Is Chatsky’s loneliness a modern phenomenon? Why Chatsky is doomed to loneliness (essay)

A “social” comedy with a social clash between the “past century” and the “present century” is called the comedy of A.S. Griboyedov "Woe from Wit". And it is structured in such a way that only Chatsky speaks about progressive ideas for transforming society, the desire for spirituality, and a new morality.

Alexander Andreevich Chatsky is a person whom Griboedov awarded with such traits as independence, love of freedom, and generosity of soul. He has his own view of current events, a desire to fight injustice. The hero is literally imbued with love for the people and the desire to resist the cruel serfdom system that oppresses people. His feelings are sincere and spontaneous. This also applies to the purity of his love in Sophia.

In his work, the playwright created the “new man” of the era. He is not like everyone else, a “stranger,” a “renegade,” which means he is doomed to misunderstanding and loneliness.
The hero comes into the world with new ideas, thoughts, views. He condemns the morals that have become the basis of the life of the “Famus society”, taking root in the minds and hearts. Chatsky is strong and courageous man, ready to fight for his principles and ideals.

But it turns out that his new views are not only unnecessary, but even harmful. After all, they disturb the peace of what is already established, turning into a cozy swamp. Chatsky is trying to change something, but it didn’t work out that way. He is invited to become like everyone else, to abandon his views. But for him, becoming a gray person in the same crowd is tantamount to moral death.

The comedy hero, who has made an unconditional decision to go against the system, remains in all alone. Little of, Famusov society, does not forgive him for his independence and love of freedom, spreading a stupid rumor about his madness. It rejects the “madman,” expelling him from its world.

Chatsky's loneliness is explained by his incompatibility with the society around him. After all, the goals, values, and ideals are completely different for them. Representatives of the Famusov world cannot recognize Chatsky’s views as correct, because then they will need to abandon their cozy little world. And this is impossible for them.

So it turns out that, like any person who decides to go against the system, Chatsky has only one way out - the path of an outcast. Two completely different worlds can't be nearby.

