Lilith in the 6th house. Lilith conjunct Mercury. An incredible story about Lilith, the black moon

1 house

A strong position and a problematic one.

Black Moon in the 1st house Increases creativity but brings restlessness. Lots of opportunities to express oneself, great freedom, not everyone manages to use it correctly and effectively, as a result - the difficulty of self-expression and the importance of it. Possible low self-esteem (or high). Seeks to make an impression. A person may be an enemy to himself (if on the ascendant, then there may be a problem with birth), complex relationships with society. The person is talented, but gloomy, focusing on the hidden sides of life. Strong subconscious, complexes. Not fighters, but writers, psychoanalysts.

2nd house

Black Moon in the 2nd house provides many opportunities to earn money and just as many temptations. A person could have deviations in money and energy accumulation in one (excessive) or the other (insufficient) direction. The importance of things and money is what they get caught on. There could have been magical achievements in past incarnations, or the person was running away from money and did not take upon himself financial liability. Indifference or being tied to finances. A spender or a miser. Incorrect handling of energy, vampirism: either it takes a lot from others, or it takes a little, allowing itself to be “drunk.”

3rd house

A craving for information, including forbidden information, for working with words - and fear, apprehension, inability. Increased sensitivity to words. Concealing information or using it for unseemly purposes. Possible manifestations Black Moon in the 3rd house: eloquence, rudeness, vulgarisms, swearing. The craving for the work of a mediator – and the failures in this matter. Difficulties in obtaining and using knowledge, serious problems at school. Difficulties in the immediate environment, dislike of brothers and sisters, use of a person in their own interests (or death, injury of brothers and sisters). Trouble on short trips.

4th house

Deep karmic connection with family, homeland, and problems in this regard. Strong power of the subconscious. Option unfavorable for family life. Emigration. Moving to another family. Black Moon in the 4th house may provoke early separation from the family. The person is an unwanted child. Cruel upbringing. Abandonment of family. Family dramas, possible early death parents, tragic situations.

5th house

Black Moon in the 5th house: a person “gets stuck” on children, on creativity, or throws himself headlong into entertainment, gambling, sports, flirting, and starts many affairs. Maternal and paternal feelings are excessive. A powerful craving for self-expression and eternal dissatisfaction. Strong but complex character. In a woman, it may indicate a large number of abortions, or, in extreme cases, infanticide. This is the house of joy; The Black Moon here indicates that a person either constantly strives to get pleasure, or he is gloomy and does not know what happiness is.

6th house

Black Moon in the 6th house creates practical and health problems. Idleness, aversion to work, perceives work as slavery - or deep immersion in everyday affairs and small tasks, the inability to isolate the main thing, cut off the little things; workaholism. The desire for asceticism (sex is a sin), hidden desires. Difficulties in relationships with superiors or subordinates. He has no control over emotions, and as a result, the body reacts to the slightest failures and overwork. Petty, picky, cold, internally lonely. The doctor is the “assistant of death.” Concern for health reaches the point of absurdity, or does not pay attention to it at all. Abilities for medicine, care, healing. The purpose of the ministry is to clear away garbage.

7th house

Problems in marriage, primarily emotional ones, jealousy, mistrust, struggle for superiority. People with Black Moon in the 7th house they see right through their partners, use this knowledge, or prefer not to notice. Subconsciously they view partners as rivals. Eternal dissatisfaction, many marriages or difficulty getting married, a difficult partner - there is a lot of things mixed up here.

8th house

This is cool (assessed by I. Ulrich).

There is a lot of drama in life, sharp painful transformations, and often one finds oneself on the brink between life and death. At Black Moon in the 8th house the profession may be associated with danger. Interest in the topic of death. Extreme situations are frequent. Increased sexuality (or decreased: impotence, frigidity), danger from sexual relations, debauchery. Femme fatales, men who fall under their influence. Homosexuality, sexual revelry, or complete rejection of this area. With this position of the Black Moon, great caution is required when interacting with collective money. A craving for occult things, enormous abilities - and danger from black magicians, from love spells or curses.

9th house

Fanatical faith in an idea, an unshakable conviction in one’s own ideological, religious, party righteousness, which can lead some to crimes. Human with the Black Moon in the 9th house falls into various sects or organizes them himself and catches the weak in his net. Hatred towards dissidents and adherents of another religion, belonging to a different nationality. Or an increased interest in foreign religions, forgetting one’s own, boundless cosmopolitanism. Thirst for knowledge indiscriminately, erudition for the sake of gaining knowledge. An irresistible urge to travel, in which he may find himself in unpleasant situations. An "obsessive missionary" whose ideas are ridiculed. If the PL is in the 9th house according to task karma, then the person has an intense spiritual life, colored strong emotions(such people can make a revolution in public consciousness, like E. Roerich). Difficult relationships with non-blood relatives are possible.

10th house

A unique personality, an unusual destiny, perhaps success, is found among leaders, politicians, and artists who have extravagance and brilliance. Among people with Black Moon in the 10th house also among brilliant schemers and swindlers. Here a lot depends on the relationship with the father. A person sees the secret springs of governing society and knows how to manipulate it. But unscrupulous in means, abuse of power, tyranny. Views competitors as personal enemies and strives to destroy them, it happens that he is destroyed. It is important to learn to take advantage of the opportunities that the CL provides. A deviation can include frequent changes of profession, abandonment of a career, inability to achieve what one wants, scandalous popularity. Major authority, mafioso, etc.

11th house

Man with Black Moon in the 11th house We don’t understand those around us. Friends let you down, they deceive you, because... in past incarnations, he himself betrayed his friends or used them for his own interests. Either there is a strong desire for friendship, or there is a fear of friendship, so as not to be disappointed, or he views friends as hidden ill-wishers, or as potential sponsors. Fear of loneliness. If a person is creative, then he suffers that his gift is not in demand and is not understood by those close to him; he wants to disseminate the results of his work as widely as possible, craves publicity, recognition - and does not always receive it. There may be public scandals provoked by it or associated with it. Politicians, writers and even artists have CL here. On the one hand, they constantly go out in public, on the other hand, they are dependent on their own popularity and are ready to pay any price for it. There may be “objective circumstances” that limit their popularity. People involved in online business may also have a Black Moon in the 11th house. They are drawn to this area, but caution and “sifting” of opportunities are required.

12th house

The most important point Black Moon in the 12th house. Deep study of karma, the entire incarnation is dedicated to this. Nothing in life is accidental. New karmic layers are constantly being revealed with great depth and are transferred for accommodation. A person can – and should – create a karmic array! - scoop out to the bottom.

Coercion and restrictions (up to prison and hospital, the state of a disabled person, as long as he works), anxiety, illness, unforeseen tragedies, mental disorders, all kinds of deviations and injuries. “We had to try to earn such karma!” The entire natal chart is included. There is a lot of fatal and fateful things, a person is a victim of circumstances, all social adversities are reflected on him. Psychological complexes, craving for esotericism, for secret knowledge, prophetic dreams (how a person wants to believe), automatic writing. Possession, embodiment as punishment. Complete loneliness, extreme dreams, illusions, drug addiction. But also the finest intuition, insights, creative potential (if only this person knew what to do with it). As a result, he is able to achieve the deepest understanding of the connections between phenomena, the unity of the world, and work on the subtle plane.

