Dostoevsky works list in chronological order. What did Dostoevsky write? The works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky - a brief overview

Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is one of the greatest classics The 19th century, which gave the fatherland not a single dozen books that became tabletop books in many families, both in Russia and abroad. Some of the works are included in school curriculum to the must-read list. People who become most deeply acquainted with the work of a prose writer are in higher education. educational institutions at the philological department and not only. Many of Dostoevsky's books, the list of which is presented below, have been repeatedly filmed and staged in the theater.

10 Teen

“Teenager” is one of the early books of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. IN work of art The great Russian classic touches on the topic of human destiny, which does not fit into the usual psychological and spiritual framework. The novel contains detective elements, which makes the book even more intriguing and predisposes to further reading. According to Dostoevsky, main reason All human troubles lie in pride. Main character works, a nineteen-year-old young man equates himself with great sinners who keeps notes. They also act as the main component of the novel.

9 Idiot

“The Idiot” is one of the greatest works of the Russian writer, which he loved most. Fyodor Mikhailovich thought about the idea of ​​his artistic work while he was abroad. It took the prose writer about two years to write it. The novel includes four parts. Its main character is Prince Myshkin - goodie, exactly as Dostoevsky himself imagined it. The hero combines the features of a child and Christ. Myshkin experiences peace, is somewhat careless and immensely sensitive to the grief of others. In a society mired in commercialism and envy, the main character is an idiot. This is exactly what most of those around him, drowned in falsehood, consider him to be.

8 Player

"The Gambler" is a popular novel by Dostoevsky. The book tells how for the main character gambling became a vital necessity and the only goal and meaning. The action of the work takes place in one of the German resort towns with a fictitious name. The main character's name is Alexey Ivanovich, who travels with the family of a retired general and is a teacher of his offspring. Soon the grandmother of the family will pass away, leaving behind a huge inheritance. The main character has warm feelings for the general’s stepdaughter, who is in no hurry to reciprocate his feelings. It soon turns out that the grandmother is healthy and comes to the very town where she loses a large amount money at roulette. Polina urgently needs money, and Alexey gets it by winning at gambling. However, she does not accept money, but it happens that the main character turns into a gambler who now cannot stop and no longer plays for the sake of money.

7 Notes from a Dead House

"Notes from a Dead House" is included in the list of the most famous works Dostoevsky. The book is narrated in the first person. The hero describes the years that he spent at hard labor in prison. He describes all the hardships that befell those who found themselves in exile. The work does not have a coherent plot and is presented in the form of small sketches that have chronological order. The author describes both personal impressions and stories of friends in misfortune who found themselves with him.

6 Double

"Doppelganger" is included in the list best stories Fedor Mikhailovich. The work traces themes of psychologism and a satirical view of society. The writer, like no one else, managed to reflect the mental changes in a person with a disturbed psyche. The book refers to this literary movement like realism. In the story, Dostoevsky again raises the topic little man, who is humiliated by lowering an insignificant being. However, in his soul there is a glimmer of dignity, albeit crushed by society.

5 Eternal Husband

"The Eternal Husband" is one of Dostoevsky's best stories. The book presents traditional love triangle. The prose writer acts as a subtle psychologist who is able to penetrate into the most hidden corners of a human being. The plot of the book unfolds after the death of the heroine between her lover and the husband of the deceased. The husband of the deceased goes to his lover, supposedly under the guise of friendship, but in the course of the further narration, details are revealed that reveal the main purpose of the visit of one of the main characters.

4 Brothers Karamazov

"The Brothers Karamazov" is included in the list of the most famous books Dostoevsky. The novel consists of four parts. This is the last one greatest work Russian classic, which he completed a couple of months before his death. The book covers such eternal questions of humanity as freedom, God and morality. IN artistic work there are notes of a thriller intertwined with deep philosophical thought. The work also touches on the themes of God and the devil in the human soul.

3 Demons

“Demons” is one of the most controversial works of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, in which critics see various genres. The plot is based on real events that took place in the 70s of the 19th century. The revolutionaries of one of the small circles decide to kill their comrade because he decides to retire. The novel involves huge amount characters, under which the great thinkers of those times are hidden.

