Madonna is one of the most influential women of the 20th century. You've never seen her like this: rare photographs of Madonna Madonna photographs

Madonna was never ashamed of herself, her emotions and her body, thanks to which in the archives you can find a lot of interesting photographs of Madonna - lively, funny, brave... We have collected some rare photos.

The photo on the left is one of the most early photos singer with her mother. And on the right, Madonna herself has become a mother.

In her youth, Madonna studied ballet and dreamed of becoming a world famous dancer:

Madonna catches a bouquet at one of the weddings. Here she is 17 and looks very modest. Although her behavior has not been the same since she was 13: after one of her performances at an evening of young talents, her father put Madonna under house arrest.

Young Madonna Louise Ciccone came to conquer New York.

She dropped out of the University of Michigan, where she received her dance education, having attended a master class with New York choreographer Pearl Lang and having a dream of joining her troupe. Madonna goes through a tough casting and gets a place, although not in the first lineup. Her first role in the Lang troupe is a boy in a Jewish ghetto.

Madonna has never been shy about posing nude. And at the beginning of her career she did this very often. In great need of money, she worked as a model in art studio and a nude model for photographers:

Shot by legendary nude photographer Martin Schraffder:

Few people know, but Madonna was once a punk rock fan. In general, singing happened by accident: she had no money at all and she began auditioning for various musicals, and one day Madonna came to an audition as a backup dancer for the world tour of singer Patrick Hernandez. The musician's producers unexpectedly asked the dancer... to sing. And they praised her highly pleasant voice. Madonna is invited to Paris - her career begins! True, the producers offer her disco-pop, but Madonna loves punk rock and does not like the proposed material. Madonna studies music, begins to write songs and even creates a couple of her own groups, which, however, did not last long. But the love for rock and punk remained throughout my life. Well, at least in images:

In addition, her song “Like a Virgin” shocked the audience in the best traditions of rock music and was included in the list of 200 iconic songs of all time under the auspices of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Now Madonna is an ardent supporter healthy image life, and there were times when the singer really had a blast:

Madonna at the beginning of her pop career:

Search own style. Yes, it looked incredibly fashionable back then:

A photo that looks like it’s from Instagram: Madonna was often photographed on Polaroid by her friend, leaving many live photos for history:

The photo is unsuccessful, but funny:

Madonna has always boldly experimented with her appearance: blonde, brunette, brown-haired, redhead - every month new image. Here are a couple of examples of very different brunette Madonnas:

What do you think of this demonic image?

Madonna in a children's hospital. The singer has always been actively involved in charity work, supported various foundations and launched several herself. charity projects- her organization promotes peace, equal rights and accessible education, says the Rayoflight project website. Madonna also loves children very much. She even wrote a children's book called English Roses.

Madonna tender:

Madonna of the Gypsy:

Madonna business:

Madonna... upside down:

In general, Madonna was and remains multifaceted, active and unpredictable. Happy birthday!

Madonna is a superstar who has captured the hearts of millions of people on the planet. This woman is a true example of the ability to achieve her goals using only her talent, perseverance, and Her rise to the top of Olympus took place only thanks to determination and strength of character.

Little Madonna

Madonna Louise Ciccone - real name worldwide famous singer. The girl’s parents lived in the provincial town of Bay City. The blood of French adventurers who came to conquer America (on her mother’s side) and good-natured Italians (on her father’s side) flowed in the veins of her ancestors. Madonna Fontin and Silvio Ciconne met at the wedding of mutual friends and quickly got married. The family had two sons - Anthony and Martin, and Madonna became the third child in 1958. The singer got her name in honor of her mother, with whom she was very close. Cruel fate early deprived the girl of her loved one, mother died at 30 from breast cancer. While working as a radiologist in a local clinic, the woman received unacceptable doses of radiation, but refused treatment because she was expecting another child at the time. In the Chikonne family, six children were left without a mother. The father of the family did not grieve for long and married his former maid, who bore him two more children.


Visiting secular school, little Madonna showed remarkable success. The girl's IQ was 140 points. She had the power to enter any university, but she chose to continue her ballet and dance classes, which she had been fond of since childhood thanks to the heredity she received from her mother. Her talent for dancing and singing led her to the University of Michigan and then to New York. Madonna in her youth went through all the circles of hell until she was able to achieve recognition. She lived from hand to mouth, working as a dancer and earning a pittance. But Madonna turned out to be quite a tough nut to crack. In her youth, she already knew her goal and the opening prospects and confidently walked towards success.

First steps in show business

In her youth, Madonna quickly realized that only perseverance and upward striving would allow her talent to shine in the firmament of show business stars. Together with her friend Dan Gilroy, she formed the first band, Breakfast Club, in which she played drums. But this was not the role the ambitious Madonna envisioned for herself. The singer showed herself in all her glory, independently composing songs and performing them. Her works delighted her friends. They predicted a great future for her and they were not mistaken.