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The axis of the sixth and twelfth houses symbolizes personal and impersonal service.
In the sixth house, the Black Moon affects hierarchical relationships. It can disrupt the coordination of all body systems and lead to diseases. It influences circumstances related to caring for others, daily work, relationships with superiors and subordinates, distorting ideas about subordination and dominance.

If The Black Moon is in the 6th house and the distortions caused by it manifest themselves actively, a person does not know how to obey, conflicts with his superiors and is authoritarian with his subordinates, experiencing pleasure from unquestioning obedience. There are times when, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person is forced to be active and devote all his time and energy to work to ensure his life. He becomes so involved in this process that professional responsibilities and work relationships absorb all his energy to the detriment of other aspects of life. Wherein inherent in man qualities distorted by the action of the Black Moon interfere with harmonious relationships with colleagues and affect professional skills.

Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person may experience a constant need to take care of someone, be it loved ones, a dog, a cat or aquarium fish. But this concern is obsessive, often inappropriate and sometimes takes away all mental and physical strength from a person, occupies all his thoughts and makes it impossible to do anything else. Sometimes a person completely devotes himself to caring about his health, runs to doctors, tries all kinds of treatment and prevention methods, and goes on diets.

If the Black Moon in the sixth house manifests itself passively, a person submits even when it is not necessary. He curries favor with his superiors, tries to please and serve everyone. In other cases, the Black Moon in the sixth house causes laziness, reluctance to work and neglect of professional duties. A person cannot stand the daily routine; he is oppressed by the need to follow instructions from above and work normal working hours. It happens that a person does not want to work so much that “thanks to” the Black Moon, the circumstances themselves prevent him from finding a job. He does not know how and does not want to take care of loved ones, does not observe the rules of personal hygiene, if he gets sick, he avoids going to the doctor and neglects treatment.
G. Volzhina

With Lilith in the sixth house a person is free to choose how to manage his care, health, work or work. How to behave in a subordinate role or with your colleagues.
Such people are considered quite valuable employees who know how to make a profit even in crisis situations. Why do they succeed? The Black Moon will give the answer - there are always many paths before a person, but whether he chooses a humane or inhumane one depends on him.
But, nevertheless, you cannot deceive such a person, you cannot take him by cunning, offering an unprofitable contract or care and guardianship with benefits.

They surprisingly find a common language with animals and can accurately determine the cause or consequence of their (or someone else’s) physical illness.
Again, it’s up to him to decide how to use these opportunities.
Extreme manifestations are workaholism, perfectionism, concern for one’s health, reaching the point of absurdity, hyper-protection of everyone and everything, or voluntary unemployment, neglect of health, idleness.
I. Milova

The cause of a person’s ailments is too strong emotional experiences. The body's aqueous environment (lymphatic system) is polluted. Methods of recovery - psychotherapy (getting rid of the subconscious from being full of unspoken grievances, from suspicion), drinking plenty of fluids. Natural treatments - roots, herbs, honey.
The person has a knack for medicine, has a taste for herbs, can be a good nurse for bedridden patients, and is not squeamish.
Medicine man, nurse, very good veterinarian; may be employed in household services - as with the Moon in the 6th house - but do more dirty work - cleaning up garbage, etc.
It is very difficult for a person to work in a team; usually he represents his area of ​​work alone.
Pets are not quite ordinary: reptiles, reptiles.
B. Israelite

Lilith (Black Moon) in the 6th house of the birth horoscope: will make his ward an eternal scapegoat. The stumbling block in life will be his official position, which will be selfishly used by everyone who is not too lazy, and the individual himself must endure and bear this burden until the end of his life. Seduction can force him to commit a crime, using his power for personal gain, or to feign illnesses, which over time can really drive him to despair, poisoning his life to the point of exhaustion. These malfeasance can occur due to increased erotic-sexual potential. Karma requires you to give up everything and voluntarily begin to serve the world around you, society, and people. Sexual potential should be sublimated into spiritual strength or creative energy and used in intellectual work and free professions.
S. Vronsky

Lilith in the 6th house

The psychological image of the enemy is illnesses, real and fictitious, as well as co-workers and dependents. Often hostility is transferred to pets. Craving for malfeasance, abuse of power. Lilith in the 6th house often makes the individual a “scapegoat”. The stumbling block in his life may be his official position. In one case, everyone will use it, while the individual himself will endure and bear this burden for the rest of his life due to his weakness of will. In the second case, due to increased sexual potential, he can use his official position by forcing his subordinates to have sexual intercourse with him. In the third, it is possible to simulate an illness, which over time can turn into mania and poison life. Now Karma demands that increased sexual potential be sublimated into either spiritual strength or creative energy and be used in intellectual work or in the liberal professions. And definitely for the benefit of others.

The axis of the sixth and twelfth houses symbolizes personal and impersonal service.
In the sixth house, the Black Moon affects hierarchical relationships. It can disrupt the coordination of all body systems and lead to diseases. It influences circumstances related to caring for others, daily work, relationships with superiors and subordinates, distorting ideas about subordination and dominance.
If the Black Moon is in the sixth house and the distortions caused by it manifest themselves actively, the person does not know how to obey, conflicts with superiors and is authoritarian with subordinates, experiencing pleasure from unquestioning obedience. There are times when, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person is forced to be active and devote all his time and energy to work to ensure his life. He becomes so involved in this process that professional responsibilities and work relationships absorb all his energy to the detriment of other aspects of life. At the same time, the inherent qualities of a person, distorted by the action of the Black Moon, interfere with harmonious relationships with colleagues and affect professional skills. Under the influence of the Black Moon, a person may experience a constant need to take care of someone, be it loved ones, a dog, a cat or aquarium fish. But this concern is obsessive, often inappropriate and sometimes takes away all mental and physical strength from a person, occupies all his thoughts and makes it impossible to do anything else. Sometimes a person completely devotes himself to caring about his health, runs to doctors, tries all kinds of treatment and prevention methods, and goes on diets. If the Black Moon in the sixth house manifests itself passively, a person submits even when it is not necessary. He curries favor with his superiors, tries to please and serve everyone. In other cases, the Black Moon in the sixth house causes laziness, reluctance to work and neglect of professional duties. A person cannot stand the daily routine; he is oppressed by the need to follow instructions from above and work normal working hours. It happens that a person does not want to work so much that “thanks to” the Black Moon, the circumstances themselves prevent him from finding a job. He does not know how and does not want to take care of loved ones, does not observe the rules of personal hygiene, if he gets sick, he avoids going to the doctors, neglects treatment (G. Volzhina).

In the past, he made others sick and tortured animals. Will be haunted by fate in connection with work and health. Lilith in the 1st third of the 6th house often gives a fatal illness (Nazarova).

The cause of a person’s ailments is too strong emotional experiences. The body's aqueous environment (lymphatic system) is polluted. Methods of recovery - psychotherapy (getting rid of the subconscious from being full of unspoken grievances, from suspicion), drinking plenty of fluids. Natural treatments - roots, herbs, honey.
The person has a knack for medicine, has a taste for herbs, can be a good nurse for bedridden patients, and is not squeamish.
Medicine man, nurse, very good veterinarian; may be employed in household services - - as with the Moon in the VI house - but do more dirty work - cleaning up garbage, etc.
It is very difficult for a person to work in a team; usually he represents his area of ​​work alone.
Pets are not quite ordinary: reptiles, reptiles (B. Israel).

The house in which the Black Moon is located in the horoscope characterizes the sphere of influence, circumstances and style of manifestation of the associated distortions of the zodiac qualities and properties of the planets. The presence of the Black Moon in a horoscope in a particular house makes certain events associated with this house inevitable.

