The most mysterious coincidences in history (15 photos). The most incredible coincidences that are hard to believe What do coincidences mean in life?

I didn’t call my sister-in-law for three days. And, as soon as I remembered this today, the phone rang instantly. My husband's sister called. Coincidence or not? I think that almost every person encounters similar coincidences. Some people simply don't pay attention to them. Others, on the contrary, notice them and ask questions: “Are “random” coincidences random? Or maybe there is some kind of pattern in them?

I don’t know about you, but I don’t believe in coincidences. Of course, many of them can be explained quite rationally. If the resulting coincidence cannot be squeezed into the framework of a scientific explanation, everything can be blamed on the peculiarities of the human psyche. And specifically on a person’s desire to see only what he wants to see.

But there are such strange and incredible cases of coincidences that it is difficult to explain them scientifically, and it is also impossible to adapt them to the imperfections of the psyche. Some consider such coincidences to be signs from above. The Cosmos, the Universe, God sends warning lessons to man. Forces you to include all available internal resources, including sixth sense.

In any case, the well-known psychotherapist Carl Gustav Jung and laureate Nobel Prize in physics, Professor Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, in the course of research, concluded that coincidences are not entirely an accident. More precisely, it is not an accident at all. This phenomenon was given the term synchronicity.

« Synchronicity (synchronicity) is a term introduced by the Swiss psychologist and thinker C. G. Jung. Jung contrasts synchronicity with the fundamental physical principle of causality and describes synchronicity as constantly operating in nature creative principle, ordering events in a “non-physical” (non-causal) way, only on the basis of their meaning.

Although the term "synchronicity" at first glance suggests simultaneity, Jung uses it in much more in a broad sense, referring to any “non-physical” (non-obvious) relationship of events, regardless of their separation in time and space. Jung uses the introduction of synchronicity when considering various controversial, from the point of view of modern academic science, phenomena and theories that explain these phenomena: telepathy, astrology, strange coincidences, clairvoyance, the action of magical practices, the behavior of bees and even the experiences of patients in a state clinical death. Jung discussed the fundamental points of his empirical concept with the famous physicist Pauli.”


Perhaps you shouldn’t brush aside coincidences, attributing everything to chance and your lack of belief in miracles. Having ignored “random” coincidences once or twice, the third time you simply may not receive a warning signal. But it is known that “forewarned is forearmed.”

According to Jung, our unconscious, so that we do not miss something significant and important, deliberately creates coincidences, thereby changing the surrounding reality. Prompting a way out difficult situation, an answer to a problem that tormented us or simply warning of impending trouble.

For example, as in the case of a bird knocking on the window, bringing news of death loved one. I had to deal with this phenomenon three times. Every time the bird knocked on the window, death came into the house. The first time I encountered the messenger of death was at the age of twelve. My father died that day. The next time it was on the day my grandmother died. The last, third time, the bird foreshadowed the most terrible tragedy my life, the death of my son. Agree, this can hardly be called an accident.

Be that as it may, coincidences are more common in the lives of openly irrational people. Those who are able to believe in miracles, help and support higher powers. Thomas, who does not believe in anything, even if he receives a hint or a warning, either simply passes by, or... What unusual can happen in the life of a person who does not believe in anything?

“To see a coincidence, a person's thoughts, mental images and emotions when observing the events taking place are important. Some people tend to notice coincidences, and this ability is expressed to varying degrees in different people.”

Bernard D. Bateman Professor of Psychiatry at the University of Virginia

But if a person is open and friendly towards the world, the world will always help, advise, and even adapt to such a person. Coincidence clues can be expressed in different ways, depending on how unusual shapes, which not every science fiction writer or storyteller dares to describe.

It could be " prophetic dream”, which you dream about once, or the same dream repeated several nights in a row. Unexpected breakdown new car before a trip, a broken heel, a stain on a favorite shirt. A toothache or just a sudden anxious feeling.

Whatever it was, trains, planes, passenger ships and buses, everything vehicles Those who have suffered a catastrophe, fallen, sank, or got into an accident for some reason turn out to be twenty percent less filled than usual. For some reason, potential passengers who were supposed to be in them are late and are turned over at last moment tickets, or are not available for boarding at all for various reasons.

