Pickles: my grandmother's recipe (cold method). Cucumbers for the winter without vinegar - the most delicious recipes for canned vegetables

Tell me, who doesn’t like to open a jar of delicious, crispy, aromatic cucumbers in winter? With potatoes, with vodka, with any dish, in Olivier or vinaigrette - well, where would we be without pickles? Every housewife tries to prepare as many of them as possible, especially if there is a basement, although many recipes allow you to keep them in apartment conditions without problems. There are countless recipes for preserving cucumbers on the internet, everyone offers something different, and then the novice housewife’s eyes run wild - what recipe to use?! Our tips - pickling cucumbers without vinegar for the winter: recipes, some of the best.

Here, proceed from what you want to get - quickly and without problems, no matter what, or preserved food that is good for health. I think it's the latter smart person will prefer all sorts of harmful things to us and so food industry in full swing treats, because I want to close out the healthy stuff, and in the winter treat my household with healthy and delicious preparations. So, let's look at how we can get away from canned junk and stock up on not only tasty, but also healthy products for the winter.

The most useful option- vegetables from our own plot, not treated with any chemicals. This is ideal. To it: do not use vinegar, aspirin and even citric acid, pickle the cucumbers, with mustard, in tomato juice, in extreme cases, replace regular apple cider vinegar.

If it is not possible to grow your own cucumbers, we get rid of the possible consequences of chemical treatment of vegetables as much as possible - wash them thoroughly, soak them, drain the water, and rinse them again. This will make it possible not only to add crispness to the cucumbers, but also to free them from all sorts of nasty things that come out of them into the water, and the cucumbers will remain almost clean in all respects, you can close them. Now let’s consider making them crispy, tasty, and healthy.

Pickled cucumbers without vinegar

The very first thing that comes to mind is to ferment cucumbers before canning. This is the most natural method, when during fermentation in the brine natural acid appears from the cucumbers themselves, which is why they are the healthiest. Let's take a closer look at the recipes for cucumbers pickled with cold brine and hot.

Cucumbers in cold brine


  • cucumbers
  • 2 heaped spoons of salt per 1.5 liters of water
  • Sugar - 1 spoon for the same amount of brine
  • Currant, cherry, horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas, garlic, hot pepper, salt.

Rinse the cucumbers, carefully place them tightly in a sterilized jar, alternating with leaves, pepper, garlic, and dill. Prepare the brine - for 1.5 liters of clean cold water, 2 tablespoons of salt and 1 spoon of sugar. Stir, pour, cover with gauze and let them sit and ferment. Just don’t forget to remove the foam, we don’t need it. First, foam will begin to appear, then the brine will begin to become cloudy - don’t be alarmed, this is how it should be.

On the 3-5th day, when the cucumbers become thoroughly cloudy, drain the brine, rinse the cucumbers directly in the jar, pouring water and shaking so that the cucumbers have a coating of tears. Then boil the brine, pour in, roll up. All. Turn the top upside down and cover with a blanket. And the next day you can take them down to the basement, laying them out in beautiful, even rows, and admiring the ever-increasing amount of preservation, so pleasing to the heart of the housewife and her household.

Pickled cucumbers with hot brine

For a 3-liter jar - 100 g of salt
All other ingredients are the same as in the first recipe.

Place the cucumbers with all the ingredients in a jar, add salt, pour boiling water over it, and just put it on top of the lid so that there is access to oxygen. After 3-5 days, the jars will give off a persistent smell of oxidation, which means the cucumbers are ripe for rolling. We drain the brine, boil it, pour it back in, close it either with nylon lids (hold in boiling water for half a minute), or with ordinary ones (pour boiling water over thoroughly). Everything stands reliably, doesn’t break, is tasty and healthy.

Preservation of cucumbers with currants and cherry plums

Very good recipes, natural, healthy, but require sterilization. If you have a large, wide saucepan, then it will not be difficult for you to pickle cucumbers for the winter in this way.

Pour boiling water over the cucumbers, place them in cold water, then place them in prepared jars using the same garlic, currant leaves, horseradish, and maybe some allspice peas. For a 1-liter jar - a spoonful of salt, a glass of currant juice per 1 liter of water, pour in, and set to sterilize for 15 minutes, roll up, wrap in a blanket upside down. You can also use cherry plum, which has enough of its natural acid, which allows the cucumbers to stand well, the brine is healthy, and the cucumbers are tasty. You can simply place clusters of yellow currants between the cucumbers - tasty, beautiful, healthy.

Cucumbers with carrots and cauliflower

Very good recipe pickles for the winter, tasty and, let me tell you, very healthy.

Place in jars:

  1. 1-2 bay leaves;
  2. A few peas each of allspice and black pepper;
  3. Umbrellas of dill, you can put celery, gives an interesting twist;
  4. You can have a pod of hot pepper or half, as you like;
  5. A few cloves of garlic, a horseradish leaf.

Next, we lay out the washed cucumbers (if from the garden only, do not soak them, if from the market, be sure to soak them in clean water for a couple of hours), cauliflower inflorescences, cut in half or into 4 parts, if a large specimen, carrots, again leaves and spices.

