Agencies for employment abroad.  White list of companies dealing with labor emigration of Ukrainians

1. Employment in the USA.

Maids, receptionists, cooks, waiters in hotel complexes. Wages: $350-$400 per week;

Cleaning of residential buildings, offices, cinemas, supermarkets. Salary: $350-$400 per week;

Construction work - all specialties. Salary: $350-$400 per week;

Furniture transportation, assembly and disassembly. Salary: $350-$400 per week;

Maintenance personnel of a network of gas stations. Salary: $250-$400 per week (credit for air tickets);

Nannies and housekeepers for Russian-speaking families. Salary: $200-$300 per week (crediting 50% of the cost of employment and air tickets, full board);

Elderly care, nannies and housekeepers for English-speaking families. Salary: $450-$500 per week (knowledge of English required);

Taxi drivers. Salary: $400-$750 per week (knowledge of English required).

Upon arrival in the US, you must have money for:

Payment for prepared housing ~ $150;

For food up to the first salary ~ $50-100 (if the employment regime does not provide full board).

Registration is carried out in two stages:

For visa support and related fees;

After receiving a US visa - concluding an employment contract with appropriate payment.

2. Employment in England.

Types of work and wages:

In London hotels and south coast England (cleaning rooms, corridors, working in the kitchen). Salary: 130-200 pounds per week;

On agricultural farms in central and southern England (cutting and packaging salads, collecting and sorting cabbage, apples, potatoes). Salary: 130-200 pounds per week;

In production and packaging factories in London and central England (chicken, meat packaging, sorting). Salary: 200-280 pounds per week;

In factories in Scotland (processing, smoking red fish, shrimp). Salary: 250-300 pounds per week;

In London restaurants (waiters). Salary: 200-250 pounds per week;

On construction sites in London (general workers, carpenters, joiners, masons, finishers). Salary: 250-350 pounds per week;

At various sites in London (security guards). Salary: 200-250 pounds per week;

Taxi drivers. Salary: 300 - 400 pounds per week.

Registration is carried out in two stages:

Agreement for visa support and corresponding payment;

After receiving a visa - Employment contract and appropriate payment.

Upon arrival in London, you must have pocket money of $250-$300 to pay for accommodation and food before receiving your salary.

Permanent residence status.

Those who have received permanent residence status have an advantage over students and tourists, because he has the right to live in the UK without spending money on extending visas for up to 5 years, has the right to work 6 months after submitting the application, and free medical care.

Families will be provided with free housing and an allowance of £30 per week for each family member. Registration of this status is carried out by an English agency in London to all interested clients within 3-4 working days.

The client must make a decision on obtaining permanent residence status at least 3 days before leaving for the UK, which is determined by the registration procedure.

Documents required for visa application:

Valid passport;

Civil passport;

2 photographs 3x4 (black and white in decent form);

Certificate of employment on stamped letterhead indicating the position and average monthly salary for the last six months of at least 9,000 rubles;

For non-workers - a certificate from the sponsor (husband, etc.);

Certificate from the institute (for students);

If you have property (apartment, car, dacha) registered in your name, it is advisable to provide photocopies of ownership certificates or a vehicle registration certificate.

3. Employment in Canada.

Conditions of registration and employment:

Jobs are offered for men and women aged 25 to 60 years.

To enter Canada, a non-immigrant visa (tourist, visitor, business visa) is issued. In the future, after entering Canada, the client can:

In accordance with Canadian immigration laws, use official procedure change of entry status, which provides the opportunity for legal employment and stay in the country for a period of up to 2 years (maximum period of stay).

For workers who apply to change their entry status, after the first year of stay in Canada, it is possible to obtain a permanent residence permit.

Change of entry status, selection of housing and employment in Canada are carried out by lawyers of the Canadian legal immigration agency, which is a partner of Dominanta Business CJSC.

Types of work, salary level, living and food conditions.

To work in Canada, knowledge of English is desirable. The better the knowledge of the language, the higher the salary level.

*All figures are in US dollars.

Industrial enterprises of various profiles:

Factories, factories, combines;

Manual and conveyor work, product assembly, packaging, unloading and loading.

Men and women;

Age: 18-55 years;

Salary level: $5.5 per hour (at start) ($1100-$1300 per month). Salary increase: once every three months;

Construction work:

Installers, concrete workers, tilers, welders, masons, painters, general workers;

Men and women.


