Prophetic dreams and their interpretation. When prophetic dreams are dreamed and come true. Controlling destiny

Many people want to know their future. Some even try to resort to visiting fortune tellers or prophetesses. But from time to time, each of us may have the opportunity to slightly lift the veil of the distant or very near future. This can be done through prophetic dreams.

What dreams are prophetic?

Prophetic or prophetic is a dream in which the events that we see at night can be transferred to reality. Most often these are some kind of warnings. Higher powers, through dreams, try to warn us about dangerous situations or warn us about possible problems in reality. But dreams, prophetic dreams in particular, can be not only bad, carrying a negative message, but also joyful, which portend happiness. However, not all the dreams you see will necessarily come true. Often our night visions simply reflect what we think about during the day or several days, what we worry about or what we look forward to. And sometimes they are falsely prophetic. Often we independently try to delve into the interpretation of dreams; we want to see prophetic dreams in every dreamed story. And it happens that we ourselves subconsciously create situations in reality that will reflect what we have imagined. The plots that tell you something may also differ. So, you can see a situation that will then literally repeat itself in reality. And some visions are just symbols. They serve as clues to what might happen to you. For example, if a dog bites you, you may actually be quarreling with your friend. Each dream book explains such symbols in its own way.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

There are so-called days of prophetic dreams. This is the time when the likelihood of seeing a prophetic dream increases several times. It is worth saying that this phenomenon is quite rare. It is a common belief that you can see the prediction on the night from Thursday to Friday. Also, in the period from January 7 to January 19 - from Christmas to Epiphany, all dreams are considered to come true. Also in some lunar phases our night visions take on a deeper meaning and tend to come true. Such a phase, in particular, is the Full Moon. Depending on the calendar day, stories can be either true or empty. Also, on certain days, only dreams that carry either a positive message or a negative one can come true.

When will visions definitely not come true?

Each month there are several dates in which you only dream of empty images. No matter how symbolic and bright your vision may seem to you, on this day it is empty. These days of the month are the 2nd, 14th, 16th, 25th, 27th, 29th. There are also several situations and phenomena in which dreams are not endowed with prophetic properties:
  • visions on an empty stomach;
  • visions of people under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • dreams that came under the influence of sleeping pills;
  • visions of feverish, sick, delirious people;
  • for neuralgic disorders and unhealthy sleep.

What distinguishes prophetic dreams and dream interpretations?

As already mentioned, not every plot can come true in the future. To understand that a particular dream is truly prophetic, it is necessary for several factors to coincide. Firstly, these are the days of the month mentioned above. Secondly, such visions are endowed distinctive features. The plot in them is memorable and always complete, and the details that you need to pay attention to are vivid and etched into the memory for a long time. If all the signs coincide, and your inner voice suggests that this particular dream is a harbinger of something, you can safely turn to dream books for an interpretation of certain plots and images.

Dream Interpretation of Prophetic Dreams

In order to understand whether your dream is true, you must pay attention to when you had it. There are days and even weeks in the year when almost any dream comes true, and there are those when even the most seemingly “prophetic” dream is actually empty.

Dreams in the annual cycle

It's time for prophetic dreams - Christmas time. Christmas time is the period between Christmas (January 7) and Epiphany (January 19). At this time, their deceased ancestors (“parents”) come to believers, and a special place must be set for them at the festive Christmas table (on the afternoon of January 7th). “Parents” then suggest fate in a dream. Therefore, a dream you have during Christmas time always comes true, you just need to solve it correctly. Christmas Days- holidays, but at this time a person is in wait for evil spirits, which walks freely on earth, because, as Maria Semyonovna explained, “Jesus was born, but not yet baptized.” So the girls at Christmas time tell fortunes about their suitors and their fate, and the unclean one gives them the answer. He doesn’t lie, he tells the truth, but it’s just a sin to invite the unclean. He just doesn’t do anything, then he’ll take his toll. Therefore, if anyone has been guessing at Christmas time, then they need to repent. Not only on Christmastide, but on any holiday you can dream about prophetic dream, but it must come true before lunch (before noon) holiday. That’s what they used to say in the old days: “A festive nap is before lunch.” A prophetic dream occurs on the third day of every month, and on the twenty-fifth the dream will be empty.


