did not say it during meetings. It was rumored that Irina herself destroyed the family with her endless scenes of jealousy. She was sure that since her husband was an actor, he would definitely cheat on her. She was terribly jealous of him. Unreasonably at first. And then, probably, she just annoyed him with her suspicions.

According to Victoria, Yuri Vladimirovich once confided in Leonid Ilyich. He said that Irina once asked her father to let his agents find out if her husband had a mistress. The intelligence services completed the task and reported to the patron that Mikhail Filippov was having an affair with one of the theater actresses. Yuri Vladimirovich pondered for a long time whether he should tell his daughter the truth. I decided not to hand over my son-in-law; I was afraid that my daughter’s damaged psyche would not withstand such a blow. He lied to Irina that her husband was pure.

In this conversation, Yuri Vladimirovich also mentioned the name of Filippov’s girlfriend, then already a popular artist Natalya Gundareva. But Leonid Ilyich only sympathized with Andropov. And he himself did not dare to pursue his son-in-law’s mistress without the highest consent. And Irina, apparently, somehow became convinced of her husband’s infidelity and nevertheless filed for divorce.

“I think Filippov got cold feet,” says Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter. - After all, Andropov was not distinguished by his breadth of soul and forgiveness. Leaving the family of the head of the secret service with such a scandal was a risky business. And Misha began to restore relations with ex-wife. He managed to convince Irina to get back together. She again went to her father for advice. And she told him an almost anecdotal phrase: “Dad, won’t it be immoral if I marry my husband again?” Andropov waved his hands: “Of course, daughter, that’s good!” True, there were rumors that Filippov did not break off relations with his theatrical passion. I have no doubt - from the very beginning he cheated on Irina with Natalya Gundareva. And Irina’s divorce from Filippov was indicative: he left the family immediately after the death of Yuri Vladimirovich, because the actor had nothing to fear.

Calculating son-in-law

So was the artist Mikhail Filippov your husband?

“I married his namesake,” says Victoria. - My first husband was not an actor, but he was one of the most handsome guys in Moscow. They met by chance. Then Vika was listed as a student at the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University. I studied through the roof and skipped classes. And when it came time to take the exam, the teachers didn’t really notice that she was the granddaughter of the Secretary General. She was expelled from the university for poor academic performance. One day she and her friend went to their favorite perfume store “Lilac” on Kalininsky Prospekt. They noticed a handsome young man at the counter.

It was impossible not to notice him. The brunette is 1 m 90 cm tall! He also paid attention to us. When we left the store, we found that the handsome guy was waiting for us on the street. He came up, introduced himself as Mikhail Filippov, and exchanged phone numbers. A day later he called, we met for a little while and quickly decided to get married,” Vika recalls.

Filippov was three years older than Vika. It was almost like a princess and the swineherd story. Misha's mother worked as a taxi driver and raised her son without a husband. They lived poorly. Mikhail understood that he could only rely on himself. He studied diligently and entered the finance and credit department of the Plekhanov Moscow Institute of National Economy. And, as Victoria realized later, he began to look for a profitable bride. “We had already started dating when I found out that before me Misha met with Lena Mazurova, the daughter of the first secretary of the Communist Party of Belarus,” says Victoria. - Although I was pretty, Lena was more beautiful than me. And she really liked Misha. She hoped that their romance would end with a wedding. But Filippov considered it more suitable for himself to marry Brezhnev’s granddaughter. Lena was offended by me for a long time. Leonid Ilyich new friend Granddaughter liked it. Misha, a handsome, simple guy, knew how to put people at ease; the smile never left his face. Already married to Victoria, he entered the Vneshtorg Academy. True, Victoria assures that he was “admitted.” Soon after the wedding, their daughter Galina was born. They lived together for five years.

Something broad and merchant-like awoke in Misha. He became dizzy from permissiveness, he began to drink a lot, and after drinking, he liked to speculate on his relationship with Brezhnev. Misha’s “jumps” could not help but affect our family relationships, - Victoria says with undisguised regret. “I was a young fool, I hid his bad behavior from my grandfather. True, the special services knew about his spree, but for the time being they did not “knock” Leonid Ilyich. Therefore, when I said that I was divorcing Misha, in my grandfather’s eyes I was the one to blame. Besides, by this time I was getting ready to marry someone else - Gena Varakuta. I met him at GITIS, where I entered the department of theater criticism. He was a singer and graduated from the department musical theater. It was true love!