Boil water, add salt - take a large stone one, 1 heaped spoon per liter of water. Dissolve the salt. Fill the cucumbers. Pour into jars. Cover and leave for 4-5 days.
Next, strain the brine into a saucepan, bring to a boil, and skim off the foam. Fill with brine and close. Turn over and cover. All.

Advice: Add a little boiling water to the brine, because during fermentation some part of the brine will escape from the jar.
Advice: When the cucumbers are salted, they will decrease somewhat in volume, so it’s good if there is a spare, maybe not a full jar of salt nearby, to add to other jars.

Pickling cucumbers for the winter in tomato juice

We do everything as in the previous recipe, after 4-5 days the cucumbers will be ready for further manipulation, we need to prepare tomato juice.

Making tomato juice:

Chop the tomatoes softly in any way, or squeeze them through a juicer, add salt (to taste, so that it is a little salty). You can add crushed bell pepper(it will be tastier), then beat with a blender and the juice is ready. If the tomatoes are not too sweet, to make the juice tastier, add more sugar to taste when boiling.
Pour the brine from the cucumbers into a saucepan and boil.

Fill the jars with water, shake and rinse. Drain the brine and add boiling water tomato juice, roll up, cover.

Do you dream of learning how to pickle cucumbers yourself for the winter? We will introduce you to the basic principles of pickling, and also tell you how to properly pickle cucumbers in a cold and hot way.

Summer is a hot time for every good housewife, because it is at this time of year that she must preserve maximum quantity tasty and healthy vegetables. July is considered the ideal month for pickling cucumbers. In fact, only this month you can find the most natural and fragrant greens on store shelves.

  • Pickling cucumbers is quite a troublesome task. Since you will be using only one salt as a preservative, it is extremely important that the amount is sufficient. If you do not guess correctly with the dose of this ingredient, then your vegetables will turn out either very salty or almost tasteless
  • But still, if you manage to follow all the nuances of pickling and achieve the ideal taste, then in addition to crispy cucumbers, you can use the brine in which they are preserved to prepare delicious homemade dishes. This spicy liquid will become an indispensable component for preparing pickle soup, solyanka, okroshka and cabbage soup.

Why soak cucumbers before pickling, and for how long?

Soaking cucumbers before pickling
  • Many housewives, having bought cucumbers at the market or supermarket, bring them home and immediately begin to pickle them. As a result, because of such a rush, in winter they eat greens that are not hard and crispy, but not very delicious vegetables with large voids inside
  • Most often this is due precisely to the fact that the cucumbers were placed in jars without preliminary preparation. Usually the greens that we buy in stores travel for some time and are stored in grocery warehouses before reaching our home. During this short period, due to increased temperatures, they become less solid and lose some of their natural moisture.
  • And if you don’t try to return the cucumbers to their hardness before pickling, then this will definitely affect their taste qualities. Therefore, even if it seems to you that the vegetables you bought are absolutely perfect, take your time and be sure to soak them in clean cold water. And only after they have stood in it for at least 7 hours can you start salting
  • But remember, pickling cucumbers requires maximum sterility, so after soaking, the cucumbers must be washed again, and it is advisable to do this under running water. This way you can get rid of the bacteria that appeared on the skin of the greens during the soaking process and you won’t have to worry that they will become moldy during storage.

What salt to use for home pickling cucumbers and how much?

Salt for pickling cucumbers
  • Salt is almost the main component that helps cucumbers retain all their beneficial properties. The modern housewife has a fairly large selection of this product, so sometimes, at her own peril and risk, she puts sea or iodized salt in a jar with vegetables
  • In principle, you can quite easily use such a preservative. Some housewives even claim that iodized salt makes cucumbers more healthy. In fact, this is not true at all. This product uses a substance called potassium iodide, which is absolutely not suitable for food preservation.
  • In progress long-term storage it begins to break down and this immediately affects both the taste and appearance vegetables If we talk about sea ​​salt, then its qualities are practically no different from ordinary stone. The only thing that distinguishes them is the price
  • Therefore, there is no need to chase fashion and buy a more expensive product. You can quite easily buy the rock salt we are used to and use it to make delicious pickles. Moreover, exactly rock salt reveals the taste qualities of greens as well as possible, while maintaining their natural hardness and crunch

Seasoning for pickling cucumbers

Greens for pickling cucumbers
  • In order for the pickles to be as flavorful as possible, in addition to water and salt, you must add as many spicy seasonings as possible to the jar. Some housewives, due to a simple lack of time, buy ready-made seasonings and simply sprinkle them on vegetables
  • In principle, the taste of such a product is quite tolerable, but still it cannot be compared with cucumbers that have been pickled with fresh herbs. Therefore, if you want your greens to have their own special individual taste, then prepare the pickling seasoning yourself
  • To do this, go to the garden and pick fresh currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, dill umbrellas and a few heads of garlic. After all these greens have been thoroughly washed and dried, they can be safely placed in clean jars.
  • And in order for the pickles to be not only aromatic, but also piquant, be sure to add a mixture of peppers, horseradish root and a couple of pieces of chili pepper to the cucumbers. If you are not lazy and spend a little more time than usual, then in winter your cucumbers will be an excellent addition to meat dishes

