Accurate horoscope for the tiger for the year. Famous people who were born in the year of the Tiger. Detailed characteristics of the Tiger sign

A bright time awaits you in love. The Year of the Monkey is celebrated strong emotions, sometimes Tigers will feel vulnerable and even irritated by the instability of their own feelings. However, the period offers to strengthen relationships, despite difficulties. You may have to learn new ways to interact with your loved one.

Representatives of your sign have a lot in common with the patroness of 2016, the Monkey - a love of adventure, perseverance in achieving goals and self-confidence. Remember, to be lucky in love, you need to follow the fast dynamics of the year. Important Steps In relationships, Tigers must do things on their own. If your qualities include courage and enterprise, romantic stories will bring joy and pleasure. Many Tigers will have to enter a new family life.

But if romance novels in 2016 will be unsuccessful, you should analyze the situation and realize your mistakes. Most likely, problems arise when the relationship moves to a more serious level after the initial romantic period. It is at this time that the Tiger can become capricious and begin to irritate his partner. If you are disappointed in love, look for the reason in yourself. However, keep in mind that the accumulated experience should be used for self-improvement, and not for cultivating a negative opinion about yourself. Highlight the important without being distracted by unimportant details, and draw the right conclusions.

ABOUT love compatibility Read Tiger with other signs.

Chinese horoscope for Tiger's career and finances for 2016

In terms of work and business, Tigers will demonstrate enthusiasm, competence and hard work, so climbing up career ladder won't last long. Don’t chase two birds with one stone at the same time; it’s better to clearly define the goal and consistently move towards it. Try to get out of your comfort zone, then life will offer you more attractive prospects. Don’t be afraid of change and look confidently into the future, because in 2016 you are under the protection of the symbol of the year - the Monkey.

Success in professional development will significantly improve the Tiger's financial situation. A good time awaits those who have recently completed their education and started working. There is a possibility of job changes, especially for those working in education and research. Some delays in the implementation of business goals may test one's patience, but it is better not to force things and prefer the natural development of the situation. Everything will come in due time, there is no point in being upset.

In 2016, you can afford more than usual, for example, fulfill your old dream of traveling or buy expensive things. However, the horoscope warns that money should be viewed as a means and not as an end. The monkey does not like greedy people, try not to be among them.

The stars recommend that the Tiger live within his own financial resources and, if possible, not take out loans or borrow money. It is also undesirable to lend large sums. Avoid getting involved in litigation. Beware of investing money in opening new businesses and buying real estate in 2016, there is a high probability of losing money.


Those born under the sign of the Tiger have a huge supply of vital energy and love sports and physical activities. They tend to care about their appearance and health in order to stay in good shape. But they are characterized by instability; they can switch from optimism to periods of melancholy. It is important to maintain a balance to avoid this. Health problems in 2016 may include varicose veins, anemia and skin diseases. At the same time, Tigers have a high body potential, and their ability to recover is truly amazing.

The Year of the Monkey is suitable for renovating your home to feel comfortable in it and spend more time with your family. Cozy space, wicker and wooden furniture, houseplants, home decor in green and blue tones will charge you with positive energy and attract well-being. Maintain well-being good level Herbal teas, avoiding heavy foods and practicing meditation will help.