Before a pre-planned car trip, some unconscious sticky and unpleasant feeling of anxiety made me wake up early. I tossed and turned in bed for a long time, wondering what was causing my anxiety. I don’t know where, but I realized that the anxiety that arose was related to the upcoming trip, which could not be cancelled. Then I literally called out loud to my deceased son with the request: “Please save your father!” The trip ended in an accident, the car was smashed to pieces. And although the main blow fell on the side where the husband was sitting, he escaped with only a bruise. I am absolutely sure that our deceased son saved him. And the feeling of anxiety that arose in me before the trip cannot be called a mere coincidence.

“My long-term observational experience shows that coincidences usually come in sequence. The more you get used to them, the more often they happen. And if you dismiss them as nonsense, they will avoid you. If you just show interest in them, they can serve you well.

The more seriously you take them, the greater the role they play in your life. However, no one knows for sure why the coincidences occur. But there is no doubt that these are real phenomena. Many scientists argue that this is pure chance and that people have a tendency to exaggerate their significance. But many who experienced them hold the opposite opinion. Personally, I view coincidences as signs of fate, perceived by the subconscious and indicating the right way in this life."

Allan Combs psychologist, professor at the California Institute of Integral Studies

However, everyone has the right to decide for themselves how to treat coincidences. Just like those collected by me on the Internet. life stories can be considered both an accident and signs from above. The choice is yours.

What would it be like without Titanic?

Let, contrary to popular belief, the story of Morgan Robertson not coincide in all details with the disaster that occurred in reality, but echo it only in general outline. Robertson's novella Futility, which was first published in 1898, describes the third and final voyage of the Titan. The story became famous fourteen years later, after the sinking of the Titanic in April 1912. Both ships, the fictional one and the real one, were considered unsinkable and sank after colliding with an iceberg. Specifications"Titana" and "Titanic" are almost exactly the same. The time and cause of the crash of both airliners also coincide. A main reason large quantity victims, both in the story and in life, were the lack of the required number of boats, all because of the shipowners’ confidence in the ship’s unsinkability.

It was rightly noted in one children's song: “Whatever you name the yacht, that’s how it will sail.” In 1939, the American ship Titania miraculously escaped the sinking of the Titanic. Quite suddenly the command “stop” was given. As soon as the ship stopped, a huge iceberg appeared from the darkness and struck swipe along the ship's hull. However, although the ship was damaged, it remained afloat.

An English family from Dunstable watched a television film about the sinking of the Titanic. Climax movie, the ship shakes when it hits an iceberg. It was at this moment that it happened a rare phenomenon, an icy meteorite crashed through the roof of the Melkis family's house and got stuck in the ceiling.

Long way home

Let, in some coincidences there is a touch of mysticism and unreality of what is happening. Terrible winds raised huge waves in the Gulf of Mexico. All this terrible power fell on the American city of Galveston, washing away streets, houses and a cemetery. The hurricane that occurred in 1900 was called the “hurricane of the century.” The year before, circus acrobat Michael Williams came to Galveston on tour. One of the performances ended in tragedy, the artist fell off the trapeze and fell to his death. Since the acrobat's face was severely mutilated, he was buried in a local cemetery in a zinc coffin. The grave was washed away by the raging water, and the coffin was carried into the ocean. Nine years later, fishermen in the Gulf of St. Lawrence discovered a coffin washed ashore. Just one and a half kilometers from this place was Michael’s house, where he lived for many years.

Twin method

Let the twin babies from Ohio, after the death of their parents, be taken into care in different families. For forty years the brothers knew nothing about each other. What turned out to be true at the meeting? The boys were given the same name by their adoptive parents: James. Both turned out to be identical legal education and profession, both served in the police. IN free time The twins loved to do carpentry. One brother's first wife was Linda, son James Allan, second wife Betty, and the dog was named Toy. The second brother's first wife was Linda, his son James Allan, his second wife Betty, and the dog... The brothers preferred to vacation at the same resort in Florida. Death overtook the brothers, one hour apart, on the same stretch of highway in Finland.

Twin brothers Arthur and John Maufort and their families lived at a distance of one hundred and fifty kilometers from each other. One May evening both brothers suddenly felt sharp pain in the chest. Unaware that a similar tragedy was happening in the relatives' home, the families placed the brothers in various medical institutions. The brothers died almost at the same time from heart attacks.