Friday is a special day, on Friday our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So on Friday Mother Friday, the holy martyr of Paraskeva, walks the earth, mourning the Savior. Holy Friday everyone more for women It helps seamstresses and women in labor if they observe the day - they don’t sew, don’t knit, don’t wash on Friday. And you don’t need to start any business on Friday - they will turn out to be a failure. On Friday, all dreams are true, everyone can predict their fate. But 12 Good Fridays are especially honored; dreams for these days are the most accurate. These Fridays are called “temporary”.

Temporary (nominal) Fridays

1st - in the first week of Great Lent.

3rd - on Palm Week.

4th - before the Ascension.

5th - before Trinity Day.

These twelve Fridays are also called nominal because each of them has its own name, for example, Annunciation Friday, Assumption Friday, etc.; Each of them is associated with some event from Old Testament history, as, for example, about the first Friday it was said in the ancient books that “on the first Friday of the month of March, Adam transgressed the commandment of God, and was quickly expelled from paradise,” etc. Each of On Fridays, some special grace is attributed, for example: “Whoever fasts on the first of these Fridays will be delivered from sudden death.” If a person observes Fridays, that is, fasts and abstains from housework, then after the sixth of 12 Fridays, St. Friday will appear to him in a dream and reveal half of his future; after the twelfth Friday she will tell him his whole future.

Other days of the week

From Sunday to Monday I have all sorts of dreams, some may be prophetic, some may be empty. From Sunday to Monday they make wishes for sleep.

* From Monday to Tuesday – empty dreams.

* From Tuesday to Wednesday – dreams come true.

* From Wednesday to Thursday – empty dreams.

* From Thursday to Friday – dreams come true (usually within three years, but can come true earlier).

* From Friday to Saturday - empty dreams.

* From Saturday to Sunday – the dream can come true before lunch.

However, one must keep in mind that visionary dreams are always true and that if symbols are repeated in a dream, then, regardless of the day of the week, such dreams are prophetic. The day on which the dream occurred is only auxiliary knowledge.

Times of Day

A day dream will almost always be empty (except for visions) because it refers to the past. During evening or night sleep, the soul just begins to move away from the body, so prophetic images are replaced by bodily images. It is especially difficult to make out such a dream; it often turns out to be empty. The most reliable is a morning dream, because the soul has already moved away from the body, has forgotten the impressions of the day and sees the phenomena of the heavenly world.

Without any exaggeration, we can say that our exclusive service Dream Book of Juno online - from more than 75 dream books - is on at the moment most big dream book in Runet. From October 2008 to the present day it includes greatest number interpretation of dreams of all symbols and images from different dream books- both folk and written by various authors, including well-known interpreters of dreams, as well as little-known, but nevertheless, talented and noteworthy authors.

We have carefully selected the best sources for you and combined them all on one website, so using our service is both convenient and most informative. You can find here answers to all questions about the interpretation of dreams, find out the meaning of a dream on any topic by reading dozens of interpretations of the symbols that you dreamed of and choosing from them the one that “hooks” you the most - as a rule, this is the answer to the question - which means a dream that you personally had and specifically at this time.

For even more clarity in the interpretation of your sleep, if the need arises, in addition to the dream book, you can use additional information in the Juno section - Articles on the interpretation of dreams, where you will find a lot of interesting and useful articles on how to find out the meaning of a dream, on what days you have prophetic dreams, how to work with a dream, etc. for example, you will be interested to know that the most vivid and memorable dreams occur during the full moon; at this time many dreams occur. Dreams on the waning moon reflect your psychological states and help in self-analysis. What you dreamed about on the waxing Moon requires implementation in reality - pay attention to this special attention. You will find out what days of the week and lunar day Some dreams are empty, some are prophetic. For example, it is believed that what was dreamed at 3, 4, 7, 8, 12, etc. lunar days, come true, but in 29, 1, 2, etc. - about practically nothing). Important dreams occur on dates of the month such as 1, 3, 4, etc. Remember also that daytime dreams are almost always empty. Only night ones matter, especially those that were dreamed in the morning.

