The meaning of the word pharmacy. Types of pharmacy organizations

"Regulatory acts and comments for pharmacy", 2003, N 12


In order for the state to be rich and people to be happy and healthy, we must learn to speak correctly.


There are eyes, ears, a head, but there is no seeing, hearing and thinking.

Dersu Uzala

IN lately in legislative acts and in normative documents in relation to organizations retail Those engaged in pharmaceutical activities use terms such as “pharmacy establishment”, “pharmacy enterprise”, “pharmacy organization”.

Institutions or businesses?

In accordance with Federal Law No. 86 “On Medicines” dated June 22, 1998, a pharmacy is an organization engaged in the retail trade of medicines, as well as the manufacture and dispensing of drugs. However, in accordance with the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the term “institution” means an organization created by owners to carry out managerial, socio-cultural or other functions of a non-profit nature and financed by them in whole or in part. Institutions are formed to perform functions not related to material production. The rights of an institution to the property assigned to it are determined in accordance with Article 296 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (the right of operational management). The institution is liable for its obligations at its disposal in cash. If they are insufficient, the owner of the relevant property bears subsidiary liability for his obligations. The institution has the right to engage in activities in accordance with the Regulations on the institution. Peculiarities legal status individual state and other institutions are determined by law and other legal acts (Article 120 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

Unlike an institution, an enterprise is an independent economic entity that has the rights of a legal entity. An enterprise has the right to engage in any economic activity that is not prohibited by law and meets the goals provided for in the Charter of the enterprise. The company has an independent balance sheet, current and other bank accounts, and a seal with its name. Consequently, the Law “On Medicines” is not about institutions, but about enterprises, especially since the pharmacy institutions that existed in the USSR in the form of the Pharmacy Administration and the pharmacies reporting to them do not exist in modern socio-economic conditions. Consequently, the Federal Law “On Medicines” does not actually apply to the activities of retail enterprises selling medicines.

Organizations: terminology issues

Both institutions and enterprises are classified as organizations. The Tax Code of the Russian Federation (Article 11 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) determines that organizations are legal entities formed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The term “trade” used in the Law on Medicines means the presence economic activity ensuring the promotion of goods from the sphere of production to the sphere of consumption. On the way from the manufacturer of the product to the final consumer, the product passes through organizations that have a license for wholesale or retail trade. Wholesale This is the trade of goods for the purpose of their subsequent resale without changing the properties of the goods. While retail trade is the sale of goods and the provision of services to customers who use them to meet their own needs. To distinguish between wholesale and retail trade, it does not matter what kind of processing the product undergoes as a result professional activity buyer, the only important thing is whether an organization professionally engaged in trade as its main activity will use the existing goods to make a profit in the form trade markup. Buyers can be both private and legal entities, which include medical institutions and organs executive branch entitled to use budget funds on the basis of concluded purchase and sale agreements for medicines during the sale government programs providing medical care to the population. It should be noted that the buyer has the right to make payments with a trading organization both in the form of cash payments through a cash register, and through non-cash payments using plastic cards or instructing the bank to transfer money to the account of the trading organization. Regardless of the form of payment for the cost of the goods, this trading operation relates to retail sales.

Conflicting laws and definitions

Currently, the Ministry of Taxes and Duties uses the fact of receipt of cash at the cash desk of a trading organization as the main distinguishing feature of retail trade, which contradicts the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. The definition of retail trade given in Article 492 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation also does not quite correctly define the meaning of the term “retail trade”. In accordance with the definition given in the Civil Code, the seller of goods is obliged to find out from the buyer before selling the chain of acquisition of goods, and also to track future fate sold goods. The reason for this is that in retail trade, in accordance with the definition given in the Civil Code, the goods are sold only “for personal, family or household use.” In fact, this definition requires the intervention of the seller of goods into the personal life of the buyer, which is contrary to the Constitution of the Russian Federation. When making non-cash payments to pharmaceutical organizations, in contrast to cash payment, a 10 percent value added tax is mandatory, which increases the expenditure of budget funds when executive authorities fulfill state obligations regarding the provision of medicines to the population. The greatest contradiction arises when selling medicines to citizens who have the right to pay 50% of the cost of medicines from budget funds. In this situation, when selling the same package of medicine in accordance with the existing instructions of the Ministry of Taxes, two should be used different systems taxation, two methods of pricing (with VAT and without VAT), and also classify this trade transaction as both wholesale and retail trade.

