Characteristics of food industry sectors

Food industry enterprises have their pros and cons. A huge plus is high profitability and quick payback enterprises. Therefore, many entrepreneurs decide to open a food production enterprise.

Features of the Russian food industry

The food industry has always been an attractive area for investment, since companies involved in the production of food and beverages are more resistant to crisis events than other industrial sectors. Stable cash flow, driven by small changes in consumer demand, allows the food industry to withstand long periods of recession. The production of food products in the form of finished products and semi-finished products is closely related to agriculture, acting as a raw material supplier. The food industry is also inextricably linked with trade.

Oddly enough, the least attractive from the point of view of investment are enterprises producing bread and bakery products. The reason for this is the orientation of Russian citizens towards purchasing traditional varieties of bread and the presence of a mechanism for state regulation of prices for this type of product. In addition, this industry is of a territorial-local nature, the market is divided, and business development with the aim of expanding geography is impractical. One way to increase profitability and provide additional income is to develop related industries, for example, confectionery.

The most attractive for both domestic and foreign investors is the production of confectionery products, since they have invariably been in consumer demand recently. In Western countries, on the contrary, the trend of proper nutrition is becoming increasingly popular, so interest in confectionery products there has sharply decreased.

Global trends in the efficiency of investments in the food industry

Food is needed every day, so the food industry is the most liquid.

International stock indices showing changes in direction and current situation market, show that over the past five years, food industry companies have shown growth comparable only to the growth of companies producing high-tech products. The most popular among modern consumers are innovative products that meet the trends in the consumption of healthy and healthy food.

Shares of companies engaged in the production of nutritional supplements, for example, those that are able to fight oxidative stress by increasing the antioxidant defense of the human body at the genetic level, are steadily growing in price. Leading the growth are global product manufacturers that use microalgae technology and produce natural substances that promote health and well-being.

Thus, by investing in food companies, it is possible to achieve stable profits even during periods of general economic downturn.

Food industry

The food industry is a set of production of food products in finished form or in the form of semi-finished products, as well as tobacco products, soap and detergents. In the agro-industrial complex, the food industry is closely linked with agriculture as a supplier of raw materials and with trade. Some branches of the food industry gravitate towards raw material areas, others towards consumption areas. Food industry sectors

Soft drink industry Wine industry Confectionery industry Canning industry Pasta industry Oil and fat industry Butter and cheese industry Dairy industry Flour and cereal industry Meat industry Brewery industry Fruit and vegetable industry Poultry industry Fishing industry Sugar industry Salt industry Alcohol industry Tobacco industry Bakery industry

Food industry enterprises have their pros and cons. A huge plus is the high profitability and quick payback of the enterprise. Therefore, many entrepreneurs decide to open a food production enterprise. No plant or factory can count on a quick return on investment.

And in the food industry - please! Sometimes enterprises pay for themselves in just a few months, and then bring good profit. The big disadvantage of this area is the use of raw materials that have a limited shelf life and shelf life. Sometimes you have to work directly from the wheels, or organize competent refrigeration and storage facilities.

Also, the disadvantages include very close control by Rospotrebnadzor authorities. Main types of food production: - bakery, - pasta, - sugar, - starch and syrup, - confectionery, - alcohol and alcoholic beverages, - non-alcoholic beer, - oil, fat and margarine production, - winemaking, - canning of fruits and vegetables , - concentrates.

Features of the Russian food industry

Features of the Russian food industry - an example The food industry is the main processing industry within the agro-industrial complex.

Based on the nature of the raw materials used and the principles of location, the food industry can be combined into the following groups.

The first group is industries focused on raw materials. The weight of their finished products is less than the weight of the raw materials. In addition, many types of raw materials are not subject to long-term transportation and storage, such as sugar beets, fruits or milk. The most important industries in this group are: canning, tea, sugar, cereals and butter.

When producing granulated sugar from beets, the waste is about 85%. It is not difficult to calculate the costs of transporting raw materials. During long-distance transportation, the quality of beets quickly deteriorates; they break easily and rot. In 1855, a confectionery factory was founded in Moscow by the French Sioux. After 1917 it was nationalized and given the name "Bolshevik". In the 1990s. it again became a private enterprise, and the majority stake belongs to the French company Danone. The technology was updated and the production of many new types of confectionery products was mastered. The fishing industry is distinguished by the peculiarities of its raw material base and has not only stationary production (onshore fish canning factories), but also mobile production on floating fish factories. 90% in This fish catch comes from sea fishing.

The second group includes industries that use raw materials that have already been processed. They focus on the consumer. This is pasta. bakery, confectionery, tea-selling, brewing industries.

The third group is enterprises of the meat-processing, dairy and flour-grinding industries, located both in production areas and in consumption areas.

Main purpose of the food industry

The main purpose of the food industry is food production. Its development makes it possible to eliminate differences in the food supply of the population associated with unequal natural conditions districts. Food concentrates, canned food, frozen vegetables and fruits do not deteriorate during transportation and long-term storage. The food industry is closely related to agriculture. Based on the nature of the raw materials used, the industries included in it are divided into two groups. The first group includes industries that use unprocessed raw materials: cereals; dairy; sugar; tea room; canning; fish

The second group includes industries that use processed raw materials, such as: tea distribution; confectionery; bakery; pasta.