Black Moon in the horoscope

The circle of houses is individual factor, which determines the uniqueness of the combination of all elements of the horoscope. The house in which the Black Moon is located in the horoscope characterizes the sphere of influence, circumstances and style of manifestation of the associated distortions of the zodiac qualities and properties of the planets.

Since the opposition houses are polar to each other, the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope extends to the opposite house and prevents the establishment of balance between both. It influences the circumstances of this pair of houses in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of involutionary qualities and hinder the development of evolutionary ones. The presence of the Black Moon in a horoscope in a particular house makes certain events associated with this house inevitable.

Black Moon in the 1st or 7th houses of the horoscope

In the first house, distortions caused by the Black Moon in the horoscope manifest themselves in a person’s manners and behavior, affect his activity and temperament, affect his self-image and the ability to make subjective judgments. A person’s deep fall, associated with manifestations of qualities distorted by the Black Moon, can affect his physical body and appearance.

In the seventh house, the Black Moon prevents harmonious interaction with people and the establishment of stable and long-term relationships, including marriage. It distorts a person’s objective assessment of their partners and their own qualities.

The axis of the first and seventh houses symbolizes the “I - You” relationship. Being in one of these houses, the Black Moon does not allow establishing balance between them. If the Black Moon is in the first house and enhances the active manifestations of a person, he becomes too subjective, self-confident, hot-tempered, aggressive, strives for leadership and does not take into account those around him.

These personal qualities inevitably manifest themselves in communication with partners, which leads to complications and even a break in the relationship. If the Black Moon in the horoscope makes a person too passive in the circumstances of the first house, this also interferes with harmonious interaction with people - he comes across powerful and selfish partners who seek to control him and deprive him of initiative.

With this position of the Black Moon in the horoscope, a person avoids personal responsibility and seeks to shift it to others, easily falling under the influence of others. If the Black Moon is in the seventh house and affects the active manifestations of a person, he strives to dominate in the partnership, does not take into account the interests of the people with whom he communicates, and is biased in assessing himself and others.

Naturally, such interaction with others is accompanied by corresponding distortions in the sphere of the first house. If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the seventh house and makes a person too passive, uninitiative, dependent and driven in relationships with partners, this is accompanied by passivity in the manifestations of the first house.

Black Moon in 2 or 8 houses of the horoscope

In the second house, the Black Moon in the horoscope affects the stock vitality and health, distorts the ability to absorb and use energy, and interferes with its normal circulation. In this house, it manifests itself in circumstances related to earning and spending money, influencing the amount and sources of income, and the ability to earn money through one’s labor.

In the eighth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope manifests itself in circumstances of crisis accompanying the transition from one state to another, introducing distortions into natural process transformation. It can affect the nature of acute illnesses and accidents, and the receipt of inheritance and money from other people. In this crowbar, the Black Moon in the horoscope gives a person the ability, by working with subtle energies, to influence with his will the cause of physical phenomena, which often leads him to practice black magic.

The axis of the second and eighth houses symbolizes energy exchange, “one’s own” and “someone else’s.” In the second house, the Black Moon’s strengthening of passive manifestations in the horoscope leads to excessive accumulation of energy. This also affects the eighth house - a person accumulates not only his own, but also other people’s energy, but gives it away with difficulty. Therefore, this position of the Black Moon in the horoscope contributes to the development of energy vampirism.

The Black Moon in the horoscope in the second house often leads to excessive food consumption and excess weight, and tempts with money and other material goods. At the same time, it often deprives a person of the opportunity to earn a living himself, forcing him to exist at the expense of others, thereby distorting the manifestations of the eighth house.

If, being in the second house, the Black Moon in the horoscope affects active manifestations, then a person cannot retain and evenly expend energy. In this case, he easily becomes the object of vampirism. This influence of the Black Moon leads to an inability to manage one’s money, knowledge, and skills, which are spent at the wrong time and in the wrong place. A person provokes others to use him, to live at his expense. Sometimes in the second house the Black Moon in the horoscope creates health problems.

In the eighth house, the Black Moon’s strengthening of passive manifestations in the horoscope forces us to appropriate and accumulate other people’s energy, which leads to the inability to use our own. Dependence on others and vampirism arise. A person gets used to living at someone else’s expense and easily gets into debt, not considering it necessary to repay it.

The influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope on active manifestations leads to an inability to retain energy and pushes one to waste both other people’s and one’s own funds. They often try to use such a person for selfish purposes. He lends money easily and most often does not get the money back.

In the eighth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope brings fatality to circumstances associated with crises, accidents, illnesses and death, and can complicate the course of pregnancy and childbirth. It affects sex life, causing various deviations, as well as frigidity or excessive sensuality. Often the Black Moon in the eighth house is found in the horoscopes of psychics, hypnotists and magicians who abuse their will.

Black Moon in the 3rd or 9th houses of the horoscope

In the third house, distortions caused by the Black Moon in the horoscope affect thinking and intellectual abilities, information exchange, written and oral speech, state nervous system, receiving special education and short trips. The action of the Black Moon determines the nature of everyday contacts and relationships with relatives and immediate circle.

In the ninth house, the qualities distorted by the Black Moon in the horoscope are manifested in a person’s worldview, his system of ideas about the world, his attitude towards religion and faith. The Black Moon affects the ability to generalize, social and spiritual guidelines, receiving higher education, connections with foreigners and travel.

The axis of the third and ninth houses symbolizes the form of interaction between objective and figurative thinking, practical mind and worldview. If in the third house the distortions caused by the action of the Black Moon in the horoscope appear actively, the person becomes overly involved in circumstances related to the development and use of the practical mind.

This position of the Black Moon in the horoscope can predetermine a person’s choice of a profession related to the word or the media, technical science, etc. The intellect dominates intuition and abstract thinking to such an extent, controls a person’s feelings and emotions, that the ability for imaginative perception decreases, and the worldview becomes overly pragmatic and narrow.

There may be a constant need to exchange information, talkativeness and over-communication, leading to illegibility in contacts. If, under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope, passivity increases in the third house, then difficulties arise with concretization and assimilation of practical knowledge. This becomes noticeable already in primary school and makes it difficult to continue education. At the same time, the manifestations of the ninth house are also distorted - a person hovers among amorphous ideas, divorced from reality, which he cannot clearly comprehend.

The presence of the Black Moon in the horoscope in the third house may be associated with nervous system disorders. Its influence on a person is activated during communication with the immediate environment and relatives, and brings unexpected news and trips.

If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the ninth house and the distortions caused by it are active, a person can be intolerant of a different worldview and tends to impose his ideas on others, considering them the only true ones. Often he imagines himself as the bearer of a great idea, called upon to spread it.

The Black Moon in the horoscope introduces extremism into views and turns conviction into fanaticism. If the distortions caused by its action are passive, a person becomes suggestible, his worldview is dictated by society or generally recognized authorities.

Without his own convictions, he can faithfully serve ideas inspired from outside and consider them undeniable. The Black Moon in the horoscope prevents you from getting out of the circle of false ideas about the world and finding the path leading to objective knowledge of the truth.

In the ninth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope can excessively intensify the activity of the abstract mind, and a person almost loses the ability to concretize concepts. In the opposite case, the Black Moon in the horoscope blocks the ability to imaginative thinking, which causes a sharp preponderance of the logical. In both cases, the harmonious mental activity.