For conducting business activities, retail trading enterprises use shops, pavilions, kiosks and tents. The Law “On Medicines” includes pharmacies, pharmacy points, pharmacy stores, pharmacy kiosks, and pharmacies of health care institutions as pharmaceutical establishments. However, pharmacies of healthcare institutions are structural divisions of a medical institution that has a license to carry out medical activities, including those related to the use of medicines, and not independent institutions. Therefore, pharmacies of healthcare institutions are not subject to the regulation of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2002 N 489, which approved the Regulations on licensing of pharmaceutical activities, since this Regulation establishes the procedure for licensing pharmaceutical activities carried out legal entities and institutions, but not structural divisions of institutions.

Pharmacy as a property complex

Currently active regulatory documents do not provide a clear and understandable definition of such terms as “pharmacy”, “pharmacy point”, “pharmacy store” and “pharmacy kiosk”. The term "pharmacy" is derived from the Greek word apotheke warehouse, storeroom. That is, a pharmacy is a specially designated place where the consumer can purchase or receive chemical substances stored or produced there that have a medicinal effect. Thus, the term “pharmacy” should be understood not as an institution, enterprise or organization, but as an object, that is, a property complex used by a retail trade organization for the purchase and sale of goods and the provision of trade services. It includes land plots, buildings, structures, equipment, inventory, goods, claims, debts, brand name, trademarks, service marks, etc.

Property complexes can be classified according to various criteria: the range of goods permitted for sale, retail space, forms of trade services to customers, etc. For example, the term “kiosk”, borrowed from the sphere of rendering trade services, presupposes the presence of a building equipped with trade equipment that does not have trading floor and premises for storing goods, designed for one workplace the seller on whose premises inventory is stored. The term “store” means a specially equipped stationary building or part thereof, intended for the sale of goods and provision of services to customers and provided with trading, utility, administrative and amenity premises, as well as premises for receiving, storing and preparing goods for sale. The term "trading point" means the presence of an undifferentiated trading platform(dots).

Pharmacy products

A product is a product that has a use value and is produced for sale or exchange. A product, according to GOST R 51303-99, is any thing that is not limited in circulation, freely alienable and transferred from one person to another under a sales contract. According to the current legislation, in organizations engaged in pharmaceutical activities, goods are proposed to be understood as medicines. By law, medicinal products include substances of plant, animal or synthetic origin that have pharmacological activity, intended for the production and manufacture of medicinal products, as well as medicinal products. So what are the goods themselves - medicines, raw materials or preparations, which, in accordance with the existing definition, should be considered a “dosage medicinal product”?

The answer to this question is given by the All-Russian Classification of Products, according to which goods are medicines, chemical-pharmaceutical products and medical products. Such products can be produced in large quantities by enterprises chemical industry, and also be manufactured in small batches or individually by pharmaceutical workers.

