Goncharov has a modern interpretation of the theme of love. Essay “Love in the novel “Oblomov”

Goncharov said: “Love moves the world with the power of an Archimedean lever.” These words can be taken as an epigraph not only to Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”, but also to the whole human life generally.
Love in Oblomov, as in other novels, plays a huge role. It can explain many of the heroes’ actions; it is the cause of joy and suffering. Love is what is most beautiful in a person, what makes him do wonderful things.
Each hero of the novel, like any of us, perceives love in his own way, each imagines his own ideal of his beloved or loved one. In the novel, Goncharov shows several love lines: Oblomov and Olga, Stolz and Olga, Oblomov and Pshenitsyna, Zakhar and Anisya. All of them, despite their differences, have common features.
The love of Olga and Oblomov appeared as a result of Stolz’s care. This active person cannot come to terms with his friend’s apathy, so he makes attempts to revive him to life. Stolz describes Olga's beautiful spiritual qualities Oblomov: his tenderness, kindness, intelligence. Olga is trying to “stir up Oblomov.” At first it seems like fun to her, especially since Oblomov begins to be reborn right before her eyes. He himself lives by love: “...he gets up at seven o’clock, reads, carries books somewhere. There is no sleep, no fatigue, no boredom on his face. But even colors appeared in him, a sparkle in his eyes, something like courage or, at least, self-confidence.” But Olga really falls in love with Oblomov. Now this is no longer a game. Olga is ready to give a lot to her chosen one, but she also expects selfless return from him. And, alas, he is faced with Oblomov’s inertia. Love begins to weigh heavily on Ilya Ilyich. He understands that “even in love there is no peace.” The tragic outcome is inevitable, the heroes part. It seems to me that the reason is that both loved the image they created, and not a specific person. Ilya Ilyich understood this and in a letter to Olga writes: “...your real “love” is not true love, but the future. This is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to a lack of real food... sometimes expresses itself in women in affection towards a child, towards another woman, even simply in tears or hysterical fits... You are mistaken, this is not the one you were waiting for, oh com dreamed. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up; you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake.” Soon Olga herself realized the illusory nature of her love. In a conversation with Stolz about Oblomov, she created for herself perfect image and fell in love with him. Olga did not love Oblomov as he really was, but her creation, what could happen later, in the future. And Oblomov? He returned to his old life, to the sofa and to the robe. It hurts him to lose Olga. But Oblomov also loves not a living person, but an image he has invented. Had he realized Olga's real nature, it would never have occurred to him to place her in his future imaginary world. For Oblomov perfect marriage- this is something else: “...and next to the proudly bashful deceased friend sleeps a carefree man. He falls asleep with confidence, waking up to meet the same gentle, cute gaze. And after twenty, thirty years...” He, who grew up in Oblomovka and learned from childhood only one philosophy: everything should be in a state of peace, will never understand Olga’s active nature.
But love, whatever it may be, does not pass without a trace. She awakened his best qualities in Oblomov. Now we sympathize with him, we see in him something more than just an inactive person. Love changed Olga too. Stolz was the first to notice this. “How ripe she is, my God! How this girl has developed! Who was her teacher? Where did she take her life lessons? The Baron? It’s smooth there, you won’t learn anything from his smart phrases! Not Ilya’s!..” If you look at it, then Stolz himself wants calm, long-term love. Only, unlike Oblomov, in love Stolz, as in life, does not tolerate the slightest uncertainty or understatement. Everything must be sorted out and sorted out so that contradictions do not accumulate and threaten the lives of the spouses in the future. Stolz is happily married. He achieved what he wanted, and found in Olga what he was looking for: the ability to think like him, to be on an equal footing with him. They are not at different poles, like Oblomov and Olga, they are both advanced people: smart, frank, seeking knowledge. But doubts creep into Olga’s soul, it seems to her that something is still missing in her life, she dreams of something unrealistic. Perhaps Olga’s ideal is a man who would embody Oblomov’s spiritual qualities and Stolz’s active nature.
Oblomov finds his ideal in Pshenitsyna. It happened quietly and unnoticed. Lying on the sofa, seeing the diligent Agafya Matveevna in front of him, Oblomov falls in love with her. She is an excellent housewife, a kind and faithful wife. But the main thing is that she created for Ilya Ilyich his Oblomovka, which he aspired to. Pshenitsyna’s house is Oblomovka. Oblomov again found himself in that environment, memories of which he retained from childhood. From the very moment when Ilya Ilyich crossed the threshold of Agafya Matveevna’s house, he was doomed to return to Oblomovka, return to his old life, die for those around him and begin to live according to his dream. Pshenitsyna’s love does not demand anything from Oblomov; moreover, the hostess herself makes sacrifices in the name of this love. “...She didn’t know what was happening to her, she never asked herself, but she passed under this sweet yoke unconditionally, without resistance or passion, without trepidation, without passion, without vague forebodings, longings, without play and music of nerves.. “I fell in love with Oblomov simply, as if I had caught a cold and had an incurable fever.” Lyubov Pshenitsyna is selfless and devoted. It seems that her whole life has passed in anticipation of a person whom she could devotedly love and care for. She has taken on the role of full-time mistress and is doing a great job with it. She prepares Sunday pies, pawns her things, which Oblomov has no idea about, just so that the master doesn’t need anything. This kind of love is very similar to mother's love and care. But perhaps Oblomov needed a wife who embodied the qualities of a wife and mother at the same time.
There is another line of love in the novel. It can be traced in the relationship between Oblomov’s servant Zakhar and Anisya. These people are happy in their own way; they also found their ideal in life. Zakhar considers himself a smart person and pretends that he does not listen to women’s advice, but then he does as his wife tells him. Anisya sees all this, takes it for granted and is happy.
All these completed marriages are different, but it is impossible to say which one is better or worse. The important thing is that in them each of the partners found what they were looking for. Oblomov is happy because his wife does not demand anything from him, while at the same time completely caring for him. Agafya is also happy, because her daily worries and eternal movement have acquired a higher meaning. Stolz also found his ideal woman.
The theme of love is eternal, and as long as there are people on earth, there is love.