Often the Black Moon in the horoscope makes it difficult to obtain higher education or predetermines its character. It involves a person in circumstances in which the distortions caused by its influence manifest themselves with maximum force. In the ninth house, this could include travel, unexpected connections with foreigners, participation in religious and philosophical societies.

In the fourth house, distortions caused by the action of the Black Moon in the horoscope are associated with inclinations inherited from parents, innate subconscious properties and skills. The Black Moon in the horoscope affects the situation in the family and home, the attitude towards parents, homeland, national history.

In the tenth house, distortions caused by the Black Moon in the horoscope affect vocation and professional activity a person, his career, reputation, position in society, relations with authorities and employers and how he uses his power. Here the Black Moon in the horoscope determines the choice of goal, the method of achieving practical results.

Black Moon in 4th or 10th houses of the horoscope

The axis of the fourth and tenth houses symbolizes home and profession, the interaction of personal and public life. If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the fourth house, this indicates hereditary nature associated distortions of the zodiacal qualities and properties of the planets, that they are deeply rooted in the human subconscious and have acquired the character of stable skills.

This position of the Black Moon in the horoscope burdens family karma, often complicates relationships with parents, prevents the creation of one’s own family, or introduces unusual and sometimes tragic circumstances.

If in the fourth house the Black Moon in the horoscope enhances active manifestations, a person completely devotes his mental and physical strength to caring for the house. But he fails to make family life harmonious, since all his actions are distorted by the influence of the Black Moon. Sometimes it can influence life circumstances in such a way that a person has to sacrifice his career for the well-being of his family.

If the Black Moon in the horoscope influences in the opposite way, household chores weigh on a person and seem like an unnecessary burden, since all his aspirations are aimed at professional activity and acquiring a high social status. The Black Moon in the fourth house often gives rise to the desire to emigrate.

If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the tenth house and affects active manifestations, the ambitious desire for power and honor becomes irresistible. A person is trying with all his might to make a career, to occupy a leadership position and a high social position. He tends to achieve any goal he sets, regardless of any obstacles.

Social self-realization completely absorbs a person to the detriment of family life. Under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope, various abuses of personal power arise. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the owner of the Black Moon in the tenth house occupy a high position - he can be a domestic tyrant who keeps the whole family in fear.

If the Black Moon in the horoscope increases passivity, the person does not strive for anything, does not have life goal and has difficulty achieving practical results. Avoiding responsibility and high positions, he is able to act only on the instructions of his superiors. Sometimes in the sphere of the tenth house, circumstances simply force a person to passivity - he finds himself subordinate to a strict boss who does not allow initiative.

In the tenth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope may indicate the despotic nature of one of the parents. Sometimes it causes a sudden loss of social status or reputation.

In the fifth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope distorts the creative manifestations of a person. It influences his desire to be noticed and appreciated in society, on free time and entertainment, the birth of children and relationships with them, determines the nature of romantic attachments.

In the eleventh house, the qualities distorted by the Black Moon in the horoscope appear in relation to universal values. They determine ideals, dreams, hopes and ideas of happiness. The Black Moon in the horoscope influences a person’s relationships with like-minded people, determines his place in their circle and the nature of social activities.

Black Moon in the 5th or 11th houses of the horoscope

The axis of the fifth and eleventh houses symbolizes the relationship between individual creative expression and group activities. If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the fifth house and affects active manifestations, a person makes great efforts to stand out from the crowd and attract attention, which is most often inappropriate.

The obsessive desire to constantly be in sight and the search for popularity irresistibly draws him to the theater stage, the sports arena - where he can realize his ambitions, which, as a rule, still remain unsatisfied. This action of the Black Moon does not allow a person to manifest himself harmoniously in the circumstances of the eleventh house: he is accustomed to pulling the blanket over himself and is not capable of being an equal member of the group.

Under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope in the fifth house, a person can become a gambler, be exposed to sudden risks, get involved in speculation or dubious entertainment. He may often, but every time, fall passionately in love, but the ending of these romantic stories is rarely happy. Sometimes all a person’s energy is absorbed by caring for children, relationships with whom always have a strong emotional overtones.

With this position of the Black Moon in the horoscope, there will certainly be some difficulties with children, including best case scenario due to excessive nervous tension of the parent. If in the fifth house the Black Moon increases passivity, a person loses the ability of adequate creative self-expression, tends to get lost among people, is sensitive to attention to his person, sometimes avoiding any interaction with the team.

He has no hobbies, he doesn’t know what to do in his free time, he’s bored. Sometimes the effect of the Black Moon in the horoscope can cause hostility towards children and a reluctance to have their own. In the case of deep distortions in the sphere of the fifth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope may be associated with the karmic absence of children, contrary to the person’s wishes.

If in the eleventh house the Black Moon in the horoscope affects active manifestations, the person is completely absorbed social activity. He strives to unite people with similar ways of thinking around him in order to lead some endeavor. However, promising projects may fail because they are unrealistic.

Under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope, a person sometimes cares excessively about his popularity in a group of like-minded people, tries to stand out and take a leading position among them, and cannot stand another leader next to him. A person is driven by an irresistible desire to change everything around him; he tends to instill his ideas into his friends and impose plans for their implementation, but plans are often frustrated, formed groups become obsolete and disintegrate.

If in the eleventh house the Black Moon in the horoscope increases passivity, a person’s dreams and ideals are mainly determined by the environment, it is difficult for him to find friends and like-minded people. Despite his dissatisfaction with life, he does not try to change anything. There are cases when, under the influence of the Black Moon, a person cannot stand interaction with the team and he hates everything connected with group activities.

Under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope in the eleventh house, life circumstances often develop in such a way that dreams turn out to be unrealistic, plans unrealistic, and friends unreliable. The Black Moon in the horoscope distorts a person’s aspirations and ideals, his ideas about happiness.

Black Moon in the 6th or 12th houses of the horoscope

In the sixth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope affects hierarchical relationships. It can disrupt the coordination of all body systems and lead to diseases. It influences circumstances related to caring for others, daily work, relationships with superiors and subordinates, distorting ideas about subordination and dominance.

In the twelfth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope influences a person’s unconscious, distorts his ideas about mercy and sacrifice, prevents moral theft and liberation from the old and unnecessary. It can cause mental disorders and chronic illnesses, involve you in intrigue and secret affairs, and predetermine loneliness, restrictions or isolation.

The axis of the sixth and twelfth houses symbolizes personal and impersonal service. If the Black Moon in the horoscope is in the sixth house and the distortions caused by it manifest themselves actively, a person does not know how to obey, conflicts with his superiors and is authoritarian with his subordinates, experiencing pleasure from unquestioning obedience.

There are cases when, under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope, a person is forced to be active and devote all his time and energy to work to ensure his life. He becomes so involved in this process that professional responsibilities and work relationships absorb all his energy to the detriment of other aspects of life.

At the same time, the inherent qualities of a person, distorted by the action of the Black Moon, interfere with harmonious relationships with colleagues and affect professional skills. Under the influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope, a person may experience a constant need to take care of someone, be it loved ones, a dog, a cat or aquarium fish.

But this concern is obsessive, often inappropriate and sometimes takes away all mental and physical strength from a person, occupies all his thoughts and makes it impossible to do anything else. Sometimes a person completely devotes himself to caring about his health, runs to doctors, tries all kinds of treatment and prevention methods, and goes on diets.