For Leonid Ilyich it was a disaster. For two years he could not come to terms with my divorce. Gena was summoned to the KGB and offered to transfer to Leningrad. We lived apart for a year. And only after that probationary period Leonid Ilyich allowed us to get married. Gena was accepted into the house when another year and a half had passed. (End to follow) * Irina ANDROPOVA After her divorce from Mikhail Filippov, she never married again. After graduating from the Faculty of Philology of Moscow State University, she worked as an editor at the Molodaya Gvardiya publishing house. According to the recollections of former colleagues, Andropov’s daughter dressed very modestly and was extremely reserved. I was not friends with any of my colleagues. One day she invited her publishing comrades to visit. Everyone was surprised: the daughter of the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR lived in a small one-room apartment with modest furnishings. * Later, Irina Yuryevna went to work for the magazine “ Soviet music", where she worked for a long time as deputy editor-in-chief.

* After the death of her father and divorce from her husband, Irina Andropova became seriously ill. When Yeltsin came to power, it was deregistered Medical center under the government of the Russian Federation. At that time she was a disabled person of the second group. Irina Yuryevna asked for help from Alexander Korzhakov, then the head of Boris Yeltsin’s Security Service. He helped her regain her lost privilege. * Now Irina Yuryevna is 59 years old, she is a pensioner. She lives alone in an apartment on Bolshaya Dragomilovskaya Street. Her son Dmitry, a bank employee, lives on Plyushchikha. * Igor ANDROPOV graduated from MGIMO. The peak of his career was his appointment as ambassador to Greece. There he drank harder than usual after learning about his wife’s infidelity. He was recalled to Moscow for drunkenness. Returning, he married actress Lyudmila Chursina. But he soon divorced and remarried his first wife. Before his retirement, he worked as an ambassador-at-large.


* Mikhail FILIPOV, husband of Brezhnev's granddaughter, worked in the Ministry foreign trade USSR. In 1989 he left civil service and created the joint Soviet-Maltese enterprise Greenfield. Now he is the chairman of the board of Greenfieldbank CJSC. Married, has a son in his second marriage. According to rumors, when his 30-year-old daughter Galina fell ill several years ago, he refused Victoria’s request for financial assistance. Victoria herself neither confirmed nor denied this fact, saying only that she would not like to talk about this topic.

Read in the next issue of “EG”:

* Shchelokov’s son chose a woman 20 years older than himself over Leonid Ilyich’s granddaughter. * There were two love triangles in the Kosygin family. The prime minister's son-in-law seduced his son's wife. * The personal life of Brezhnev’s grandchildren was destroyed by Gorbachev. The Secretary General shamelessly deprived them of their jobs.

Mikhail Filippov photography

Winner of the Moscow Prize (1997, for theatrical roles)

Winner of the Prize for Best Supporting Actor at the Constellation Film Festival (1997, for his role in the television series St. Petersburg Mysteries)

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1999, for participation in the play “Marriage”)

Winner of the Three Sisters Award (1999)

Knight of the Order of Honor for many years of activity in the field of culture and art (2005)

Winner of the “Crystal Turandot” award in the category “Best male role"(2010, for his role in the play "Secret Notes of the Privy Councilor")

The beginning of life's journey

Mikhail Filippov was born on August 15, 1947 in Moscow. After graduating from school, the young man entered the philological faculty of Moscow state university. During his studies he played in the student studio “Our House”. Confirmed in the idea that his purpose was the stage, Mikhail after fourth year moved to GITIS, which he then successfully graduated from in 1973.


Since 1973, Mikhail Filippov has been an actor at the Moscow Mayakovsky Theater. During this time, he played many diverse roles: Abel Znorko “Mysterious Variations”, Krugosvetlov (“Fruits of Enlightenment”), Napoleon (“Napoleon the First”), Kharchenko (“Destruction”), Sancho Panza (“Man of La Mancha”) , Pharmacist (“Venceremos!”), De Quadra (“Long live the Queen, Vivat!”), Leva Arzumanov (“Efficiency of Obsession”), Korzukhin (“Running”), Investigator (“Lady Macbeth” Mtsensk district"), Gooper ("Cat on a Hot Tin Roof"), Robert ("Look Who Came!"), Mchislavsky ("Rumor"), Mintow ("Victoria?.."), etc. Among them are the main characters, and supporting roles, and in each of them the actor is always organic and convincing.