Medicines for doctors and patients

Therefore, this medicine is neither a product nor a substance. Medicine is a term indicating the presence of proven chemical substances in a number of substances. medicinal properties(hemostatic, antipyretic, etc.), which allow the doctor, with appropriate permission from the executive authority in the field of healthcare, to use these chemicals in the treatment of diseases. Thus, the term "drugs" relates only to the classification of chemical substances according to chemical structure with regard to pharmacological or medicinal effects, but has nothing to do with trade. The use of the term “medicine” for trade enterprises is quite legitimate if we consider that a medicine is a product produced in accordance with the appropriately approved technology and satisfies the professional needs of a medical worker (doctor) who has the right to treat patients established by the state. Thus, medications are produced only to satisfy the professional needs of doctors, and can be released into the hands of the patient only upon a note or request (prescription form) from the doctor. It follows that the final consumers of medicines are medical workers, and not patients who have received chemical substance on a prescription form issued by a doctor, even if they paid for the cost of this product. Medical professionals use the chemical's properties to medicinal purposes as a consumable material in the provision of medical care or to provide medical services, but not as a product for subsequent resale for the purpose of obtaining trading profit. All of the above sets medicines apart from the group of other consumer goods. The particular danger in terms of possible harm to the health of a person taking pharmaceutical products (pharmacon medicine, poison) requires special precautions, as well as compliance with certain conditions and rules for the sale of these products.

To reflect the transformation of a product into a material consumed to satisfy the personal needs of the consumer, the terms “medicinal product” and “medicine” are used. If the chemical substance is used as directed and under the supervision of a physician responsible legal liability For the result of the influence of a chemical substance on the patient’s body, the term “drug” is used. If the patient independently decides to use a chemical substance to solve health problems, the term “medicine” is used. Let us note that for people who are not privy to the intricacies of professional medical activity, the term “medicine” means everything that can have any effect. positive influence to solve health problems, and not just a chemical substance with a proven therapeutic effect.

Thus, there is an urgent need to bring the terminology used in normative and administrative documents into line with the conceptual content that is available in terminological dictionaries.

Head of Information and Analytical Department

Office of the organization of medicinal

assistance from the Ministry of Health

Moscow region, Ph.D.


The association assists in providing services in the sale of timber: favorable prices on an ongoing basis. Forest products of excellent quality.

The pharmacy carries out the following tasks:

    production and dispensing of medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions;

    sale of medicines that do not require a doctor’s prescription, as well as hygiene items, dressings, surgical instruments, optics, etc.;

    dissemination among the population of information about medicines (their pharmacological action, indications for use, methods of use, contraindications, etc.).

The pharmacy supplies the medical institution with medicines, dressings, sanitary hygiene products, etc. Each pharmacy must have the appropriate equipment, equipment and tools, as well as the latest scientific and reference books on pharmacology, list medicines, used in Russia.

The deployment and dislocation of the pharmacy network is carried out in accordance with the following principles:

    maximum proximity to the population;

    maximum proximity to medical institutions.

The opening of pharmacies in urban areas is carried out with the prospects for developing services for the population in these areas, along with population growth, the development of transport networks, and the construction of industrial, medical and other enterprises and institutions.

To carry out the tasks of systematically serving the population, the pharmacy of the district center must be controlled by the district health department and manage the work of all pharmacies in its district.

The responsibility of the pharmacies of the district center is also to control the conditions of storage and consumption of drugs in medical institutions of the given region.

The central district pharmacy is obliged to:

    control the timely delivery of medical goods from the warehouse;

    provide pharmacies in the area with ethyl alcohol and toxic substances;

    receive applications from each pharmacy in the region every month and adjust them;

    deliver applications to the pharmacy department;

    monitor the condition of medicinal supplies in rural pharmacies;

    submit applications for pharmaceutical equipment to the pharmacy department;

    warn medical institutions about the receipt and composition of medical goods.

Pharmacies of medical institutions

Functions and tasks:

    preparation and sale or dispensing of medicines, dressings, medical instruments, sanitary items, etc.;

    control over the need of medical institutions for medicines, medical instruments, dressings, sanitary items, etc.;

    receiving medicines, medical equipment, instruments and other things coming from pharmacy warehouses, factories, etc.;

    accounting of poisonous, narcotic drugs, alcohols, acids, etc.;

    timely replenishment of medicines and medical equipment;

    control over the use of material resources;

    control over the supply of medicines, dressings, medical equipment and instruments for specialized rooms.

