Homemade apple cider vinegar without yeast. Homemade apple cider vinegar: recipe

Homemade fruit vinegar

Many people have heard about the healing benefits of apple cider vinegar, and the demand for it is stable, but few know about the healing properties of berry vinegars and vinegars infused with herbs. Berry vinegars lasts longer than apple cider vinegar. The herbs with which we enrich our vinegars are extracted in the vinegar and give it all their aromas and healing properties. Making vinegar at home is not difficult. Looking through ancient cookbooks, you can be sure that our ancestors understood vinegar, prepared it from different products and also added various herbs to it. Fruit vinegar How food product used for preparing drinks, for acidifying cabbage soup, borscht, for dressing salads and vinaigrettes, for preparing sauces and mayonnaise, for canning vegetables and fruits. Drink made from 1 tbsp. spoons of fruit vinegar and 1 glass of water, a useful remedy for colds. Fruit vinegar can be used as a healing external remedy (rubs and compresses to relieve fatigue from varicose veins, joint diseases, etc.). At home, to prepare fruit vinegar, in addition to apples, you can use pears and plums, currants, gooseberries, rowan berries, currant and grape leaves, i.e., almost any fruit and berries grown on your site. Healing herbs should be infused in ready-made vinegar, since herbs, by releasing phytoncides, interfere with normal fermentation. The recipes below are available to any housewife. The technology for preparing vinegars for each of them is almost the same; the raw materials need to be filled with boiled water and sugar and set for fermentation, which lasts approximately 2 months. The container in which the fermentation process takes place must have plenty of air access, because without it, good vinegar will not be made. Ready vinegar is stored at room temperature. Berry vinegars are stored for a long time, more than 8 years, the longer the better. Apple vinegar has limited storage - up to 2 years.

Vinegar from grape leaves Fresh grape leaves - 500 g, fresh oregano - 100 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, white bread - 50 g, water - 1 l. Rinse the grape leaves, add chilled boiled water, add granulated sugar, leave to ferment in a glass jar with a wide neck, cover with gauze on top. After fermentation is complete, strain the finished vinegar into bottles with a narrow neck, into which sprigs of fresh oregano are placed in advance, sealed with corks, and stored in a dark place.

Fruit vinegar with St. John's wort Place the cut stems of flowering St. John's wort, along with leaves and inflorescences, into a bottle in the form of a loose sheaf, filling the entire volume of the bottle, add tarragon sprigs there, and fill the weight with fruit vinegar.

Fruit vinegar with hyssop Place flowering hyssop branches vertically in clean bottles and fill with fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature. This vinegar is used as a seasoning for cabbage, raw carrots, added to hot tea for colds.

Green gooseberry vinegar Gooseberries (unripe berries) - 1 kg, granulated sugar - 200 g, tarragon (fresh herbs) - 50 g, water 2 l. Wash the gooseberries, mash them, pour boiled chilled water, add granulated sugar, place everything in glass jar with a wide neck and set to ferment at room temperature. The neck of the jar must be covered with a double layer of gauze to ensure air access. When the fermentation process is over, the vinegar must be filtered, poured into bottles with a narrow neck, and capped. Store at room temperature in the dark. Infuse the prepared vinegar with fresh sprigs of tarragon (tarragon).

Vinegar from chokeberry Chokeberry juice - 1 l, granulated sugar - 200 g, cherry (leaves) - 200 g, raisins or fresh grapes - 50 g, water - 2 l. Dilute freshly squeezed chokeberry juice with chilled boiled water, add granulated sugar, raisins or fresh grapes, cherry leaves, and set for fermentation. After the fermentation process is complete, strain, pour into bottles with a narrow neck, and close with stoppers. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Redcurrant vinegar Red currants (berries) - 500 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, water - 2 l. Wash the berries, mash them, add chilled boiled water, add granulated sugar, and put them in a wide-necked jar to ferment. After the fermentation process is complete, strain the finished vinegar and pour it into bottles with a narrow neck, closing them with stoppers. Store at room temperature in a dark place. The same recipe is used to prepare vinegar from white and golden currants.

Black currant leaf vinegar Blackcurrant (leaves) - by container volume, granulated sugar - 100 g per 1 liter of water. Wash freshly picked blackcurrant leaves, place in a glass jar with a wide neck, filling the container 1/2 of the volume, add cooled boiled water, add granulated sugar, cover with gauze and leave to ferment at room temperature in a dark place for 2 months. Then remove the leaves, strain the prepared vinegar, pour into regular bottles and seal with corks. Store in a dark place.

Vinegar from rosehip leaves and fruits Place fresh leaves and berries of rose hips (take in equal parts), green apical shoots in a glass jar with a wide neck. Pour cooled boiled water, add granulated sugar at the rate of 100-150 g of granulated sugar per 1 liter of water, cover with gauze, leave to ferment at room temperature in a dark place. After soaking for 1.5-2 months, drain and strain the finished vinegar, pour into bottles, and seal with corks. Store in a dark place at room temperature.

Cherry vinegar 300 g pitted cherries, 20 g fresh basil, cinnamon, 800 g 9% vinegar. Wash the ripe cherries, place them in a glass jar with a wide neck, add cinnamon and basil. Pour in vinegar. Leave for 2 days, then strain through several layers of gauze. Pour into bottles and store in a cool, dark place. Cherry vinegar is great for kebabs (and other fried fatty meats), as well as for preparing red cabbage and boiled beet salads. Orange vinegar Peel of 1 orange, 1 liter of 9% vinegar. Peel a thoroughly washed orange and cut into long strips. Pour vinegar over them. The longer they infuse, the tastier and more aromatic the vinegar will be. It is especially good in sauerkraut salads.

vinegar from apples and blackcurrant leaves Apples - 500 g, black currants (leaves) - 500 g, granulated sugar - 200 g, water - 2 l. Wash the apples and mash them. Wash the blackcurrant leaves. Pour chilled boiled water over the chopped apples and leaves, add granulated sugar, and place in a wide-necked jar. After fermentation is complete, strain the vinegar, pour it into bottles with a narrow neck, and close with stoppers. Store at room temperature in a dark place.

Apple honey vinegar Apple juice - 1l. honey - 100 g. The highest quality and healing vinegar can only be obtained from well-ripened, clean apples. Very aromatic vinegar is also obtained from wild apples with the addition of honey. Apple honey vinegar is prepared as follows: add 100 g of aromatic honey, completely dissolved in the juice, to 1 liter of freshly squeezed apple juice. Pour apple juice and honey into a wide-necked jar, cover with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place. After 2 months of fermentation, the vinegar will be ready. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the jar is normal for natural healing vinegar.