The theme of love in I. A. Goncharov’s novel “Oblomov”

In the novel “Oblomov” by I. A. Goncharov, three love stories are shown: Oblomov and Olga, Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna, Olga and Stolz. They all have different attitudes towards love, they have different goals in life, different views on life itself, but they have something in common - the ability to love. They search for their love for a long time and only after finding it do they find true happiness.

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is a typical Russian gentleman. He grew up “babybak” and therefore he doesn’t know how and doesn’t want to do anything, he just lies on the couch all day long, eats, sleeps and makes grandiose plans for the future. Even Stolz, his closest friend, cannot bring him out of a state of complete inactivity. But the situation changes dramatically after Oblomov meets Olga Ilyinskaya. She was considered an unusual girl; there was “no affectation, no lies, no coquetry” in her. It was for this sincerity, purity, directness that he fell in love with Olga. The heroine first tries to awaken him to life, and then falls in love with him for his kindness, gentleness, and romance.

In the summer, Oblomov follows Olga to the dacha, where their love blossoms in full force. But already here he understands that he and Olga different people that she does not love him, but only the future Oblomov.

Returning to St. Petersburg, they continue to meet, although Oblomov again leads a sedentary lifestyle. He begins to imagine how many things need to be done before the wedding - to settle things in Oblomovka, find a new apartment, prepare everything for the wedding, visit old friends and invite them to visit. The hero is afraid of these troubles and therefore begins to move away from Olga, making excuses either by illness or by the poor condition of the roads. She begins to realize that Ilya Ilyich is far from the person she painted in her imagination, and that she cannot make the real Oblomov ideal. Therefore, Olga breaks up with Oblomov.

Their breakup should have been a relief for Oblomov, but it brings him mental pain. He loved sincerely, the end of the relationship killed the remnants of the energetic, active Oblomov.

The hero again plunges into the pool of idleness and daydreaming. His landlady, Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna, takes all care of him. She herself doesn’t know why she loves Ilya Ilyich. Perhaps he differs sharply from those around her, from servile officials like her late husband; perhaps she discerned his gentleness, sensitivity, kindness. She sacrifices a lot for him, sells her things so that he will always feel good. The hero likes her constant movement, her unobtrusive care for him, her willingness to give everything for her loved one. Oblomov begins to get used to her. He marries Agafya Matveevna, and their son Andrei is born.

Until Ilya Ilyich’s death, she takes care of him, takes him for walks, grooms and cherishes him. After his death, she is the only one who does not forget him and takes care of his grave. She gives their son Andrei to Stolz and Olga, so that the son is raised in the same environment as his father, so that he becomes a real nobleman.

