Chronic bad mood. What to do if you are not in the mood: reasons and ways to cheer up

Bad mood: what to do if things haven’t been going well since the morning and every little thing irritates you?

Moreover, irritation tends to intensify with each passing hour, threatening to end in an outburst of anger or a nervous breakdown.

Is it possible to fight this condition and are there any recipes to help get rid of a bad mood?

Why do you have a bad mood?

Anyone can experience a bad mood (and that’s normal).

And for everyone it manifests itself differently: someone cries, someone becomes depressed, someone tears photographs to shreds or breaks dishes.

A bad mood has many faces, it poisons life, so you should get rid of it as quickly as possible, you just need to understand the reasons for its occurrence.

So why does it happen Bad mood? The reason may be:

  • The presence of serious stress. One-time stressful situations are not as dangerous as constant nervous tension, which is fraught with the development of many ailments and leading to incurable chronic depression.
  • Serious disease, poisoning a person’s life and significantly worsening the quality of his life.
  • Constant lack of sleep, caused by the accelerated rhythms of life of modern man.
  • Difficult financial situation.
  • Serious quarrel with a loved one or work colleagues.
  • Inconsistency between the level of aspirations and reality (unfulfilled dreams).
  • Resentment towards others.
  • Various types of experiences and increased anxiety.
  • The habit of holding back and accumulating negative emotions inside oneself towards unpleasant people. When the burden of unexpressed emotions becomes too great, the human subconscious responds to it with depression.

And this is an incomplete list possible reasons bad mood.

The ability to deal with a bad mood largely depends on a person’s attitude.

Determined, first of all, by the environment in which the formation of his personality took place, the level and quality of education, close surroundings and a number of other circumstances.

“If you’re in a bad mood, what should you do?” - you ask. Here are a few simple ways combating bad mood:

  • In order to analyze the reasons for your bad mood, You can turn to a close friend for help. Confidential conversation with him will not only help you get rid of negative emotions(which in itself will help alleviate the condition), but will also open your eyes to the real reason your experiences. And knowing the reason, it is much easier to cope with a bad mood.
  • Complex of the most ordinary morning exercises able to drive away the blues and bad mood. Just do some exercise. Does this surprise you? In vain. The fact is that physical activity stimulates the production of endorphins - substances that can improve a person’s emotional state. For physical relaxation, you can choose a walk, jog or visit to the pool. Some people find regular punching bag: 40 minutes of active “communication” with her can relieve not only a bad mood, but also excess calories. To tone up, you can do aerobics or go to a dance class.
  • You can eat a few slices of real dark chocolate: This will help you cope with a bad mood, since chocolate promotes the production of opiates, which improve your emotional state.
  • You can watch a funny comedy film featuring your favorite actor. If you don't have enough time for this, even a short video found on the Internet can lift your spirits. It has been proven that in such cases, stories about the antics of pets or viewing pictures with witty comments help a lot.
  • You can engage yourself in intellectual activities: solving all kinds of puzzles, crosswords, passing psychological tests, playing chess.
  • You can visit the amusement town. The atmosphere of unbridled fun that accompanies people on vacation will infect you with a good mood and leave no room for the blues.
  • You can do any creative activity: beadwork, painting, jewelry making, sculpting salt dough, poetry - everything that you like and can distract you from heavy thoughts.

How to overcome a bad mood?

What to do when a bad mood brings discomfort into your life, being a source of constant despondency and dissatisfaction with life?

  • If the reason for your bad mood is communication with people who are unpleasant to you, try, if not to avoid communication (if this is someone from your administration or from among your colleagues), then at least minimize contact with them.
  • Make sure there are people around you who are a source of positive energy. If for some reason you have stopped communicating with them, make every effort to start this communication again. Nothing lifts your spirits more than being in contact with someone who has a good sense of humor.
  • Try to think about things that are pleasant for you: you can remember a time when you were successful and happy. Looking through a photo album with pictures from that period will help you get rid of negative emotions. Don’t allow yourself to think about the bad, replace the negative with the positive - and you will feel how the bad mood begins to leave you.
  • Get pets: this is the one who will dispel the blues and fill life positive emotions. The antics of pets will make you smile more than once, communication with them can calm a person (it has been established that stroking soft fur affects the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle), and systematic walks on fresh air(if you get a dog) will help improve your health, and you will also have to move.
  • Depending on whether you are a workaholic or a lazy person, you should change your occupation. It will be useful for a workaholic to relax and unwind a little by going out of town or to a resort, but for a lover of idle pastime, on the contrary, it is necessary to devote himself to some important activity.
  • To get rid of a bad mood, sometimes a person just needs a good night's sleep, since the cause of a depressed state may be chronic lack of sleep .
  • Stop worrying about everything. Often the cause of a bad mood is unconditional anxiety. If you have some work to do and anxiety is associated with it, do not delay in completing it - and you will get rid of this unpleasant feeling.