Jerusalem artichoke vinegar honey Jerusalem artichoke juice - / m, honey - 100 g, grapes or red currants (berries) - 0.5 kg. Wash the Jerusalem artichoke thoroughly, pour boiling water over it and squeeze the juice out of it. Add 100 g of honey to 1 liter of juice, pour the juice with the honey dissolved in it into a wide-necked jar, into which you place the washed berries in advance, cover the neck with gauze and leave to ferment in a warm, dark place. After 2 months bottle. Store at room temperature.

Fruit vinegar with basil Basil, preferably purple, rinsed in cold water, put in bottles (without compacting, as much as will go in), fill with fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature. This vinegar is good for meat marinades and for future use. Basil is a spicy healing plant. Has a wonderful aroma. Relieves headaches, soothes coughs, and quickly restores the sense of smell after a cold. Improves metabolism with regular use.

Fruit vinegar from sweet and hot peppers Chop a sweet pepper (you can use a non-standard one), place it in a bottle, add hot pepper to it, and pour in fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, hot pepper and dill umbrellas Separate the head of garlic into cloves and remove the peel. Wash the apical part of 3-4 dill stems with umbrellas and place in a sterilized bottle, along with a pod of hot pepper and garlic cloves. Pour fruit vinegar over everything. Dill umbrellas should be completely immersed in liquid.

Fruit vinegar with dill umbrella and onion inflorescence Place the dill umbrella and onion inflorescence beautifully in a sterilized bottle, pour in fruit vinegar. Store at room temperature.

Vinegar made from tarragon, hot pepper and dill umbrellas Place 1-2 sprigs of flowering tarragon, 1 pod of red hot pepper and dill umbrellas into the bottle. Pour fruit vinegar over everything. Store at room temperature. Use for marinating meat, fish, as a seasoning for raw and boiled vegetables.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, lemon and hot pepper(American recipe) Peel the garlic, place the cloves in a dried bottle for about 7* containers. add chopped lemon, 1 pod of hot pepper. Pour in fruit vinegar. Leave for 2-3 weeks. This vinegar is served with meat and fish; it also serves as a spicy dressing for vegetable salads.

Fruit vinegar with monarda Cut off the upper part of the monarda stems with leaves and flowers, wash them and place them in boiled clean bottles, cut side down, carefully straighten the leaves and flowers, pour in fruit or berry vinegar so that the weight of the plant part is completely immersed in the liquid. Take 2-3 flowering stems for each bottle; along with them you can place sprigs of tarragon or umbrellas of dill.

Fruit vinegar with yarrow and hot pepper Wash three or four yarrow stems with leaves and inflorescences and place one at a time in a clean boiled bottle. Wash the hot pepper pod, cut into rings (along with the seeds), push the rings into a bottle with yarrow and pour fruit vinegar over everything.

Fruit vinegar with garlic, lemon and dill Separate the head of garlic into cloves and remove the peel. Wash the lemon and cut into slices, wash the top part of three or four dill stalks with umbrellas and place in a boiled bottle, add lemon slices and garlic cloves, pour fruit vinegar over the weight. Dill umbrellas should be completely immersed in liquid. Fruit vinegar with tarragon (tarragon) Wash a bunch of cut tarragon shoots with leaves and flowers, dry and place in a clean boiled bottle with a loose sheaf, filling the entire volume of the bottle, pour fruit vinegar to the top so that the greens are immersed in the liquid.

Fruit vinegar, oh rich in three types of onions Leek(green feathers) 100 g, bulb onions purple (bulbs) - 100 g, shallot(bulbs) - 100 g, fruit vinegar - 1 l Wash the green part of the leek and cut into small pieces. Peel and finely chop the purple onion and shallot bulbs. Place, mix, everything in a glass container. Pour in enough fruit vinegar to cover the top of the crushed mixture. Close the glass jar with a lid and place in a dark place. Keep at room temperature for at least 1 month, then drain the liquid, squeeze out the onion, strain, pour into bottles and seal them with stoppers. Fruit vinegar, enriched in this way with three types of onions, is very healing. It contains a lot of potassium and biologically active substances. It can be added to drinks, but not more than 1 tbsp. spoons per serving, as well as in various salads, vinaigrettes, cold appetizers.

As history shows, vinegars are an ancient and national thing. For thousands of years, people have widely used vinegar as a flavoring agent, medicine and cosmetic. Mentions of him are found in almost all ancient texts, from the Bible to magic spells, including ancient Greek, ancient Roman and Egyptian texts. During the Great Plague in the Middle Ages, not a single doctor went to see patients without using vinegar to disinfect their hands. IN Ancient China They also knew the healing properties of vinegar, although its source was rice, as it is now. In Japan, vinegar is made from brown (unpeeled) rice. It is credited with amazing properties of preserving youth, strength and health.
The Egyptians made vinegar from figs. Cleopatra wins the bet, promising Mark Antony that she will treat him to the most expensive lunch. She dissolves a huge pearl in a goblet of vinegar and drinks it.
In India, to this day, the most popular source for making vinegar is palm juice
In Rus', apple cider vinegar was traditionally prepared - one of the most useful.
But everywhere it is noted as a medicine for healing wounds, burns, bleeding, snake bites, gangrene, fainting, and is even credited with the ability to resolve solid tumors - fibroids and cysts.
Almost everyone knows about the healing properties of natural vinegar. These properties depend directly on the main ingredient of vinegar - fruits, herbs, vegetables, berries, cereals, etc., acetic acid itself further enhances the healing effect of herbs and other products, preserves, having a strong antiseptic property. Vinegars are used for food, treatment, and of course, beauty. I want to tell you a few of my ideas, secrets, and in general, probably unexpected interpretations of traditional vinegar for you, because high-quality natural vinegar is easy to make at home! So:
1. Let's start with a fairly popular one - apple You can read a lot about him on the Internet. This is a real cocktail of useful microelements: in total there were more than 30 important vitamins, enzymes and pectins - heart protectors.