A simple recipe for pickling cucumbers for the winter in jars without vinegar: recipe for a liter and three-liter jar, per liter of water

Pickled cucumbers for the winter
  • It’s probably hard to find a person who doesn’t like hot and spicy crispy cucumbers. After trying them once, you will no longer want to eat greens marinated with hay. It is the absence of vinegar in the brine that gives them a particularly piquant taste, which is easily combined with almost all homemade dishes
  • But keep in mind that in order for the cucumbers to be firm enough, it is extremely important to put the ideal amount of salt in the jars. In order to achieve the right taste, you need to put 3 level tablespoons of salt on a three-liter jar. Accordingly, 1 tablespoon will be enough for a liter.
  • Add just the right amount of salt to the cucumbers, even if it seems to you that the brine is slightly salty. During the pickling process, the cucumbers will take salt from the brine and the finished product will have the perfect taste


  • We thoroughly rinse the jars, place them bottom up and let them dry a little.
  • Place the cucumbers in a large bowl, fill them with cold water and leave for 5-7 hours.
  • Place dill umbrellas, horseradish leaves and garlic cloves in prepared jars
  • Carefully place cucumbers of the same size on top of the spices.
  • Put water on the stove, add salt to it and prepare the brine
  • Prepare the brine at the rate of 3 tbsp. l salt per liter of water
  • While the brine cools slightly, place currant, cherry and oak leaves on the cucumbers
  • Fill the filled jars with brine and close them with nylon lids
  • Transfer the cucumbers to a cool room and wait until they begin to ferment.
  • When the fermentation process reaches its maximum (the lids will be very swollen), open the jars and allow excess air to escape
  • When the brine stops bubbling, close the jars again with lids and move them to the refrigerator or basement
  • Make sure that the temperature in the room in which the pickles will be stored does not rise above 10 degrees

Hot pickling of cucumbers with citric acid: recipe for 1 liter of water, for a liter and a three-liter jar

Hot pickling of cucumbers

Although these cucumbers require a lot of attention, their taste is divine. Therefore, do not be afraid to spend your time and please your household with truly healthy pickles.

Recipe for hot pickling cucumbers:

  • Spend everything preparatory work same as described in the previous recipe
  • Then prepare a brine from salt and water, cool it to 30 degrees and pour it over the cucumbers
  • Cover the jars with lids and leave to salt for a day.
  • During this time, an intensive fermentation process will begin and it will be possible to transfer the containers with cucumbers to a cool, dark place
  • They must stay here for at least one week.
  • When the cucumbers become salty and crispy, drain the brine from them and place them in a clean container with herbs and herbs.
  • Add citric acid to the brine, bring it to a boil and pour the resulting liquid into jars of cucumbers
  • Cover them with lids, cool them, and return them to the basement or pantry for further storage.

Hot pickling of cucumbers with vinegar: recipe for 1 liter of water, for a liter and a three-liter jar

Pickled cucumbers with vinegar

If you live in an apartment and do not have a cold cellar or basement, then salt the cucumbers with vinegar. This component will make the brine more concentrated and will also prevent the proliferation of pathogenic microflora that likes to multiply on salted vegetables.


  • Wash the cucumbers and soak them in cold water for several hours
  • Wash the jars with soda and sterilize them over steam.
  • Do the same manipulations with the lids.
  • Place herbs, spices and cucumbers in prepared jars and pour everything boiled water
  • Wrap the filled container in a towel and let it sit for 15-20 minutes.
  • Drain the slightly cooled water, add salt and sugar to it and cook the concentrated brine
  • Add vinegar to the jars with cucumbers, fill them with hot brine and close the lids tightly.
  • Let the cucumbers cool and then put them in the pantry.

Cold pickling of cucumbers without vinegar: recipe

Cold pickling cucumbers
  • Cold pickling allows you to preserve the most natural taste of cucumbers, making them even harder and crispier. The only thing you should take into account is that vegetables pickled in this way must be stored in a room in which the same temperature is constantly maintained.
  • If you store them in a kitchen cabinet or warm pantry, they will sit for just a couple of months and begin to deteriorate. The optimal temperature for storing such a product is considered to be +7 degrees

Recipe for pickled crispy cucumbers:

  • Sterilize the jars and lids and set them aside for a while
  • Boil large number water, pour it over the washed cucumbers and immediately transfer them to ice water
  • When they are completely cool, carefully place them in jars.
  • Place salt, pepper, horseradish root and currant leaves on top of the vegetables.
  • Fill it all with cold boiled water with salt diluted
  • Close the jars with tight lids and immediately lower them into the basement

Pickling cucumbers in a barrel: recipe

Barrel cucumbers for the winter
  • If you want to try cucumbers prepared according to old recipe, then for this you will have to find a real oak barrel. First, you will need to pour water into it and wait until the wood absorbs it slightly
  • After it swells a little, the water will need to be drained and the barrel should be allowed to dry a little. In order for the cucumbers to be as fragrant as possible, be sure to grate all inner part barrels of fresh garlic. Once the preparation of the container is completed, you can begin to pickle green vegetables.


