Dreaming of dancing a waltz in a dream. What does it mean to dance a waltz with a man in a dream. Meeting at a ball - to a whirlpool of love relationships

Dream interpretation of dancing a waltz in a dream

According to the dream book, not everyone can dance a waltz in a dream. The fact is that such a dream is distinguished by a large number of details that dreamers often forget about. If you do not want to make mistakes, then try to analyze the dream you saw in advance.

Briefly about the main thing

Deciphering what a waltz is about in dreams, one can come to the conclusion that this activity hides many useful information for the sleeper. If the dreamer received an unobtrusive invitation to dance, then in reality he will meet an interesting person.

Where to watch?

I dreamed about a popular ballroom dance

At the initial stage of your transcription, try to analyze information from several sources. No matter how contradictory they may seem, you can always find an option that suits the context.

Modern combined dream book

According to the popular dream book, the waltz is a symbol that predicts a pleasant pastime in the company of cheerful people. It will be useful for young representatives of the fair sex to read interpretations from this source:

  • watching a lover waltz with a stranger means quickly overcoming obstacles on the way to your goal;
  • waltz with the man of your dreams - you will become an object of admiration for many gentlemen, but no one will want to take serious steps;
  • to keep company with another woman - kindness and modesty will ensure universal love and respect.

I dream of people who dance madly, or rather even dance, - a sign reflecting an excessive desire to satisfy their lustful desires. In such dreams a simple hint is given: it is better to protect yourself from casual relationships, otherwise the consequences will be more terrible than it might seem at first glance. Persistent advances from your significant other or other men should be rejected.

Waltzing in a white dress is a sign of future marriage, but dream interpreters do not advise rushing to make a decision. The fact is that the chosen one can hide a lot interesting information, which will undermine his authority in your eyes.

Numerological dream book

To be one of many dancers in a dream

Dancing a waltz in a dream with a beautiful representative of the opposite sex, pronouncing the rhythm of the movements, means great success in politics and economics. However, one should listen to such a positive interpretation if it came on the night of the 30th to the 1st.

You might dream about dancing in a group strangers, enjoying the process itself. You will have to show your abilities in front of the general public. If the plan can be realized, then the rivals will be defeated. The main thing is not to resort to prohibited rules of the game, which can overshadow the victorious triumph.

If there is no pleasure from the dance or partner, you lose count, then this is a possible catch; the victory will not be as durable as it seemed.

Following the rhythm of a waltzing couple means the dreamer will take part in a shameful action that he will regret for a long time. He must understand that for any misconduct he will have to bear responsibility, perhaps even criminally.

The numerological interpreter of dreams also focuses on the fact that the sleeping person will have to refuse the offer that was made to him last week, otherwise he will soon have to become an object of ridicule and general humiliation. It will become difficult for the dreamer to look into the eyes of other people, and therefore it is better to think through a plan of your actions in advance.

Miller's Dream Book

Watching a dancing couple in a dream

The interpretation of dreams by psychologist Gustav Miller is very popular, and therefore it is so important to listen to them. Watching a dancing couple in a dream means creating a relationship with a pleasant but adventurous person. You must be aware that his actions may be far from ideal.

A young girl waltzing with her boyfriend in a dream will become attractive in the eyes of a large number of other gentlemen, but no one will want to create a serious relationship. No matter how difficult such a dream may seem, try to pay attention inside your personality and find the problem area that scares away potential gentlemen.

A lover dances with a rival - your endurance will allow you to achieve great success in life. If the dreamer dances with a woman, then innate charm and kind heart make you much more attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex.

A young girl getting tangled in a dress in a dream symbolizes a critical situation that you will have to find yourself in in the near future. Dream interpreters advise maintaining extreme concentration and abandoning rash decisions.

If the dreamer does not disappoint her family and friends, then she can be considered the winner in this difficult battle.

To be a dance participant in a dream

Dream Interpretation of the White Mage

When it comes to such a beautiful dance as the waltz, dreamers involuntarily become imbued with the warmest and most positive emotions. If you happened to dance a waltz in a dream, then you can safely prepare for not just a pleasant, but also a useful trip. You must trust such dreams and not miss the opportunity. Nobody knows whether such an adventure will ever happen again or not.

If your actions are polished and professional in a dream, then the dreamer will be able to enjoy the results of his painstaking work. The dream interpreter believes that the time has come to create new projects or radically change your life. A favorable period has arrived, filled with positive emotions and energy, and therefore it is simply unforgivable to ignore it. However, we must not forget that luck and energy tend to run out quickly, and therefore you should take advantage of the moment now.

Receive an invitation to dance in a dream

Invite a beautiful lady to dance - you may fall under the influence of another person. You may have to make drastic changes for him, but no one knows how things will turn out in the end. The dream book advises you to analyze the current situation and not make rash decisions.

Falling with a girl while dancing means an unpleasant but necessary trip in business terms.

Dance school

Learning to waltz is not an easy task, and therefore you will have to seek help from various dream books. The dreamer must remember his role in the dream, and further interpretation will depend on this.


I dreamed about learning dance moves with an incompetent husband - to endless anxiety, which can overcome very soon. The lunar dream book advises to rest more, and then any worries will be in vain.

A representative of the fair sex observes the lessons of her chosen one - you can build a harmonious relationship, but you will have to spend a lot of time. You must understand that only wisdom will help smooth out the imperfections of both individuals.


To be a choreographer in a dream

Why dream of dancing a waltz with a man or woman, playing the role of a teacher? Such a dream indicates that the sleeper will be able to achieve harmony not only in his personal life, but also in the professional field thanks to the efforts of a loved one.