What if it's depression?

You are constantly in a bad mood: what to do in this case?

The most important thing: do not brush aside your problems, but take this condition seriously.

The fact is that it can easily develop into depression, which requires mandatory consultation with a psychotherapist and drug therapy. Therefore, it is better not to bring it to this point, but to prevent it at the stage of a constantly bad mood.

When should you sound the alarm, how not to miss the borderline state? When can a very bad mood be considered evidence of developed depression?

A consistently bad mood observed in a person for two to three weeks gives the right to claim that he has the first stage of depression, called a mood disorder.

At this stage, the mood is not always consistently bad; sudden changes also occur.

It happens that the disgusting morning mood improves significantly in the evening, but sometimes everything is exactly the opposite: getting up in the morning at in a great mood, a person feels depressed and tired in the evening.

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If you experience similar symptoms, do not put off visiting a psychotherapist: timely help will save you from serious and lengthy treatment.

There is not a single person on the globe who does not periodically or regularly experience a bad mood. It’s not so scary if such a state of depression comes rarely and passes quickly. We are still people, not robots. But what to do if a bad mood has become your habitual state?

A bad mood is a kind of signal from the body that you are not happy with this life. First of all, you need to figure out the cause of your bad mood! And to do this, sometimes you need to carry out complex psychological or even philosophical work “on mistakes.” The reasons can be very different. You are guaranteed to be in a bad mood if you regularly communicate with unpleasant people, have troubles at work, or have a quarrel with a loved one. If a person constantly does not get enough sleep, this also makes him irritable and nervous. Often the cause of bad mood is health problems and chronic pain syndromes.

Prolonged bad mood and depression can eventually lead to the development of real depression and neurotic conditions. There is a phenomenon of seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. At the same time, a bad mood most often visits you in the autumn-winter period, and women aged 25-44 years are twice as susceptible to it than men. In itself, bad mood and depression lead to disruption of communication between brain neurons, an imbalance of chemical compounds - norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine. But it is precisely this “lucky three” that is responsible for the state peace of mind, joy, the state of being in love, i.e. for happiness.

You can, of course, enjoy your bad mood, get a kind of buzz from self-pity, sitting at home and going through dull thoughts. But at the same time, you run a high risk of ruining relationships with loved ones. In addition, a person who is always sad and despondent becomes uninteresting to anyone. And who wants to spend their life alone? This means you have to fight your bad mood with all your might!

As soon as you are overcome by another attack of bad mood, try to urgently find some kind of active activity. For example, force yourself to do some spring cleaning, or, better yet, go for a walk, visit friends, go to fitness, dance, or play tennis or bowling. Occupy your brain with intellectual activities - chess, funny movie or a fascinating book will instantly distract you from soul-searching and even deeper immersion in a bad mood. Do not forget about proper nutrition and rest. Water procedures will help get rid of negative emotions and irritation, even if it is a bath with aromatic additives or salt, a contrast shower, or a trip to the pool.

But sometimes the moment is missed and a bad mood turns into depression. In our country, every third adult suffers from some form of depression, but only every fifth of them consults a psychotherapist. The processes of oppression and inhibition during depression gradually cover the entire body - a constant feeling of fatigue and weakness, it becomes more difficult for a person to think, his memory and attention deteriorate significantly, which affects performance and quality of life in general.

As a rule, depending on the nature of the bad mood and the form of depression, the psychotherapist prescribes different antidepressants. The effect of antidepressants is due to the influence on the system of serotonin (the hormone of happiness and pleasure), norepinephrine, etc. Against the background of a consistently good mood, it is much easier to decide psychological problems, change your attitude towards different situations. Unfortunately, all major groups of antidepressants begin to have a significant positive effect by the end of the second week. And during these two weeks the person continues to suffer, experiencing a bad mood.
This circumstance required active search effective ways therapeutic effects on depression in the early phase of therapy. A significant breakthrough in research was the xenon therapy method. The inert gas xenon has a direct effect on the release of serotonin, which determines its anti-stress effect, which occurs quickly and is persistent; after the first procedure, positive motivation for successful treatment is formed, smaller doses of psychotropic drugs are required, and the course of treatment is shortened.


