Successful recipes: how to cook corn quickly enough? Corn: a quick cooking method (step-by-step recipe with photos)

With the beginning of August, boiled corn on the cob becomes the most popular fast food in any town in Russia. Young corn is gaining such popularity not only because of its usefulness, but also because of its seasonality. To fill yourself up for the year ahead, I suggest preparing this simple treat yourself. And so that you succeed the first time, I will reveal the main secrets of how to cook corn at home in a saucepan.

First I will give some tips on how to buy good product, and only then will I tell you how to cook young corn on the cob correctly and for how long.

How to choose good corn

The first secret to a delicious dish is the right product. Before cooking corn, study the main markers that you need to pay attention to when purchasing:

  • Corn cobs should have amniotic leaves, preferably all of them, i.e. including the top hard ones. Some people sell the cobs after stripping them almost completely - leaving one row of thin pale leaves. I don’t take this kind of corn, since the freshness and purity of the grains in a corn cob depends on the presence of amniotic leaves - this is how nature intended. The grains in half-harvested cobs dry out, and the dust gets into places where it is difficult to wash it out.
  • When purchasing, check the corn kernels for youth. Spread the leaves in the middle of the cob and lightly press the grain with your fingernail; it should be elastic and juicy. Old grain will be dense and starchy.
  • Having folded back the amniotic leaves, inspect the grains for spoilage and disease - the corn grains should be arranged in even rows and be uniform in color, without black spots and mold.
  • I would not pay attention to the color of the grain, since this is just a varietal feature. Some sources write that bright yellow grain is old, and light grain is young. We remember the color of Bonduelle corn and all questions about the youth of the yellow grain disappear by themselves.

We will cook the corn in a saucepan. For these purposes, I would advise choosing a larger vessel.

How to cook corn on the cob?


Corn cobs – 5-7 pcs.

Water 3-4 liters

The number of cobs is determined by the number of eaters - 1-2 pieces each. for everyone. I wouldn’t recommend boiling corn for future use – it loses a little taste when stored.

  1. We clean the cobs from the leaves. Moreover, I throw away the upper half of the leaves, those that are thicker and greener. And those that are closer to the body I leave and use when cooking.
  2. In addition to the leaves, the stigmas also need to be removed from the corn - I have no use for them, but some are dried and used for treatment.
  3. I break each corn into two parts - it’s more convenient to eat, and shorter pieces fit better in the pan. I tried to cut it with a knife, but the stalk itself cuts so poorly that it’s easier to break it.
  4. Place one third of the leaves from the cobs on the bottom of the cooking vessel. Next, place the pieces of corn tightly. Pour in cold water so that it covers the entire product. Place the remaining leaves on top.

Using amniotic leaves when cooking corn in a pan is the second secret of my recipe. It is this technique that allows you to thoroughly steam the corn grains. It has been noticed that boiled corn on the cob has a richer taste and aroma if it is cooked covered with leaves.

Should I add salt when cooking corn? I would not recommend salting the cobs during the cooking process - salt makes the grains denser, reducing juiciness.

We cover the entire assembled structure from the pan, corn, its leaves and water with a lid and put it on the fire.

Now we come to the most pressing question - how long to cook corn in a pan so that it is both soft and juicy? I'm revealing the third secret!

And yet, how long does it take to cook corn?

Very interest Ask, In fact. I remember my grandmother cooked corn heads for 2-3 hours. And since childhood, I learned that before boiling corn on the cob, you need to have a lot of patience - the appetizing smell did not leave anyone indifferent. What about now?

A lot has changed since I was a child, including corn. New dessert varieties have appeared that have excellent taste. And if the corn is fresh and young, then it should not be cooked for a long time.

As you understand, how long to cook young corn is determined not only by the degree of maturity of the corn grain, but also by varietal characteristics. To date, I have only seen dessert varieties on sale that cook very quickly.

We count the cooking time from the moment of boiling. As soon as the water in the pan with corn is bubbling confidently, reduce the heat and set the timer for 30 minutes - this is more than enough for young dessert corn.