Classification of pharmacies of medical and preventive institutions

    Pharmacies of hospitals of mixed, general type.

    Pharmacies of specialized treatment and preventive institutions.

    Pharmacies of psychiatric treatment and preventive institutions.

    Pharmacies of educational, clinical treatment and preventive institutions.

Staff of pharmacies of medical institutions

The staff of pharmacies of medical institutions includes a head pharmacist, a deputy head pharmacist, a pharmacist-analyst, a pharmacist-technologist (also known as a prescription controller), a defector, a pharmacist, a packer, a nurse, a pharmacist-clinician, a pharmaceutical inspector, and a pharmacist-signer. , accountant-pharmacist, head of gas cylinder facilities, engineer-technician for the repair of medical equipment and forwarder.

Head pharmacist

The head-pharmacist of a pharmacy in a medical institution must have a higher pharmaceutical education and a certain amount of work experience of at least 5 years. He is appointed and dismissed by order of the chief physician of the medical institution. The head pharmacist has the rights of the head of a department of a medical institution and controls all the work of the pharmacy. The head pharmacist is obliged to control the precise work in the pharmacy in the manufacture, administration and dispensing of prescription drugs. He controls the supply of medical equipment to treatment and diagnostic rooms and laboratories; ensures proper storage of medications and medical instruments; controls the consumption of medications in the departments of a medical institution, especially controlling poisonous and narcotic drugs. The manager controls the pharmaceutical order in the pharmacy, compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules, and draws up estimates for obtaining medical equipment.

Pharmacy medical personnel must systematically receive orders, instructions and other documents related to the work of the pharmacy from the manager.


The number of pharmacist-analysts in one pharmacy of a medical institution should not be more than 2 people. A pharmacist-analyst must have a higher pharmaceutical education. His appointment and dismissal are controlled by the head pharmacist of the pharmacy. He is under the supervision of the head pharmacist and deputy pharmacist of the pharmacy.

Deputy head pharmacist

The deputy head pharmacist must have a higher pharmaceutical education. He is appointed and dismissed by the chief physician of the medical institution, reports directly to the head pharmacist and, in the absence of the latter, replaces him. It provides control over the constant production and release of drugs and other medical materials to the department. Several times a year, checks the availability and operation (suitability) of medical equipment and instruments in the department’s offices. Directly participates in monitoring the implementation of safety precautions and fire prevention measures.

Pharmacist-technologist (prescription controller)

This position is determined at the rate of 1 unit per 400 beds in the therapeutic department. The pharmacist-technologist accepts requests from various departments of the medical institution for the dispensing of medical supplies, etc. In specialized departments (gynecological, burns, oncology, urological, traumatology), it is determined at the rate of 1 pharmacist-technologist per 300 beds. And in the surgical department there is 1 pharmacist-technologist for 200 beds. A pharmacist-technologist must have a higher pharmaceutical education. He is appointed and dismissed by the head of the pharmacy, and reports to the head of the pharmacy and his deputy.

The pharmacist-technologist receives prescriptions and requirements, controls the execution of prescriptions, and controls the issuance of a prescription in accordance with the patient’s age and disease. Explains to the patient how to use and store the medicine.

The pharmacist-technologist is obliged to register medications and other medical supplies that are available or not available in the pharmacy. Monitors and checks the storage and use of medical supplies in departments, laboratories, and offices; informs medical (doctors) personnel about the availability of medical supplies in the pharmacy.


This position is introduced at the rate of 1 unit per 500-1000 beds and is occupied by a person with higher education. His appointment and dismissal are made by the head of the pharmacy. The defector reports to the head of the pharmacy and the deputy head of the pharmacy. He controls records of medications, stocks of medical supplies (availability of the manufacturing plant batch, laboratory number, analysis, warehouse number, expiration date, etc.).

Manages the production of semi-finished products, concentrates and repackaging of medicines in the pharmacy.