The food industry is found almost everywhere where people permanently live. This is facilitated by the wide distribution of raw materials used and the widespread consumption of food products. Nevertheless, there are certain patterns in the location of the food industry.

The placement of food industry enterprises is based on taking into account their specific characteristics.

Enterprises producing perishable and non-transportable products are located in areas of consumption.

Enterprises that process raw materials that are not transportable and cannot withstand long-term storage are located in areas where these raw materials are produced (enterprises in the canning, dairy, wine-making, fishing and other industries).

Enterprises that are particularly resource-intensive in production are also located in areas with raw material bases. These include sugar factories and oil mills.

A person has one need that always and in any conditions needs to be satisfied. No matter who you are, no matter what your occupation, you cannot do without good, wholesome food. It is not surprising that for a long time the food industry in one form or another has been the basis of the economy of many countries.

Our country is no exception. It must be said that the Russian food industry has always been quite developed, since our state has almost always been an agricultural power. The resulting raw materials had to be processed for subsequent storage or sale, so the corresponding branch of the national economy developed quickly. In addition, Russia practically did not have a single peaceful century, so supplying the army with high-quality food products had to be constantly taken care of.

Brief historical excursion

The Russian food industry received its first blow during the First World War, and the dark time Civil War She was completely overwhelmed. Compared to 1900, food production decreased by five times. However, by 1927 the industry had almost completely recovered to its previous level, but it was not able to satisfy the needs of the young country.

The industrialization of the state, a sharp increase in construction and the expansion of production in all corners of the USSR led to the need for a radical revision of the food industry, which had existed until then. The relevance of this was the higher, the more high-quality raw materials began to be produced by collectivized agricultural cooperatives and collective farms. Around the same years, statistical departments calculated the average statistical figures for the needs of people of various professions in nutrients and individual product categories.

During the Patriotic War of 1941-45, almost the entire food industry of Russia, located in the central parts of the state, was again destroyed. The situation was saved only by the timely evacuation of most of the enterprises to the East. By the way, it is precisely thanks to this circumstance that Kazakhstan today has an advanced food industry in that region.

It should be noted that the food industry day in Russia, which is celebrated on October 19, was largely created in memory of the heroic work of industry workers who ensured continuous supplies of food to the rear and to the front.

Post-war problems

After five years, many sectors of the national economy, including the food industry, were restored to their previous pre-war level. But we have already said that even before the industry could no longer meet the increased needs of a rapidly growing and developing country. In fact, the situation was even worse. The fact is that the population of rural areas was fed almost exclusively by the products that were grown in the garden. People practically did not buy industrial products.

At that time, the country urgently needed as many workers as possible. The natural “candidates” for their role were precisely the peasants. But it was impossible to transport them to cities, since in this case the number of people who consumed food could rapidly increase. Of course, this situation could lead to famine. There was an urgent need to reorient the industry to new standards. Invaluable assistance in this regard was provided by the main institutes of the food industry in Russia (Moscow, Kuban), whose specialists developed many programs for re-equipping the industry.

Unfortunately, the local approach to solving this problem was completely wrong. Collective farmers were prohibited from keeping livestock in their personal farmsteads, or their number was legally limited. It was assumed that in this case labor productivity would greatly increase. Of course, to achieve this goal, production output standards were constantly increased. As for crop production, in order to increase the harvest of grain, the authorities decided to begin plowing black soil in Kazakhstan.

It was then that it became clear that there was a chronic shortage of qualified specialists for the normal exploitation of plowed lands. In fact, it turned out that only 40% of the total cultivated area could be used in accordance with agricultural standards. Because of the soil, it was rapidly declining, which ultimately led to the need to purchase grain abroad.


By the beginning of the 90s, the Russian food industry was far from in the best condition. Due to legendary mismanagement, the national economy lost up to 40% of finished products and valuable raw materials. In the period from 1970 to 1986, the medical and physiological supply of many professions constantly decreased. In fact, only representatives of the party elite, military personnel, sailors, pilots and astronauts ate normally in this regard.

At the beginning of 1991, the population's needs for vegetables, bread and pasta were covered by approximately 80-90%. As for sugar, lard, meat, milk and poultry, this figure was hardly 55-60% at best. Who is not familiar with the queues for “scarce” products that became one of the signs of the late USSR? All institutes of the food industry in Russia in those years experienced a catastrophic shortage of personnel, and the level of training of the specialists they produced was rapidly falling.

After 1991 there was a rapid decline general production. Some sectors of the food industry have reduced output by 60%. The market condition was rapidly deteriorating due to the fact that potential buyers simply did not have the funds to purchase products from domestic manufacturers. All this happened against the backdrop of a powerful flow of cheap imported goods that poured like a river across the opened borders. Every food industry production in Russia in those years was simply forced to resort to unfavorable dumping, designed to maintain at least some consumer interest in their products.