After half an hour, I take one grain for testing, and if the degree of readiness suits me, I turn off the heat. But! I leave the corn covered for another 15-20 minutes, longer if possible. The corn cooking process continues as the water temperature is still high. But it follows a different path than when boiling. This way we get corn with a richer flavor.

Old cobs and forage corn should be cooked much longer - 2-3 hours. How to identify such corn? As I wrote, color is not an indicator. Therefore, we look at other markers:

  • Density and hardness of grain. Young grains release juice when squeezed, old grains do not.
  • Clove test - young dessert grain, even in its raw form, is juicy and sweetish. The old one will be quite starchy, and the fodder one will be neutral in taste, without a pronounced sweet taste.

Boiled corn is served hot, accompanied by salt and butter, and sugar for those with a sweet tooth. However, I have seen advice that recommends eating corn by rubbing it with crushed garlic and pouring lemon juice on it. To be honest, then classic version I like it better with butter.

Do you have your own recipe for cooking corn? Perhaps you know other secrets of cooking cobs in a saucepan that you inherited from previous generations - share them in the comments, we will probably find them useful.

Corn has a huge number of beneficial properties, the main ones are the following:

ATTENTION: In addition, regular consumption of corn helps restore hair follicles. And the use of corn oil in hair masks helps make curls more manageable.

Corn also has a positive effect on the reproductive functions of the female body.. When carrying a child, consuming the cobs of this plant helps to reduce the load on the body and maintain the necessary balance of vitamins in the body.

This type of corn is prescribed for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, as well as people who have problems with the cardiovascular system.

When choosing sweet corn you need to pay attention to the following things:

Preparing for cooking

When preparing corn for cooking, you need to perform a number of manipulations:

  1. Corn cobs are thoroughly washed. If you wish, you can remove the main part of the leaves, but you must leave a few pieces.
  2. Assess the condition of the corn cob and remove the damaged rows of kernels with a knife.
  3. One hour before cooking, soak the corn cobs in cold water. It is worth choosing cobs of almost identical length so that their cooking is the same.

Where to begin?

How to cook cob in a saucepan at home so that it is sweet? To boil corn, you need a saucepan with a thick bottom and a tight-fitting lid. However, can be steamed, and , and , and grilled. Each method makes it possible to get a juicy and healthy dish.

How to cook?

Today, there are a lot of recipes for making sweet corn. using various technical devices - stove, microwave, double boiler. And each of these recipes is delicious in its own way.

Watch a video about cooking corn in a double boiler:


Fried corn in oil will please any gourmet. To prepare corn using this method, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 4-5 pieces of corn;
  • 12 glasses of water;
  • vegetable oil;
  • spices, salt.


You can also cook corn quickly and easily in the microwave.. The following ingredients will be required:

  • 4-5 pieces of corn;
  • 12 glasses of water;
  • spices, salt.
  1. Remove the leaves from the corn and then rinse the cobs thoroughly.
  2. Wet the cobs in a bowl of water and wrap them in a regular food bag.
  3. Place the corn in the microwave and turn it on high, setting the timer for 10 minutes.
  4. Once cooked, season the corn with salt.

Read more about how to quickly cook corn in the microwave in a bag.


The vitamins contained in sweet corn have a positive effect on a person’s overall well-being. And the nutritional value is very multifaceted and therefore has a positive effect on metabolism. Minerals, vitamins and other elements make the product incredibly juicy and attractive; you can safely replace other products with corn without fear of a lack of necessary dietary fiber. Now you know how to make a delicacy at home.

I remember that in Soviet childhood, corn was something unusually outlandish for us, the children of the Northern capital. And everyone was sure that it had to be cooked for at least four hours.

The experience of parents is unlikely to be useful to us here. The breeders did a great job, and the cooking time modern varieties of dairy sweet corn has been reduced to 5 minutes. And only if the plant is overripe or is a fodder variety, then cooking will take at least two hours.

In order to enjoy the taste of corn and not lose its nutritional value, you need to know how to choose the right cob and how to cook it. Incorrect cooking time can lead to loss of flavor and useful qualities product.