This position is added to the pharmacy staff at the rate of 1 unit per 300 or 350 beds. A pharmacist must have a secondary pharmaceutical education. He is appointed and dismissed by the head of the pharmacy of the medical institution. It is controlled by a pharmacist-technologist or pharmacist-analyst. The pharmacist must prepare medications as needed for departments and physician prescriptions, and must properly prepare and fill medications before dispensing them. A pharmacist must periodically improve his qualifications.


The position of a packer is being introduced, just like the position of a pharmacist, based on 350-400 beds per unit. This position can be performed by a person without pharmaceutical education. A packer is appointed and dismissed by the head of the pharmacy, and is supervised by a pharmacist-technologist, pharmacist. It is engaged in packaging and repacking of medicines, disinfectants, pharmaceutical and laboratory glassware, and issuing dressings.


The position of a nurse is introduced at the rate of 0.35 positions for each position of pharmacist-technologist and pharmacist. The hiring and dismissal of a nurse is formalized by the head of the pharmacy of the healthcare facility. Pharmacy nurse performs various jobs(washing and processing dishes, cleaning premises, etc.).


This position is introduced at the rate of 1 unit per 1,100 beds or more. The clinical pharmacist must have a pharmaceutical education. He takes part in a council of doctors and controls their prescription of drugs, develops technology for the manufacture of drugs, and unifies it. Appointed by the head physician of the healthcare facility and supervised by the head of the pharmacy.

Pharmaceutical Inspector

This position can be added to the pharmacy staff of a multidisciplinary health care facility at the rate of 1 unit per 900 beds or more. This position is filled by a person with a higher pharmaceutical education and at least 10 years of work experience. He reports directly to the head-pharmacist of the health care facility pharmacy, and is hired and fired by the chief physician. The pharmaceutical inspector participates in drawing up a special plan for control and audit work in health care facilities and pharmacies for 1 year: he checks the features of storing medicines in the offices, the correctness of prescribing medicines, and the posts of nurses.

The pharmaceutical inspector reports violations of the rules for storing and consuming medicines in a pharmacy to the head of the pharmacy, the head of the department and the chief physician of the healthcare facility.

Signatory pharmacist

This position can be added to the pharmacy staff of a large multidisciplinary medical institution at the rate of 1 unit per 800 beds, 2 units per 1200 beds and 3 units per 1600 beds. He is appointed and dismissed as the head of the pharmacy.

The position of signatory is occupied by a person with secondary pharmaceutical education. This specialist ensures the continuous process of drug production, increasing the professional skills of staff, and improving the quality of drug packaging design.


This position is appropriate for pharmacies of a multidisciplinary health care facility with the same salary as a signatory pharmacist. The position is occupied by a person with a secondary pharmaceutical education who knows accounting. The accountant-pharmacist is supervised by the pharmacy manager. An accountant-pharmacist ensures timely, correct accounting of all medical property, subject-quantitative accounting of poisonous and narcotic drugs, ethyl alcohol, etc.

Engineer (technician) for repair of medical equipment

It is advisable to introduce the position of engineer into the staff of pharmacies of health care facilities with a number of beds of 600 or more. The number of engineers depends on the saturation of health care facilities with equipment. The technician must prepare all incoming equipment for operation, carry out maintenance and various repairs of medical and pharmacy equipment, increase operational reliability, carry out preventive inspections of equipment, make records of repairs carried out in the passports of devices and register their production during operation, monitor the operation of (correct) medical and pharmacy equipment. Medical staff are periodically instructed on safety precautions.

There are other positions in healthcare facilities that can be filled depending on the profile of the healthcare facility.

Pharmacies in Russia are becoming more equipped every year modern technology, since progress in the pharmacy business does not stand still. There are more and more pharmacies due to the stability of the economy, an increase in the level of population consumption, and the growth in the development of new treatment methods and medicines.