Oblomov found in the widow Pshenitsyna the woman from his dreams, who lived only for the sake of her husband and children. She brightened up his last days, helped him live them calmly, without needing anything.

After breaking up with Oblomov, Olga cannot come to her senses for a long time. Together with her aunt, she goes on a trip to Europe, where she meets Stolz. Andrei was very surprised to see, instead of the cheerful girl Olga was before leaving, a serious young woman. He understands that the “new” Olga is the ideal to which he aspired. Stolz confesses his love to her. Olga is afraid of the feeling that is emerging in her for Stolz; she believes that you can love only once and that now she cannot truly love anyone. Stolz explains to her that she did not love Oblomov, it was only a preparation for love, and Olga will still be happy.

The life together of Stolz and Olga is similar to the dreams of Ilya Ilyich: their own house in the Crimea, the children, every evening they read books, newspapers, discuss new inventions and discoveries, argue on different topics. But Olga feels some kind of dissatisfaction, some kind of unconscious desire forward. These aspirations help her look at life “with more love.”

In his novel, Goncharov showed different faces of love: the sacrificial love of Agafya Matveevna, the idealized love of Olga for Oblomov, the union of two loving people - Olga and Stolz. Each of them is beautiful in its own way, each of them is possible only for a certain type of person. Olga, Stolz, Oblomov, Pshenitsyn’s widow are completely different people, but they have the same goal - to be with their loved one, to have a family. Love is a great feeling, for it there are no class barriers (Oblomov and Agafya Matveevna). If you really love, you will do anything for your loved one.

Love in the novel "Oblomov", as in other Russian novels, plays a huge role. Falling in love can explain many of the heroes’ actions; it (love) is the cause of joy and suffering, it is the main feeling that awakens the soul to life. In the novel “Oblomov,” love revives the main character and brings happiness. She makes him suffer - with the departure of love, Oblomov’s desire to live disappears. Why are we talking about types of love? Because everyone loves in their own way. It is impossible to draw clear boundaries between different types love, how to define this feeling. For some, love is an all-consuming passion, for others it is only the expectation of another, true love, the need for tenderness. That is why Goncharov in his novel “Oblomov” presents us with several types of love.

According to Stendhal, love is divided into four types: love passion, love attraction, love vanity, physical love. To which of these types does the feeling that arises between Olga and Oblomov belong?

Both heroes have been waiting for love for a long time. Ilya Ilyich, perhaps, did not suspect this, but he waited instinctively. And then love comes to him and absorbs him completely. This feeling ignites his soul, feeding on the tenderness accumulated during hibernation and seeking a way out. It is new to Oblomov’s soul, which is accustomed to burying all feelings at the bottom of consciousness, so love revives the soul to a new life. For Oblomov, this feeling is burning love - passion for a woman who managed to change him so much.

What is special about Olga’s love for Oblomov? I would compare this feeling to the love of a sculptor for his genius creation. Olga manages to change Ilya Ilyich, knock laziness and boredom out of him. This is why she loves Oblomov! This is what the hero writes to his beloved: “Your present “love” is not real love, but future love. This is only an unconscious need to love, which, due to a lack of real food, is sometimes expressed in women in affection towards a child, towards another woman, even simply in tears and hysterical fits... You are mistaken, in front of you is not the one you were waiting for, about whom dreamed. Wait - he will come, and then you will wake up, you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake...” And soon Olga herself becomes convinced of the truth of these lines, having fallen in love with Andrei Stolz. So, her love for Oblomov was just an expectation, an introduction to a future romance? But this love is pure, selfless, selfless; and we are convinced that Olga can love and believes that she loves Oblomov. Unfortunately, her heart is wrong, and the mistake is monstrous. Oblomov understands this before Olga.

With the departure of this love, Oblomov does not find anything to occupy the emptiness in his soul, and again spends whole days sleeping and lying idle on his sofa in St. Petersburg, in the house of Agafya Pshenitsyna. It seemed that nothing could replace Oblomov’s lost love. Over time, having become accustomed to the measured life of his mistress, our hero will subdue the impulses of his heart and begin to be content with little. Again, all his desires will be limited to sleep, food, and rare empty conversations with Agafya Matveevna. Pshevitsyna is contrasted by the author with Olga: the first is an excellent housewife, a kind, faithful wife, but she does not have a high soul; Stolz says about her: “a simple woman; dirty life, the suffocating sphere of stupidity, rudeness - fi!” The second is a refined nature, far from routine life. Probably, Oblomov, and any man, would like to meet a woman who combined the features of both Ilyinskaya and Pshenitsyna.