If the Black Moon in the horoscope in the sixth house manifests itself passively, a person obeys even when it is not necessary. He curries favor with his superiors, tries to please and serve everyone. In other cases, the Black Moon in the horoscope in the sixth house causes laziness, reluctance to work and neglect of professional duties.

A person cannot stand the daily routine; he is oppressed by the need to follow instructions from above and work a standardized working day. It happens that a person does not want to work so much that “thanks to” the Black Moon in the horoscope, the circumstances themselves prevent him from finding a job. He does not know how and does not want to take care of loved ones, does not observe the rules of personal hygiene, if he gets sick, he avoids going to the doctor and neglects treatment.

If distortions caused by the action of the Black Moon in the horoscope are active in the twelfth house, a person initiates intrigues and participates in secret societies. He develops an obsessive tendency to surround everything with an aura of mystery. This position of the Black Moon can predetermine the choice of a profession related to intelligence services, a hospital, or a prison.

The Black Moon in the horoscope distorts ideas about sacrificial service and mercy. Under its influence, a person makes senseless and inappropriate sacrifices, becomes someone's secret patron, turns out to be an ardent participant or even organizer of a closed religious sect or a dubious pseudo-occult society.

If the manifestations of the Black Moon in the horoscope in the twelfth house are passive, a person may experience unconscious fears associated with loneliness or forced restriction of freedom, for example, with a stay in a hospital. He unconsciously avoids everything mystical and mysterious, that which lies beyond real world.

The Black Moon in the horoscope in the twelfth house prevents the establishment of communication with the superconscious and prevents one from hearing the voice from above. A person feels the influence of dense layers of the collective unconscious, sometimes believing that he is the chosen guide higher worlds. This influence of the Black Moon makes a person suggestible and controllable on an unconscious level.

Being in the twelfth house, the Black Moon in the horoscope makes some events related to it inevitable. These could be chronic diseases, mental disorders, hospital stays, places of detention or emigration.

The influence of the Black Moon in the horoscope

The description of the influence of the Black Moon in the houses of the horoscope is quite schematic and represents an attempt to show the very principle of action, since its real manifestations are much more diverse. The nature of the distortions caused by the Black Moon is determined by its position in the zodiac sign, which indicates what primary quality it affects, and from its interaction with the planets.

The house in which the Black Moon is located in the horoscope is the final factor determining the sphere of its strongest influence. Naturally, its manifestations also extend to the circumstances of the rex houses where its dispositor, the ruler of its house and the planets associated with it are located.

Astrologers consider the effect of the Black Moon in the horoscope to be fatal. What explains the fact that it makes certain events inevitable and predetermines the course of their development? First of all, this is due to the fact that its influence in most cases is not realized, and that it affects the most unorganized forces, the most tempted sides of human nature, which at the current stage of its development humanity is not yet ready to consciously counteract.

Since the Black Moon in the horoscope tries to get as much energy as possible, the person unconsciously becomes involved in the circumstances associated with the house where it is located. There are always costs involved in participating in these circumstances huge amount energy.

This house turns out to be one of the most disharmonious in the horoscope, since in it all human manifestations are distorted by the uncontrolled influence of the Black Moon. Distorted qualities themselves predetermine the implementation of certain events; on the other hand, these distortions most often follow a person from the deep past and entail the inevitable blows of Karma.

The action of the Black Moon in a horoscope in houses can be briefly described as follows: either it involves a person to such an extent in the circumstances of the house in which it is located that this house becomes one of the dominant ones in the horoscope, and the person is forced to spend his emotional, mental and physical energy on it strength.

Either a person unconsciously avoids the circumstances of the house where the Black Moon stands in the horoscope; everything connected with this house causes rejection and hostility; sometimes the Black Moon in the horoscope makes it impossible to realize the potential of this house - life itself develops in such a way that this sphere remains closed to a person. In both cases, everything connected with the Black Moon in the horoscope evokes strong emotions in a person.

  • The symbol of the Black Moon is a fallen angel.
  • Properties of Lilith: evil, deception.
  • Key meanings of the symbol: temptation, deception, mistakes, heavy Rock, retribution, stumbling block, all the worst, trouble, test, genius of evil.

Lilith in the natal chart

Lilith misleads a person and forces him to make fatal mistakes, destroying his life, driving him crazy. The zodiac sign in which Lilith is located indicates the extraordinary talents of a person, what he will be flattered by, where he will stumble and what fatal mistakes he will make. This is a tip on where to be careful and what not to do.

The house in which Lilith is determined indicates the most problematic side of his life, the risks and troubles that threaten him, the sphere through which everything bad will come into his life, as well as fatal bad luck in matters of competence of this field. This is also an area of ​​life that a person will never be properly equipped with.

Lilith (Black Moon) in the zodiac signs

Lilith in Aries

The Black Moon in Aries requires getting rid of any forms of violence towards others, from moralism and hypocrisy (moral violence) to direct physical torture of people and animals; from cruelty and aggression. Such a person risks becoming a conductor of ideas and trends that are harmful and dangerous to society. May take the path of a maniac, rapist, murderer. You need to weigh all your thoughts and suppress conflict in yourself. But at the same time try not to fall under the influence bad people, since he may turn out to be a pawn in someone else’s game.

Lilith in Taurus

The Black Moon in Taurus requires you to learn a reasonable attitude towards money. The circumstances of life during adolescence contribute to the formation of greed and avarice in the character, a craving for pleasure, and mercantile interests. A person risks engaging in robbery, deceiving loved ones and people around him, begging or forcibly taking money and material assets from them. At the same time, he is prone to squandering and thoughtless spending on entertainment.

With this lifestyle, there is a risk of total loneliness: loss of trust and respect from friends and family members. And when greed becomes the basis for doing business, a person himself erects a wall of greed, fencing himself off from loved ones.

Lilith in Gemini

A person who has the Black Moon in Gemini in his birth horoscope should suppress the desire to gossip, lie, and be cunning. Such people have a talent for persuasion. There is a risk of using your gift of propaganda to promote harmful ideas, destructive tendencies, carry out ideologically subversive work, and impose your will. A person risks taking the path of an intriguer and deceiver, starting to incite conflicts, pitting other people against each other in his own interests, while remaining on the sidelines, baiting colleagues at work, and imposing his will on others.

This is a sign of moral sadism, which in the case of a low cultural level results in insults to others, and in a higher level - in malice, ridicule, the desire to break other people's values, to anger someone's soul, to “touch a sore point.” It is necessary to learn sensitivity towards loved ones, develop brotherly feelings, stop playing with the feelings of loving people and stop moral bullying of them. Otherwise, you can simply lose all your close and loving people and be left alone.

Lilith in Cancer

The Black Moon in Cancer requires a respectful attitude towards family, relatives, ancestors, and traditions. Otherwise, a person risks becoming a traitor and betraying his family, loved ones and people who love him. From birth, he has the gift of manipulating people, seeing their weaknesses at first glance, and the talent of a psychologist. You cannot become “Ivan, who does not remember his kinship.” Manipulating people will lead to personal degradation.

Lilith in Leo

The Black Moon in Leo requires you to fight arrogance, the desire for superiority, single-handedness, and disdain for others. The talent to be in the center of attention, easy success and luck are possible. The worst thing to fear is star fever and egocentrism. Serious risk of developing delusions of grandeur. It is necessary to learn modesty, sensitivity and become a real Sun: warming, but not blinding. And engage in creativity for the sake of culture, and not for the sake of your own glory and fame.

