What is a mandala: meaning, types, how to use. How to draw a mandala: step-by-step instructions, programs and recommendations

Traditional mandalas are used for meditation and are designed to promote well-being, healing and spiritual growth. Such pictures are painted in stages from the center to the outer ring and have repeating elements, various colors and designs.

Mandalas for children are mainly used as regular fun coloring books., but nevertheless they also have their therapeutic effect. Children ask for simpler mandalas coloring pages, which you can download below.

Children's mandalas-sketches, as a rule, have larger images, with the absence of complex details. Our simple mandalas are easy to decorate and suitable for even the youngest children. While they are almost always circular, our variations may not have concentric circles.

The coloring page usually has a central element, such as an animal, leaves, hearts, or other designs that are interesting to the child. Central character, can be repeated throughout the picture or supplemented with other accompanying elements.

These children's pictures differ in size, shape and design. Some coloring pages aren't even mandalas in the traditional sense, but kids still love them. Some common topics mandalas for children:

  • Nature– these mandalas can include natural elements such as leaves, seeds and trees. They can also display natural phenomena: water cycle, change of seasons, rain, etc. Such pictures can be used as a teaching aid.
  • Animals - Like nature mandalas, these can be as small as one specific animal or contain images of numerous animals, such as animals or zoo animals. These mandalas are also popular for teaching.
  • Fantasy/Fairy tale- in these mandalas main topic represent books or cartoons. They can be used when working with preschoolers to teach children to retell stories.
  • Holidays– Holiday and seasonal mandalas are very popular with children as they allow children to explore the changing world around them and celebrate holidays and the changing seasons. For example .
  • Food– most children enjoy coloring pictures of their favorite foods. These mandalas can also be used to introduce preschool children to various food products, their properties, and to talk about healthy and unhealthy foods.
  • Geometric - Mandalas tap into a child's desire to experiment with patterns and color. They develop creativity and creativity well. They can be used when studying the basics of mathematics.

The use of children's mandalas-coloring

Some children's mandalas coloring pages with geometric patterns or floral ones can be used directly for meditation.

However, experts in the field of Art Therapy believe that in order to achieve a therapeutic effect, children simply color the mandalas and fill in the silhouettes.

Doctors and school psychologists can use our mandalas to help children concentrate and relieve stress and anxiety.

Teachers visual arts can use mandalas to teach children design and color, and understanding the emotional impact of a work of art.

Teachers use mandalas to reinforce knowledge in the classroom, and parents often encourage children to color these circular coloring pages as a form of entertainment or as a way to reduce emotional stress.

Painted and decorated mandalas can be wonderful decorations for a room or given as a gift for grandparents or others significant people on your child's list.

Mandala templates for coloring

You can find a wide variety of mandala coloring pages on our website in the templates section. You can also buy a special coloring book online or in a regular bookstore.

Fairytale mandalas

What are mandalas and why are they needed, how to use them? You can read more about this in the article “The meaning and application of the mandala. Mandalas for coloring for women and children."
Here, in this article, you will find pictures of mandalas with meanings for coloring with recommendations for art therapy.

The fear of letting a feeling into your heart is inherent in many girls.- this is the fear of trusting someone, becoming dependent, losing feeling. Psychologists say that you need to learn to love in the same way as, for example, to drive a car. Only by surrendering to this feeling, passing it through yourself, cultivating understanding, can you achieve something.

Such a mandala will help you find out where exactly a woman has the so-called “clamp”. Having determined this, the “clamp” can gradually be removed.

IMPORTANT: Determine the sore spot as follows - slowly look at the picture and listen to yourself. The response to it will be like a ball of thread that they are trying to untangle.

Having identified the sore spot, focus on the feeling that arises. Start coloring the drawing and you will probably remember the reason for the “clamp”. Try give vent to fear, resentment, anger, melancholy.

If you just haven't met your soulmate, take the next mandala. Start coloring it, and in the process at every inhale imagine as if absorb love, A when exhaling- What give it to the world. Try not to allow extraneous thoughts.

If you already have a loved one, this mandala will help strengthen relations, make them more trusting.

The mandala for making a wish come true is very strong: photo for coloring

In order to realize desires that still do not want to come true, write it down first them in the form of a list. Don't think twice again relying on the subconscious.

IMPORTANT: Spend just a few minutes, no more, writing down your wishes.

