Edible chestnuts: health benefits and harms, how to peel and cook? How to properly fry edible chestnuts at home in the oven, microwave, slow cooker, or frying pan? Recipes for jam, soup, salad from edible chestnuts, turkey with chestnuts.

For cooking delicious side dish For desserts, first courses or salads, you can use the fruits of seed chestnut or noble chestnut - they have a brown shiny skin and wrinkled kernels. Those who want to try this delicacy should find out how European chefs prepare chestnuts.

How to eat chestnuts

Many housewives and cooks use this unique product not only as an independent dish, but also make soups, pilaf, etc. from it. The only thing that is important to take into account is that chestnuts can only be eaten hot, as soon as you take them out of the oven or from frying pan, because the taste of the exotic nut will fade as it cools.

How to peel chestnuts

To enjoy the taste of a nut, first prepare it correctly: select fruits suitable for eating, pour water over those that float, collect and throw away, and continue working with the rest. Make cross-shaped cuts from the sharp edge using scissors or a fork, and send them to fry. This action determines how easy it will be to peel the chestnuts later, and this is also where any roasted chestnut recipe begins.

What chestnuts can you eat?

In cooking, roasted chestnuts are a famous dish with amazing taste. Before you roast nuts yourself, you need to know what they are. So, you can eat chestnuts that are covered with a spiky green shell. Elongated fruits are considered edible, according to appearance and shaped like an onion with a small tail at the sharp end - as in the photo.

It is worth noting that lumpy round nuts (horse nuts) are strictly prohibited for cooking, because in best case scenario this puts you at risk of food poisoning. Such fruits grow on trees among large, spreading leaves in middle lane Russia, therefore, it is better for residents of warm regions not to take risks and, if they wish, to cook chestnuts, select and buy them in the nearest store.

The benefits and harms of roasted chestnuts

If you want to try an exotic dish, then you need to figure out whether you should eat it. Consider the benefits and harms of roasted chestnuts:

  1. From positive qualities costs special attention pay attention to the composition of the fruit: vitamins (choline, beta-carotene, vitamins A, B, C, E, K, PP, including ascorbic acid) and minerals (phosphorus, potassium, calcium, zinc, iron).
  2. An important role in the creation positive characteristics The product is determined by its nutritional value and composition: water, ash, saturated fatty acids, mono- and disaccharides, dietary fiber.
  3. Contraindications to eating chestnuts include the fact that when fried they contain carbohydrates and large number starch, and this is unacceptable for people prone to obesity.

Calorie content of roasted chestnuts

One of the most popular edible varieties are sweet chestnuts. The calorie content of roasted chestnuts is about 180 calories per 100 grams of weight, so eating them in small quantities will not negatively affect your parameters. When roasted, the exotic nut contains a lot of carbohydrates and vegetable protein, which will especially appeal to those people who do not eat meat.

How to roast chestnuts at home

Such an unusual ingredient can be used for different dishes: first, second, desserts, but the beginning of each recipe is heat treatment. How are chestnuts roasted? There are several ways. You can fry chestnuts in a regular or special frying pan with holes, bake in the oven, or boil. Read on for tips to help you understand how to roast chestnuts at home.

How to fry chestnuts in a frying pan

The presented method is a classic method for preparing edible fruits. Before frying chestnuts in a frying pan, you need to soak them and then use them, taking only those that have fallen to the bottom of the bowl. Step by step instructions:

  1. Prick or cut each fruit with a fork.
  2. Place the nuts in a frying pan filled with hot oil and cover with a paper towel. Wet the napkins several times during frying - this will prevent the fruit from drying out.
  3. Cover the dish with a lid and fry for 30 minutes, turning the heat to medium. It is recommended to shake the nuts periodically without opening the lid.
  4. Serve the dish, adding salt or sprinkling with sugar - as you wish.

Those who think that fried fruits are too dry can boil them with milk - the combination is simply excellent! To do this you need:

  1. Peel the already roasted nuts from the film, pour in milk until the liquid covers them 2 cm above.
  2. Add a couple of spoons of honey and a cinnamon stick.
  3. Let the dish simmer until the main ingredient becomes soft. Before sending the delicacy to the fire, you can add more cedar cake - this will make the taste of the dessert even more interesting.