How to make it:
apples 5 kg
water 5 l
yeast 50 g
black bread crackers 100 g
honey (or sugar) 0.5 kg.
Grind the washed apples along with their seeds and peel and place in a bowl with a wide neck. Add warm water, yeast, crackers, honey. Keep the container open for ten days in a warm, dark place, stirring the grounds daily. Afterwards, strain the liquid, cover with a clean cloth (gauze) and leave for 2-3 months in a warm room.
Vinegar is considered ready when fermentation is complete and the liquid has turned light. After this, the vinegar is bottled, tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark place.
How to use: for rinsing hair, for healthy eating and weight loss, for rinsing the mouth and teeth (with a very weak solution!!!), for the skin, for enriching any cosmetic products - especially shower gels. :) etc.
2.Fruit and berry vinegar.
Fruits and/or berries 10 kg
Water 5 l
Sugar 500 g
Place the washed raw materials in a glass container, add water and sugar, cover with several layers of gauze and place in a warm, dark place for 2 months. At the end of fermentation, filter, pour into bottles, and tightly close with corks or lids. For a more subtle aroma and taste, honey is added instead of sugar.
You can make any kind of vinegar from peaches, apricots, cherries, plums and other berries and fruits. I especially like raspberry vinegar - it’s simply wonderful for hair, and people say that blueberry vinegar is also very tasty. Fruit and berry vinegars are good for dressing salads and adding flavor to dishes various shades, in cosmetology, and simply diluted in water for drinking.
Don’t be afraid to experiment - traditional, southern, grape or wine vinegar is not the ultimate dream of natural vinegar)))

3.Herbal vinegar. This is the most interesting thing for me now :)
Some modern gourmets believe that it is a good idea to infuse synthetic vinegar with herbs, so it acquires nobility and natural (healthy) ingredients in its “dead” composition. This vinegar is infused in a warm place for about two weeks on herbs: fresh basil, parsley, dill, garlic, red capsicum, celery, etc.
I still believe that infusions should be prepared using natural vinegar. You can use any natural vinegar as a base. Traditionally, the base vinegar for preparing herbal vinegars is apple cider vinegar, basil (herbal vinegar too), rice, wine, and grape.

How to do it (using basil vinegar as an example):
For 1 liter of vinegar - 500g of fresh basil.
A wide-necked bottle is filled with fresh basil leaves, poured with vinegar and infused for 10 days, then the liquid is filtered, the leaves are replaced with fresh ones and infused for another 14 days. It’s also good to add a little cloves, lemon zest or lemon peels to it.
Vinegars are made in the same way with any aromatic herb or herbal composition - tarragon, marjoram, thyme, etc. Your imagination will tell you what else you can add there for flavor, for example: nettle leaves, pieces of pineapple, milk thistle seeds, green tea leaves, St. John's wort, honey, cherry and currant leaves, bay leaves, herbs and spices, etc.
You can also add essential oils to cosmetic vinegars.

Thinking about herbal vinegars, many ways to use medicinal herbal vinegars immediately came to mind. Sharing:
Agree, it’s nice to take a bath with herbs - but you don’t always want to brew them, strain them, etc. It is much easier to pour a little herbal vinegar into the water - and your herbal bath is ready. Plus, natural acetic acid has a number of additional benefits for your skin. Personally, my choice fell on...
Chamomile vinegar
The vinegar is brought to a boil in a closed glass or stainless container, after which the washed and dried chamomile is poured into it. I also add lemon peels. Let it steep in a dark, warm place for 2 weeks. We use apple cider vinegar as a base vinegar. It’s good to add a couple of drops of this vinegar to water for washing, for rinsing blond hair, for bathing children (!!!).
They also say that mint vinegar is very good for rinsing hair. I'm going to make rosemary vinegar because... it makes hair grow well). Rose vinegar (with tea rose petals) is an excellent remedy for skin regeneration, for skin peeling, fungal diseases, keloid scars, etc. Citrus vinegar will help fight cellulite, used for rubbing and wraps: Lemon, orange and grapefruit zest 500 g per 1 l. vinegar, you can add a cinnamon stick, pieces of ginger and anti-cellulite essential oils to your taste. And here is the recipe for vinegar against hair loss: Burdock root 1 kg, Stinging nettle leaf 1 kg, Vinegar 2 l.
And in India they use this Vinegar deodorant T
Pink water 25-50 ml, Fruit vinegar 10 ml, Propolis alcohol tincture 2 ml, Essential oils: 8 drops patchouli, 20 drops lime, 5 drops frankincense, 20 drops palmarosa, 3 drops sage, 10 drops tea tree, 20 drops bergamot, 10 drops Himalayan cedar.
This vinegar perfectly refreshes the skin. Apply with a napkin in areas of high sweating. It will be an excellent discovery for those who are looking for a “natural alternative” to commercially available deodorants that are harmful to health and the atmosphere.

In general, there can be thousands and thousands of vinegar recipes - human imagination is limitless) And you can prepare it from almost anything! It's simple, useful, and it turns out very beautiful :) It is only important to remember a few basic rules regarding the use of this product:
1. Vinegar can only be stored in a glass bottle.
2. More does not mean better!!! Vinegar is a concentrate, remember! You only need a little bit of it. In addition, its concentration depends on the infusion period of the vinegar, the amount of raw materials in relation to the vinegar, and the firming conditions. So exercise caution.
3. All the above recipes do not apply to the use of store-bought vinegar! No matter how many times it is written there that it is natural. This is a matter of your safety.

Apple vinegar

Apple vinegar

If you are facing problems excess weight, started looking for information on the Internet, you probably came across articles and reviews about the wonderful properties of apple cider vinegar.

Opinions are divided on the use of apple cider vinegar as a fat burner. Someone considers it their friend and assistant, drinks diluted vinegar every day and successfully loses weight, becomes younger, and prettier. Someone is shouting that apple cider vinegar is an acid and you should never drink it, because... it will corrode the stomach walls. Let’s not argue, for sure, each of those who spoke out has reasons why they came to a certain conclusion about the use of apple cider vinegar. We will only look at the facts. To drink or not to drink is up to you.

Useful properties of apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is an excellent remedy for removing waste and toxins from the body. Those who regularly took vinegar noted an improvement in their skin condition and increased vitality. In addition, apple cider vinegar normalizes the acid-base balance in the body. Vinegar as an acid is indicated for people with low acidity of the stomach. Those who have high acidity should not use vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar is great for reducing appetite, which will certainly have an impact on your weight loss results.

The vitamins and minerals that vinegar is rich in help the body restore its immune system and weakened nervous system.

The amino acids and vitamins present in apple cider vinegar determine the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of vinegar, as well as its ability to help with high blood pressure, migraines, arthritis, sore throat, runny nose and many other diseases. There are many recipes using apple cider vinegar to cure these ailments, but the most important thing to keep in mind when using them is that the apple cider vinegar should be homemade and not purchased in a store.