    • The very name of the comedy "Woe from Wit" is significant. For educators, convinced of the omnipotence of knowledge, mind is a synonym for happiness. But the powers of the mind have faced serious tests in all eras. New advanced ideas are not always accepted by society, and the bearers of these ideas are often declared crazy. It is no coincidence that Griboedov also addresses the topic of the mind. His comedy is a story about progressive ideas and society's reaction to them. At first, the title of the play is “Woe to Wit,” which the writer later replaces with “Woe from Wit.” More […]
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    • After reading A. S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” and critics’ articles about this play, I also thought about: “What is he like, Chatsky”? The first impression of the hero is that he is perfect: smart, kind, cheerful, vulnerable, passionately in love, loyal, sensitive, knowing the answers to all questions. He rushes seven hundred miles to Moscow to meet Sophia after a three-year separation. But this opinion arose after the first reading. When in literature lessons we analyzed comedy and read the opinions of various critics about [...]
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    • The image of Chatsky caused numerous controversy in criticism. I. A. Goncharov considered the hero Griboyedov a “sincere and ardent figure”, superior to Onegin and Pechorin. “...Chatsky is not only smarter than all other people, but also positively smart. His speech is full of intelligence and wit. He has a heart, and, moreover, he is impeccably honest,” the critic wrote. Apollo Grigoriev spoke about this image in approximately the same way, who considered Chatsky to be a real fighter, an honest, passionate and truthful person. Finally, I myself held a similar opinion [...]
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    • A. A. Chatsky A. S. Molchalin Character A straightforward, sincere young man. An ardent temperament often interferes with the hero and deprives him of impartial judgment. Secretive, cautious, helpful person. The main goal is a career, position in society. Position in society Poor Moscow nobleman. Receives a warm welcome in local society due to his origin and old connections. Provincial tradesman by origin. The rank of collegiate assessor by law gives him the right to nobility. In the light […]
    • The comedy by A. S. Griboyedov “Woe from Wit” consists of a number of small episodes-phenomena. They are combined into larger ones, such as, for example, the description of a ball in Famusov’s house. Analyzing this stage episode, we consider it as one of important stages permissions of the main dramatic conflict, which consists in the confrontation between the “present century” and the “past century”. Based on the principles of the writer’s attitude to the theater, it is worth noting that A. S. Griboyedov presented it in accordance with the traditions […]
    • In the comedy “Woe from Wit” A. S. Griboyedov portrayed noble Moscow of the 10-20s XIX century. In the society of that time, they worshiped uniform and rank and rejected books and enlightenment. A person was judged not by his personal qualities, but by the number of serf souls. Everyone sought to imitate Europe and worshiped foreign fashion, language and culture. The “past century”, presented vividly and fully in the work, is characterized by the power of women, their great influence on the formation of tastes and views of society. Moscow […]
    • CHATSKY is the hero of A.S. Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit” (1824; in the first edition the spelling of the surname is Chadsky). The probable prototypes of the image are PYa.Chaadaev (1796-1856) and V.K-Kuchelbecker (1797-1846). The nature of the hero’s actions, his statements and relationships with other comedy personalities provide extensive material for revealing the theme stated in the title. Alexander Andreevich Ch. is one of the first romantic heroes of Russian drama, and how romantic hero on the one hand, he categorically does not accept an inert environment, [...]
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    • The comedy “Woe from Wit” was created in the early 20s. XIX century Main conflict, on which the comedy is based, is the confrontation between the “present century” and the “past century.” In the literature of that time, the classicism of the era of Catherine the Great still had power. But outdated canons limited the playwright’s freedom in describing real life, therefore, Griboyedov, taking classic comedy as a basis, neglected (as necessary) some of the laws of its construction. Any classic work (drama) should […]
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    • The famous comedy by AS.Griboyedov "Woe from Wit" was created in the first quarter of the XIX centuries. Literary life This period was determined by clear signs of the crisis of the autocratic-serf system and the maturation of the ideas of noble revolutionism. There was a process of gradual transition from the ideas of classicism, with its predilection for " high genres, to romanticism and realism. One of the brightest representatives and founders critical realism and became A.S. Griboyedov. In his comedy "Woe from Wit", which successfully combines [...]
    • In the comedy "Woe from Wit" Sofya Pavlovna Famusova is the only character conceived and performed close to Chatsky. Griboedov wrote about her: “The girl herself is not stupid, she prefers a fool smart person...". Griboyedov abandoned farce and satire in depicting the character of Sophia. He presented to the reader female character great depth and strength. Sophia was “unlucky” in criticism for quite a long time. Even Pushkin considered the author’s image of Famusova a failure; “Sophia is sketched unclearly.” And only in 1878 Goncharov, in his article […]
    • Molchalin - character traits: desire for a career, hypocrisy, ability to curry favor, taciturnity, poverty of vocabulary. This is explained by his fear of expressing his judgment. He says mainly in short phrases and chooses words depending on who he is talking to. Not in the language foreign words and expressions. Molchalin chooses delicate words, adding a postive “-s”. To Famusov - respectfully, to Khlestova - flatteringly, insinuatingly, with Sophia - with special modesty, with Liza - he does not mince words. Especially […]
    • The gallery of human characters successfully noted in the comedy “Woe from Wit” is still relevant today. At the beginning of the play, the author introduces the reader to two young people, in all opposite each other friend: Chatsky and Molchalin. Both characters are presented to us in such a way that we get a misleading first impression of them. We judge Molchalin, Famusov’s secretary, from Sonya’s words, as “the enemy of insolence” and a person who is “ready to forget himself for others.” Molchalin first appears before the reader and Sonya, who is in love with him […]
    • When you see a rich house, a hospitable owner, elegant guests, you can’t help but admire them. I would like to know what these people are like, what they talk about, what they are interested in, what is close to them, what is alien. Then you feel how the first impression gives way to bewilderment, then to contempt for both the owner of the house, one of the Moscow “aces” Famusov, and his entourage. There are other noble families, from them came heroes of the War of 1812, Decembrists, great masters of culture (and if great people came from such houses as we see in comedy, then […]
  • 1) Is Chatsky smart? In the comedy Woe from Wit? 2) The comedy "Woe from Wit" - a drama due to the uselessness of the mind in Russia? 3) Honesty and kindness are more important