Next, think of what symbols desires can be identified. Place them in a mandala. Focus on the innermost while coloring the picture.
It is believed that images of arrows and lightning embody creativity and speed of action. A realize your ambitions will help orange, blue and black colors. Of course, it is desirable that your subconscious mind chooses them itself, and in moderation.

Mandala for healing and health: photo for coloring

In order to the liver cleansed and began to work better, it is recommended to color the picture published below. During this procedure, you should listen to your feelings - if they occur in the liver area, which means the therapy is beneficial.

IMPORTANT: Confirm your results by visiting a doctor. Remember that mandala therapy serves only as a supplement to improving health, but does not in any way replace diets, physical activity and consultations with a doctor.

It is useful to carry out such art therapy in the spring- at that time the body is cleansed of toxins, the liver works especially actively.

The following mandala is for strengthening bones. Even when looking at her, an association arises with strength, solidity, brickwork. The bone structure is very similar to this image.

It is believed that such a mandala reduces salivation, stops bleeding, relieves pain- just what you need when visiting the dentist.

IMPORTANT: You can easily stick the coloring on porcelain dishes - perhaps it will crack less.

Mandala for attracting money and material well-being: photo for coloring

Mandala "Money Well" contributes to the fact that a person intuitively begins to feel, where can you make a profit?

First of all, direct your gaze to the center of the picture and decide the spiral turns inward or unwinds. In the first case, you expect too much from others, but give little to life. In the second it’s the other way around.

Coloring a mandala will help somehow solve this eternal dilemma "take and give". The energy is directed to the outside world, giving you the strength to work, and is attracted to the center-wallet.

IMPORTANT: It is recommended to carry this painted mandala in your wallet. Or you can hang it above your desk. And when you receive a business proposal, look at the center of the picture, mentally placing the proposal there. Determine for yourself whether the spiral is unwinding or twisting - and start from this when making a decision.

Mandala Money Well

Anti-stress mandala: coloring pages

Psychologists say that coloring a mandala can have an anti-stress effect. The fact is that this procedure is almost identical to deep sleep or meditation. Its main purpose is calm down, bring peace to life.

Mandalas for coloring for weight loss

Of course, healthy eating and exercise stress have a much more effective effect on the body. However, it happens that, despite all efforts, no results are visible.
Mandala will help you accept yourself and realize your purpose and, importantly, strengthen willpower. By getting rid of external irritants you can to focus on on what is really needed.

Mandala for loneliness, for marriage: photo for coloring

This mandala helps loving hearts connect. Moreover both in terms of consciousness and in terms of everyday life.

Before you start coloring, imagine that the center of the composition is on the top of your head. The rest of the drawing is the embodiment of tenderness, passion, desires, love, creativity. After all, love really looks like a whirlwind, which is depicted in the mandala. Imagine this the whirlwind envelops you, cleanses you.

Paint start from the center. Choose the most for this rich colors.

IMPORTANT: A good solution would be to work on the mandala together. During it, talk with your other half about dreams, value for each other, joys.

After finishing coloring you can hang the work on the wall in the bedroom. She will help exchange thoughts and feelings with harmony, will calm down.

Mandala for conceiving a child: coloring book

It is believed that this mandala improves ovarian function, helps hormones renew, helps speed up the fertilization process. Moreover, she seemed rejuvenates the body, feeds him with strength.

Coloring will help the body tune in to natural natural rhythms, vibrations. She cleanses the aura, removes negativity, removes aggression. This means that such therapy will be equally useful for both young ladies and older ladies.

A similar mandala is worth fit into the interior. In addition, it will look good and be useful on clothing and household items.

Protective mandala: photo for coloring

It is noticeable that this mandala contains many angles - this means that it contains truly masculine energy. Such energy helps you concentrate better, put your thoughts and affairs in order.

Before coloring just imagine the drawing moving both as a whole and each of its components separately. Then mentally direct the flow of water towards these moving parts- you will get splashes that will fly off from the center of the picture. This is exactly what protecting you, that is, the center, looks like.

IMPORTANT: For better visualization, stick your photo in the center of the mandala. You can also paste a photo of another person you want to protect. You can also place any business or thoughts under the shield.

Coloring should start from the center- thus, one after another, defense mechanisms will begin to be launched. Also useful during therapy speak permission options out loud difficult situations . This is precisely why a mandala is needed - so that a person can find options for protecting someone or something, to activate his will, the ability to concentrate his forces.