Our Dream Book of Juno is free and presented in a convenient and beautiful shape, is divided into paragraphs and subheadings devoted to the interpretation of dreams of certain authors or nationalities, so that it can be used most easily and comfortably. Using the service is simple, namely:


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The collection of our service includes more than 75 dream books, many of which are available only to us, including such well-known and popular sources as Miller’s dream book (the most complete and, in fact, the first dream interpretation in the world), Vanga’s dream book (its name speaks for itself ), dream book of Nostradamus (world-famous astrologer and predictor), dream book of Freud (perhaps the most famous psychologist in the world), as well as interpretation of dreams different nations(Russian, ancient French, ancient Russian, Slavic, Mayan, Indian, Gypsy, Egyptian, Oriental, Chinese Yellow Emperor, Assyrian dream books), as well as author’s dream books different nationalities: Islamic Ibn Sirin, Chinese Zhou-gong, ancient Persian Taflisi, Italian dream books of Meneghetti and Roberti, Vedic of Sivananda, English of Zadkiel. The service includes such excellent sources of dream interpretation as the absolutely amazing American dream book famous writer Denise Lynn (according to the recommendation, the site is the best), Russian noble dream book Grishina, Tsvetkova, Loffa, Ivanova, Aesop, Veles, Hasse, Pythagoras (numerological), medieval Daniel, Cleopatra, Solomon, Zadeka, Azar, as well as modern universal, feminine, masculine, lunar, spiritual, culinary, love, children's fairy tales mythological, esoteric, catch phrases, characters, folk signs, mirror psychological states, dream interpreter, self-teaching dream book, dream book of health, past and future, psychological, psychoanalytic and many others. As you can see, the range of interpretations is very wide and everyone will find for themselves exactly the meaning of the dream that they were looking for.

The dream book widely presents the topic of love and personal relationships, but other topics are also covered in detail. Have pleasant dreams!

2008-2019 Dream Interpretations on Juno are presented for informational purposes only. All rights reserved. Copying is prohibited.

Since ancient times, the interpretation of prophetic dreams has been accessible to few. And, not because prophetic dreams are so “allegorical,” but rather because the interpretation of prophetic dreams is as individual as any other sensations and the manifestation of these sensations (both on the physical level and and on the spiritual).

Let's say love. So much has been said about her, treatises have been written, scientific works(psychologists, psychotherapists, philosophers), literary works. But this feeling is unique, individual, and the manifestation of this feeling does not fit any theory or scheme. Or, suppose, the work of the brain. After all, everyone is born with the same (with rare exceptions) weight gray matter. But, one is “dumb as a tree, was born a baobab, and will be a baobab for a thousand years until he dies,” and the other... becomes a brilliant artist, an unsurpassed master of words, or a unique composer... In addition, different peoples have different perceptions of reality, and hence the world of dreams is determined by this feature.

Here, for example. If you dream of a dead person (a deceased person) according to many dream books, this means bad weather. That is, either to rain or to a snowstorm. In general, to bad weather. This is based on general interpretation prophetic dreams. And, if we proceed from individuality, then this can be considered as the desire of the “departed for another world” to convey some information, to warn about something. And it is not at all necessary that such a prophetic dream will be dreamed by a relative of the deceased, or an acquaintance... Moreover. If a dream is “informational in nature” (transmits information), then not everyone is able to understand (unravel) it. Sometimes it happens that the one for whom the information is intended still receives it, even without suspecting it. In a word, this area (the area of ​​prophetic dreams) still remains an unsolved mystery, that is, an area of ​​the unknown and inexplicable.

If only everything could be explained by dream books... or get reliable answers. However, not everything is so simple. That is why, at one time, dream interpreters, trying to somehow systematize the relationship between reality and dreams, compiled dream books. Perhaps based on the postulate: “do no harm,” they recorded only part of the information, hiding the fundamental, that is, the essence itself. Or perhaps because they themselves did not know how, what and why. They simply stated it as a fait accompli. This will never be known now. Or, not everyone is given the ability to understand the essence. Both here, in this world, and there, in the Looking Glass, on the other side of existence.

But “not only the area of ​​prophetic dreams remains unsolved... For example, the ongoing debate about UFOs... Someone claims to have seen Unidentified Flying Objects personally. It only seems to someone that he saw them. There are many theories. There are no less versions. And each has the right to exist. Even the assumption that life on planet Earth did not arise “on its own” does not seem to be so vigorously contested. But the fact that the “Creator” is a representative of a more developed alien civilization continues to cause heated debate. Although, it would seem, this version is confirmed by many religions. And above all, by the circumstances that the “gods” descended from heaven...