2 White Nights

"White Nights" is included in the list early works F. M. Dostoevsky. The events of the story unfold in the writer’s favorite city, St. Petersburg. The main character takes a walk through the evening city during which he meets a girl named Nastenka. Friendship arises between young people. They begin to meet in the evenings and walk together. One day, while talking with the main character, Nastenka shares with him her love story for a guest who was staying in her and her grandmother’s apartment. After some time, he left, but promised to return to the main character in a year, when he could get back on his feet and provide for his beloved. But it so happened that Nastya’s new friend falls madly in love with her, but sacrificing his feelings volunteers to find her lover.

1 Poor people

"Poor People" completes the list best books Fedor Mikhailovich. This is the first novel of the great classic, written in epistolary form. The work contains correspondence between the elderly titular adviser Devushkin and his distant relative Dobroselova. The main characters regularly experience a lack of money, and the only consolation for them in gray everyday life is the correspondence that they conduct among themselves.

It is unlikely that anyone will dispute the genius of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky as a classic of world literature. And if anyone wants to argue, let them read it first best works. Thoughtfully and slowly, and preferably more than once. Otherwise, no way. Well, that’s who he is, Dostoevsky. I want to reread it and reread it. Especially these 8 books!

Of course, this novel comes first (at least for me). Reading it over and over again, you always discover something new. “The Idiot” is the best of the best - both as a novel and as main character. More touching, more honest, more kind person than Prince Myshkin, it’s hard to imagine. And the rest of the characters are written so brilliantly that they are etched into the memory with their uniqueness and peculiarity.

The book was first published in 1868 and has been adapted into films several times.

The novel, on which the author worked for two years, was published in 1880, shortly before Dostoevsky's death. A deeply philosophical, psychological, analytical novel in which the author tries to unravel the human essence, the mystery of man. With the help of the main characters - the Karamazov family, the author asks questions of sin, God, mercy, compassion. And, most importantly, it raises eternal theme dualism of the human soul - the divine and the devilish in it.
Until now, this most voluminous work of Fyodor Mikhailovich remains the most controversial and discussed.

The novel was published in 1866 in the Russian Bulletin. As for me, this work is too heavy for a young, fragile school consciousness. This novel is perceived completely differently years later. The main character, the young murderer of an old pawnbroker, Rodion Raskolnikov, who killed himself with his ax, has already become a household name in history. Dostoevsky describes all of Raskolnikov’s internal experiences so specifically, in detail and clearly that one gets the impression that the author himself participated in the crime. This is not heresy, as it might seem at first glance. Simply, surprise, bordering on awe: how deeply one must know the most hidden, darkest corners of the human soul...

The novel, published in the magazine “Time” in 1861, makes me want to re-read it again and again. Dostoevsky wrote the novel upon his return from exile in St. Petersburg and dedicated the initial chapters to his brother Mikhail. These magazine stories then grew into a full-length novel.

It would seem that the topic is not new: the urban “bottom” and luxury, “going hand in hand.” But I could only write about it this way great master! Be sure to read the novel.

The novel, published in 1872, turned out to be the most difficult for me. Perhaps due to the excessive politicization of the work. Perhaps the author was so vividly and vividly able to convey his most painful forebodings about the catastrophic fate of his homeland. Even then, Fyodor Mikhailovich, like any writer-prophet, saw in the ranks of the intelligentsia the “ferment” of terrorist and radical sentiments, the corruption of human souls. And, of course, he understood that nothing constructive would come of this, but on the contrary, it would bring disaster...

The novel was published in 1866. In many ways, this autobiographical work. As you know, Fyodor Mikhailovich himself sinned gambling and was lost to smithereens. Actually, this novel was an order from the publishing house so that the writer could pay off his debts. As you know, three years before the publication of the novel, the gambler Dostoevsky lost not only his money in Wiesbaden, but also the money of his girlfriend.

The story, published in 1864, is told from the first person, a former official from St. Petersburg. The book is based on the ideas of the philosophy of existence, the essence of being. Pain, the search for the meaning of life, a feeling of hopelessness, endless experiences - all this and much more is inherent in the main character of the story.

The novel was written in 1845 in the epistolary genre. This is an early novel of “budding talent,” as Belinsky said about Dostoevsky. To want to read the work, it is enough to say that Nekrasov and Belinsky were shocked by it.