Age: 18-50 years;

Duration working week: from 40 to 60 hours;

Salary level: $5.5 per hour (at start) ($1100-$1300 per month). Salary increase: depends on the actual skill level of the employee;

Housing and food: at the expense of the employee (~$250 per month).

Working in families:

Nannies and housekeepers. (with or without homestay).


Women from 18 to 50 years old;

Salary level: from $8 per hour. Possible increase to $10 per hour;

Working in families:

Care for the elderly (private homes).


Women from 25 to 50 years old with knowledge of the language;

Medical education preferred;

Salary level: from $10 per hour;

Housing and food: at your own expense or at the expense of the employer.

Other programs:

For women: Work in kitchens, cleaning premises;

For men: gas station, lawn mowing, street cleaning.

The amount of pocket money for accommodation and food until the first salary is determined by the client independently, depending on whether he will apply to change his entry status or not. The recommended amount is at least $500 USD.

The service for changing entry status is paid additionally in Canada directly to the lawyer handling the case. Payment is made in installments. The amount of payment depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of work.

When changing your entry status, an official Employment authorization is issued.

4. Employment in Portugal.

Work at construction sites, factories, factories, harvesting.

Men and women from 25 to 45 years old are invited, no language knowledge is required.

Married couples are welcome.


Physical exercises;

Strict work discipline;

No violations in the Schengen countries.


Qualified builders - $800-$1200 per month;

Helper workers - $550-$800 per month.

Accommodation: provided by the employer

Food: ~$80 per month.

Required documents:

Foreign passport (OZP);

2 photos (3.5x4.5 cm);

5. Employment in Spain.

Conditions of registration and employment.

Working in families:

Girls and women aged 25 to 48 years are invited, knowledge of the language is not required, but is welcome


Physically healthy, with experience household and raising children;

Employment is carried out through an agency in Madrid;

Be sure to have a Spanish language tutorial with you;

Candidates must be able to adapt to new conditions;

Candidates are provided with full board work in a family. Salary: from $450 per month.

Accommodation and meals are FREE.

Required documents:

Foreign passport (OZP);

Photocopy of civil passport (CGP);

2 photos (3.5x4.5 cm);

Certificate of employment (with a salary of 12-14 thousand rubles per month);

Currency exchange certificate (for $1000).

6. Employment in Greece.

Conditions of registration and employment.

Work in families: girls and women aged 35 to 45 are invited.

Accommodation and meals - at the expense of the family (full board);

Salary level $350-550 per month (depending on proficiency in Greek or English);

6 day work week.

When entering Greece, bring with you an additional at least $400 for border crossing and for initial accommodation and food (2-5 days) before starting work.

Required documents:

Foreign passport (OZP);

Photocopy of civil passport (CGP);

2 photos (3.5x4.5 cm);

Certificate of employment;

Currency exchange certificate (for an amount of at least $400).

7. Employment in Israel.

Types of work and wages:

1. Construction work: concrete workers, masons, tilers, roofers, welders, installers, general workers. Salary: $3.5-4.5 per hour depending on skill level.;

2. Work for industrial enterprises: mechanics, electricians, turners, milling operators, general workers. Salary: from $4 per hour, taking into account qualifications;
3. Service personnel: hotels, restaurants, campsites, boarding houses, supermarkets. Salary: $800-1100 per month;

4. Family work, cleaning and caring for the house, caring for the elderly, working in nursing homes. Salary: $650-1000 per month.

8. Employment of IT specialists in Germany.

If you are interested in job prospects in this marvelous region, then this section of the site is for you.

The German side, with the pedantry and scrupulousness characteristic of this nation, demands strict fulfillment of all requirements. For example, a correctly completed resume, detailed answers in the application form, fluency English, if you do not have good knowledge of the German language.

One more important note.

Each employer has several dozen candidates with different experiences and level of qualifications, and it is not always the smartest, and sometimes simply qualified but diplomatic, person who reaches the “finish line”.

Misunderstandings both on the German side and on our part are caused by situations when some of our programmers mistakenly consider themselves the “navel of the earth,” not realizing that in this process they are not the ones “calling the tune.”

