Vaikule's husband has children. Laima Vaikule's husband - photo, personal life, biography, children. Creativity: beginning a career

Stylish, unusual and loved by several generations of viewers, Laima Vaikule sacrificed the most important thing for the sake of what she achieved in her work - the opportunity to have children. Once upon a time in the life of an aspiring singer there was a choice - a child or a career. Laima chose the second.

She admitted in an interview several years ago that Laima Vaikule terminated her pregnancy at the dawn of her career. And recently the singer explained why after that she never became a mother.

Having firmly occupied her niche in show business, Laima Vaikule was ready to give birth to a child and even dreamed about it. However, her lover Andrei Latkovsky considered that the birth of a baby was too important a step for which the couple was not ready.

And soon Laima found out that she was seriously ill - the singer was diagnosed with cancer:

It seems to me that Andrei does not and never had this desire to have a child, and then, when, perhaps, he wanted it too, it was already too late, my health was no longer the same, my illness was already there

Laima Vaikule's confessor did not approve of IVF

Laima Vaikule admitted that she was ready to use the procedure of artificial insemination to fulfill her dream of motherhood. Before going to the clinic, Vaikule consulted with her godfather, however, he did not give her his blessing for artificial conception. The woman came to terms with the idea that she would never experience the joy of motherhood.

Let us add that Laima Vaikule has been together with Andrei Latkovsky for 40 years, but the couple has never formalized their relationship. According to the star, she values ​​her freedom too much. In one of the interviews, the artist admitted that during a trip to America, she and Andrei “as a joke” got married in Las Vegas.

Laima Vaikule’s revelations were published today by several media outlets. In the discussions, readers were quite critical of the reasons for childlessness that the singer voiced. Internet users believe that Laima Vaikule is simply shifting responsibility for her reluctance to have a child onto others - her husband, her confessor:

I wouldn’t even ask anyone if I wanted, I craved. Maybe the priest “forbade” her, seeing how she wanted it. People who live their whole lives for themselves are unlikely to take it and start living suddenly, not for themselves.
...they got married as a joke...that's why God didn't give her children, with such and such an approach to life and faith...
Some people are very fond of shifting responsibility to others.

Laima Vaikule – famous singer and an actress who has also mastered production, and simply an amazing woman. Her creative path from youth to the very peak of fame is truly impressive. Many people think that the life of celebrities is cloudless and filled with nothing but happiness, but in reality this is not the case.

As stated in the title of one famous film- The rich cry too. The life of Mrs. Vaikule is also not without bitter moments. But still she managed to achieve incredible success.

Height, weight, age. How old is Laima Vaikule

From the very beginning of her career, Laima Vaikule impressed fans with her appearance, and everyone immediately became interested in her height, weight, and age. She herself does not hide how old Laima Vaikule is. This talented woman is already 63 years old. And she manages to maintain a surprisingly good figure. With a fairly tall height of 176 centimeters, the singer weighs 63 kilograms.

She really takes good care of herself. However, if you look at the photo of Laima Vaikule in her youth and now, you might think that she did plastic surgery. At least, this is what fans suspected her of when they saw her video congratulations on March 8 on Instagram.

Biography of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule ( real name- Vaikulis) was born on March 31, 1954, in the Latvian town of Cesis. Her father, Stanislav Vaikulis, and mother, Yanina Vaikulis, were ordinary working people. The singer also has a pair of older sisters and a brother. She herself did not plan to become a singer. The only one in their family who was at least somehow connected with creativity was their grandmother - she sang in the church choir. And Laima simply sang because she liked it.

The family moved to Riga when Laima was only three years old.

The girl’s talent for singing appeared in childhood, but Laima herself saw herself as a doctor. It is worth noting that the girl had a rather rebellious character - she preferred running around with boys to playing with girls, and at times even ran away from home.

If we talk about school years, then studying was very easy for her, however, over time, school lost its priority for the future singer. She began to devote more time to creativity.

Laima Vaikule’s biography as a singer began when the girl was only 12. She performed in a group at a young talent competition.

Without losing her dream of becoming a doctor, after graduation Laima entered the medical university. But even during her training, she did not forget to practice singing. Even when Laima was 15, she was hired to sing in the city orchestra, which, by the way, was directed by Raymond Pauls.

In 1984, Laima decided to join GITIS in the directing department. At the same time, the girl continued to sing various compositions, from foreign ones to those that were in Pauls’ repertoire. The style of singing became her peculiar " business card" You can recognize her even with your eyes closed, just by her voice.