Mandalas for harmonizing space: photos for coloring

The following mandala is recommended hang in crowded places. Such places tend to be replete with negative emotions. Mandala will absorb them, stop them or break them. It will also awaken in its owner courage and determination, the ability to act for the benefit of others.

Start coloring from the center to the edges, try fit all your negative emotions into the pattern. Over time, you will notice how they leave you.

Art therapy coloring pages: the most complex mandalas

Complex mandalas are very good for art therapy because they allow concentrate on work, adjust your emotional state.

A complex mandala pattern that requires concentration

Mandala for forgiving yourself: photo for coloring

You should feel that Negative emotions and feelings of guilt recede. Do not forget thank yourself for the work done.

Mandalas for coloring for children

Coloring mandalas brings great benefits to children - develops fine motor skills, forms accuracy and perseverance, a sense of order and rhythm. Baby begins to understand what symmetry is.

IMPORTANT: The most The best way Involve your child in coloring - start doing it with him.

Mandalas for printing and coloring with meaning

At first, it is useful to print out mandalas with ready-made meanings at the bottom of the picture. So you always you will remember the purpose of this or that pattern.

10 mandalas to bring brightness back to life

Mandala “How can I feel better?” will help you determine what you are missing in this moment life. For this choose color intuitively, which can be used to paint over favorite section of the mandala.

Definitely after this meditate a little above the pattern - a few minutes is enough. Then you can take on other shades.

IMPORTANT: Be sure to write down the first three words that came to mind while coloring. Think about how they will help you feel better.

Mandala “What color is my breath?” will help you perform useful breathing exercises.

Relax and take a closer look at the coloring. Think about it what color is your breath associated with? Color with this shade center of the image.

Now decide which shades will help activate breathing. They should color the rays. If you felt that breathe deeply, slowly and calmly- therapy brings results.

Mandala “How to find yourself?” will help you determine your life path. To do this, first of all Using a pencil you like, color the center of the composition.

Now Use a different shade to mark those areas that you liked the most. To do this, wander through the rays of the mandala as if through a labyrinth.

Look at what happened. Ask yourself what it's like. Write down the first three words that came to mind. Perhaps they will answer the question you are looking for.

Mandala "What am I in today? energy state also painted by those colors that your intuition chooses. Look at the resulting picture and highlight those three words, which are remembered first. Think about how they might answer the question.

IMPORTANT: it is believed that a large number of warm shades dissipate energy. A large number of cold ones is paralyzing.

Mandala “What are my three most best features will highlight the qualities that you like most about yourself. Write down three qualities which bring happiness. You can write them under the mandala.

Now choose colors that you think suit the specified qualities. Color the drawing with them.

After finishing the work it is worth look at the mandala and think over what is depicted on it. Assess your qualities.

For mandala “Where can I find peace within myself?” pick up the shade most associated with tranquility. Color them the centers of those figures that are intertwined with others.

Other colors color it outer layers of circles.

Then set aside finished work aside, look at her and remember when you felt calm while working. Write down the sensations.

Mandala “What is preventing my energy from flowing freely?” being painted from the center. During the procedure, it is worth asking yourself what exactly interferes with the free circulation of energy.

After coloring look calmly some time to draw. Don't control your thoughts- they should come to mind and disappear on their own. Pay attention to the shades used.

IMPORTANT: Cool shades help close energy channels, and warm shades help open them.

Try remember what emotions appeared while using pencils of these colors. Write down the memories.

Mandala “How to increase your energy?” being painted from the central flower.

Flower petals are painted in three shades, which attracted your attention first.

Now choose other shades- they must complement existing ones. Which ones will complement and activate what already exists depends on your perception.

Then it's worth paint the center of the mandala. For it, apply a color that has not yet been used.

Taking slow breaths in and out, look closely at the mandala. Write down three words, which are the first to come to mind. Think about them.

Mandala “How to balance emotions?” will help highlight those emotions that interfere with a normal life. To start list them below the picture.

Now it's time stems and the background itself. Choose other colors for them.

IMPORTANT: Before writing down thoughts about the mandala, close your eyes for a minute.

Before you start the mandala “I activate and harmonize my energy,” look at it for a few minutes. Then take pencil of your favorite color and start painting center.

Now take shades of the rainbow and start coloring figurines. Follow your intuition.

At the end of therapy it is worth color the mandala border. To do this, choose the shade that you think will suit you. will complement the composition as successfully as possible. However, you can simply give preference favorite color.

Describe what you felt while working.