Possessing a truly hypnotic ability, he literally mesmerizes the audience with his performance. One of best works actor - the role of Kochkarev in the play “Zhanitba”, staged on the stage of the Theater on Pokrovka. For her, Mikhail Ivanovich was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.


Mikhail Filippov made his film debut in 1975 with the role of Mr. Fouquet in Sergei Gerasimov’s film “Red and Black.” However, the romance with cinema somehow did not work out, and only theatergoers could see the actor’s talent. From time to time, films and performances with his participation were released: “Interview in Buenos Aires”, “Odessa Stories of Isaac Babel”.

Filmmakers “discerned” the actor already in adulthood. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, he played such roles as: Gruzdev in the comedy “The Artist from Gribov”, Mark Grigorievich in the film “Lucky Women”, Vasya in the famous tragicomedy “Promised Heaven”, Pyotr Chaadaev in the drama "The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case." In the late 90s, the actor took part in two highly rated TV series: “The denouement of St. Petersburg secrets” (Mordenko the loan shark) and “D.D.D. The file of detective Dubrovsky" (Vitaly Avdeevich Irinarkhov).

The actor's talent is also in demand in the new Russian cinema. In the comedy directed by Dmitry Tomashpolsky “Dzisai” (2004), Mikhail Filippov played brilliantly main role- businessman Dudypin. The hero of the film, having learned about the ancient Japanese traditions, decides to get himself a dzisai, i.e. “sacrificial scapegoat” (Alexander Lykov), onto whom all the troubles and illnesses intended for the owner will fall. The Filippov-Lykov duet in this film is simply incomparable.

Among the actor’s other works: Alferov in the series “Children of the Arbat”, Metropolitan Macarius in the historical drama “Ivan the Terrible”, Major General Rostislav Batorsky in the drama “The Crimson Color of Snowfall”.

Personal life

Mikhail Ivanovich's first wife was Irina Yuryevna Andropova, daughter of the formidable head of the KGB and future Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. In this marriage, a son, Dmitry, was born.

For the second time, Mikhail Ivanovich tied the knot with the famous actress Natalya Gundareva. Natalya Georgievna talked about her husband: “Misha came to the theater and became friends with my former classmate at the theater school. Thus, we ended up in the same company. They made friends, played pranks and jokes. By the way, my husband is a man of amazing humor. He knows a lot about a good joke. God didn’t give me such wit, and I was basically just a performer. But I liked being part of it all. Then at the theater we worked so well together that we realized: we need to live together...” It so happened that Natalya Georgievna and Mikhail Ivanovich did not have common children, but, nevertheless, their marriage was very happy.

In 2005, Natalya Gundareva passed away. Mikhail Ivanovich suffered this tragedy very hard, even lay in intensive care. However, life goes on, and four years later happiness smiled upon him again. In 2009, Mikhail Ivanovich registered a relationship with the 41-year-old actress of his theater, the charming Natalya Vasilyeva, for whom this marriage was the first.