Having plunged into a simple semi-rural life in Pshenitsyna’s house, Ilya Ilyich seemed to have found himself in the old Oblomovka. Only everyone in this house, unlike this “fragment of paradise,” works and works, trying for Ilya Ilyich. Lazily and slowly dying in his soul, Oblomov falls in love with Agafya Matveevna. It seems to me that his love is not worth much, because he did not suffer through it. She is closer to physical love - Oblomov admires Pshenitsyna’s round elbows, always moving at work. I perceive this love as the gratitude of the hero Agafya and as a dream come true for a resident of the paradise Oblomovka.

And Agafya Matveevna? Is this what her love is like? No, she is selfless, devoted; in this feeling, Agafya is ready to drown, to give all her strength, all the fruits of her labors to Oblomov. It seems that her whole life was spent waiting for a person whom she could devotedly love, take care of him as if my own son. Oblomov is exactly like this: he is lazy - this allows him to be looked after like a child; he is kind, gentle - it touches female soul, accustomed to male rudeness and ignorance. How touching is the love and sympathy of a rude woman for a helpless master who has sunk to the point of complete collapse! This feeling is full of maternal tenderness. Where does a simple woman have such feelings? Perhaps it is this quality of her soul that attracts our hero.
Oblomov's friend, Stolz, does not understand this love. Far from him, an active person, is the lazy comfort of home, the order of Oblomovka, and even more so a woman who has become coarse in her environment. That is why Stolz's ideal is Olga Ilyinskaya, a subtle, romantic, wise woman. There is not even the slightest shadow of coquetry in her.

One day, while traveling around Europe, Stolz falls in love with Olga. Why? Andrei does not recognize in her his former friend, a young girl, on whose face he always easily read a question, a living thought.

He went too deep into the solution to the change in Olga... “How she has matured, my God! How this girl has developed! Who was her teacher?.. Not Ilya!..” Andrei searches and does not find an explanation for the change in Olga. Finally, asking the question “does he love you or not?”, Stolz himself falls head over heels in love with his recent girlfriend. The moment of explanation comes - and Andrei begs Olga for help. He asks to explain her unexpected change. And then he learns from Olga about their affair with Oblomov and does not believe that it is possible to love Ilya. It seems to Olga that she still loves him and, passionately wanting to give this love to Stolz, finds the answer in herself: “A woman truly loves one day.” Stolz invites Olga to marry him - and she agrees.

So, Stolz falls in love with the “new” Olga. This unknown, the mystery of the “new” Olga, captivates Andrei. He knows that, thanks to his character, he will be happy only with the lively, active Olga. His love. she is pure and disinterested, he does not look for profit in her, no matter how restless the “businessman” he may be.
What's going on with Olga? Torment torments her. It seems to her that only love- Oblomov. Agreeing to marry Stolz, Olga believes that someday love will come to her. And now she cannot distinguish her friendship from love and does not know what is happening in her soul. I would call her present and future feelings: love - friendship - duty, since these three concepts are too closely intertwined in her attitude towards Stolz.
To summarize, I want to say once again that the strength, depth and quality of love depend on the people themselves. But people change because of this feeling! How Oblomov immediately comes to life when he sees that his happiness with Olga depends on victory over laziness! And Olga herself is growing up, gaining experience after the story with Oblomov. How happy is the housewife Agafya when her daily chores and eternal movement take on meaning for the sake of Ilya Ilyich’s convenience. And Oblomov sincerely thanks her for this. About many feelings it is impossible to say with certainty whether it is love or not love. Goncharov does not want to open to the reader all the doors of the holy of holies of the soul of his heroes. And if he had done this, the eternal question would not have arisen before us: move forward or rest? To love or not to love?

It is difficult to say what the ideal of happiness and love is for the writer Goncharov, who did not have his own family. However, the author, as a rule, embodies his dreams, ideas, and ideas in the main character. They are spiritually linked and inseparable. It is he who will allow me to create an idea of ​​the author's ideal.