How to cook chestnuts in the oven

You can also bake an exotic nut using the oven - the process is even simpler than frying in a frying pan. A well-known way to cook chestnuts in the oven is as follows:

  1. Preheat the oven.
  2. Make cuts on each fruit.
  3. Place the dough in one layer on a baking sheet and leave to bake for 35 minutes.
  4. Open the oven and serve the treat. From part of the exotic nut, you can also prepare, for example, a salad: add vegetables and durum pasta to the peeled fruits, and then it is recommended to mix this whole mass with a sauce of olive oil and lemon juice.

Chestnuts in the microwave

This method quick and safe, if you cut or pierce the food with a fork before placing it - this will allow steam to escape and avoid “exploding”. Cooking chestnuts in the microwave is easy:

  1. Place the fruits in a shallow but wide microwave-safe dish.
  2. Lightly salt the product and pour in 3 tablespoons of hot water. Roasting this way is not practical, but the nuts can be steamed for easy cleaning.
  3. Cover the dish with a lid (not a glass plate) or film, leave the dish for 8 minutes, turning the power of the equipment to maximum.
  4. Try one thing, then either continue the process, or serve the delicacy to the table, pouring your favorite sauce on the plate.

A healthy product containing many vitamins and protein, many people like it. However, not everyone knows how to cook chestnuts, and so that you can enjoy this snack at home and not in a restaurant, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before cooking chestnuts in a frying pan, they must all be cut - this way they will not “jump out” when heated.
  2. You need to place the raw ingredients in the frying pan in one layer, and the dishes should not remain on the stove for a long time, otherwise the nuts will turn out too hard and tough.
  3. You need to remove the peel as soon as the product is cooked, otherwise it will be much more difficult to do later.
  4. If you plan to store edible chestnuts, then know that fresh fruits can be kept in a cool place for just a few days, otherwise they will become dry and lose their shine. Baked, boiled or roasted nuts will last longer if you put them in the freezer.

Video: How to roast chestnuts

How to roast chestnuts

These reddish-cinnamon fruits are good not only as an independent dish. They are also included in the recipe for many other dishes. But, before we tell you how to cook chestnuts, let's talk about which ones you can eat.

Indeed, under this name there are several different varieties nuts that look similar to each other.

All of them are covered with a spiky green shell, under which shiny fruits of a characteristic shade are hidden. But the ones that are edible are more elongated, shaped like an onion, and have a tiny tail at the sharp end. The tree they grow on has long, toothed leaves attached to the branch by a stem. You can cook chestnuts of this variety without any fear.

But you shouldn’t eat the fruits of trees with large, spreading leaves, somewhat reminiscent of maple leaves - you can get poisoned. Their nuts are round, sometimes lumpy. And, unfortunately, they are the ones that grow in abundance in central Russia. So residents of this region can buy chestnuts in the store.

Method 1

First of all, regardless of the chosen cooking method, they need to be cut. This can be done with special scissors, or with a regular sharp knife. Carefully make a longitudinal cut on the side, so as to slightly capture the flesh of the nut. You can pierce it with a fork or cut the brown peel crosswise from the sharp edge. Almost any chestnut recipe begins with this step.

Now the nuts have holes for steam to escape and they can be fried in a frying pan. It's a good idea to use a regular thick-walled container with a heavy lid, like the one you use to pop popcorn. A grill pan is an excellent choice. It needs to be heated over moderate heat without oil and put the chestnuts on it.

If they are old and dark, wrinkled flesh is visible through the cut, you can splash a tablespoon of water on them or lay a damp towel on top. This way they will be steamed at the first stage of cooking and will not be dry. But even without these manipulations the result will be successful. The main thing is to remember that it is correct to fry chestnuts in a frying pan, covered, over moderate heat, stirring from time to time. When they start jumping and bursting with loud pops, you can simply shake the container.

Check the nuts. If they have darkened, the brown shell has charred in places, and the cut has opened to reveal the light flesh, the chestnuts are ready. Now you can cool them slightly, remove the peel (this is easy while they are hot) and eat. You shouldn’t wait until they have completely cooled down – this will greatly reduce the taste.

