Mirror neurons and empathy. Mirror neurons

The mysteries of our brain are difficult to study. Scientists around the world have been dedicatedly working to resolve them for decades. And according to their own admission, when the answer seems very close, suddenly everything collapses and the answer eludes. Scientists are starting research again, launching a series of experiments, breaking spears in scientific discussions, sacrificing everything for science in order... to touch the wind.

As one professor, American neurophysiologist Joseph Bogen, said: trying to understand how consciousness works or find consciousness is like trying to find and touch the wind. No one sees the wind, but the results of its activity are obvious.

However, intrepid scientific minds continue to fight. First one theory, then another, shakes scientific world. And there is hope to find out how our brain works. By the way, if you lay out all the neurons of one person’s brain in length, it will be 2.8 million km or 68 times around the earth.

One of the brightest and most significant discoveries in the field of neurobiology of recent times belongs to a group of Italian scientists from the University of Parma, who identified certain neurons in the cerebral cortex of primates that became active not only when performed by experimental animals. specified actions, but also when observing how another individual performs these actions. These neurons are called mirror neurons. .

After some time, other scientists argued that similar cells were found in humans. Interest in the discovery not only does not wane, but grows every year.

Mirror neurons can be considered as some behavioral switches located in the associative zones of the cerebral cortex and connecting sensory and motor areas. The hypothesized functions of mirror neurons are as follows:

In some departments nervous system higher animals have mirror neurons that are active both during movement and when observing the same movement performed by another individual

They are active during imitation.

It turns out that the neurophysiological level of imitation is a group of cells in several areas of the cerebral cortex that apparently develop from birth. The following phenomena and problems were involved in these studies through imitation:

Empathy as the ability to understand the emotions of others through empathy;

Language and speech of humans and other animals, especially gestural hypotheses of glottogenesis;

Theory of mind (or understanding of another's consciousness, or model of the mind, or theory of intentions, or Machiavellian intelligence) is a construct that describes the ability to understand the mental content of other individuals;

Autism, one of the symptoms of which is considered to be the absence or impairment of understanding of another’s consciousness and empathy (the hypothesis that autism is completely explained by impaired functioning of mirror neurons is not confirmed);

The social life of animals, including humans, as a subject of ethology and sociobiology;

Acting and humanitarian studies, involving the method of empathy;

General development of culture and civilization through imitation.

There are many different views on mirror neurons and their importance. A number of scientists call them “Dalai Lama neurons” or “Gandhi neurons.” They believe that the ability to empathize is inherent in people at the level of brain mechanisms. And this is great news, because for years scientists have been saying that we are self-obsessed, we are individualists fighting for survival, we are selfish and selfish. Now a system has been discovered in the brain that suggests that evolution has provided humans with a mechanism that allows them to understand each other in the simplest possible way.

And in connection with this, a great interest in Eastern philosophy has awakened in neurology, because recent discoveries fit well into its ideas. The Western world has never understood the idea of ​​universal interconnectedness. And the discovery of mirror neurons just confirms that the brain of one person is connected to the brain of another.

Recent research has revealed the existence of facts immediate understanding - understanding that does not pass through a chain of inferences: the subject seems to directly understand the meaning of the actions of another person and his intentions. On simple example It can be stated that depending on whether we look at the cup with the intention of drinking its contents or look at it with the intention of washing it, different parts of our brain will be activated.

Ultimately, these mirror neurons could explain what is called intuition, the miraculous guessing of thoughts, intentions, desires.

In practice, knowledge about mirror neurons is beginning to be applied in various fields.

For example, in sales marketing. In commercials, they try to create excitement in people. When you discover something you want to discover, you feel excited. When an actor in an advertisement does this for you, you also feel excited. The recipe is simple: make people happy and excited, and they will listen to you with more interest; If you want people to buy your product, you need to go through all the stages of sales before the end of the video. To influence people, you need to choose the right words, form the right thoughts, which will lead to the right (i.e., what the seller needs) actions. But there is no need to be scared, our brains are difficult to manipulate. Or, let’s put it this way, very few people succeed. And no one abolished the notorious free will or issued unconditional recommendations for overcoming it. Here it would be appropriate to make the assumption that in most cases our brain is still able to distinguish the original from the fake, whether it concerns objects, words, sounds or relationships.

This is supported by the results of another recent study by American scientists. Were identified using MRI key aspects a piece of music that evokes an emotional response in the brain.

Volunteers were tested in a “live” performance of Frederic Chopin’s etude in E major (Op. 10, No. 3) and synthesized on a computer.