Even though the streets of the capital of Italy were deserted at night, perhaps Giacomo Felice should not have rushed at a speed of one hundred and twenty kilometers per hour. But he was not alone, as it turned out that a fellow lover of fast driving was “flying” towards him, at a similar speed. The collision could not be avoided. This is where the surname Giacomo came true, Felice means “happy” in Italian, the Ferrari is in pieces, and the driver is safe and sound. However, the driver of the oncoming car, it turns out, was also not injured. As it turned out upon subsequent acquaintance, his name was... Giacomo Felice.

A good deed does not go unrewarded

Let the Milan traffic policeman Dino Quadri exceed the speed limit because he was chasing a traffic violator. When the pursued car suddenly braked sharp turn, the police car flew off the road and crashed into a tree. Quadri damaged an artery in his leg and was bleeding. Everything could have ended very tragically, but fortunately for a policeman, Leone Reggiani, who was passing by, was able to stop the bleeding. Three years later, Quadri received a radiotelephone message about a car accident near Milan. The policeman was the first to arrive at the scene of the accident and saw the driver with an injured leg, bleeding. Having provided him with the necessary assistance, Dino was able to examine the driver and recognized him as... Leone Reggiani.

Several years ago, when I was in the eleventh grade, a woman came to our school and tried to encourage us to enter a well-known university. By the way, why she came to our small town and ended up in our school is still unclear to me.

Their university was planning an Open Day and inviting high school students from all over the country to look at the university and persuade their parents that this particular university is worthy of attention and will give best education for their child. Of course, children do not have money for travel, and not every parent will let their child go God knows where and with whom. However, the woman guaranteed to pay for travel and food. All that was left to do was talk the parents out of it.

That same day has arrived. We arrived at the station and waited for our train. So that it wouldn’t be so scary to go on my own, I talked my classmate into taking on such an adventure. On the train, we met many of our peers from other schools, who were also traveling to see “that same” university.

Among all the kids, I met a girl from a neighboring school - Sonya - and forgot about my classmate, whom I dragged along with me. Sonya and I walked together around a strange city and even, moving away from our excursion, managed to get lost.

Upon arriving home, Sonya and I did not stop communicating: we walked together, talked on the phone for hours, stayed at each other’s houses overnight. One winter day, when we were sitting at her house and playing Monopoly, I met her sister Zhanna. Zhanna suggested that I add her as a friend on social networks so that I could rate her photos.

I didn’t have a computer at that time, although thanks to Sonya I was an active user of the social network. She helped me install the Internet on my phone and I sat on it for hours.

You probably don’t understand what the connection is between the university, a friend, her sister and... a love story? But there really is a connection! It was all a series of events, without which nothing would have happened. But I won’t get ahead of myself.

The next day, Sonya and I went to the village to visit her relatives. That's where it all started. In the evening we were late for the train and didn’t get to the disco in the neighboring village, so we had to stay at home. We were bored and just surfed the Internet. I went to Zhanna’s page so that, as she asked, I could rate her photos. There I saw a lively debate on the topic of love. Since I always get involved in any conversation, this time I also couldn’t remain silent. Word for word, and I started a conversation with nice guy. Gradually we moved into a personal conversation. It turned out that he was serving in the army and still had more than two months before demobilization. We talked with Vitya every day and started calling each other. We got to know each other more and looked forward to meeting.

Spring has finally arrived! On April 21, he retired from the army and came to me. We met and walked for a long time along the embankment and avenue. And then they kissed. Three years have passed since that day and we are still together.

This means that if the rector of the university had not then taken it into his head to hold an Open Day, if that woman had not come to our small town, if I had not met Sonya and then Zhanna, if we had simply not missed the train and left for disco - all this would not have happened. Thanks to fate. I know for sure: coincidences are not accidental.

Victoria, Saratov

Psychologist's comment:

In psychology, it is believed that there really are no accidents - there are only certain patterns. But in order for fate to give us a gift - for example, great love - we need to be prepared for it.

Graduation from school is one of those periods when many opportunities open up before us, and it’s great if we manage to successfully use them. And in this sense, it is very possible to control your destiny and benefit from such “accidents”.

What did our heroine Victoria do so that the described chain of “accidents” would help her find her love?

First of all, she was open to everything new that came into her life. This is very important. After all, if you sit at home and wait for an Interesting Opportunity to knock on your door, you can wait your whole life. Victoria did not lose the opportunity to visit interesting place- another city. She could have immediately said no, but she found something valuable and important for herself in this woman's proposal.