An elementary example: a candidate is scheduled for an interview at 16:00 and receives an answer that Mr. Sidorov is very busy at this time and cannot find the time and opportunity to talk. Call me at 19-20 o'clock, then we'll talk.

Does a person really think that a German will sit at work for 2-3 hours to talk with Vasya Sidorov??? Yes, it’s easier for him to forget about the existence of such a person.

Or another example, a candidate is sent an invitation to a personal interview in Germany, but he does not find the time or opportunity to obtain a visa and arrive on time (at the expense of the inviters!) to the meeting. Or he declares: “I don’t know if I’ll go, I need to consult with my wife.”

In general, the point is that if you are really interested in work, then you need to be confident in your desire and facilitate this in every possible way and not create obstacles.

Of course, there are no questions if the job offered to you, the prospects and the salary do not suit you. In such a situation, refusal to continue working is normal. But when employers refuse good specialist due to his personal lack of discipline or disorganization - this is offensive.

Here are the comments from the German side:

· If you are invited to a telephone interview, the time and day are set by the employer and we are not able to change or reschedule this date. Interviews take place in working hours, so if you are unable to conduct this interview at work, you will need to take a day off to conduct this interview at home.

Key questions during the interview:

What do you know about the employer company (you will receive the company link in advance);

Tell us about your professional activities;

More detailed questions about your professional activities;

For what reasons are you looking for work abroad;

What would you like to do;
- Your ideas about the salary in DM per year;

Your readiness to learn German;

How do you imagine your professional career?

At successful completion telephone interview, you are invited to a personal interview in Germany. In this case, you receive an invitation from the company and submit documents to the German embassy (consulate) in your city. After receiving your visa, you will receive a paid ticket at the Lufthansa office in Moscow if you are flying from Moscow.

If you are flying from another city, then you buy the ticket yourself. The money for the ticket will be returned to you in Germany. The employer only pays for the ticket; you pay all other travel expenses yourself. The day and time of the personal interview is also set by the employer. This date will not be rescheduled. Typically, it takes approximately 4-5 weeks to obtain a visa and book tickets. Taking this deadline into account, a personal interview is scheduled. If you do not receive a visa, the interview is cancelled, so you must apply for a visa immediately after receiving the invitation. All interviews are conducted in English or German. Professional knowledge of one of these languages ​​is prerequisite. If you successfully complete a personal interview and there is mutual agreement, you are invited to work in Germany. The employer sends you a signed contract, which you also sign and send to the employer.

The contract only includes agreements related to working conditions (salary, vacation, working hours, etc.). Other arrangements, such as assistance in finding an apartment, payment for language courses, etc. are not part of the contract, but are naturally carried out. All questions that interest you must be resolved during a personal interview.

Work permits and residence permits are issued depending on the duration of the contract, but for a maximum period of no more than 5 years. (This period is limited by law). To obtain a residence permit and work permit in Germany, the following documents translated into German are required:

Diploma of completion of a higher educational institution;

Certificate of good conduct;

Certificate of marital status;

Signed contract (received from the employer);

Completed forms for granting status (received from the employer).

If you are married, are you ready, when applying for a job, to move your family to Germany only after the end of the probationary period? ( probation lasts in Germany 3 - 6 months).

Requirements and conditions of registration.

Visa: obtaining a work visa;

Salary: from 60,000 to 300,000 marks per year (plus bonuses up to 40%);

Processing time: from 2 to 6 months

Cost of registration: FREE, at the expense of the employer.

The German side offers you:

Work and live in a country with one of the highest standards of living in Europe;

Free medical insurance for your family members (husband/wife, children);

Free education for your children;

A well-paid job at a large German company, with prospects for growth;

Several times a year, the opportunity to improve your skills at the employer’s expense;

Bonuses upon successful completion of the project;

13th salary;

Assistance in preparing documents;

Help with finding an apartment, etc.

Requirements for candidates:

Lack of CVs submitted to other companies;

Readiness to travel upon receipt of a work visa;

Age: from 23 to 35 years;

Good knowledge of English;

Desire to subsequently learn German;

At least 3 years of experience in a specialized field;

Ability to work in a team (non-conflict);

Quick adaptation to new conditions and places of work.

Specialists required various directions, but are especially in demand:

Programmers: C/C++, JAVA, Perl, Oracle;

UNIX and Windows NT system administrators;

Network security specialists;

Certified network engineers;

Everything related to Web-design... and other specialties.