On October 30 (November 11, new style), 1821, the most famous Russian writer, F. M. Dostoevsky, was born. The childhood of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky passed in big family, who belonged to the noble class. He was the second of seven children. The father of the family, Mikhail Andreevich Dostoevsky, worked in a hospital for the poor. Mother - Maria Fedorovna Dostoevskaya (maiden name - Nechaeva) came from a merchant family. When Fedor was 16 years old, his mother suddenly dies. The father is forced to send his older sons to K.F. Kostomarov's boarding school. From this moment on, the brothers Mikhail and Fyodor Dostoevsky settled in St. Petersburg.

Life and work of the writer by dates


This date in Dostoevsky’s biography was very difficult. The mother dies, Pushkin, whose work plays a very important role in the fate of both brothers at that time, dies in a duel. In the same year, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky moved to St. Petersburg and entered the military engineering school. Two years later, the writer's father is killed by serfs. In 1843, the author took on the translation and publication of Balzac’s work, “Eugenie Grande.”

During his studies, Dostoevsky often read the works of both foreign poets - Homer, Corneille, Balzac, Hugo, Goethe, Hoffmann, Schiller, Shakespeare, Byron, and Russians - Derzhavin, Lermontov, Gogol and, of course, Pushkin.


This year can be considered the beginning of numerous stages in Dostoevsky’s work. It was in this year that Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote his first work, “Poor People” (1844-1845), which, upon release, immediately brought fame to the author. Dostoevsky's novel "Poor People" was highly appreciated by V. Belinsky and Nikolai Nekrasov. However, if the content of the novel “Poor People” was well received by the public, then the very next work encounters misunderstanding. The story “The Double” (1845-1846) does not evoke absolutely any emotions, and is even criticized.

In January-February 1846, Dostoevsky met Ivan Goncharov in the literary salon of the critic N. A. Maikov.


December 22, 1849 – a turning point in life Dostoevsky, because he is sentenced to execution this year. The author is brought to trial in the “Petrashevsky case”, and on December 22 the court pronounces a verdict on death penalty. Much appears in a new light for the writer, but in last moment, just before the execution, the sentence is changed to a more lenient one - hard labor. Dostoevsky tries to put almost all his feelings into the monologue of Prince Myshkin from the novel “The Idiot”.

By the way, Grigoriev, also sentenced to death, cannot stand it psychological stress, and goes crazy.

1850 – 1854

During this period, Dostoevsky's work subsided due to the fact that the writer was serving his sentence in exile in Omsk. Immediately after serving his term, in 1854, Dostoevsky was sent to the seventh linear Siberian battalion as an ordinary soldier. Here he meets Chokan Valikhanov (a famous Kazakh traveler and ethnographer) and Maria Dmitrievna Isaeva (the wife of a former official on special assignments), with whom he begins an affair.


After the death of Maria Dmitrievna's husband, Dostoevsky marries her. During his stay in hard labor and during military service the writer greatly changes his worldview. Early creativity Dostoevsky was not subject to any dogmas or rigid ideals; after the events that occurred, the author becomes extremely pious and acquires his life ideal - Christ. In 1859, Dostoevsky, along with his wife and adopted son Pavel, left his place of service - the city of Semipalatinsk, and moved to St. Petersburg. He remains under unofficial surveillance.

1860 – 1866

Together with his brother Mikhail, he works in the magazine “Time”, then in the magazine “Epoch”. During the same period, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote “Notes from the House of the Dead”, “Notes from the Underground”, “Humiliated and Insulted”, “Winter Notes on Summer Impressions”. In 1864, Dostoevsky's brother Mikhail and Dostoevsky's wife died. He often loses at roulette and gets into debt. The money runs out very quickly and the writer is going through a difficult period. At this time, Dostoevsky was composing the novel “Crime and Punishment,” which he wrote one chapter at a time and immediately sent to the magazine set. In order not to lose the rights to his own works (in favor of the publisher F. T. Stellovsky), Fyodor Mikhailovich is forced to write the novel “The Player”. However, he does not have enough strength for this, and he is forced to hire stenographer Anna Grigorievna Snitkina. By the way, the novel “The Gambler” was written in exactly 21 days in 1866. In 1867, Snitkina-Dostoevskaya accompanies the writer abroad, where he goes so as not to lose all the money received for the novel Crime and Punishment. The wife keeps a diary about their journey together and helps organize it financial well-being, shouldering all economic issues.

