Natalya Vorotnikova: “Pavel Volya will leave Laysan Utyasheva. Pavel Volya and Marika broke up Pavel Volya and Marika reason for separation

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea to “make children”

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea to “make children”

One of the funniest and cutest couples in Russian show business is the 31-year-old participant “ Comedy Club» Pavel VOLYA and 25-year-old TV presenter Maria KRAVTSOVA - after a high-profile breakup, they tried to arrange their personal lives separately for a year and a half. But both never met new love, decided in Once again try to build a family together. This time it's official.

"Glamorous Bastard" Pavel Volya and TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, better known as Marika, met at a Comedy Club performance. Seeing an attractive, smiling girl among the audience, Pavel boldly approached her to meet her after filming.

“I didn’t know who she was,” Volya said. “The entire time I was standing on stage, I literally could not take my eyes off her. And she looked at me, batting her eyelashes and smiling with all her teeth. I was blown away!

At first we were friends

At that time, Pavel had just broken up with his girlfriend and could not even think about a new serious relationship. Marika herself was also licking her wounds after breaking up with the hockey star Pavel Bure, whom I dated for several years. By the way, it was Express Gazeta that first wrote about the relationship between Marika and Pasha.

Bure and I had good moments,” Marika recalls. - But he did not occupy a special place in my life - Pasha was just one of my many men.

After meeting, Volya offered to give Maria a ride home, the girl agreed, but admitted that she was hungry and asked to stop at a restaurant first. This is how their first happened romantic dinner. Pavel refused alcohol that evening because he was driving, and Masha decided to support her new acquaintance.

- Oh, we behaved very decently! - Maria recalls. - Somehow we immediately got into a friendly mood. I immediately really liked Pavlik - he was so positive and wise beyond his age. He was telling something and laughing himself to tears, which brought me to some kind of hysterical laughter.

According to the guys, after that they were just friends - they gave each other gifts, called each other on the phone every day, chatted and laughed a lot. And then Volya unexpectedly invited the girl to go with him to Seychelles. It was there that Kravtsova and Volya kissed for the first time. Returning to Moscow, the couple decided to live together. This news immediately spread in the press, and a photo hunt began for the stars.

There were paparazzi sitting in cars near the house,” says Masha. - We left the house and felt with our skin that they were looking at us. Journalists came up with some tall tales about me and Pasha. It was difficult, but we overcame all the challenges together.

Pavel Volya and Maria Kravtsova lived together for more than four years.

Love with Zhanna

When Masha was offered filming in the new project “Five Apart,” they began to gossip that Kravtsova had turned on her handsome co-host Artema Korolev. Then Volya began going to the set with Masha to control her friend. And suddenly Pavel himself was “caught” in the company of his partners in the film “Plato”, where Volya plays main role. But star couple survived these blows of fate. When all the gossip subsided, the news came out like a bolt from the blue that Pasha and Masha... broke up. For a long time, both refused to comment on their breakup, until Kravtsova admitted: “Our relationship did not develop, it reached a dead end. Nothing connects us with Pasha now.”

They gossiped in the party that Volya really wanted a family and children, but Marika thought it was too early for her to have a baby and was going to make a career.

After breaking up with Pasha, Masha couldn’t find herself, the couple’s friends Olga and Vadim tell us. - She made mistakes, rushed from one extreme to another, and probably regrets a lot today.

Some psychologists believe that the most ardent love lasts three to four years, says Kravtsova. - I partly agree with this. At some point, the thrill of the sensation ends. But, in addition to love and passion, there must be respect and mutual understanding. To maintain all this, you have to be tolerant...

Red sea of ​​passion

For a year and a half of separation, neither Maria nor Pasha ever met a worthy replacement for each other. Both recalled pleasant days and wonderful nights spent together. The couple's friends knew this. One day, a music channel invited Marika to become the host of an outdoor party. But having learned that her ex-lover would become her co-host, the girl flatly refused - it was too hard for her to see Pasha. The disappointed showman had to host the beach party alone. After filming the program, Volya, also tormented by memories of Mashenka, decided to try to talk to her frankly and arrived at her house after midnight with a huge bouquet peach roses

“I was so stunned when I saw him,” the girl recalls, “that I said something like: “Pasha, let’s get married, or leave and don’t torture me!”

Having made peace after a year and a half breakup, Masha and Pavel signed at the nearest regional registry office. The couple did not spend money on the wedding - the newlyweds decided to arrange a first-class honeymoon and went on a kite safari in the Red Sea.

“I’m 25, and I think I’m ready to start a family,” says Maria. - I’m finally ready to fulfill Pasha’s dream - to become a father. Actually, starting from this trip, we stopped using protection.

“I want a lot of children,” Volya always said. - I'm sure I will have them! I will generally be the most gorgeous father in the world.