  • Rinse the cucumbers, fill them with water and leave to soak in moisture for 10-12 hours
  • Prepare a large amount of horseradish leaves, cherries and currants
  • Be sure to prepare the brine in advance and cool it to room temperature.
  • Prepare the brine at the rate of 900 g of salt per 10 liters of water
  • Start putting cucumbers mixed with spicy herbs into the barrel
  • For added piquancy, you can also add horseradish root to the vegetables.
  • When the barrel is completely filled, fill it with brine, cover it with a cloth and a special lid
  • To prevent the greens from rising above the brine during fermentation, be sure to place something heavy on the lid
  • After approximately 25 days, the cucumbers will be ready to eat.

Pickling cucumbers for storage in the apartment: recipe

Recipe for spicy pickles

If you plan to store cucumbers in quartzite, then in addition to herbs and spices, add components to the brine that will prevent the development of various pathogenic microflora. These products include horseradish root, red hot pepper and mustard seeds.

If at least one of these components is present in a jar of greens, then they will definitely last all winter. If your household likes very spicy dishes, then peace of mind you can add all three products at the same time.

Recipe for spicy pickles:

  • Pour water over thoroughly washed cucumbers and let them soak in moisture.
  • After 5-7 hours, drain them and rinse them again in clean water.
  • Scald a large enamel pan or bucket with boiling water
  • Wash greens, currants, cherries, horseradish root and dill umbrellas under running water
  • Place horseradish, cherry and currant leaves on the bottom of the pan, add a few pieces of horseradish
  • Place a ball of cucumbers on top of all these aromatic seasonings
  • The next ball should consist of dill, garlic, hot pepper and mustard seeds
  • Alternate layers until the pan is completely filled.
  • Try to arrange the cucumbers in such a way that the spicy greens are the highest ball
  • Pour a brine of water and salt over the greens and cover everything with a lid.
  • Place the cucumbers in a cool, dark place for 20-30 days
  • After this time, the salted vegetables will be ready to eat.

Dry pickling of cucumbers without brine

Dry pickling of cucumbers for the winter

If you need to make cucumbers more in a fast way, then salt them in an ordinary plastic bag. This method allows you to achieve much faster desired result and literally a day after the start of the pickling process, you will be able to please your family with hard and aromatic cucumbers.

Pickling cucumbers in a bag with dill:

  • Select small springy greens and rinse them in cold water
  • Carefully cut each cucumber with a knife and place them in a clean bag
  • Chop dill, parsley, celery, garlic and hot pepper and add it all to the cucumbers
  • Salt and pepper the vegetables and herbs and tie the bag as carefully as possible
  • Shake the bag vigorously, place it in a bowl and place it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • Place the finished cucumbers in a hermetically sealed container and store in a cool, dark place.

Pickling lightly salted cucumbers: recipe

  • Although greens prepared in this way are slightly similar to an ordinary vegetable salad, this does not in any way affect their taste. But since during the cooking process they release a lot of juice, it is best to pickle such quick cucumbers not in a bag, but in a plastic container
  • If you come across very juicy greens, you can use the resulting brine to prepare okroshka or aromatic summer pickle


  • Wash the cucumbers and cut them into small rings
  • Salt and pepper them and put them in a plastic container
  • Chop the garlic, dill, parsley and chili pepper as finely as possible
  • Grind all these ingredients with sugar and add the resulting paste to the cucumbers.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, close the lid and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours.
  • Serve lightly salted cucumbers with young potatoes or lean meat

Video: Cucumbers for the winter. Like from a barrel, for home storage

Every year, at the end of summer, it’s time to spin. Cucumbers, tomatoes, salads, lecho, compotes - all this is prepared for the winter. Many follow proven recipes, while others often experiment. For example, you can try pickling cucumbers without vinegar. Many people say that without it it will not taste good; there must be some sourness. But some recipes contain enough other spices and seasonings - the appetizer still turns out very tasty. To make sure of this, you can consider recipes for pickling cucumbers without vinegar and next time be sure to try making one of them.

Preparing cucumbers for pickling

Despite the variant of the recipe for pickling cucumbers (without vinegar or with vinegar), it is necessary to prepare the vegetables correctly. First, you need to sort them into two groups: those that are smaller into one, those that are larger into the other. We will need this later, when putting them in jars. All cucumbers need to be washed with cool water and soaked for 3-4 hours in another cool water. After this, you need to thoroughly wash each cucumber, preferably with a sponge, but in no case with detergent! Using unnecessary chemicals will not lead to anything good. It is best to pickle cucumbers on the same day they are picked.

Preparing cans for use

Nowadays, few people pickle cucumbers in barrels, but there are some. Now let’s talk about how to prepare jars for pickling cucumbers (without vinegar or with it, it doesn’t matter). To begin with, all jars must be carefully inspected for possible cracks or chips - there should be none under any circumstances, otherwise either the cucumbers may turn sour or the jars may crack; either option is unlikely to suit anyone, so it is better to avoid them. Next, the jars should be rinsed in as warm water as possible with a clean (preferably a new) sponge. It is safest to use soda as a detergent - it will remove all possible dirt from the walls of the jars and can be easily washed off with warm water.

