8th lunar day. Eighth lunar day

The 8th lunar day is a day of changes, transformations on all levels, both energetic and spiritual, as well as physical. Inner forces the body increases. A person is transformed on this day; he, like a Phoenix, seems to be born again.

Symbol of the day Phoenix, treasure chest, fire, peacocks bringing misfortune. The color is red-black (the color of a dying flame).

What special happens on the 8th lunar day?

The eighth day of the Moon is subordinate to the element of Fire and not just fire, but transformative fire. Thus, this period is a crucible, through which a person is transformed into a qualitatively new state.

It is not for nothing that the symbol of the eighth lunar day is the mythical bird Phoenix - when it burns, it is reborn from the ashes every time. The same thing happens to a person, both at the mental and at the cellular level.

The image of a butterfly, which appears in almost all mythological systems as a symbol of transformation, also very accurately reflects nature of a given day, for it is the first day of the second lunar phase, which will culminate in the full moon.

If we compare both lunar phases, then the first seven days are the period of the pupa, the second are the butterfly itself. All the potential begins to take tangible shape. Everything that was thought out and done before goes into a new state.

At this time, some emotional instability may be observed, causeless mood swings may occur, and the person is often thrown from one extreme to another. This condition is due to the fact that a restructuring of the personality occurs - old programs are replaced by new ones or transformed into more advanced ones.

In general, any such period is always characterized by complexity, and the subtler the transformation, the more turbulent it can be. Therefore, it is highly recommended to limit yourself from big companies and noisy entertainment events.

It is very undesirable to be angry and nervous on the eighth day. You need to remain calm and treat everything with a reasonable amount of irony. Internal openness to everything new and the desire for change will help you to easily go through changes. Everything that comes to you on the eighth day must be taken for granted, as some kind of divine lesson that must be learned.

According to the Vedic lunar calendar, it is not recommended to perform any work related to fire at this time. It is not advisable to burn fires, except for special ritual actions. You also need to be careful with electrical appliances - a “fiery” day is fraught with burns.

In addition, the 8th lunar day is unfavorable for working on earth - on this day a person “sows” the seeds of enmity, hatred, malice and unrighteousness into the earth. Don't be alarmed if you experience some emotional instability during this period.

How does the eighth day of the lunar month affect business?

In a sense, we can say that the eighth lunar day is a “second chance”: you can try to implement those projects and ideas that you previously could not succeed in, or for which you did not have time.

But in order for old projects to succeed again, you need to try to bring them to life not using old methods, but new ones.

This is a time of new, extraordinary solutions. Anyone who remains an adherent of “yesterday”, who continues to use old methods in their business, is doomed to extinction like a dinosaur. Business is a “living”, moving structure, constantly changing, and it is impossible to achieve even small success in it if you do not change along with it.

Businessmen on the 8th lunar day also need to be careful in assessing their capabilities, since an excess of energy may seem like you are capable of much, but this is far from the case. A sudden surge of strength is temporary; it will pass on the next lunar day, and then you will be disappointed.

Should you get married on this day?

Marriages concluded on the 8th lunar day are successful only if the spouses are constantly looking for something new, are always open to change and travel frequently. For everyone else, a family created at this time will become a place of constant conflict and long periods of financial instability.

How does the 8th lunar day affect health?

These lunar day ideal for preparing medicines with a large number of components, and the more components a medicine contains, the more successful it will be. According to the Vedic lunar calendar, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines at this time, as well as arrange a fasting day.

Massage treatments and aromatherapy sessions are highly welcome. During this period, the peripheral nervous system, therefore, you need to remain as calm as possible, not take on excessive physical activity, and not be overzealous in training.

What should sex be like on this day?

In intimate relationships on these lunar days, extreme caution must be taken. The best time to spend it is on “theory,” that is, reading books about sexual techniques¹. Even if you feel the desire and strength to carry it out, still refrain.

What do dreams mean on this day?

Dreams on the 8th lunar day indicate untapped opportunities, those things that you once did not bring to life, but which are still worth implementing.

Dreams lift the veil of the subconscious² to a person, where there are many forgotten problems, unresolved tasks that you once turned away from, not wanting to do anything about them.