State of the technical component of the industry

By the beginning of the 90s, everything was very sad in this area. Physically, much of the equipment was already half obsolete, and as for moral “wear and tear”, it was completely prohibitive. Increasing technological backwardness and financial instability of the economy further aggravated the already far from brilliant position of the domestic food industry.

As a result, Russian production was unable to provide its own population with food. The situation became more serious the more often the sanitary and epidemiological services discovered the complete non-compliance of many imported goods with even the most basic standards. Legs with salmonellosis are far from the worst thing that was found then. Naturally, the Russian food industry itself received raw materials of similar quality. 2014 is much better in this regard; our sanitary and epidemiological control authorities are working much more intensively.

Components of the food industry in Russia

One of the main pillars of this industry in our country (and throughout the world) is livestock farming. This is what we will discuss now. This sector of the national economy provides at least 60% of the valuable raw materials from which domestic food products are produced. Alas, there are few regions in Russia in which nature allows breeding beef cattle. One of them is the Caucasus. The social situation there is such that a (relative) recovery of the industry has only become possible in recent years.

Accordingly, recently, at least 60% of the country’s population’s need for the same beef has been covered exclusively by imported supplies, because of which the Russian food industry is suffering. 2014 was marked by the introduction of Western sanctions. Oddly enough, it is precisely the last circumstance that allows us to hope for the prudence of the authorities, who, perhaps, will still pay attention to their own producers.

Cattle breeding

In our country it is developed in two directions: meat and dairy production and developed only in areas where the climate and food supply make production quite profitable.

Domestic dairy products have been quite different in recent years high quality. The problem is the small amount of subsidies that the state allocates to support the industry. Theoretically, this is due to our country’s accession to the WTO, but this fact does not prevent Germany and France from supporting their own farmers. Today, a paradoxical situation has arisen: despite the fact that the country is capable of providing at least 89% of the need for dairy products on its own, we continue to purchase it abroad.

Because of this, the Russian food industry is suffering greatly. Report from industry experts last year indicates that the country can achieve completely independent milk supply in five to seven years. Instead, domestic producers are again left without government orders and funding.

As for beef, the situation is even sadder. The fact is that in our country there is practically no dairy farming as such. All meat of domestic origin that appears on the shelves of our stores comes from dairy cattle. It has such low nutritional characteristics, which in the food industry is used exclusively as an additive to pork. It is impossible to organize the production of full-fledged steaks or sausages from it, but these products could contribute to a significant increase in the income of Russian food producers.

Pig farming

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that at least 2/3 of the total need for raw meat is covered by pig farming. Domestic products made from it are of excellent quality and are always in high demand among consumers. The problem is that pork is a fairly expensive product, since obtaining it requires large subsidies for the construction of large pig-breeding complexes. The reality is that the state is in no hurry to invest in them, preferring to finance foreign manufacturers. Own food and processing industry Russia at this time is experiencing a chronic lack of funds.

Food industry sectors in Russia

Now let’s look at the main sectors of the Russian food industry. The principle of locating processing enterprises on the territory of the country is based on two factors: raw materials and consumer. In most cases, when building new enterprises, they focus specifically on the availability of raw materials, since a lot of it is required when producing food products. When transporting more or less long distances, huge costs are required to ensure its safety, and therefore production in such conditions simply becomes unprofitable.

Depending on the combination of all these factors, experts distinguish three branches of the food industry that are common in Russia:

  • The sources of raw materials tend to be starch and molasses, sugar and vegetable oil, and canned vegetable products. For example, we have sugar production only in the Caucasus and Central Black Earth regions, since transporting somewhere hundreds of thousands of tons of raw materials, from which only a few tens of tons of finished products come out, is simply unprofitable and stupid. The largest food industry enterprises in Russia (ASTON, Yug Rusi) that produce vegetable oil are also located there.
  • On the contrary, bakery industry production can be found throughout the country. This allows us to classify it as a consumer food industry. Grain is relatively easy to transport, and the yield of finished products from raw materials is quite large.
  • Mixed industries: flour milling and meat. Primary processing of raw materials is carried out in close proximity to the places of their production, and then the semi-finished products are sent to the places of their final processing. Perfect example- fish. It is frozen on fishing trawlers. Salted herring, for example, is produced even in Udmurtia, from which the nearest sea is several thousand kilometers away.

Other industry characteristics

In general, domestic food industry includes hundreds production cycles, characterized by high complexity. The most important are the basic varieties. Their products are the primary raw materials for more complex industries. These industries include: flour-grinding industry, production of raw sugar, production of milk with its subsequent cooling.

These can also include all Russian food industry enterprises specializing in fish production or slaughtering livestock. But here we already have to make distinctions between industries: the same beef can be immediately sent to store shelves, or it can be used for the production of sausages, meat bread, etc. Exactly latest processes are considered the most important, since the products obtained as a result of their implementation bring the lion's share of the profit to the manufacturer.