The eighties became the starting point for rising star named Madonna. Music was everything for the girl - a chance to survive, realize herself and prove to the whole world and her family, who were against the path she had chosen. Madonna in her youth was not always scrupulous in choosing the means to bring it to life. cherished dream. By hook or by crook, she appeared among the right people and got her first producer, who contributed to the release of her debut album in 1983.

Fame and popularity

The first album did not gain wild popularity among fans, but allowed the singer to take root in musical Olympus. She was self-critical and self-confident. I weighed my mistakes and analyzed the performances of other star performers. And after that, all the following works that Madonna did - albums, songs, singles, demo recordings - brought her wild success. The singer created unforgettable, clear images that blew up the audience with their rigidity and originality. Madonna's harsh and shocking performances in songs and videos put her at the top of the charts and brought her recognition.

Ups and downs

Madonna proved herself not only on stage as a singer and dancer. Music became the first step to her creative path, and the star began to try herself in the acting field with great pleasure in the future. She starred in films, performed musical compositions for films, and participated in all areas of the film industry. The singer’s work was not always at its best; several times she received awards for the worst roles, but this did not become a reason to give up. The woman’s activity and enthusiasm won everything.

Madonna Family

The pop diva was married several times. The star's first husband was actor Sean Pen. The couple met during the filming of a video, love between the young people arose at first sight. The marriage of the singer and actor did not work out due to the violent temperaments of both, and a serious circumstance that influenced the collapse of their union was the frantic interest of the press in Madonna’s work. This fact caused the actor’s jealousy.

In 1996, Madonna gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes, from a Cuban father. Carlos was the singer’s personal trainer, they began an affair that ended with the woman’s pregnancy. But Madonna did not consider it necessary to get married. She had her first birth at the age of 38. Lourdes is currently developing a clothing line created with her mother.

Madonna's second husband was a British English director. Sting introduced the future spouses, and the couple had a passionate affair. Madonna moved to Richie in Britain and lived with him for several years, getting accustomed to the new country, learning about the culture and traditions of the British, but the singer’s touring activities did not stop. World tours were a success. During living together the couple adopted a black boy. But in 2008, the relationship was interrupted again due to the dissimilarity of characters and the husband’s jealousy of his wife’s success. After this breakup, the star adopted another girl from Malawi.

The singer is not legally married to anyone now; after breaking up with Guy Ritchie, Madonna began a relationship with the Brazilian Lucas, the man worked in the modeling business.

Madonna made her name on her own, starting from scratch. Her success is an example of willpower and desire to achieve goals, despite any obstacles.

I'll be 59 years old on August 16th American actress, singer, producer and designer Madonna. This woman manages everything and looks great at the same time. We decided to find out how she manages to maintain her youth and beauty at this age.

Madonna only eats certain foods.

Personal chef Mayumi Nishimura has been cooking for the celebrity for several years. Every day he makes miso soup, which is considered a traditional dish in Japan. There are practically no calories in this soup, so Madonna consumes it in large quantities. In addition to traditional soup, the singer’s menu includes seaweed, pickled vegetables and soy dishes. The cook never uses semi-finished products for cooking. For many years now, Madonna has not been drinking alcohol or eating animal products.

In addition, the singer gave up coffee and sugar. According to the singer, to maintain the body in perfect shape, it is not enough to exercise. Only a healthy diet will help maintain the beauty and youth of your skin. Some time ago, Madonna couldn’t imagine how you could eat fish and grains, denying yourself desserts and meat. Now America's sex symbol can easily do without what other people eat every day. If she feels hungry, she chooses carrots, lemon, celery or cucumber for snacks.

Sports and active lifestyle

Few people know, but Madonna is very short- only 154 centimeters. When she was very young, she told herself that she should never get fat. With such growth, even two or three extra pounds will look as if Madonna has gained weight by no less than 50 kilograms. In her youth, Madonna was involved in dancing and aerobics. At that time, the singer did not have enough money to attend fashionable sports clubs, so the girl trained herself as best she could. She went up and down the stairs and ran in the park. Books served as dumbbells for her!

Now Madonna boasts several personal trainers and a wide variety of workouts that she practices. The singer tried almost everything: fencing, swimming, basketball, race walking, boxing and more. IN recent years the singer prefers yoga. They say that she studies for at least three hours every day! If Madonna finds a little more free time in her busy schedule, then she goes falconry. It became her hobby: hunting helps keep herself in good shape, lifts her spirits and gets rid of the blues.