1976 Red and Black

1979 Interview in Buenos Aires - film-play

1980 Benefit performance by Tatyana Doronina - film-play

1983 Jonah, or the Artist at Work - short film

1984 Odessa Stories of Isaac Babel - film-play

1986 Your daughter Alexandra - film-play

1987 Look who's come! - film-play

1988 Artist from Gribov

1989 Process

1989 One for All - short film

1989 Women who are lucky

1989 And It Happened in Vichy - film-play

1990 Superman

1991 Crazy

1991 Promised Heaven

1991 Sukhovo-Kobylin case

1992-1997 Little things in life - TV series

1993 Russian novel

1993 Dashing couple

1993 Italian contract

1993 Breakfast with a view of Elbrus

1993 Alphonse

1994 St. Petersburg secrets

1994 Moscow holidays

1995 Square

1997 Snake Spring

1997 Marriage - film-play

1997 Breguet - film-play

1998-2002 Impostors - TV series

1999 Denouement of St. Petersburg Mysteries - TV series

1999 D.D.D. Detective Dubrovsky's dossier - series

2000 Russian riot

2001 Cricket behind the hearth

2001 Salome - TV series

2003 Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur -1- series

2004 Silver Lily of the Valley-2 - TV series

2004 Jisai

2004 Children of Arbat - TV series

2007 You can't catch us

2007 Marriage - film-play

2008 Capercaillie - TV series

2009 Legends of witchcraft love (Russia-Ukraine)

2009 Ivan the Terrible

2010 Crimson Snowfall

Natalya Gundareva's acting work has forever made her a legend of Russian cinema, still attracting the attention of millions of viewers. The People's Artist was idolized, adored, and clippings from the Soviet Screen magazine were collected. Over the years creative biography She played many diverse characters, but many fans fell in love with her simple Russian heroines, who, despite difficulties and hardships, had inexhaustible optimism.

Gundareva could not imagine herself without the acting profession and passed through every role through herself. She not only shone on the set, but was also considered a theatrical prima. Natalya Georgievna amazed her colleagues with energy and enthusiasm, so few people knew that she sometimes cried and was sad about the failure in her personal life. Only in her third marriage did she find female happiness, living with her husband until her last days.

Children's love for theater

Future actress born in 1948 in Moscow. Her father and mother worked as engineers, but, despite their serious profession, they really loved going to school. theatrical performances. It is not surprising that they soon took 5-year-old Natasha with them, who was delighted with the fabulous production of “The Blue Bird”. From that time on, the girl dreamed of getting on stage, planning to become either an actress or a ballerina. As a schoolgirl, she attended various clubs at the local House of Pioneers, and also enrolled in a drama club, where she got different roles.

Despite her passion for acting, Natalia's parents insisted that she follow in their footsteps. The girl submitted documents to the Institute of Civil Engineering, but did not even have time to pass the exams, as she decided to try her luck and enter the Shchukin Theater School. A friend with whom she played in a drama club pushed her to take this step. The future actress was able to conquer the members admissions committee, demonstrating to them her charisma and transformation abilities, and soon became a university student.

Success on the theater stage and in cinema

In 1971, Gundareva said goodbye to student life and began developing her career. Having received an invitation from several theaters at once, she chose the stage of the Mayakovsky Theater, where she served for more than thirty years.

In the photo Natalya Gundareva in her youth

The aspiring actress did not immediately reveal her talent for transformation, since the director chose the roles of minor heroines for her. Only three years later she was able to attract the attention of avid theatergoers, playing on stage the role of Lipochka in the play “Bankrupt, or Our People - We Will Be Numbered.” Significant works of Natalya Georgievna also include the following characters:

  • Katerina from “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk”;
  • Larisa Sadofeva from "Rumor";
  • Madame from Agent 00;
  • She is from “I’m Standing at a Restaurant...” and others.

Her collaboration with cinema began simultaneously with theatrical career, but the actress was first noted on screen in 1976, when she appeared in the melodrama “Sweet Woman.” From that time on, significant changes came in Gundareva’s career, and directors no longer offered her simple village workers, seeing in her many multifaceted images.

still from the film “Cliff” 1973

During this period, she gained the status of a screen star and expanded her filmography with striking works in numerous films:

  • "Truffaldino from Bergamo";
  • "One Day Twenty Years Later";
  • “Singles are provided with a hostel”;
  • “Mistress of the orphanage”;
  • "Autumn Marathon";
  • "Petersburg secrets".

Romances with men and marriages

Young Natasha could not boast of slender figures, and despite her height she was somewhat overweight. But being such a plump, cheerful and open girl enjoyed increased attention from men. The aspiring actress often fell under the spell of her colleagues, and then emerged from these novels with mental wounds. So, even in her youth, she fell in love with Vladislav Dolgorukov, whom she even wanted to marry. The parents of the bride and groom were against that marriage, so this wedding never took place.

In the photo, Leonid Kheifetz is the first husband of Natalia Gundareva

Having survived a breakup with ex-lover, Gundareva spun again office romance, and her chosen one this time was Leonid Kheifetz, who was much older than her. The director was married at that time, but because of his young lover, he divorced his wife. Heifetz’s future wife was not immediately liked by his mother, but this did not stop the lovers from getting married. The actress loved her husband very much, but her employment in the theater and constant filming in films over time alienated the spouses. Soon it turned out that she was forced to terminate her pregnancy. The consequences of the abortion were fraught: she could no longer have children. This marriage lasted only six years, and after the divorce, Natalya Georgievna began organizing her personal life.