“The ideal of happiness, drawn by Oblomov, consisted of nothing more than a satisfying life - with greenhouses, hotbeds, trips with a samovar to the grove, etc. - in a dressing gown, in a sound sleep, and for the intermediate - in idyllic walks with a meek but plump wife and in contemplation of how the peasants work.” These are Oblomov’s dreams, which have been imprinted in his imagination for years. Dreams take Oblomov back to childhood, where it was cozy, quiet and calm.

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There is a type of book where the reader is captivated by the story not from the first pages, but gradually. I think that “Oblomov” is just such a book. Reading the first part of the novel, I was inexpressibly bored and did not even imagine that this laziness of Oblomov would lead him to some kind of sublime feeling. Gradually, the boredom began to go away, and the novel captured me, I was already reading with interest. I have always liked books about love, but Goncharov gave it an interpretation unknown to me.
It seemed to me that boredom, monotony, laziness, which were personified in the person of Ilya Ilyich, could not be compatible with this hot and passionate feeling. It seems to me that he himself did not suspect that he was capable of love. Ilya Ilyich existed calmly in the world, did not bother anyone, but was not particularly needed by anyone. Of course, both the silent Alekseev and the unbearable, terrible Tarantiev came to him. However, they might or might not exist. Nothing could bring him out of his sleepy slumber.
However, I was wrong. Oblomov loved and was loved. His chosen one was the young and pretty Olga Sergeevna Ilyinskaya, whom he was introduced to by Oblomov’s only friend, his school friend Stolz. The unusual behavior of Ilya Ilyich and his alienation from society interested Olga. Then interest turned into the need for constant communication, into impatient anticipation of meetings. This is how love was born.
The girl took up the task of re-educating the lazy bumpkin Oblomov. The fact that he had become somewhat lazy and lazy did not mean that his soul had become coarsened and calloused. No, it was a pure soul, the soul of a child, a “dove’s heart,” as Olga later said. She woke her up with her passionate, magnificent singing. She awakened not only Oblomov’s soul, but also self-love. Ilya Ilyich fell in love. I fell in love, like a boy, with a girl much younger than myself. And for her sake he was ready to move mountains.
Having gotten to know Oblomov better, Olga realized that Stolz was speaking correctly about him. Ilya Ilyich is a pure and naive person. Besides, he is in love with her, and this pleasantly strokes his vanity. Soon Olga confesses her love. They spend days together. Oblomov no longer lies on the sofa, he travels everywhere with Olga’s errands, and then hurries to meet his beloved. He has forgotten about all his previous sorrows, he seems to be in a joyful fever, even the appearance of Tarantiev, whom he was afraid of, only causes annoyance. A sleepy existence grew into a life full of beauty, love and joyful hopes, full of unprecedented happiness. But in this world it cannot be good all the time. Something is bound to ruin the holiday. This is how love is spoiled and harmed by the fact that Oblomov considers himself unworthy of Olga’s feelings. He and she are afraid of the opinion of the world, of gossip. And the fire of love gradually fades away. Lovers meet less and less often, and nothing can bring back the spring of their love. There is no old poetry in their relationship. Besides, I believe that in love both should be equal, and Olga liked the role of the center of the universe too much for Oblomov. And true love should not be afraid of any troubles; it does not care about the opinion of society. The connection was broken because of a trifle, because of Olga’s unfulfilled whim. Nevertheless, Olga experienced a break with Oblomov for a long time. But soon Stolz takes a place in the girl’s heart. Stolz - socialite, love for him is not shameful, but completely justified and accepted by the world. After some time, Stolz and Olga can no longer exist without each other. Andrei gets used to thinking out loud in front of Olga, he is pleased that she is nearby, that she listens to him. Olga becomes Stolz's wife. It would seem, what more could you want: wonderful, active, loving husband, home is everything you dreamed of. But Olga is sad, she wants something, but she cannot express her desire in words. Stolz explains this by saying that everything in life has already been known, nothing new will happen. Olga is offended that he did not fully understand her. But, in general, Olga is happy with Stolz. So, Olga found her love.
Although this love is wingless and too mundane, it is still love. What about Oblomov? At first he was very worried and regretted the breakup. But gradually I got used to this idea and even fell in love with another woman. Oblomov fell in love with Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna. She was not as beautiful as Olga. But the simplicity, kindness of her heart, care for him successfully replaced beauty. There was something about her that delighted Oblomov - her skillful hands with unusually beautiful elbows. Pshenitsyn's widow became the widow of Ilya Ilyich. The love between them was quiet and calm, without much passion, which happens in youth, without chaotic caresses, without confessions of eternal love. It was the love of two mature people, wise life experience. Soon, Agafya Matveevna and Ilya Ilyich had a boy, which further strengthened their relationship. Oblomov died from another “blow”, but recent years his lives were warmed by the warmth of their sincere love.
I can't say whose love is closer to me. I would prefer love with the same beginning as Olga and Oblomov, with the same community of interests as Olga and Stolz, with the same happiness in old age as Agafya Matveevna and Oblomov.