Giving several couples a waltz lesson, watching their awkward movements, will require you to show your prudence by abandoning frivolous behavior. The dream interpreter advises you to become more serious, and then the result will not be long in coming.

Unusual partners

It happens that in a dancing couple one of the partners clearly falls out of character, and therefore it is so important to decide who it was.

Deceased relative

Waltz in a dream with your father

If you had a chance to dance a waltz with your deceased father or mother in a dream, an unpleasant story happened in the dreamer’s life, which after a while may remind you of itself again. The Eastern interpreter says that the connection with the deceased could be strong, and therefore now it is not so easy to break.

Forgotten friend

Waltzing with a friend who has long stopped contacting you is a symbol of tears and unnecessary grievances. Women's dream book tells that you are not only offended, but also hurt someone yourself, and therefore try to put aside your selfishness.


Dancing in a dream with a man whom you have never seen before is a symbol of disappointment. Perhaps a loved one will hurt you, but you should not prepare for this. Seeing other girls in the company of a partner means the appearance of an insidious rival who is ready to do anything for her own good.

What's missing?

Dancing is half the battle, but we must not forget about the appropriate outfit. You were wearing a luxurious red dress - to receive an unexpected surprise from a loved one.

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing people dancing a waltz in a dream foretells that you will have a pleasant relationship with a cheerful but adventurous person. For a young woman to dance a waltz with her lover means that she will become the object of adoration for many admirers, but none of them will seriously seek her hand. If she sees her lover, dancing waltz with a rival - this portends that smart behavior and restraint will help her overcome obstacles on the path to happiness. If she waltzes with a woman, then she will always be loved for her charm and kind heart. If she sees in a dream people randomly and uglyly spinning in a waltz, this means that the desire for pleasure will completely capture her soul and she will need to show a lot of prudence so as not to disappoint her family and friends.

See dancing in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Dancing gives a person powerful psychological and spiritual release. In many primitive cultures, dance is a sacred act and, at the same time, is considered in a good way relaxation and rest. For more than thirty centuries, ritual dancing in front of religious idols was considered a symbol of praise and veneration of the divine. As a rule, such dances were performed to win the favor of the gods and receive their blessings. IN modern culture dancing belongs more to the sphere of entertainment and is perceived by us as a distant echo of the ritual of flirting between the sexes. By dancing, we express our hope for a happy relationship in the future in a unique way. In this regard, for many, dancing takes on sexual overtones. Do you dance alone in your sleep? This may indicate that dancing has a deeper meaning for you. From some people you can hear the expression “I dance as best I can,” used in a figurative sense and demonstrating the speaker’s attitude towards the world around him, and here there are options when you simply dance alone or perform a single dance in front of an audience. If you are dancing with partners - this may indicate that you are uncomfortable in society - it is important to consider what kind of dance you are dancing and how you are dressed. Do you “fit in” with the dance atmosphere? Another possible interpretation of dancing with partners is a reflection of the diversity of your acquaintances and connections. This is especially true if you are considering a romantic relationship with one of your dance partners. Do others dance for you? This reflects your attitude towards these people, especially if the dance contains elements of flirtation and overtly sexual overtones. One of two things: either you feel passion for this person, or vice versa. Such dreams can amaze the sleeper with their frankness and openness. In the case when you dance by yourself, determine: do the dance movements look natural alone or do you waltz as if a partner is spinning with you? You may feel that others do not recognize your authority or do not fulfill their obligations in their relationships with you. If dance and music don't go together, or if you find yourself dancing without music, you may be questioning the validity of some aspect of your life or relationship. When others dance for you, figure out: is the dance sexual, or is it more like a performance, of a ceremonial nature? Why?

I dreamed about dancing

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing cheerful dancing children in a dream portends happy marriage, loving friendly family. The dream promises young people simple work and interesting leisure. If you dream of elderly people dancing, the dream foretells brilliant prospects in business. Dancing in a dream yourself is a sign of long-awaited good luck.

Why do you dream of dancing?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

disease; success and money (if you dance alone); (easy and deft) - patronage and petitions; with a friend (with an acquaintance) - a love affair; an invitation to dance (for a woman) - for marriage.

The meaning of a dream about dancing

according to Freud's dream book

If in a dream you danced with pleasure, then such a dream has good value. All your problems that weighed you down lately, will pass, you will feel much better in communicating with the opposite sex. But don't be too zealous, otherwise you'll start having problems of a different kind. If in a dream you really wanted to dance, but for one reason or another you didn’t do it, then your dream shows that you have great, and even too great, sexual potential, but for some reason you are not realizing it. Apparently, you are sure that this is not the main thing in life. In fact, the troubles that sometimes happen to you are the result of precisely this “unspent” of yours. In a dream, you watched with pleasure how someone danced well, and received great pleasure from this spectacle - in real life you dream of trying something that is considered forbidden by public morality. It could be same-sex love that you find very sexy. Make your desire come true, and then dissatisfaction will disappear by itself.

Why do you dream of dancing a waltz? The dream book often calls such a vision a favorable sign, foreshadowing a new acquaintance, a pleasant trip, and success in business. This symbol can also denote a relationship with a person of the opposite sex. However, other explanations are also possible. Other details seen in the dream will help to interpret it correctly.

You have the power to achieve success!

Did a girl dream of dancing a waltz with a guy she liked, saying the famous “one-two-three”? The dream book states: in reality she will be able to achieve success in economics and politics, especially when she saw such a plot between the 30th and 1st.