Both versions had the same musical elements - melody, harmony, rhythm, as well as average tempo and volume. And they were even recorded using the same instrument. The “automatic” version, however, was deprived of the features of human performance - the expressiveness that is achieved by dynamic changes in tempo and volume. Pianists deliberately use these techniques to evoke an emotional response in the listener. The experiment took place in three stages. First, volunteers described their emotions while listening to both versions using a special program, then lay under the scanner and simply listened, after which they again completed the task of expressing emotions. The results were compared according to two parameters: perception of “live” and “artificial” performance; perception by experienced (choristers and members of amateur ensembles) and inexperienced listeners. As a result, the assumption was confirmed that a qualified pianist is indeed capable of evoking genuine emotions with his playing, that is, the activation of brain centers associated with reward. Interestingly, during real-time monitoring, activation of mirror neurons was recorded. Scientists believe that in this case, mirror neurons are responsible for the emotional response, for the sympathy that music evokes in the listener. It turns out that not only is the music itself, but music that is emotionally charged can evoke an emotional response.

Another young one scientific discipline uses advances in mirror neurons - neuroaesthetics, which combines research methods of two sciences - the humanities and the natural sciences - aesthetics and neurophysiology. According to the tenets of neuroaesthetics, works of art and literature derive a significant part of their aesthetic meaning from the emotional and sensory experience of the observer, which they resurrect in his memory. The beauty of nature does not exist in nature itself, but in the consciousness of man: the sensory image of an object consists of the subjective sensations of the observer, those projected outward states of mind. The relationship between the image of an object and the associations of cultural and emotional experience fixed in memory is realized with the help of mirror neurons of the brain. In beauty there must be a certain balance between chaos and order, tradition and novelty. According to neuroaesthetics, beauty is a deviation from what is “already accepted,” a violation of a norm fixed in the subconscious, a surprise, a joyful discovery.

Perhaps the most beautiful and adequate application of knowledge about mirror neurons was the modern exhibition lighting paintings Lorenzo Lotto in Rome in 2012. The unusualness of the exposure and lighting can be appreciated even in the photograph.

Advanced lighting designers used advances in science and technology. The concept of empathy was taken as a basis; it is considered as a necessary factor in observation paintings. The lighting system of L. Lotto's exhibition helps the observer to feel the same way as an artist during the creative process, imbued with the emotions of its characters and even becoming a participant in what is happening. The concept of lighting designers contains the idea that the eyes see, the brain recognizes and processes what it sees into a visual image. This may mean that a certain amount of information remains not visually perceived, and then the brain automatically fills in this “gap.” This theory was translated into technical language and integrated into a functional lighting system. The brain reacts to the fact that several narrow spectral bands are absent from the lamps’ radiation and involuntarily fills in “dark places” with missing information in order to optimize the perception of the image in question. Then the idea of ​​the three-dimensionality of the picture, its characters and details appears in the brain. Thus, the three-dimensional perception of a flat picture is a process that occurs at the neuronal level. Lotto is a brilliant painter of the Italian Renaissance. The special lighting of the exhibition of his works only helped the viewer to appreciate the artist, but in no way imitated his genius.

Annunciation (Pinacoteca Communale, Recanati)

Let's hope that the principle of distinguishing "real" from "fake" with the help of mirror neurons is at work here, that mirror neurons give an emotional response only to something worthwhile, and not to duds, even if it is served in a luxurious wrapper. The exhibition was a great success and created a sensation. When the paintings returned to their permanent location, the President of Italy ordered that they be illuminated exactly as they were in Rome.

Of course, mirror neurons are an exciting and surprising discovery, but it is too early to draw any definitive conclusions; most studies of these cells have not been carried out on humans. The path to understanding has just begun. Will anyone be able to catch the wind? Time will show.

Ecology of life. Science and Discovery: When Italian neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti published a note on mirror neurons in 1992, he could not have imagined how deeply this discovery would influence cognitive neuroscience in the next 20 years. It was even more difficult to predict that the discovery of mirror neurons would affect disciplines outside of neuroscience, namely psychology, sociology, philosophy, and even interest novelists.

When Italian neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti published a paper on mirror neurons in 1992, he could not have imagined how profoundly this discovery would impact cognitive neuroscience over the next 20 years. It was even more difficult to predict that the discovery of mirror neurons would affect disciplines outside of neuroscience, namely psychology, sociology, philosophy, and even interest novelists (1).

Since the discovery of mirror neurons, many scientists in various laboratories around the world have been conducting fruitful research in this area. Scientific hypotheses that arose at the end of the 20th century are now quite successfully explaining not only a number of phenomena social life and complement modern knowledge about language and speech, but also determine the neurophysiological mechanisms of some diseases and open up new approaches to their treatment.

About mirror neurons and the “mirror mechanism”

"Mirror Mechanism"

The discovery of mirror neurons revolutionized psychology and neuroscience. Mirror neurons are unique brain cells that are activated when we monitor the actions of other people. These cells, like a mirror, automatically “reflect” someone else’s behavior in our head and allow us to feel what is happening as if we were performing these actions ourselves.

The mirror mechanism is a basic brain mechanism that transforms sensory representations of the behavior of others into one's own motor or visceromotor representations regarding that behavior. According to its location in the brain, the “mirror mechanism” allows a whole series cognitive functions, including understanding actions and emotions. In each case, it provides insight into the behavior of others, which largely depends on one's own motor or visceromotor representations (2).