Lilith in Virgo

The Black Moon in Virgo requires a rejection of formalism and bureaucracy, serviceism and careerism, flattery, slavish admiration, and the use of service and position for selfish purposes. Typically, there is increased efficiency and high productivity of one’s own work, as well as excellent business acumen. Significant success in the profession is possible. But delusions of perfection and know-it-all threaten. This should not be allowed, since they are inevitably accompanied by pettiness, pickiness, and a critical view, which is not conducive to establishing warm relationships with others. A person often finds himself in the position of an outsider, a scapegoat, a whipping boy. You should learn to be forgiving of the mistakes and shortcomings of others, and strive for selfless help. You should also learn to present your thoughts in an interesting way.

Lilith in Libra

If the Black Moon is in Libra, it requires you to give up playing with the laws, falsifying documents, evading taxes and obligations. Great talent here lies in the ability to please! There is a craving for adventurism. A person with Lilith in Libra risks taking the slippery slope of a swindler, especially a swindler, a gigolo or a kept woman. More than anything else, he loves to give advice, especially bad advice that can cause harm to those who follow it. With such a constellation, it is necessary to observe exceptional prudence and act only within the framework of the law, to be honest and decent, since Lilith’s cunning lies precisely in relaxing a person, letting him believe in his own elusiveness and impunity, and at the moment when he The last thing he expects is to show his devilish face and give it into the hands of the law or ill-wishers.

Lilith in Scorpio

The Black Moon in Scorpio requires you to give up sadism, forced sex, sex services, as well as witchcraft. Here Lilith endows a person with magical attractiveness and sexuality. The owner of this position of the Black Moon loves to break hearts and willingly takes advantage of a good attitude towards himself, using fans who are in love with him (her) for his own selfish purposes. Such temptation must be resisted to avoid retaliation from disappointed former fans and even murder. Here Lilith herself pushes a person to commit a crime. Usually he pushes him to connect with criminal elements and invites him to become one of them. Promotes enrichment. But Lilith's diabolism lies in the fact that, giving beautiful life, she always makes it short, dooming her to premature death, murder. Indeed, often the behavior of an individual can cause fear of others and their hidden aggression as a means of defense. The crimes committed break the psyche and lead to a madhouse. Therefore, for a quiet life here, honesty and law-abidingness, and rejection of material excesses are necessary. You should also avoid contact with criminal elements, suppress cruelty and selfishness in yourself, and begin to treat others with kindness.

Lilith in Sagittarius

The Black Moon in Sagittarius gives charisma and the ability to command an audience, attract attention, endow with erudition and the gift of oratory. Gives a philosophical mind. Makes you feel like a prophet. By seducing, Lilith puts a person on the path of a false philosopher, investing in all his philosophical and scientific delights a hidden subjectivism that carries selfish interest. When any judgment, for example about the actions of a particular person, is based solely on sympathy or antipathy for him, but at the same time words are selected that convince others of a supposedly impartial and objective assessment.

Just like the desire to convince everyone that one is right lies in the manipulation of facts and their overly subjective interpretation. There is an increased desire to wishful thinking. Tends to add his own additions to ideas and concepts, in accordance with personal goals and benefits.

Lilith in Capricorn

The Black Moon in Capricorn demands to abandon tyranny and despotism, from sacrificing peers, and subsequently simply innocent people, for the sake of self-affirmation. Arouses a strong desire to play with other people's destinies. Self-affirmation in general is a fixed idea. For this purpose, a person with Lilith in Capricorn is able to organize persecution, humiliation more weak person. Capable of selfishly taking advantage of the kindness of others, despising those who show kindness and care, considering this to be weakness. Tends to blame others for his mistakes. Capable of deceit and betrayal. But cruelty and commercialism can only lead to loneliness: wealth and position in society do not relieve secret hatred.

Lilith in Aquarius

A person with a Black Moon in Aquarius is capable of betraying the interests of friendship and brotherhood. Attracts others with his charisma, interesting opinions and thoughts; easy to get along with people. But he doesn’t know how to value friendship. He will push his friends to make mistakes: you should not give in to his cunning speeches. New invention and good idea can easily be turned into evil, used for harm. A respectful attitude towards friendship is required. You should develop altruism and humanism in yourself.

Lilith in Pisces

The one with the Black Moon in Pisces is completely unable to distinguish good from bad, good from evil. Because of this, he will help criminals, cunning and insidious people, since he will be deceived by them and used in their interests. Too kind-hearted - and will suffer because of it. For sentimentality and naivety do not allow him to look at things sensibly and distinguish truth from lies. Thus, there will be many confusing situations and disappointments in life. Risk of alcoholism, drug addiction. You should give up alcoholic drinks and promiscuous sex life.

Lilith in the houses of the horoscope

Lilith in the first house

The Black Moon in the first house of the horoscope dooms the individual to lose his own personality, life, forcing him to serve Evil. Here Lilith affects the brain, causing schizophrenia from mild to acute attacks, and sometimes bordering on genius. Indicates cunning, deceit and unpredictability. A person with this position of Lilith is instantly, with amazing ease, able to calculate all the weaknesses of his interlocutors and opponents and immediately figure out how best to use this for his own purposes. He knows how to put pressure on his most painful places, forcing him to submit to himself. In general, the psychological strength of such people is extremely strong. They are capable of inciting unrest and causing confusion. They have a strong gift of hypnosis. They enjoy keeping someone at bay. They are treacherous and merciless with those who resist the submission of their will. They do not accept other people's opinions. They very easily manage to destroy people's idealistic, positive thoughts and intentions, discouraging them with selfish ideas and turning them off the right path. And they can be quite dangerous. To save your life you need to declare a merciless fight against Evil. Start caring and helping the suffering, the offended, the sick, anyone to whom only this help can bring physical relief or peace of mind, moral relief, leaving behind a spiritual legacy. Otherwise, complete obsession with Evil awaits.

Lilith in the second house

The presence of the Black Moon in the second house of the birth horoscope condemns one to poverty, misery and deprivation. Money is easily wasted or simply lost. However, with such a position, Lilith should never forget that “money is the root of all evil.” Living conditions often push one to become fixated on money issues, and this is a direct path to falling under the power of money. And then the person begins to use family members, relatives, friends and those who love him as a source Money, shamelessly robbing them, and sometimes wasting their lives at their expense. Such a person is capable of committing a crime for the sake of profit and enrichment. But even in those cases when it seems that Lilith does not interfere with the receipt of profit and profit, she quietly prepares her blow, creating a situation in which the person himself will become a victim of a crime because of money. Therefore, for a normal, calm and happy life With this position, Lilith needs to learn to live on her honest income and take care of her property.

Lilith in the third house

“My tongue is my worst enemy.” Problems are hidden in relationships with brothers and sisters, in communication with neighbors and colleagues, as well as in letters and documents, computer files, and other information. Threat of destruction or damage to computer files, hacking of passwords. The danger that hidden information will become known. Potential victim of scandal, betrayal or conspiracy. It is necessary to make peace and improve relationships with relatives, neighbors and colleagues in order to avoid this. Since difficulties in communication, mutual grievances, envy, and hidden conflicts are expected. It is imperative to show brotherly affection, offer your support, and clarify possible omissions. You should avoid secrets and deceptions (so as not to accidentally spill the beans), intrigue and gossip.