Last years of life. Death and legacy

This last period in Dostoevsky's life there is a lot of fruitful for his work. From this year, Dostoevsky and his wife settled in the city of Staraya Russa, located in the Novgorod province. In the same year, Dostoevsky wrote the novel “Demons.” A year later, “A Writer’s Diary” appeared, in 1875 – the novel “Teenager”, 1876 – the story “The Meek One”. In 1878, a significant event took place in Dostoevsky’s life; Emperor Alexander II invited him to his place and introduced him to his family. In two last year During his life (1879-1880), the writer created one of his best and most important works - the novel The Brothers Karamazov.
On January 28 (new style - February 9), 1881, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky dies due to a sharp exacerbation of emphysema. This happened after a scandal with the writer’s sister, Vera Mikhailovna, who asked her brother to give up his inheritance - an estate inherited from his aunt A.F. Kumanina.
The eventful biography of Fyodor Dostoevsky shows that the author received recognition during his lifetime. However, his works achieved their greatest success after his death. Even the great Friedrich Nietzsche admitted that Dostoevsky was the only psychological author who became partly his teacher. The Dostoevsky Museum was opened in St. Petersburg in the building in which the writer’s apartment was located. Analysis of Dostoevsky's works has been carried out by many critical writers. As a result, Fyodor Mikhailovich was recognized as one of the greatest Russian philosophical writers who touched upon the most pressing issues of life.

Chronological table

Other biography options

  • Vladimir Ilyich Lenin called Dostoevsky “very nasty” because of his attitude towards the “lawless” revolutionaries. It was them that Fyodor Mikhailovich depicted in his famous novel“Demons,” calling them demons and swindlers.
  • During a short stay in Tobolsk, on the way to hard labor in Omsk, Dostoevsky was given the Gospel. All the time in exile he read this book and did not part with it until the end of his life.
  • The writer's life was overshadowed by a constant lack of money, illness, caring for a large family and growing debts. Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote almost all his life on credit, that is, on an advance taken from the publisher. In such conditions, the writer did not always have enough time to develop and hone his works.
  • Dostoevsky was very fond of St. Petersburg, which he showed in many of his works. Sometimes there are even accurate descriptions of places in this city. For example, in his novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov hid the murder weapon in one of the courtyards, which actually exists in St. Petersburg.

F.M. Everyone knows Dostoevsky without exception. His novels are read all over the world, but besides this, he wrote many more interesting stories.

The literary portal Buklya has prepared a complete list of works by the great Russian writer and thinker Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky.


The writer's novels have always been distinguished by the accuracy of their descriptions, revealing human soul and always close to to the common people. On the pages you can always find something close to your heart and a reflection of your own thoughts. And the accuracy of the descriptions of nature, cities, and time allows us to get to know the past more closely.