It has been established that there are two types of mirror neurons: motor, or so-called action neurons, and emotional. The work of the latter helps a person to understand the emotions of other people on a subconscious level, based on data from the visual analyzer, that is, the eye. Watching someone else's facial expressions or gestures, we involuntarily begin to experience other people's emotions.

So why did the discovery of mirror neurons have such an impact? significant influence to “cognitive” disciplines? There are two most likely reasons.

Firstly, this discovery brought the problem of how we understand others to the forefront of neuroscience.

Secondly, By showing that mirror neurons are predominantly motor neurons, it was proposed that the motor system is involved in understanding the actions and intentions of others (1).

Currently, a fairly large body of knowledge has been accumulated about the relationship between social cognitive function and motor activity. The direct correspondence between visual actions and their motor representations is the most important functional property of the mirror neuron. The results of many studies support the so-called internal modeling as a basic concept for mirror neurons. They are thought to play an important role in social cognitive function (3).

Visual jolt

Currently, Professor G. Rizzolatti and his colleagues are working on the practical application of their discovery, including in medicine. They are based on the fact that mirror motor neurons stimulate a person to reproduce the actions of others that he observes from the outside, for example, when watching a television or video program.

In particular, it has been recorded that when watching a boxing match, fans often tense their muscles, clench their hands into a fist, and even try to reproduce a right hook. This behavior is a typical neuroeffect and is the basis of a new method of rehabilitation after stroke, as well as other pathological conditions in which a person forgets how to perform certain movements.

If the patient's neurons are not completely damaged, but only their functioning is disrupted, then using a “visual push” (that is, demonstrating the necessary action under certain conditions), you can activate nerve cells and make them “reflect” movements, in other words, start functioning again as before. This method is called “action-observation therapy” (from the English action-observation therapy).

After injuries and accidents

This therapy was tried to restore the health of people after serious injuries., in particular, received in car accidents. We are talking about situations where a victim with damaged lower limbs has to learn to walk again. Usually in such cases a painful gait, lameness, etc. persist for a long time.

As a rule, rehabilitation using traditional methods takes a lot of time. However, if the patient is shown a specially created film with appropriate movements, then the necessary motor neurons are activated in his brain, which helps to significantly shorten the rehabilitation period.

After a stroke

Thanks to action-observation therapy, a significant improvement in the rehabilitation process of patients after a stroke is achieved. A recent study by researchers at the University of Southern California found that the brains of stroke patients exhibited significant motor cortical activity while observing others performing physical exercise (4).

Using magnetic resonance imaging, the researchers monitored the brains of 24 people (12 who had suffered strokes and the other 12 who were healthy controls) as they watched people perform physical activities with their hands that were difficult for them. “stroke” (raising a pencil, tossing a playing card, etc.).

It has been found that the healthy brain responds to visual stimuli with activity in the motor regions of the cerebral cortex, which are activated when observing an action being performed. However, in stroke patients, activity in these areas of the damaged hemisphere was stronger when observing actions that they themselves found most difficult to perform.

Thus, watching others perform physical exercise, leads to activation of the motor area of ​​the brain hemisphere damaged as a result of a stroke. This, in fact, is the goal of therapy - to help people who have suffered a stroke partially restore the mobility of their arms.


The most serious damage to mirror neurons is associated with genetic disorders. Most often this happens for autism.

Scientists from Cambridge have united various ways diagnostics to identify autism in children of different ages based on the level of development of the ability to understand someone else's consciousness. This led to the discovery of a link between autism and the mirror neuron system (5).

Since the mirror mechanism of “reflecting” the actions and emotions of others is disrupted in the brains of such patients, autistic people simply cannot understand what other people are doing. They are not able to rejoice or empathize, since they simply do not experience similar emotions when looking at those who are nearby. These incomprehensible manifestations are unfamiliar to them and frighten them, so people with autism prefer to avoid contact with what frightens them.

At the same time, according to G. Rizzolatti, it is possible to restore autistic children as fully as possible if this is done in a very early age . At the most initial stages When communicating with such children, you need to show very strong emotional activity.

The mother and specialist must constantly talk with the child, as well as make tactile contact, in order to develop not only motor, but also sensory and emotional skills.

In addition, you should play with your child as often as possible. However, competitive games are not suitable. It is important to choose a game in which results/success can only be achieved through joint efforts (assembling construction sets, putting together puzzles, etc.). Only in this way can a child understand that being with someone is not scary, but on the contrary, useful (1).

In the long term

Scientists see an important area of ​​future research in assessing the sensitivity of mirror neurons to early “disturbances” of the social environment and critical periods. Clinical studies of early social interactions, such as in children who experience a severe lack of early social stimulation or who, for genetic reasons, have deficits in social communication, may pose an interesting challenge to study the ontogeny of this mechanism and determine its functional role.