He is also supported by Marika, who said in a recent interview: “One hundred percent I will be a wonderful mother!” Let's hope that the young couple's dream will come true this year.

30-year-old Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya has become an eligible bachelor. The showman broke up with his girlfriend, VJ Marika, whom he dated for three years.


IN Lately the couple has not been seen together. They came to social events separately, and also left the parties, Pavel and Maria also spent the New Year holidays separately.

Secular gossips wondered what happened to the couple’s relationship. As it turned out, Volya and Marika decided to break up before the New Year, but do not advertise the cooling of relations.

There have long been rumors that not everything is smooth between the celebrities. A serious conflict occurred two years ago, when Marika began starring in a new project on one of the music TV channels. Then Volya was jealous of her show partner Artem. And when Pavel starred in the film “Plato,” it was rumored that Marika was jealous of his actress Elizaveta Lotova, writes Express Newspaper. But, despite this, in public the couple always demonstrated the most tender feelings. “I have made my choice in life, we trust each other. Having met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists. May God grant us to preserve this happiness for a long time,” Pavel said then.

Let us remind you that with former model Volya met 25-year-old Marika at a Comedy Club performance. The young people very soon began to live together and call their relationship family.

Close friends say that the couple made the decision to separate mutually, quietly and without scandals. And most importantly, Pavel and Marika managed to maintain warm friendly relations, with which their romance once began.

"Everything will be awesome!" - Pavel Volya sang in the song, which became the main hit of last spring. Apparently, Snowball had anything in mind, but not a bright future with the energetic Marika. As it became known, the love of this crazy couple was ordered to live long. 30-year-old Volya and Masha broke up after three years of romance, which was a role model for many colleagues. To the delight of their acquaintances, the lovers fled without a fight or public scandals, managing to preserve what they started with - friendship. “Yes, we broke up, but I don’t want to go into details,” Masha told us. Volya became a free guy a couple of days before the New Year - he and Marika spent the holidays separately for the first time in three years. This difficult decision was mutual; they set off on a solo voyage in search of new happiness after several conversations in a calm atmosphere. Conversations between two people who have long grown into each other, who have learned to breathe in one direction and do without words at all, arguing about important things. “Marika and Volya broke up, after the New Year they rested separately, but remained very good friends,” admitted a close friend of the couple, who wished not to give his name. Pasha and Masha are still a gang. They still go to parties and birthdays of mutual friends together, but they come to them separately and wake up one at a time - the beds are much cooler than before. “Personal life is a very delicate matter, so there is no need to get ahead of events,” Volya confessed about his feelings several months ago. - I have made my choice in life, we trust each other. Having met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists. I always internally hoped for this, but now I can say for sure. Otherwise, another man, out of excitement or despair, will let one and a half hundred girls pass through him, and will be left with nothing, that is, without loved one. But I'm lucky! And may God grant us to preserve this happiness for a long time.

Rumor has it that the reason for the breakup was affairs on the side.

30-year-old Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya has once again become an eligible bachelor. It turns out that the smart guy broke up with his girlfriend, VJ Marika Kravtsova, whom he had been dating for three years.

The couple broke up on the eve of the New Year, but did not advertise the cooling of relations. The couple began to talk openly about the breakup only now. Pavel and Marika parted without complaints and stayed good friends. The couple spent the New Year holidays separately for the first time, although since then the celebrities have continued to attend parties together, although they do not come and go together. Volya met former model, 25-year-old Marika, at a Comedy Club performance. The young people quickly began to live together, and Pavel did not refuse anything to his beautiful friend, whose relationship he called family. However, from the very beginning it was rumored that not everything was smooth between the celebrities. A serious conflict occurred two years ago, when Marika began filming in the new MTV project “Five Away.” Allegedly, Volya was jealous of her show partner Artem, whom Kravtsova once sat on his lap. And when Pavel starred in the film “Plato”, it was rumored that Marika was jealous of his actress Elizaveta Lotova. However, in public the couple always demonstrated the most tender feelings. “I have made my choice in life, we trust each other.” Having met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists. May God grant us to preserve this happiness for a long time,” quotes a recent interview with Volya. Marika confirmed the break in relations with Volya, but prefers not to talk about the reasons. According to rumors, in addition to jealousy, the separation was facilitated by the fact that Marika began to think about a stamp in her passport and children, however, Volya always preferred to lead a more or less free lifestyle and was afraid of obligations.

Marika Kravtsova is an attractive girl and a multifaceted personality. She has successfully mastered the following areas of activity: television, cinema, modeling and fashion design. Do you want to know where she was born and what education she received? What does it feel like Family status? Then you definitely need to read our article.

Marika Kravtsova: biography, childhood

Born in Moscow in 1985 on February 22. Her real name is Maria. According to her horoscope, she is Pisces. When our heroine was 3 years old, her parents divorced. The father quickly found another woman and started a family with her. Mom raised Masha alone. The woman spent time at work from morning until late evening in order to provide her daughter with a decent life. Over the course of several years, my mother changed several professions. She was a hairdresser, a nurse in one of the capital's hospitals and an employee in the district executive committee.