Important production features

The food industry in our country alone satisfies the needs of millions of consumers. This is due to the huge variety of companies, some of which have been on the market for more than a hundred years (Nestle, for example). The peculiarity of this industry is that it is necessary to constantly find some new tastes and forms of release, since consumer interest must be maintained. Exactly according to last reason The modern food industry is interested in inventing new containers and ways of packaging them.

Simply put, the food industry, not only in our country, but also abroad, employs thousands of people involved in the production of glass, paper, plastic and metal packaging. This is largely determined by the raw material nature of the location of industry enterprises: the same beer is best bottled in close proximity to factories where plastic and glass bottles are produced. Transporting them halfway across the country is a costly affair.

Main costs of the food industry

If we talk about the profitability of this type of production, then Russian food industry enterprises incur considerable costs due to the need to purchase modern packaging lines and machines, the prices of which are not particularly affordable. The costs of professional printing of packaging are very high. Add to this payments to designers, marketers, costs for certification and promotion of your products. Thus, the modern food industry is a very, very expensive industry.

The main problems of the food industry in our country

In general, we have already talked about many of them. Thus, the development of the food industry in Russia is greatly complicated due to the almost complete absence state support industry. There are a lot of costs for setting up production (see above), taxes - even more, and there is no real interest of the top officials of the state in ensuring the country's own self-sufficiency.

We must not forget that there are several major players in the industry who control the food market almost all over the world. Everyone knows these companies: Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and others. Thus, almost all carbonated water is produced at factories whose shares belong to Coca-Cola. The same is true in the situation with chocolate: even by buying domestic sweets, you are sponsoring the Swiss Nestlé.

Of course, these companies in the Russian food industry are profitable in a certain sense, since they pay considerable taxes to the federal budget. The other side of the coin is that the domestic production of sparkling water alone is almost completely destroyed, since it is simply unrealistic for small companies to compete with such “whales” of the global industry. These are the main problems of the Russian food industry.

The food industry is a set of enterprises engaged in the production of raw materials, materials and products aimed at meeting the nutritional needs of the population. The agro-industrial complex is a complex conglomerate of enterprises and organizations whose goal is to produce, process and bring products to final condition. The productivity and degree of development of agriculture has a direct impact on the quality and productive capabilities of various sectors of the food industry.

Main elements of the Russian food industry

The priority direction in the country is livestock farming. This industry provides about 65% of valuable raw materials, from which all kinds of food products are subsequently produced.

There are two main directions:

  1. Meat and dairy segment;
  2. Dairy farming.

The climate and food supply are acceptable only in the European part of the state, where the main production centers are concentrated. Almost 70% of all meat raw materials are replenished through pig farming. Pork is an expensive product, but it is always of excellent quality and is in demand among consumers.

Branches of the food industry in Russia

Facilities producing products depend on the raw material base and consumer factors. There are three main areas in the country’s food industry:

  1. Enterprises in the dairy sector, starch, molasses, sugar, and canned food of plant origin gravitate toward sources of raw materials. For example, in the south there is a large ASTON concert, where oil is produced. Sugar is actively produced in the Caucasus region;
  2. Bakery production facilities are located relatively evenly throughout the country. Linking is carried out on a consumer basis;
  3. Flour mills are located only near the places where raw materials are extracted. The situation is similar with the meat and fish industries.

Development of food industry sectors

In pre-revolutionary Russia, the first enterprises were formed for the subsequent development of the food industry. The most developed were considered to be flour milling, sugar, oil, alcohol and distillery production lines. All segments developed quite actively.

The first blow to the economy came during the First World War. At that time, productivity in all areas fell by 3 to 5 times. It took several decades for all industries to fully recover. To produce high-quality raw materials, collective farms and agricultural cooperatives were formed.

During Patriotic War The food industry went into decline again. However, in the post-war period, agriculture and prerogative industries were among the first to be restored. The country grew and developed rapidly. The food industry had difficulty meeting the needs of the population. Growing mismanagement and incorrect distribution of resources led to the fact that by the beginning of the 90s, the national economy was losing up to 40% of finished products and raw materials.

Light and food industries around the world

The food and flavoring industry is complex in its structure. Currently, several major groups have formed around the world. Basic industries that offer products for further processing (flour milling, sugar, dairy, fish, meat) are presented in the form of agricultural formations, places for slaughtering livestock and fishing. Such products can either go directly to the market or be transported to more complex markets. technological processes enterprises.

In the food and flavoring industries around the world, powerful concerns have emerged that produce high-quality products with a name. For example, Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others.

Each corporation owns a huge amount enterprises scattered around the world. Each country forms a complex of enterprises in the industrial sector according to the characteristics of its economy, the country's potential, climate and various resources.

Today, the countries with the most advanced food industry are: Australia, Argentina, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Poland, Chile, China. It is worth mentioning separately the countries that are engaged in the sale of exotic goods (tea, tobacco, pearls, exotic varieties of fish, seafood, fruits, snapdragon, vegetables). The most famous of them: Uganda, India, China, Japan, Iceland, Thailand, Tanzania, Peru, Mozambique.