Recipe for making apple cider vinegar at home.

Wash several kilograms of apples (according to your needs), remove rot and chop (grate on a coarse grater, twist using a meat grinder). The apples can be the most ordinary and not even beautiful, this will not affect the result. Weigh the resulting puree and transfer it to a container of appropriate volume (clay, glass, enamel). Add water to the container at the rate of 0.5 liters per 400 g of puree. Pre-mix water with honey or sugar (100 g per 1 liter of water), yeast (10 g per 1 liter of water), dry black bread (20 g per 1 liter of water). Cover the container with future vinegar with a towel and store in a warm place (20-30 degrees) for 10 days, stirring with a wooden spoon or stick 2-3 times a day.

After 10 days, the resulting mass is squeezed through cheesecloth into jars. To each liter of the resulting liquid, you must add 50-100 g of sugar or honey and be sure to mix until they are completely dissolved.

The next step will be fermentation. The jar with the prepared liquid must be tied with a linen rag and placed in a warm place for a favorable process. In total, this stage lasts 40-60 days. When the process is complete, the liquid will become lighter in color.

The finished vinegar is filtered and poured into storage containers (dark glass bottles are best). Apple cider vinegar should be stored in a cool and preferably dark place.

Once you try homemade vinegar, you simply won't be able to call anything sold in stores apple cider vinegar.

For weight loss This vinegar should be taken diluted: 1 tbsp. spoon per glass of water. If desired - either 1 time a day (in the morning), or 3 times a day - before meals (half an hour before meals). The result of people who lost weight in this way was a weight loss of 1-4 kg per month.

If you doubt whether you should resort to this method of weight loss, you can start taking apple cider vinegar and strictly monitor your condition; at the slightest ailment that could be caused by vinegar, stop taking it. In this case, you will understand how your body reacts and whether it is worth continuing to eat it.

Homemade spiced vinegar for decoration

So let's get started. First of all, we need a beautiful half-liter bottle. Required condition: glass and with a tight stopper. The cognac bottle looks very nice. You can decorate any bottle yourself with flavored vinegar. And in large supermarkets there are special vessels and bottles for sale. sunflower oil and vinegar - pot-bellied.

And, the main components of our homemade vinegar masterpiece:

  • 0.5 liters of vinegar,
  • 7 black peppercorns
  • 2 buds of cloves,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • ground nutmeg on the tip of a knife,
  • a pinch of cumin,
  • 1 tsp. provencal herbs,
  • 1 tsp. salt,
  • dill greens - 3-5 sprigs,
  • 1 small carrot and
  • red Bell pepper.

How to make spiced vinegar at home

Peel the garlic and carrots. Cut the carrots into circles, sweet peppers into long strips or a semicircle (as you like). Dry the dill.
Place all the spices, garlic, pepper, dill and carrots in a dry vinegar bottle.
Bring the vinegar to a boil separately. It should cool slightly, pour the vinegar into a bottle with spices, cap it tightly and put it in a dark place for 2 weeks (I put it in the pantry).
After this period, spicy and aromatic homemade vinegar can be used for salads, sauces and meats.

: http://apteka.pluskina-so-znakom-plus.ru/balzamicheskiy-uksus/#ixzz2dxJozdq4

Four Thieves Vinegar

The vinegar of the “four thieves” was first prepared and used in France, or more precisely in Marseilles during sad events (plague was raging in the city). As legend has it, the four thieves, using the antiseptic properties of vinegar and herbs, looted in the plague quarters and did not get sick But one day they were caught doing this indecent activity and, in exchange for saving their lives, they revealed the secret of its preparation. Like any old recipe, the “four thieves” vinegar has several options, one of which is given below. So, to prepare the old recipe you need:

1 liter of apple cider vinegar (can be colorless wine)

1 teaspoon ground cloves

1 teaspoon chopped nutmeg

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

2 teaspoons dried rosemary herb

2 teaspoons dried peppermint leaves

2 teaspoons dried sage leaves

2 teaspoons crushed garlic

All ingredients are placed in a transparent, colorless bottle with a tight-fitting lid and kept for 15-20 days in bright sun (only clear days are counted).

After infusion, the vinegar is filtered and bottled.

Used to disinfect hands and all surfaces in the house.

. To prepare vinegar in home conditions They use pomace, yeast residues, and rotten berries. The pomace is filled with water at the rate of 1 liter per 5 kg of pomace. After infusing for 5-6 hours, the pomace is squeezed out in a bag or pressed. The resulting extract is poured into a container and fermenting wort is added to stimulate fermentation - approximately 50 g per 1 liter of container. After fermentation is complete, it is poured into a container where acetic bacteria will develop, converting alcohol into vinegar. The container is filled to 3/4 of the volume and covered with a thick mesh to ensure free access of air and prevent the penetration of vinegar flies and other insects.

To speed up the formation of grape vinegar, you can add ready-made wine or alcohol vinegar to the container at the rate of 50 g per 1 liter of container. After one and a half to two months, acetic bacteria will convert all the alcohol into acetic acid. After this, the vinegar is filtered, bottled and pasteurized. Grape vinegar prepared in this way is superior in taste and aroma to ordinary alcohol vinegar.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home that has beneficial properties for the body? Preparing a natural remedy will not bring much trouble. The technology is simple, but it will take time to ferment the composition and patience to wait for the positive result of a simple experiment.

Homemade apple cider vinegar is a necessary ingredient in many dishes and homemade cosmetics; its use is one of the components healthy image life. The finished product is on store shelves, the labels claim that it is “natural”. Can manufacturers be trusted? trading network? Let's leave the question open and focus on another problem.

Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Since ancient times, it has been known that apple cider vinegar has healing and cosmetic effects. It is used for weight loss, to treat skin irritations, acne, diaper rash, and for rinsing hair. The publications of the famous American specialist D.S. Jarvis in the last century attracted the attention of millions of people to the unique properties of apple cider vinegar.

Feedback from new fans is led by the recognition of Scarlett Johansson. The Hollywood star claims that she uses apple cider vinegar to keep her skin fresh and clean. Which of its varieties does the actress use? Huge fees for filming allow her to buy high-quality natural apple vinegar. Anyone can prepare this healthy natural remedy at home without much expense.