Why dream of waltzing with a pleasant stranger (stranger), enjoying it? This means performing in front of a very demanding crowd and defeating three opponents. But if in a dream you lost count or didn’t like your partner, perhaps this triumph will be short-lived or even imaginary.

For a woman to dance a waltz with a man in a dream, it promises a romantic adventure, non-binding. For a man to waltz with a girl means it is useless to spend a large sum money.

It doesn't hurt to be vigilant in relationships.

To see your lover and rival dancing in a dream means difficulties will arise on the path to happiness, but the girl will be able to behave smartly and with restraint, and therefore will overcome them.

Miller's dream book draws attention to: seeing other couples dancing the waltz means a relationship with a guy who will be pleasant and cheerful is possible. However, take a closer look at him - it turns out that he is very prone to various kinds of adventures. In fact, although this is exciting, it is not always beneficial.

Dancing a wedding waltz in a dream means a warning: you need to be careful when communicating with people of the opposite sex. Perhaps someone wants to achieve something from the dreamer. Also, according to the dream book, this plot promises deception on the part of a person whom the sleeper has always considered his friend or good friend.

Don't miss out on good times

Why does a woman dream of waltzing with a man under beautiful music? Soon she will have a pleasant trip, which will also prove very useful. Therefore, you need to try to use this chance fully.

Did you dream of hearing the sounds of this dance? The dream book indicates: problems in business are possible. This even applies to Mendelssohn’s melody, if it arose from a mature dream business man. Can you skillfully spin in a waltz? In reality, you will be able to cleverly circumvent the obstacle that has arisen in business.

Love, marriage

Why do you dream about Mendelssohn's music? Of course, for unmarried (single) people, it foretells an imminent marriage or marriage.

For a young woman to waltz with the man she loves in a dream, it means, according to the dream book, that she will please many admirers, but will not receive a marriage proposal from any of them.

Did you dream of hearing a wedding waltz or a Mendelssohn march? This symbol foreshadows that the dreamer will have a newborn boy at home.

According to Freud, a waltz in a dream, like other dances, is the personification of lovemaking. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to who the dance partner was, as well as what the impression of him was.

If a girl dreams of dancing a waltz with another woman, the dream book states: she will always be loved, appreciating her kind heart and charm.

Dance is a special reality, a set of movements that allows a person to open up, show his abilities, attract attention, lift his spirits and much more. And you can watch others dance endlessly.

Especially when it's one of the most beautiful dances– waltz. His smooth movements are eye-catching. And how much can be expressed with its help! But what if you saw a dance in your dream? Why do you dream of dancing a waltz? Its main meanings are:

  • Joy.
  • Pleasure.
  • Luck.
  • Fun activities.

But let's not forget about the details and, taking them into account, let's figure out what it means to dance a waltz in a dream.

I want to invite you to dance

A dream in which a girl happened to dance a waltz with, promises her large number attention from several fans. They will look after you beautifully, but serious relationship with none of them will be as you are looking true love. If a girl dreamed of her boyfriend dancing with someone else, she has patience and endurance, thanks to which she can build strong relationships and maintain them for life.

A female representative could also dream of herself dancing with. This image speaks of the kindness of the soul and the boundless charm of the dreamer, for which she will always be loved by everyone. Dance a waltz in a dream with handsome man and enjoy both the dance and the partner - to an unexpected but interesting acquaintance with a good person.

And for men, the dream book offers an interpretation: a waltz with a girl you like, a guy’s dream, is a sign - you won’t have to put in a lot of effort to win her favor. It is enough to give a few compliments, show a couple of signs of attention - and sympathy will be won.

If, while dancing, the dreamer performs all the movements correctly, maintaining the waltz rhythm, it means that he does the right things in life and makes the same decisions. This will bear fruit, you will receive a worthy reward for the work done, it is important not to miss this moment and take advantage of the given chance. It can also be said about you that you know how to do this, enjoy life and overcome obstacles with ease.

Waltzing in a dream with someone who is just as new to this business as you are, when most of the movements are still not working out, is a dream of unnecessary worries. Now you are worried about some issue and are not sure of your decision, but this dream is a sign for you: all doubts are in vain, you are moving in the right direction.

Let's also find out why you dream of a waltz that you teach to others while being paired with a partner. This image speaks of the harmony you have achieved thanks to to a loved one, his help and support.

If a girl happened to dance with a man, dressed in red, and her outfits looked harmonious, then unprecedented success and good luck will come to you in the near future. Seeing only yourself waltzing in a red dress means receiving gifts.

Let's look again in the dream book: if you dreamed of a waltz, not noticing anyone around, enjoying this moment, this has next value: you are carefree, going through life with good mood, enjoying every little thing. This dream also means excellent health, and for a sick person - recovery.

If you did not take part in the dance, but only watched the waltzing couples from the side, a number of events will happen in the near future, the center of which will not be you.

Collection of dream books

Why do you dream about Waltz in a dream according to 19 dream books?

Below you can find out for free the interpretation of the “Waltz” symbol from 19 online dream books. If you do not find the desired interpretation on this page, use the search form in all dream books on our site. You can also order a personal interpretation of your dream by an expert.

Longo's Dream Interpretation

Waltz is a wonderful omen and means that you will soon have a pleasant trip, which, among other things, will also be extremely useful. Try not to miss your chance, it may not happen again.

If you dreamed that you were dancing a waltz and you were good at it- soon you will be lucky enough to reap the fruits of your labor. The time is most favorable for you - you feel great, you have huge amount energy that just rushes out. But do not forget that this favorable time may end soon, and you will not have the necessary reserve of strength left. Seize the moment while you can.

