Ivanushki international group composition. “Ivanushki International”: everything you need to know about the composition of the group

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Biography, life story of the group “Ivanushki International”

“Ivanushki International” is a Russian pop group.

Creative path

Perhaps one of the most popular groups countries. Her army of fans numbers several million girls around the world. Perhaps no other Russian group could not boast of so many admirers.

The official founding date of the team is November 1994.

On November 10, 1994, on Igor Sorin’s birthday, producer and composer Igor Matvienko appointed a general screening: Igor Sorin (GITIS graduate, former member musical "Metro" on Broadway), Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov (former director of the Sochi Fashion Theater) and (magazine cover star) came together for the first time. All three wanted to sing in the group so much that they did something unimaginable at the audition. “For a long time we could not find a name for the new team, - said Andrey. – I still have a notebook somewhere, covered with hundreds of titles.”. Therefore, the first appearances on stage were carried out under working names - “Apollo Union”, “Pencils”, etc. And then one day the songwriter Herman Witke suggested calling the guys “Ivanushki.” And then I thought and added “International”. The tedious rehearsals and recording of songs began.

The guys in their project wanted to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop and popular foreign dance styles(disco, trance, etc.) This concept was reflected in the name of the group. In 1996, Ivanushki released their first studio album, Of Course He. It included three cover versions of songs by bands and performers of the late 80s (“Universe”, originally performed by VIA “Rondo”, “Floors” and “Malina” performed by the group “Class”). In addition, the album included other songs that later became iconic (“Clouds”, “Ring”, “Somewhere”).

At the beginning of 1997, the group released their next album, “Of course it is remixed”. The creators of the remixes were sound designer and co-producer of the group Igor Polonsky, keyboard player of the group “” Konstantin Smirnov and Dj Maxim Milyutenko. In addition to remixes of existing songs, “Ivanushki” also released their future hit - the song “Doll” and a cover version of the song of the group “Dusya”.


The second numbered album “Your Letters”, which was also released in 1997, included 11 songs. As in the first two albums, the third was not without cover versions of hits of past years (“Aleshkina Love”, “Little Sister”, “Girl-Girl”). In addition to music tracks, the album includes an audio letter from the band members.

In the second half of 1997, changes occurred in the group's composition. Igor Sorin leaves her, having decided to take up solo career. Oleg Yakovlev takes his place. Oleg Yakovlev’s debut took place in the video “Doll”. Sorin's fate was tragic: on September 1, 1998, he committed suicide by jumping out of the window of his apartment.

In 1998, “Ivanushki” released one of best works- song “Poplar fluff”. In the summer of 1998, the video for this song was widely broadcast on Russian channels, and the song took first place in the Russian Radio chart.

In 1999 the disc “Fragments of Life” was released. dedicated to memory Igor Sorin. This album contains unique recordings: Igor’s poems performed by him, his first songs recorded before he became “Ivanushka”. The disc also includes the songs “Ivanushki” with lyrics by Igor Sorin and their new, never published song dedicated to Igor Sorin – “I will never forget you.”

In April 1999, the group “Ivanushki International” released its new, third numbered album “I will scream about this all night” - this is the name of the title song of the disc, performed by the brightest red-haired “Ivanushka” - Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov .

This was the first album in which Oleg Yakovlev took part as a full soloist. Work on the disc was carried out from August to November last year. Mixing and mastering were carried out in the recording studio of the Mosfilm film concern.

The album “I’ll Scream About This All Night” includes ten new songs, among which there are already well-known compositions - “Poplar Pooh”, which filled the airwaves of music radio stations and television channels at the end of the summer of 1998, and the song “You’re Near”, included in album “Fragments of Life” in memory of Igor Sorin entitled “I will never forget you.”

Future plans for “Ivanushki” included releasing a DVD, filming a new video and recording new songs. In addition to the regular songwriters of “Ivanushki” - Alexander Shaganov and Mikhail Andreev, songs for the new album were written by Konstantin Arsenev and German Witke, who had previously contributed to the song “Millions of Lights” for the team’s debut album. The record itself, in addition to the musical content, for the first time includes a multimedia track on which the video “Bullfinches” and a mini-film about the filming of this video were recorded, as well as fragments of concert performances. This version of the album has a limited edition.

The next album by “Ivanushki” was the disc “Wait for Me,” followed by “Oleg, Andrey,” released in 2002. It included such group hits as “Golden Clouds,” “Beznadega.ru,” and “A Drop of Light.” This album was the band's last commercially successful project (according to critics). The group’s next album, “10 Years in the Universe,” released in 2005, consists entirely of songs from past years, covers of “Ivanushki” songs performed by other performers (“,” “,” “Kuba,” etc.), and a remix of the song “Poplar fluff” from the project. The song “Oriole”, released in 2006, remained unnoticed.