Spectacle optics, surgical instruments, mineral waters and other medical products. The pharmacy carries out sanitary educational work and disseminates popular information about medicines among the population.

IN rural areas The pharmacy is also engaged in the procurement of medicinal plant raw materials. The work of the pharmacy is regulated by regulations approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

There are two types of pharmacies: 1) self-supporting, or open, pharmacies that dispense medications according to prescriptions and by manual sale that manufacture medicines (according to prescriptions) and dispense various medical goods to all citizens; These pharmacies provide pre-medical care in emergency cases; 2) pharmacies of medical institutions, or closed ones, producing medicines according to doctors’ prescriptions for patients staying in a given medical institution, and providing these institutions with all types of medical equipment. The sale of medicines to patients through pharmacy stalls (kiosks) can also be organized.

Pharmacies are located in separate premises, the size of which depends on the volume of work. Pharmacies with a large volume of work have a reception room (waiting room), prescription room, assistant room, material room, packaging room, a room for preparing medicines under aseptic conditions (), laboratory room and washing room. The pharmacy must have a basement, a storage room for storing supplies of medical equipment and other utility rooms. In a pharmacy, where the volume of work is small, in one room there may be a prescription and assistant, assistant and sterilization, washing and coctory, etc. The main pharmaceutical positions in the pharmacy are occupied by specialists with higher pharmaceutical education; The positions of controller-controller, defector and assistant can also be filled by persons with secondary pharmaceutical education. The auxiliary staff in the pharmacy include packers and nurses (washers).

One of the most important functions of a pharmacy is the storage of medications so that they do not lose their quality when released to the public or medical institutions. Different medicines can change their qualities under the influence of different reasons, therefore there are separate rules for storing each group of medicines (for example, rules for storing in a pharmacy drugs that change under the influence of light, temperature, rules for storing volatile substances, gases, flammable and explosive substances and etc.). There are special provisions for the storage of toxic and potent substances (see, ), medicinal and herbal raw materials, vitamins and individual dosage forms (for example, injection solutions, tablets, etc.). There are also rules for storing rubber products, surgical instruments, dressings and other equipment. For many medicines, the State Standard specifies shelf life limits and storage conditions. The shelf life, or expiration date, of medicines varies from several months to several years. The Pharmacopoeial Committee monitors the implementation of these instructions even after the expiration of the period noted in the document, if there are no changes appearance medicine, performs a verification analysis. Drugs that have retained their good quality must be stored and sold for an additional period of time (usually about half the original period). Medicines that do not have deadline storage, check if changes in appearance occur. Shelf life is calculated from the time of manufacture of the medicine, and for herbal raw materials - from the date of receipt at the manufacturer's warehouse. Shelf life may change, and pharmacy workers are required to systematically monitor the condition of medications and follow instructions on changes in shelf life from the Pharmacopoeial Committee of the USSR Ministry of Health. When external changes medicinal products must be analyzed immediately (without waiting for the deadline established in the document).

For the first time in our country, a control and analytical service of pharmacies has been created, which checks the quality of medicines, which is designed to provide the population with high-quality medicines.

At medical, paramedic and paramedic-midwife stations there are so-called pharmacy points of two categories: with the right to manufacture medicines and for selling medicines in ready-made packages. Pharmacies of the first category are headed by persons with pharmaceutical education and are branches of pharmacies. Unlike a pharmacy, this point has a minimum of instruments and equipment that are provided to the pharmacy under subordination. The storage, production and dispensing of drugs from a first category pharmacy are carried out according to the rules established for pharmacies. A pharmacy of the second category is managed by a paramedic or another person with secondary medical education, who is appointed by the district health department.

Pharmacy. In the USSR there are two main types of pharmacies: self-supporting, providing medicinal services to the population: both supplying medical institutions, and hospital pharmacies, serving medical institutions, at which they are located. The standards for the location of a pharmacy network (number of residents per pharmacy) are given in Table 1.