In our lives, a huge place is given to stress, anxiety, fears, and depression. We don't always have the opportunity or desire to take the time to get to know ourselves. It is in this case that you should turn to mandalatherapy.

Video: Mandalas. Anti-stress coloring book

Mandala is an image with a secret meaning. It displays inner world a person, is charged with his positive energy and gives harmony with the world around him.

Mandala – a sacred symbol that is revered and popular in the East. Mandala represents complex graphic image. Most often, this drawing is a square (or other figure) inscribed in a circle. In literal translation, the word “mandala” is translated as “circle”, which is why the image most often has the shape of a circle.

Why draw a mandala? The fact is that while creating an image, a person is immersed in meditation - “plunging” into subconscious. This is necessary in order to be able to understand your own thoughts, understand the people and nature around you, and find harmony.

Real mandalas, of course, differ significantly from those that a person can draw. In original, mandala is drawn with sand Buddhists and Hindus. This image adorns the walls of temples and helps believers pray.

Mandala drawn with sand in a Buddhist temple

It’s not for nothing that they say that a mandala is "frozen prayer" because it really reflects spiritual world person at the time of drawing.

If you are new to drawing a mandala, then you should not use sand, but the most ordinary writing and drawing instruments. What is useful for drawing a mandala? You will need:

  • Colour pencils
  • Colored markers
  • Colored pens (gel, oil, ballpoint)
  • Liners (felt pens with a very fine tip up to 0.1 mm)
  • Rapidographs (pens with ink vessels)
  • Paints (acrylic, oil, watercolor, gouache)

First you should draw schematic (frame) image of a mandala and only then paint it with different colors.

It doesn't matter what color or size your mandala drawing is. The main thing is its colorfulness, the “richness” of colors, their contrast and variety of details. The more detailed your image is, the more beautiful the mandala will turn out.

It's also worth knowing that Each mandala has its own specific meaning. Some of them are capable of attracting people financial well-being, others happiness or harmony. The meanings of mandalas differ according to their patterns and colors.

Before drawing “your sacred mandala,” you should also familiarize yourself with the meanings of colors in order to correctly display the meaning of the drawing and bring yourself closer to achieving what you want:

  • Red - a very “strong” color in terms of energy. It conveys: strength, determination, action and courage. This color in the mandala speaks of life-giving potential, the realization of what is desired
  • Pink - a color that reflects human kindness, it also “gives” affection and a feeling of love
  • Yellow - a color that speaks of joy and happiness. He carries “warm” energy. With his radiance he heals, inspires and helps to get what you want.
  • Gold– this color represents wealth, cheerfulness, pleasure and wisdom in life
  • Green - the color of naturalness, sensuality, harmony and internal development. This color plunges a person into meditation and gives peace. It can give a feeling of balance to the body
  • Blue (dark) – the color of calm and the color of spirituality. This is a very serious color that gives lightness to the soul and peace.
  • Blue (light) – gives peace of mind nervous system person, friendliness and understanding with others
  • Violet - a color that gives inspiration and can “cleanse” a person’s energy from everything negative. This color is necessary in order to, if necessary, “remove” all possible obstacles on the way to what you want.
  • Brown - a color that represents earth. The earth is an integral part of a person, which gives a person a harvest, bears a person and gives him strength. Therefore, this color conveys the meaning of “practicality” and “protection”
  • Blue – the color of infinity, the color of the deep ocean and clear sky. In a sense, this color represents motherhood, and therefore the “feminine principle.” Blue carries the meaning of compassion, understanding and help
  • Orange - a positive color that represents cheerfulness, vitality and freedom
  • Turquoise - the color of “protection” for its owner. This color also carries the meaning of aspiration, healing and harmony.
  • Black - it is the color of darkness. In mandalas, black color is present only in the outlines, but in some drawings it can take up a lot of space and then the mandala carries the meaning of “fear”, “death” and “emptiness”
  • White - the color of purity and healing, this color protects its owner from negativity and helps to think and feel
  • Grey - color of balance and balance

mandala frame with black liner

drawings and images of mandala in color

simple mandala with pencils

drawing a colored mandala

How to draw a mandala step by step for beginners?

Both a professional and a beginner can draw a mandala. For this you do not need to have any special artistic abilities, because the image is constructed from simple graphic diagrams. Before drawing a mandala, you should familiarize yourself with ready-made images. This will help you get inspired before drawing and get some creative ideas.