Have you ever seen a real tiger? So you – representatives of the Tiger sign according to the Eastern esoteric system – are exactly the same. Bright, unusual, attractive, powerful, passionate and energetic! At the same time, in 2016, the most important thing for you will be not to succumb to those negative, negative, dark urges that are rhythmically swaying somewhere in the depths of your, in general, bright soul. In short, under no circumstances should you follow your selfish desires. This will have an extremely negative impact both on work and finance, and in personal relationships. If the Tiger manages to control his nature, then in terms of personal relationships he will experience an unforgettable time, full of the most amazing events. This will probably be a particularly bright, perhaps even fateful year for lonely Tigers. In terms of work and finance, the Red Monkey will try to “set fire” to the Tiger, and this may well succeed (after all, the nominal element of the Tiger is wood). That is, you need to behave as restrained as possible, otherwise you might please... well, let’s not talk about sad things. After all, no special efforts are required from representatives of this sign. As Kozma Prutkov used to say, if you want to be happy, be it! Everything is really simple, just set yourself a clear goal and don’t deviate from the intended direction. In 2016, the Tiger will face many temptations, but all of them will be surmountable, that’s a fact. So you shouldn’t complain about the circumstances if you didn’t manage to “control your hormones” in time. Horoscope for 2016 for the Water Tiger (1962) The Water Tiger is a fighter, and therefore the year of the Fire Monkey, dynamic in all respects, will definitely appeal to him. The main thing is not to get too carried away, because the Water Tiger, along with courage and dedication, is also characterized by impulsiveness and thoughtlessness. In terms of personal relationships, everything will work out better than you can imagine. Someone will even risk allowing themselves to have an “affair on the side.” How to look your other half in the eyes later is a different question, and everyone solves this problem themselves. In fact, the sensory-emotional direction for the Water Tiger in 2016 will indeed be successful in all plans and aspects. As for the sphere of work and finance, some problems are possible here, but only because the Water Tiger is extremely fair and honest. You shouldn’t bend to the world around you, even if the situation seems hopeless. As they say, it is better to change your job than your own principles.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Wood Tiger (1974) The Wooden Tiger is called such not at all because of its intellectual capabilities. In fact, this sign works well in a team and is an ideal performer. In 2016, this quality of the Wooden Tiger will manifest itself from an unexpected side. This sign is not characterized by the position of a leader; he is more of a partner than a leader, and the year of the Red Monkey will allow this feature of the Wood Tiger to directly influence the development of the professional side of his life. In general, now there is a high probability of starting your own business together with one of your friends or relatives. In terms of personal relationships a year will pass calm, but at certain moments – quite bright. Not everything will always turn out unambiguously and positively, but if negative situations are destined to manifest themselves, then the pessimism of the Wooden Tiger will be to blame.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Fire Tiger (1986) The Fire Tiger in the year of the Fire Monkey will feel at the height of bliss! In 2016, representatives of this sign will experience many bright, exceptional moments. The irrepressible dynamics of this year will be as harmonious as possible with the even more irrepressible dynamics of the Tiger itself. So in the realm of work and finance, there is no need to think about anything other than the end goal. The Fire Tiger can now go, as they say, ahead, despite the opinions of envious people and competitors (quite numerous, it must be said). In the first months of the year, it may seem to the Tiger that everything around him is “working” very slowly, but in the end he will understand that few of his actions can keep up with his own thoughts. In terms of personal relationships, this will not cause problems; rather, on the contrary, it will “turn up the heat.” So the relationship between the Fire Tiger will be bright and in many ways unforgettable.

Horoscope for 2016 for the Earth Tiger (1938, 1998) The life of the Earth Tiger in 2016 may not be as impressive and positive as that of its “brothers” from other natural directions. The fact is that representatives of this sign can be overly stubborn, their determination does them credit, but the inability to hear or at least take into account other opinions is a clear disadvantage, which the Red Monkey will not fail to point out. And more than once, so you will have to remain extra vigilant all year in the areas of work and finance. You also need to learn to listen to others and make decisions collectively. Of course, this is not always necessary, but it will not be superfluous. In love affairs, the situation will be exactly the opposite. Here the Earth Tiger will suddenly become passive and indifferent. How to get out of such a state is a secondary question, much more important is why. And in this situation, the Tiger will be helped (or not helped) by his significant other, who will popularly explain the “party policy.”

Horoscope for 2016 for the Metal Tiger (1950, 2010) In the year of the Fire Monkey, the Metal Tiger will be especially lucky in the areas of work and finance. Although, if you look at it, it’s not a matter of luck at all, but the fact that representatives of this sign know how to do everything on time. The Metal Tiger is a successful leader, so let him not forget about this and use his innate diplomatic talents to achieve his business goals. But in the direction of personal relationships, everything will be a little more complicated, because the fate of the Metal Tiger is such that his passions invariably are not the most “standard specimens”. But otherwise it would be boring, wouldn't it? Therefore, you shouldn’t even try to find a calmer fate for yourself; it’s much better to “work” with what you already have. As a result, this will bring satisfaction and untold pleasure to the Metal Tiger.

The eastern horoscope for 2016 for the zodiac sign Tiger is generalized astrological forecast events for 2016 typical for all representatives of your zodiac sign. To more accurately present the upcoming events of 2016, it is necessary to compile personal horoscope for 2016.

The horoscope for 2016 for the Tiger says that people born this year are among those to whom the Monkey is clearly favorable.

In the Chinese theory of the Five Elements, the Monkey contains mainly fire. The tiger contains mainly wood. Wood helps Fire to burn. It is the mother of the Fire Element. Mother and child will not fight each other. Thus, the Tiger and the Monkey can get along, they have a mutual attraction, so the year of the Monkey for the Tiger promises to be quite prosperous.