  1. "Mistress" appeared in 1847 in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski, and was published in parts, in 10 and 20 issues. In this story, the author moves away from the theme and images of bureaucracy, and creates a new hero - a hero-dreamer. The story is rich and overflowing with dreams, visions, interweaving of the real and the mystical, the hero’s delirium and symbols. The plot of the story is tied to the main character Vasily Ordynov, who is writing a work on the history of the church in a secluded place. On the old Old Believer Murin, whom Vasily considers a sorcerer, and on the girl Katerina, who is in the power of Murin. Vasily, with the power of his love and faith, wants to snatch the beautiful Katerina from the clutches of the dishonest and evil Murin.
  2. "Weak Heart" published in 1848. At the center of the story is a poor young official Vasya Shumkov, who is about to get married. He is a responsible employee, whom the boss instructs to rewrite documents. Because of the upcoming wedding, Vasya was often distracted from work, and at night he did not spare himself. Nervous tension and the desire to do everything on time played a cruel joke on the young man.
  3. Tale "Netochka Nezvanova" talks about life main character from 8 to 17 years old. The story is about a child who went through poverty, suffering, betrayal and slander. But at the same time she believes in people, love and knows how to dream.
  4. "White Nights" one of the most famous stories by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. It first appeared in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski in 1848. The main character of the story is a dreamer, a very timid and lonely person. One day he meets a beautiful girl who tells him her sad story. Although she does not love the dreamer, she decides to return his feelings. But women are treacherous and when Nastena meets her love, she leaves the dreamer, leaving him alone.
  5. After a long pause in his work, Fyodor Mikhailovich wrote a story in 1859 "Uncle's Dream" The action takes place in a small town, where a respectable lady dreams of giving her daughter a successful marriage. But in a small town there are no worthy candidates except Pavel. The girl rejects his proposal. One day, an old prince comes to their city, suffering from senile dementia. And so the lady hatches a plan to marry her little blood to the prince. The women almost manage to bring the plan to life, but Pavel intervenes and convinces the prince that he dreamed of the future family life. Soon the prince dies, and fate separates the main characters for a long time.
  6. Tale "The village of Stepanchikovo and its inhabitants" Published in 1859 in the journal Otechestvennye zapiski. In the short story there are quite a few characters who play an important role in the fate of the poor girl Nastenka and Colonel Rostanev. Some are trying to break up the wedding, while others are trying to help unite their lives.
  7. Work "Notes from the House of the Dead" consists of a story in two parts and several short stories. F.M. Dostoevsky wrote this story after imprisonment in the Omsk prison and is of a documentary nature. This story introduces readers to the life and everyday life of imprisoned criminals exiled to Siberia. By using artistic word the author was able to convey all his experiences and experiences during his four-year hard labor.
  8. "Notes from the Underground" one of the author's most famous stories, published in 1864. The narration comes from the perspective of a former official. He talks about his life, very sparingly at first, but then in more detail. Two episodes stand out especially clearly, which became the main ones in his life.
  9. In 1870 the story was published "Eternal Husband". This work is based on true story. The affair happened between the writer's friend Wrangel and a married lady Ekaterina. In addition, the writer put his memories and impressions into the story.
  10. Tale "Meek" is one of the last works of the author and was published in 1876. Fyodor Mikhailovich himself called this story fantastic and sought to show in it a man from the underground. The story is about a man who lost his wife, or rather, she committed suicide. A story about two people who lived difficult lives.


  1. collaboration Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Nekrasov and Dmitry Grigorovich. This is a comic story in verse with elements of prose, which was published on April 1, 1846. The main character is official Blinov, who dreams good sleep. At this time, a thief breaks into the apartment, and a pleasant dream gives way to a nightmare. Blinov wakes up and realizes that he was robbed. He chases the criminal, practically naked, and meets the boss on the street. And then the action develops rapidly and is not very good for Blinov.
  2. "Mr. Prokharchin" published in Otechestvennye zapiski in 1846. In this story, the author shows the life of petty officials, their everyday life and behind-the-scenes intrigues.
  3. In 1847 it was published humorous story "A Novel in Nine Letters". The correspondence is between two swindlers Pyotr Ivanovich and Ivan Petrovich. Each tries to outsmart the other, but a third party intervenes.
  4. "Crawlers"(1848) - a story about an official who outwitted himself and, as a result, was left with nothing.
  5. "Honest Thief"(1848) - the story of Astafy Ivanovich, who was an honest and noble man. He told a story about how he sheltered a missing person, but good man- Emelya. Emelya drank and spent all his money on booze and nothing helped. And somehow Astafy Ivanovich’s new leggings disappeared. And Emelya stole them. And he admitted to the theft only before his death.
  6. "Christmas tree and wedding"(1848). The narrator wants to talk about the wedding, but in order to convey his impressions, he first talks about children's party, which happened five years ago. These two stories are connected by the main characters.
  7. "Little Hero"(1857). The narrator recalls his childhood, or rather one summer, and his first love, for the sake of which he could accomplish a feat. For the sake of love, he became a real hero for one single woman.
  8. Story "Someone else's wife and husband under the bed"(1859). This story comes from two other stories, "Someone else's Wife" and " Jealous husband" The story is written in the form of a dialogue and reveals the theme of infidelity and betrayal.
  9. "Bad joke"(1862). The State Councilor was imbued with the idea of ​​humanism. He believed that if people believed and loved him, then government reforms would too. One day he accidentally attended the wedding of his subordinate and, having drunk too much, sank to the level of little people. The author very subtly and sarcastically describes the life and customs of the lower ranks.
  10. Satirical story "Crocodile"(1865). An official named Ivan Matveich was swallowed by a crocodile, but the official remained alive. And he plans to live 1000 years, broadcasting smart thoughts from the crocodile. Other characters behave as strangely as the main character.
  11. Fantastic story "Bobok"(1873). The narration is narrated by a drunken writer who began to change, and most importantly, to hear voices. To relieve boredom, he goes to the funeral of a distant relative. After the funeral, he remains in the cemetery and falls asleep. He wakes up to hear the dead arguing. But as soon as he sneezed, the conversations died down. He goes to another cemetery to find out more about the afterlife.
  12. "Man Marey"(1876). The story is based on the real memories of the writer's life. This story was included in the “Diaries of a Writer”.
  13. "The Boy at Christ's Christmas Tree"(1876). A poor boy looks out the window of a rich house, where there is a Christmas tree and many, many toys, food, happiness and warmth. And the boy is freezing on the street, abandoned and forgotten by everyone. He dreams of a happy and calm childhood. At some point, he finds himself at a party among other children. And these were the dying dreams of a freezing child.
  14. "Dream funny man» (1877). One of the most famous and readable stories Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky. young man Since childhood he has been considered an eccentric. He wants to shoot himself, but one memory torments him. He falls asleep in front of the weapon, and in his dream he sees an ideal world without vices. But this world dies and becomes the same as the Earth. A man wakes up and understands that it is necessary to sow goodness and love in the world.