It is worth mentioning the fact that production in these countries is built on rather primitive principles. Most products are created in basic production facilities and then transported to regions where there is the highest demand for goods of this type.

The peculiarities of the food industry include the fact that it is part of the agro-industrial complex. It is focused on producing products to satisfy the population's basic food needs. Food industry enterprises collect raw materials, process them and bring them to a form in which it is best to organize delivery to the end consumer.

Considering the report researchers leading research institutes of the country and their tables, this area of ​​production is greatly influenced by the development of agriculture. It determines the characteristics of the sectoral composition of the region’s food industry, its capacity and other important qualities.

What industries are included in the food industry?

There are the following branches of the food industry:

  • production of soft drinks;
  • winemaking;
  • confectionery industry;
  • canning;
  • pasta;
  • oil and fat and cheese making;
  • flour and cereal;
  • fruit and vegetable;
  • poultry farming;
  • bakery;
  • brewing;
  • salt;
  • alcohol;
  • tobacco and others.


The sectoral structure of the food industry implies its division into the following categories:

  • include enterprises that work with imported raw materials. Their placement is focused on large transport hubs - railways, ports and others. The products they produce are usually highly transportable;
  • include plants and factories that are located closer to raw materials or to the end consumer.

How is the production process carried out?

Most enterprises of this type belong to the processing industries. Only some of them have a mining direction (production of salt, fish, etc.). For high-quality processing of primary raw materials, each plant uses its own technological schemes, but they all boil down to ensuring high safety of the final product.

The methods used should improve taste qualities manufactured products, making them more attractive to buyers. Also, all technological schemes for processing, if possible, should ensure long term storage of products, which is very important during their long-term transportation over long distances.

In the production of food products, an important role is played by the organization of processes of bacterial and non-bacterial fermentation of raw materials. In the first case, they mean fermentation, which occurs with beer, wine, cheese, etc. The second group includes products that reach required characteristics using its own enzymes (for example, when aging meat).

There are other, no less popular, methods of processing raw materials - canning, stabilizing filtration (fruit juices, beer are subjected to), tenderization (using electrical voltage) and many others.

Characteristics of the Russian food industry

In Russia, livestock farming is most developed. This industry sector occupies leading place, since it provides about 65% of the raw materials for the further production process. Livestock enterprises are mainly located in the European part of Russia, where the climate is milder and there is enough feed.

Most of the production of this industry (about 70%) comes from livestock farming.

You can also note other areas that are developed in Russia:

  • enterprises for the production of sugar, starch, canned food are located relative to the sources of raw materials. For example, a large ASTON plant is located in the south of the country. It specializes in the production of oil and similar products. There are sugar production enterprises in the Caucasus;
  • factories producing bakery products are located evenly throughout the country. They are tied only to the consumer;
  • any plant related to the flour-grinding, meat or fishing industries is located relative to the place where raw materials are extracted.

Production of bread and bakery products

Production capacities of the Russian food industry

The production capacity of various branches of the food industry in Russia is as follows:

  • . Own sugar production reaches 3.3 million tons. The main raw material in in this case sugar beet appears. Raw cane sugar is also used, which is delivered from abroad;
  • confectionery. In recent years, the production capacity of this industry has been more than 3,500 thousand tons of products per year. Most enterprises of this type are located in the Central Federal District (about 40%). The leading companies are Mars, Wrigley, Mondelis Rus;
  • oil and fat It mainly produces products such as butter, margarine, vegetable fats, and mayonnaise. Enterprises of this type primarily use raw materials obtained from the country. The leading direction in the industry is . The South of Russia company owns about 30% of the country's entire market;
  • dairy. There are more than 1,500 different enterprises in this industry. On average, the country produces about 16.5 million tons of milk, 0.5 million tons of cheese, and 0.6 million tons of butter per year. Leading enterprises are Wimm-Bill-Dann, Ochakovo and Voronezh plants, Permmoloko;
  • meat. It has about 3,600 factories of various types. They mainly work with outdated equipment, so the volume of imported meat in Russia is significant;
  • fish processing. The main region where the main enterprises of this industry are located is the Far Eastern fisheries basin. It provides 2.4 million tons of products per year;
  • distillery and wine making. Enterprises related to this industry are generally evenly distributed throughout Russia. During the year, the country produces up to 66.6 million deciliters of vodka, 6.9 million deciliters of cognac, 15.6 million deciliters of champagne wines, 32.1 million deciliters of wine;
  • brewing. Baltika is considered the leading enterprise in this industry. It occupies 37% of the entire beer market in Russia and is actively exported to other countries of the world. Also working in this industry are the Sharypovsky, Angarsky, Barnaul, and Zhigulevsky plants.

Development of the food industry in different countries of the world

There are many industries all over the world that offer products suitable for further processing - flour milling, meat, fish, dairy and others. Basically, they represent certain agricultural formations, specially equipped places for slaughtering livestock or fishing. As a result, products are manufactured that can be immediately supplied to the market to the end consumer or sent for further processing.