Mashenka grew up as an active and intelligent child. From the age of 7 she attended music school and a dance studio. The girl also signed up for a drawing and wood burning class. Our heroine followed the example of her mother and tried to keep up with everything.

WITH early age Masha Kravtsova dreamed of a modeling career. At home, she put on her best clothes and paraded down an imaginary catwalk in them. At the age of 13 her cherished dream came true. Her mother took her to a casting at V. Zaitsev’s modeling school. The competition was great - more than 10 people per place. But Masha was able to pleasantly surprise the famous fashion designer. Vyacheslav Zaitsev appreciated her spectacular appearance, natural charm and high intelligence.

Modeling career

The teenage girl had to combine school studies, activities in clubs and dance studio with participation in fashion shows and photo shoots. But she was not going to give up on her goals.

In 2001, Maria Kravtsova won the title “Vice-Miss Moscow”. After that, Russian and foreign modeling agencies literally inundated her with offers of cooperation. She agreed to some of them. IN different time Masha collaborated with the following agencies- Modus Vivendis, Red Stars and President. No one fashion show in Moscow did not take place without her participation. Her photographs graced the covers of various glossy publications (first Oops! and Fit for Fun, and after 18 years Harper's Bazaar, Playboy, XXL and FHM).

Kravtsova often traveled abroad. She has walked the runway with legends such as Cindy Crawford, Linda Evangelista and Andriana Lima.

Acting and television

Masha passed the program for grades 10-11 as an external student. After all, it was difficult to combine study and a modeling career. Kravtsova has higher education majoring in PR (public relations). The girl graduated from the Russian State University.

As a student, she participated in the filming of commercials. The young beauty also appeared in Sergei Zhukov’s video for his popular composition “I’m Already 18.”

In 2005, Marika Kravtsova received the position of host of the MTV Euro Top 20 music program. She confidently stayed in the frame. Many viewers loved her for competent speech and a dazzling smile.

Until 2007, our heroine collaborated with MTV, hosting such programs as “Style Guide”, “Night Flirt”, " Babi revolt"and others. Then representatives of the TNT channel made her an interesting offer. They saw Marika as the host of the project “Dancing Without Rules.” And Kravtsova agreed to cooperate. In 2010, the beauty returned to the MTV channel.

As for Masha’s film career, it began in 2003. In the detective story “Kamenskaya-3” she got a small role - the mother of “The Joker”. Between 2006 and 2007, Marika played herself in the comedy “Hello, I’m your dad!” and the TV series “Club” (seasons 1 and 3).

Kravtsova took part in the dubbing of the cartoon “Visiting the Robinsons.” One character spoke in her voice - Aunt Billy. The model and TV presenter also appeared in four Russian comedies - “Plato”, “Luck Island”, “8 First Dates” and “The Best Film”.

Clothes designer

At the end of 2007, Marika registered her personal clothing brand Masha Kravtsova. After this, the girl began to implement her design ideas. In the spring of 2008, her first line of fashionable outfits appeared on the shelves of Moscow boutiques - “Yes. Yes. Yes. More!". Currently, she has released 8 collections of women's clothing.

Personal life

Marika Kravtsova (see photo below) has always been surrounded by male attention. There were several in her life bright stories love. But first things first.

First serious relationship Masha began dating hockey player Pavel Bure in 2002. The couple attended social Moscow parties and relaxed on best resorts peace. Unfortunately, this romance turned out to be fleeting. The reasons for the separation of the hockey player and TV presenter are still unknown.

Soon our heroine met the comedian Pasha Volya. Resident Comedy Club immediately took a liking to the slender and smiling girl. He did everything to win her favor. Pavel Volya and Marika Kravtsova were in a civil marriage for several years. Their friends, colleagues and relatives hoped that everything would end with a magnificent wedding. But in 2011, the comedian and TV presenter broke up. They managed to maintain friendly relations.

A happy family

In 2012, our heroine announced her upcoming wedding. It became known that future husband Marika Kravtsova is successful businessman. His name is Sergei. In the summer of 2012, the lovers officially got married. The celebration took place in Italy, without much glamor or loud PR.

In June 2014, Maria gave her husband her first child, son Akim. The birth of the famous model and TV presenter took place in the USA. Then she and the baby returned to Moscow.

In May 2016, Kravtsova gave birth to her second child. Our heroine and her husband dreamed of a daughter. And it seems that the heavenly office heard their request. Baby got something beautiful Russian name- Faith.


Marika Kravtsova has such qualities as determination, openness, cheerfulness and hard work. This means that success awaits her in any endeavor. Let's wish her creative inspiration and endless family happiness!