For information: calorie content is 130 calories per 100 grams of boiled grains.

Choosing corn cobs

Starting in July, young sweet corn appears on sale. It is mainly brought from the Krasnodar Territory and Kuban. It can grow even near St. Petersburg, but this is in private dachas and the cultivation technology is quite complicated.

When choosing corn, be sure to pay attention to the following points, since the cooking time directly depends on this:

The cost of corn during the season varies from 130 to 180 rubles. (Today, August 6, I bought it at a vegetable stall at a price of 130 rubles per kg, or rather, 2 cobs cost 110 rubles. They are in the photo and video)

In St. Petersburg at the Senny market you can buy it 2 times cheaper. In Crimea, I have never seen anything cheaper than 15 rubles per cob.

How to cook corn

Boiled corn can easily replace a full dinner for the whole family and will fill you up for a long time. And everyone knows about the beneficial properties of the queen of the fields. It does not cause allergies, is perfectly absorbed by adults and children and goes well with other products.

You can cook corn on the stove, in the oven, in the microwave, in a double boiler, in a multicooker. I most often use both at home and in the country, the first option. My children happily eat golden grains all season long, almost every day, and they don’t get tired of it. (Or maybe I just turn out delicious?)

Through experimentation, trial and error, I developed best recipe preparations that are also characterized by maximum simplicity. Suitable for any cob - both young and old. The grains turn out tasty, juicy, and during cooking there is an unforgettable aroma in the house.

Dishes. To cook corn on the stove, it is better to take a wide and not deep pan, you can use a basin so that the whole cobs fit into it. The water should only cover them. As a last resort, the corn can be cut in half (across, not lengthwise).

Advice: first try it on to see if all the cobs will fit into the dish, and whether you will have to divide them into two parts or take a larger pan.


While eating, you can add salt and grease with vegetable or butter.

Important! Do not add salt to the water or corn while cooking, otherwise it will become tough. Rub salt only into the finished dish.

There is a trick to speed up the cooking of old corn. Instead of two hours, it will take only 20 minutes. To do this, after five minutes of cooking, the cob is dipped in cold water for a few seconds, then boiled again. This is done 3-4 times.

Fact: In Mexico they boil corn in milk or sweet syrup. When serving, it is sometimes peppered or topped with sweet sauce.

Corn storage

Fresh cobs can be stored in the refrigerator, without removing the leaves, for about two weeks. If you boiled corn, you need to eat it right away. After only 2 hours of storage and, especially, after heating, it greatly loses its taste and beneficial features. But if you still cook with a reserve, then store the dish in the refrigerator for no more than two days and always in corn broth - the water that remains after cooking.

Tip: Boil just enough corn to eat right away.

Fresh corn can be frozen in the freezer. Before cooking, remove it and leave it at room temperature until completely defrosted. In winter, it is sold frozen in stores.

It is better not to pour out the broth after cooking corn. It is no less healthy and nutritious than the cobs themselves, and tasty. My daughter loves it very much and drinks water from boiling corn for two days. You can stew vegetables on it or cook vegetable soup.

If you do not want to use the decoction for culinary purposes, then I recommend using it for cosmetic and health purposes. To strengthen your nails, make hand baths. You can rinse your face and hair with it after washing. Pour the remaining liquid into a warm bath and lie in it for at least 20 minutes. You don't have to wash it off. After all, everyone known fact: What is good for the stomach is good for the skin and hair.

Don't pass by seasonal products, buy corn - a very easy to prepare and healthy vegetable cereal. After all, many people ignore it only for the reason that they do not know how to cook it correctly.

Olga Filippova, only for

Corn is a herbaceous annual plant belonging to the cereal family. It grows on the cob.

Despite the fact that the birthplace of corn is distant Mexico (the plant was bred there about 12 thousand years ago), this product is also popular in our country. Most often, corn is eaten canned and boiled.

Boiled corn can be purchased at the market during the season or prepared at home. This dish is a favorite snack of many of our compatriots.