You might think that this way everything is left behind, but this is not so. Everything that has not been untied will still have to be untied, otherwise you will be doomed to eternal “walking in a circle.” Predictions received in a dream indicate these “knots” and how they can be untied.

Also, dream images of the eighth lunar day can be treated as a kind of “barometer”, indicating the state of the ability to change. The more tragic predictions there are in dreams, associated with falling into traps, traps, deadlock situations, the more unable you are to change.

This leads to the slow death of you as an individual. If in your dreams you see wide expanses of steppe, fields, seas, sky, the more transformation processes happen to you.

What is the esoteric aspect?

From an esoteric point of view, this is a very important period. So, for example, during this period in Tibet, magical rituals to pacify evil and angry spirits. The “fire” of the eighth lunar day is the “fire of purification,” for without being cleansed of the old, a person cannot be renewed and accept the new.

Remember what the Bible says: “It is impossible to put new wine into old wineskins.” Therefore, mystical schools recommend conducting both physical and energetic tests during this period.

The eighth lunar day is the most perfect time for fire worship. Fire is one of the most ancient deities worshiped by man. For this reason, certain esoteric traditions at this time conduct rituals of Fire worship, lighting large fires and making offerings.

But throughout the year there are days of the sunny month, when water from any source acquires life-giving and healing properties. Even tap water.

On the sixth day of any solar month is the Day of Dead Water, which returns the integrity of the perception of the world, broken into fragments of adversity. It collects into a single system the loose parts of our body, the separated body and soul, uniting everything with the Spirit.

On the seventh day of any solar month, Living Water is given, which gives strength to everything united by Dead Water. Water collected from springs and springs these days retains these properties for the next month and can be used to carry out the practice of the eighth lunar day, as well as water taken in the Temple on the Blessing of Waters or on ordinary days.


  1. The practitioner, left alone, must repent of his mistakes and delusions.
  2. Take them out of your soul, feel them on yourself like a heavy burden.
  3. Then, you should carry out the usual ablution, nevertheless carrying it out meditatively, imagining that along with soapy water comes liberation from what is consciously considered as sins and what is burdensome.
  4. After ablution, you should gradually pour water on your head, first Dead, and then Living Water, distributing the water flowing from the head with prayer throughout the body.

The meaning of repentance: in the awareness of sins and in conscious abstinence from repeating them in the face of any temptations.

There are various types lunar calendars, based on different astrological approaches. But it is still considered the most accurate

² Subconscious - used to denote mental processes occurring without their reflection in consciousness and in addition to conscious control (

At the time of your birth it was the 8th day of the Lunar cycle

This lunar day gives people the following general features and characteristics:

Mission: burn and be reborn after terrestrial and cosmic weather.

Potential given by nature:

- not destined external beauty, but great charm; attract the attention of the world around you only with your intelligence and knowledge, diligent work and goodwill;
- innate artistry.

Personality Traits:

– a tendency to look at the world philosophically;
– if you engage in self-improvement, you can achieve a lot in life and bring a lot of good to others;
– they make excellent chemists and alchemists.

Possible negative qualities:

– in childhood they frighten parents with childish seriousness;
– an overly philosophical attitude towards ordinary reality;
– sometimes the usual joys of childhood are not available.


– yogis, physicians, healers are born, but they themselves may have some kind of physical disabilities;
– early spiritual maturation;
– always a positive mood.

General description of the lunar day:

Symbols of the day: phoenix, treasure chest, fire
Stones: garnetite, uvarovite, olivine, chrysolite.
8th lunar day of body transmutation, alchemy, stomach cleansing. You can fast and practice cleansing the stomach and intestines.
Happy day for travelers. Unhappy are those who are ill. Dreams are true. The 8th lunar day is the day of alchemical reactions, biochemical transformations. Day of repentance and remission of sins. Purification of soul and body by fire. Today, as a result of both chemical and alchemical reactions, very subtle energies are formed in the body.

8th lunar day of qualitative changes and transformations. Element today A fire that is designed to cleanse you of everything bad and unnecessary. You will become like the symbol of the 8th lunar day - the mysterious Phoenix bird, which is reborn from the ashes. Another symbol of the day is the butterfly, which since ancient times symbolizes the renewal and rebirth of the soul. All the previous lunar days, you, like this butterfly, were in the pupal stage, and by the 8th lunar day you have already gained strength and are ready to shed the cocoon, you are moving to a high-quality new level. Your rebirth will take place both at the karmic, mental level and with your physical body, the body launches self-renewal processes.