"An ordinary story" and "Oblomov" last novel occupies a special place and is the most famous.

Briefly about the novel

Goncharov had the idea for a new work back in 1847, but the reader had to wait another 10 years for the appearance of this novel, which was published in its entirety in 1859 and brought the author enormous success. The peculiarity of this work is that Ivan Andreevich for the first time in Russian literature examined a person's life from birth to death. The hero himself, his life - main topic works, which is why it is named after his last name - “Oblomov”. It belongs to the category of “speaking”, since its bearer, “a decrepit fragment of childbirth,” reminds us famous hero the epics of Ilya Muromets, who lay on the stove until he was 33 years old (when we meet Oblomov, he was also about 32-33 years old). However epic hero After he got up from the stove, he did many great things, but Ilya Ilyich remained lying on the sofa. Goncharov uses the repetition of the first and patronymic, as if emphasizing that life goes on according to the established circle, the son repeats the fate of his father.

Love in the novel "Oblomov", as in many other Russian novels, is one of the main themes. Here, as in many works, it is the spiritual development of the heroes. Let's analyze in detail Oblomov's love in the novel "Oblomov".

Love for Olga

Let's start our discussion with the relationship between Ilya Ilyich and Olga. Love in Oblomov's life, brief description The relationship between the characters, which we present to you in this article, can be divided into two parts: Ilya Ilyich’s feelings for Olga Ilyinskaya and for Agafya Matveevna.

Olga was the main character's first lover. Feelings for Olga bring him happiness, revive him, at the same time making him suffer, since with the departure of love, Oblomov loses the desire to live.

A bright feeling for Olga comes to the hero suddenly and completely absorbs him. It ignites his passive soul, for which such strong shocks were new. Oblomov is used to burying all his feelings somewhere deep in the subconscious, and love awakens them, revives him to a new life.

Never thinking that he could fall in love with a girl like Olga, the hero with his romantic and bright soul passionately falls in love with her.

Is this real love

Olga manages to change Ilya Ilyich’s character - to knock boredom and laziness out of him. For the sake of his beloved, he is ready to change: give up an afternoon nap, lunch, read books. However, this does not mean that Ilya Ilyich really wanted this. The hero is characterized by Oblomovism, his integral part.

In a dream, as is known, desires and motives hidden in the subconscious are revealed. Turning to the chapter, we see what this hero really needs. His companion should be quiet home girl, but not Olga, who strives for self-development and active life. And Oblomov writes to her that I “love” her - not the real one, but future love. And indeed, Olga loves not the one who is in front of her, but the one he will become, having overcome his apathy and laziness. Noting, he warns Olga, writes that they need to break up and not meet again. However, as Ilya Ilyich predicted in his letter (“you will be annoyed and ashamed of your mistake”), the heroine cheated on Oblomov, falling in love with Andrei Stolz. Does this mean that her love was just an introduction to a future romance, an expectation of real happiness? After all, she is unselfish, pure, selfless. Olga believes that she really loves Oblomov.

Olga's Love

At first, this heroine, who does not enjoy much attention among gentlemen, seems to us like an adult child. However, it was she who was able to pull Oblomov out of the pool of his inaction, at least temporarily returning him to life. Stolz noticed her first. He joked, laughed, entertained the girl, recommended the right books, in general, did not let her get bored. He was really interested in her, but Andrei remained only a teacher and mentor. Oblomov was attracted to her by her voice and the fold above her forehead, in which, as he put it, “perseverance nests.” Olga loves in Ilya Ilyich the mind, although it is crushed by “all sorts of rubbish” and has fallen asleep in idleness, as well as a pure, faithful heart. Self-confident and bright, she dreamed that she would force the hero to read newspapers, books, tell the news, discover true life and not let him fall asleep again. Oblomov fell in love when Olga sang Casta Diva at his first reception with the Ilyinskys. A unique symbol of their love was the lilac branch mentioned several times on the pages of the novel, either on Olga’s embroidery during a meeting in the park, or abandoned by the heroine and picked up by Ilya Ilyich.