A bad mood can arise for completely different reasons. Maybe you were poorly served in a cafe, or you were stuck in a traffic jam in the morning, or you didn’t have lunch on time.

Factors that trigger a bad mood depend on the person and what triggers stress in their life. But what happens in your body and your brain when you're not in the mood?

Biology of bad mood

Some psychologists believe that bad mood occurs due to ego depletion. According to this idea, put forward by researcher Roy Baumeister, when people use their willpower to avoid temptation, they deplete their cognitive resources.

For example, if you hold back from something, say food, because you are on a diet, or from resentment because you were poorly served, it drains your brain and you become irritable.

In fact, the more you try to avoid something, the more irritable you become.

Try to think of this as some sort of stress limit. When you cross the line, you experience a bad mood, which is expressed in anger, irritability and cynicism. All this causes fluctuations in blood pressure and also increases the level of the stress hormone cortisol.

There is evidence that a bad mood changes our outlook on life. In a 2009 study, scientists found that the condition bad mood causes a feeling of tunnel vision and narrows the field of view. Conversely, when you are in a good mood, you have a broader view of what surrounds you.

How to cope with a bad mood?

Fortunately, bad moods are quite easy to deal with if you follow some tips. Of course, provided that you have a temporary condition and not long-term depression, but even in this case, some tips may help.

1. Eat

Theoretically, doing any activity that makes you feel good will improve your mood, but food is effective in this regard for several reasons.

First - she restores those nutrients that you lost during the day. If you're in a bad mood because you haven't eaten and your blood sugar is low, you'll feel immediate relief after eating a snack. Also, fatty acids in food have positive influence on emotions.

If you're avoiding fatty foods at all costs, you can substitute foods with spices that release endorphins. However, be careful not to overeat.

2. Get physically active

Exercise increases your endorphin levels and switches your mood from bad to good in a matter of minutes. The greatest boost of endorphins can be obtained by doing moderate to vigorous intensity exercise.

The fact is that when breathing becomes difficult during such exercises, the body releases endorphins, which cause a state of happiness. Although the euphoria does not last long, it will be enough to forget your short-term problems.

3. Listen to music

Music releases dopamine in your brain. Music is associated with feelings of pleasure, and a three-minute song can easily turn your gloom into a smile. As you listen to the melody, you anticipate what will happen next, and this can be rewarded with a burst of pleasure.

4. Take advantage of it

A bad mood often leads to a more attentive and thoughtful state, which allows you to focus on specific tasks.

As mentioned above, it gives you a kind of tunnel vision, which means you can focus completely on a project. Also, a bad mood makes us more persuasive because it contributes to the production of concrete ideas and communication style.

After reflecting on this article, you will be able to understand what mood is and why it is sometimes bad, how it is classified, and what methods you can use to improve your mood.

The following phrases often appear in our vocabulary: good, high spirits or bad mood. Let's formulate what a mood is?

There are many definitions for it, but let’s choose the most understandable:

Mood is state of mind, emotional mood, form of life perception, general state of our experiences. It often changes depending on our attitude to various situations, life attitudes and temperament - such as higher nervous activity. Mood has a corresponding influence on human activity.

It can change even for no apparent reason, but there are still certain life situations which most often cause a bad mood.

Waiting for a baby

During pregnancy, a woman can become emotional, easily vulnerable, and irritable. She often has tears in her eyes, she is offended by everyone at home because she is afraid of misunderstanding.

Hormonal changes also play a role in mood swings

The onset of pregnancy changes a woman’s hormonal background, everything in her body changes and she needs to adapt to the new status. Often women are in a bad mood at the beginning and end of pregnancy, when they suffer from toxicosis.

How to deal with this?

From the first days, as soon as a woman found out that she was going to become a mother, she needed to change a lot in her life: she needed to work less and give up bad habits, and relax more in the fresh air. Physical activity is very important for her and healthy sleep. She must avoid stressful situations and be balanced. All these measures will invariably improve her well-being and mood. But from time to time, she may need the help of specialists so that the pregnancy proceeds calmly and the birth is easier.

Why do you feel bad all the time?