From the 8th lunar day, a new phase of the moon begins, which will end with a full moon; this is a time of growth and accumulation of strength. Now everything you did in the first week lunar month, will take on some definite form, you will notice the first results of your activities, and begin to reap the very first fruits.

Since the 8th lunar day is a kind of turning point, you can expect mood swings, your health will change, the day will be like riding a roller coaster. But any changes are accompanied by similar phenomena, so you should try to maintain inner peace, you are going through a transformation, and the more significant it is, the more uncertain you will feel at the beginning.

Therefore, try to spend the 8th lunar day in the most comfortable, calm environment for you and do not succumb to any provocations, try not to react to stimuli from the outside. Also, be extremely open to changes on the 8th lunar day and accept them adequately, otherwise your mental balance, and subsequently your physical well-being, may be shaken.

The 8th lunar day is characterized by increased activity and tension, as we enter a new round of development. It can provoke conflict situations and a nervous environment. Therefore, benevolence and prudence should be present in communication, especially with superiors, partners, and colleagues.
Don't be afraid to make new, out-of-the-box decisions. To achieve success, methods change and you change with them. But there is one thing - measure your capabilities so that the surge of adrenaline does not harm you.
It is not recommended to carry out large financial transactions on the 8th lunar day, as various kinds of complications may arise. It is possible to pay salaries, because these are small cash flows.
The day is ruled by the fire element, so you should be careful of burns. You should also not carry out planting work; today you can only sow chaos and confusion. It is very good on the 8th lunar day to analyze your life, mentally ask for forgiveness for all evil, and thereby free yourself from it, the fire will cleanse you from the inside, and also burn all past failures and many problems.

8 lunar day

Stones— red granite, chrysolite, morion.
Eighth lunar day— the beginning of the second phase, the time of rebirth.

The 8th day is the first day of the second lunar phase, which will culminate in the full moon.

Butterfly image and, appearing in almost all mythological systems as a symbol of transformation, also very accurately reflects the nature of this day, for it is the first day of the second lunar phase, the culmination of which will be the full moon. If we compare both lunar phases, then the first seven days are the period of the pupa, the second are the butterfly itself. All the potential begins to take tangible shape. Everything that was thought out and done before goes into a new state

This is the day of transformation dramatic changes internal transformation. Changes are facilitated by the symbols of the eighth lunar day - the phoenix burning in its own fire and being reborn from the ashes, the flame of a candle, alchemy. Today your entire body is being rebuilt. Changes that are invisible to you occur at the biochemical level, at the level of cells and tissues. The body is saturated with energy. This is your chance to start life, as people like to say, "with clean slate».

Good day for introspection and repentance. Remember all the troubles and troubles that befell you in the past and brush them aside. Engage in self-purification, ask for forgiveness from people and forgive them themselves. Remember how you yourself caused trouble to other people, and repent of it. The dark past must burn in the fire without a trace. Today you can light candles and fireplaces, make fires. Contemplating fire will become a kind of cleansing procedure for your consciousness.

The eighth lunar day, the day of transition from one phase to another, may have surprises in store for you, unexpected events for which you will not be prepared. Therefore, you need to stay collected and organized all the time. The ability to adapt to circumstances and change plans and behavior tactics to your advantage will come in handy. The day is very active, so you can’t hesitate. For passive people, the day can be dangerous; if you are a slow person by nature, then try not to deal with fire and electricity.

The day is good for any kind transformations. You can take on new things, make new plans, renovate your home, go on a trip, move to another apartment, change your job.

If we draw an analogy with the growth of a plant from a seed, then at this time the plant produces leaves. Demonstrating externally the possibilities for the development of new directions that were conceived and included in the development program during the new moon.


Those who are involved in business can try to implement something that has not been possible before - now is the time. But approaches to solving these problems must be completely different than before. Approaches must be transformed and changed in the same way as the energy of these lunar days changes. And even in assessing your own actions you should be careful, since a sharp surge of strength is a temporary phenomenon and will pass in the next critical lunar day. Therefore, it is important not to overestimate own capabilities so as not to be disappointed tomorrow.