Secondly (and this is very important!) our heroine acted wisely, observing precautions and safety measures. She didn’t rush off without looking somewhere: she took a friend with her, and on the way to another city she was able to strike up friendships with other guys who were going to the same university (including a girl, communication with whom would later lead her to her loved one ).

In addition, Victoria easily and happily began to use technologies that she had not mastered before. This turned out to be important: how else would she be able to meet Victor without a computer?

And finally, one more thing that helped Victoria find her love was the girl’s ability to openly share her beliefs about important areas of life (such as love and relationships). Regular, “small” conversation about anything on the Internet does not provide the opportunity to get to know other people as they really are. But when our heroine got involved in a conversation on such a burning topic as relationships, she was able to show herself as she is, from a very personal side, and at the same time see Victor, who, apparently, was also talking about himself and his experiences quite frankly.

Sometimes such a conversation about important topics can move a relationship further than talking for days about nothing (even if the relationship has not yet begun). Our heroine was not afraid and joined in such a conversation, and met a man who shares important views for her - and this, as we know, is one of the main signs of a long and harmonious relationship.

B Are there any coincidences?

At every moment of our life we ​​are faced with huge amount information. We live in a world filled with color, smell, noise, emotions, sensations, energies and God knows what else. Do we perceive all of this? No. Thanks to the presence of filters in our lives (biological, individual, social, etc., etc.), we notice only a small fraction of what the world provides us.

Our subconscious simply does not allow our conscious mind to overexert itself. It says what is important for us at this moment, selects and organizes information for holistic perception. Most thoughts that arise “about” do not linger and rush past. Even from the small fraction that we are aware of, how much do we attach importance to? “I didn’t even notice” - isn’t it a familiar expression? In the same situation, one person will pay attention to one thing, and the second will pay attention to another. Psychologists can explain this for a long time by differences in “world maps”, values, attitudes... Most people will think that this is an accident and means absolutely nothing.

But maybe everything we pay attention to has meaning and is some kind of sign? If you are itching left palm- and you pay attention to it - that means it matters. Everything you pay attention to is significant. In other words, there are no coincidences. There is nothing in life that doesn't matter. Every sign, every action and event, every fact, every thing - everything that we pay attention to can be traced in the past and noted in the present. Everything that we pay attention to at this moment also has its continuation and significance in the future. Everything can be interpreted. Castaneda wrote very well about signs. We choose what to pay attention to. Some people pay attention to the beautiful flowers in street flower beds, the smiles on the faces of people around them, others - to garbage dumps. In most cases, this is an unconscious choice. But we can use our minds to monitor our choices. If we notice that we only see the negative, then we can heed that warning and look for the good.

We instinctively pay attention to the signs we believe in. Remember that only those signs in which we believe play a role in our lives. We can do the same in other situations.
When I need to make a choice between two seemingly equal goods, make a decision to do something or not to do something, to go or stay, in general, in any situation of choice “from two”, I will use the following technique. I assign an apple to each of the two choices. Thinking about the first situation, I imagine an apple on the inner screen. How big it is, how small it is, what color, smell, freshness it has, how much I like it. Thinking about a different situation, I again imagine an apple, but this is a different apple. I can’t really evaluate choice situations, but I can evaluate apples. And the one that I liked more on my internal screen will symbolize the choice that is preferable. You can also find out the answer to a question that requires you to determine “yes” or “no.” If you imagine the most delicious apple– naturally – “yes”, but if – not really – then most likely the answer will be “no”.

At any moment our consciousness isolates from surrounding reality a certain subject. You can allow your impressions to spread in more detail and describe everything you feel in relation to this thing. What do you feel (smell, sight, taste, feeling, imagination), what assessment (good or bad) do you give to what is happening, etc. Let the images that arise in your mind speak to you. Translate any metaphors into useful information. As with allegory, let your imagery and metaphors tell you what you want to know.

The Universe already has an answer to any question that arises. What if the question/thought flashed through quickly and didn’t stick? But there is still an answer to it. And when we pay attention to the signs sent to us by the Universe, the most interesting thing is to know the question to which you see the answer.

And remember, every choice we make today contains a decision about what we want to face tomorrow.

Secret signs of fate: non-random encounters. Coincidences are not accidental

Even if you don’t believe in fate, sometimes events still happen that are simply impossible to believe in randomness, and which are very difficult to call coincidences. From meeting your own doppelganger to two identical cars in the same parking lot, it’s hard to pass by these bright examples without taking a photo to publish online.