In a dream you were invited to a waltz- this is a sign that very soon he will try to influence you significant person. Perhaps you will even change your job thanks to him, although it is unknown whether it will be better than the previous one.

Fall while dancing- you have to make a trip that will not be very pleasant for you, but is necessary from a business point of view.

Dream book for lovers

If you dream of waltzing couples- this means that you will meet a person who will be a cheerful interlocutor, but prone to adventure.

If a girl dreams that she is dancing a waltz with her lover- this promises her numerous admirers, relationships with whom will not develop into serious ones, and none of whom will have the intention of marrying her.

If a woman dreams that her lover is dancing a waltz with a rival- this means that she will be able to achieve happiness by showing wisdom and endurance. If she dances in a dream with another woman- this portends that the sleeping woman will be loved for her kindness and responsiveness.

When a woman dreams of people dancing ugly and ineptly- this means that she will want to achieve pleasure and, quite possibly, will disappoint her loved ones with her frivolity. This dream advises you to be careful and less succumbing to your feelings.

Dream book for a bitch

Waltz is your friend, a very cheerful but frivolous person.

Waltz with your loved one- success among fans.

See people dancing the waltz- show restraint and prudence so as not to disappoint or offend your loved ones.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, November, December

Waltz for older people- to loss of strength, aging.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

Seeing yourself waltzing with a young man and feeling pleasure both from the dance itself and from a successful partner- to meet a pleasant person.

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

Waltz - you will deftly avoid an obstacle.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing people dancing a waltz in a dream- portends that you will have a pleasant relationship with a cheerful but adventurous person.

For a young woman to dance a waltz with her lover- means that she will become the object of adoration for many fans, but none of them will seriously seek her hand.

If she sees her lover waltzing with a rival- this portends that smart behavior and endurance will help her overcome obstacles on the path to happiness.

If she waltzes with a woman- she will always be loved for her charm and kind heart.

If she sees in a dream people randomly and uglyly spinning in a waltz- this means that the desire for pleasure will completely capture her soul and she will need to show a lot of prudence so as not to disappoint her family and friends.

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Why see Waltz in a dream?

A dream in which many people dance a waltz- indicates that things will get better for you good relationship with a risky and completely charming young man, devoid of any complexes.

If the dancers are inept and only pretend that they are dancing with ecstasy- this means that your soul will be completely captured by the thirst for pleasure and an easy life, and you will have to make considerable efforts in order not to disappoint your relatives.

Dance a waltz in a dream with your chosen one- means in reality to become the object of adoration of many fans, although not one of them will be even just attractive to you.

Dance with a friend or mother- in reality experience on their part gratitude for their spiritual qualities and the ability to always help your neighbors in grief.

Standing on the sidelines at a ball while watching your man waltz with someone else- in reality you will behave smartly and correctly in difficult situation and thus pave the way to your happiness.

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

If in a dream you see people dancing a waltz- you will meet a very pleasant, but adventurous person.

If a young woman dreams that she is dancing a waltz with her lover- this means that she will have many admirers, but none of them will seriously seek her hand.

If a woman sees in a dream her lover dancing a waltz with another lady- this foreshadows her that, thanks to reasonable behavior and restraint, she will be able to maintain their happiness.

A dream in which you see people dancing randomly and ugly- a sign that your soul will soon be completely captured by the thirst for pleasure and you will need to show maximum prudence so as not to disappoint your loved ones and friends.

Modern dream book

Find out what it means if you dream about Waltz?

Waltz - marriage, marriage.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A dream in which you hear the sounds of a waltz- predicts unpleasant troubles.

You dreamed that you were waltzing- failure in business awaits you.

You watched someone waltz- some of your loved ones will face trouble in business.

Freud's Dream Book

Waltz, like any rhythmic movements, including dancing- is a symbol of sexual intercourse. In such dreams, the setting and characters are important.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

Waltz - marriage, marriage.

Ukrainian dream book

Waltz dancing is expensive, sometimes anxious and uncertain.

Video: Why do you dream about Waltz?


Did you dream about Waltz, but the required interpretation of the dream is not in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out why you dream about Waltz in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw it in a dream this symbol. Try it!

Interpret → * By clicking on the “Explain” button, I give.

    I danced something like a waltz with a young man whom I like, I know him, but we have never met in the large hall where there was an echo, I was in a long pink dress and barefoot.
    And I was very pleased.

    I danced a waltz with a guy I really like on at the moment. We danced very well, but at a fast pace, and sometimes I couldn’t keep up with him. But at the same time I enjoyed this dance.

    I’m 54.5, I work in a store as a salesperson, it’s the end of my shift, the floors have been washed, the lights are turned off almost everywhere and only in front of the cash registers bright light. The work is all done, we are waiting for our bags to be checked and let us go home. and I start dancing a waltz at a fast pace, 2-3 people join in and I’m already dancing together with a woman whom I seem to know, but even in a dream I can’t remember, we dance very beautifully, in reality I don’t know how to do that and about something... then we talk.