Sterilization of jars for pickling cucumbers

After washing the jars, they need to be sterilized. Of course, there are ways to pickle cucumbers without vinegar and without sterilizing the container, but advice experienced housewife- it’s better to spend some of your precious time and do this, there will be more confidence that the banks will not explode and will remain intact.

Strangely enough, there are also a lot of methods of sterilization. You can do this over steam, in boiling water, in the microwave, in the oven, in the dishwasher or in potassium permanganate. To choose the appropriate method, you need to consider each of them.

  1. Above the ferry. To do this, you need to take a pan with the largest diameter - this way you can immediately sterilize more cans. You need to put a small amount of water to boil and put a wire rack or a special circle on top of the pan (which many people had in Soviet era), place the already washed jar upside down on top. After the water boils, the heat under the pan can be reduced and left in this state for 10-15 minutes. How can you tell if jars are clean? If after boiling there are no drops of water left on the walls inside the jar, the jar is clean and ready for use. But if there are drops, you need to rinse the jars and sterilize them again (after cooling them first). After this, repeat the procedure again.
  2. In boiling water. This method is suitable if the pickling jars are small. The washed jars need to be placed in a saucepan and filled with cool water so that it completely covers each jar. Place the pan on the fire and after the water boils, “cook” for 5-7 minutes. It is important that sterilized jars should be placed on a clean cloth, preferably pre-ironed.
  3. IN electric oven. A gas oven will not work because the temperature inside it does not rise evenly, and this is very important in the process of sterilizing jars. The jars need to be placed in the oven upside down, turn it on at 120 degrees and leave for 15 minutes.

Options for "lazy" sterilization

  1. In the microwave. To sterilize jars in the microwave, you need to fill each jar a little with water, otherwise they will simply crack. If the jar is tall, you can put it on its side, but you must add water. Set the power to 800-900 watts and turn on for 3 minutes. Sterilized jars are ready!
  2. Dishwasher safe. To do this, you need to put the jars washed with soda inside and set them to maximum temperature - no detergent will be useful.
  3. In potassium permanganate. This method is suitable if it is completely inconvenient to boil water, install complex structures, or simply do not have enough time. After washing with soda, each jar must be rinsed in a bright pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Preparing spices and seasonings

It doesn't matter how the cucumbers are prepared, but all spices and seasonings must be prepared properly. In almost any recipe for pickling cucumbers without vinegar, currant, cherry, and horseradish leaves are placed in jars. All of them must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is better to do this with a clean, preferably ironed, cloth. There is no need to pour boiling water over the greens, as this will wash away some of the flavor that should get into the cucumbers.

So the cucumbers should stand for 4-5 days until the brine becomes transparent (all the sediment will remain at the bottom). As soon as the brine becomes clear, it can be drained and new clean water added. This procedure can be carried out until all the cloudy sediment is removed, but this is not necessary. Afterwards, prepare the lids (they should boil in a saucepan with water for 5-10 minutes) and roll up the cucumbers ready for pickling.

It is important to pour water to the very edges of the jar so that there is no air inside. So they can stand at room temperature or in a cold place all winter.

Hot method of pickling cucumbers without vinegar

This option for preparing cucumbers will appeal to those who like softer cucumbers with an interesting aroma, but not very spicy. To pickle 1 kg of cucumbers you will need:

Prepare jars and cucumbers. Peel the carrots and garlic and chop. The following are placed at the bottom of the jar: carrots, garlic, herbs, peppers. Cucumbers go on top (the larger ones go down, the smaller ones go up). Pour boiling water over the jars and wait until everything cools down (about 30 minutes). Then carefully pour the water into a saucepan, add sugar and salt (according to the amount of water), and boil. Pour the resulting brine into the jars and immediately roll up. Cover with a blanket until completely cool. It is better to store in a cool, dark place.

Option for pickling cucumbers for storage in an apartment

Many of us do not have the opportunity to store our preparations in a cellar or basement. In order for cucumbers to last a long time in your apartment and not spoil, it is very important to prepare them correctly. For this method, for 1 kg of cucumbers you will need:

  • 1 liter of water;
  • 60 g salt;
  • spices and seasonings to taste.

Place cucumbers and herbs in jars, pour hot brine, leave for 3 days. Pour the brine into a saucepan and pour clean boiling water over the cucumbers twice. Then pour boiling brine and roll up.

When choosing any salting method, it is important to observe simple rules canning, and then any preparations will turn out very tasty!

I've been pickling cucumbers this way for ten years. This generally simple recipe has its own nuance. Cucumbers should be taken small, in pimples, and literally “only from the garden.” I specially ordered cucumbers from friends and picked them up when returning from work. The result is always excellent.

But those bought on the market had disastrous results. The cucumbers turned to mush, and if they didn’t turn sour, they turned to dust in the winter. You open a jar of such beautiful cucumbers in winter, touch one, and, like in a fairy tale, it crumbles to the bottom right out of your hands, the other - the same thing. Until I asked the traders how to choose cucumbers for this favorite recipe. And this is what I found out. Since cucumbers are sometimes sold in city markets for several days, they can be immersed in water overnight to prevent them from wilting. It is not possible to pickle such a product using this recipe; they are only suitable for pouring marinade.