Drawing steps:

  • First stage: Prepare a work area. It should be clean and bright workplace. While drawing, no one should disturb you: bother you, disturb you or make you angry. You should draw in good location spirit. You can turn on some nice background music, but nothing more.
  • Second phase: The best thing draw a mandala on a blank album sheet. Choose the center of the sheet to draw on. If you feel that the image should be on the edge, do as you see fit
  • Third stage: You need to draw a mandala starting from the middle and going to the edge. You should not copy the mandala, draw the patterns that you feel. Draw a round mandala
  • Fourth stage: After drawing the frame of the mandala, start coloring it. Combine a variety of colors as your perception allows

how to draw a mandala yourself

Dot mandalas, how to draw?

The original way to draw a mandala is dotted. Such an image can be applied to any surface: paper, wood and even stone. This interesting mandala is distinguished by the way it is drawn. In a regular mandala image, you first need to draw the frame and color its elements. In a dot mandala, all elements are applied as dots.

There is no need to paint a dot mandala, because it is applied in advance with colored paints. The best way to draw a mandala is paints or markers. These drawing tools leave bright droplets on the surface and allow you to successfully depict a mandala.

The most popular dot mandalas are those painted on sea pebbles of different diameters. They look very contrasting due to the gray background of the stone and bright colors. Drawing on the stones acrylic paints. Such paints do not spread and leave very “juicy” colored droplets. The smooth surface of the sea pebble allows you to draw a neat and clear design.

dot mandala on sea pebbles

a type of dot mandala

dot mandala on stones

dot mandala on a plate

Video: “Sand mandala. A week of work in 8 minutes"

Charged with female attractiveness
Charged to attract money

Charged for good luck in business

Mandala - healing

Removing negativity from the field

Cleansing, spiritual healing, normalization of sleep

Attracting love and interest of the opposite sex, increasing attractiveness

Rejuvenation, life extension

Charged to get rid of excess weight

General healing

Charged to improve vision
Attention, watch no more than 3 minutes per day!!

The picture is charged for the treatment of phobias

Charged to improve memory

Charged to cleanse the intestines and blood

Charged to balance the Third Chakra

Manipura is responsible for the emotional background. Balancing the Third Chakra will bring peace into your life.

Charged with childish calm.

Let the child look at the center of the picture, no more than 3 minutes a day

Charged to heal thrush


Charged to protect the house

Healing and Transformation

Harmony and luck

To attract money

Mandala for charging water

Mandala for products

This image is given for food storage and transformation. This mandala removes (destroys) toxins from foods and improves the structure of food.

This mandala must be cut along the edge so that it has a round shape. The mandala should be located next to food: in the refrigerator or cupboard. The mandala must be positioned vertically and evenly so that the axis of the drawing is vertical.


The energies of heat and cold will pass.
The energies of space and time will pass.
The energies of life and death will pass.
Life, cold and light, no time and no space.

Mandala the power of creativity

“The mandala of creativity is filled with energy that stimulates the acuteness of perception of the world. This mandala will help schoolchildren and students, anyone who experiences the “pangs of creativity” and cannot catch an elusive thought. This mandala will help you tune in to the perception of new knowledge, its analysis and memorization.”

Matrix of Absolute Faith

The symbol is universal.
A cone of light emanating from a single source eventually dissolves into the surrounding space. It can be assumed that at each level there are Temples of the Absolute Faith in their own color range (vibration) and, accordingly, with their own geometry (corresponding to this vibration).
This is all.
Quite simple.

Unfortunately, disbelief gives rise to doubts that prevent new programs from taking their rightful place by law. The drawn symbol makes it possible to visually understand and accept the concept of Absolute Faith.
Submitted by three-dimensional drawing makes it possible to see what this image consists of.
The main thing is the cross, a symbol that represents the balance of all principles in man and the pyramid,
which represents stability and inviolability.
Bright blue dots (number 8) represent portals (or entry/exit points) of energies and vibrations,
that come from the universe. The structure has mobility and volume, which indicates that these vibrations
embrace everything. Along the perimeter is the number 28 or 10, which suggests that such an image is typical where the decimal number system is adopted. In planetary formations with other systems, this image will be different.

Self-healing energy

sacred Decree for activation of this “SI” - Energy:
“Energy is born in me, energy comes from outside, energy penetrates through my entire being, and every cell of my being is involved in creation right life. Energy passes through me, energy returns to where it should be, and I remain in Perfection. Amen".


Command: “Heavenly fire warms the body and soul. Heavenly fire drives out sickness and infirmity. Heavenly fire heals and elevates. Amen".