    4) Does the country need smart people; what is the tragedy of smart people in the comedy "Woe from Wit".....

    Help me write an essay on literature on one of these topics: 1. The conflict of two eras in the comedy Woe from Wit 2. The theme of enlightenment in comedy

    Woe from mind

    3. The problem of the mind in the comedy Woe from Wit

    4. Chatsky and silent (comparative characteristics)

    5.My favorite character

    Help with my essay. Please! Submit tomorrow! Comedy "Woe from Wit"

    I need an essay on one of these topics:
    1. "Chatsky - winner or loser"
    2. Chatsky is an exponent of the ideas of his time.
    3. Master's Moscow in Griboedov's comedy "Woe from Wit"
    4. Why are molchalins dangerous?
    5. "The present century and the past century"
    6. Author and hero in Griboyedov's comedy "Woe from Wit."
    If anyone has an essay on one of these topics, please respond. If it is good, with a plan and I don’t find a copy, I’ll pay 40 points

    draw up an outline and divide the text according to the plan “Woe from Wit” is an unsurpassed work, the only one in world literature,

    not fully solved" (A. Blok)

    The comedy "Woe from Wit" was written between 1815 and 1820. The content of the play is closely related to historical events that time in Russia. The work remains relevant in our time. At that time, society included defenders of serfdom and Decembrists, imbued with love for the Motherland and opposing violence against individuals.

    The comedy describes the clash of two centuries: the “present century” with the “past century.” A striking example of old times is the so-called Famus society. These are acquaintances and relatives of Pavel Afanasyevich Famusov, a wealthy Moscow gentleman, in whose house the play takes place. These are Khlestova, the Gorichi spouses, Skalozub, Molchalin and others. All these people are united by one point of view on life. They are all cruel serf owners; human trafficking is considered normal among them. Serfs save their lives and honor, serve sincerely, and they can exchange them for a pair of greyhounds. So at Famusov’s ball, Khlestova tells Sophia to give her a sop from dinner for her blackamoor - a girl and a dog. She doesn't see any difference between them. This remains relevant today. When a rich person with power and money can humiliate another person of lower level. The ideals for today's society are rich people in ranks. Famusov uses Kuzma Petrovich as an example to Chatsky, who was a respectable chamberlain, “with a key,” “rich and was married to a rich woman.” Pavel Afanasyevich wants a groom like Skalozub for his daughter, because he “has a golden bag and aspires to be a general.”

    All representatives of Famus society are characterized by an indifferent attitude towards affairs. Famusov, a “manager in a government place,” deals with affairs only once; at Molchalin’s insistence, he signs the papers, despite the fact that they “contradict and contain many things.” He thinks: “It’s signed, off your shoulders.” The saddest thing is that these days people think exactly the same as Famusov. Almost everyone has an irresponsible attitude towards work. This is the unsurpassability of great comedy; it remains vital and relevant in the 20th century.

    Main character plays by Chatsky, through whom the author expresses his progressive ideas. He opposes the senseless imitation of everything foreign. He wants to punish those around him that they must love and respect Russian culture. Chatsky says that a Frenchman from Bordeaux, who came to Moscow, did not hear “a word of a Russian” and did not see “a Russian face” here. The comedy "Woe from Wit" is unique in world literature, since no one except Griboedov reveals the whole reality of the events taking place.