You can devote your time to searching and attracting new partners. Good day for collaboration with colleagues. You can contact your superiors with minor questions, global problems subordinate management today is deaf. For businessmen and all workers, the day is very stressful, and the possibility of stress cannot be ruled out. Work moderately, don't overwork yourself, don't stay late after work.


The disease that has arisen today can be very dangerous, so it is necessary to take preventive measures in time. The liver, stomach and peripheral nervous system are “under attack” on this day. Today you can cleanse your stomach and intestines.

Therefore, this is the best time for fasting, unloading and cleansing. It is better to abstain from drinking alcohol and nicotine.

These lunar days are best time for the preparation of complex component medicinal sets of herbs and preparations in general.

Love and relationships.

Forgive people for their misdeeds, treat everyone with warmth and love. Good day for group work or relaxing in company, but unfavorable for quarrels and showdowns. It is better to avoid disputes and nip conflicts in the bud.


It is not advisable to walk down the aisle on this day. Marriages can be successful only for an active and active couple, constantly in search of new experiences. If you are not one, then a marriage entered into at this time can contribute to the emergence of quarrels and disagreements, and periods of prolonged financial instability.


In intimate relationships at this time, you should be careful and balanced. And for those who do not consider themselves energetic and active in sexually, it is better to refuse sex. It is best to spend it on “theory,” that is, reading books about sexual techniques. Even if you feel the desire and strength to carry it out, still refrain.


The period is quite favorable for conception. But those born on this day are not outwardly attractive, but with their abilities, knowledge and diligence, they will attract the attention of those around them. Those born at this time have the ability to “rebirth”, alchemy and may have good artistic talent.

Those born on this day are rarely exceptionally handsome. As a rule, such people visual appeal deprived, but they have a special mindset, are able to accumulate and retain in themselves for a long time important information. They are hardworking, smart, conscientious, and these qualities are valued by those around them. A person loves hard work and gains position in society precisely because of his benevolent character. At the same time, he does not like to waste energy in vain, refuses physical activity. People born on the eighth lunar day are original and can become good artists thanks to their unique ability"reborn" on stage.


A very good day for cutting hair. Run to the hairdresser, today a haircut is very favorable and promotes longevity.


Dreams of the eighth lunar day show unused opportunities along the way that are still worth realizing. Everything you see in a dream should also be perceived as a lesson that needs to be studied. Dreams of these lunar days may also indicate problems that you have repressed and refused to solve, and if you do not resolve them, you will not be able to fully solve the problems of the future lunar period of the first quarter. In a dream in symbolic image you can see the meaning of this future task of yours

On this day, dreams can be prophetic; in them you will see hints of your true purpose. It is possible that you will be able to understand what the true meaning of your life is.

Esoterics – eighth lunar day

From an esoteric point of view, this is a very important period. So, for example, during this period in Tibet, magical rituals are carried out to pacify evil and angry spirits. The “fire” of the eighth lunar day is the “fire of purification,” for without being cleansed of the old, a person cannot be renewed and accept the new.

Remember what the Bible says: “It is impossible to put new wine into old wineskins.” Therefore, mystical schools recommend carrying out cleansing practices during this period - both physical and energetic.

The eighth lunar day is the most ideal time to worship fire. Fire is one of the most ancient deities worshiped by man. For this reason, certain esoteric traditions at this time conduct rituals of worshiping Fire, lighting large bonfires and making offerings.

Lunar ritual - eighth lunar day

Practice of the day: – Washing away sins with holy water.

Water blessed in the temple can be taken from the temple almost any day. But throughout the year there are days of the sunny month, when water from any source acquires life-giving and healing properties. Even tap water. Of course, water from natural sources will be most beneficial.

On the 6th day of any solar month is the day of Dead Water, which returns the integrity of the perception of the world, broken into fragments of adversity. It collects into a single system the loose parts of our body, the separated body and soul, connecting everything with the Spirit.

On the 7th day of any solar month, Living Water is given, which fills us with energy and strength, united by Dead Water, united with the Spirit, pours Life into us.