However, not many people know the secrets of choosing and preparing cobs at home. If you are interested in this topic, continue reading our material.

Cob selection

As you know, the finished dish depends on the source material and the original product. Thus, the quality and taste of the cooked product will depend on the choice of raw cobs.

In order for the cooked boiled corn to meet your expectations and be tasty, first of all, you need to choose the right ears of the plant. To do this, you need to remember a few simple rules.

  • First, the fruit should be surrounded by multiple green leaves(they are also called amniotic leaves). You should not buy cobs without leaves. When they are removed, the grains of the fruit dry out, and dust and dirt get on the fruit. Such a product is harmful to eat (especially if stored in improper conditions), because it is not always possible to wash hard-to-reach places between the grains.

  • Secondly, important factor is the age of the corn. It is better to buy young fruits. It is very easy to check this sign. To do this, you need to move the leaves away from the fruit and try to press on the corn kernels. If juice begins to squirt out of them, and the grains themselves are elastic and elastic to the touch, then such corn is young and can be bought. If, upon examination, you find that the grains have a dense or hard structure and a starchy consistency, then it is better to refuse to purchase such fruits. Old boiled corn will not be tasty; it will be a dry product.
  • The corn must be fresh and healthy. This means that there should be no dots or blackening on the fruit. If you notice that in some places the corn has begun to deteriorate, then you should not purchase such a product. Eating it can be hazardous to health. Better look for healthy fruits.

  • Corn grains should be uniform and uniform in color. The palette can vary from light yellow to orange color. It all depends on the variety and age. It is important that both the top and bottom of the cob have the same color. If there are striking differences that can be seen with the naked eye, then it is better not to buy such a product.

Another important advice– when buying corn, pay attention to its size. This will help you avoid unnecessary hassle when cooking it.

If you don't have large pans, then buy small mini-corns. Then the fruit will not have to be cut in order to fit it into the cooking container.

Cooking time

It is believed that you can cook corn using almost any kitchen appliance: microwave, oven, steamer and other kitchen appliances. Depending on the unit chosen, the cooking time for the fruit will depend.

However, the traditional method of cooking is in an ordinary pan on the stove.

In general, the time depends on the selected corn. First of all, it depends on its variety, size and age. Thus, young or milk cobs of mini-corn (small-sized fruits) will cook the fastest. They will be ready to eat in 7 or 10 minutes. Slightly older corn should be properly cooked for about 20 – 30 minutes. Such fruits will have the richest taste, and almost all consumers recommend buying them.

Old corn, especially if you get a fodder variety, will take a long time to cook. This process may take 2 hours of your time.

You can check readiness using an ordinary toothpick. If you were able to easily pierce the corn grain with a toothpick, this means that it is ready for consumption and you can stop cooking it.

Important! Many housewives advise not to remove corn from the pan immediately after it is cooked. You just need to turn off the heat and let the corn stand for half an hour in the water in which it was boiled.

Thanks to this, the fruits will become more juicy and rich. In addition, during this time it will cool down a little.

Cooking recipes

During the holiday season, boiled corn can be purchased at the market; in the summer, this dish (in the heat of the day) is sold on beaches and embankments. But you can cook delicious corn at home. Corn cooked in a saucepan with water will decorate your dinner table and bring joy to the whole family.

Traditional recipe for cooking corn.

  • The first step is to thoroughly wash the purchased cobs, and the fruits must be cleaned of leaves and foreign fibers. However, do not rush to throw them away.
  • The bottom of the pan or another container in which you will cook the cobs, you need to cover them with leaves. The leaves will give the dish additional flavor.
  • Moreover, if you have quite a lot of fruits and you plan to place them in a container in several layers, then each of them should be covered with such leaves.

Important! You should choose a pan of such a size that the cobs fit completely into it; if this is not possible, then the cobs can be cut or broken into pieces.

Boiled corn on the cob is one of the most popular summer dishes! Boiled corn is enjoyed by people of all ages; it is the most common type of fast food both in the city and at sea! To pamper yourself and your loved ones delicious dish, you don’t have to go anywhere, you can prepare it quite easily at home!