Yes, this happens to us. Suddenly optimism evaporates somewhere and you don’t care about anything. We call this state a bad mood. But in medicine there are such concepts as depression and apathy, which are quite difficult to overcome on your own. Here you will have to resort to the help of psychiatrists and psychotherapists. Moods associated with stress or grief can be overcome with the help of psychotherapy. Endogenous depression and depressive syndrome within the framework of schizophrenia, organic brain damage and bipolar affective disorder are treated with long-term use of psychotropic drugs.

A very wise woman and great Russian actress Faina Ranevskaya said: “Life is too short to waste it on diets, greedy men and bad mood.”

Therefore, when you get up in the morning and feel that your soul is completely dissatisfied, try to tune in to a positive mood, change your attitude towards yourself and the current situation. Learn to support and calm yourself on your own, be more tolerant of people and external circumstances. Study yourself: your strengths and weak sides, accept yourself as you are. Remember more often the words of Faina Georgievna, who often had a very hard time in life, but who treated everything philosophically and with humor; and he could lift the spirits of thousands of people.

If you cannot cope with a bad mood with just your beliefs, try to break away from the factors that are traumatic to your soul and stop focusing on unresolved problems. Switch your attention to something more pleasant, and break down problems into tasks and solve them as they come. Try to relax by taking a contrast shower or bath with decoctions of medicinal herbs. Make friends with joyful and happy people, attend entertainment events, watch comedies and read humorous novels.

My mood in the morning is worse than ever

The following factors may contribute to this:

  • when you sleep in an unventilated room, your sleep becomes restless, and the morning threatens to begin with a bad mood.
  • just before going to bed, you ate your fill and spent 7-8 hours with virtually no movement. This leads to stagnation in the intestines, where fermentation and decay processes occur, which negatively affects the entire body. You should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime.
  • Perhaps you “overdid it” with caffeine, which causes stress in the body (coffee, cocoa, chocolate and black tea). Control their consumption and move more - physical exercise perfectly relieves stress and improves your mood.
  • there are any bodily problems: foci of infections, chronic diseases, long-term pain, hormonal imbalance, pathology nervous system. Visit doctors' consultations and follow their recommendations. Depression itself can aggravate existing diseases and weaken the immune system. Therefore, it is necessary to treat a bad mood with a psychiatrist-psychotherapist in conjunction with the treatment of existing>
  • physical inactivity is a lack of active movements in general. Movement is a life filled with joy!

Mood worsens before menstruation

Some women experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and this is understandable as hormone levels fluctuate. Some people easily tolerate it, while others may experience headaches, swelling, soreness in joints and muscles, heaviness in the lower back, “swelling” of the chest, lethargy, palpitations and “hot flashes.” All this leads to irritability and frequent mood swings.

With PMS, you can learn to control your condition by learning methods of relaxation and self-regulation of the body. Research also shows that we ourselves aggravate our condition. This may include smoking, coffee and alcohol abuse, poor nutrition and lack of physical activity, lack of skill in responding correctly to stress. You can undergo anti-stress therapy and master self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques through consultations with a psychologist and psychotherapist.

Migraine and tachycardia, dizziness and weakness during PMS can be caused by magnesium deficiency. And fluid retention in the body, fatigue and breast sensitivity are due to vitamin B6 deficiency. Replace sweets with dried apricots and persimmons, prunes and figs, take nutritional supplements with magnesium and calcium.

2-3 days before menstruation, if there is a tendency to severe premenstrual syndrome, coffee and chocolate should be taboo! Drastically reduce animal fats and all unnatural products in your diet. All this destroys vitamin B6

Do dancing and sports - this will increase the production of endorphins in the blood, reduce pain and improve your mood.

Depression before childbirth

Each woman may have her own prerequisites, but there are also common factors that lead to depression:

  1. Fears associated with the upcoming birth.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body.
  3. Feeling of loss of control over your body.
  4. Inadequate relationship with husband.
  5. Fears due to lack of finances in the family.
  6. Fear of changes in the general rhythm of life in the near future.
  7. Fear of harming the child.

Many consider this condition before childbirth to be normal, but it can develop into postpartum depression, which will negatively affect the condition of the mother herself and her baby. That’s why you need to try to get her out of this state. To do this, a woman needs the constant support of loved ones, meeting with friends and being as busy as possible with household chores. You need to tune in to more positive thoughts and gather your courage, because childbirth is natural process, but also hard work. Be prepared for it, and it will reward you with the most the best gift fate - a child!