In the second half of the 2000s, due to a sharp decline in popularity, the group went into the shadows for some time. For several years the guys did not record new albums, focusing only on concert activities and appearances on various television shows.

In November 2010, Ivanushki International celebrated its fifteenth birthday.

The new album “Ivanushek” was released only in 2013. In the same year, Oleg Yakovlev left the group. Kirill Turichenko took his place.

Brief biography of participants

Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov

Place of birth: Sochi, Krasnodar region.

Parents: mother is an administrator of the Sochi Winter Theater, father is a surgeon, chief physician children's hospital.

Education: music school for piano, Sochi Pedagogical College, Russian Academy of Theater Arts (variety department).

As a child, he collected stamps and, as the owner of the best collection, was awarded a certificate of honor and a trip to Artek. At school he played table tennis, becoming a candidate for master of sports. After school he became a teacher junior classes, for which I worked for about 3 months. From the age of 16 he participated in shows at the Sochi Mod Theater, and at 20 he became its stage director. At 22, as the winner of a creative competition, he went to the USA for two years to perform in a Broadway musical.

At the beginning of 2002, Andrei Grigoriev-Apollonov tried himself in a new field - as a TV presenter of the program “12 Evil Spectators” on MTV. In 2003-2005 - host of the TV game “Polundra!” (STS-ATV).

Kirill Andreev

Place of birth: Moscow.

Education: Moscow high school 468, technical school, American school of advertising and fashion models.

Parents: mother – printing engineer; father is a builder.

From 1989 to 1991 he served in the artillery troops in the Vladimir region, in the city of Kovrovo. After that, he entered a fashion modeling school. For some time he worked as a model. He continued his studies at the New York Model School. Before Ivanushki, I was never interested in music.

Started working in the Ivanushki International group from the day it was founded.

Since 2003, at the same time he began performing with a 40-minute solo program of 10 songs.

Kirill Turichenko

Place of birth: Odessa, Ukraine.

Education: graduated music school(piano class), at school I studied at the same time theater club. In 2004 he graduated from the Faculty of Music of the South Ukrainian University.

In childhood and adolescence, he took part in numerous song competitions. After graduating from university, he devoted his life to theater and music. He was engaged in a solo career.

Started working for the Ivanushki International group in 2013.

Oleg Yakovlev (former participant)

Place of birth: born in the Mongolian city of Choibolsan, where his parents were on a business trip.

Parents: mother is a teacher of Russian language and literature.

Education: unfinished music school in piano class, GITIS. After finishing first grade, he returned to Russia. He lived in Irkutsk with his parents and sisters. Studied at sports section athletics, Candidate Master of Sports. He sang in the choir of the Palace of Pioneers. After school he moved to Moscow. Entered GITIS with a degree in Actor drama theater and cinema", where he studied acting y . Before joining the group, he worked in his teacher's theater. He was involved in the plays: “Cossacks”, “Twelfth Night”, “Lev Gurych Sinichkin”. He worked part-time on the radio, recording commercials, until they called him and invited him to audition.

Worked in the Ivanushki International group from March 1998 to 2013.

Igor Sorin

Place of birth: Moscow.

Education: after school I entered a radio-mechanical technical school. In 1988, I decided to devote my life to something more interesting and exciting and entered the school. Gnesins (branch musical comedy). He interrupted his studies to tour the world with the musical “Metro,” but a little later he returned to school and successfully graduated.

He worked in the Ivanushki International group from 1994 to 1998. After leaving the team, he began solo career.

Video of the group “Ivanushki International”

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During his solo career, Oleg Yakovlev released several videos: “Dance with your eyes closed” (2013), “Call me after three champagnes” (2013) and “The Blue Sea” (2014).

Except musical career, the artists acted in films, playing cameo roles in three films: “One Hundred Days Before the Order” (1990), “1st Ambulance” (2006) and “Election Day” (2007).

Oleg Yakovlev was never officially married. He also had no children.

"Friend Gone"

Participants of "Ivanushki International" Kirill Andreev and Andrey Grigoriev-Appolonov expressed their condolences over the death former soloist groups.

“Today my friend passed away, We lived on tour for 15 whole years, traveled and flew around the entire globe TOGETHER. I grieve /// My dear Olezhka May the Kingdom of Heaven be with you,” wrote Kirill Andreev in Instagram.

On Sputnik radio, he said that he met with Yakovlev two months ago.