    In the comedy, Chatsky is declared crazy because representatives of Famus society do not understand his ideas. He alone does not want to put up with the humiliation of people over people. Chatsky failed to correctly prove the correctness of his beliefs and still cannot reveal the secret. The comedy remains unsolved because humanity blindly follows life events not wanting to change anything.

    4. Note what is innovative in the image system of the comedy “Woe About Wit”:

    A) compliance with the “role” system
    B) quantity characters– more than twenty
    C) the image system is based on the principle of typification
    D) lack of division of characters into positive and negative
    D) introduction of off-stage characters
    5. Match the comedy hero and the role to which he corresponds:
    A) Chatsky
    1) a father who has no idea about his daughter’s love
    B) Famusov
    2) lucky hero-lover
    B) Sophia
    3) soubrette
    D) Lisa
    4) heroine of a love triangle
    D) Molchalin
    5) hero-reasoner
    6. Match the name of the hero and the role he plays in the comedy:
    A) Khryumins, Tugoukhovskys, Khlestovas
    1) main characters
    B) Prince Fedor, Kuzma Petrovich, Maxim Petrovich
    2) minor
    B) Chatsky, Sophia, Molchalin, Famusov
    3) episodic
    D) G.D.-G.N.
    4) parody image
    D) Skalozub, Lisa, Zagoretsky, Gorich, Repetilov
    5) off-stage characters
    E) Repetilov
    6) heroes. Necessary for the connection of stage action
    7. Note the main means of creating satirical characters in comedy:
    Individualization of language, aphorism, tragic pathos, author's remark, hyperbole, farcical details,
    catharsis, phraseological units, drama, vernacular, irony, sarcasm.
    8. Name the hero of the comedy “Woe from Wit”, whose speech is aphoristic, the influence of the manner of speaking of other heroes is noticeable, literary and colloquial forms of speech are intertwined, there are features of servility:
    A) Molchalin B) Repetilov C) Zagoretsky D) Liza
    9. Combine off-stage characters related to the “present century” and the “past century”:
    Prince Fyodor, Maxim Petrovich, three of the boulevard figures, Tatyana Yuryevna, Skalozub’s cousin, Baron von
    Klots, a Frenchman from Bordeaux, young people - “who travels, who lives in the village”, Kuzma Petrovich, Sophia’s aunt.
    11. Where does Khlestova live:
    A) on Tverskaya B) on Kuznetsky Most C) on Pokrovka D) at the Nikitsky Gate
    12. Whose portrait is this:
    Curly! The hump of the shoulder blade!
    Angry! All cat tricks!
    Yes, how black! How scary!
    A) Khlestovoy
    B) Princess Maria Alekseevna
    B) Khryumina
    D) arapki

    The majority is important in the life of society; it is extremely difficult to resist it, especially when alone.

    This is the special tragedy of the image of Chatsky confronting the crowd. Of the two dozen characters presented in Alexander Sergeevich Griboedov’s play “Woe from Wit,” only Chatsky can undoubtedly be considered partly a heroic figure, challenging Famus’s society, but also therefore endlessly lonely.

    The main character's desire for independence

    The main character is endowed with inner independence and a desire for freedom. He is trying to fight the injustice that surrounds him. He has his own opinion and defends it fiercely. He sincerely loves his country and his people, wants to destroy the system based on serfdom and humiliation of human dignity. The sincerity of his feelings and aspirations is beyond doubt.

    Lonely Chatsky in Famus society

    Chatsky is rightfully considered an example of how difficult it is to convey new thoughts to the masses. Particularly difficult is the amazing rigidity of the views of Famus society. They are almost impossible to change, so the main character is doomed to exile and loneliness. In a comedy, only one person talks about morality, social change and spirituality. The rest don't care. They strive only for their own well-being. Serving the cause - the principle that Chatsky proclaims, contradicts the way of thinking of Famusov and his entourage.