    Before going to bed, I finished reading Ray Bradbury’s book “Death is a Lonely Business.” And apparently, under the impression of the book and the characters, I had this dream.
    I was in some room, poorly lit, it was illuminated by candles and gas lamps. This place vaguely resembled a Catholic church.
    In the center of a gloomy room, striking in its size, there was a table, matching its size, it was wooden and made of dark wood, semi-varnished. On the table there were candlesticks (without candles), wine and champagne in old bottles.
    Me and the characters from the book (Constance Radigan, a former silent film actress of the 20s and 30s, Elmo Crumley, a police officer specializing in murder investigations, roughly speaking, a detective, the main character of the book, and Humbert Humbert from Lolita, I don’t know how he ended up here, he’s probably very memorable, Yes, and I fell in love with him, even though he is a “pedophile”)
    The whole company sat down at the table, on long wooden benches.
    A conversation ensued, perhaps about music, or maybe something else, but then Constance stood up and with light springy steps walked up to the gramophone and put on a record.
    Music began to play, mixed with a waltz and something eccentric and cheerful, perhaps the previous description does not fit, perhaps it was jazz.
    Constance, since she was temperamental and not shy, invited the main character to dance.
    In the corner near the gramophone, leaning against the wall, stood a maid in a white kokoshnik with lace and an apron, and the sundress itself was black. (It was Constance, only in a different in the image, in the image the maid) she turned to me and said: “Dance with Humbert.”
    I tried to refuse, since I don’t know how to dance (I’ve never danced the waltz or other dances in a couple in my life, which means I don’t know how), my refusal was not accepted and Humbert took me by the hand and led me out from the table. He grabbed my waist with one hand and took my hand with the other (while being very surprised at its miniature size).
    We started dancing around the hall around the table, I didn’t get into the rhythm and was in a real hurry, but then, realizing my mistake, I slowed down. Before that, Humbert didn’t seem to notice that I was terribly bad at dancing and was silent.
    He began to lead and set the rhythm. Humbert smiled and sometimes said some phrases.
    And I tried, but still stepped on his feet.
    But then he stopped. The music suddenly changed its style and now it resembled tap dancing. And without letting go of my hands, Humbert began to beat out rhythms with his feet... and then his pants flew off... they just take it and fly off...
    We continue to dance again, and I tried to ask why, how and why his pants were taken off and flown off. But then the dream ends

    Hello, I dreamed that I was dancing a waltz with a stranger, etc. I used to dance professionally, but I danced well and the feeling was pleasant. Then I dreamed that my very first dance partner was moving to another city and I was left without a partner. I even cried in my sleep...

    I dreamed that I was at a certain ball with my boyfriend. Then a waltz started playing, and he invited me to dance. There are spotlights all around, everything is beautiful and imposing. And he and I spin around in the dance, he leads perfectly, and we dance together, the others stand around and watch.

    I arrived (with my ex-man, now we have broken up but maintain a relationship, I want to restore our relationship, but he is cold with me and reluctantly answers my requests) and in a dream he also came with me at my request but reluctantly, to take dance lessons in some group of women and young men, the teacher suggested trying and gave the command to sort it out in pairs, the men, dancers, stood and looked at me without wanting to come up, then my man volunteered to be my partner. I asked him “can you”, to which he confidently said “I can”, the music started playing - a waltz, we stood in a pose close to each other and the teacher corrected our hands, posture, told us how to move, I easily put my his hand in his palm and on his shoulder, he was a little angular, to which the teacher again prompted and corrected, and……. we started dancing, it turned out that my man didn’t quite know how to move easily and correctly, but we continued and in the end we succeeded, we spun quickly and it gave us pleasure, it was pleasant and fun. At the end of the dance, everyone applauded and the teacher praised and said that we danced the dance very well and that we succeeded. I was grateful to my partner and very pleased.

    I dreamed that I had last call. We are having a performance and according to the script, only one couple was supposed to dance the waltz, but it so happened that gradually everyone started dancing, including me and my classmate.

    in a dream I saw a guy I like, and he suddenly came out when I wanted to dance with someone else, and I was surprised that he was inviting me to dance, it was clear that he wanted to dance with me

    I met a young man at a bus stop. It began to rain (lightly) and he covered me with his umbrella. He was not alone, but with his work colleagues (among them was his friend and 3 or four women). I was wearing beautiful dress delicate green color with white frills. Then we found ourselves in some kind of room like a train station or a cafe with a dance hall (I can’t say for sure), but there weren’t many strangers (they were in the next room). Distantly we heard music and I taught young man dance a waltz, saying one-two-three. I felt very good

    Night, full moon.. crossroads and station. (I know this place. My husband’s village) And I’m dancing in the air with a man’s waltz, which I don’t see (only the bottom of the jacket) He’s either from behind me, or holding hands... And at the crossroads there’s a woman standing which I fired. And around the voices of mermaids.

    A very vivid dream of an unexpected meeting and waltz with a man whom I loved deeply more than 20 years ago. I don’t even know if he’s alive now. I dream about him very rarely and, as a rule, during my strong experiences

    I love a girl from our group at the institute. She loves me too. But I only gave her hints. After the exams we went on an excursion. There I saw her in the pool with a guy from our group and I didn’t like it. I made her understand this. After the excursion I came home and slept.

    We went to the house of this guy with whom I saw her. The house was big. My friends from the group were there. She was there too. I remember that I danced a waltz with him. We smiled. Then my friend came. There were cards in my hand. I pulled out Ace of crosses and queen of spades. And I woke up. And this dream has been tormenting me for the third day now.

    In a dream I danced with a girl. She is my friend. We danced a classic waltz, although we wanted to dance something different. She danced very carefully, as if afraid to let me out of her hands.

    Good afternoon, Tatyana! My name is Tatyana too))) I had a dream from Thursday to Friday. in bright orange flowers, danced with a tall, red, curly man, very pleasant, he made me feel warm and cozy, very pleasant. Which lifted my spirits for the whole day!) Thanks in advance

    in a dream, my husband and I were on a picnic. My mother-in-law was with us. For some reason, she was not next to us all the time, but on the side. Then we decided to change the place for the picnic. I went to get my things, and when I returned, my husband was dancing a waltz with another woman.