Ahead of you is a collection of pictures on the theme of incredible coincidences, the coincidence of which is extremely difficult to believe. No one knows if these photos are faked or if it's just fate, it's up to you to decide.

1. A nurse in one of the American hospitals suddenly learned that the same premature baby she cared for 28 years ago was working among the local doctors!

2. A dog named Flirt (left) and a random stranger who also doesn’t have an eye. These dogs seem to be literally copies of each other, although if you look closely, there is still a difference.

3. According to the owner of this photo, his cousin once upon a time appeared in a photograph of his future wife’s family while on vacation in Rio de Janeiro. Cousin can be found on the left in the background. After 7 years they met and became husband and wife.

4. A similar incident happened to a couple from China. The husband and wife found out that they were in the same photo as teenagers, without knowing each other at all.

5. When your Uber partner driver comes to pick you up and he turns out to be a slimmer, mustachioed version of yourself...

6. Pigeons can draw their own portraits. True, it's not simple paint, and the brushes were not useful for her...

7. Before meeting at the wedding, these guys didn’t know each other, but they clearly look like brothers, and they also accidentally dressed the same.

8. The author of the photo is the father of this girl. He shared with users a story about how his daughter injured her chin, and that same day she found very appropriate words in a fortune cookie: “Time heals all wounds. Higher chin." In Russian it would be more accurate to say “higher your nose,” but then the meaning of the pun is lost.

9. The photograph shows the reunion of 2 brothers, one of whom had just returned from long journey, and by chance they dressed almost identically.

10. And here is the same rock on which the photo for the packaging of the sweet bar was taken.

11. Hands of father and son. The father lost the tip of his index finger when he was 10 years old, and his son index finger just grew short.

12. According to the owner of this photograph, it proves an incredible coincidence. Just recently this man got married. He and his wife thought they met when they were both in their 20s. Then they found out that their mothers were best friends in , and this old photo was the first photo of the couple together, which they even took with them to the wedding for fun. guests.

13. When the doctor noticed the resemblance of his patient to the hero of the illustration on the wall.

14. Here are 2 almost identical photographs taken by a guy and a girl who met only 3 years after this concert. They stood next to each other, but then they did not yet know that they would become a couple.

15. Just a bird with a small shark in its claws that caught a fish. The food chain is visual.

16. Three cars of the same model and color were parked near a building of almost the same color.

17. This dragonfly’s body fits almost perfectly under the swimming trunks of the author of the photo.

18. The cat threw the aquarium off the table, but this fish was clearly lucky. What is the probability that an aquarium full of water will turn over so successfully, falling to the floor from a height?

19. After the storm. Someone escaped with a slight fright!

20. The legs of your work colleagues are in front of you. A man was born with 6 toes on his left foot, and a woman with 4 on her right. They could probably make a good team.

21. The inscription on the road poster reads: “Fantastic coup.”

22. Someone's phone case just blends perfectly with the pattern of a 1982 wood table from the school library.

23. This guy found some really funny lyrics in his fortune cookies. First, a note with the inscription “Love is coming” was opened, and after it there was a passage with the word “Love”. What a coincidence!

25. Just a check. The bill amount and the wish at the end look quite ironic together. The inscription reads: “Rely on God completely.”

26. This girl found herself practically the only passenger when she mistakenly booked a ticket for a flight intended exclusively for the flight crew.

27. This stuck pebble just perfectly matched the pattern on the shoe sole.

28. This guy's name is Ken, and in an ordinary store he came across a miniature version of himself.

29. Stephen Hawking died on Albert Einstein's birthday. Two brilliant physicists, and one date for two...

30. This pebble is just perfectly round!

31. The author of the photo said that he found this piece of old wallpaper in his home after renovation. The previous owners lived here back in the 1970s, and by an incredible coincidence, the new tenant painted his walls the same color and pattern that adorned the house 40 years ago.

32. The serial number on a pizza cutter can be read as the word "pizza".

33. This young dog can't lift his right ear, just like the 3-year-old dog next to him. The owner of an adult male German Shepherd took little puppy, not immediately noticing this similarity between two dogs that were initially strangers to each other.

34. If you reassemble these cars, they will turn out to be a couple of same-color pickups.

35. Have you ever seen a triple banana?