The word “vinegar” came from French to other languages ​​a long time ago. After all, even fine French wines become sour when colonies of special bacteria appear in them. When fruit juice or wort is fermented, ethyl alcohol is first produced. Under the influence of bacterial enzymes, it turns into acid. Natural apple cider vinegar includes several types of fruit acids, vitamins A, B1, B2, B6, C, E, provitamins, beta-carotene, macro- and microelements (zinc, potassium, calcium, sodium, copper, iron and magnesium).

Even Hollywood stars have appreciated the benefits of apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar: homemade without yeast

The process of extracting juice from apples and then fermenting the liquid is just one of many ways to process your favorite fruit. As a result of all processes, a pale amber liquid is obtained, which has many valuable properties. The most useful is vinegar made from organic raw materials. This is the name given to products grown in ecologically impeccable areas, without the use of pesticides. It is also considered important to preserve the medicinal properties of the absence of filtration and pasteurization during the acid production process.

Recipe for making a small portion of apple cider vinegar:

    Wash 5 to 10 fruits, remove stems, diseased and damaged areas. Chop the apples and place in a wide glass or ceramic bowl.

    Pour in enough water to cover the entire mass by about 2-3 cm.

    Add a quarter cup of sugar for every liter of water, mix everything thoroughly.

    Cover the jar or bowl with a clean napkin or kitchen towel and let it ferment for a week in a dark place.

The most intense fermentation process occurs at temperatures from 25 °C to 27 °C. After a week, it’s time to pour the liquid into wide-necked jars. You should not fill them to the very brim; you need to leave room for bacteria to come into contact with the air. Cover the top of the neck of the dish with gauze, strengthen it with a rubber ring, and leave it like that for 5-6 weeks.

Apple juice can be easily prepared at home

During fermentation, a gel-like film is formed from many acetic acid bacteria. Under no circumstances should it be removed! The so-called “vinegar mother” serves as a starter for the decomposition of ethyl alcohol into acid and water. The film is collected from the finished product and then used to prepare a new portion of apple cider vinegar. When the entire fermentation period has passed - about 1.5 months - change the gauze under the lid and close the jar tightly.

Using sliced ​​apples in this recipe will extend the vinegar production up to 7 weeks. The use of sourdough and fermented freshly squeezed juice (apple wine) accelerates ripening. A ready-made bacterial culture very quickly converts alcohol into acid. The process works best when the alcohol content is no more than 10%; if the strength is higher, then water is added. The industry creates conditions under which natural vinegar is obtained in just 24 hours. Cooking at home usually starts with 1–2 liters of product.

Recipe instant cooking apple cider vinegar:

    Place the “vinegar mother” in a container half filled apple wine or fermented juice.

    It's good if the film ends up on the surface, but if it falls to the bottom, it's okay.

    Cover the top of the jar with a piece of gauze or a clean cloth and place in a warm place.

    After 2–4 weeks, pour the finished product into bottles and close them.

Homemade apple cider vinegar: prepared with yeast

Beautiful imported fruits look attractive on store shelves, but often contain GMOs, pesticide residues and other biochemicals. It is better to take sweet and sour apples of late varieties, grown in your own garden or purchased from farmers.

What to do with the fruits?

    Remove the stalks, wash under running water, cut off rotten and spoiled areas.

    Finely chop or grate.

    Pour the mixture into a wide-necked jar.

    Warm up boiled water so that it is warm.

    Dissolve sugar and yeast.

    Combine the ingredients with the apple mixture and mix everything thoroughly.

Homemade vinegar does not contain harmful additives

Ingredients for making vinegar:

    apples or fruit trimmings - 1 kg;

    sugar or honey - 1 glass (200 g);

    wine yeast to accelerate fermentation - 11 g;

    demineralized water - 6 glasses (1.2 l).

The mixture is left for 7–10 days at a temperature of 25–30 °C for fermentation (alcoholic). Stir the mixture daily. After the expiration date, filter or strain the vinegar through cheesecloth. The result is a light brown or yellowish liquid, which should be poured into a clean, dry jar. Cover it with a thin cloth or gauze and place it in a warm place for further fermentation (acetic acid). This process may take 40–50 days. The longer the fermentation takes place, the more enjoyable and finer taste apple cider vinegar.

In summer, leave the jar in the kitchen or room, making sure that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it. When the product is completely ready, it will acquire a characteristic smell, but not pungent. High-quality apple cider vinegar is a clear liquid. It is carefully drained from the sediment or filtered into bottles. If cloudiness appears, it should not be a cause for concern. Bottles of vinegar are tightly closed and stored in a cool, dark room.

The benefits and harms of apple cider vinegar

Having figured out how to cook natural remedy, let's move on to ways to use natural apple cider vinegar. Traditionally it is used for dressing salads, it is added to marinades and pickles. The healing and restorative properties of natural apple cider vinegar have been known for more than 10,000 years. The product improves digestion, relieves depression and chronic fatigue. The total amount of useful liquid for oral administration is 2-3 tablespoons daily.

How to drink apple cider vinegar? Diluted with water or fruit juice! There is a simple drink recipe for a healthy start and end to the day:

    apple cider vinegar - 1 tablespoon;

    mineral or regular water - 1 glass;

    honey - 1–2 teaspoons.

Taking a natural remedy helps cope with allergies to pollen, food and pet dander. Treatment with apple cider vinegar alleviates suffering from sore throat, varicose veins, arthritis, lowers cholesterol levels, and relieves acne. Treat a sore throat with a mixture that includes apple cider vinegar and honey (1:1). The same composition, diluted with water, is taken for rheumatism.

Regular use of vinegar can harm tooth enamel, it turns yellow and becomes thinner. For decreasing negative impact The acid is diluted with water, the product is taken and the mouth is rinsed. Using a straw helps prevent vinegar from getting on your enamel. Ingestion sometimes causes heartburn and leads to softening of bone tissue. Consumption of a drink with apple cider vinegar should be limited by people who have high acidity of gastric juice or osteoporosis.

Apple cider vinegar may act as an antidepressant

Apple cider vinegar for weight loss, improved hair and nails

A popular way to lose weight is to take natural apple cider vinegar daily. Three tablespoons of the product are diluted in a glass of water. Consume 3 times a day before meals. The solution naturally suppresses appetite and “burns” fats in the body. You can take 1–2 teaspoons of 5–6% vinegar undiluted for the same purpose. The product has a strong cleansing effect on the digestive tract.

Hi all! Apple cider vinegar has proven itself not only as a medicinal product, but also as a cosmetic product. It was thanks to this substance that Cleopatra managed to maintain her beauty and health.