Recently, fans began to wonder if their favorite had undergone plastic surgery. Requests like: “Lima Vaikule in her youth photo” often began to appear on the Internet. It is worth admitting that the woman has really changed.

Vaikule began to take her first steps towards fame in the 80s, when she met the songwriter Ilya Reznik. Then the young singer sang completely new songs for the first time, which quickly gained popularity. The young performer was simply bombarded with offers for radio broadcasts and filming in television programs.

But Laima really became famous after her performance at the author’s evening of Raymond Pauls. One of the most popular and truly memorable songs was “Vernissage” - a duet with Valery Leontyev.

In the early 90s, Vaikule became known abroad. Namely, in America. I even went out there documentary about the singer, which only strengthened her popularity in the States. Interesting fact: American fans even compared Vaikule with the singer Madonna. But ultimately, Laima decided to return home. Then Soviet Union has already collapsed, and Latvia has become an independent state.

Throughout her career she has released ten music albums, which were listened to by fans almost all over the world.

And in the famous competition “Jurmala” Vaikule not only sang herself, but was also constantly on the jury.

One of the most memorable performances was “Baltic Romance” in a duet with Boris Moiseev.

Few people know, but Vaikule even starred in thirteen films, which proves Laima’s talent not only as a singer.

Personal life of Laima Vaikule

If you thought this woman had mass whirlwind romances, you are wrong. Laima Vaikule’s entire personal life consists of her first and only husband, Andrei Latkovsky, who, concurrently, produces her activities. Vaikule met him back in the 70s and, by the way, was not at all worried about the lack of a stamp in her passport.

They got married only after 30 years (!) of relationship. Moreover, without making a special holiday out of this event. And they still live, soul to soul.

Family of Laima Vaikule

Laima Vaikule's family - her parents and sisters and brother - were ordinary working people. His father worked at the company, and his mother started as a salesman, but eventually rose to the rank of store director. Later, the producer and he became the woman’s family common law husband- Andrey. It is known that in the 90s Vaikule was diagnosed with cancer, but she overcame the disease thanks to the support of her lover.

The singer adores her husband, but it is interesting that she does not express her feelings for him in public, preferring simpler and more modest names for “husband” or “beloved.”

Children of Laima Vaikule

The true reason for this was and remains unknown, but the children of Laima Vaikule are something that the singer and her beloved husband never had and do not have to this day. Maybe it's all about health. Or maybe the reason is that she decided to devote herself entirely to the stage and creativity.

One way or another, both Laima and her husband do not give any clear answers to questions on this topic. And in general they try to avoid this direction. Nevertheless, they have been happy together for more than forty years. And young people should definitely follow their example. The couple live happily, even despite the absence of their own children.

Laima Vaikule's husband - Andrey Latkovsky

Laima Vaikule’s husband, Andrei Latkovsky, is the only man she has ever loved. The current spouses have lived in a civil marriage for three decades. According to the performer herself, she simply did not consider the presence of a stamp in her passport to be something really important. But still, about ten years ago, she and Andrei got married.

For her, Latkovsky is not only a husband and producer, but also a faithful friend, and very close person, who really follows her through both fire and water. The couple is happy together, even despite the absence of children. Although the press suspects that the singer’s infertility is to blame, neither she nor Latkovsky himself reveal the true reasons.

Instagram and Wikipedia Laima Vaikule

The performer does not want to lag behind life and other celebrities, which is why Laima Vaikule’s Instagram and Wikipedia can easily be found on the Internet, in the public domain. For example, over 180 thousand people have subscribed to her Instagram profile. There the singer posts pictures and videos with various events and from behind the scenes. Young performers with whom the artist performs in a duet are often included in the frame. Laima is a positive and cheerful person, which is why she always smiles brightly in the photo.

The biography of Laima Vaikulevo is of interest to both the older generation and representatives of modern youth. And there is nothing surprising here. After all, our today's heroine is talented singer and simply an attractive woman. How old is Laima Vaikule? Who is her husband? Do they have children? You will find out the answers to these and other questions by reading the article from beginning to end.

Brief biography of Laima Vaikule

The future pop star was born on March 31, 1954 in the Latvian town of Cesis. Her parents had nothing to do with the stage and vocal art. From whom did Laima get her love of singing and her wonderful voice? Most likely from my grandmother. At one time she sang in a church choir.