2016 for the Tiger should be a year in which he learns to see more broadly, to consider phenomena in their totality, to see both the main and the secondary. If everything goes well, the Tiger needs to learn to see what is behind it. Perhaps someone wants to harm you out of envy. Be that as it may, you should not be dizzy with success, otherwise success may turn into disappointment.

Tiger in the Year of the Monkey expects 11 lucky months and one neutral month! Tigers are the obvious darlings of Fate this year. Nothing can make you turn back.

Do you have a big dream? Take advantage of the moment! This is a wonderful time to make changes in your life. Take some time to think carefully so you can then step forward and “lead the parade”! Good luck awaits you in all areas of your life.

Keep your eyes wide open for great opportunities.


The horoscope for 2016 predicts the Tiger an increase in efficiency and an expansion of the range of responsibilities and excellent opportunities for career growth. It is no exaggeration to say that practically nothing can stop you on your career path. For the Tiger, the Year of the Monkey is the year of leadership. People will support you. Another question is: do you know what to do about it?

This is a good time to express your creativity, a time to open your heart and soul to new projects and challenges. Whatever path you choose, you will have enough strength and energy to move along it. Your possibilities will only be limited by your imagination, so try to make your dreams sky-high!


In the love sphere, the horoscope for 2016 promises prosperity for the Tiger; they will develop quite well.

If you already have a boyfriend or girlfriend, then it’s only a matter of time for your relationship to become closer. People born in the years of the Tiger, Monkey and Dog are very suitable partners for romantic relationships.

If your current relationship is unstable, then you should be careful about the things that negatively affect it and contribute to the emergence of disputes and contradictions between you.

You need to constantly work on your relationship and not allow your emotions and love to cool down. Otherwise, there is a chance that you will have a more successful opponent or rival.


Tigers will be full of energy in the Year of the Monkey. Waiting for them great mood. Tigers should increase their time outdoors.

Hands and feet may be vulnerable, so attention should be paid to their safety. For example, before you do exercises, you should warm them up enough to avoid injury. If you have problems due to cardiovascular diseases or diseases of the digestive system, then it’s time to pay attention to them and begin treatment and prevention.


This year is definitely very lucky for the Tiger in the field material well-being. This is the time when all big ideas will have to pay off. Money luck will be waiting for you everywhere and money will come from different, sometimes completely unexpected sources, including finding money on the street or winning the lottery. The source of this cash flow will be your undoubted talent: making sure everything works out. Your entrepreneurial spirit will give you the power to say “Well, I told you so” to the naysayers around you when you make your first million.

However, you should use your income wisely, and in order to receive it, you will have to invest a lot of energy and time, doing your work carefully.

Then you can count not on random income, but on a stable and reliable income. This year provides you with investment opportunities. However, investments must be well thought out and all risks must be taken into account. In any case, if you are focused on your career, you can rest assured about your financial well-being.

So, the motto of the Tiger in the year of the Monkey is “Focus, energy and development.” This is what will bring you good luck in 2016.

People born under this sign are always endowed with leadership qualities. They love novelty and promising paths, set bold goals for themselves and achieve them. Tigers are usually very obliging and impulsive, they can inhale new idea join the team and lead. True, they themselves cannot always separate a rational idea from an adventure. Tigers love adventure and often take risks. Adrenaline is most important to them, so representatives of this sign often choose dangerous professions and love to do extreme sports.

They are impulsive and often act based on emotions rather than common sense. They are respected by those around them, but sometimes they are openly afraid, since Tigers are not always predictable. Nevertheless, it is the Tigers who need to be entrusted with new tasks and projects - they will be able to implement them better than anyone else.

What awaits the Tigers in 2016

The year is very ambiguous for this sign. Happiness and success will only accompany those who are determined to work hard and hard.. If you work tirelessly every day, the stars will appreciate it, and the Tigers will experience simply amazing success, which they did not expect even in their wildest dreams. This could be a career takeoff or a new money job, a good position or a successful marriage, a change of residence or an opening own business.

Those Tigers who cannot overcome their laziness will be content with little, and change is unlikely to affect them. Well, a lot of problems and troubles await the completely lazy. So you need to devote the whole year to work.

Particularly favorable for this autumn is the time to maximize the implementation of your projects and achieve your goals. The year promises to be full of interesting events and activities. The Tiger will have no time to be bored, especially since some changes await him in his personal life.