Another important question, which will be fundamental to a deeper understanding "mirror mechanism" is to elucidate its neurochemical and molecular basis (1).

It is assumed that this new information will be extremely useful not only for a better understanding of the mirror mechanism itself, but also for its practical application in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders in which so-called social competence is compromised.

Better knowledge of the molecular and neurochemical basis of this mechanism will provide breakthroughs in the development of new treatments and interventions based on reliable experimental results.


1. Ferrari R., Rizzolatti G. Mirror neuron research: the past and the future // Philos Trans R Soc 1. Lond B Biol Sci. 2014 Jun 5; 369 (1644): 20130169.

2. Rizzolatti G., Sinigaglia C. The mirror mechanism: a basic principle of brain function // Nat 2. Rev Neurosci. 2016 Dec;17 (12):757-765.

3. Murata A., Maeda K. What mirror neurons have been revealed: revisited // Brain Nerve. 3. 2014 Jun; 66 (6):635-46.

4. Garrison K.A., Aziz-Zadeh L., Wong S.W., Liew S.-L, Winstein C.J. Modulating the Motor 4. System by Action Observation After Stroke // Stroke. 2013 Aug; 44 (8):2247-53.

5. Kosonogov V. Mirror neurons: a brief scientific review / V. Kosonogov. - Rostov-5. on-Don, 2009. - 24 p.

“Today in most areas, in order to work successfully, you need to be able to establish good relationship and collaboration with people. Those who build their mental relationships on the basis of logical structures, doing computers or engineering, sometimes suffer greatly from the chaos and uncertainty of interpersonal relationships." Very often we, people, are unpredictable, our behavior or reaction is not predictable, which puts us, and even more so our interlocutors, in an awkward position, destroying the prospects for mutual understanding.

And here I think it is appropriate to quote the words of University of California professor Matthew Lieberman: “Four out of five processes that occur in the human mind in the background when the brain is at rest are associated with thoughts about other people and about oneself.” Therefore (1) you should not be your own enemy - do not insult yourself in internal dialogue, do not criticize or humiliate, but make friends with yourself, who have a growth mindset, are calm and balanced. And (2) try not to have enemies at all - so that the air of constant internal broadcasting is not clogged with skirmishes, proceedings and disputes with an imaginary interlocutor.

By the way, I set the second rule of the 25 rules and principles for those who intend to become the smartest and richest, which are present in the first part of the book of almost the same name: “ You shouldn't have enemies!»

Neuroscientists believe that the human brain has a social network that is responsible for the individual's relationship with the society around him. Our life from infancy, our environment, and even more so our conscious choice of whom to be friends and communicate with - all this forms a unique social network for each individual person. It is similar to the neural networks that control vision, movement or hearing. We primarily notice in the frantic stream of sounds and images precisely: (1) what interests us, (2) what is dear and close to us, (3) what is clear to us. The brain focuses its attention on this. It’s the same with the social network, which, depending on our beliefs, paradigms and stereotypes, dictates to us who to be friends with and who to stay away from.

Mirror neurons

In 1995, Italian neuroscientist Giacomo Rizzolatti from the University of Parma made a discovery about a specific group of neurons. Rizzolatti discovered that mirror neurons, distributed throughout the brain, fire when a person sees other people performing what is called an “intentional action.” If you see someone take a piece of fruit from the table and eat it, mirror neurons fire in your brain. But they also work when you eat it yourself. It is this ability that helps us gain an intuitive understanding of other people's goals.

Leading mirror neuron expert from Holland, Christian Kiesers, explains how mirror neurons provide a person with direct insight into the intentions of another person. “When we see another person's facial expression, we activate the same networks in our motor center; in addition, we transmit information to the insula associated with our emotions. Seeing your facial expression, I detect the movement of the facial muscles, which causes a similar motor reaction in my face; As a result, a smile causes a reciprocal smile. In addition, the motor reaction is sent to your emotional centers, so that to some extent you share the emotions of the interlocutor.”

UCLA mirror neuron researcher Marco Iacoboni writes, “Real communication is more than video, video is more than telephone, because we all respond to body language and especially to facial expression.”

The final messenger of the Creator, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “The believer (mu’min) is the mirror of the believer [in which at times his vices and shortcomings are reflected, and sometimes the true state of affairs].”

The Prophet Muhammad instructed: “In no way neglect good deeds, even the most insignificant ones. Let it be at least a [sincerely friendly] joyful look at your brother [at your interlocutor. Not gloomy and stern, but joyful, cheerful, kind].”

Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) said: “Your [benevolent] smile when looking at a person is alms [that is, before God it is a good deed and will return to you at least tenfold multiplied in the form of earthly and eternal blessings].”

So how can you turn a sworn enemy into a friendly friend?? Always be sincerely good-natured, ignore all the bad and focus your visual and auditory attention only on the good that comes from him, no matter how insignificant it may be.