The end of the novel

But this love in Oblomov’s novel was frightening for him; Oblomovism turns out to be stronger than such high and sincere feelings. She is consumed by the desire to create and act - such an inappropriate image for Oblomov, and the lovers are forced to end the relationship without ceasing to love each other. The love of Olga and Oblomov was doomed from the very beginning. Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Ilyich understood family happiness, love, and the meaning of life differently. If for the hero the relationship between a man and a woman is a passion, a disease, then for Olga it is a duty. Oblomov loved her sincerely and deeply, gave her all of himself, idolized her. A consistent calculation was noticeable in the heroine’s feelings. She took Oblomov’s life into her own hands, having agreed with Stolz. Despite her youth, she managed to discern in him kind soul, open heart, “dovey tenderness.” At the same time, Olga liked the knowledge that she, an inexperienced young girl, would bring back to life a person like Oblomov. The gap between them is inevitable and natural: they are too dissimilar in nature. This Oblomov love story was thus completed. The thirst for a sleepy, serene state turned out to be more valuable than romantic happiness. Oblomov sees the ideal of existence as follows: “man sleeps serenely.”

New lover

With her departure, the main character still doesn’t find anything to do with what he has left and again lies idle all day long and sleeps on his favorite sofa in St. Petersburg, in the house of the owner Agafya Pshenitsyna. She attracted the hero with her full bare elbows, neck and thriftiness. The new beloved was hardworking, but not very intelligent (“she looked at him blankly and was silent”), but she was an excellent cook and kept order.

Novaya Oblomovka

Having gotten used to the measured and leisurely rhythm of life of this housewife, over time, Ilya Ilyich will humble the impulses of his heart and begin to be content with little again. All his desires, as before meeting Olga, will be limited to food, sleep, empty rare conversations with the businesslike Agafya Matveevna. The writer contrasts her with Olga: a faithful, kind wife, an excellent housewife, but she has no height of soul. Ilya Ilyich, plunging into the simple semi-rural life in the house of this mistress, seemed to have found himself in the old Oblomovka. Slowly and lazily dying in his soul, he falls in love with Pshenitsyna.

Lyubov Pshenitsyna

And what about Agafya Matveevna herself? Is this what her love is? No, she is loyal, selfless. In her feeling, the heroine is ready to drown, to give all the fruits of her labors, all her strength to Oblomov. For his sake, she sold some of her jewelry, gold chains and jewelry, when Tarantiev cunningly forced Ilya Ilyich to pay him a large sum in the amount of ten thousand monthly. One gets the impression that Agafya Matveevna’s entire previous life was spent waiting for the appearance of a person whom she could take care of like a son, whom she could love devotedly and selflessly. Main character the work is exactly like this: he is soft, kind - this touches the female heart, accustomed to the ignorance and rudeness of men; he is lazy - this allows him to be taken care of and looked after like a child.

Before Oblomov, Pshenitsyna did not live, but existed without thinking about anything. She was uneducated, even stupid. Nothing but leading household, she wasn't interested. However, in this she achieved true perfection. Agafya was constantly on the move, realizing that there was always work. It contained the meaning and content of the heroine’s entire life. It was precisely this activity that Pshenitsyna owed for captivating Ilya Ilyich. Gradually, after her lover settled in her house, significant changes occur in the nature of this woman. Lyubov Oblomov in the novel "Oblomov" contributes to the spiritual elevation of the heroine. Glimpses of thought, anxiety and, finally, love awaken within her. She expresses it in her own way, caring for Ilya during his illness, taking care of the table and clothes, praying for his health.

New feelings

This love in Oblomov’s life did not have the passion and sensuality that were present in his relationship with Olga. However, it was precisely these feelings that fully corresponded to Oblomovism. It was this heroine who repaired his favorite “oriental robe”, which Oblomov abandoned after falling in love with Olga.