How to successfully deal with a bad mood?

We have given you advice in many situations, but this is not always effective. It happens that a bad mood develops into deep depression and then the only help you can get is to see a psychiatrist or psychotherapist.

You should not resort to self-medication - this can be life-threatening; trust professionals who know how to help you. Usually in such cases an antidepressant is used, which can only be selected by a doctor.

In Moscow, you can be examined and receive appropriate assistance at the Transfiguration clinic. The main areas of her activity are psychiatry, psychotherapy and neurology. The clinic itself and its trained staff offer the most faster recovery. The main emphasis here is on a drug-free approach, using psychotherapy and physiotherapy, hirudotherapy, reflexology, massage and manual therapy. This is an absolute advantage in the treatment of neurotic depression. The clinic employs highly qualified psychotherapists and psychologists who long years help patients return to their normal lives using modern methods diagnostics and effective treatment.

All people are subject to mood swings. Some more often, some less often. And, for sure, you are familiar with the situation when everything around is annoying. Every event, even positive, does not please, but brings disappointment. When the gentle spring sun hurts your eyes, and the chirping of the neighbor's children in the yard is an ear-worm. This does not mean that you are a bad person. You're just in a bad mood.

Who ruined your mood? Don't deceive yourself. A bad mood is not a consequence of external causes. The secret of the problem always lies within. And don't lie. Saying it's not true. Let's admit that we ourselves are responsible for everything that happens in our lives.

For some reason, people often like to plunge themselves into a depressing mood. It’s as if they are trying to find the reasons for all the problems. They are trying to find sympathizers. There are few advantages to this. True friends will be sorry, perhaps they will help with advice. Many people think that life is easier this way. But often a person justifies his laziness, low level of motivation, lack of desire.

How to deal with a bad mood? Reveal in the bud. After all, when some kind of trouble happens... STOP! This is the moment when the seed of depression hits the ground. It is important to realize from which side you are looking at the situation. Can you decide for yourself how to look at a problem? Who decides this for us?

You need to think about it, delve into yourself. Understand what is threatening good mood. Listen to yourself? What happens to the body, to the mind, to the soul? This will help you see the first signs of a bad mood. And then you can take action. Which? How to get rid of a bad mood when it just begins to crowd out all the positive? You need to understand what is best for yourself. Decide what mood you choose.

Observation and sensitivity to one's own feelings are not an innate quality. It develops with the help psychological exercises. Most personal trainings are aimed at understanding yourself.

What are the reasons for a bad mood? Very often this is a signal from our body. He tells us: “There is something wrong with me.” It’s a familiar situation – you wake up in the morning, and it’s not clear why you’re in a bad mood. And you just need to remember what happened yesterday before going to bed. Hearty dinner! Dietitians do not recommend eating before bed - this is harmful to your figure and contributes to the deposition of fat in the body. Psychologists agree with their colleagues. After seven to ten hours of lying almost motionless, the food stagnates and rotting processes begin. How to deal with a bad mood? Delay your meal time two hours before bedtime. Take a two-week to three-week course of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli every six months. You can eat fiber, which is sold in pharmacies - it helps remove harmful substances from the body.

You get into a very bad mood when you sleep in a stuffy room. The body does not have enough oxygen for proper rest. And he takes revenge with a feeling of weakness and nightmares. But they never cheer people up. But you need a little thing - an open window or regular ventilation before going to bed.

A bad mood in girls and boys causes constant stress. It occurs when you live in the same apartment with people you find unpleasant. You always have to expect something bad, constantly be in tension. How to get rid of a bad mood in this case? Try to move away from them.

Bad mood, what to do? Did it appear today? Think about how much caffeine you consumed yesterday. This substance plunges the body into a tense-stressful state. His overdose threatens the next day with a caffeine hangover. How to deal with a bad mood? Limit your daily caffeine intake. It is found in coffee, green and black tea.

Why the bad mood? Think about how much you move. With a lack of movement, the body's cells are poorly supplied with oxygen. A bad mood in this case is a cry from the body. Start moving more, playing sports, and it will immediately recede.

When you watch your diet, sleep comfortably at night, don’t experience constant stress, don’t overdo it with coffee and move a lot, but the problem remains a bad mood, what should you do? The cause may be a kidney problem or bile stagnation. When the kidneys do not work well, urine stagnates in the body. The body is poisoned. Drink more water and a diuretic. If there are symptoms of bile stagnation, you need to find out whether the gallbladder is working well. You can also drink choleretic drugs.