    In the image of the main character, we see a new man of the era, different from the majority. This person does not adapt to the conventions of the world, therefore he is doomed to be unaccepted by the people around him. Chatsky is an ardent preacher new, reformist ideas, he condemns the morality of the Moscow nobility, the morals that underlie their existence. His courage undoubtedly deserves respect.

    His innovative views do not find a response among representatives of the Famus society. He is harmful to conservatives. His ideas disrupt the usual course of things, convenient for the majority. The main character strives for change, but faces difficulties.

    Deciding to fight, Chatsky rebels alone against everyone. The Moscow aristocracy cannot forgive his love of freedom, spreading rumors about the madness of the protagonist, thus completely rejecting him.

    What is the loneliness of the main character?

    Chatsky's loneliness is explained by his incompatibility with the conservative majority. Their values ​​and aspirations conflict with each other. Aristocrats do not accept his ideas, since following them will require them to change the convenient structure of the world. This becomes the reason for Chatsky’s loneliness.

    For many of us, the word “loneliness” is associated with a certain peculiarity, uniqueness and novelty. Our thinking and perception are influenced by the society around us. Of course, on the one hand, following everyone is good, as this allows you to feel support from others, but on the other hand, society can stall the development of your personality.

    Many are afraid to stand out from others, because it often ends in misunderstanding and condemnation behind their backs. Alexander Griboyedov in his work “Woe from Wit” shows how life is for a person who is trying to convey his ideas, which are criticized from all sides. The main character Alexander Chatsky is endowed with the features ideal person, he is independent, free and generous. Alexander was a nobleman, because early death parents, he had to live and grow up in the house of Famusov, who was a longtime friend of his father. Chatsky was accustomed to freedom from a young age, so he often heard negative words addressed to him by Famusov. Chatsky wanted to serve the Fatherland, but because of his honesty, he could not last long and his career quickly ended with the words: “I would be glad to serve - it’s sickening to be served.” In the comedy "Woe from Wit" the image of Chatsky is the only positive one.

    The author worked to give the hero qualities that he would like to see in every person. Chatsky is determined to fight injustice, he respects the people and tries to resist the serfdom system. His sincere intentions are also visible in relation to Sophia. But he had to part with her because the main thing for him was the call to serve the Fatherland.

    The author created the image of a “new man”, endowing him with all good qualities, on the other hand, this means that Chatsky becomes an outcast from society. In turn, the main character is determined to defend his ideas and principles, but as it turns out, no one needs everything that Chatsky strives for. Society is not ready to accept something new into its life, because it is much easier to leave everything as it was. Alexander is faced with the choice of becoming like everyone else, but this prospect does not make him happy at all and the author compares this to moral death.
    The idea of ​​the story is the contradiction of Chatsky’s character and actions in relation to Famus’s world.

    Thinking deeper, you can understand that the author creates images ideal hero, who does not receive support in his direction, he himself tries to introduce his ideas when many people are against him. Not wanting to understand, they consider him a crazy madman. Chatsky is doomed to loneliness because of the society that surrounds him, because among them there are many rich people, with their own whims and completely different values. All these people live for themselves, so it is wild for them to make any concessions. The main character is trying to bring some joy and laughter to the Famusovs’ house, to convey to these people the concept of tenderness and sincerity, but they cannot understand this, because their main thing is completely different.

    Opportunities Chatsky, to some extent, is to blame for his loneliness. Even though he was endowed with everyone positive features, he lacked special flexibility of thinking in order to adapt to society.

    Chatsky's loneliness in Famus society

    In Griboyedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit,” representatives of two worlds collide – the bygone century and the present century. Chatsky in the work is a representative of the century that replaced the last century.

    Apparently, at the change of eras, it is always difficult for the new to fight the old way of life. So it was simply impossible for Chatsky to prove his new views to the representatives of the majority of the nobility, who had no idea about changing anything in their lives, because they were already happy with everything.

    Having left the service, because in his understanding it was necessary to serve for the benefit of the Fatherland, and not because of his own selfish motives, he began to travel.