Method 2

If desired, you can cook chestnuts in the oven. For this, it is better to make a cross-shaped cut on the fruit from one of the edges.

Place the prepared nuts on a dry baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.

After 15-20 minutes, check their condition. If the cut opens like a flower, you can turn off the heat - everything is ready.

Using oven mitts, being careful not to burn yourself, remove the skins from the nuts.

Method 3

You can also cook chestnuts in the microwave. It is fast, modern and, if you are not lazy and make the necessary cuts on each of them, it is safe.

Having prepared the fruits in this way, place them in a wide but shallow container for microwave ovens.

Lightly salt them and pour a few tablespoons of hot water into them. Since it is almost impossible to roast chestnuts in the microwave, it is better to steam them and peel them. Then, if you really want to, lightly fry the kernels in oil or without it.

For now, cover the container. cling film or a lid (preferably not glass) and microwave for 6-8 minutes at full power. Try one thing at a time, cook for a few more minutes if necessary.

Serve the peeled chestnuts hot in a beautiful plate. Eat them with soft music or a good old French comedy, and enjoy the Parisian romance at home.

This article will focus exclusively on the seed variety. For cooking, only this type is used, and not the decorative one that can be found in city squares and parks. This type of nut is not only tasty, but also healthy. By the way, usually all nuts are high in fat, but not in in this case. There are only 1.3 vegetable fats per 100 grams of chestnuts. They contain a lot of potassium, iron and vitamin C; provide beneficial influence on the functioning of the heart, liver and intestines.

You can buy nuts in supermarkets and markets. But what to cook from chestnuts? They make a lot of them various dishes. With proper processing, you get simply magnificent desserts, all kinds of soufflés, buns and breads. You can also cook aromatic soup, bake in the oven with meat, or simply serve as a snack. In many countries, these nuts are sold roasted simply on the street.

Preparation does not require any special manipulations or equipment. The most important thing is to pierce each one with a fork and peel it. This is necessary so that during the cooking process the nuts do not burst due to the juice accumulated inside. However, there is no need to make holes when cooking them.

How to cook chestnuts: baking in the oven or boiling is a matter of taste. We advise you to gradually try more and more new recipes. And today we will tell you how to properly peel chestnuts and fry them in a frying pan.

Cooking chestnuts in a frying pan

It is impossible to describe the taste of roasted chestnuts, you have to feel it! Try to prepare a wonderful dish for your guests. Follow our tips and see photos of each step.

Required ingredients:

  • raw chestnuts - 400 g
  • sunflower oil - 1 tsp.
  • water - 85 ml

Cooking method:

Important: you need to peel the nuts while they are warm, as it is difficult to do this when completely cooled. To keep warm, wrap them in foil.

Some tips and interesting details:

  • nuts are ready to eat even raw. They are very versatile in taste and go well with ice cream and cakes, as well as with meat, beer and other savory dishes;
  • it is important not to overcook the dish so that it does not lose its juiciness;
  • When removing the peel, also remove the film and veins;
  • Raw nuts should be stored in a cool and dark place;
  • Ready chestnuts are best eaten immediately. After a while they become less tasty.

Now you know how to cook chestnuts in a frying pan. Experiment and enjoy the original dish!

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One of the favorite delicacies of Parisians is hot chestnuts. They are prepared and sold right on the streets of the most romantic city in the world. Residents and guests of Paris buy them and eat them from the bag, closing their eyes with pleasure. And then they ask the French how to roast chestnuts so that they can pamper themselves more often when they return home.

These reddish-cinnamon fruits are good not only as an independent dish. They are also included in the recipe for many other dishes. But, before we tell you how to cook chestnuts, let's talk about which ones you can eat.

After all, this name hides several different varieties of nuts that look similar to each other.

All of them are covered with a spiky green shell, under which shiny fruits of a characteristic shade are hidden. But the ones that are edible are more elongated, shaped like an onion, and have a tiny tail at the sharp end. The tree they grow on has long, toothed leaves attached to the branch by a stem. You can cook chestnuts of this variety without any fear.