Hospital pharmacies are organized at medical institutions with over 100 beds.

Depending on the volume of turnover and formulation, pharmacies are divided into six categories. Pharmacies of categories I-IV have specialized departments: prescription and production, over-the-counter dispensing of medical goods, etc. All pharmacies have analytical tables, and, if there is an analytical chemist on staff, offices. Medicines dispensed from a pharmacy are subject to one of the types of intra-pharmacy control.

The procedure for storing medicines in a pharmacy, manufacturing, quality control and dispensing of medicines is regulated by the USSR Ministry of Health.

The composition and standards of premises area (in m2) of self-supporting pharmacies are given in Table 2 and shown in Fig. 1.

Table 2
Name of premises Categories of pharmacies, area in m2
Public service hall 137 100 70 57 35 33
Assistant 70 45 35 20 20 -
Aseptic 15 11 9 9 7 7
VAT-sterilization 15 12 9 7 7 7
Analytical chemist's office 7 7 - - - -
Washing 20 15 12 10 7 5
Packaging 20 13 10 - - -
Material rooms 135 85 60 50 25 15
Pharmacy manager's office 8 8 8 - - -
Office 15 10 8 10 10 8
Rest room 20 12 10 7 7 -
Sanitary unit 4 4 2 2 2 2
Storage rooms and other utility rooms (in the basement) 196 126 104 85 30 20
Total 662 448 337 257 150 97

Premises for hospital pharmacies are provided for in standard hospital designs (Fig. 2).

Rice. 1. Layout of the pharmacy category II: 1 - rest room; 2 - storage of dressings; 3 - unpacking; 4 - material of the recipe and production department; 5 - packaging; 6 - washing; 7 - still-sterilization room; 8 - wardrobe; 9 - sanitary unit; 10 - oxygen storage; 11 - storage of mineral waters; 12 and 13 - material departments of over-the-counter dispensing; 14 - over-the-counter department; 15 - optics department; 16 - visitor service hall: 17 - material department of optics; 18 - prescription; 19 - assistant; 20 - aseptic; 21 - chemical analysis room; 22 - office; 23 - room on duty; 24 - manager's office; 25 - cash register.

Rice. 2. Layout of a hospital pharmacy for 400 beds: 1 - aseptic; 2 - vat-sterilization room, 3 - assistant room; 4 - manager’s office; 5 - prescription; 6 - washing; 7 - waiting room; 8 - material.

Pharmacies and small retail chains (pharmacies, kiosks) provide medical assistance to the population in our country.

A pharmacy is a healthcare institution that provides the population with timely, publicly available, good-quality medicinal care and various sanitary and hygienic items.

Pharmacy- a healthcare institution operating with the permission and under the control of government bodies, the task of which is to provide the population, medical and preventive, sports and recreational, sanitary and resort, scientific and medical and other healthcare institutions, enterprises and organizations with medicines and medical products.

A pharmacy entrusted with administrative, organizational and methodological management of pharmacies in a district (city) is called central district (city) pharmacy.

A pharmacy, which is intended primarily to provide one or more hospitals, other health care institutions, as well as the population with medicines and medical supplies, is called accordingly sick leave, or interhospital, pharmacy.

The main tasks of the pharmacy:

    Providing the population with high-quality and trouble-free care through the preparation and dispensing of medications according to doctors’ prescriptions and the requirements of medical institutions.

    Sale of finished medicines approved for sale without prescriptions, as well as sanitary, hygiene and patient care items, mineral waters, disinfectants, dressings, spectacle optics, surgical instruments and other pharmaceutical items.

    Supply of medicines and medical products to medical institutions.

    Providing emergency medical care in necessary cases, issuing certificates about the location of the nearest medical institutions.

    Procurement of medicinal plant raw materials in the area where the pharmacy operates.

    Dissemination, together with other health care institutions, of sanitary and hygienic knowledge among the population, propaganda and promotion of new medicines.