“I was in a state of shock yesterday when I found out that he had been in the hospital for a week already. I didn’t even imagine, because we saw each other two months ago, and everything was fine. And a new video came out, and a song. I don’t even have a thought there was a possibility that something serious could happen. My friend left,” said Kirill Andreev.

"How can you say a few words about a person with whom you spent 15 years creative life. Tours, trains, planes, cold hotels - everything happened. The kingdom of heaven for Olezhka, of course. I want his soul to calm down. It’s a pity that it’s so early,” said the lead singer of “Ivanushki”.

Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov also expressed condolences over the death of Yakovlev.

“I’m shocked, my condolences to the friends he had, and to all the fans who loved him as a performer of the songs of the group “Ivanushek International”. This is an absurd death,” he said in an interview


Doctors were unable to save Oleg Yakovlev, who a few days ago was hospitalized with double pneumonia. He was in intensive care, but specialists were unable to help the singer. His death was announced by the artist’s common-law wife, Alexandra Kutsevol.

The ex-soloist of the group “Ivanushki International” Oleg Yakovlev died in one of the capital’s hospitals. The musician was 47 years old. The day before, Oleg was admitted to the hospital with double pneumonia. Yakovlev was in intensive care in critical condition. The singer was then connected to a ventilator. The tragic news of Oleg’s death was reported by his chosen one Alexandra Kutsevol.

“He died in intensive care. Yesterday evening we went to see him, and in the morning, at 7 am, I received a call from the hospital. Doctors reported that the lungs had failed. So far they have not announced the exact cause of death. Maybe it was the heart. We will definitely organize a farewell to Oleg for his friends and fans. We don’t understand anything yet,” noted Alexandra.

In addition, Yakovlev’s common-law wife left a post on the social network in which she said a touching goodbye to her beloved.

“Today at 7:05, the main man of my life, my angel, my happiness, passed away. How can I live without you now? Fly, Oleg! “I’m always with you,” Alexandra wrote on her Instagram page.

As Sasha said, Oleg was treated at home for a long time, as his cough did not go away. The singer did not even think that he was seriously ill. According to the common-law spouse, everything happened unexpectedly. In addition, as it became known, the artist was diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver. Doctors later determined that the cause of death was pulmonary edema. Friends and fans cannot believe what happened and leave words of condolences to the musician’s loved ones.

Yakovlev’s former colleague from the Ivanushki International team, Kirill Andreev, said that he learned the tragic news at 7 a.m. while he was at a church service.

“Olezhka passed away at seven in the morning. I contacted Sasha, and she told me. I saw him last time a month and a half ago, there was a very warm meeting. We discussed it new song and a clip. The news that he was in intensive care for about a week came as a real shock to me. We had 15 years life together on the road. A family member has died. Our big one, creative family", Kirill noted.

Later, Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov wrote a post of condolences on the social network. “Oleg Yakovlev died. My Yasha... Our “little” Olezhka... Fly, little bullfinch, your voice and songs are in our hearts forever,” wrote Oleg’s former colleague.

Some relatives and friends of Yakovlev suggest that the cause of his deteriorating health was bad habits petsa. Oleg smoked from the age of 20, and in Lately he visited doctors more and more often.

It turned out that the musician was being cremated. Sasha promised to inform about the farewell date separately.

“We won’t forget you, Olezhka. Kind and bright, everything is so fast and so little,” noted Ksenia Novikova.

“Oleg, Olezhka Yakovlev, why are you doing this to me, why did you leave me?! My fragile bright friend... I’m sorry... I don’t know how to cope with such losses,” wrote Otar Kushanashvili, posting a photo of the singer.

It is known that Oleg Yakovlev joined the Ivanushki International team in 1998, replacing Igor Sorin. The lead singer performed with the group for 15 years, but later decided to start a solo career. As it turned out, Alexandra Kutsevol, with whom he lived in a civil marriage, was very supportive of her lover at that time. The common-law wife was involved in Yakovlev’s management and helped him promote new songs and videos.

The group was created in 1994 by producer Igor Matvienko. Initially the team did not have a name. Only six months later the final one appeared - “Ivanushki International”. Conceptually, Igor Matvienko wanted in his new project to combine the best traditions of Russian folk music, Soviet pop music and popular foreign dance styles (disco, trance, etc.). The first soloists of the group were Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov, Igor Sorin and Kirill Andreev.


The brightest (in appearance) was precisely Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov. Red-haired, tall, flexible, he sang recitative thanks to his low voice. At one time, Andrei graduated from music school, and worked by profession (elementary school teacher) for only a few months. He is a master of sports in table tennis.