    I dreamed that I was dancing a waltz with a man I don’t know, I don’t hear the music, but I definitely understand that it’s a waltz while dancing, I practically don’t touch the ground, it just spins me in the air, a feeling of lightness and absolute happiness filled me with a room I’m not familiar with. After the end of the dance, my breathing I was suffocated by the tenderness of love and happiness and felt so innocent.

    I dreamed that I was late for the start of the exit and therefore literally flew out in my socks, even gliding along the parquet at speed. She picked up a girl she knew and began to waltz with her, even lifting her up, telling her to bend her legs beautifully. Then the girls in identical dresses danced more smoothly, then my partner and I began to dance furiously, I was the leader.

    It was a warm summer evening and it was graduation. To beautiful, slow music, I went out to dance a waltz with a young man whom I have liked for a long time, just as he likes me. We waltzed for a very long time and it seemed to me that it was the most beautiful moment of my entire life)

    Hello, Tatyana. Please help. On Sunday morning (09/14/2014) I had a dream in which I waltzed in front of my former classmates as if I was teaching them, but at the same time I was in shorts and dressed on top, but I was not shy and danced.
    Then she allegedly waltzed with her former classmate, showing them how to dance with a partner. Thank you in advance.

    I was on the square, there were a lot of people, the whole city was getting ready to leave here, they were waiting for buses, I was with some guy, apparently, dancing a waltz with someone (maybe with him), then when we went to get on the bus, I realized that I had forgotten my earrings and I told him to go ahead, I went for the earrings, took them, went back, it started to rain, I helped someone push in a wooden plank (because I understood that the water would ruin it) I look up and see that all the buses are leaving, that I didn’t I made it in time. (and then I wake up from the alarm clock)

    The dream was like this right away, I saw her green eyes, then her face seemed attractive to me, I don’t know why, but we started dancing a waltz “in two steps,” I don’t know how it is, but I told her that I don’t like it when people look at me, it’s like they surrounded me me. After that, we danced with her for a short time and the dream ended.

    I am 39 years old. I dreamed: a huge bright hall, a lot of people (men and women approximately 50x50), waltz music is playing, people first waltz alone, but their hands are in a position as if they are dancing with a partner (invisible). After the men approach me In order to invite me to dance, I connect them with some invisible movement to a free partner, i.e. I kind of connect couples, and this all happens calmly, without any aggression. I’m waltzing myself, but my hands are behind my back, hand in hand (palm in palm). Very good emotions remained after this dream. Why is this?

    I was young in a dress like Galya Belyayeva’s in “The Affectionate Beast” when Yankovsky sees her for the first time, I danced barefoot to Kornelyuk’s song “If a star has fallen, then it is yours,” there seemed to be a candle in my hand. like for water, she danced for a long time, easily and with pleasure

    Hello! I dreamed that I came to a restaurant with my friends, an adult man (I know him) came up to me and said something. And then I went to dance a waltz with my friend. We spun around very quickly in a frantic waltz. What is this for?

    In the dream, everything around was white, and I looked ahead and everyone was going to dance a waltz, that is, they were even getting ready, and everyone was in couples, but after these couples there were tall guys in white suits without couples, and someone asked who was going to dance with these guys and I agreed and I also chose a man’s shoe, but it was an old, cracked leather one, so we were going to dance and woke up

    Hello, I had a dream about me dancing with a guy (not knowing if he loved me)? but I like him, he looks me in the eye without saying anything. I wonder if he loves me? And what does this dream mean? Thank you.

    I dreamed that I, my class and a lot of other people were learning to dance the waltz for my graduation, we were dancing at night, well, we were struggling a little in the dance, since it was dark. My friends and I were dancing, laughing and not many were able to repeat the movements, we sat down on the ground breathe and talk, and that’s where my dream ended.

    The dream occurred from Thursday to Friday. I waltzed with my ex-boyfriend, he held me tenderly, then my acquaintances and his friend began to gather, I wanted to break free, he didn’t let me go, and I had bare feet, but it wasn’t cold, I was flying so much that it seemed like I couldn’t reach the ground, and we did it so harmoniously and surprisingly beautifully…….

    I dreamed that my beloved was dancing a dance with his mother. His mother is in a white dress. And somewhere nearby there are his ex-girlfriends, that is, the picture is like in the photo. He, his mother in the center of the photo and the girls. And after some time - that time, he dances alone with me. And I observe this from the side, that is, I see myself and him from the side

    I dreamed that I was descending from a white staircase, everything around me was white and my ex-boyfriend stands below and waits for me in a white suit and to my surprise I am also in a white dress, he gives me his hand and we begin to dance the waltz. For some reason I felt very good and despite the fact that he is my ex-boyfriend, I spun with him and I wanted to dance again and again... When I woke up I was very hot.

    My ex-husband dances a waltz with the woman he left for and lives with her. She is very happy. I watch this picture and I want to punch her in the face. But as always, my education does not allow me. And there is such emptiness in my soul

    I stood behind a column in a huge hall. And it was as if I was spying on how people were dancing the waltz. Moreover, I didn’t see any fun, everyone had serious and gloomy faces, as if someone had forced them to dance.