But you shouldn’t eat the fruits of trees with large, spreading leaves, somewhat reminiscent of maple leaves - you can get poisoned. Their nuts are round, sometimes lumpy. And, unfortunately, they are the ones that grow in abundance in central Russia. So it is better for residents of this region to buy chestnuts in the store.

Method 1

  1. First of all, regardless of the chosen cooking method, they need to be cut. This can be done with special scissors, or with a regular sharp knife. Carefully make a longitudinal cut on the side, so as to slightly capture the flesh of the nut. You can pierce it with a fork or cut the brown peel crosswise from the sharp edge. Almost any chestnut recipe begins with this step.

  • Now the nuts have holes for steam to escape and they can be fried in a frying pan. It's a good idea to use a regular thick-walled container with a heavy lid, like the one you use to pop popcorn. A grill pan is an excellent choice. It needs to be heated over moderate heat without oil and put the chestnuts on it.
  • If they are old and dark, wrinkled flesh is visible through the cut, you can splash a tablespoon of water on them or lay a damp towel on top. This way they will be steamed at the first stage of cooking and will not be dry. But even without these manipulations the result will be successful. The main thing is to remember that it is correct to fry chestnuts in a frying pan, covered, over moderate heat, stirring from time to time. When they start jumping and bursting with loud pops, you can simply shake the container.
  • Check the nuts. If they have darkened, the brown shell has charred in places, and the cut has opened to reveal the light flesh, the chestnuts are ready. Now you can cool them slightly, remove the peel (this is easy while they are hot) and eat. You shouldn’t wait until they have completely cooled down – this will greatly reduce the taste.
  • Method 2

    1. If desired, you can cook chestnuts in the oven. For this, it is better to make a cross-shaped cut on the fruit from one of the edges.
  • Place the prepared nuts on a dry baking sheet and place in the oven, heated to 220 degrees.
  • After 15-20 minutes, check their condition. If the cut opens like a flower, you can turn off the heat - everything is ready.
  • Using oven mitts, being careful not to burn yourself, remove the skins from the nuts.
  • Method 3

    1. You can also cook chestnuts in the microwave. It is fast, modern and, if you are not lazy and make the necessary cuts on each of them, it is safe.
    2. Having prepared the fruits in this way, place them in a wide but shallow container for microwave ovens.
  • Lightly salt them and pour a few tablespoons of hot water into them. Since it is almost impossible to roast chestnuts in the microwave, it is better to steam them and peel them. Then, if you really want to, lightly fry the kernels in oil or without it.
  • In the meantime, cover the container with cling film or a lid (preferably not glass) and microwave for 6-8 minutes at full power. Try one thing at a time, cook for a few more minutes if necessary.
  • Serve the peeled chestnuts hot in a beautiful plate. Eat them with soft music or a good old French comedy, and enjoy the Parisian romance at home.

    It is curious that in Turkey, glazed chestnuts are considered their own national invention and are called Kestane Sekeri. The oriental delicacy is no different from its European counterpart: neither in taste, nor in the method of preparation, nor in the price - quite high, because we are talking about a delicacy product. Roasted Castanea sativa fruits are also not uncommon in Turkish cities.

    In Russia, edible chestnuts are not widespread, since the heat-loving trees that bear these tasty nuts grow only in the south of the country - in the Krasnodar Territory. So if you want to try a very healthy fruit, it is better to go in late autumn, or during the winter holidays to Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, or, for example, China and Thailand.

    How chestnuts are eaten in different countries

    Wherever we go, street food vendors will prepare aromatic nuts in approximately the same way. Braziers are installed on small carts - stoves that burn wood, and sometimes crystal salt, which burns longer and consumes less. This method is very common in Spain.

    Chestnuts are thrown into large frying pans with holes and, stirring occasionally with a spatula, they are cooked until the shell begins to crack with a characteristic sound. They sell the delicacy in 10-15 pieces (it’s difficult to eat more at one time) in kraft paper bags. In many Western cities, they always add one more empty package - for peeled shells.

    Europeans do not flavor chestnuts with anything, believing that the taste of the product is good in pure form, without enhancers such as salt or sugar. According to tradition, fried fruits are washed down with mulled wine or just good young red wine. If you don’t want alcohol, you can replace it with natural grape juice.