To obtain a visa you need:

All your diplomas, certificates, certificates;

No criminal history, visa violations or other unpleasant things that could cause you to not be allowed into the country;

To go abroad and get rich - the “American dream” haunts many residents of the post-Soviet space. Who among us has not dreamed of living in beautiful house abroad, drive an expensive car and relax at resorts? But on the path from dreams to action, many face difficulties, such as finding a job. How to find a decent place? What is needed for this? This is what we will discuss in our article today. Are you ready to absorb?

First, let's figure out what working abroad is. Conventionally, all types of earnings abroad can be divided into three types:

  • work for everyone;
  • work for students;
  • work for specialists.

Each type of employment has its own characteristics and requirements; you need to prepare various documents and master a number of skills.

Work abroad for everyone

The easiest and most popular way to get a job abroad is to work part-time during a certain season. Tourist countries such as Turkey, Egypt, Greece, etc. are happy to invite you to cooperate for service in hotels and restaurants. Indeed, it is convenient to go to a beauty salon in Bulgaria and meet a master there who speaks your language. But foreign resorts are visited not only by citizens of Russia, Ukraine and other CIS countries, which means that knowledge of the language will be needed to communicate with the employer, the local population and foreign tourists. Ideally you need to know local dialect and writing, but mastering Chinese characters or Arabic script can take years to complete. In this case, English will come to the rescue, international language, the study of which is compulsory in most schools in the world.

In addition to knowledge of the language, you will need a notarized translation of documents, work visa for residence in the country and medical insurance. You can get a job as a maid, waiter or strawberry picker without any specific skills. To work abroad in a hairdressing salon or nail service, you will need experience of similar work in your home country. Specialized firms engaged in employment abroad will help you find vacancies and assist with interviews, as well as prepare documents. You can start searching for vacancies on the Rospersonal company website.

It should be taken into account that service personnel receives a small salary. However, when converted into domestic currency, the amounts are significant, therefore, you can earn good money and return home. Foreign companies are interested in attracting employees from other countries because the labor of compatriots, as a rule, costs much more.

Work in Europe

One of the most popular areas of work abroad is employment in Europe. Most countries of the European Union are located on the same continent as us, so getting there is much easier than getting to the countries of the Americas. Our compatriots are also attracted by the beauty of European cities, their rich history and culture. In addition to the vacancies described above, people often go to Europe to work as an Au-Pair - a governess and a house help rolled into one. The essence of the work is to help children with their studies, as well as perform simple homework. In exchange, the Au-Pair receives accommodation in the family home and monetary reward. This type The job involves full-time work with weekends and free evenings, during which you can attend various courses, as well as sightseeing. You can find a family willing to hire a foreign tutor on the Aupaiway website.

Work for students

think about future career makes sense already during training, especially since student exchange programs and foreign internships have all the necessary conditions for students. Of course, going to work abroad without spending a penny of money is quite difficult. The internship involves paying for a study visa, paperwork and travel. But the remaining costs of living and tuition fees are often paid by the inviting party. You can also count on receiving a scholarship or combine studying with a part-time job, which will allow you to take away from the trip not only important skills in your specialty, but also financial benefits.

The search for a suitable program should start with the appropriate department in your educational institution. If the university does not have connections with the country you want to go to, start your search in a different direction. Any major university has its own website, which necessarily has a section dedicated to work with foreign students. Make a list of the most popular universities in the country and begin methodically studying the materials on their official pages.

Work in the USA

No matter how attractive Europe is, distant America with its hamburgers, Hollywood and the Statue of Liberty continues to confidently attract young people. The Work&Travel program was created especially for those who do not like to waste time. It allows you to spend the summer in one of the states of America, earn decent money and at the same time see the country. The program is designed for 3-4 months, and the last one is necessarily allocated for traveling around the country. Participants must certainly be 1-4 year university students. In this way, the US government is trying to minimize cases of illegal migration - after all, the student will most likely return to their homeland to complete their education and receive a diploma. The second prerequisite is, of course, knowledge of the English language - without it there is simply nothing to do in the United States. You can learn more about participation in Work&Travel, as well as apply on this resource.