    I dreamed that I was dancing a fast waltz with a man I didn’t know, very nice looking. They danced very easily and naturally. It seemed to me that I was wearing some kind of heavy boots, but I didn’t feel them while dancing. The man is excited, I can feel his flesh. There are a lot of people around. It happened at some kind of ball. At the end of the dance, he thanked me and kissed me on the lips, passionately.

    i dreamed that it was like I was graduating (after 11th grade), and I was dancing a waltz with a guy whom I know, but not personally... he doesn’t know me... but I like this man... and in the dream, he was my boyfriend, although he is actually 6 years older than me (and he has a girlfriend now)…

    A very clear and pleasant dream... There was a beautiful dance... it felt like a waltz... To which my director invited me...)... it was some kind of corporate event... couples were also dancing around... he held me by the waist from behind... and led the dance very smoothly and easily..we were spinning...the music was pleasant, melodic...we danced more beautifully than anyone...I was wearing a light long flowing dress....)

    In a dream I danced with by a stranger waltz, quite fast, the man led me very confidently, he had big, strong hands. I was very surprised that the man danced the waltz so well and confidently. I enjoyed dancing with him.

    Hello! My name is Maria, I dreamed this afternoon that a guy I really like and may even be in love with him, I met him and we talked, then we lay together, and then we started dancing. Then a girl came and pushed me away from him. and we parted on this. So I would like to know what this is for?

    I came to the apartment of my grandmother (no longer alive) and grandfather.
    when I arrived, I had a jar of salt or pepper in my hands. The grandfather took this jar and began to do something with it.
    I went up to my grandmother and she kissed and hugged me.
    I was still very surprised and did not recoil much, because she died.
    she looked at me with a smile (I thought that she understood why I jumped away from her) and asked what was wrong with me
    I shook my head and left
    the dream was sunny and soft

    I waltzed in a dream with a man I knew, but he was unpleasant to me. But the dance turned out to be very successful, I enjoyed dancing with him, so I began to think about taking a better look at him as a candidate for my groom. This man I know in reality and also not very well good opinion about him.

    I had a fight with my common-law husband, he now comes to me, calls me, we communicate with him, but my mother doesn’t know about it. And she had a dream where she sees us, how we dance in her room and she is surprised, but this what else is...

    I dreamed that I participated in some kind of competition. Well, like, in the casting. I was in a large ballroom, wearing a long ball gown. And so I dance with nice guy(I don't know him), but I liked him. We danced very cool. And it was a very long time) We danced for about 15 minutes)
    Then the coach (it was his mother) says: well, like, now all the girls have sat down, and the boys choose the one with whom they will always dance..
    Then another boy comes up to me and says:
    -Will you dance with me?
    I said nothing. The boy who was dancing with me at that time was standing next to me. He came up and said:
    - Let's play along. And he and I went to dance the waltz again. I didn’t understand why he said “Let’s play along.” We danced for a very long time. Then we danced another, already cheerful dance) This also worked out well for us.
    And then the coach (the one who is his mother), amazed and joyful, says: You will dance together.
    Well, of course we were very happy)
    I don’t remember what happened next)
    Why was the guy unfamiliar?)
    Why do you dream about this?)

    hello, I dreamed that I was dancing by myself in a thunder hall, which is located near some flower shop. There is no one around, I am alone. I’m beautifully and smoothly dancing a waltz around this hall, I’m wearing a flying, very beautiful light, soft pink, floor-length pink dress. Then I feel that I am being watched, these are two strangers, they are friends. I stop dancing and go to the exit to the store. One of them really wants to meet me and asks my name, but I don’t tell him it. Then he takes me in his arms and carries me to a store that sells flowers and everything for planting them. Mostly these are fresh flowers in pots.

    I have been dancing since childhood music school and this year I graduate, we will dance a waltz (this is not a dream, but a kind of clarification) but I dreamed that I was dancing a waltz with my teacher (she taught me last year, but I didn’t really have a relationship with her) we just One of them repeated a waltz croque, she told me that I didn’t do it a little correctly and then the dream switched and my classmates appeared with whom we also started dancing the waltz and inventing moves (there was my best friend, another friend but not the best, a guy who I’ve liked him for a very long time (I’ve been through a lot; he dated my classmate; it was very painful for me to see them together, but they broke up but might get back together soon) and it seemed like there was another guy (he didn’t play a big role in the dream) and two too best friends the twins with whom I go dancing) we came up with a couple of moves and I ran to turn on the music, the dream stops, then I see two of my dance teachers and start doing the cross splits (I could never do the cross splits) and then I sit down completely on it and the dream ends

    I go to dances. We take an exam.
    And in this dream, for some reason, I took it at school and our teacher asked the boy who I like to dance the waltz with me, but I’m studying a different direction. He didn’t mind, but I did. He doesn’t go to dances, he was on duty there, where I took the exam. He danced decently, even very well.

    Hello! I dreamed today that my boyfriend and I (with whom we live together, but we are in a mess and I don’t know how it will end) were rehearsing at home before some event a dance with waltz movements, he led.

    Hello! My name is Akerke. At first I remember that I was wearing a ball gown, then we all, teachers and young girls, boys stood in a row opposite each other. And one teacher looked at me, smiled and winked at me, I understood that she wanted me to dance with her. And everyone was told to come up to each other, and I wanted to come up to her, and another woman came up to me, I wanted to tell her that I already had a partner and kept silent. Next, I show her how to dance the waltz one!, two, three! one, two, three... I smile, look around, everyone is dancing and a friend is sitting on a bench waiting for me. Then we seemed to have finished and we all went and got on a big bus, there were a lot of people. My friend sat near the window and I had nowhere to sit and sat on the turnstile next to him. I’m in a great mood and suddenly I realize that I have something disgusting on my hands, I look and there are the remains of Kirieshka, I feel uneasy, I opened my hands and a friend looks, takes out a napkin and wipes my hand, and I tell him to wipe it quickly ! and he sits calmly, wiping.