Soak the cucumbers in very cold water and wash. Wash the spices as well.

Place the cucumbers in a clean place three-liter jar, place cherry, currant, horseradish leaves, dill umbrellas and horseradish root on top. Don't put the garlic in yet. Add 3 tablespoons of salt and pour cold boiled water. Leave for 3 days. Place the jars in deep bowls or plates so that during lactic fermentation the foam collects in it and does not spread around.

When the foam on the surface of the cucumbers subsides, pour the brine into a saucepan and boil. The leaves can be thrown away or left. Add garlic to the jar and pour boiling brine over it.

Roll up the jars of cucumbers with a sterilized lid, turn them over and wrap them until they cool completely.

Cucumbers canned without vinegar for the winter should be stored in a cool, dark place. According to this recipe, you can seal the cucumbers in a jar of a different size. In this case, you need to take into account that for a 2-liter jar you need to take 2 tablespoons of salt and, accordingly, for a liter jar - 1 tablespoon of salt.

Bon appetit!

Salt cucumbers without vinegar? Have you decided to try making canned food without the usual acetic acid? Then you will need useful tips and recipes.

Of course, first of all you need to pay attention to the cleanliness of your jars. They must first be thoroughly washed and then processed in the oven or pan. You will use new lids. The seaming tool must also be of high quality, otherwise the jar may not be tightly closed.

How to prepare pickles for the winter without vinegar - video recipe attached.

Choose cucumbers well for your preparations. They must be mature and have rich color and a characteristic smell.

It is advisable to use medium-sized cucumbers. Some people prefer small cucumbers, but it is important to know for sure that this is a special variety, and not just unripe cucumbers.

Experienced housewives note that cucumbers with thick but smooth skin are better for salting. You should not take cucumbers with thorns. They can be bitter and poorly salted.

Cucumbers without vinegar can be cold-pickled. Then you don't even have to add acid to the lemon. You just take the necessary spices, the cucumbers themselves, prepare and cool the brine.

Cucumbers are also salted hot without vinegar, but it is still advisable to add a little citric acid in such cases.

Pickling cucumbers without vinegar requires careful attention, since it is very important to ensure their safety and the safety of the preparations.

Cucumbers will have a wonderful taste and aroma if you use the leaves. black currant. Add them to the spices at the bottom of the jar and place them on top. Remember that there should be water between the leaves and the lid.

There is a great way to make cucumbers more flavorful: salt them evenly. This secret will definitely come in handy if you want to roll up large cucumbers.
Simply take a fork and carefully pierce each cucumber. They will become surprisingly aromatic in the brine, which will penetrate freely.

Some people make real zesty pickles without vinegar. To do this, just take one hot pepper, cut it into small pieces and put it in jars. For a two-liter container, two pieces are enough. Please note: there is no need to pierce the cucumbers! Otherwise, the pepper may make them overly bitter.

A bay leaf will highlight the taste and aroma of pickled cucumbers. But you need to be careful with it.
So if you put in a lot bay leaf, cucumbers may become bitter. A small piece of paper on the jar is the best option.
Will have a very original taste and aroma pickles, if you add mustard seeds, pieces of bell pepper and onion, whole garlic cloves.

Experiment, use your imagination and create new recipes. You can combine various vegetables and herbs in preparations, achieving different effects.

Pickled cucumbers under a nylon lid.

For the brine you will need:
1 liter of water passed through a filter;.
2 incomplete tablespoons of salt.

For a 3 liter jar:
Medium sized cucumbers;
2 - 3 cloves of garlic;.
Dill inflorescence - 3 pcs.;
Cherry branches - 3 pcs.;
Horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
Currant leaves - 3 pcs.

Place the cucumbers in cold water for 5 hours. Pull out. Rinse under running water ice water. The ends of cucumbers do not need to be trimmed. On the bottom, in pre-washed jars, put garlic and herbs cut into slices and fill with the prepared brine. We close the jars with plastic lids and leave them at room temperature (no more than 18\xB0. When you see that the lid is swollen, it means your cucumbers have fermented. Open the lid to allow excess air to escape (due to this, the cucumbers will have an elastic consistency) , after 12 hours, close the lid again and put it in the refrigerator. These cucumbers will last the whole winter and will crisp until spring.

Pickled cucumbers, crispy, spicy salted without vinegar.

The taste of pickles depends on what seasonings you put in the jar. Marjoram, tarragon, oregano, celery, mint and basil add spice to cucumbers. You can put these spices separately, or you can make aromatic compositions from them.

5 kg of fresh cucumbers;.
10 g red pepper;.
1-2 horseradish roots;.
1 head of garlic;.
2 - 3 sprigs of tarragon;.
5 marjoram leaves;.
50 g green dill.

For 5 liters of water - 300 g of salt.

Tip: if you want your cucumbers to pickle faster, add sugar to the brine - 1% of the total weight of the ingredients.