Horoscope for a man

It is very important for this sign to feel important, and therefore men will strive to take a leadership position and climb the career ladder. This will be their number one task. They may have to somewhat moderate their natural optimism and look at the world more realistically. Fate will present the Tiger with a number of difficult tasks, from which he can either emerge with honor or fail and be disappointed. But most likely, ambitious Tigers will try to resolve the situation themselves, and a favorable outcome will significantly strengthen their authority.

The year is very favorable for making new acquaintances and friends, looking for patrons and sponsors.

Also great time to start a family However, young men will have to make a lot of effort to please the parents of their chosen one. Tigers do not really like to obey, but in this case it is necessary to demonstrate their humility. good time to open your own business or change jobs. Although you shouldn’t completely cut off all ties with your previous colleagues, you may still need their experience in the future.

Horoscope for a woman

Women who were born under this sign should remember that deceit and cunning this year can only bring them harm. After all, the mistress of the year, the Fire Monkey, herself possesses these qualities and will not allow anyone else to use these tricks.

So you will have to moderate your ardor somewhat and use more correct methods to achieve your goals. For working women this year there is a high probability of earning big money with their intelligence and perseverance.. This year you can make bolder requests for career advancement and do not hesitate to demonstrate your talents.

You should be more attentive to your friends, and show more care and compassion in your family. A great year for joint vacations and romantic dinners. For families that have been living for a long time, it would be useful to introduce an element of novelty. That's why long journeys are very welcome, especially in summer and early autumn. Finance, by the way, will allow you to fulfill your wildest desires, so plan safely long trips on long time . Don't miss your chance - such an opportunity is unlikely to present itself in 2017.

Love horoscope for 2016

The year is outwardly stormy and full of love experiences. But you should be careful in relationships. Tigers risk getting bogged down in squabbles and scandals. This can lead to resentment of one of the partners and provoke a breakup. If the Tigers have not yet met their destiny, then in the Year of the Monkey it will be extremely difficult to do so. All relationships that begin during this period will be extremely short-lived and fleeting. If there is a pause in the relationship, you need to use this time for self-improvement. It is worth reconsidering your views on life and somewhat changing your attitude towards your partner. You shouldn’t demand too much from a person at once; this pushes people away even at the dating stage. There is a high probability of entering into several relationships at once, and it will be difficult for loving Tigers to do right choice. Because of these tossing and turning, they risk being left alone. Don't be afraid to be persistent - because of your uncertainty and caution, you may miss your destiny.

Those Tigers who are married may experience boredom and a feeling of dissatisfaction.

Money horoscope for 2016

The year is calm financially, Tigers can relax and calm down. Fate will throw money projects at them every now and then, and many will even be able to increase their capital. The time when you can safely invest money in investments and new projects; they will soon bring good dividends. Don't be afraid to make expensive purchases; you won't find a more favorable time. All investments will be very successful, and the year of the Monkey is simply ideal for buying real estate, a car, expensive furniture, and so on.

Tigers will not have to work hard to increase their capital; the money itself will come into their hands. Don’t forget to thank your fate - make donations to good causes and do not refuse those who borrow from you. Moreover, all the money will come back to you a hundredfold.

At the end of the year, you will have big expenses that will be very pleasant for you.. Finally, you will be able to buy expensive things not only for yourself, but also for friends and relatives. Don’t even think about saving - the more you spend during this period, the more you will start earning.

Career horoscope for 2016

It's hard to climb the career ladder when you don't want to. Tigers will feel that their colleagues are having a more successful career. But the whole point is that internally, representatives of this sign themselves do not know what they want to achieve. That's why it is important to plan your actions for the year and determine priorities. Only then will luck turn its face towards you. You shouldn’t implement your plans too quickly, so as not to seem too fussy from the outside. Go towards the goal gradually, consolidating every success, even the most minimal.

At the beginning of the year, the Tigers will receive a tempting offer regarding new job. You will probably be offered a long business trip, possibly abroad. Agree immediately, this is a great chance for your professional growth.

Just remember to consult your loved ones about this so that it doesn’t look like your career is more important than your relationship. Don't tell too many people about your plans to avoid competition.

Health horoscope for 2016

The main focus throughout the year should be on nutrition. The stars are positioned in such a way that many representatives of this sign may experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract. There is a high probability of chronic exacerbations or severe forms of the disease, to such an extent that you will have to go to the hospital. This is especially true for those who do not closely monitor their diet and do not follow a food intake schedule. It is also necessary to refuse bad habits or at least minimize them. But this particular year - perfect time in order to finally quit smoking and drinking alcohol. This will happen relatively easily.