However most of the group's fans went crazy about Kirill Andreev. And it’s not surprising, after the army he worked as a model for Slava Zaitsev and did kickboxing. It was thanks to the work of the model that the artist became popular singer. While working for Zaitsev, Andreev met the popular performer Natalya Vetlitskaya, who brought Kirill to producer Igor Matvienko. Few people know that, despite working in Ivanushki, since 2003 Andreev has been performing solo, performing a program of ten songs.

Meanwhile, in 1997, the trio became a quartet: the team was joined by Oleg Yakovlev. Let us note that he played in the theater, and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan categorically did not want to part with him. Next year Igor Sorin decides to leave the group and pursue a solo career. However, in September, the artist suddenly commits suicide: he throws himself from the sixth floor balcony. Nevertheless, the doctors manage to pump out Sorin and perform an operation on him, but Igor’s heart could not stand it.

The death of the singer was discussed in the press for a long time. There were many rumors, ranging from the fact that he had too much drugs, and ending with the version of manslaughter. It’s interesting that since childhood, Sorin saw himself in cinema. More than once he had to dub films where other boys played and sang. In particular, in 1983 in the film “The Adventures of Petrov and Vasechkin, ordinary and incredible,” It was Igor Sorin who voiced Yegor Druzhinin, performer of the role of Vasechkin.

With the appearance of Oleg Yakovlev in the team, the group began to look different, but this did not make it any less popular. The team released the song “Poplar Pooh”, which literally blew up the charts. Many were surprised by the text, saying what poplar fluff could be like in July, but the author of the song, Mikhail Andreev, explained that he saw this in Tomsk. In 1999, the group released the disc “Fragments from Life,” dedicated to the memory of Igor Sorin.

In the second half of the 2000s, the popularity of Ivanushki International began to decline rapidly. Music critics they started talking about the creative crisis of Igor Matvienko, who stopped writing hits. Of the group's songs released in 2006-2007, not one was able to repeat the success of the previous ones. Most famous composition those years - "The Irony of Fate" to the music from the film "The Irony of Fate. Continuation." After 2007, the group did not release new songs for several years. In 2010, the group staged a concert dedicated to its 15th anniversary. In 2013, Oleg Yakovlev decided to leave the group to pursue a solo career. came in his place Kirill Turichenko. The artist gained wide popularity in his homeland, Ukraine, having played in musicals and theater. Now, thanks to “Ivanushki”, it has become popular in Russia.

In 1995, the famous producer Igor Matvienko presented to the public his next project - the group “Ivanushki International”. The format was a win-win - three cute, lively guys singing simple but heartfelt songs of love. The guys really worked together, so over the course of their many years of career there were only a few members in the group.

  1. Kirill Andreev
  2. Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov
  3. Igor Sorin
  4. Oleg Yakovlev
  5. Kirill Turichenko

In the nineties, “Ivanushki” thundered throughout the country, filling stadiums. They always attracted attention with their sincerity and charm, and at the same time they were far from dirty gossip and unnecessary shocking.

Regular participants.

The first line-up of the group is Kirill Andreev, Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov, Igor Sorin. It is with this composition that the main hits of “Ivanushki” are associated:

  • "Clouds";
  • "Somewhere";
  • "Doll";
  • "Poplar fluff".

It was with these guys that the biography of the group began, but only Kirill and Andrey walked this path from the very beginning to the present day.

Kirill Andreev

Many fans of the group can’t even believe that Kirill Andreev will soon turn 50 years old, because to this day he maintains the image of a young, handsome handsome man who makes girls fall in love with him at first sight.

Kirill was born in 1971 and grew up in Moscow, where he graduated from the Radio Mechanical College, after which he went to serve in the artillery troops of the Russian Armed Forces. However, even then it was clear that Andreev was unlikely to connect his life with his education. Everything was decided by the guy’s appearance: tall height, athletic build and beautiful facial features. That is why it is not at all surprising that Kirill entered the Model School and immediately began receiving dozens of offers. The young man began to build a career as a model, went to castings, was actively involved in sports, and tried his hand at vocals. Within a few years, he decided to improve his skills and went to study at a US modeling school, after which there were even more offers for cooperation.

In the 90s, he managed to work with many stars of that time - Svetlana Vladimirskaya, Lama Vaikule, Natalya Vetlitskaya. By the way, it was Natalya who introduced Kirill to Igor Matvienko, and this meeting became fateful: Andreev was invited to the first line-up of the new boys-band.

Over the years of working in the group, Kirill became one of the most recognizable people in Russian show business. In parallel with musical career he participated in dozens of different projects on stage and television, worked as a TV presenter, and developed his solo project.