Unfortunately, the quality of the samples presented in stores is not always high enough. To be sure of the usefulness of the product, it is better to make apple cider vinegar at home - a simple recipe for this has long been known.

About the simplest option for making apple cider vinegar at home

To make homemade apple cider vinegar, you can use several recipes. Beginners should prefer the simplest option:

  1. Apples (preferably Antonovka) are “passed” through a coarse grater. The skin and core are also ground. The pulp is placed inside a glass container or enamel pan. Add boiled warm water in the following proportions: 800 g of apple pulp is diluted with 1 liter of water.
  2. The mixture is supplemented with sugar (100 g) or honey, as well as raw yeast (10 g). Yeast can be combined with dry rye bread (20 g). The amount of ingredients is calculated for 1 liter of water.
  3. An open container with the prepared composition is kept for about 10 days in a dark, warm place.
  4. The mixture must be stirred twice a day. To do this, use a wooden spoon or a clean stick.
  5. After settling for 10 days, it is necessary to squeeze the liquid out of the cake into another container through gauze. To obtain high-quality vinegar, the liquid must be sweetened. About 50 grams of sugar are added to a liter of juice. The ingredients should not be stirred. The container with the composition is tied with gauze and left in a warm place.
  6. Apple cider vinegar takes 40 to 60 days to mature. The finished product is considered to be light in color with a pleasant taste. The liquid must be filtered again using gauze or poured into another container using a hose.
  7. For ready-made apple cider vinegar, you need to prepare several bottles or small jars with tight lids. Containers with homemade vinegar are stored in a simple cabinet or in the refrigerator.

Sometimes on apple cider vinegar during infusion you can see a film that looks like a jellyfish. It is called the vinegar queen, the appearance of which is a rare occurrence, indicating the preparation of high-quality vinegar.

The production of homemade vinegar may be accompanied by the appearance of small midges. This is considered normal. Once the vinegar is in the bottles, the midges will disappear.

It should be noted that the color of real high quality apple cider vinegar may not be transparent. It should be somewhat cloudy.

Homemade vinegar will provide you with healing properties for at least 2 years. Moreover, the longer it is stored, the more useful it will become.

Apple cider vinegar at home - simple recipe No. 2

You can prepare vinegar according to an old, but no less simple recipe. In this case, you can use thoroughly washed, finely chopped and crushed overripe apples.

  • The gruel is placed in an enamel pan, water heated to 70 degrees is added in such a volume that it covers the apples “with a margin” of several centimeters. To sweet apples, in the amount of 1 kg, you need to add about 50 grams of sugar, to sour fruits - 100 grams of sugar.
  • Leave the pan in a dark and warm place. It should be remembered that the contents of the pan require periodic stirring.
  • After 2 weeks of settling, the mass “yields” to careful filtering. For further fermentation, the liquid is poured into jars with wide necks. The container should not be filled completely.
  • Homemade vinegar takes about 2 more weeks to fully cook. After this, it is bottled, in which it will be further stored. When pouring, the liquid must not be shaken to prevent sediment from appearing in the final product.

Features of apple cider vinegar juice-based recipe

In addition to “classic” recipes based on the use of apple fruits, it is possible to make vinegar from natural apple juice. There shouldn't be any pulp in it.

In this case, you can do without yeast and sugar. However, to infuse vinegar more quickly, you can use a dough - dry yeast (a quarter of a teaspoon) and sugar (a teaspoon) mixed with warm water. The dough can be added to the juice after it begins to foam and rise. Also, fermentation will be faster thanks to rye bread. A small piece will be enough.

The neck of the container with all the ingredients is covered with a medical glove to prevent air penetration. It will become a “receptacle” for carbon dioxide produced during fermentation. If a glove breaks, it should be replaced with a new one.

The juice requires aging for about 4 weeks, during which the fruit sugar can “become” alcohol. The result will be a “tincture” similar to young wine. In order for it to become vinegar, the contents

it still needs to brew, but in an open container. You can use a saucepan.

The vinegar will be ready within 2 months, when it stops giving off a strong, unpleasant odor.

When to Avoid Apple Cider Vinegar

Thanks to homemade apple cider vinegar, of which there are many recipes, you can not only make an excellent salad dressing, but also solve a number of medical and cosmetic problems. Ocet fights cellulite and is included in many hair masks and skin lotions. It copes well with colds, varicose veins, fungal and skin diseases, diabetes and other ailments.

The main rule is – do no harm. Vinegar, despite all its benefits, is not

no need to get carried away with people:

  • with diseased gastrointestinal tract organs;
  • with gastritis and ulcers;
  • with acute and chronic nephritis;
  • with impaired salt metabolism;
  • with hepatitis;
  • having urolithiasis.

Good day, my beloved readers! Probably many of you have heard about. How it prevents the appearance of cellulite, helps grow gorgeous hair, is used for weight loss and skin tightening, to treat low acidity in the stomach and even varicose veins. You can’t list just how useful it can be. But the trouble is that you can’t always buy a quality product in the store.

Homemade versus store-bought

Most often, the manufacturer “conjures” vinegar from residues from other industries, using:

  • apple peel,
  • core,
  • damaged places,
  • often prepared from the pulp left over from juice production,
  • and you can only dream about the presence of honey in a store-bought product.

The use of waste is not the worst thing - it is food, after all. This product surpassed all others in falsification. Manufacturers are very fond of using vinegar and mixing:

  • add preservatives to their product to prolong its shelf life,
  • dyes for masking used low-quality raw materials and giving a more marketable appearance,
  • subject the product to rigorous filtration using reagents to remove natural sediment,
  • and often, under the guise of a natural product, they sell a completely chemical mixture.

Such a product will not contain any vitamins or minerals, and fermentation accelerators and preservatives will only worsen the situation.

Homemade vinegar may be stored for less time, and its color will not be as bright. Preparing your own apple bite at home, which does not require a lot of time and money, will be much safer and healthier, because the hostess will put not only love into it, but also high-quality fresh products!

Basic recipe

Many sites and forums on the World Wide Web have collected a lot of different step by step recipes, among which you can find both old “grandmother’s” and modern ones from popular experts. Maybe not all, but they have the right to exist, although the basic principle of how to prepare a healthy product is almost the same for everyone. This is exactly what I will prove now.

I walked on apples

What is vinegar? In fact, this is sour wine. That is, the process of preparing both consists of fermenting fruit juice. And the only difference is that wine ferments without air, while vinegar, on the contrary, must breathe.