Lilith in the fourth house

The Black Moon in the fourth house of the horoscope deprives the individual of a home, both parental and personal. This can be either orphanhood (loss of home and parents), or loss of home for other reasons (natural disasters, fraud, poverty). Or it worsens relations with parents, forcing them to leave the parental home. Often indicates homelessness, lack of own home or its dilapidated condition. Oppression based on nationality or origin, infringement of rights and freedoms is possible. It is necessary to develop civic consciousness and serve your country. Become support and protection for loved ones and lovers.

Lilith in the fifth house

With this position of Lilith, it is better not to have children of her own, since children will inherit all the worst things from the individual. They will either have physical disabilities or bring misfortune into the individual’s life - in any case, they will make him suffer in one way or another. However, women with this determination are also prohibited from having abortions, since they will harm their physical and psychological health. It is strictly forbidden to gamble because of the danger of losing all your property. Playing on the stock exchange will also not bring success. Success in gambling will be short-lived, but it will be followed by collapse or the person will become a tasty prey for criminals.

Lilith in the sixth house

The Black Moon in the sixth house of the horoscope means serious health problems, congenital diseases and even physical limitations. Here Lilith's influence results in problems with work. This could be fatal bad luck with employment, chronic unemployment or work not according to one’s vocation, work that does not bring either moral or material satisfaction, or difficult working conditions, hostility from colleagues or superiors. Work is meant to be a source of suffering. Besides unemployment, there is only an alternative to mastering a free (usually creative) profession with the possibility of private orders. You should be careful about your health.

Lilith in the seventh house

A sign of loneliness and an unhappy personal life. With this placement, Lilith does not allow one to feel the joy of personal happiness and immediately destroys any close love or friendship relationships that have arisen. To do this, Lilith discords the neural connections in his brain between the processing centers various types information, which makes a person incapable of adequate actions in terms of building relationships, communication, causing a clinical inability to strengthen and maintain close love and friendships. In practice, the cause of discord is the incorrect (inappropriate) behavior of the individual himself: his insensitivity and selfishness, egocentrism and irresponsibility, inappropriate jokes, tediousness, lies, deception, commercialism - in general, behavior that can cause offense, but the main thing is the complete inability to ask for forgiveness. In this way, a person himself destroys the feelings that have arisen for him, and sometimes openly betrays people close to him. The Black Moon in the seventh house of the horoscope orients him towards a society of scum, criminals, people who do not value love and friendship. It seems to him that it is easier to communicate with them, but he is destined to be used by them. In his youth he risks becoming the subject of ridicule.

Lilith in the eighth house

The most difficult location, because when determined in this house, Lilith greatly cripples the human psyche, destroying it, setting it up for initial malevolence. Here she puts into the human psyche such qualities of nature as ultra-egoism, greed and greed, deceit and deceit, unprincipledness and hysteria, a tendency to meanness and betrayal, as well as cruelty and violence. In childhood and adolescence, it creates a disharmonious environment of unlove and violence around the individual, creates situations that provoke the development of all of the above negative qualities character. But at the same time, the individual has truly phenomenal hypnotic and extrasensory abilities, allowing him to easily and quickly find the people he needs and gain their trust. He knows how to extract money from family members, relatives, friends, fans (often using hypnosis) - and willingly, without a twinge of conscience, uses this. He looks at the world through the prism of money, longs to live at someone else’s expense, and enters into relationships solely for the purpose of profiting.

Unprecedented selfishness is generally his calling card, as is greed. But at the same time, life itself is full of dangers, fatal misfortunes, irreparable losses, threats to health and life. At the same time, he is the owner of an extremely unbalanced psyche, unable to cope with his emotions, subject to attacks of hatred. Hatred gives rise to cruelty and a tendency to violence. He enjoys humiliating others and watching them suffer. Following this path, unbeknownst to himself, he becomes a conductor of Evil: an evil magician, a witch, a murderer, a rapist. Often beyond the reach of human revenge, but his extrasensory abilities doom him to the ability to see evil otherworldly entities, evil spirits and contacts with them. And the more evil he does, the more he becomes obsessed with them, the more violently they interfere in his life, not giving him inner peace and leading him to schizophrenia or suicide.

To avoid such a sad end, it is necessary to take the path of goodness and altruism as soon as possible. Give up any mercantile desires and plans, without expecting gratitude, start helping people as a volunteer public organization, medical or social worker, devoting his life to helping the suffering, poor and unfortunate. This is the only way to save yourself peace of mind, mental health and life itself.

Lilith in the ninth house

The Black Moon in the ninth house of the birth horoscope indicates that a person will be a victim of deception, as well as his own delusions and mistakes. Risks being involved in a cult. The danger comes from false teachers and their false views and beliefs. One should be very careful in matters of faith and philosophy. There is a serious threat to accept philosophy, to build one’s worldview on a philosophy beautifully presented by false teachers, but which is capable of ruining a person’s life, destroying all the good that was around him. This person will always suffer for his views, beliefs and principles. And often because his views, beliefs and principles sometimes interfere with making the right decision. The big problem is that he does not know how to distinguish good from evil and against his will he can promote and patronize those who sow violence and coercion, being deceived by them. Misfortunes and troubles await him abroad, in a foreign land, where he may encounter hostility and problems with the law. You should carefully evaluate the views and positions of the people around you, avoiding being misled and making irreparable mistakes. Travel to other countries is not recommended.

Lilith in the tenth house

Promotes a good start in career and social growth, through talents and abilities or prestigious origins. But early dooms one to face envy, malice, and ill will. Fate dooms that sooner or later the career will be broken, destroyed, and the individual himself will be thrown to the sidelines of life. The mechanism for this can be the boss, fearing an overly zealous employee. And if a person takes his will into his fist and really goes over his head, then he will no longer be able to maintain the status quo and he himself will become a victim of the system that he created, the orders and laws that he introduced. And then, in the prime of his career, a huge failure awaits him.

A person with the Black Moon in the tenth house should avoid appropriating other people's works and awards, and attributing authorship - because exposure here is inevitable. And an attempt to hide a crime is fraught with the commission of an even more serious crime. Shame and disgrace will be inevitable. You need to give up your career aspirations, begin to painstakingly serve your profession, and constantly improve your competence and professional skills. This is the only way to earn honor and respect.

Lilith in the eleventh house

Dooms a person to face deception and betrayal. Deprives him of real, loyal and reliable friends and even basic decent friends. He gathers around him only vile, deceitful, selfish and vile false friends and cronies who subjugate the individual to their will, squeeze the “last juices” out of him and push him onto the path of evil and crime. There is a great danger of falling into bad company. A way out of this vicious circle is required by any means, at least by escape or with the help of noble and generous people who can selflessly help get out of this swamp (but such people must still be recognized and managed not to offend).

Lilith in the twelfth house

The Black Moon in the twelfth house of the horoscope predicts troubles and misfortunes with the loss of personal freedom. Evil fate brings an individual to prison in his youth, dooming him there to violence and coercion. There is a risk of becoming fatally dependent on a person whose Sun, Moon, Ascendant or Meridian forms a connection with the position of Lilith in a given natal chart. This position of Lilith can symbolize captivity or slavery. Even in the mildest case, direct deprivation of liberty is replaced by deprivation of opportunities for one’s own realization, due to poverty, severe, incurable and strange diseases, or origin. In this case, many roads are closed to the individual.