In 2000, Andreev married Lolita Alikulova, the couple is raising a son, who was also named Kirill.

Andrey Grigoriev-Apollonov

For a couple of decades now, this guy has been called nothing more than “the red one from Ivanushki.” From the very beginning of the group's work, Andrei actually resembled the Sun - a shock of red hair, freckles, a dazzling smile and a sea of ​​​​charm. A jokester and a merry fellow, Grigoriev-Apollonov always charged with his energy and to this day evokes only positivity.

Andrey was born in Moscow in 1970. Since childhood, his life has been connected with creativity: music school in piano class, then studying at Russian Academy theatrical arts, work as a fashion model, presenter, actor in small enterprises. After winning one of the competitions, Grigoriev-Apollonov left for the USA for 2 years: the artist was invited to participate in the popular Broadway musical “Metro”. However, in 1994, the singer returned to Russia and received an offer to join the Ivanushki International project. Since then, Grigoriev-Appolonov has been a permanent member of the team, without whom it is impossible to imagine this group. Despite a busy schedule of concerts and work on albums for many years, Andrey actively works on television. For more than 15 years he has been known as a talented presenter. IN different years Grigoriev-Appolonov hosted such programs as “12 Evil Spectators” (MTV), “Polundra” (CTC), “Cosmopolitan. Video version" (TNT), " Good night, kids" (Russia-1). Lately, Andrei has often received offers to act in films.

The artist is married and has two sons with his wife, Marya.

Those who no longer exist

Igor Sorin

Against the background of the sparkling Andrei Grigoriev-Applonov and the seductive Kirill Andreev, the third soloist of the first cast of “Ivanushki”, Igor Sorin, always looked a little sad. And this fully reflects the singer’s character - vulnerable, thoughtful, melancholic.

Igor Sorin ( real name- Rayberg) was born in Moscow and was immersed in creativity from childhood. Igor differs from the rest of the team members in the most academic musical education- the singer graduated from Gnesinka. It was he who wrote many of the group’s hits, and also created music in other directions. Together with Andrei Grigoriev-Appolnov, Igor participated in the New York musical “Metro,” where the artists became friends. Therefore, their joint participation in a Russian pop group was quite logical. However, Igor only lasted for three years: at the beginning of 1998, he announced his departure from the team. This happened at the peak of the popularity of “Ivanushki”, but for Sorin personal beliefs were always more important.

Igor was not tall and had outstanding appearance, but his inner energy captivated him at first sight. That's why tragic death 28-year-old Sorin was a real shock for thousands of the artist’s fans: several girls passed away after their idol. On September 1, 1998, Igor fell out of a studio window on the 6th floor. Three days later, after numerous operations, the singer died. Conversations and speculation about the causes of the tragedy still do not subside. Some talk about an accident, others about suicide (it was found suicide note Sorina). There are also more serious versions:

  • mental disorder,
  • drug addiction,
  • murder,
  • the influence of a destructive religious sect.

Be that as it may, the memory of Igor Sorin is alive to this day, and the composition of “Ivanushki International” with his participation is called golden.

Oleg Yakovlev

After Igor Sorin left Ivanushki in the winter of 1998, his peer Oleg Yakovlev was accepted into the team.

Oleg was born in Mongolia, but spent his childhood in the USSR. The future artist graduated from music school, after which he entered GITIS. He was equally good at acting and singing. Just one small role - in the video for the song “Doll” - became a turning point for Oleg. After that, he was invited to “Ivanushki” as a soloist. Many constantly compared Yakovlev with Sorin, trying to find common features in appearance and manner of performance. Unfortunately, only one thing truly united the singers - their early death.

In 2017, Oleg Yakovlev died as a result of a serious illness - cirrhosis of the liver, complicated by pneumonia. And again, fans of “Ivanushki” had to go through a huge time, because Oleg was a very bright, charming and talented performer.

New line-up

Today, Ivanushki International, of course, is not as popular as it was in the late nineties. They can rightfully be called “veterans” of the scene, because as before, any performance of the group attracts audiences. Fans of “Ivanushki” grew up listening to their songs and to this day enjoy listening to their favorite hits.

Kirill Andreev and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov remain the permanent soloists of the group, and last year they were joined by another performer - Kirill Turichenko.

Kirill was born in Odessa in 1979 and since childhood participated in all kinds of creative competitions. Turichenko is unusually prolific as a creative figure. He has roles in musicals, theatrical performances, participation in dozens musical projects. That's why Ukrainian talent became the best candidate in new line-up"Ivanushek International", with whom legendary group continues to delight its fans to this day.