Facial care

The American sex symbol has always been proud of the fact that she did not go under the knife of a plastic surgeon. Madonna has been credited with dozens of plastic surgery, but in fact, the singer maintains her beauty only with the help of a healthy lifestyle and expensive cosmetics. Madonna once said that she only does special injections into her lips. In the morning she does not wash her face, but first applies a little sour cream or mayonnaise to the skin of her eyelids, and only after ten minutes she washes her face with cool water.

In general, Madonna devotes too much time to caring for her eyelids. She even does special mask for the eyes: mix castor oil, chamomile infusion and butter, and then apply the mixture to the eyelids. The singer sleeps exclusively on her back so that her face does not get “bruised.” Madonna devotes eight to ten hours a day to sleep.

Image creation

Madonna has always been embarrassed by her short stature, and since school she has tried to “hide” this disadvantage with the help of outfits and accessories. And if in her hometown she could impress men by wearing short skirt and putting on red lipstick, then upon arrival in New York future star I realized that with her height in the crowd of the metropolis, she would be a gray mouse. When she started her career, she chose unusual, defiantly cut corsets, as well as very vulgar makeup and a lot of massive jewelry.

Then there were a lot of experiments with stage costumes, which helped mislead fans that the singer was not aging at all and looked like a mischievous girl on stage. Madonna even now, at 55, tries to dress provocatively. Many people condemn the singer for her frivolity, but she considers her image an integral part of success!

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Hard to find on American Bandstand large number world famous stars. Madonna's biography is the embodiment of the idea that anyone can achieve success. The singer is a creative person, and in different period In her life she was a director, writer, producer. Her story has had its ups and downs. In the 20th century, she became a symbol of the sexual revolution.

Childhood years

Madonna Louise Veronica Ciccone was born in Bay City, Michigan. She was born on August 16, 1958. Her mother, Madonna Louise Fortin, worked as an x-ray technician and was of French Canadian descent. Father, Silvio Toni Ciccone, was a design engineer at a car factory. He was an American of Italian descent.

Madonna was the first daughter in the family and therefore she was given her mother's name - this was an Italian tradition. When the girl was 5 years old, her mother died of breast cancer. Louise Fortin was carrying a child and chemotherapy would definitely have caused a miscarriage. A religious woman could not commit such a crime. Therefore, she safely gave birth to the baby and died a few months later.

Madonna's father did not remain a widower for long and married a second time. His chosen one was Joan Gustafson, the family's maid. The girl now has half-brothers and sisters - Mario and Jennifer.

The childhood of the future pop diva was not the most joyful. She grew up in a family of devout Catholics. The girl was considered strange and she was not everyone's favorite. Some peers treated her cruelly, but Madonna fought back. She had no desire to become like everyone else; she increasingly emphasized her foreignness.

She did well at school and this made her popular with teachers, but her classmates hated her. Some manifestations of protest from Madonna:

  • no makeup;
  • unshaven armpits;
  • jazz choreography classes;
  • learned to play the piano and guitar.

At the age of 14 she came to school competition bikini talents. Her body was painted with fluorescent paints. She danced to the song "Baba O'Riely" The group Who. Her father witnessed the incident and was furious at what he saw. He put her under house arrest and repeatedly called her daughter a whore. Therefore, in the future, Madonna often reflected her condition in songs. The thought of virgins and fallen women runs through her work.

The stepmother loved to dance and so the girl asked to sign her up for ballet lessons. In high school, she participated in the cheerleading team. After graduating from school, Madonna received a choreographic education. Her teachers convinced her to quit her studies and start a career. The girl decided to take the advice.

The young Madonna lived in poverty. She performed on stage, worked part-time in a cafe, but was chronically short of money. She arrived in New York with 35 dollars in her pocket.

Path to glory

First time future star tried to sing in the rock band Breakfast Club. At the same time, she played drums. At the same time, she was invited to participate in the filming of the film. She got the role of a sex slave. Madonna later tried to buy the rights to the film, but this shame remained with her.

She tried to make contacts with managers, but to no avail. They did not share her original view of music. Therefore, the singer recorded demo tapes with four songs and began distributing them independently.

There were many key dates in Madonna's life. One of these is the acquaintance of Mark Kaminsky. It was he who introduced her to the founder of the recording studio, Seymour Stein. Soon the single Everybody was released.

The singer's merit was that she was the first to allow the use of sexual motifs in videos. Now this is a completely common occurrence, but for the last century it was a serious breakthrough.

Her albums have repeatedly become best-selling. The singer's first works caused mixed impressions among critics. Some condemned her for her uninhibited behavior, others supported her. The album True Blue topped the charts and made Madonna a global star.

She played several roles in films - a cameo in Crazy For You, and later in Desperately Seeking Susan and Shanghai Surprise. But the singer did not gain fame as an actress.