    And in China or Thailand, chestnuts are thrown into a wok along with small stones and constantly shaken so that the fruits are evenly baked. Unlike their European counterparts, Asian traders pour sugar syrup over the nuts to add shine and extra sweetness.


    Let's disappoint gourmets - they won't try the most delicious chestnuts, called marron, from hawkers. Prices for nuts that once served as food for the poor are rising from year to year, so only expensive restaurants can afford elite varieties. On the streets, we will be offered simpler options, and we need to be prepared for this.

    And immediately advice

    It is best to buy chestnuts not at central streets, actively visited by tourists, and in remote areas or small towns, where they are mainly prepared for local population. Visiting guests come and go, but if the product is not liked by regular customers living in the trading area, the seller will be left without revenue.

    Chestnuts are recognized as one of the most valuable products of the autumn-winter period. When used regularly, they are quite capable of replacing the vitamin complexes that are often prescribed to us at this time of year. By saturating the body with carbohydrates and proteins, unique nuts charge us with energy, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, normalize blood composition, and also help fight blues caused by lack of sun and cold weather.

    If we do not plan to travel during chestnut season to places where they are common food, we should go to the market or supermarket and prepare the delicacy ourselves. Even novice housewives can fry or bake fruits. Of course, if they know what to do with chestnuts and can figure out some of the intricacies of the process.

    About culinary secrets - well-known and not so well-known, further in the article.

    Cooking methods

    Basic rules:

    1. Raw nuts are difficult to digest and are difficult to peel. Therefore, cooking is recommended for them. The most delicious fried and baked fruits can be eaten as a separate dish or served as a side dish, but boiled ones are best used for making soups and purees.
    2. First, nuts brought from the store are sorted, removing spoiled specimens. The easiest way is to put your purchase in a large bowl of water, and then throw away as unusable everything that floats to the surface.
    3. Immediately before heat treatment, chestnuts are washed and dried with a paper towel. The shell is cut or pierced, otherwise the resulting steam will burst when heated. Some chefs recommend soaking the nuts in water for 2–3 hours after this, which will make their taste more tender and richer.
    4. You need to peel the fruits warm, as soon as they stop burning your hands.
    5. Hot, freshly cooked chestnuts are much more aromatic and tastier than cold ones. For this reason, it is not advisable to cook “in reserve”. You need to take a portion that you can eat right away.
    6. It is very important not to overcook the fruits in a frying pan or in the oven so that they do not lose moisture.

    Correctly cutting the shell

    If the integrity of the shell is not broken before cooking, we are unlikely to be able to enjoy the chestnut. The steam generated during heating will turn the fruit into small crumbs, which will scatter in different directions no worse than an artillery shell. And we will not only be left without a delicacy, but we may also suffer if we fry over an open fire and do not use a lid.

    There are several ways to avoid this problem:

    • Prick the nuts deeply with a fork (about 1/3)
    • make a cross-shaped cut with a knife
    • remove the sharp “spout” of the fruit, while also capturing some of the pulp

    The last option is the simplest and fastest; it will protect our fingers if the round chestnut slips out from under the knife. In addition, the cross-shaped cut opens during frying and the nut dries out more. But with a fork it is not always possible to completely pierce the hard shell and the risk of explosions during the cooking process increases.

    In addition to the hard outer shell, the fruit must also be freed from the thin elastic peel underneath. Only in this form are they suitable for consumption.

    How to fry in a frying pan: culinary subtleties

    If we cook on the stove, it will take us no more than a quarter of an hour for the delicate product to reach its proper condition and not dry out.

    The classic roasting algorithm, found on the Internet and tested by me for training purposes:

    1. Place the prepared fruits in a thick-walled deep frying pan, preheated. It is better for the nuts to fit in one layer, but you can make two. Important: under no circumstances should you use a Teflon-coated frying pan, otherwise it will be hopelessly damaged. Ideally, the cookware should be cast iron.
    2. Fry over low heat (so that the chestnuts do not crack), stirring constantly for 12–15 minutes. As the fruit is cooked, the shells of the fruit will acquire a light shade, and some places will char to black - this is a normal phenomenon that you do not need to be afraid of.
    3. The readiness of the product is indicated by a characteristic crackling sound, a very appetizing potato-nut smell spreading throughout the house, and the appearance of small cracks in the shell.