When our heroine was 3 years old, her whole family (she, dad, mom, half-brother and two older sisters) moved to the capital of Latvia - Riga. A few years later, the girl began to study vocals. How old was Laima Vaikule when she made her first public appearance? This happened in 1966. At that time, Laima was 12 years old. She had the opportunity to take part in a competition for young vocalists organized at the Riga plant's cultural center.

After graduating from 8th grade high school, our heroine went to enter medical school. All exams were successfully passed. But she did not manage to study there for long. The girl just realized that her main calling was music. Laima Vaikule met Raymond Pauls. He recognized the enormous talent of a singer in the 15-year-old girl and offered her a job in his group. This is how her career began in the Riga Pop Orchestra.

Creative path

In 1979, Laima entered into a contract with the management of the famous variety show Juras Perle, located in Jurmala. For several years in a row, shows with her participation attracted full houses.

In 1984, Vaikule went to Moscow to enter GITIS. The beauty easily copes with exam tasks. In 1990, she received a university diploma. Her specialty is directing.

Finest hour

Since 1985, Lyme has increasingly appeared on television. A young and slender singer with a velvety voice is invited to popular programs - “New Year's Light”, “Song of the Year” and others. And the first one is hers solo concert took place in 1988. Laima continues to work closely with Raymond Pauls, who writes songs for her.

Between 1989 and 1992, Vaikule toured several countries, including the USA and Japan. Foreign listeners appreciated her talent and appearance.

Currently, Laima Vaikule is often invited to various music competitions- as a guest of honor or a member of the jury. She also attends radio and television programs, arranges holiday concerts and willingly gives interviews to Russian media.

Laima Vaikule: personal life

Our heroine once won the hearts of millions of men living in the CIS countries. Many of them would like to connect their fate with such a luxurious woman. Therefore, everyone is very interested in marital status legendary singer. We are ready to satisfy their curiosity.

The biography of Laima Vaikule contains information that in official marriage she is not a member. But her heart has long been occupied. The singer's chosen one is Andrei Latkovsky. He is a former bass player and now a successful producer. Their acquaintance took place back in 1970. The pretty girl and the brutal musician immediately liked each other. But they began to live under one roof, as it is now called a “civil marriage,” only in 1978. A few years later, Andrei and Laima played a “symbolic” wedding. The ceremony took place in Las Vegas in a modest home environment. Only close friends and relatives were invited. All this was very beautiful and touching. But officially Latkovksky and Vaikule are not husband and wife.

Another question that interests fans of the singer concerns whether the couple has children. The answer will be: to at the moment their family consists only of Andrey and Laima. In one of the interviews, the pop star admitted that she had undergone an abortion twice. She was forced to make this decision in order to save her career. Only many years later did Laima realize that she had made a terrible mistake. Even being of childbearing age, she could not get pregnant after that. And now she is already 60 years old.

Secrets of being slim

Laima Vaikule’s biography is not the only thing fans want to know about her. Russian women admired the singer’s slender and fit figure. How does Vaikule Laima keep fit? The blond beauty is 160 cm tall and weighs no more than 53 kg. What is the secret of her slimness?

First of all, Laima is a vegetarian. She does not eat meat at all and is against the killing of animals. Secondly, the singer devotes the lion's share of her time to sports. Everyone in Vaikule does jogging and yoga. Thirdly, she adheres to fractional meals and drinks 2 liters of water per day.

A couple of days before important event or a concert, our heroine completely refuses to eat. They help her suppress her hunger. green tea and coffee without sugar. In two days of hunger strike you can lose 2-3 kg.

In conclusion

Laima Vaikule is a bright and talented singer. Her career has had many ups and downs. But she was able to survive all the troubles and temporary difficulties with dignity. Songs performed by Laima were incredibly popular among Soviet listeners. Representatives modern generation also show great interest in her work. It remains to wish our beloved singer every success in her work and personal life.

Laima Vaikule: “If I turned back time, I would have many children”

Singer Laima Vaikule gathered friends for a birthday party in Jurmala and told HELLO! why she didn’t celebrate her anniversary on March 31, how she feels about age and why she is ashamed of Mikhail Baryshnikov.

Laima Vaikule

This year, on her birthday, March 31, Laima Vaikule vacationed in India. Numerous congratulators could not reach her - the singer’s phone was turned off. I don't like being celebrated. They also insist: happy birthday! Happy anniversary!,” she explains. Close friends are used to it and are not offended, they know that Laima will definitely give them the opportunity to congratulate themselves, gather them for the occasion in some cozy place, invite musicians and will sing and dance all evening. It was the same this time. July 28, when the competition for young performers " New wave"has already ended, in Jurmala, at the 36.Line restaurant on the seashore, we celebrated Laima's birthday until late at night. A big band played, and Laima, together with her friends - Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Leonid Agutin - staged a crazy, sincere, cheerful jam session.