In 1986, the star found herself at the center of a scandal. Her Papa Don't Preach video sparked outrage among the Catholic community. The short story touched on the topic of teenage pregnancies. The singer was accused of promoting a dissolute lifestyle, but she was not afraid to respond to criticism. According to her, the main message of the video is not a call to constantly change sexual partners. Any authoritarianism is unacceptable. It doesn’t matter who it comes from: father, society, church.

Madonna's subsequent works were no less successful. Her songs were reviewed for quotes, and her concerts attracted crowds of thousands. Later she tried herself as a fashion designer, entrepreneur, and writer. But her main work is music.

Miscellaneous data

The singer Madonna was and remains one of the most beautiful women. She greets every birthday with joy and increasing age does not make her worse . Its main characteristics:

  • height: 158 cm;
  • weight: 54 kg;
  • hair color: dark, but often dyed.

The parameters of her figure have repeatedly become a reason for envy. Even at the age of 60, Madonna looks great. The singer is often the central figure in the news. More than 13 million people follow her official Instagram. The YouTube account is less popular - 2.6 million.

Her filmography is quite modest and Madonna did not have special success as an actress. She received two Golden Globes, but she still became famous thanks to musical career. The singer's videos have repeatedly received various awards and they have been repeatedly recognized as masterpieces.

Madonna's discography includes 13 albums. She is not going to stop there and is working on new singles. The pop diva's latest songs are no worse than her old works.

Personal life

Madonna often changed men in her youth. She did not hesitate to start relationships with non-public figures or with those older than her. A separate book could be written about the singer’s love affairs.

Real serious relationship she got together with Sean Penn. They met in 1985 and the singer dated Prince, but she easily castled. Her chosen one was two years younger, he was known as a rebel and a cinematic genius. The engagement took place in August 1985.

The marriage lasted four years. The couple had a violent temper; they sorted things out by loudly arguing. Sean often drank and this also became a reason for quarrels. They were both creative personalities, which pushed them to constant rivalry.

A little later, Sean beat Madonna. She managed to escape and run to the police station. But the singer did not start a trial. She knew that ex-husband Problems with anger management and decided not to make the situation worse. After this, the pop diva had to treat psychological trauma.

She had several short-lived affairs. In 1997, she began dating trainer Carlos Leon. From him she gave birth to a daughter, Lourdes. Friends convinced Madonna to get married, but Carlos himself began to lose interest in his chosen one. He was annoyed by the singer's popularity. He was always in her shadow.

A year later, journalists received evidence of Carlos's betrayal. He behaved nobly and refused to give any comments about the breakup with Madonna.

The singer started a short affair with Andy Bird, became pregnant with his child, but had a miscarriage. The couple broke up and Guy Ritchie became the new chosen one. The director himself was looking for a meeting with the pop diva, but he did not perceive her as a star. She was for him an ordinary person. Their romance was swift. One day it got to the point where Guy Ritchie hit Bird.

The couple married in 2000 and soon had a son, Rocco. The couple later decided to have a dark-skinned boy. His name was David Banda Malawe. He was given a double surname - Ciccone-Ricci. The marriage did not last long and everything came to a divorce. Official reason the separation was not announced. It is believed that Richie is tired of Madonna's passion for Kabbalah.

She moved with her four youngest children to Portugal. This is the Quinta do Relgio palace, cultural heritage and a landmark in the resort town of Sintra near Lisbon. Now the family lives in an 18th-century palace with 12 bedrooms and luxurious rooms with Baroque style furniture.

Children of Madonna

The singer has six children - two natural and four adopted.

She regularly posts photos of her new life in Portugal on Instagram: shows younger daughters, five-year-old Esther and Stella.

Either they are in the kitchen preparing a birthday cake, or posing next to their drawings on the doors, or listening to their older brother David (he is 12 years old) play the piano.

David has a penchant for more than just music. He is also a talented football player.

After David began playing for the youth team of the Portuguese club Benfica, Madonna had to divide her time between Portugal, the USA and the UK.

Palace of the Madonna

In her palace, the singer is surrounded by memorabilia and gifts.

For example, she has a pillow autographed by her close friend Michael Jackson. It says something about the “sneaky dirty press,” and then there are these words: “They lie. Ban all tabloids. I love you very much. You will always be in my heart."

Baroque furniture and Chinese rugs – tradition and comfort.

The interior of the kitchen is unusual and memorable.

Madonna also has eldest daughter Lourdes (21), who lives in the US, and son Rocco (17), who lives in London with his father Guy Ritchie and stepmother Jacqui Ainslie. Next come son David (12), daughter Mercy (11) and five-year-old twins Stella and Esther. The four youngest are with their mother in Lisbon.

In this creative family There is always music and dancing.

Madonna often posts videos of her children dancing.