What are the benefits of corn?

Juicy, crispy boiled corn cobs are a snack that has great amount fans. Apart from amazing taste qualities, corn cereals are rich in many vitamins (C, D, E, PP, rare vitamin K), antioxidants and elements such as copper, iron, niacin, magnesium, etc. Since ancient times, local doctors used corn to stimulate the digestive system and as a choleretic agent , as well as in the treatment of atherosclerosis and renal failure. Including corn cereals in the diet helps improve vision and memory, rid the body of toxins and improve metabolic processes.

The corn season traditionally begins in August, however, the first young ears appear on markets in some regions as early as July. Milk corn is sold only until the end of summer; ears purchased in September are likely to be overripe. Each vegetable is good in its season; the quality of the chosen cob will determine how tasty the finished dish will be. But choosing a quality product is only one aspect; there are many other factors that influence the taste characteristics of the finished dish.

Calorie content of boiled corn cobs

Boiled corn is a fairly dietary dish; its calorie content per 100 g is only 123 kcal.

What's the secret to crispy, flavorful boiled corn on the cob?

As mentioned above, the key to an appetizing dish is the choice of a quality product for preparation. The cobs should be chosen young, light milky yellow in color. The grains in young cobs are round, soft and elastic to the touch. A brighter, rich yellow color, elongated shape and the presence of dimples on the grains are a signal that such a fruit is overripe and is not suitable for cooking.

Although large ears of corn look very ripe, the resulting product is tough and dry. The leaves should have a fresh, soft green color, fit well to the cob and not fall off. If corn is sold without leaves at all, this may be a sign of over-treatment with pesticide fertilizers, which causes the leaves to shrivel and become unsalable.

Good corn cobs have been selected and before starting cooking it remains to take into account some features of this dish:

  1. It is necessary to cook only cobs of equal size together to ensure that the dish cooks evenly. And if the cobs are too large, they can be cut in half crosswise;
  2. It is not necessary to completely remove the leaves from the corn cobs; it is enough to cut off only a couple of not very fresh leaves on top. If you plan to eat boiled corn immediately, you can peel the cobs completely and add the leaves to the cooking pot. If you plan to serve the corn later, it is better to leave the leaves, this will help the finished cobs remain aromatic and juicy;
  3. Before cooking, it would not be superfluous to soak the cobs for one hour in cold water, and then rinse them with running water;
  4. If there are spoiled, darkened grains on top, they must be cut off;
  5. You can only put the cobs in boiling water, and you can add salt only 10 - 15 minutes before they are ready;
  6. It is enough to cook milk corn cobs for half an hour; more ripe and larger corn can be cooked for about 2 – 3 hours. To determine the degree of readiness, you need to carefully separate and taste one grain.

Exists a large number of ways to cook your favorite dish! In addition to the usual cooking in a saucepan, you can try baking the cobs in the oven or boiling them in a double boiler or microwave. Each method is interesting in its own way, has its own nuances and deserves separate consideration.

Boiled corn with butter and salt


  • corn – 1 pc.,
  • sunflower oil (odorless) – 1 teaspoon,
  • salt - a pinch.


Boil the corn for 20-30 minutes until tender.

Clean the grains by first cutting them along the head with a knife.

And then separate the grains with your hands.

Pour vegetable oil into a container with corn and stir well.

Add a little salt and stir thoroughly again.

Boiled corn with butter and salt is ready.

Recipe for boiled corn in a double boiler

For this method you will need fresh corn cobs, a little melted butter, peeled and crushed walnuts, from seasonings: ground cardamom and salt.

The bottom of the vegetable container of the steamer should be generously greased with butter. Then put the cobs, previously cleared of leaves, into it and cook for 30 - 40 minutes. Heat the remaining butter in a frying pan, add cardamom and crushed walnuts. Serve the cooked corn with the resulting spicy nut sauce and season with salt. Bon appetit!