A few days later, we met with Laima to remember the party and talk about age, beauty and love.

- Laima, why don’t you like your birthday so much?

I loved my birthday until I was 12-13, while I was worried about gifts. (Laughs.) Then it became unimportant, and I stopped collecting guests on that day. I haven't noticed it for a long time. But later someone said: “Lima, this is wrong.” I agreed, and on March 31, friends and relatives came to see me. You can’t imagine how panicked I was, it was such an ordeal. So much attention, flowers and gifts, all to me alone. I almost went crazy. Then I came up with the idea that I would have birthday parties on some other day. And gifts, flowers, attention are no longer the main thing. It is important that close people gather, the holiday is an occasion to see each other. Here queen of england celebrates her birthday on the first Saturday of June, although she was born on April 21st. So it's not that indecent. (Laughs.)

Laima Vaikule and Igor Krutoy

- At the party you said that on this day you no longer accept congratulations, but only condolences...

I always say that. And, of course, this is a joke. As my mother says, I only realize how old I am when I look in the mirror. A person does not feel his age. If you want to always be young, communicate with people older than you. Then you will always feel like a girl.

- They say the opposite. Keep younger people around so you can feed off their energy. Don't you agree?

Come on, they are so sluggish, these young ones! Age is not a factor for me at all. And if we talk about energy exchange, then I do not take, but rather give my energy. Therefore, your formula for youth does not suit me. (Smiles.)

Igor Nikolaev, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin and Vladimir Vinokur at the Laima Vaikule festival- So the only secret of youth and beauty is to be around older people?

The secret of beauty is a secret. (Laughs.) Yes, I don’t think about it. I wake up and do everything necessary to get myself in order. Going out for a walk with the dogs is one order and half an hour, going down to have tea with mom or going to a party is another order and more time. This is such an intimate time. When they ask me about the secret of beauty, I immediately have another question: is beauty what you are talking about? What is beauty? One thinks: my beloved is so beautiful, but she is not Aphrodite at all. But he loves her. Beauty is in behavior, in the manner of speaking and moving. Talent is beauty. A person with regular facial features and a toned body, but empty inside, uninteresting - this is zilch.

- Well, do you even understand that you are beautiful?

No. I would like to believe that she is at least a little talented.

- Does talent have an expiration date? Do you know at what age you should retire from the stage?

What does age have to do with it?! Sometimes to a young artist I want to say: “Go away. Don’t spoil people’s taste.” Raymond once said: “It is important to leave on time.” But I think that this is not entirely true. It is not the artist who leaves the stage, but the audience who leaves him. There comes a time when you are no longer wanted. It seems to me that an artist only becomes more meaningful with age. For example, when you go to a doctor, which doctor do you choose: young or experienced? I am experienced.

- And when the viewer chooses Laima, does he know that he will not be disappointed?

Yes, the main thing is to go out and not let us down. You can't lose your reputation. No one. Even more so for an artist. Reputation does not allow you to relax. I already know everything about myself - how to go out, how to sing, how to move, I know where I can make a mistake and make sure that no one but me notices it. They also gave me the labels “Gorgeous”, “The Most Stylish”, and every time I think - God, I’m a gorgeous Laima, but no great mood no, but they announce me and I go on stage as I see fit.

- Was it always like this?

Always. But what did I understand at 20?! Then I worked in a variety show and no matter what parts of my body I exposed, you know, a woman always has something to show. And then I got fed up with this genre, and I wanted people to look only into my eyes. I began to completely shut down. But when I presented the number “I went out to Piccadilly,” Alla Sigalova came up to me before leaving and unbuttoned my coat, under which I had only a slip. She said: “Then go.” On stage I was already in a fever. In addition, my godfather, a priest, was sitting in the hall. I thought he would leave now. But he stayed, he liked the concert, and said more: what I created new style- pseudo-retro.

Maxim Galkin dances at Laima Vaikule's party

- Have you ever been embarrassed or ashamed?

I don't remember this. Maybe I'm shameless? (Laughs.) Well, except that I’m still embarrassed in front of Mikhail Baryshnikov. (Smiles.)

- For what?