Decree: “Light and Energy are the basis of my being. Light and Energy are the essence of my being. Light carries information, Energy carries strength. Information and Power create Law and Order at the core of my being. Amen".


The rainbow gives birth to harmony and strength.

The rainbow gives birth to protection and strength.

The rainbow leads to heights and depths.

All the energies of the rainbow

build vibrations of purity and freedom.

This mandala is good to use for charging and purifying water.


Decree: “A stream of Light flows within me. Light evokes joy and lightness. Light takes away pain and suffering. Light bones will help me fly into infinity. Amen"


Decree - “A stream of Light and Love flows through my entire being. Light and Love cleanse my vessels and ligaments. Light and Love create my body on all planes. Let it be so".

Heaven's Healing Gift- (Salt of the earth).

SILVER MANDALA it is an excellent antiseptic. Helps with wound healing, purification and structuring of water and much more.

MANDALA OF GOLD neutralizes negative electromagnetic fields emitted by household appliances, televisions, monitors, and mobile phones.

In Buddhism and Hinduism, there are symbols that personify the universe - mandalas, the meaning of the images in these complex ones is multifaceted and mysterious. The mandala design is always symmetrical. It is a circle in which the center is expressed. Its most common form is a basic circle in which a square is inscribed. Inside the square is another circle, divided into segments (often in the shape of a lotus flower). The mandala is decorated with various symmetrically arranged ornaments.

What are mandalas: the meaning of images

In translation from Sanskrit the word mandala translated as "circle". Hindus and Buddhists paint it accompanied by certain sacred rituals. The walls of many eastern temples are covered with similar drawings and are objects of worship. It is believed that sacred symbols contain positive energy, help to reveal the subconscious and inner “I”. That's why mandala in the East - This is a kind of frozen prayer.

The one who draws mandalas depicts the essence of his soul at the moment:

  • the center of the mandala is the eye or pupil;
  • inner circle – enlightenment, nirvana;
  • outer circle – protection;
  • lotus is the flower of the mind.

Mandala images are used for meditation . Focusing on the ornaments of a drawing contributes to the restructuring of consciousness, as a result of which certain abilities are revealed in a person. A mandala is, first of all, a holistic model of life, reminiscent of the connection between man and the cosmos. Sacred drawings help you look at yourself from the outside, accept and resolve a protracted internal conflict.

Mandala: meaning of symbols

In addition to the image of the lotus, circle and square, there are other symbols:

  • Triangle with its apex up – determination, strength; down - indecision, weakness.
  • A spiral rotating clockwise is the beginning; against - devastation, waste of energy.
  • Winding lines - experiences.
  • Cross – indecision, cross state.
  • Five-pointed star - freedom and self-confidence, self-protection.
  • Eye, pupil - to be aware of important events.
  • Heart – love, sensuality.
  • Lightning is a divine power that heals the soul.
  • Wood is the basis of the universe.
  • Animals are a sign of human behavior in the present period of life.
  • Birds - awareness of your soul, lightness.

A mandala drawn in a state of meditation will help you analyze the state of your inner self, concentrate your mind, and realize the freedom of being; the meaning of the symbols that fill the drawing will help you analyze the sacred meaning internal forces person.

The meaning of flowers in a mandala

The same color in a sacred drawing has many meanings, and in combination with other colors the meaning can change.

Red – a sign of energy, passion, life potential. A person drawing a mandala in red has goals and aspirations. The absence of red means anxiety, depression, loss of interest in life.

Yellow – creativity, optimism. Yellow decorates the drawings of artists.

Blue – the color of serious personalities, calm and reasonable people. People who are hardy and strong in spirit are attracted to the color blue.

Green – renewal not only of oneself, but also of others. Green color prevails in the mandalas of people whose profession is related to helping and treating people.

White – cleanliness, protection, ; a color that protects from negativity and helps thoughts remain bright.

Brown – practicality and stability, the desire for consistency and security.

Black – darkness, mystery, death. The presence of black indicates emptiness and self-denial.

The meaning of flowers in a mandala is deeply symbolic. Experienced psychologists have long used sacred drawings in their practice to help accurately determine the patient’s internal state. People with mental disorders are invited to choose a mandala from several offered or draw it themselves.

The center of the picture, the most important place of the mandala, the meaning of the images in the central part make up 90% of the meaning of the entire ornament. It is in the middle of the picture that the gravitational movement is strongest, the path to which is slow and difficult.