An important nuance: for cooking in a double boiler, the leaves from the cobs do not need to be cut off, but then you need to increase the cooking time.

Recipe for baking corn in the microwave

To cook in the microwave you need to take: medium-sized ears of young corn, melted butter, a little water and salt.

Unpeeled cobs should be soaked for one hour before cooking. Next, pack them in a plastic bag and pour a couple of tablespoons of water inside. Tie the bag and make a couple of holes in the top so that steam can escape freely. Set the microwave power to maximum and bake for 10 - 15 minutes. After the time is up, carefully remove the corn from the bag, remove excess leaves, pour in melted butter and add a little salt.

Recipe for baking young corn on the cob in the oven

For this recipe you will need: small corn cobs, water, sunflower and butter, a little salt.

First of all, you need to turn on the oven at 200 degrees. The baking tray needs to be greased sunflower oil, place the cobs with leaves on it and add water to the middle of the cobs. Cover the baking sheet with corn with foil and cook for 40 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the size and ripeness of the fruit. When the cobs are cooked, you need to remove the leaves from them, brush the top with melted butter and salt.

How to properly store boiled corn?

Cooked kettle corn can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 – 3 days. But it is worth remembering that without water, corn will not be able to remain as juicy and crispy for a long time, so it is better to leave it in the pan where it was cooked. You can also separate all the grains from the cobs and pour them into a dry container. Of course, in this form, the shelf life of corn, even in the refrigerator, is significantly reduced, but it is very convenient to use as a healthy snack while watching TV.

You can increase the shelf life of finished boiled corn by canning! Canning corn is practically no different from canning other vegetables. You only need 1 liter of special brine boiled water, 3 tsp. sugar and the same amount of salt. Place the corn cobs in sterilized jars, fill with prepared brine and roll up. You can also experiment and add your favorite spices and seasonings to the brine. In this form, corn can be stored throughout the winter, like other types home canning. At the same time, it is guaranteed to remain juicy and aromatic.

Is it possible to eat boiled corn while breastfeeding?

The composition of corn is extremely rich in many useful elements, so nursing mothers should definitely pay attention to this product. Although corn is a cereal crops, it does not contain gluten, which allows it to be considered a completely hypoallergenic product.

Eating corn on the cob does not change the composition of breast milk of nursing mothers at all. However, corn cereals can cause increased gas formation in the intestines, which can lead to bloating in infants. Therefore, corn can be added to the diet during lactation in strictly limited quantities.

Dietary properties of boiled corn

Corn is an excellent product for maintaining your diet. To comply proper nutrition It's better to eat steamed corn. Corn boiled in the usual way is also quite dietary dish, however, you need to keep in mind that some of the nutrients remain in the water during cooking. In order to correct the figure, corn is eaten without seasoning with salt or oil. You can also diversify your diet by preparing porridge in water from crushed corn kernels.

Can diabetics eat boiled corn?

In general, of course, it is possible. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the type of diabetes, individually select the amount of corn and the method of preparation.

There are two types of diabetes, which have a number of different features:

  1. Type 1 diabetes mellitus is called insulin-dependent and is characterized by constant increased level sugar and complete deficiency of the pancreatic hormone - insulin. With this type of diabetes, it is necessary to administer insulin with every meal and strictly count calories and carbohydrates in the dishes consumed.
  2. The second type - non-insulin dependent - does not require insulin and is much more common. It is usually observed overweight body, so it is necessary to regulate the diet to normalize weight. This helps to use fewer sugar-lowering medications, and with a combined effect, you can achieve an almost healthy carbohydrate metabolism.

It is important for all people with diabetes to learn how to count calories correctly. ready meals, carefully monitor the concentration of carbohydrates in food and take into account the glycemic index of foods. Corn has a fairly low glycemic index and can be eaten if you have non-insulin-dependent diabetes.

A sensible approach to nutrition gives positive dynamics, it is important to take into account all the features of this disease and apply complex therapy.

Corn is a versatile, tasty and healthy product that can be prepared in the most different ways! Both adults and children will be delighted to see such a wonderful summer snack on the home table!