IN Holy Quran said:

“Good and bad are not the same. [This different things. There can be no justification for evil. But if someone has shown it towards you, give yourself the opportunity to grow and develop, tune in properly internally, pacify your emotions and] respond [to the bad] with good (the best) [from the good that you have; answer with something that does not contain bitterness, callousness, rudeness, or cruelty. Try to remain sincerely friendly and smiling even with your sworn enemy. After some time, after several (possibly dozens) sincere and kind gestures on your part, when his mirror neurons scan and reflect all the kindness and beauty expressed by your body language and invariably imprinted on your face] you [remaining truly calm, balanced and friendly] you will see how your [sworn, irreconcilable] enemy [who could not stand you, suddenly after some time] turns into a close and sincere (bosom) friend [worried about you]” (Holy Quran, 41:34) .

Mirror neurons are the means by which the brain recognizes what others are feeling and what they intend to do. Such neurons help determine how to react to a particular person, whether it is worth establishing cooperation with him or whether it is better to immediately abandon him.

“Mirror neurons (English mirror neurons, Italian neuroni specchio) are neurons in the brain that are excited both when performing a certain action and when observing another person performing this action.

Mirror neurons are responsible for imitation.

The function that mirror neurons perform is not completely clear and is the subject of scientific debate. These neurons may be involved in empathy, understanding other people's actions, and learning new skills through imitation. Some researchers argue that mirror neurons can build a model of observed events and actions, while others attribute their functions to the acquisition of speech-related skills."

Scientists do not know the exact purpose of these unusual neurons. consensus, but the participation of these neurons in some processes is beyond doubt. For example, the fact that these neurons are responsible for imitation and, as a consequence, for learning, speech and cultural development.

From infancy, people try to imitate their parents in everything. And the first thing they learn is oral speech, bypassing textbooks and teachers. Then they begin to copy behavior patterns. And this continues throughout life. Only then do we imitate the people from our environment, those with whom we most often communicate and meet. And even without striving for this, we still copy each other. Speech style, way of thinking, facial expressions and gestures - everything sticks.

The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of the Creator) said: “Truly, a righteous interlocutor [a friend with whom you communicate and to whom you listen] is comparable to a seller of incense [beautiful aromas]. [If you talk to him and maintain a relationship] he will either give you incense, or sell you, or you will smell a pleasant smell [and enjoy it while being around]. A bad interlocutor [a friend with whom you communicate and to whom you listen] is similar to a blacksmith who will either burn your clothes or you [while being next to him] will feel bad smell[and you will be completely saturated with it].”

That is why you should be careful when choosing friends, that is, you should understand what kind of people we surround ourselves with: whether they are successful or not, gloomy crybabies, always complaining about life or happy lovers of life, intellectually rich, able to express themselves correctly and beautifully, or constantly using swear words whether people are active or passive, optimists or pessimists. Create the “right” environment around you, and very soon you will become the happy owner of all the attributes of success.


The ability is fantastic! Improving motor skills by visualizing these actions. Mirror neurons don't really care whether you perform an action or imagine it happening, they still work. Improved coordination is attributed to strengthening of the conductive connections between neurons during imaging. A very useful property for athletes, and not only.

Read more about this in the material “Internal Dialogue” from my book “A Trillionaire Thinks.”

People with a growth mindset believe that challenges are a gift, a wonderful opportunity to become more experienced, smarter, and wiser. They gradually develop a unique skill in turning life's failures into future successes. This category of people clearly understands that the existing intellectual, physical or material basis is the starting point for development. They clearly know that thanks to effort and knowledge, everyone is able to change and develop. When they encounter a difficulty, it doesn't even occur to them that they are failing! And what is also very important, reaching heights, this category people do not strive to prove their worth to others and they do not see this as a way to become better than others.

Alyautdinov Sh. Become the smartest and the richest. Part 1. M. - St. Petersburg: Dilya, 2013. P. 9.

Hadith from Anas. See, for example: As-Suyuty J. Al-jami' as-sagyr. P. 548, Hadith No. 9141, “Hasan”.

There are several types of fraternal ties: blood, religious and universal (the ancestors of all people are Adam and Eve).

Hadith from Abu Dharr; St. X. Muslima. See, for example: An-Naysaburi M. Sahih Muslim. P. 1054, Hadith No. 144-(2626); al-Qari ‘A. Mirkat al-mafatih sharkh miskyat al-masabih. In 11 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1992. T. 4. P. 1336, Hadith No. 1894.

See, for example: At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi. 2002. P. 575, Hadith No. 1961, “Hasan”; al-Bukhari M. Al-adab al-mufrad. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, b. g. S. 262, Hadith No. 891; al-Amir ‘Alayud-din al-Farisi. Al-ihsan fi takrib sahih ibn habban. T. 2. P. 221, Hadith No. 474.

Holy Quran, 7:199.

See, for example: Harun ‘A. Tahzib ihya ‘ulum ad-din [A shortened version of Imam al-Ghazali’s book “The Resurrection of the Sciences of Faith”]. Cairo: at-Tawzi‘ wa an-nashr al-Islamiyya, 1997. P. 307; al-‘Askalyani A. Fath al-bari bi sharh sahih al-bukhari. In 18 volumes, 2000. T. 9. P. 195, hadith No. 4642, partially.