    Option No. 2, with oil:

    1. Pour into the frying pan vegetable oil, warm it up, and then spread the prepared nuts in one layer. Cover them with moistened paper towels to protect them from drying out and simmer under the lid over low heat for 20 minutes. Some recipes suggest skipping the oil by using a dry frying pan.
    2. From time to time, the fruits need to be shaken without opening the lid. We moisten the napkins as they dry.
    3. On finished nuts, the shell cracks deeply and is easily removed.
    4. If the fruits still seem a bit harsh, you can peel them and additionally boil them in milk. The liquid should cover the main ingredient by about 2 cm. Honey (2 tablespoons) and cinnamon (1 stick) are used as natural flavors.

    We wash and dry the sorted chestnuts. We cut off the “spouts” or make cross-shaped cuts.

    I liked the method of cutting off the noses better. Less hassle, faster, and the result is the same.

    Place in a thick-walled frying pan. Our alternative to wet wipes is a thin, about 2 mm layer of water at the bottom of the cooking utensil. This will create a moist environment that will prevent the nuts from drying out.

    Cover the future culinary masterpiece with a lid and place on low heat.

    First, the chestnuts are steamed and only then fried. At the end, the lid can be removed, and the fruits must be stirred so as not to burn.

    We peel the finished nuts from their shells - they are removed very easily and we immediately begin the feast.

    The chestnuts turn out to be very tender and pleasant to the taste. I recommend trying it!

    On the grill

    In imitation of street vendors, exotic nuts can also be baked on the grill.

    1. Place the washed and sorted chestnuts in warm water for 10–15 minutes.
    2. Cut the shell crosswise on the convex side of the fruit.
    3. If there is no special frying pan with holes for frying chestnuts, you can limit yourself to ordinary cast-iron cookware with thick walls, placing it on a wire rack. In any case, the fruits should be laid cut side down and placed in the grill on high layer coals.
    4. After frying the product for 6 - 7 minutes, shaking it occasionally, turn it over to the other side and bring it to readiness.
    5. When the fruits have cooled slightly, they are peeled and served.

    How to bake

    Baked fruits are the most delicious and healthy. They are added to salads and main courses, made into a complex side dish for meat, or sprinkled with sweet sauce and served as dessert. Baking chestnuts is a little easier than frying them in a frying pan, especially if the oven is equipped with a grill. But you can do without this function.

    There are recipes where chestnuts are kept in a solution with spices or heavily sweetened water before cooking in the oven.

    We offer an option from Mediterranean cuisine, the dishes of which are not only appetizing, but also healthy.

    1. Pre-sorted and washed chestnuts should be cut along the round side, preferably crosswise, to make them easier to clean later. The depth of the notch must be at least 5 mm.
    2. Place the fruits on a baking sheet, cut side up. Sprinkle lightly with water.
    3. Preheat the oven to 200ºC and place our chestnuts in it. After a quarter of an hour, the fruits need to be turned over and waited another 5 minutes, and if they seem not soft enough, then more.
    4. Strongly opened cuts indicate the readiness of the nuts.

    Baked chestnuts are best enjoyed with semi-sweet red wine.

    Microwave helps us

    When we have this miracle device at hand, cooking chestnuts takes about 10 minutes, reducing our labor costs to a minimum.

    We wash the nuts and select spoiled specimens. We make deep cross-shaped notches on the convex side or cut off the spouts.

    Place the fruits in a special microwave-safe bowl. We add salt to our preparation if it will not be used as a dessert.

    Pour a little water into the bottom of the dish, literally 2 mm.

    Cover with a lid and cook at full power for 6-8 minutes.

    This is how beautiful our chestnuts look in the microwave now! Neither give nor take the flowers that opened under the morning sun!

    Let's taste this splendor. If the nut pulp is not soft enough, keep them in the microwave oven for another 2 - 3 minutes.