Often, carelessness is also observed in young years, which creates the ground for making a fatal mistake, leading to problems with the laws or leaving for a monastery, renunciation of the world. IN the latter case mental balance is restored, because in solitude one finds strength of spirit. Lilith has the strongest and heaviest, fatal and inevitable influence, being in conjunction with a luminary or planet in the birth horoscope. In Quadrature and opposition with luminaries and planets, it no longer manifests itself so clearly. Thus, the conjunction of Lilith with the Sun, Moon or planet greatly increases its maleficence, increases the dangers, and the fate caused by Lilith becomes inevitable and inescapable. When in conjunction with the Sun, Moon or planet, Lilith suppresses the beneficial side of their nature, bringing to the fore all the negative and destructive aspects of their nature. The conjunction of Lilith with the planet, and especially with the Sun, indicates a stumbling block, an evil fate hanging over a person, the fatal evil of his life.

Lilith conjunctions with planets

Lilith conjunct the Sun.

The worst possible conjunction. When Lilith connects with the Sun in the birth horoscope, all brain centers responsible for sympathy and the ability to participate are completely blocked or atrophied. Such a person is completely deprived of the opportunity to love (or be friends, experience feelings of love and friendship, the joy of complicity). And the internal emptiness created in this case due to the lack of feelings with age is increasingly filled with selfishness. The key characteristic of his nature is superegoism in clinical form. It’s a fact, but a person with Lilith conjunct the Sun in the natal chart is sincerely convinced that everyone around him should bow to him, must act exclusively in his interests, and generally live for his sake. And he himself lives in order to have pleasure: he is sure that he has the right to cheat on his loved ones and betray his friends, as well as use their money. And any objection to such a picture of the world evokes an angry rejection in him. Only people without their own position in life, or disabled people or people with mental problems, old people who, due to physical disabilities or correspondingly old age, are not confident in their ability to find a more worthy partner and are forced to endure such bullying are able to endure this. But at the same time, these people are not able to help an individual take the path of spiritual growth and development, resistance to the evil fate of Lilith.

But this person has no real friends, since his selfishness and single-mindedness simply do not allow one to experience friendly feelings for him, and also quickly kill the love that flared up for him (for sexual reasons). There is a serious danger that Lilith will completely subjugate him to her will and force him to serve evil. You need to seek help from spiritual teachers, pass tests, understand the value human soul and learn to love people, show selfless care and altruism. And you shouldn't hope for good fate- happiness is possible only in trials.

Lilith conjunct the Moon

Family karma. Threat of harm from women. A very difficult position in terms of having your own offspring: you are destined to give birth to weak and sick children or suffer through children, from their actions. A person with the Moon at its apogee in the birth horoscope will have to fight for his love, for his happiness. A situation where the social order prevents you from being close to your loved one - in this case, happiness is possible only after the decision to give up everything (money, inheritance, position in society) and leave with your loved one. There may be a situation when a loved one is in desperate need of help, and then you should sacrifice everything for him. Another possible option is chronic bad luck in love - in this case, you should start selflessly caring for animals, helping orphans and other people’s children, doing charity work, and mastering housekeeping skills. And then the opportunity arises to meet your soulmate. Alcoholism is a serious threat. The body of a person with the Moon at its apogee lacks enzymes to break down alcohol. Alcohol is contraindicated even in small doses (it disables common sense).

The connection of the Moon with Lilith at birth poses a task for a person: to direct all his strength to caring for his family, for the good of the home, to protect his home and family from external dangers, to confront difficulties - only in this way is it possible to preserve his happiness.

Lilith conjunct Mercury

The conjunction of Lilith with Mercury turns off the areas of the brain responsible for the emergence of feelings of love and friendship, the ability to participate, as well as ethical norms. Predetermines a disdainful attitude towards others (stupid and weak because of their feelings). Assures of his own permissiveness. But at the same time it gives you the ability to ingratiate yourself into trust. Hence the preference to live at the expense of relatives and friends. This aspect of Lilith gives birth to clinical deceivers, traitors by vocation, talkers, inventors of gossip and intrigue, but most importantly - thieves. It is necessary to learn the ethics of interpersonal relationships, otherwise personal degradation awaits, and the inclinations of a thief will develop into a pathology: kleptomania.

Lilith conjunct Venus

This aspect of the Black Moon and Venus encourages the desire to live at the expense of others, using one’s attractiveness for these purposes. A person with the conjunction of Lilith and Venus in the birth horoscope knows how to present himself and take advantage of it. Likes to feel sexual desires towards himself. I like to play with feelings and collect fans.

Lilith conjunct Mars

Increases cruelty and tendency to violence. This is a bully and a bully, a boor and a mocker. Likes to be the instigator of fights, quarrels and scandals. Loves risky activities. Easily loses self-control and falls into anger and rage, capable of treachery. Classic sadist: takes pleasure in watching others suffer. A woman with a conjunction of the Black Moon and Mars in her horoscope is a rare bitch. An accident and even premature death threatens.

Lilith conjunct Jupiter

Excessive self-confidence and conceit will interfere with everything. Doesn't want to admit the obvious. He considers himself better and smarter than others, and does not want to not only admit, but even listen to other people’s opinions. Loves to feel his power and superiority over others, the attitude towards which depends on the momentary mood. If he becomes a boss, then he is a tyrant and a despot who loves to demonstrate his power by throwing out rewards and punishments for no reason. Lots of showing off, but little sense.

Lilith conjunct Saturn

Destructive resonance: an inevitable pointer to doom - expect big trouble. One should expect danger and problems through the house in which Saturn and Lilith are determined. Preparedness for threatening events, caution and prudence in all matters relating to the sphere of life for which this house is responsible will help smooth out troubles.

Lilith conjunct Uranus

Retribution will overtake such a person unexpectedly, suddenly, like a bolt from the blue. There is a tendency to nervous diseases. There is restlessness in the soul. When the Black Moon connects with Uranus, anarchists and destroyers are born, ready only to destroy and break, but unable to create anything worthwhile, worthwhile and useful in return. From time to time it begins to seem to him that everything is wrong, that he wants something else. Without any doubt, he begins to chop from the shoulder, radically changing his life. But it only changes for the worse, and the person is left with nothing. You should learn to appreciate what you have.

Lilith conjunct Neptune

A life full of deceit and self-deception. Ready to be deceived by people and suspicious ideas. A person who arouses sympathy from the first minute of meeting him is immediately registered as a close relative. Invents and imagines relationships with sexually attractive people. At best, he experiences the bitterness of disappointment, and at worst, he does not recognize facts that contradict his fantasies, becoming obsessed. It may seem strange to others. He is interested in mysticism, esotericism, and extrasensory perception. Gives exceptional importance intangible factors, thought forms: up to the confidence in imprinting one’s own emotions on objects or in the code of computer files when creating and copying them. However, he is really able to capture people’s emotions on their objects, he has increased sensitivity and sensitivity. Really senses favorable and unfavorable zones. Likes to organize hiding places. It is characterized by increased expressiveness. In the sphere of the house in which Neptune and Lilith are located, he can only realize himself creatively, completely losing out on the material side of the issue. The danger comes from alcoholic beverages. Risk of developing schizophrenia.

Lilith conjunct Pluto

Indicates very dangerous person, villain. There is a monstrous Magic force, mastery of hypnosis. From early childhood he does not forgive insults, is vengeful, and is terrible in revenge. He is treacherous and loves to finish off his ill-wishers.