    Alert medical workers(through pharmaceutical information offices) about medicines, their pharmacological action, indications and methods of use, side effects and measures to prevent them, contraindications, storage conditions and periods, as well as the availability of medicines in the pharmacy.

8. Financial and economic activities.

In accordance with its main objectives, the pharmacy performs production and trading functions. Production function consists of the preparation, control and dispensing of medicinal products, and trading- in the sale of medicines authorized for sale without a doctor’s prescription, as well as sanitary, hygiene and patient care items and other pharmaceutical products.

To carry out their main tasks, pharmacies must be provided with the necessary medicines and other items of the pharmacy range, reference literature, pharmacy furniture, equipment and instruments, and reagents necessary for monitoring the quality of medicines.

Pharmacy kiosks- institutions designed to dispense to the population the simplest ready-made medicines allowed for dispensing without a doctor’s prescription, as well as other pharmaceutical products. Kiosks are organized in crowded places (at train stations, marinas, plants, factories, airports, shopping centers, etc.).

Pharmacy points- institutions that dispense finished medicines with prescriptions and without prescriptions, sell other medical products, and also accept prescriptions from the public for the preparation of medicines in pharmacies and dispense them.

A citizen can buy medicine by visiting a pharmacy or pharmacy. What are these institutions?

What is a pharmacy?

Under pharmacy It is generally accepted to understand a retail organization engaged in the sale of medicines and characterized by the following characteristics:

  1. area - at least 90 sq. m;
  2. the presence in the structure of the premises of a sales area, a warehouse, a medicine reception department, a utility room, a staff rest room, a manager’s office, and a bathroom.

Pharmacy is an institution that performs the following main functions:

  1. sale of finished medicines to citizens in accordance with prescriptions or without their use;
  2. production of medicines - also according to prescriptions or without their use, their packaging and sales;
  3. providing citizens with free medicines in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
  4. sale of herbal medicines;
  5. sale of hygiene products;
  6. sale of food, drinking water;
  7. organization of rental of medical equipment;
  8. providing first aid if necessary;
  9. providing advice to citizens on the purchase of medicines.

It can be noted that the following types of products are mainly sold only in pharmacies:

  1. diagnostic tools;
  2. specialized underwear;
  3. child care items;
  4. first aid kits;
  5. glasses, care products;
  6. healing mineral water;
  7. Dietary supplements and other food additives;
  8. cosmetics;
  9. potent medicinal substances.

What is a pharmacy?

In turn, under pharmacy also means a retail establishment selling medicines, but:

  1. its minimum area can be from 70 square meters. m;
  2. In the structure of the premises of this institution there is often no administration office.

Main functions of pharmacy points:

  1. sale of medicines to citizens with or without prescriptions;
  2. sale of herbal medicines;
  3. sale of medical equipment and other medical products;
  4. sale of hygiene products;
  5. release of medicines in accordance with prescriptions, their packaging, as well as subsequent sales;
  6. providing citizens with free medicines in accordance with the law;
  7. providing first aid to citizens;
  8. providing visitors with advice when purchasing medicines.

Accordingly, it is not typical for pharmacy outlets to sell such products as:

  1. diagnostic tools;
  2. specialized underwear;
  3. child care items;
  4. first aid kits;
  5. glasses;
  6. healing mineral water;
  7. dietary supplements;
  8. cosmetics;
  9. medications classified as potent.


The main difference between a pharmacy and a pharmacy is in the area, structure of premises and range of goods. But in general, both types of organizations involved in the sale of drugs are very similar. The average buyer may not feel the difference between them.

Same also established by law requirements for employees of pharmacies and pharmacy points. The heads of institutions of both types can be pharmacists who have a certificate, as well as work experience of 3 years or more. Employees with secondary or higher education received at a medical educational institution can work as consultants in departments where medicines are sold.

A small table will help us take a closer look at the difference between a pharmacy and a pharmacy.