Pay attention to your skin- possible manifestations of dermatitis and allergies. Tigers may also have heart problems. You should start treatment immediately, because there is a high risk of developing the disease. Tigers need to learn to be calmer and react less emotionally to stress. If you cannot control your nerves on your own, take sedative drops. Remember that all diseases are caused by nerves.

Famous people who were born in the year of the Tiger:

Rudolf Nureyev, Queen Elizabeth II, Alexander II, Peter Wrangel, Vyacheslav Molotov, Yuri Andropov, Karl Marx, Romain Rolland, Ho Chi Minh, Ludwig van Beethoven, Tom Cruise, Isadora Duncan, Jodie Foster, Marilyn Monroe, Demi Moore, Ivan the Terrible , Charles de Gaulle, Leonardo DiCaprio, Agatha Christie.

Other horoscopes for 2016

Eastern horoscope for 2016

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Chinese horoscope For 2016, the Tiger predicts that the concept of wholes and the meaning of life will improve. There will be a clear awareness of the mistakes made in the previous year.

You will make all the necessary changes to become a better person. All the goals set last year will be achieved, you will be very happy about the success.

Mercury and Venus will have a great influence on the sign of the Tiger. You will feel anxious and vulnerable. This will lead you to become dependent on others and overwhelmed by the obstacles you face. It's worth taking it all in stride. If you stick to peace of mind, then from 2016 all hardships and dependencies will pass.

Tiger will achieve a lot in 2016, it will truly be a reason to celebrate.

All details must be considered in detail, and strategies must be clearly formulated. This will allow all plans to come true. Don't be afraid to take risks, look at life with optimism!

Love horoscope for Tiger for 2016

For 2016, the Chinese horoscope predicts married Tigers that they will have more opportunities to improve family relationships. The whole year is favorable for this. But the formation of new connections should be treated with caution.

Throughout the year, you should be more careful if you are planning a new relationship. In May, the Tiger will become emotionally stronger, after which you can start making new acquaintances.

Tigers, you must overcome the negative experiences of the past year and follow your intuition in a new relationship in 2016. A lot of romance and passion is expected in them, it’s worth trying the test of love!

Married people will face numerous problems at the beginning of 2016. Feelings of anxiety and disappointment will appear, which will affect your emotional state.

If you want to maintain your existing relationship, you will have to make numerous adjustments to it. Until May, your spouse will dominate the partnership and you will give in to his demands to maintain peace in the family. This is a good year to give birth or adopt a child.

Career horoscope for Tiger 2016

After April 2016, the career for representatives of the Tiger sign will be hectic, they will be burdened with many complex tasks. If it comes to new projects, there will be a lack of ideas and ignorance of how to proceed.

If you want to change your job, June 2016 will be the most favorable month for this. But, carefully study all prospects before deciding to take this important step.

The time from June to November 2016 should be used to improve your experience and eliminate any shortcomings that you felt during the previous year.

From September to December 2016- good period to communicate with work and business partners. You can use this period to increase your social contacts. This time is good for building new contacts and improving your business opportunities.

Financial horoscope for Tiger for 2016

Forecasts show that in the period from May to October 2016 there will be long-term planning of financial income and expenses. You should consider your budget situation and make any necessary adjustments. Be careful with unplanned expenses!

The main expenses in 2016 will be related to the renovation of your house or apartment. There will also be a temptation to spend money on luxury and unnecessary decorations for your home. Limit yourself to prevent unnecessary strain on your budget.

Planet Mercury will help you get a clear picture of financial condition business From May 2016 you can plan for future expenses.

Health horoscope for Tiger for 2016

The tiger in 2016 will be energetic, but the highest indicators vitality will be recorded at the beginning of the year. To achieve your goals, you should not rush, everything should be done one by one. This will help you avoid a nervous breakdown, slow down and get enough rest.

In the year of the Monkey, Tigers need to take up fitness. This will allow you to stay in good physical fitness and be young. Emotional health can be improved by avoiding conflicts with others.

The Chinese horoscope for Tigers says that July 2016 will be a test of endurance, after which self-confidence will appear. My vital energy must be directed for beneficial and necessary purposes. You will also need to follow a diet to improve your health.

Horoscope for the Tiger family for 2016

Relationships with family and friends will be filled with fun and enthusiasm in 2016, says Chinese compatibility horoscope predictions.

Feng Shui forecast for the Tiger for 2016

In 2016, Tigers may face some compatibility issues with your spouse or lover.

In conclusion, the Chinese horoscope predicts that this is a great time to take a break and analyze what you want to do with your life. You must remove emotional blocks from your life if you want to move forward.