So where does good vinegar start? Right! From good raw materials. Today we have apple. Therefore, we cook, no matter red or yellow, the main thing is sweet and ripe apples. And it’s not at all necessary to wash them (it’s not even advisable!) and cut off the bruised areas, just tear off the stalks and cut out the rot. After all, in order for fermentation to be active and without yeast, it is necessary that fungi remain on the fruits, promoting this very fermentation. And they only appear on “unwashed” apples.

By the way! The riper and apples are sweeter, the less sugar you subsequently need to add to the wort and the faster the fermentation process will take place.

  • grate
  • cut in a food processor or mixer
  • pass through a meat grinder
  • just cut with a knife

You can choose any method you like. But! Doing this on a grater takes a long time and is not at all safe for our fingers. Using a knife is even more dangerous and takes longer. The meat grinder crushes the raw material too much, turning it into mush, which will subsequently affect its filtration. Therefore, I usually do this in a food processor. The apples do not wrinkle in it, but come out in small pieces.

Natural product base

The most important, but not the most difficult moment in our undertaking begins: we lay the foundation for the future vinegar. What is needed for that:

  • apples of any variety (both Antonovka and small Ranetki are suitable);
  • water;
  • honey (which is preferable) or sugar;

Everything with the main components! All other additives are just variations on the vinegar theme. You can add a piece of rye bread to enhance fermentation. But I wouldn’t recommend adding yeast - if you do everything as I wrote above (and below too) and without it you will get wonderful vinegar.

There are not many options with the proportions of these components, but there are. I believe that for one kilogram of apples you should take one liter of water, and sugar - depending on the sweetness of the original product. On average (in terms of sweetness) it will be 100 grams per selected amount.

Attention! Mix the ingredients in a wooden, glass, clay or enamel bowl. Aluminum, iron, and especially plastic are not suitable for this purpose. Be sure to leave room in the container for fermentation of the product, do not fill it to the brim.

When the vinegar base is ready, cover it with a napkin or towel and place it in a dark place where the temperature should be maintained at a fairly high temperature - 28-32°C. Hidden places in your apartment close to heating appliances or a dark cabinet in the kitchen are suitable for this.

In such conditions, the workpiece needs to stand for 10-15 days, it all depends on the presence of the above-mentioned fungi and the storage temperature of the wort. All this time, you need to “disturb” his calm three times (or at least once) a day by stirring with a wooden spoon.

This is also an important stage. First you need to separate the pulp from the liquid (it is not vinegar yet). How can I make this easier? Apple porridge will be difficult to squeeze through gauze, I know from my own experience. That is why I advise you to do it “roughly” through a colander into which you place the pasta.

Just pour the wort into a colander and press the mass with your hands so that the liquid drains as much as possible. No need to rub anything! This will only mash the pulp into porridge, and it, in turn, will clog the fabric during subsequent filtration.

Then we put gauze on our colander (make it in two layers) and filter the liquid “cleanly”. It's no longer juice, but it's not vinegar either! The resulting semi-finished product must still ferment, not so violently, but still. We repeat the technology in the same sequence, only we don’t add water:

  • sweeten 50-100 g of sugar per liter of liquid, again depending on the source material;
  • pour into a clean container and also cover with a cloth;
  • Place in a dark, warm place for 40-60 days to complete fermentation.

Our daily presence is no longer required, there is no need to stir the strained product, and do not touch it at all until the product is ready. The vinegar will be considered ready when the fermentation process is complete and it becomes completely clear.

Packaging and storage

The finished vinegar must be removed from the sediment. Do you know how this is done? No? Exactly the same as finished wine. I know two options:

  1. Carefully, without lifting sediment from the bottom, the liquid is simply poured into a clean container. This is done quickly, but the downside here is that it’s good that you can drain it with the least “losses”, but you won’t be able to - the sediment will definitely rise and flow into the clean product. The second method will produce less waste, but you will also have to tinker longer.
  2. Using a rubber tube. We fix one end of it in a container with vinegar, somewhere in its middle and certainly not touching the bottom. To start the process, you need to draw in air from the other end of the tube and quickly lower it into the overflowing container (it should be much lower than the first). This will begin the “pumping” from one container to another. All you have to do is make sure that the tip of the tube does not sink into the sediment and does not jump out.

If you end up with a lot of cloudy liquid, don't worry. Let it sit for another day or two and you can repeat the process again. Moreover, I advise you to strain pure vinegar again in the same way after a week or two; it is very difficult to do it well the first time.

Attention! At the stage of bottling vinegar for storage, you can infuse it with various herbs for medicinal purposes or to add flavor. This is done by adding the herb of choice to the finished product bottle. After 3-4 weeks, it will transfer not only its aroma to the vinegar, but also everything beneficial features and it can be deleted.

Pour the finished vinegar into smaller containers, maybe bottles or small jars, and don’t do this right up to the neck. Just close with nylon lids or tight plugs, but not hermetically. Now it is still completely “green”, with a strength of no more than 4-5%, it will still ripen over time, why completely deprive it of access to air.

It is better to store at a temperature of 6-8°C, but more is possible, that’s not the point. After a year, the vinegar will reach a good strength and will be fully mature. You can use it without fear for your health (and your health!) for 3 years, which means more than one winter!

Variations on the Vinegar Theme

What else would you like to say on the topic of vinegar? While I was preparing the article, I didn’t read any recipes and recommendations. My God, if I myself were completely out of the loop, it wouldn’t be surprising to get lost.

What I mean? Yes, at least for an example. I’m opening the top articles on our topic today. And what do I see? Apple Cider Vinegar Recipe from Dr. Jarvis! I don’t argue at all, there was a doctor who promoted vinegar (by the way, not only that!) in medicinal purposes.

But I can’t understand why this recipe is according to Jarvis. The same recipe, rewritten many times from site to site with bread and yeast. Maybe I didn't understand? Maybe YOU can explain it to me?

By the way! Our Russian Malakhov also greatly respects the use of vinegar and soda for medicinal purposes. If you listen to the people's herald, this product helps in absolutely any case, from a runny nose to arthrosis.

And yet there is another option that deserves special attention. I offer it to you.

Recipe with apple juice

To produce vinegar from apple juice, we will follow the principles of the basic recipe, but there are, of course, subtleties. This is the simplest method, eliminating the part of the recipe where we regularly stir the wort. But, for active fermentation, you will need to add starter to the juice in addition to sugar. What could it be?