It is important to remember that a constantly bad mood is very dangerous. This can lead to depression. And it doesn’t matter what the reasons for the bad mood are. Depression negatively affects a person’s life, worsens his relationships with loved ones and colleagues, and negatively affects his ability to work.

How to distinguish a bad mood from depression? After all, with depression you need to see a psychotherapist. It consists of three components - mood disorders, autonomic disorders and fatigue.

If a bad mood lasts more than two weeks, the person has a mood disorder. When you are depressed, the world seems dull and gray. Very often, a mood disorder is accompanied by mood swings rather than a stable bad mood. In the morning everything around can make you happy, but in the evening you feel heaviness and depression. Or the morning bad mood dissipates in the evening. And then, it seems that there is no need to ask the question: “Why are you in a bad mood?” This is not so - you need to listen to yourself.

Sometimes a depressed mood is accompanied by feelings of melancholy, anxiety, despair, and indifference. Perhaps a person will not notice a bad mood. But the feeling of “a stone in the soul” will signal the onset of depression. There are rare cases when depression manifests itself in chronic pain in some place, and no doctors can identify the cause of this pain.

Very often, long-term stress can lead to depression with anxiety. It is very important to identify anxiety. It may be accompanied by constant unreasonable fear for loved ones, fear of falling asleep and frequent nightmares. Sometimes anxiety manifests itself as nervousness and the inability to sit in one place.

Anxiety, which manifests itself in a feeling of panic (symptoms of which are a feeling of rapid heartbeat, a feeling of lack of air, trembling in the body), often occurs against the background of full-blown depression. This is how one of the types of depression manifests itself - anxious depression.

Unlike anxious depression, when a person cannot sit still, other types of depression reduce a person’s physical activity. He sleeps more than twelve hours a day, and sleep does not bring morning vigor. Ordinary tasks such as making soup or vacuuming the carpet seem difficult and meaningless. Most likely, this is the development of apathetic depression.

Inhibition processes affect not only motor activity, but also mental processes. Attention and memory deteriorate, it becomes more difficult to think. Feeling tired after reading or watching TV for a short time.

The second component of depression is autonomic disorders (manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia). If the cardiologist and general practitioner have ruled out relevant organic diseases, then dizziness, headaches, frequent urination, false urges, and fluctuations in blood pressure and temperature are secondary vegetative signs of depression.

Depression also affects the gastrointestinal tract: appetite disappears, constipation appears for four to five days. With atypical depression, the opposite happens: appetite increases and diarrhea appears. This form of depression is much less common.

When depression develops in a person, regardless of gender, sensations in the sexual sphere become dulled. Sometimes depression prompts numerous promiscuous sexual intercourse and masturbation. Men have problems with potency. In women, menstruation is delayed by ten to fourteen for six months or more.

The third component of depression is asthenic. It is expressed in fatigue, irritability, sensitivity to weather changes.

With depression, there are problems falling asleep, shallow sleep, early awakening with a persistent desire to sleep.

The development of depression has its own laws. The most severe is depression, in which thoughts arise about the purposelessness of life, and even about suicide. The manifestation of such signs of depression is a reason to immediately contact a psychotherapist. It is important to start treatment as quickly as possible medicines in the right doses. Medicines affect the system of serotonin (the hormone of happiness), norepinephrine, etc. A stable mood helps solve psychological problems.

There is a myth that antidepressants are addictive. Therefore, many are afraid to take them. Strong sedatives and sleeping pills from the group of tranquilizers cause addiction. Antidepressants used to treat depression are not addictive.

Antidepressants are prescribed according to the nature of the depression: some treat depression with a hint of anxiety, others treat depression with a hint of apathy and indifference. When using medications in the correct dosage, the first results appear in the third or fourth week - anxiety disappears, suicidal thoughts disappear, mood levels out, and the desire to live actively appears. To cure depression, you must complete a course of treatment. If interrupted, depression may return.

The duration of treatment with antidepressants is determined by a psychotherapist. It usually lasts from four months to a year. Sometimes a maintenance course of treatment is prescribed. It is designed to consolidate the results achieved in the fight against depression.

Depression can be compared to a high fever. This is an indicator that something is wrong in the body. It should not be taken lightly. It is better to prevent it at the stage of bad mood.