In this material I present several fragments from David Rock’s book “The Brain. Instructions for use. How to use your capabilities to the maximum and without overload.”

Empathy is the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes. Understand the emotions, feelings and desires of your interlocutor. Empathy is also related to the concept of emotional intelligence and, naturally, is the most important psychological component of communication skills.

Mirror neurons give us the ability to empathize, which makes us socially integrated and more successful. This ability, of course, is to some extent innate. There are people who have innate charm. But this ability can also be consciously developed.

Empathy is a mutual phenomenon, that is, in order to penetrate the mind of your interlocutor and understand his hidden desires, you need to open up to him. Let it even be conscious. And, of course, nothing makes a person feel better than a friendly attitude. A fake, forced smile won't help here. Your interlocutor's mirror neurons, like your own, recognize falsehood because they are able to perceive more subtle non-verbal signals.

It is also worth noting the underestimated importance positive thinking. In other words, turn your face to the world, and the world will turn to face you. All this seemingly “magic” has a tangible biological basis.

You've probably noticed that people living together not only partially adopt each other's habits, but also become similar to each other. So, it is assumed that the reason for this similarity lies in mirror neurons. In addition, there is a theory that it is this type of neurons that is responsible for a person’s ability to empathize. the site will tell you what mirror neurons are and how they are related to the ability of humans and animals to empathize (empathy).

Are mirror neurons the key to empathy and understanding?

In the 1990s, Italian scientists, while observing the cerebral cortex of monkeys, discovered an interesting pattern: the same motor neuron was activated in a monkey not only when it itself took food, but also in the process of observing similar actions of another monkey. This phenomenon interested scientists, because the ability to put oneself in the place of a fellow man is also inherent in people. Mirror neurons are a certain set of cells that are “mirror” activated when observing certain movements of another person (animal).

It is also interesting that mirror neurons only respond to certain types of actions that we can predict based on past experience. For example, they do not respond to normal hand movements. But if we see a person who is in pain and is about to eat something tasty or drink cold water on a hot day, we understand at the synaptic level what a person is going to do next. Moreover, we often want to do the same.

You can tune in to the “wave” of another person not only with the help of vision: sounds, smells, tactile sensations also contribute to this phenomenon.

Mirror neurons - a healthy criticism of an interesting theory

The theory that it is thanks to mirror neurons that we are capable of empathy is quite attractive and logical. For example, we see how bad a person is, mirror neurons are activated, we automatically “tune in” to his wave and partially adopt the person’s feelings. And since mirror neurons are connected to other parts of the brain that send messages to all parts of the body, we are able to “synchronize” even physiological indicators with another person: breathing, blood pressure, heart rate. In addition, emotional contagion is also associated with mirror neurons - i.e. the occurrence of identical or similar emotions perceived in another person in a certain situation.

This is why, as some experts suggest, autistics and psychopaths are not able to empathize with others - their mirror neuron functions are impaired. The same is said about patients with schizophrenia.

Critics of the theory about the key role of mirror neurons in understanding the actions and emotions of other people believe that the conclusions of the theory are too global and have not yet been confirmed.

The fact is that tracking and explaining the activity of mirror neurons in the human brain is not so easy. Therefore, James Kilner and Roger Lemon from University College London studied in detail 25 papers by scientists that analyzed recordings of mirror cell activity in monkeys. These recordings indicate the presence of motor cells, the properties of which are similar to those of mirror cells in:

  • the frontal lobes of the brain, which control movement;
  • in the parietal lobe.

However, some of these cells are capable of mirror reactions only when observing a living being; others are capable of such a response to videotaped movements. It is also observed that some mirror neurons respond to a small number of specific movements, while other groups of neurons respond to a wider range of movements or even to the sounds that accompany such movements. Some cells are able to suppress activity while observing certain movements.

It is also noted that viewing angle and reward opportunity are factors influencing mirror neuron activity in monkeys. Such features most likely indicate that mirror neurons are only a component of a complex system of brain activity that experts have yet to understand.

D. Kilner and R. Lemon believe that experiments with monkeys are not enough to fully understand the work and functions of mirror neurons, and similar experiments cannot be carried out on humans. The only such study conducted in humans suggests the presence of mirror neurons in the temporal lobe and frontal cortex of the human brain. There are many types of mirror neurons, the presence and functional significance of which in humans has yet to be proven.

This is what a mirror neuron looks like in a healthy person. Photo: NIH
Based on materials from the book “Why I Feel What You Feel” by Joachim Bauer.

“Nerve cells that are capable of implementing a certain program in their own body, but which are also activated themselves when observing or otherwise empathizing with the execution of this program by another individual, are called mirror neurons.[...]