A prophetic dream is a dream that predicts the near future, which subsequently occurs in reality.

Not everything we see during a night's rest comes true. Sometimes you may dream about certain events, people or places only because you think about them too much.

Thus, a nightmare in which someone is trying to catch up with a person indicates that he is worried about some problem or situation that causes negative emotions.

The opposite phenomenon is also possible, when the appearance of a lover in a dream is not predictive, since it is the person’s infatuation that causes his image during the dream. Not every person has a real prophetic dream. Most often, this ability manifests itself in people who have a predisposition to clairvoyance.

Classification of prophetic dreams

The phenomena in question may be literal or symbolic. During a literal prophetic dream, an event occurs that will later occur in reality.

At the same time, all the detail of the dream is preserved.
Things are more complicated with symbolic dreams, which are often a hint about an upcoming event, giving indirect hints using symbols.

It doesn’t matter at all whether the dream was negative or positive, the main thing is to interpret it correctly. The “clue” of a dream sometimes takes a very long time to figure out using dream books.

Thus, a broken bowl is usually dreamed of on the eve of deteriorating health. There are quite a lot of dream books capable of correctly interpreting a dream, so there should be no difficulties with the correct interpretation, but only if a person actually sees prophetic dreams.

Dreams by day of the month

  • On the 1st, a person sees a true prophetic dream, signifying a positive event.
  • On the 2nd, you usually have an empty, completely meaningless dream.
  • 3rd: events will be fulfilled in the near future.
  • 4th: an event coming true in the distant future.
  • 5th: what you see portends good.
  • 6th: dreams that come true in the distant future.
  • On the 7th, you dream of good events that come true only if you don’t tell anyone about them.
  • 8th: the dream promises the fulfillment of a wish.
  • 9th: a dream foretelling success in the near future.
  • On the 10th, you dream of events that promise trouble.
  • 11th: the event will come true within the next 11 days.
  • 12th: true favorable prophetic dream.
  • 13th: Trouble.
  • On the 14th I dream of empty events.
  • 15th: a pleasant event that will soon come true.
  • 16th: the meaning of the dream is missing.
  • 17th: execution in the next 20 days.
  • 18th: new clothes and material profit.
  • 19th: troubles in the family.
  • 20th: fast execution sleep.
  • 21st: similar meaning.
  • 22nd: imminent trouble.
  • 23rd: rapid fulfillment of sleep.
  • 24th: favorable fulfillment.
  • 25th: there is no truth in what he saw.
  • 26th: what you saw will come true in the near future.
  • 27th: no meaning.
  • 28th: ​​actions will come true within a month.
  • 29th: no meaning.
  • 30th: the likelihood of the event coming true is very low.
  • 31st: if the plot is love, it will come true within 15 days.

Dreams by day of the week

According to existing belief, the probability of a prophetic dream is determined by the day of the week. How true this is can only be found out by own experience, to do this, just keep a notebook to record your own dreams.

After some time, you can analyze the recordings, comparing what you saw with reality. In addition, patron planets are able to make adjustments, painting visions with other colors, giving them an additional, less global meaning.