It was in America in the early 90s when I received a contract with a record company. I planned to star in a video with Baryshnikov, I sent him the song, he listened, he liked it, I had to call him. But the time was too exciting for me, I worked in the studio every day. When I dialed Mikhail, he had already gone on tour, they gave me his other phone number, but I got confused again and was late again. It turned out ugly. Then they told me that he said: “The only person who didn’t call me back in America was Laima Vaikule.”

Laima Vaikule

- Why didn’t you stay in America?

It happened that way. If it weren't for my illness, everything would have been different. (In America, Laima Vaikule was diagnosed with cancer. - Ed.) A different meaning appeared in my life. The public, the concerts, everything I dreamed about became unimportant. I was offered main role in the Broadway musical "Mata Hari" - I refused. Although a year ago this would have been impossible, because working in a musical was my dream. I didn’t want to start anything; I no longer bought winter shoes in the summer. There has been a revaluation of values. I realized that everything is so fragile and fast that I might not see how my parents grow old. At the same time, while I was in America, my dad died, I couldn’t even go to the funeral.

- You talk about this quite easily. Don't complain about fate?

No. From suffering a person becomes better. Previously, I did not understand the meaning of this expression, but now I know that it is absolutely accurate. But an artist, an artist, cannot become a reality without experience. In any case, I have never met good artists for whom everything was smooth in life.

Leonid Agutin, Philip Kirkorov, Laima Vaikule and Alla Pugacheva- Laima, were you raised strictly?

No, I was left to my own devices. Always knew what I was doing. So it seemed to me, you understand. But I lived as I wanted, did what I wanted. She was stubborn. At the same time, I have a strict mother. But she couldn't handle me. “How could you let your 15-year-old daughter go on tour?” - journalists once asked her. “Lyme?” she was surprised. “Who could forbid Lyme?”

-Who taught you about life?

Street. And much tougher than any mother.

- And what main lesson did you take it out?

Know where, when and how to behave, try to get along with people and also be able to fight back.

- This is somehow not Christian, isn’t it?

You need to be able to defend yourself. When you are the only girl in the team, and even just a baby, you have to learn to stand up for yourself.

- You always smile. What can make you angry?

Just stupidity and mediocrity. Now, if I come across this, I can be tactless. And I don't care even if I ruin the relationship. Surely someone doesn’t like me for my directness.

Laima Vaikule and Grigory Leps

- It's hard to believe that someone doesn't love you. You have so many friends!

It just seems to us that we don’t need anyone. In fact, at every moment of our life we ​​need someone by our side. Cry with some, take a walk with others, go to the bathhouse with others. And a party needs friends.

- Many women need a husband and a child. Is Andrey, with whom you have been together for so many years, not enough for you?

Children are wonderful. If I turned back time, I would have many children. And if we talk about women who just “have a sweetheart next to them,” then I don’t believe them. I think they chose a convenient position in order not to take responsibility, not to pay attention to friends, to parents, even to themselves. I don’t think men are truly interested in women like that.

Leonid Agutin - At the party, Alla Pugacheva sang for you, and you listened to her with such delight, you played along with her. As if you really good friends and truly love each other.

Why shouldn’t I love her?

- What about professional jealousy?

To whom? Will someone take my place? I haven't been born like this yet. Is jealousy such a waste of energy, or perhaps I'm missing something? If a person sings well, then I love him. I adore Alla. And on such evenings I adore her 20 times more than usual. Because I can look up close and feel her talent. This is a special happiness. I told Alla - it’s terrible that many people don’t even know how you can sing!

Laima Vaikule and Alla Pugacheva

-Have you ever been jealous of a man?

Jealousy is a shameful feeling and must be fought against. It’s okay to be jealous at 18, even at 30, but at 50 it’s absolutely shameful. Age limits you. There is no point in being jealous, you need to act.

- In summer it’s warm and fun in Jurmala. What do you do here in winter? Aren't you bored?

The happiest time for me in Jurmala is when the season ends. I go out to the beach, long, deserted, and just walk. Sea, sand, horizon, fresh air, silence. I used to really love riding trains. This is the feeling when you don’t have to run anywhere, when the phone doesn’t work, such a stop in time. All stress goes away. Here Jurmala in winter is a stop.

- And there is no feeling that life is passing by somewhere?

No, what are you talking about! I once lived and worked only in Jurmala for six years in a row. So we had every day scheduled both in winter and in summer - on Mondays there was a bathhouse, on Thursdays there was skiing, on weekends there was a party. And believe me, if you came to Jurmala with your loved one, you would sit there all year and not even remember about Moscow.

- Laima, do you have dreams?