    Returning from a trip, Alexander Andreevich came to Famusov’s house with his advanced views on life and what was happening around him, hoping that changes had already come in Moscow. But here everything remains the same, so the freedom-loving, intelligent, generous good deeds it was difficult for the man to communicate with representatives of Moscow circles, but he tried to prove that he was right.

    Chatsky was a great patriot of his homeland and condemned the nobles for hiring foreign governesses and teachers. After all, how can such teachers instill in children a love for Russian traditions and patriotism?

    Being an ardent critic of serfdom, he loved the common people very much, complained for the freedom of people, for justice.

    How could Famusov’s society like this, where the way of life was based on lies, worship of the strong, and enrichment. Representatives of this society did not want to give up their cozy world. They could not understand and accept Chatsky’s new ideas, which condemned their way of life and morals. Moreover, they considered them crazy.

    Chatsky is not like everyone else, which is why he is alone in his ideas and outlook on life. He boldly went against the system, not bending to the foundations imposed on him by society, and refused to become like everyone else, proudly defending his rightness. This only deepens his loneliness.

    Chatsky was ridiculed, his beloved girl betrayed him and, finally, they could not forgive him for his love of freedom and was expelled from society, with hatred declaring that he had gone crazy. Upset by all this, he goes to look for a “cozy corner” where his new ideas will be understood and he will not be alone in his thoughts.

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    Chatsky is a young educated nobleman who returned from a three-year journey. He is not rich, although he belongs to the “ famous surname" He spent his childhood in Moscow, in the house of Famusov, a friend of his late father; here he grew up and became friends with Sofia. We do not know where and what kind of education Chatsky received, but we see that he is an enlightened person. Chatsky returned to Moscow to Famusov’s house because he loves Sofia. “At first light,” without stopping home, he quickly appears at Famusov’s house and expresses his ardent love to Sofia. This already characterizes him as an ardent, passionate person. Neither separation nor travel cooled his feelings, which he expresses poetically and passionately. Chatsky’s speech is emotional, it often contains exclamations and questions: Oh, my God! Am I really here again, in Moscow! ... Chatsky is smart, eloquent, his speech is witty and apt. Sofia says about him: Oster, smart, eloquent. Chatsky is recommended by Famusov: ... he is a guy with a head and writes and translates nicely... A number of aphorisms testify to Chatsky’s sharp and subtle mind: “Blessed is he who believes, he is warm in the world”, “The mind is not in harmony with the heart.” Chatsky stands for true enlightenment. He passionately proclaims: Now let one of us, Of the young people, be found - an enemy of quest, Without demanding either a place or promotion to rank, He will focus his mind on science, hungry for knowledge... The image of Chatsky is new, fresh, bringing changes to life society. He despises hypocrisy and inhumane treatment of the people. For him, love is sacred. He “knows no deception and believes in his chosen dream.” And that is why he experiences with such pain the disappointment that befell him when he found out that Sofia loved someone else, that is, Molchalin. Chatsky is alone in Famusov’s house. Everyone turned away from him, calling him crazy. The Famus society sees the reason for his madness in enlightenment: Learning is the plague, learning is the reason, That now there are more crazy people, and deeds, and opinions. Chatsky was forced to leave Famusov's house. He was defeated because the forces were unequal. But in turn, he gave a good rebuff to the “past” century. Chatsky also speaks indignantly about serfdom. In the monologue “Who are the judges? ... ”he angrily speaks out against the oppressors: Where, point out to us, are the fatherlands, Whom we should take as models? Aren't these rich in robbery? They found protection from court in friends, in kinship, building magnificent chambers, where they spill out in feasts and extravagance, and where foreign clients do not resurrect the meanest traits of their past lives. Chatsky believes that it is necessary to serve not individuals, but a cause. He sees a person's value in his personal merits. The image of Chatsky showed us what it should be like real man. He is the one people should emulate.