  1. Monday is a day under the protection of the emotional moon. Everything that you dream about this night will be to some extent connected with emotional coloring, experiences and feelings. What is said in the dream book should be believed, but what is said in it will be fulfilled in bright emotional colors, and, most likely, you will have to worry more than it would be worth. Also, dreams this night may turn out to be ordinary, reflecting only emotional experiences, unfulfilled dreams and feelings. There is no need to expect that what you see will be repeated in reality, since the Moon is changeable and cunning.
  2. On Tuesday Most often, important dreams occur. Tuesday is under the auspices of Mars, the planet symbolizing strength and determination. Any promises in the dream book will be associated with fortitude. Any favorable vision will come true with the manifestation of strength, character and determination. Dreams on this day are prophetic, but require the manifestation of will to be fulfilled. If the interpreter indicates unpleasant predictions, you need to gather your courage and make efforts to prevent trouble.
  3. Airy Mercury is the patron of the environment and you definitely don’t need to show trust in him, since everything that appears in a dream on this day will remain only a hint and fantasy. But if the interpreter predicts incredible happiness or great wealth, then you definitely need to believe - this will help bring what you want into reality. It is worth remembering that everything on this day depends on the person, and not on the dream.
  4. Thursday is the day of Jupiter. During a night's rest you will see how things are and what the future prospects are. These visions tend to come true. The most trust should be shown in dreams that occurred on Thursday, since they are often prophetic. It is also worth remembering that everything seen on this day is connected with activity, and even in cases where dream books predict feelings, romance and love, it is necessary to rethink the meaning, translating it into a business channel.
  5. On Friday what you see in a dream should be believed. It is on this night, under the auspices of Venus, that one dreams of events that can later be accurately translated into reality. Most often they are associated with love and romance. Even if the dream book predicts profit or promotion, a rethinking of the vision in the direction of amorous affairs is required.
  6. Dreams seen on Saturday, have little chance of being translated into reality, so everything that is said by the interpreter rarely comes true in reality. Saturn dictates rules and patterns, which are often warnings or advice. On this night, not entirely bright and pleasant events are usually foreseen, which should be interpreted as advice or a warning that must be taken into account.
  7. Visions I had on Sunday night, are all-round wonderful. They are created by the sun, which represents life, love and happiness. You can safely forget any negative vision if you had a dream on Sunday. What you saw this night does not bode well.

The dreamer may at first find all this quite complicated; many prefer to neglect knowledge and not go into details, however, it is important to take into account the time of dreams, which will help to better understand the essence of the phenomenon in question; it is not for nothing that such importance has been attached to it since ancient times.

Dreams according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar will help determine the likelihood that what you see in a dream will come true:

  1. The waning moon will not allow dreams to come true in reality. Even if an anxious feeling arises, you should not attach importance to it. Most likely, you will see things that are best to get rid of as soon as possible.
  2. The waxing moon promotes the manifestation of a waking dream, so the events that you dreamed about this night will come true in the near future. Visions during this period are prophetic.
  3. The full moon has emotional impact to dream events. Any event seen during this period will become vivid and will be remembered for a long time.
  4. The new moon is considered a time of rebirth. What you see at night during this period will prepare a person for a new stage of his life. Such dreams often show what the dreamer's thoughts are currently focused on.
    A prophetic dream that was seen before the full moon usually comes true much faster than one that you saw after the full moon.

When do prophetic dreams occur?

Everything previously described is only an approximate system, since every person can see a prophetic dream on any day of the week.
Typically, such dreams are associated with a person’s emotions and brain activity.

Somnologists claim that a prophetic dream can be seen on any day, since in a dream a person receives some answer to his question, but in a veiled, peculiar form.

In addition, it is common for a person to negotiate with his own subconscious, which allows him to get an answer to any asked question for a specific simulated situation.

The occurrence of the dreams in question is likely both on the eve of the tragedy and after its occurrence. In the first case, such a dream causes the dreamer a pang in the chest and strong desire cry. In the second case, a person has an elevated emotional background, which contributes to the active functioning of the brain, which subsequently generates ways to solve the problem.

A prophetic dream can be seen on the night before a major religious holiday. These visions must be remembered well, since they often tend to come true. In addition, there is a high probability that the event will happen one on one. Sorcerers recommend paying attention to dreams in New Year's Eve or for a birthday.

Such dreams are also often prophetic. If you want the vision not to come true, you must tell it to the water. This element is capable of taking an event with it, neutralizing the danger. If you need a dream to come true, remain silent about it, not even telling your loved ones, otherwise there is a possibility that the dream will become empty.

How to induce a prophetic dream?

Not all of us are able to see such phenomena. If you manage to remember your own dream, then the first step towards prophetic dreams has already been taken. Otherwise, you will need to work on memorization. A moral adjustment is required. It is necessary to imagine in your own hands the object from the night’s dream. The waxing moon positively contributes to prophetic dreams. Also, do not forget to concentrate on the problem that you would like to solve in a dream.

Complete relaxation and calm are required. The room where you sleep should be dark and the air should be fresh. Before you go to bed, think about what you want to see in your dreams. It could be a person, a way to solve a problem, a pleasant event, or an interesting place.