Water collected from springs and springs collected on these days retains these properties for the next month and can be used to carry out the practice of the 8th lunar day, just like water taken in the Temple on the Blessing of the Waters or on ordinary days.

The practice is simple!

Alone with yourself you need to repent of your mistakes and delusions.

Take them out of your soul, feel them on yourself as a heavy burden.

Then, you should carry out a regular ablution, nevertheless performing it meditatively, imagining that together with soapy water you are freeing yourself from what you recognize as sins and what is burdensome.

After ablution, you should gradually pour first Dead Water and then Living Water onto your head, distributing the water flowing from your head with prayer throughout your entire body.

The meaning of repentance: in the awareness of sins and in conscious abstinence from repeating them in the face of any temptations.

The main symbol of the 8th lunar day- Phoenix bird. Additional - treasure chest.

Stones of the 8th lunar day- red granite, uvarovite, chrysolite, olivine.

Colors of 8 lunar days- red, scarlet, black.
Organ - stomach.

The transformation of a person on the 8th lunar day is achieved instantly. A person begins to understand why he came into the world, what he needs to do to be happy, he is born again and again. It is this basic quality that the symbol of the day wants to convey to his human student.

The 8 lunar day also has an additional symbol that will pull the human essence in the opposite direction. Even if this energy is not as negative, it is also not as positive as that of the main symbol. The treasure chest represents wealth and prosperity, but there is no spiritual element here.

Main characteristics of the 8th lunar day

The 8th lunar day is full of changes, also in the human emotional state. Today emotions will change literally out of the blue. The internal balance will be unstable. But the day cannot be said to be restless, it simply leads a person who finds himself in different stories and situations.

The mood will also be uneven, but this should not cause you to panic. There will be more moments that will bring positive emotions. If in your inner world imbalance and negativity creep in, then it’s worth finding the necessary place to lift your spirits.

The 8th lunar day is favorable for finding a reasonable and conscious solution. If you do not collect your thoughts, you will be subject to provocations, from which it is very difficult to get out. peace of mind. So be careful.
The 8th lunar day will pass carefree if you do not fall into such character traits as pride and expression of your ambitions.

There is no need to be irritated today, because there are no parallels between rebirth and irritation. On this day, try to be at the level of spiritual flight, the kind of flight when your heart and mind finally agree with each other to do something in common.

Health and the 8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day you need to turn special attention on the stomach. On this day you can eat something inappropriate for your body, and your stomach will react to it.
To prevent your health from being undermined, it is better to eat healthy and light food on this day. Don't overload your digestive system with high-calorie ingredients.

You can prepare porridge or light soups. Vegetables and fruits are very good for digestion as they increase movement in the digestive system. Cereal foods are also great for the stomach.

If you suddenly feel heaviness in your stomach, you can arrange a fasting day for yourself or even fast as a preventive measure. Fasting and non-strict diets are also useful on the 8th lunar day.

On the 8th lunar day, a visit to the bathhouse, where you can carry out cleansing procedures, will have a good effect on the body. Everything that you think can have a beneficial effect on your body should be used on this day. Procedures for the stomach and intestines are also applicable, which it is better to try to clean well on this day.

If you suddenly feel unwell, try to do everything possible to avoid complications from this illness. Otherwise, the disease can be severe, as the energy of the day affects all deviations from the norm on that day.

Love and the 8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day, people in love can change their attitude towards certain events related to their significant other several times a day. Either they want to spend the evening with each other, or they can almost bring the matter to a quarrel.
The energy of the day is very changeable, although basically it gives a positive charge for all the things that a person can plan today. People in love always have some imbalance on the internal level, which is why some disagreements occur in relationships.

To prevent quarrels from being too offensive for both halves, it is better to carefully consider everything that is happening around you. You need to take a fresh look at some events that concern your loved ones, then they, in turn, will change their views on many things. After all, love is a feeling that can both inspire and overthrow. In order for your feelings on this day to be inspired, you need to pay more attention to your family and loved ones so that they do not feel useless.

On the 8th lunar day it is better to be calm and not take everything to heart. You need to understand that any insult passes, even if it is inflicted on relatives and dear person. Try to understand and forgive, this will make you feel better.