I'm a conservative, I don't like change, I like everything to be as usual. Just so that you don’t hear bad news, so that no one gets sick, doesn’t cry, so that everything is fine. Therefore, today my dreams are: let life goes on on its own, and it will only get better, and so that we ourselves do not notice how it is getting better.

Laima Vaikule, Ingeborga Dapkunaite, Liya Akhedzhakova... They are all over 50, they are successful, in demand, and they have no children. Our author Victoria Zaichenko tried to figure out why this is so.

Laima Vaikule (62 years old)

Since 1978, singer Laima Vaikule has lived in a de facto marriage with her producer Andrei Latkovsky. Journalists repeatedly asked the artist why she and her husband did not have children. For a long time, Vaikule delicately tried to avoid answering. Then in one of the interviews she admitted that in her youth she had an abortion several times. Perhaps this is the reason why she subsequently never became a mother. By the way, now Vaikule is an ardent opponent of abortion.

“If you asked me now whether a woman has freedom of choice when deciding whether or not to have an abortion, I would say: no. Now I view abortion as murder. After all, the person inside you is already alive. I didn’t understand it then, I didn’t feel it. What I did is my enduring mental torment, a heavy cross that I have to bear to the end,” the singer said in an interview with the magazine “Caravan of Stories Collection.”

According to Laima, if she could turn back time, she would give birth to many children.

Tatyana Doronina (83 years old)

The star of the films “Three Poplars on Plyushchikha”, “Stepmother” and “Once More About Love” - Tatyana Doronina - got married five times. Her spouses were Oleg Basilashvili, Anatoly Yufit, Edward Radzinsky, Boris Khimichev and Robert Tokhnenko. The actress loves children very much and endlessly regrets that she never became a mother. In the “Live” program, she said that, it turns out, she could give birth to twins. Doronina was pregnant by her husband, actor Oleg Basilashvili, but, having learned that he had cheated on her, she decided to have an abortion: “If it weren’t for what he, unfortunately, did, then everything would have been different... When this had already happened, the doctor She told me that there were two children, it was very difficult to survive.”

Working in theater and cinema then saved the actress from depression, but regret about what she did haunts her all her life.

Ingeborga Dapkunaite (54 years old)

In 2013, the actress married for the third time; her chosen one was lawyer and restaurateur Dmitry Yampolsky. After this, some media outlets rushed to report that the star was pregnant; it was even reported that she was expecting twins, but in the end this information was not confirmed. It is unknown whether the actress, in principle, wants to become a mother or not - in interviews she refuses to talk about such topics.

“I don’t like to discuss my personal life, because it concerns not only me, but also those people who are close to me. You will say that this is part of my profession - it is, but they don’t want to be public. And I, like any person, want to keep something to myself,” says Ingeborga.

Lev Leshchenko (75 years old)

Next year Lev Leshchenko and his wife Irina will celebrate their 40th anniversary living together. The couple did not hide the fact that they always dreamed of children and for a long time did not lose hope of having them, but all attempts were unsuccessful. “At the age of 14 I had peritonitis. It was a difficult operation, and I miraculously survived. This caused serious complications. The attending physician told me: “You know, you have big problems with health. It’s unlikely that you will ever be able to have children,” Irina admitted in an interview with “7 Days” magazine.

At that time, Leshchenko’s wife was only 25 years old, and she decided not to give up. Irina was treated for a long time, was hospitalized several times, but eventually ended up on the operating table again - this time with an ectopic pregnancy - and miraculously remained alive. “I did my best. But when I turned 40, I decided: everything is pointless and useless!” - she recalls.

Lev Leshchenko’s wife notes that during all this time, her husband never - neither out loud nor in a hint - expressed a single word of reproach or disappointment to her. On the contrary, he only supported. Several times the couple thought about adopting a child, but never decided to do it. They now give their love to numerous nephews and their children.

Liya Akhedzhakova (78 years old)

Actress Liya Akhedzhakova also has no children. And this, according to friends, is her greatest pain. Nothing is known about the reasons why she was never able to become a mother. The personal life of a Soviet cinema star is strictly prohibited. “The only thing she can’t talk about without crying is that she never gave birth. The child is for her taboo topic. He hasn’t liked talking about children since the days of the Youth Theater,” writes the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper.

It is only known that Akhedzhakova was married three times. Her first husband was Maly Theater actor Valery Nosik. For the second time she married the artist Boris Kocheyshvili. Since 2001, the actress has been married to Moscow photographer Vladimir Persiyaninov. This marriage became the happiest for her.