It is enough for a person to hear a conversation about some action to resonate mirror neurons. Conclusion: Not only observations, but also any perception of a process performed by others can activate mirror neurons in the observer's brain. (1) [...]

Action-controlling nerve cells are not only activated when observing the actions of others. They also give signals when the subject is asked to imagine the corresponding action. But the strongest signal comes from them in cases where a person is asked to synchronously reproduce an observed action. [...]

The actions of other people perceived by a person inevitably cause the activity of mirror neurons in the observer. They trigger their own pattern of actions in his brain, and exactly the one that would work if he himself performed the perceived action. The process of mirror reflection occurs synchronously, arbitrarily and without any reflection. An internal neural copy of the perceived action is created, as if the observer himself is performing this action. The execution of this action in reality is the free choice of the observer, but he cannot prevent the phenomenon of resonance of mirror neurons, which activate the action programs embedded in them in his internal representation. (2) [...]

In order for everyday interpersonal relationships to proceed more or less smoothly, a number of conditions must be met, constantly, at the current moment in time. We consider most of these conditions to be absolutely natural, and we believe that they should be fulfilled, although they are not at all self-evident. We are talking about unconscious (unreflected) confidence, what experts call implicit assumptions. Confidence, without which it would be uncomfortable to live, is that the behavior of those around us in at the moment people is more or less predictable at the next moment in time, that is, it corresponds to our expectations within certain limits. This applies not only to such banal motor processes as the path of a person’s movement in a busy pedestrian zone or on a mountain slope filled with skiers, but, first of all, expected behavior, actions on the part of other people. (3) During a reception or evening party, of course, we will not consciously think about the danger or safety of a given situation without reason. But we orient ourselves, without realizing it, precisely in such a way that we receive implicit knowledge about whether we can expect peaceful behavior from those present. True, this does not always happen.
Everyone is familiar with situations when some a person who is not doing anything wrong at the moment gives us an unpleasant feeling, a feeling of potential threat. It is only when we suddenly lose our sense of security and confidence that we realize how much we depend on implicit confidence. Mirroring phenomena allow us to predict situations - good or bad. They create in us a feeling that we call intuition and which allows us to anticipate and guess about future events. (4) Intuitions cannot be ignored. Intuition is, so to speak, a special, softened form of implicit confidence, a kind of premonition or seventh sense.[...]

When we perceive even part of a sequence of actions, mirror nerve cells in the brain, and thereby in the psyche of the observer, spontaneously and regardless of our will show the entire process. Perceiving short parts of a sequence may be enough to intuitively know, even before the entire process is completed, what outcome can be expected from the observed action. That is, mirror neurons, coming into resonance, not only make observed actions spontaneously understandable for our own experience. Mirror neurons are able to complete observed fragments into a probable expected complete sequence of actions. The programs accumulated in command neurons are not arbitrarily created, but represent typical sequences based on the totality of all previous experiences received by the individual. (5) Since most of these sequences correspond to the experience of all members of the social community, the command neurons form a common interpersonal action space.
Intuitive ideas arise in a person without the participation of his consciousness. For example, a person may only have an unpleasant feeling, but he does not know the reason for its appearance. This is due, among other things, to the fact that subconscious, that is, consciously not registered perceptions, can cause the activation of our mirror neurons. However, different people have this “gut feeling” about the actions of other people to varying degrees. [...]

Much of what is attributed to mystical telepathic abilities finds its explanation here. People who are in a close emotional connection with each other know the “paths of movement” of their loved ones. For example, our brain provides us with intuitive assumptions about what a loved one can do now, even if at the moment he is very far away. [...]

The ability of intuitive understanding, this gift of our mirrors nerve cells, in no way protects us from misconceptions and errors. Perceiving situations through the neurobiological mirroring system can lead to the activation of programs that at first appear to the brain as a suitable continuation of the visible event, but then turn out to be erroneous. This is due to the fact that many everyday situations are ambiguous and allow for different options for continuation. In interpreting situations last role individual previous experience plays a role. One whose experience shows that those who produce pleasant experience people often show an unexpectedly unpleasant side to themselves, reacting to friendly people differently than people with different experiences. For those who have frequently experienced disappointment after the collapse of initially promising situations, this experience will be present in neuroscience programs as a typical sequence of events.
However, one-sided interpretative schemes derived from certain prior experiences are not the only reason why intuition can be misleading. Unfortunately, it is not protected from deception of consciousness, because intuition is not everything. Where she fails, reason must come to the rescue. (6) Thinking critically about what we see in and experience in others has absolute value. However, on the other hand, rational analysis is not immune from errors when it comes to interpreting our perception of another person. Rational assessments of interpersonal circumstances may well mislead us. Another disadvantage of our intellectual-analytical apparatus is its slowness. Thinking about someone takes longer than making an intuitive assessment. Mirror neurons operate spontaneously and quickly. Their selection is available online.
Conclusion: intuition and rational analysis cannot replace each other. Both play an important role and should be used in combination with each other. The likelihood of correctly assessing a situation is greatest when intuition and intellectual analysis of the situation come to similar conclusions and complement each other. The limits of the possibilities of both intuitive and analytical assessment indicate the outstanding role of language, in other words, clarification of circumstances, situations, etc. in a conversation. Intuition can exist without language, but only language allows us to communicate explicitly about intuitions.[...]