    We clean the fully prepared fruits and invite the family to the table. Let everyone enjoy such an exquisite delicacy.

    Dietary product: how to cook in peel

    For diet menu Boiled fruits are ideal. They contain the least calories.

    Cooking chestnuts is very simple: after cutting the shells, they are thrown into boiling water, salted to taste, and spices are added: bay leaf, peppercorns, etc. Cooking time ranges from 30 to 40 minutes, depending on the size of the fruit.

    It is better to remove the finished nuts from hot water one at a time so that they do not have time to cool and the shells are easier to remove.

    How to clean

    If we want to freeze southern nuts for future use or try them raw, we will need to get rid of the hard skin. You can do this as follows:

    1. As usual, we make an incision on one side of the fruit.
    2. Throw them into boiling water for 3 – 5 minutes.
    3. We take it out and put it in the freezer for 4 – 6 hours.
    4. After this, blanch again and immediately place under running cold water.

    After this contrast shower, the kernels will literally “jump” out of the shell.

    Roasted or baked chestnuts are one of the easiest dishes to prepare, but, unfortunately, they quickly become boring.

    Several recipes

    What other delicacies from this product can you pamper yourself and your loved ones?

    Cream soup according to an old recipe

    Nothing warms you up in cold weather like a thick and rich first course. This is exactly the kind of soup – nutritious, tender in consistency and incredibly aromatic – that we want to offer.

    We will need:
    • 400 g raw chestnuts
    • 700 ml poultry broth
    • 1 tbsp. l. melted butter
    • 1 tsp. flour
    • 100 ml cream, 10% fat
    • salt and spices to taste
    How to cook
    1. Peeled as described above, place the chestnuts in a saucepan. Add a dressing made from butter, mashed with flour.
    2. Pour in the pre-prepared broth (your choice of chicken or turkey), add salt if necessary, add spices and cook until the chestnuts are soft.
    3. Then puree the fruits in a blender, adding a little liquid so that the mass does not turn out to be dry.
    4. Place the puree in a water bath and reduce the heat to low. Stirring constantly, combine the chestnut mass with the remaining broth.
    5. Having brought the mixture to a homogeneous consistency, add cream and lightly beat everything together without removing from the water bath.
    6. Serve the soup immediately, garnished with herbs.

    Vegetarian roast

    Such a dish will decorate any table, worthy of competing with the usual potato-meat duet. Light and satisfying, it is equally suitable for those who watch their figure, those who prefer plant-based foods, and simply connoisseurs of everything new, refined and original.

    • 300 g raw, peeled chestnuts (can be replaced with canned or boiled ones)
    • 500 g champignons
    • 50 g hazelnuts
    • ½ large onion
    • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic
    • 50 ml cognac
    • favorite hot spices
    1. Fry the sliced ​​mushrooms. Pour in the cognac and simmer until all the liquid has evaporated.
    2. Chop the onion and garlic, fry them together, add spices.
    3. Finely chop the chestnuts and nuts.
    4. Mix all the ingredients, place them on a baking sheet and, adding a little water, place them in an oven preheated to 180ºC. Bake for about 40 minutes.

    Sweet snack with coffee sauce

    We have already tried the first and second of the wonderful southern fruits, it’s time for dessert. We offer a very simple and quick recipe. Nuts prepared using it can be served as a separate dish or as an impressive addition to ice cream.

    We will need:
    • 500 g boiled chestnuts
    • 100 ml strong, freshly brewed coffee
    • 2 egg yolks
    • ½ cup 35% fat cream
    • 3 tbsp. l. cognac and powdered sugar
    Cooking method
    1. We already know how and how much to cook chestnuts, so there are unlikely to be any difficulties with their preparation.
    2. For the sauce, we need to beat the yolks well with cognac, cream and coffee.
    3. Place the resulting fluffy, airy mass in a water bath, add powdered sugar and, stirring frequently, cook until it thickens.
    4. Pour the sauce over our nuts and serve.

    Chestnuts are worth a try even for skeptics who are suspicious of unfamiliar products that are little used in our cuisine. These fruits provide great scope for creativity and culinary experiments. Bon appetit everyone!