During my creative life F.M. Dostoevsky wrote not only novels, novellas and short stories, but also essays. He was engaged in journalism and criticism of his fellow contemporaries.

In addition, the writer published his diaries. The first came out in 1873, the second three years later. Two diaries in 1877 during the periods January-August and September-December. And two more diaries in 1880 and 1881. These records are of great importance for understanding F.M. as a person. Dostoevsky, and the difficult times in which he lived.

Let us also note the collection of folklore material “My Convict Notebook” or “Siberian Notebook”. The author wrote this collection during his hard labor.

It is important to note that Fyodor Dostoevsky, in addition to prose, also wrote poems. There were very few of them, but each one was beautiful in its own way.

Each of the works of the great writer must be read at least once in order to understand the whole essence of Russia of the past and the genius of the author himself.

Fyodor Dostoevsky dreamed of becoming a writer since childhood. His first novel, “Poor People,” was highly appreciated by Nikolai Nekrasov and Vissarion Belinsky, and four later works included in the "100 Best Books of All Time" list.

We dreamed only about poetry and poets

The childhood of Fyodor Dostoevsky and his brothers and sisters was spent in Moscow. The father of the future writer, Mikhail Dostoevsky, worked as a staff physician at the Moscow Mariinsky Hospital for the Poor. Mother - Maria Nechaeva - came from among the Moscow merchants. The children followed the household order established by their father. The family often held evening readings, and the nanny told Russian fairy tales. In the summer, the family went to a small estate in the village of Darovoy, Tula province. Fyodor Dostoevsky in his memoirs called childhood the best time of his life.

Although the family was not rich, they tried to give the children good education. The father himself taught them Latin, the visiting teachers taught them mathematics, French and Russian literature. After the death of his mother in 1837, Fyodor Dostoevsky and his older brother Mikhail were sent to study in St. Petersburg - at the Engineering School. But Dostoevsky recalled this time like this: “We dreamed only of poetry and poets.”

“In the evening, we not only do not have free time, but not even a minute to carefully follow what we hear in class during the day at our leisure. We are sent to military training, we are given lessons in fencing, dancing, singing, in which no one dares not to participate. Finally, they are put on guard, and all the time passes.”

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky graduated from college in 1843. He was enlisted as a field engineer-second lieutenant in the St. Petersburg engineering team, but the following year Dostoevsky resigned. He decided to take up literature and devote all his time to it.