Work and creativity on the 8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day, any changeable events will affect the work you will do. Any changes may lead to a change in plans. It is better to do things that have a clear plan. This will save both your nerves and your time.

On the 8th lunar day you need to be very careful in completing any project. Concentrating your attention can save you from reworking your work. If you do have to correct something, try to be calm and objective. If something doesn’t work out, it’s better to ask a colleague who may know more about it. Or better yet, do this work together.

Anything that has a thorough plan can be accomplished easily and quickly. You will experience a feeling of satisfaction from the work done. Share these successes with your colleagues and loved ones.

On the 8th lunar day, questions may arise that will be difficult for you to resolve. Since the day is filled with changeable energy, this can work in your favor. If you are constantly in preparation for something unexpected and changeable, then your intuition begins to work well. Thanks to intuitive sensations, you can solve problems that have arisen. difficult questions and problems.

On the 8th lunar day, any goals will be achieved. A good day to think creatively about solving any problem. Creative people, are known to be very changeable in their decisions. Therefore, this day is energetically charged for them. But the mood can change for any person on this day.

For those born on the 8th lunar day

People born on the 8th lunar day will be successful in life. They are capable of self-control, which makes them intuitively strong and enterprising. They always go forward, even if something is pulling them back. Therefore, their effectiveness in completing any assigned task is high.

From childhood, such people strive for knowledge and experience, improving the skills that they actually possess. high level. Already in childhood they show abilities that will bring them many good life moments and profit in the future.

People who are born on the 8th lunar day are endowed with intelligence, ingenuity and logic. They are very smart, so they are immediately distinguished from others. They can also create difficult situation, and come out of it as complete winners. They are also able to verbally express everything that is in their head, thereby leading their surroundings to a dead end or confusion.

Originality and surprise are present even in their body movements, not to mention the conversation, which they can conduct both delicately and arrogantly. According to old beliefs, alchemists and healers are born on this day.

Signs of 8 lunar days

On the 8th lunar day, as on other days, you need to pay attention to the signs of this day. They can be both good and bad, but it can also happen that a good omen is endowed with negative energy and vice versa. On the 8th lunar day there is a bad omen that is associated with fire. You may get burned or there will be a power outage. If you are doing something with a candle and it goes out, it is better to put this activity aside that day. In any case, everything related to fire is always dangerous for humans.

Magic rituals of the 8th lunar day

There are many magical rituals where you need to conduct sessions with fire. Fire can bring purification. On this day, transformation rituals are performed. Alchemy has been known since ancient times, so on the 8th lunar day you can remember the old rituals. They pacify evil spirits so that they do not interfere with a person.

Particular caution on the 8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day you need to handle fire carefully. Fire can bring both purification and irreparable harm. You need to be extremely careful with those who perform rituals.

Try to be carefully sensitive in intimate relationships so as not to harm your partner.

Dreams and visions on the 8th lunar day

On the 8th lunar day you will have dreams that come from your subconscious. Usually, the subconscious can be a person’s ally and, at the same time, do harm with its unusual dreams.

The subconscious can dictate the essence of an event that can affect your future. You may have to find correct interpretation this dream, because the answer may lie deep within you.

Mantras of the 8th lunar day

I am sure that I accept life with all its changes.

I know for sure that all the changeability of life’s moments will pass me by. I'm safe.

Everything that surrounds me brings happiness and prosperity.

I will love myself in any mood.

I perceive any situation calmly and evenly.

Symbol: fire, phoenix, peacock, treasure chest

Stones: peridot, red granite

The energy of the 8th lunar day tends towards internal work above yourself. Outwardly, you can remain very passive. In magic, this is a time of chemical transformations, alchemy, and purification by fire. The 8th lunar day is the beginning of the second phase. This is a rather difficult day when you should not overload yourself physically, mentally, or emotionally. This is a day of profound changes; today is a good day to repent. Ask for forgiveness from everyone you have voluntarily or unwittingly offended, and also forgive others if they have harmed you.