If Ilyinskaya contributed to the spiritual development of Ilya Ilyich, then Pshenitsyna made his life calmer and more carefree, without informing him about his problems with money. He received care from her, but Olga wanted his development, wanted him to communicate with people, appear in society, understand politics and discuss the news. The hero could not, and did not want, to do everything that Olga wanted, and therefore gave up. And Agafya Matveevna created a new Oblomovka in St. Petersburg, caring for him and protecting him. Such love in Oblomov’s novel for Pshenitsyna completely satisfied his needs. Same as in home Ilya Ilyich, on Vyborg side the sound of knives could be heard all the time.

Opinion of Andrey Stolts

To Andrei Stoltz, Oblomov’s friend, this love in Oblomov’s life is incomprehensible. He was an active person, the order of Oblomovka, her lazy home comfort, and even more so the woman coarsened in her environment, were alien to him. Olga Ilyinskaya is Stolz’s ideal, romantic, subtle, wise. There is not a shadow of coquetry in her. Andrey offers Olga his hand and heart - and she agrees. His feelings were disinterested and pure; he did not seek any benefit, despite the fact that he was a restless “businessman”.

Ilya Ilyich about the life of Stolz

In turn, Ilya Ilyich does not understand the life of Andrei Stolts. Title character works continues gallery " extra people", discovered by M.Yu. Lermontov and A.S. Pushkin. He avoids secular society, does not serve, leads an aimless life. Ilya Ilyich does not see any meaning in vigorous activity, since he does not consider it a true manifestation of the essence of man. He did not want a bureaucratic career, mired in papers, he denies and high society, where everything is false, learned by heart, hypocritical, there is neither free thought nor sincere feelings.

Marriage of Stolz and Olga

While the relationship between Oblomov and Pshenitsyna is close to life and natural, it should be noted that the marriage of Stolz and Olga is utopian. In this sense, Oblomov turns out to be, oddly enough, closer to reality than such a seemingly obvious realist Stolz. Andrey lives in Crimea with his beloved; in their house there is a place for both things necessary for work and romantic trinkets. Even in love, they are surrounded by a perfect balance: the passion subsided after marriage, but did not fade away.

Olga's inner world

However, Stolz has no idea what riches Olga’s sublime soul conceals. She outgrew it spiritually, because she did not stubbornly strive for one specific goal, but saw different paths and chose independently which one to follow. Having chosen Stolz, she wanted to find an equal husband or even a life partner who was trying to subjugate her with his power. At first, Ilyinskaya really finds happiness in his face, but as they get to know each other better, she begins to realize that there is nothing special in such a life, that she is exactly the same as everyone else. Stolz lives exclusively by reason, not interested in anything other than business.

A trace in Olga's soul

The love of Olga and Oblomov left a huge mark in the heart of the heroine. She sought to love and understand Oblomov’s life, since for her life is love, and love is duty, but she failed to do this. After marriage, Ilyinskaya feels in her life some features of Oblomov’s former idyll, and this observation alarms the heroine; she does not want to live like that. However, the love of Stolz and Olga is the feelings of two developing people who help each other in everything, and they must certainly find a way out in order to continue searching for their own path.

Ilya Ilyich

In order to characterize the main character as a whole, as well as the love in Oblomov’s life, different quotes from the text can be given. The following one is especially interesting: “What a fuss is there! And outside everything is so quiet and peaceful!” Andrey and Olga believe that if you lie calmly on the sofa and don’t run like mad through life, then you are certainly lazy and don’t think about anything. However, such battles took place in Oblomov’s soul that Ilyinskaya could not imagine. He thought about these complex issues, his thoughts went so far that Stolz would have gone mad. Ilya didn’t need a wife who throws hysterics and doesn’t know what she wants. In the depths of his soul, he was looking for a companion whom not only Ilya Ilyich himself would love, but who, for her part, accepted him as he was, without trying to change him. This is the ideal love in Oblomov’s life.

So it turns out that the hero loved Olga sincerely, in a way that no one else loved and could love, and she wanted to heal him, and then, when he was on the same “level” with her, to love him. And Ilyinskaya paid dearly for this when Oblomov died, she realized that she loved him exactly as he was, with all his obvious shortcomings.

The role of love in the life of a hero

The role of love in Oblomov’s life, therefore, was very great. She, according to the author, is the most important driving force, without which it is impossible spiritual development people, nor their happiness. As I.A. believed Goncharov, there was love in Oblomov’s life important stage his internal formation, which is why she is given so much space in the development of the novel.