Based on these features, powerful corporations have emerged in the world that are incredibly popular among consumers. For example, this is the concern plant Nestlé, Coca-Cola, Unilever and many others. Each of the corporations is represented by a variety of enterprises located throughout the globe.

The most successful countries with a developed food industry are Australia, Argentina, Canada, Germany, Belgium, Poland, China and many others. There are also factories that specialize in the extraction and production of exotic products - tea, tobacco, some fruits and vegetables, seasonings, etc. They are mainly located in countries such as Uganda, Thailand, China, India and others.

Enterprises located on their territory most often work with primitive equipment. They use the simplest technological schemes, which does not prevent them from obtaining large volumes of products. Basically, every factory located in these countries sells its goods in areas where there is a huge demand for them.


In Russia, the food industry has enormous potential. This is due to the presence of large raw material bases and the abundance of products produced by agriculture. It should be noted that currently the food industry in our country is one of the leading ones.

Our manufacturers adopt the experience of their foreign colleagues and are not afraid to experiment. It is very important that they take care of the technical and technological updating of production. In addition, our state strictly ensures that all food safety standards are observed.

The food industry in Russia is represented by thousands of enterprises of various forms of ownership and different sizes. A large number of manufacturers leads to very high competition in the sales market. Therefore, the food industry today does not stand still. Various technical innovations are being introduced all the time.

It should be noted that almost the entire assortment in grocery stores is currently made up of domestically produced goods. This is evidence of progress in the development of the Russian food industry.

The Russian food industry unites about 30 industries, which are characterized by certain biotechnologies for manufacturing products and various organization of production. The largest of them can be called the following groups of industries: meat, dairy, oil and fat, confectionery, bakery, brewing.

The economic and food security of the country and the health of the population largely depend on the results of the work of food industry enterprises. However, now the situation of many food industry enterprises remains quite difficult. This is due to factors such as lack of funds for technical re-equipment, low purchasing power of the population, and high prices for imported raw materials.

Based on the above, the purpose of this work is to identify the main problems in the development of food industry enterprises in Russia and ways to solve them.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Consider food industry enterprises by industry;

Analyze the results of enterprises for 2010;

Analyze the current state of food industry enterprises in Russia, their features and main tasks for development;

The work was written using articles from periodicals, mainly the magazine “Food Industry” and “Economic Sciences.

General characteristics of Russian food industry enterprises

Characteristics of food industry enterprises by industry

One of the features of the Russian food industry is the formation of vertically integrated corporations. The confectionery, oil and fat, dairy, and meat processing sectors of the food industry are represented by various large holdings. Thus, in the oil and fat industry, a large manufacturer, the NMZhK group of companies, includes various factories and combines operating in all cycles of production of oil and fat products. The large Siberian holding company "Russian Meat Products" has not only meat procurement and manufacturing enterprises, but also with its own sales network, .

In the Russian food market, enterprises producing food products can be divided into the following main groups:

1) large vertically integrated holdings focused on the development of production based on their own raw material base (began to form in the mid-90s) - Cherkizovsky Meat Processing Plant, Wimm-Bill-Dann, CJSC Parnas M.

2)transnational corporations with production facilities in the Moscow region and other regions of the country (they began to appear in the first half of the 90s) - Danone (France); "Ermann", "Campina" (Germany); Pepsi-Cola General Bottlers LLC, Mars (USA); Cadbury (UK);

3) holding enterprises with foreign capital participation - OJSC Baltika Brewing Company, Campomos; OJSC Petmol.

4) regional processing enterprises that began operating in the Soviet period and successfully completed the stage of reorganization of the management and production structure in the second half of the 90s.

5) small production workshops, entrepreneurs without education legal entity, as a rule, producing and selling their products in the same region.

At the beginning of 2008, the Russian food industry included 49,973 operating enterprises (including enterprises producing drinks and tobacco).

Food industry enterprises have a number of features that determine their production structure:

Seasonality of production in industries processing agricultural raw materials, seasonality of the use of labor in them and uneven loading of fixed production assets throughout the year;

A high level of material intensity of manufactured products, which requires taking into account the influence of the economic mechanism on the level of use of raw materials and other material resources, economic incentives for improving the quality of agricultural raw materials and final food products;

The specific nature of production in a number of industries, which is manifested in significant volumes of production of products that quickly deteriorate and require short storage and sales periods;

The material and technical base of the food industry, which necessitates its saturation with modern equipment and advanced technologies as an important prerequisite for the intensification of management at enterprises in the industry;

The focus of production on the direct consumer, which makes the food industry most susceptible to implementation market relations, affecting the organizational structure;

The need to introduce new food products with overcoming various organizational barriers that arise in the process of differentiation and diversification of the industry;

High qualifications and abilities required of workers who, due to the small number of professional technical educational institutions, preparing modern workers for food industry enterprises, have to be trained at enterprises.

Let's look at food industry enterprises in each industry.

The baking industry is one of the leading branches of the food industry. There are more than 18 thousand bakeries operating in this industry (including 1.5 thousand large ones), of which more than 50% are small bakeries.