Students have the opportunity to work in shops, hotels and restaurants, while receiving $7-8 per hour. Housing, as a rule, is provided by the employer, the payment for it does not exceed $100 per month. The number of working hours per week is determined by the participant himself. Some people prefer to work 50-60 hours a week to get as much as possible more money. Others go to America to improve their language skills and gain new experiences, and therefore work no more than 40 hours, leaving evenings and weekends free.

In addition, it is worth remembering about the Green Card - a document that will allow you to live and work in the United States on a full basis, and after a certain time you will be able to become official US citizens. Thanks to it you will be able to:

  • work;
  • live in any state;
  • own real estate;
  • study in a public school;
  • obtain a local driver's license;
  • enlist in individual species armed forces USA;
  • receive health insurance benefits for seniors;
  • receive social security, age and disability benefits.

By the way, unless, of course, you are threatened with work at the request of an American employer, reunification with an American family, marriage with a US citizen, or political asylum, then you can take part in a free lottery and try to win a Green Card only in October of each year, and find out the results in May. So don't delay!

Work for specialists

Young people who have already received higher education, can count on highly paid work abroad. Large foreign companies in the field of IT technologies, oil refining and light industry are interested in qualified specialists and are ready to take on the difficulties of registering a foreign employee. To get good job under the contract, it is necessary to provide documents on relevant education that are quoted abroad. In some cases, you may need to go through a qualification confirmation procedure, which takes a lot of time and costs a lot of money.

To receive high paying job abroad, you should slightly change your approach to searching for vacancies. Here you should focus not on websites for employment abroad, but on specific employers. Make a list of companies that could benefit from your services and email your resume to the HR department. IN lately Video resumes are becoming increasingly popular.

Most large companies, as a rule, operate internationally, so the main requirement is not only proficiency in English at a conversational level, but also a fluent understanding of highly specialized terminology. If you have doubts about your language skills, then sign up for courses in the desired specialty.


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One of the largest job search engines in the world. Statistics: over 1 million resumes and about 63 million applicants monthly.

One of the most popular message boards in the world. Here you can search not only for vacancies, but also for housing, things, acquaintances, etc.

One of the largest job search engines (in 2010 it surpassed in popularity in the USA), represented in 50 countries and available in 28 languages.

One of the main job search portals in the UK.

Job vacancies are published here both for those who have a work permit in the EU and for future candidates.

Smart Abroad: grants, vacancies, business

Actually, from the name of the public it is already clear what the resource is about. Here you can find not only work, but also opportunities to receive grants for study or information about various awards for young entrepreneurs and scientists.

"BBBB is vacancies in the most exotic and interesting corners planets. BBBB are responsible projects with meaning, where work means caring for nature and careful attitude to peace,” write the creators of the project.

The capabilities of the resource, originally created for finding a place to stay overnight while traveling, are actually much wider. There are separate groups here where vacancies abroad are published and where you can find both permanent and temporary, well-paid and seasonal work. You should look for vacancies in groups by country or, for example,.

(A) “Very high” level of trust

means that employment in this company is guaranteed and all workers return home safely after the end of the term labor contract. All companies with this status are accredited by InterMonitoring.

(B) “High” level of trust

means that the company operates honestly in the employment market, there are no complaints or claims. However, the company provides InterMonitoring with only partial information about employed migrants. Therefore, InterMonitoring does not have complete information about the employment of citizens through this company. All companies with this status are accredited by InterMonitoring.

(C) "Medium" level of trust

means that InterMonitoring does not have enough information about the results of employment of migrant workers through this intermediary. However, there are also no direct complaints from citizens or claims from law enforcement agencies. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitorin

(D) “Low” level of trust

means that the company has not been accredited by InterMonitoring and there is no confirmed information about the successful employment of citizens through this company; or there are complaints from migrant workers; or there are facts of claims from law enforcement agencies.

(E) “Very low” level of trust

means that the company has refused voluntary accreditation with InterMonitoring, as well as public demonstration of the results of its activities; or there are numerous complaints from migrant workers; or there are facts of claims from law enforcement agencies. Applying to companies with a "Very Low" status may involve greater risk. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitoring.

(F) "Negative" trust rating

means that there are complaints from Ukrainian citizens or claims from law enforcement agencies regarding the specified company. Contacting these companies is strongly NOT recommended. Companies with this status are NOT accredited by InterMonitoring.