The cucumbers are topped with spices, dividing them into three equal parts. The first layer of spices is placed on the bottom, the second in the middle, and the last one on top of the cucumbers. Boil water, add salt and cool the brine. Pass the brine through several layers of gauze. Fill the container so that the cucumbers are covered with water and press down.

How to do oppression

Only if it is a barrel, then you need a special wooden circle, and if it is a bucket or pan, then you can take a smaller diameter lid or plate, turn it over and put something heavy on it (a stone, a jar of water. All this should be done in the place where the cucumbers will be salted.

Tip: to pickle cucumbers evenly, they should not be laid out in bulk, but placed vertically.
The larger the cucumbers, the more salt you need to add.

How to pickle cucumbers in jars for the winter: miracle recipes.
Only if you are content with the recipe that our grandmothers used to pickle cucumbers, then you don’t have to visit the Internet and enjoy the familiar taste of time-tested pickles. But we live in modern world, and it would be real blasphemy not to learn how to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars using alternative methods.

Recipe "Cucumbers in Cucumbers".

Its peculiarity is that it takes both large and small cucumbers, suitable for preservation. I give a detailed recipe for a 3-liter jar.

Ingredients: cucumbers in jars.
3 kg of small cucumbers;.
5 kg of large cucumbers;.
Horseradish root and leaves;
7 pcs. currant leaves;
Dill (one top part dill with seeds).
Medium head of garlic;
A teaspoon of dry mustard;.
2 level tablespoons of salt.

Description of preparation.
Before you pickle the cucumbers, you need to soak them in water for a couple of hours, then they will be crispy. Then remove from the water, wash thoroughly and dry. Finely chop the green leaves and mix together.

Place garlic and finely chopped herbs at the bottom of a pre-washed and sterilized container, which should be sprinkled with salt. Next, we begin to fill the jar in layers: one layer of large cucumbers, grated on a coarse grater, the second layer of small cucumbers, and the third layer of salted herbs. Salt should be distributed over the entire amount of chopped greens. We spread it to the very edge of the jar and pour dry mustard on top.

There is no need to pour water, as the grated cucumber will release juice and the cucumbers will be salted in own juice. It is better to put the jar in a bowl until the cucumbers are pickled. Then place the jar covered with a nylon lid in a cool place.

Everything in the jar can be eaten. Grated cucumbers will go into the pickle, and the greens can be poured sunflower oil, add onions and the vitamin salad is ready.
Enjoy the spicy taste of original cucumbers! Rolling cucumbers without vinegar is an excellent way to preserve.

A simple way to pickle cucumbers for the winter in jars.

The method is really simple, the cucumbers taste like barrel cucumbers, but salted in jars for the winter.

- dill (preferably the upper part of the “Umbrella”).
- horseradish (you can add both root and leaves).
- chilli pepper (for spiciness).
- garlic (several cloves).
- leaves fruit trees(for aromatic taste).
- fine salt (for quick dissolution in cold water).

Make brine from cold water. For a 3-liter jar - 70 g of salt. Pour the prepared brine over the cucumbers and place in a warm place for 3 days to ferment. After the time has passed, drain the water and boil. Pour boiling brine over the cucumbers, roll up the lid and lower them into the basement.

Even without a barrel, you can enjoy the taste of aromatic crispy cucumbers, closed for the winter without vinegar. A modern city dweller cannot afford to prepare his favorite pickles in tubs or barrels, but miracle recipes for how to pickle cucumbers in jars for the winter will always come to the rescue. Choose the most convenient option for yourself and delight your loved ones with the wonderful taste of aromatic pickles.

When pickling cucumbers in a cold way, lactic acid is released as a result of fermentation. It is a natural preservative and a substitute for vinegar traditionally used in canning vegetables. Cucumbers pickled according to this recipe will not harm the digestive system; they are very tasty, crispy and aromatic. We will tell you how to cold pickle cucumbers without vinegar in the photo recipe. Ingredients for cold pickling cucumbers without vinegar

  • For brine – 1 liter of water and 100 g of salt
  • Cucumbers - how many will be included?
  • Hot pepper – 1/3 pod
  • Horseradish root – 1/3
  • Currant, horseradish and cherry leaves - several pieces
  • Bay leaves – 1-2 leaves
  • Garlic – 2-5 cloves
  • Black peppercorns - a few pieces

Step-by-step recipe for cold pickling cucumbers without vinegar

  • We prepare vegetables and other ingredients in a way convenient for you.

  • We prepare the jars: wash and sterilize as usual.

  • Place the cucumbers tightly together with other ingredients.

  • Prepare the brine: dissolve salt in water

  • Fill with brine, without adding a couple of centimeters to the top, cover with lids.

  • The fermentation process will last 4-5 days.

  • You will know that fermentation is complete by the color of the brine; it becomes transparent, and the sediment settles to the bottom.

Drain the brine and pour into a jar clean water and rinse the contents. Do this as many times as necessary so that there is no sediment left in the jar.
Fill the jar to the brim clean water, roll up with metal lids.