One of the features of the baking industry is the concentration of production capacity in large enterprises and, at the same time, the presence of a large number of small enterprises of various forms of ownership. The industry is represented by both newcomers - private bakeries, and former state bakeries, which were corporatized during privatization.

In Russia, the main volume of bread production is concentrated in large enterprises. More than 80% of all bakery products are produced here. Baking enterprises of relatively small capacity (3,500 thousand tons of products per year), which are called mini-bakeries, numbering 10 thousand, have become widespread.

Small enterprises have adapted to market requirements and are occupying their segment by producing a wider range of products and locating enterprises within walking distance of the buyer.

IN last decade 200 bakeries out of 1500 ceased to exist, many dozens of bakeries reduced their bread production several times. The production of bakery products, according to official statistics, has been declining in recent years: in 2000, 9.1 million tons of products were produced, in 2003 - 7.8 million tons.

In 2004-2005 There is, albeit a slight, increase in production volumes (8.1 million tons and 8.4 million tons, respectively). However, in 2008, there was again a drop in the analyzed indicator to 7.5 million tons. Despite the decrease in production volumes, the population’s need for them was fully satisfied.

As for meat processing enterprises, they continue to operate in conditions of an acute shortage of the main production resource - domestic raw materials of animal origin. However, the macroeconomic indicators of the meat industry maintain positive dynamics - since 2001, production volumes of the main types of meat products have been growing. Thus, in 2008, 2016.9 thousand tons of poultry meat were produced (11.6% more than in 2007), pork - 501.7 thousand tons (at the 2007 level). At the same time, 280.3 thousand tons of beef were produced, which is 1.4% lower than the 2007 level.

Enterprises produce and slaughter livestock, poultry, produce meat, canned meat, sausages, semi-finished products (cutlets, dumplings). Along with food production, dry animal feed, valuable medical preparations (insulin, heparin), as well as adhesives, gelatin and feather products are produced.

The dairy industry is a branch of the food industry that unites enterprises producing various dairy products from milk. The industry includes enterprises for the production of animal oil, whole milk products, canned milk, powdered milk, cheese, feta cheese, ice cream, casein and other dairy products.

The production of dairy products in Russia is in a stage of stagnation, which is due to a lack of raw materials caused by the still difficult situation in the country's livestock sector, a significant reduction in the number of dairy herds and, consequently, a decrease in gross milk yield in farms of all categories. Over the past 5 years, the production of raw materials (milk) in farms of all categories has practically not grown and remains at the level of 32 million tons.

As of 2008, due to a shortage of domestic raw materials, the average annual capacity of enterprises is used by less than half: for the production of animal butter - by 30.8%, whole milk powder - by 40.5%, skimmed milk powder - by 48%, canned food dairy - by 50.4%. This indicates significant potential for industrial processing of raw materials (milk), increasing the production of dairy products in a wide range.

Modern dairy plants or factories carry out complex processing of raw materials, produce a wide range of products, are equipped with mechanized and automated lines for bottling products into bottles, bags and other types of containers, pasteurizers and coolers, separators, evaporators, cheese producers, and automatic product packaging machines.

It is noteworthy that mini-factories for the production of milk and fermented milk products are currently becoming increasingly popular among small and medium-sized businesses. Such factories can be located on the territory of a small settlement, military camp or farm. Such mini-workshops are produced at the manufacturing plant and are completely ready for work. The leaders among various milk processing shops are KOLAX mini-productions, which is confirmed by various awards received by the developers and manufacturers of these mini-factories.

Thus, at present, farmers can compete with monopoly factories in their region, since such mini-production requires significantly lower costs compared to a large plant. This is due to the costs of transporting raw materials and paying workers. In addition, farmers have the opportunity to process their own raw materials without the participation of intermediaries.

2010 became a landmark year for the Russian milk processing market. The two largest players were absorbed by international corporations: the French holding Danone absorbed Unimilk, and the American company PepsiCo acquired Wimm-Bill-Dann.

The oil and fat industry in Russia unites a complex of production facilities, interconnected by the commonality of raw materials and the sequence of stages of its processing. Various groups of industries are also characterized by the general purpose of the products they produce.

Oil and fat products (vegetable oil, margarine, mayonnaise) are produced by 76 large enterprises (including 52 creameries) and 1,300 small workshops and enterprises of various forms of ownership. Over the past 5 years, according to Rosstat, the capacity of enterprises for processing oilseeds has increased from 4.39 to 7.97 million tons (1.8 times).

New large processing plants have been built. The ASTON Corporation commissioned the oil extraction plant of ASTON LLC for processing sunflower seeds. Sodrugestvo Group of Companies launched a soybean processing plant in the Kaliningrad region. In addition, small-capacity enterprises are being built to meet the needs of the local population of some regions of the country for fat and oil products.

Currently the main manufacturers vegetable oils: agricultural holding "Yug Rusi", whose enterprises are located in the main regions of oilseed production. Thus, one of the plants of the agricultural holding LLC "Zolotaya Semechka" is the largest in Russia in the production of vegetable oils. The plant's capacity is 3000 tons of oilseed processing per day, or 1 million 100 thousand tons per year.