Fyodor Dostoevsky in childhood

Lyubov Dostoevskaya, the writer’s second daughter

Maria Dmitrievna Dostoevskaya, the writer's first wife

"New Gogol"

During these years, Fyodor Dostoevsky was fascinated European literature different periods: He read Homer and Pierre Corneille, Jean Baptiste Racine and Honoré de Balzac, Victor Hugo and William Shakespeare. He also read poems by Gabriel Derzhavin and Mikhail Lermontov, works by Nikolai Gogol and Nikolai Karamzin. Since childhood, one of Fyodor Dostoevsky's favorite Russian poets was Alexander Pushkin. The young writer knew many of his poems by heart.

“Brother Fedya, in conversations with his older brother, repeated several times that if we did not have family mourning (mother Maria Fedorovna died), then he would ask his father’s permission to mourn for Pushkin.”

Andrei Dostoevsky, brother of the writer

At the end of May 1845, Fyodor Dostoevsky finished his first novel, Poor People. The work was enthusiastically received by the trendsetters of literary fashion of those years - Nikolai Nekrasov and Vissarion Belinsky. Nekrasov called the aspiring writer “the new Gogol” and published the novel in his anthology “Petersburg Collection”.

“The novel reveals such secrets of life and characters in Rus' that no one had ever dreamed of before... This is our first attempt social novel, and done, moreover, as artists usually do, that is, without even suspecting what they are doing.”

Vissarion Belinsky

Fyodor Dostoevsky read excerpts from his next work, the story “The Double,” at meetings of the Belinsky circle. However, when it came out full text, the public was disappointed. Dostoevsky wrote to his brother: “Our people and the entire public found that Golyadkin was so boring and lethargic, so drawn out that it was impossible to read.”. Later he revised the story. I removed some minor episodes and descriptions, shortened the thoughts of the characters and long dialogues - everything that distracted the reader from the main problem of “The Double”.

In 1847, Dostoevsky became interested in the ideas of socialism. He visited the Petrashevsky circle, where freedom of printing, court reform, and the liberation of peasants were discussed. At a meeting of the circle, Fyodor Dostoevsky read to the public Belinsky’s forbidden letter to Gogol. At the end of April 1849, the writer was arrested and spent 8 months in the Peter and Paul Fortress. The court recognized him “one of the most important criminals for failure to report the distribution of a criminal letter about religion and government from the writer Belinsky” and sentenced to death. However, shortly before the execution, the Petrashevites had their sentence commuted. Fyodor Dostoevsky was sent to four years of hard labor in Omsk, and then to serve as a private in Semipalatinsk. The writer was granted amnesty in 1856, when the coronation of Alexander II took place.

Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, 1865

Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Dostoevskaya Anna Grigorievna (writer’s wife)

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

"Great Pentateuch"

Fyodor Dostoevsky expressed his impressions of life in the Omsk prison in “Notes from House of the Dead" This work of Russian literature was one of the first to tell about hard labor and the life of prisoners, their way of life and morals. For Dostoevsky's contemporaries, Notes from the House of the Dead became a real revelation. Ivan Turgenev compared the work with Dante’s “Hell”, Alexander Herzen - with the fresco “ Last Judgment» works by Michelangelo. Literary scholars are still arguing about the genre of “Notes”: on the one hand, the work is based on the author’s memories and could be considered a memoir, on the other hand, Dostoevsky introduced a fictional character into the story and did not always adhere to factual and chronological accuracy.

In the 1860s, Dostoevsky published the magazines “Time” and “Epoch”. The magazines promote “pochvennichestvo” - a specific idea of ​​Slavophilism, an attempt to find a platform that would reconcile Westerners and Slavophiles.

At this time, the writer often traveled abroad: to Germany, France, England, Switzerland, Italy and Austria. There he became interested in playing roulette, which he would later write about in his novel “The Gambler.”

In the 1860s–80s, Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote novels that were later called the “great pentateuch” - “Crime and Punishment,” “The Idiot,” “Demons,” “The Teenager,” and “The Brothers Karamazov.” All of them, except "Teenager", were included in the list of "100 best books of all time" according to the Norwegian Book Club and the Norwegian Nobel Institute. The novel “The Brothers Karamazov,” as it was called “the life of a great sinner,” became last work Dostoevsky. It was completed in November 1880.

In February 1881, Fyodor Dostoevsky died. Hundreds of people came to say goodbye to the writer. The funeral procession stretched for more than a kilometer. Dostoevsky was buried at the Tikhvin cemetery of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra in St. Petersburg.