Try to imagine the object of interest as clearly as possible, feel the emotions that it evokes. Around the bed place the paraphernalia that you associate with the object of desire - a photo of a person, an image beautiful home, shells or stones found off the coast, fir cones or branches. Concentrate on what you want and fall asleep peacefully. Repeat this peculiar ritual daily until you achieve your goal. Develop the ability to receive important visions in your sleep.

If your plan has not yet been accomplished, do not be upset and higher powers will definitely provide support.

Video on the topic: “Dreams that come true. Prophetic dreams.”

We often dream. It often happens that we simply do not remember what we dreamed. But when the dream is very vivid and looks believable, it becomes interesting what it could mean. Usually, people dream about what they think and experience in their everyday life. But the possibility of seeing a prophetic dream exists; such dreams, as a rule, later come true.

According to ancient legends, they are sent to a person to warn him of impending danger or impending troubles. However, not everyone can see prophetic dreams and they appear extremely rarely.

What are prophetic dreams?

A prophetic dream can be literal or symbolic.

  1. A literal prophetic dream shows in small details what will happen in the near future.
  2. A symbolic prophetic dream presents us with the future with the help of various characters requiring interpretation. To decipher such a dream, you should look into the dream book and compare everything.

It is important to know that a prophetic dream will come true only if it was dreamed on a certain day of the week, because each day has its own patron among the planets. It has long been believed that the most true dreams come to us on Monday night, as well as from Thursday to Friday. But the dreams you had on Thursday should not be believed.

Prophetic dreams by day of the week

There is a belief that you can have a prophetic dream in certain days weeks. So, in fact, you can only find out if you keep a notebook in which to write down your dreams. Over time, the recordings can be analyzed and compared with reality.

  1. Monday. On this day we have dreams that may come true only in a few months or even years.
  2. Tuesday. Often dreams seen on Tuesday are considered empty, but sometimes they come true. If on this day you had a very vivid dream, then it may come true in ten days.
  3. Wednesday. Dreams that occurred on Wednesday must be taken seriously, because they have been considered prophetic since ancient times. They will come true very soon. The dreams of Wednesday do not conceal any mysteries, so there is no need to specifically decipher them.
  4. Thursday. The dreams we see on Thursday are mostly considered empty, but can sometimes come true within three days.
  5. Friday. Many people consider Friday dreams to be prophetic. In most cases, they come true in the next 7-10 days. Always take your Friday dreams seriously; if you dreamed of something bad, then you still have the opportunity to change the course of events and protect yourself from harm.
  6. Saturday. Dreams seen on this day rarely come true. Most often these are empty dreams that do not carry any valuable information.
  7. Sunday. Sunday dreams can come true before lunch; if this did not happen, then the dream was empty.

Prophetic dreams according to the dates of the month

According to solar calendar, prophetic dreams can occur on the following dates of the month:

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15,17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28.

If you had a dream on the 30th, be sure to remember it, because there is a high probability that it will come true.

Dreams seen on the 31st will come true only if they were about love.

Prophetic dreams according to the lunar calendar

You can find out whether a dream will come true by looking at the lunar calendar:

  1. During the waning moon the events shown in the dream will not come true. If you had a disturbing dream, you should not worry that trouble will happen; such dreams usually show us unnecessary things that are better to get rid of.
  2. When the moon is waxing are dreams that should soon come true. They show what changes will happen in life. During this period of time, dreams are mostly prophetic.
  3. On the full moon in dreams is something to which a person reacts very emotionally. All dreams during this period will be vivid and memorable.
  4. New moon- this is the time of rebirth. Dreams at this time prepare us for a new stage in life. In such dreams, everything that a person’s thoughts are often addressed to appears.

Prophetic dreams seen before the full moon should come true in the near future. For dreams that occur after the full moon to come true, you will have to wait quite a long time. The time it takes for a dream to come true is different for each person.

Some manage to induce a prophetic dream. To do this you need to select lunar calendar the most favorable day, tune in mentally, relax as much as possible before a night's rest and focus mentally on what you want to learn about in a dream. If you do everything correctly, then the dream you see will be prophetic and will certainly come true in the future.

Video: What do prophetic dreams warn about?