    I danced a waltz in a beautiful red dress, I danced alone, there were many people dancing nearby, a handsome black-haired man sang and also twirled in the waltz alone, when we danced we looked into each other’s eyes, but nevertheless we didn’t have to dance together in the dream

    I danced a waltz and although I didn’t hear the rhythm (there wasn’t even music). But this dance is a bit like a waltz. And I danced with the person I like for a month. After a fight, he asked me to dance ✨❤️ (Dream)
    And a week later he suggested we meet, thanks to the entire site for this ☺️?

    my ex was standing in the hallway of my apartment common law husband from whom I have a second daughter, and the man for whom I have serious feelings took me by the hand and led me into the living room, there, to very pleasant music, we began to dance slow dance and he hugged and kissed me very much, but these feelings were pleasant to me, only my lover was a little shorter than his height and this embarrassed me, because my ex was always tall.

    I had something like a graduation (but in fact it took place absolutely differently and in the wrong place). We sat at our desks and listened to the teachers speak. Then the melody of a waltz sounded. I saw how my classmate invited her classmate and part-time boyfriend to dance. Everyone started inviting each other, but I remained sitting at my desk. Then I saw my classmate Daniil, he was also sitting and out of pity I wanted to invite him to dance. There was another person standing in front of me and I didn’t see who Daniel was sitting at the desk with. I started moving towards him. When I approached, I saw that the person Danya was sitting with was a guy I like, but whom I don’t know personally. And I extended my hand to him, he was surprised, but in the end he took my hand and we went out and stood near the board. He immediately put on the jacket he was holding in his hand, and we stood up. We waited until the chorus and then suddenly began to dance harmoniously (one might say, perfectly). Then the guy picked me up, I took him by the shoulders, and he began to spin me around in the air. My feelings at this time were indescribable. Having completed the dance, we went to his desk. He didn’t let go of my hand for a long time, and I almost disappeared into the crowd, but I looked into his eyes. And at this time he stroked my hand, then let go. After a few songs, he came up to me and asked me to come out with him, he said that he wanted to talk to me. This is where my dream ended.(

    I had a combined physical education lesson, a boy who I really like was present in the lesson, the boys were sitting and I was standing and several other girls were also standing. We stood facing the boys. The music started playing sharply (familiar)
    I know the waltz dance to this music. At first I started dancing alone, the girls standing behind me picked up the dance and started dancing too, then the boys got up and started dancing with us (in pairs). The boy I like stood up with me and we continued dancing. Everything was romantic, reverent, light and tender.

    Hello! From Friday to Saturday I had a dream where I was dancing a waltz with a guy, I was in a beige blouse and blue jeans, he was in a T-shirt and light jeans. It felt like there was no one around, and we were slowly learning to waltz. Everything worked out! Take your time, step by step. I felt happy, my soul was so warm, but I was really embarrassed. It was obvious from him too. This is how we danced the whole dream. In reality, I know this person, we are not dating, but just recently this person admitted his feelings for me.

    It was a waltz rehearsal before the competition. Everyone was in suits and dresses (mine was dark blue.) I was dancing with a guy I like (but at the moment he is not paying attention to me, he only talks during the waltz rehearsal). In a dream, We laughed and had fun. Together we came up with new movements. He picked me up and spun me around. And they only looked into each other's eyes. We spun in a waltz turn.
    At this point the dream ended.
    Help please.

    Hello! I dreamed that I was dancing a waltz, it was the first time I danced, although I didn’t know how, and I liked it, but suddenly my eyes darkened and I was pulled up while dancing, I grabbed my partner tightly and the dance stopped. The darkness disappeared and the partner suddenly disappeared to no one knows where, that’s it

    the dream was long. my boyfriend introduced me to his friend. this friend proposed marriage and invited me in the evening
    The king rushes to dance. At first I get confused in the movements, but then I understand the rhythm and the dance becomes light and free, I am pleased.

    I dreamed that my classmate and I (we hardly communicate) were noble children and were invited to a ball, then we sat together at the table and discussed who would dance with whom, in the end we danced with him. During the dance, he managed to make me laugh. Then we noticed a suspicious person who, as it seemed to us, was not who he said he was. Our guesses were correct, this man was a criminal and infiltrated the ball. We successfully handed him over to the police, but that was all.

    in my dream I dance a waltz with a man I like in a dream, he himself invited me to dance at the beginning of the dream, suddenly the music started playing, everyone danced the waltz, only the man I like and I were left, he without a word took my hands and we spun in a waltz and then the dream ends

    My dream... My friends and I came to a concert of stars. And our favorite bands were supposed to perform there. So, there's this guy there that I really like. So the stars began to emerge from some building outside, and many fans were waiting for them there. And the stars began to come out. And as soon as my favorite group came out, I saw him and wanted to talk to him, but he walked past me. He turned around, but then I noticed that he was coming back again and asked me to dance a waltz with him. And we danced, but everyone around disappeared, only he and I remained and danced the waltz. As I remember, he was wearing a white shirt and black jeans.

    Everything took place in the castle, there were a lot of people, no one was talking to anyone. The men were dressed in military uniforms, and the girls in dresses. Music started playing and everyone ran to the 4th floor. big hall, where only girls were allowed in. After I entered this hall, everyone immediately began to dance