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My comments are based on the theory of abuse.

1. A normal person is able to respond adequately not only to the suffering he observes of another person, but also to messages that this or that is causing pain to the Other. What happens in case of abuse? The abuser sees, hears and knows about the suffering of his partner. This does not evoke an adequate response in him: in his behavior, actions, reactions, words. Moreover, the degree of violence is constantly increasing. This gives me the right to assert that the observed state of the victim gives the abuser, if not joy, then clearly some kind of positive impression. In such cases we can talk about sadism - perverted and sophisticated cruelty.

2. It can be assumed that the suffering of the victim, read through the mirror neurons of the abuser, triggers a certain program of action in him. And this is not a program of empathy and compassion. This is a program of violence. The greater the suffering the abuser sees, the greater his desire to torment his victim. The question of when and by whom a defective program of action was laid down is not a question without answers: parents (or other educators), society, lifestyle, environment, stereotypes, gender education, etc. See comment #5

3. One of the mysteries for ordinary people is the question: “Why doesn’t she leave?” He beats, cheats, mocks, but the victim endures everything and continues to remain in such a relationship. There's a lot different options The answers to this question include Stockholm syndrome, identification with the aggressor, and the state of the victim’s personality after a long period of violence. The mechanism of mirror neurons gives us another answer: after the aggressor has admitted his guilt and repented, there is always a period of " honeymoon", and the abuser's partner triggers a prediction of his expected behavior; the same as in all normal people. Well, a person made a mistake, no matter what happens to him, but he realized and understood everything, now he is behaving perfectly, which means everything will work out. The victim again and again "predicts "that the abuser's behavior will improve after the aggressor admits his mistakes. And abusers always admit in order to continue torturing, because non-stop violence will force the victim to escape before the abuser destroys her personality. This is one of the most insidious traps of abuse - the victim believes that her partner normal person. Each of us is brought up to believe that other people are normal! That people can make mistakes, etc. A critical mass of ugly behavior must accumulate for the victim to wake up. The size of this critical mass is different for everyone. Let's also take into account how girls are socialized: a woman must endure and forgive. It is equal to being feminine, sweet, good, wise, strong woman. And everyone wants to be exactly like that, and that’s normal!
And now let’s add the mechanism of gaslighting, actively used by any type of abuser, when words, facts, actions, emotions are denied, when the victim, day after day, is shouted at by both the abuser and the abuser that she is being too dramatic, she misunderstood that normal people have such emotions they don’t feel that everyone lives like this, that she makes a mountain out of a molehill, etc. And she doesn’t leave... The victim remains because her mirror neurons were deceived by a person with psychopathology, because she is immersed in his plot of madness.

4. A phenomenon that I encountered: all the victims of abuse with whom I had the opportunity to communicate recall that intuitively at the beginning (the very beginning) of the relationship they did not like their abuser. Let me quote: “I literally got used to him. And then I realized that I loved him.”

5. Programs that trigger mirror neurons of abusers were formed 1.or in childhood, 2.or in a traumatic situation (here I think 0.1%), 3.or are a product of society. Most likely this is a combination of 1 and 3. This is a system of value systems laid down by the family, an acquired way of thinking from the parental environment, multiplied by gender education, social processes in society and the abuser’s social circle. Since any abuser does not have a normal stable ego structure, in psychological development, without passing the mark of 3 years, is not able to see the subject in anyone other than himself, then we can safely say that the tolerance to violence that exists has a huge influence on his programs today in society, as well as the lack of experience of “getting hit with a bat” of fair retribution in his life life scenario. Alice Miller writes a lot about how violence experienced in childhood, which the child could not cope with as an adult, spills out on other people. She examines this beautifully through the example of Hitler's biography. I think this is compounded by the lack of retribution from victims and society for bestial behavior in adulthood. The abuser, with the naivety and innocence of a three-year-old child, denies the damage done so successfully that even the victim begins to believe it, and those around him almost definitely believe it. Moreover, after a destructive abuse, the victim simply does not have the resource to engage in retribution - to collect himself and run away. Moreover, the stereotype works - it is not good to take revenge. But I'm not talking about revenge here. A worthy retribution for any abuser is the publicity of his art. But in this case, we are faced with shame among victims of abuse. Shame is false in its essence: someone who acts like a non-human should be ashamed.

6. You can only leave abuse through a change in your thinking paradigm, because the abuser will play on your mirror neurons like a balalaika. Only through understanding the experience of relationships, through reviewing actions, through understanding what is happening, cleared of various stereotypes and clichés, will you be able to free yourself. Forever. Critical thinking, deliberation is necessary to get rid of heartache, never return to this abuser again, and do not fall into a new abuse.