On the 8th lunar day this will be much easier to do than on another day. Try not to miss this opportunity. This step will give you a big boost to your spiritual development, and after this, prosperity. It is useful to go to church, talk to a priest or spiritual teacher. Standing in a temple, look at the flame of a candle, it will cleanse you of accumulated negativity. The eighth lunar day is considered one of the best for repentance, spiritual concentration and prayer. Very good at this one. Sit by the fireplace, light a candle and imagine how all your grievances burn away in the flames. In general, mentally or quietly speaking out loud, burn in a flame, like in a fire, everything that hinders you in life. Free yourself to receive new, clean energy. With sufficient concentration and focus on the subject of meditation, revelation can be obtained.

It will be a bad omen on the eighth lunar day if you get burned, your electricity is cut off or a candle goes out. This means that you have made serious mistakes or were going in the wrong direction and will have to start all over again.

It is worth noting that without doing any “cleansing” work on yourself, you may have an emotional “explosion” when all the tension accumulated in the previous days splashes out in an instant. Therefore, it will be much more useful to start life with a “clean slate”: forgive all offenders, ask for forgiveness from those who were offended, and replay those situations the result of which you are unhappy with, or in which you made a mistake.

It’s good to get up at dawn today and meet the sun. Be saturated with its life-giving power. Fasting is very useful on this day. It will contribute not only to physical cleansing, but also spiritual. On the eighth lunar day it is good to start new things and move to a new place of residence. In general, this day is favorable for any endeavors. You can also go back to those unsolved problems that you have, reconsider the situation and achieve success by making changes and corrections. Today, all the tasks that we once did not solve will confront us with particular urgency, and forgotten problems will remind us of themselves with renewed vigor. This can apply to all aspects of our lives: and love relationship, and career, and health, and in general all plans and projects. Today it is worth thinking about what team actions sometimes bring greater result than if you act alone. But, avoid people who are emotionally unstable. Today they will be especially susceptible to mood swings and “jumping” from one extreme to another. Do not become irritated: this feeling is dangerous and can cause illness.

Dreams you have on the 8th lunar day can be trusted. They can give you hints and information that will be useful to you in later life.

If you lived according to lunar calendar, then today, on the eighth lunar day, you will be able to notice signs of future changes. Get ready for a new stage in your life, reconsider your opinions, actions, principles and, forward... to achieving your dreams.


In general, the eighth lunar day is favorable for dating, but remember that today is the day of forgiveness. Be lenient if your loved one confesses to any of his sins. Show compassion and understanding. Perhaps the person has been walking around with a burden around his neck for a very long time, and today he finally decided to admit everything. On the eighth lunar day, people are frank. So even on a first date, you can inadvertently reveal information that others should not know about at all.

On this day it is better to abstain from sexual contacts, including marital ones.


The 8th lunar day is suitable exclusively for the smallest and most insignificant household chores. A very good day for alterations, repairs and alterations of old clothes.


The 8th lunar day is quite difficult for the body, since an energetic restructuring occurs, requiring relatively large internal costs. In addition, on this lunar day a person is susceptible to nervous disorders. And stress on this day is especially dangerous and can lead to serious consequences. Also today, against a generally unfavorable background for health, injuries are possible. Therefore, do not overwork yourself at work, allow yourself to rest more often. You should protect yourself from illnesses: illnesses that begin on this day can lead to complications.

If you cannot fast, then at least exclude meat foods.

On the eighth lunar day, the stomach and nervous system are especially vulnerable. If you are bothered by stomach cramps, ear pain, chills, these are all signs of excess negative emotions. Fast, cleanse your stomach and intestines. Today is the best day of the lunar month for preparing complex medications yourself.

You can cleanse the body of toxins. Hydrotherapy is not recommended. An illness that begins in the eighth lunar temperature will pass faster, so it is advisable not to lower the temperature if it does not exceed thirty-nine degrees (if you have a healthy heart, of course).

Business and money

On the 8th lunar day, you should not be overloaded at work and you can only deal with minor financial matters. What you started or planned on this day will come true much more slowly than you would like. This applies to work, money, and all plans. Unexpected turns of events, conflicts, and emergencies are possible.

Business trips and work trips undertaken on this lunar day will bring good luck. You can carry out risky transactions and enterprises, but only if the situation is critical and you take risks in order to save the business.

The more work you put into your business, the greater the return will be. A very favorable day for finding new partners who will accept your ideas and help bring them to life.