Viktor Koreshkov is the second husband of the actress

Soon, the 30-year-old movie star became close to Viktor Koreshkov, with whom she played in the sensational play “Lady Macbeth of Mtsensk.” After dating for several months, the couple decided to tie the knot. Many theater colleagues had little faith in the true feelings of her chosen one, believing that the aspiring actor simply wanted to take advantage of her location. Just two years later, she accidentally found out that her beloved husband was cheating on her. After the divorce, the actor left for another woman, but a few years later his beloved passed away. tragic accident. According to some media sources, after this Koreshkov joined the Old Believers and lived as a hermit for some time.

Having recovered from the divorce, Natalya Georgievna began dating Sergei Nasibov, but this romance also ended in separation. Only in 1986 was the movie star able to improve her personal life. With her future husband, Mikhail Filippov, she served at the Mayakovsky Theater. When the man first joined the team, he immediately noticed the actress and often later was in the same company with her. At first, during work and communication, sympathy arose between them, and when they were on tour, a romance began. Previously, Mikhail Ivanovich was married to philologist Irina, daughter of Yuri Andropov, with whom he raised his son. After his relationship with Gundareva, the actor left the family and registered an alliance with her.

Mikhail Filippov is Gundareva’s third husband

Their harmonious and loving couple Many people were jealous, and sometimes the spouses found needles and salt under the door, as well as scratches on the car. The People's Artist was an energetic and impetuous person who did not tolerate laziness and inaction. However, she forgave her husband all his shortcomings, and her optimism was enough for two. The actress herself believed that she was very lucky with her husband, but she was saddened by the fact that she could not give him a child. Soon Irina Degteva appeared in their family, who was a longtime fan of the screen star. The girl settled in their apartment, helped the couple with housework and even went on tour with them, becoming a close person to them. " Adopted daughter“I was close to Natalya Georgievna even during the years when she was seriously ill. After the death of her pet, the woman returned to her native Podolsk, where she got a job as a driver.

Last years of life

Having crossed the age of 50, the actress did not want to put up with age, as she still wanted to play notable characters. She was able to significantly reduce her weight and improve her appearance. According to some reports, Gundareva not only took Thai pills, but also took several plastic surgery. But along with the expected result, she began to have health problems.

Back in the early 80s, she experienced attacks of hypertension, and in the summer of 2001, the People's Artist of the RSFSR suffered an ischemic stroke. The doctors were able to bring her out of the coma, after which Natalya Georgievna slowly began to recover. But she was no longer able to return to work and almost never appeared in public. Despite following all the doctors’ recommendations, the 56-year-old movie star’s health was deteriorating. Her heart stopped on May 15, 2005, and the cause of death was a hemorrhagic stroke.

Still from the series “St. Petersburg Mysteries”

When his beloved wife passed away, Mikhail Ivanovich could not come to his senses for a long time, but four years later he was able to establish his personal life again. He married his theater colleague, Natalya Vasilyeva. The actor is still experiencing the early departure of his beloved woman, but he hides his pain from everyone. Mikhail Ivanovich wrote a book about her, calling her “Natasha”. In his memoirs, he shares with readers how they went through family life, and what words of love they spoke to each other.

  1. When the aspiring actress saw herself on screen for the first time, she was horrified by her luxurious forms, believing that with such dimensions it was impossible to act in films. But viewers and directors saw her as feminine and pretty characters, and even her freckles seemed lovely back then and worried many men.
  2. At rehearsals and on the set, Gundareva always demonstrated not only her skills, but also her cheerful, energetic nature. However, few people knew that at home she preferred a gloomy environment, which is why the curtains in her room were always tightly drawn. Even before her illness, the actress admitted that she felt unhappy and lonely, perceiving life as a tragedy.
  3. Since childhood, she had the habit of saving in everything, and even after becoming a movie star, she personally took care of repairs and large purchases. Her mother always recalled that little Natasha’s first word was “sama.”
  4. Having served for many years at the Mayakovsky Theater, she acquired the status of a real prima and hostess. Not everyone loved the successful star; there were also those who wished her failure in her career.
  5. Natalya Georgievna believed in omens, and when she went on stage, she constantly chased all the theater cleaners with empty buckets.
  6. She loved fragrant rose bushes, so there were always her favorite flowers in a vase at home.