Processing of fruit and vegetable products in the Russian Federation began to revive after the crisis of 1998: juices, compotes, jams, canned vegetables, frozen vegetables and fruits made in Russia are regaining lost positions.

The main share (85%) of fruits and vegetables continues to be produced by specialized large and medium-sized enterprises.

The share of Russian producers in the canned fruit and vegetable market is about 10%. The main producers of ketchup on the Russian market are the companies "Baltimore", "Petrosoyuz", "Unilever". Today, the largest enterprises producing crispy potatoes include Frito Lay Manufacturing LLC (Moscow region), Russian Product OJSC (Moscow), R.S.K. CJSC. (Moscow region) and OJSC "Vologda Food Processing Plant".

The main difficulties for enterprises are the low quality of agricultural raw materials, the lack of cash flow necessary to ensure uninterrupted production, and the low level of equipment with modern types of technological equipment. The problem of marketing canned fruits and vegetables is acute.

The confectionery industry is an industry that produces high-calorie foods food products, which usually contains large number Sahara. The sector of chocolate and chocolate products production remains the most dynamically developing in the industry. The Russian chocolate market is highly concentrated.

Almost all-Russian sales of chocolate products are accounted for by 6 large giants. These are international giants of the confectionery industry: Nestle (in Russia it owns the Samara confectionery factory "Russia", the Kama confectionery factory in Perm and the Altai confectionery factory in Barnaul), Kraft Foods (owns the Pokrov confectionery factory, Vladimirov region) and Mars (USA), Cadbury, the United Confectioners holding, which includes the largest domestic chocolate manufacturers - Rot Front OJSC, Red October International Film Festival OJSC, Babaevsky concern and the SladCo confectionery association, consisting of OJSC SladCo (Ekaterinburg) and OJSC Confectionery Factory Volzhanka (Ulyanovsk).

SladCo is one of the largest manufacturers of confectionery products in Russia, one of the top ten leaders in the confectionery industry and produces all main types of confectionery products - chocolate, candies, caramel, cookies, waffles.

In recent years it has been organized a whole series new enterprises and workshops. The number of specialized enterprises has increased. There are about 200 of them, more than half of which are small (with a capacity of up to 5 thousand tons per year). At the same time, there is a growing number of enterprises with a capacity of over 20 thousand tons, where the capacity utilization factor is significantly higher than the industry average (about 70%).

Confectionery industry enterprises control approximately 87% of the consumer market in physical volume. In general, the country’s confectionery industry can currently be characterized as a successfully functioning link in the agro-industrial complex. There are 1,500 specialized and other food enterprises in the industry that produce confectionery total average annual production capacity of 3.3 million tons, .

Over the past ten years, the Russian brewing industry has gone from one of the backward sectors of the food industry to an efficiently operating sector of the Russian agrarian-industrial complex.

Important trends in the industry include the desire to consolidate the brewing market through large-scale mergers. The main reasons for this are a significant increase in prices for basic raw materials (malting barley, malt and hops), as well as packaging materials.

As a result of consolidation, 6 large companies control 90% of the Russian beer market. These are the companies Baltika (38%), SunInbev (19%), Heineken (14%), Efes (10%), Sub Miller (5%), Ochakovo (4%).

OJSC Baltika Brewing Company is the largest Russian brewing company, the leader of the Russian beer market with a share of more than 42%.

The Baltika brand is one of two Russian brands (along with Lukoil) included in the list of the world's 100 largest brands compiled in April 2007 by the British newspaper Financial Times.

In recent years, there has been significant progress in providing the industry with domestically produced malt. Malt production increased from 490 thousand tons (2000) to 1.4 million tons in 2008, that is, it increased almost 3 times. The main contribution to achieving this was made by brewing companies, which built and commissioned malt factories. These are the companies "Baltika", "Ochakovo", "Efes". In addition, the Russian Malt company built and put into operation malt factories in the Moscow region (Voronovo settlement), Voronezh region(Elevatorny village), and the Oryol region (Znamenka village) with a production capacity of 100 thousand tons of malt per year each. All malt factories built are equipped with high-performance equipment and modern technologies malt production.

The production of soft drinks and mineral waters continues to develop at a fairly high pace. The production of soft drinks in 2008 amounted to 601.8 million decaliters, or 100.6% of those produced in 2007, mineral waters - 8005.8 million half liters, or 110.2% of the 2007 volume.

The main producers of soft drinks and mineral waters in Russia, along with the world leaders Coca-Cola and PepsiCo: JSC "OST-AKVA", LLC "Megapack", LLC PK "Master", JSC "Borodino" of the Moscow region, Moscow beer - non-alcoholic plant " Ochakovo".

Currently, in Russia there is a consolidation of the industry, which is associated with an increase in the market share of its participants. The main role here is played by transnational corporations Danone, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle and individual large Russian producers of dairy products and juices - Wimm-Bill-Dann.

In conditions of fierce competition, Russian producers of soft drinks (including mineral waters) pay great attention to improving the quality of their products and improving their design.