  • a piece of black bread
  • live yeast
  • wort left over from previously prepared vinegar
  • vinegar uterus with the remains of undecanted sediment

I leave the choice of the appropriate option up to you, but I think the second and third are more acceptable.

Advice: Try to prepare vinegar with honey and without sugar in any recipe, because the product of bees contains significantly more vitamins and minerals.

Should I dilute the juice with water? Many sources I have encountered do not give such a recommendation. But, I am still inclined to believe that this needs to be done. Judge for yourself - from undiluted juice, the vinegar will turn out very concentrated and, I think, strong. What for? Do this with about 3 parts juice, one part water, or a little more.

I won’t describe the rest of the process, everything is repeated one after another:

  • fermentation
  • desludge
  • sending for storage

But even this lighter version cannot be prepared in 1 hour. In any case, you will need at least a month and a half to do everything.

Video recipe

Natural raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar at home. 2 recipes

Natural raw apple cider vinegar, prepared at home, preserves and even enhances the valuable properties of raw apples. Eat different ways Making homemade apple cider vinegar from whole apples or fresh apple juice. This article contains two simple recipes for making natural, raw, unfiltered apple (cider) vinegar at home.

Making apple cider vinegar in home or industrial conditions includes the fermentation of ripe apples or fresh apple juice. During the fermentation process, apple raw materials go through the stages of sweet cider, dry cider and over time turn into vinegar. Natural apple cider vinegar is raw because it has not undergone a pasteurization process. Pasteurization (heating) destroys most enzymes and destroys the beneficial substances contained in vinegar.

We are offering to you 2 recipes for making homemade apple cider vinegar: from apple juice and from apples. To make apple cider vinegar at home, take fully ripened apples of late sweet varieties or juice from them - these are the apples that ferment better. It is better to buy organic apples, or at least those grown without the use of synthetic pesticides. It is better not to wash homemade apples before making apple cider vinegar.

Homemade apple cider vinegar. Recipe 1: Apple Juice Vinegar

Extract the juice from homegrown apples and strain it. Pour the resulting juice into a wooden (the best option), glass or enamel vessel with a wide top and place it in a warm place at home (our boiler room, where the temperature is constantly kept at 22-26 degrees). Heat (16-20 degrees C or higher) is a necessary condition for active (fast) fermentation in the process homemade apple cider vinegar. The fermentation process can be accelerated up to 3-4 weeks by adding wine starter, sourdough from prepared natural apple cider vinegar, sugar, vinegar queen(see photo below) or a pinch of yeast. However, even without fermentation and at room temperature at home, apple juice will turn first into wine, and then into homemade apple cider vinegar, although the process may take 9-12 weeks.

The vessel with vinegar should be covered with cling film, which should be pierced with a toothpick in several places so that the midges that are sure to gather near the cider penetrate less into the vessel. Cling film, in my opinion, is better than a towel, because through it the liquid in a warm place does not evaporate so quickly in the process making homemade apple cider vinegar.

Soon, active fermentation of apple juice will begin and its transformation into homemade vinegar. A vinegar uterus may appear on the surface. If active fermentation has not begun after a week, add sugar and yeast to the apple juice. When the vinegar queen begins to sink to the bottom, your natural homemade apple cider vinegar ready. If no vinegar uterus has formed on the surface homemade apple cider vinegar(this also happens), just taste the vinegar periodically. When it reaches the acidity you want, you can bottle it. homemade apple cider vinegar by bottle. Before the spill homemade apple cider vinegar remove the vinegar mother, stir the vinegar so that the starter (sediment) is evenly distributed throughout the bottles. Don't filter! Store homemade apple cider vinegar in a dark, cool place.

First time I made my own homemade apple cider vinegar in the summer from ready-made organic fresh apples, then I didn’t know any rules yet preparing natural vinegar. I poured the juice into a jug, placed the jug in the garden under a huge flowering mock orange bush and covered it with a paper napkin, which I secured with an elastic band. It was summer, the weather was warm and the mock orange was fragrant. I read that it's natural natural environment(in this case, a summer garden filled with flowering plants and insects collecting nectar) promotes active fermentation. I "forgot" the jug in the garden for several weeks. When I brought the jug into the house in the fall, it was ready homemade apple cider vinegar, completely natural. That first batch of vinegar contained a starter, but no vinegar mother.

Apple cider vinegar at home. Recipe 2: Apple Vinegar

Take the later ones ripe apples sweet varieties. Chop the apples (cut, crush or grind through a meat grinder; no need to cut out the core) and place in a wooden, glass or enamel bowl with a wide top. Fill the apples with warm water or natural apple juice with top, add sugar (about 50 g per 1 kg of apples) or honey. You can add a piece of black bread or a pinch of yeast to speed up fermentation. Cover the dish with film and place in a warm place, as stated in recipe 1 above.

In progress making homemade apple cider vinegar Active fermentation of the apples should begin and a vinegar mother will appear on the surface. If active fermentation has not begun after a week, add the same amount of sugar to the container. After 2-4 weeks, separate the apples from the liquid by straining the homemade vinegar. Pour the liquid into the same container (after washing it first), rinse the vinegar mat in clean water and return the uterus to fluid. Leave the vinegar, covered with film, for another 2-4 weeks in a warm place at home to ferment. When the vinegar queen sinks to the bottom, your natural homemade apple cider vinegar ready. The sinking of the vinegar queen to the bottom means that it dies, because. for its life activity (fermentation process) there is no more “fuel” left - sugar.

Vinegar queen

The vinegar queen appears on the surface during the active fermentation stage and takes the shape of the vessel in which it is cooked. homemade apple cider vinegar(see photo). The vinegar mother looks and feels very much like kombucha, if you still remember this method of fermenting drinks, popular in the 80s. They often ask what to do with vinegar queen. You can separate part of the vinegar mother and use it to make another batch of apple cider vinegar. Some people use vinegar matka for the same health benefits as natural apple cider vinegar. The separated vinegar mother should be stored in natural apple juice.

Properties of apple cider vinegar

Acidity of natural homemade apple cider vinegar varies depending on the apples chosen. However, in any case, the percentage acidity of homemade vinegar much lower than "regular" store-bought vinegar.

Cloudy sediment is always present in natural apple cider vinegar.(usually at the bottom of the vessel, see photo above). This is a cloudy cloud - vinegar starter, do not confuse with vinegar queen. It is this leaven that is the concentration enzymes (enzymes) vinegar and it can be reused for natural vinegar production from fresh apple raw materials.