It doesn't matter how the cucumbers are prepared, but all spices and seasonings must be prepared properly. In almost any recipe for pickling cucumbers without vinegar, currant, cherry, and horseradish leaves are placed in jars. All of them must be thoroughly washed and dried. It is better to do this with a clean, preferably ironed, cloth. There is no need to pour boiling water over the greens, as this will wash away some of the flavor that should get into the cucumbers.

The following recipe for canning cucumbers without vinegar for the winter involves adding currants. Such an innovative solution by enterprising chefs makes it possible to give the vegetable the missing sourness without adding synthetic acids, which makes the preparation healthier and gives it a special taste. Ingredients:

  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • red currants – 2 cups;
  • herbs, spices, garlic - to taste;
  • water – 1.5-2 l;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons.


  • Place cucumbers with herbs and spices in sterile jars and pour boiling water over them for 15 minutes.
  • The water is drained, the original volume is replenished by adding a little boiling water, salt and sugar are added.
  • Boil the brine and pour it into jars.
  • Seal the pickled cucumbers with red currants without vinegar hermetically and wrap them up.

(without vinegar) besides, this recipe is convenient because it does not require further pasteurization of cucumbers in jars. When they try their mother’s preparations from cucumbers without vinegar, they no longer wonder how and in what way to pickle cucumbers for the winter, but choose this particular recipe, without vinegar, citric acid with mustard peas, which give them a slightly pungent taste. Another advantage of this recipe is that it is suitable for any number of cucumbers, because the calculation of spices and citric acid is given by mom for a one and a half liter jar. If the family is small, then it is convenient to preserve cucumbers in one and a half liter jars, because it takes up little space in the refrigerator when you open the jar, and is eaten quickly! Freshly picked cucumbers (or just strong and fresh ones) are soaked for several hours in cold water to make them easier to wash and process.
Then the cucumbers selected for pickling are thoroughly washed in running water; young gherkins, as a rule, have many pimples with spines; the spines need to be removed (it is more convenient to do this with rubber or clean cotton gloves). Then the tails (butts) of the cucumbers are cut off.
This method of canning allows the cucumbers to pickle faster. Jars and metal lids need to be sterilized. For pickled cucumbers with mustard seeds and citric acid, the following spices are used:
It is better to cut the dill into several parts, peel the garlic and cut into slices.
Spices are placed at the bottom of each one and a half liter jar:

  • chopped dill,
  • several pieces of bay leaf,
  • 3-4 chopped garlic cloves,
  • 4 peas of allspice,
  • 0.5 teaspoons of a mixture of peppers (if you don’t find a mixture, then regular peppercorns),
  • 0.5 teaspoon mustard seeds.

The prepared cucumbers are tightly laid out in one and a half liter jars, cut ends down (the first layer is vertical, tightly to each other, and then - as it turns out, but also tightly). Fill the cucumbers in jars with boiling water to the top and let them stand for 15 minutes. To prevent the jar from suddenly bursting, place a large tablespoon in it and pour boiling water over it. Then this water from the cucumbers is drained into an enameled or stainless steel pan,
the amount of liquid drained is measured and done


We have already prepared the preparation with diluted mustard and seeds. Now I suggest doing this with mustard powder. We will need (for a liter jar):

  • cucumbers
  • onions - 1 pc.
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • dry mustard - 0.5 teaspoon
  • parsley, dill, tarragon, horseradish leaf

For marinade (per liter of water):

  • salt - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • vinegar essence - half a teaspoon (a little more than half a spoon)
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs
  • allspice - 2 peas
  • cloves - 2 buds

Preparation: 1. Soak the cucumbers in cold water for an hour, two, or three, depending on when they were collected. Then rinse thoroughly in cold water and cut off the ends. 2. Place some of the greens into washed and sterilized jars. The recipe contains the greens that I used. But you can replace components, including, for example, cherry and currant leaves, or horseradish root. 3. Cut the onion into rings or half rings and place some on the bottom. 4. Fill the jar with fruits, inserting into free seats bell peppers cut into feathers, remaining onion and garlic, which can also be cut into slices.

5. Place the remaining onions and herbs on top.
Sprinkle mustard on top.
6. Prepare the marinade. Its calculation is given per liter of water, or two liter jars blanks Pour water into the pan and put it on fire. Add all ingredients except vinegar to prepare the marinade and bring to a boil.
7. Let it simmer for 2 - 3 minutes, then pour it into jars. Add essence to each of them. The essence can be replaced with 9% vinegar (80 ml will be needed). It will need to be added to the marinade when the water boils. And after the second boil, turn off the heat and pour the marinade into the contents of the jars. 8. Since we did not first pour boiling water over the contents of the jars and did not keep our cucumbers in it, they must be sterilized. To do this, fill a pan with warm water, line the bottom with a napkin and place the jars in it. After the water in the pan boils, set aside for 10 minutes.
This is exactly the time we will need to sterilize a liter container. We sterilize a two-liter bottle for 20 minutes, and a three-liter bottle for 30 minutes. 9. After sterilization, the jars must be carefully removed with tongs and screwed on with the lids. Remove glass containers very carefully so as not to drop the jar and get burned. 10. As usual, turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel, leave to cool for a day. Then put it away for storage.
They should be stored as usual in a cool, dark place.