Victoria. The only city in the Seychelles. The capital of Seychelles, the city of Victoria (Seychelles): description with photos, recreation, reviews

Victoria is the capital of the legendary Seychelles, dating back to the 18th century. Thanks to the 15 French colonists who became the fathers of the first settlement of Port Royal, the city today is one of the main tourist centers in East Africa. The capital of Seychelles is immersed in the pristine nature of the tropics, which the Creole nation, the owner of such a great miracle, proudly demonstrates to tourists.

General information

Victoria is the capital and the most large city country, which received its name in honor of the Queen of England - Victoria. The city is located on the northeastern coast of the most famous island of the Seychelles - Mahe. The population of the capital is 25 thousand people. In the west of Victoria there is the picturesque Intendanse Bay, also on the territory of: famous mountain Three Brothers Mountain, 699 meters high and hills: Niols, Creve Coeur and Signal.

Victoria is the port of the same name and the main fuel supply base for all ships on the route from Africa to India.

Victoria is part of the metropolitan area - Greater Victoria / Central Mahé in the Seychelles, and is located in the English River district.

Weather in Victoria

Victoria is located in the subequatorial maritime climate zone. Therefore, the weather here is usually sunny with an average annual temperature of +27 °C. The rainy season, which falls from December to January, is characterized by infrequent precipitation, which does not cause any particular inconvenience to vacationers.

The most suitable periods for a beach holiday are from April to June and from September to November. During this time, the weather is most pleasant, warm, with light winds and calm oceans.

Transport Victoria

To International Airport - Seychelles International Airport, there are direct flights from Frankfurt (Condor), London (British Airways), Amsterdam (Martinair), also from Milan, Rome, Bangkok, Johannesburg.

Besides International airport, Victoria is famous for the country's largest port. Ferries, high-speed catamarans and river buses constantly run between the islands; they can take you to Praslin and La Digue. To get to other islands you will have to travel by boat.

You can also explore local attractions from a private plane or helicopter. The domestic airline Air Seychelles operates regular flights in the Seychelles.

Buses are the most common form of public transport in Victoria, and the largest bus station in the Seychelles is located here. You can also rent a car or bicycle and travel around the island.

Sights of Victoria

Popular areas of Victoria

  • Albert is the main avenue of the city, on which there is the only SMB supermarket, Chinese and Indian shops;
  • Francis Rachel is the business district of the capital, in which banks, airline representative offices, office buildings, a stock exchange, etc. are located;
  • Revolution Avenue is central, with an English church and many small shops.

Natural attractions of Victoria

  • Botanical Garden Mont Fleuri Botanical gardens is the main attraction that clearly demonstrates the unique nature of the Seychelles. The entrance to this truly heavenly place is located on Mont Fleuri Avenue, near the intersection of the main streets Francis Rachel and 5th June Ave. The garden contains all types of palm trees characteristic of this natural area. Of particular interest is, of course, the coco de mare palm, the fruits of which are considered a miracle of nature. The fruits take 7 years to ripen and when ready reach a weight of 40 kg. In time immemorial, the fruits of this palm washed ashore from the island of Praslin, and since then the name “sea coconut” has been assigned to this nut. Of no less interest are the bright red fruits of achiote (bixa orellana), from which the natural dye “annatto” is extracted for rice, margarine, butter, smoked fish, cheese and even lipstick.
  • The aviary with giant turtles always collects large number not only tourists, but also local residents . The famous Seychelles orchids and giant alocasia are given a large area in the garden;
  • Le Jardin Du Roi Spice Garden is a fabulous garden and the main attraction not only of Victoria, but also of the Seychelles. Here you can spend the whole day admiring the beauty of pristine nature from viewing terraces specially designed for such purposes;
  • Valais de Mai is a natural attraction that has another name - “May Valley”. Here you can meet a rare bird - the black parrot and other representatives of tropical flora and fauna.

Historical and cultural attractions of Victoria

  • National History Museum Victoria National Museum of History) and the Victoria Natural History Museum - attractions that introduce visitors to all the details of the formation of Creole culture;
  • The House of Peoples is the center of the cultural and political life of the capital; there is a conference hall and a large library. Nearby is another attraction - the Liberation monument;
  • Monument " Free man" - symbolizes importance historical event- revolution of 1977;
  • “Bicentennial Monument” is a symbol of the beginning of active development of the Seychelles;
  • Seychelles Club - an architectural landmark, the former residence of the Governor of the Seychelles;
  • The Clock Tower in the capital of Seychelles is a copy of Little Ben in London, it was installed in honor of Queen Victoria;
  • Seychelles Bank - considered one of the attractions of Victoria for its unique architecture: the outer part of the building is made of glass that reflects the sun's rays;
  • National Library of Seychelles - has a huge collection of publications by local and foreign authors;
  • The Creole Institute is an architectural monument protected by the Seychelles government. The building is closed to tourists and local residents.

Temples of Victoria

There are faith centers in Victoria different cultures. Here you can also find a Hindu temple, Orthodox Church and a Muslim mosque.

The Cathedral is located on Maradan Street, the church is crowned with a figurine of Jesus, going far into the clouds;

The Hindu temple is located on Quincy Street - the temple is a real architectural masterpiece, it is very ancient and has already been restored several times.

Wellness centers in Victoria

Each Victoria hotel has health centers, including beauty parlors, fitness centers, massage parlors, etc.

Cerf Island Private Mini Spa is a wellness complex ideal for devotees healthy image life, namely SPA procedures. The list of services provided includes: cosmetic procedures and various types of massage.

Victoria beaches

Beach holidays are one of the most basic specializations of tourism in the Seychelles. The metropolitan area also has all the conditions for this type of recreation. The island on which the capital is located is indented by numerous bays, each of which has its own beaches.

  • Bu Valion Bay is famous for its magnificent beach with coral sand. The most complete set of beach infrastructure elements makes the bay one of the most visited by lovers of water activities and beach holidays. All types of water sports are available here: windsurfing, snorkeling, water skiing, etc.;
  • Anse-à-la-Mouche, Anse Forbans - beaches that are ideal for lovers of a secluded holiday, fine, pleasant sand, clean water, few people. In the Seychelles, most of the outlying beaches are quite deserted;
  • Anse Intendance - a beach ideal for lovers of water sports, is very popular among surfing enthusiasts;
  • Petite Anse is one of the smallest and most popular beaches with ideal conditions for relaxation and modern beach equipment.

Victoria Holidays

  • The Creole Festival is one of the most significant events in cultural life islands. Every October, the diversity of Creole culture is presented in all its splendor at this festival. The festival starts in Victoria, where it brings together Creole artists, musicians and singers from all over the world;
  • Deepavali is one of the religious holidays, which means the arrival of joy and happiness, dedicated to the goddess of prosperity, abundance and success - Lakshmi;
  • Ovan Bazaar and Victoria Bazaar are also traditional permanent festivals, where everyone can take part in mass entertainment, accompanied by fiery Creole rhythms;
  • Healing Marathon - takes place in Beau Vallon Bay in February and brings together adherents of a healthy lifestyle;
  • FetAfrik - festival African culture, takes place annually in May.

Victoria Restaurants

Victoria is known to tourists not only for its abundance of attractions, but also for its excellent cuisine. The main menu items of any restaurant are rice and seafood. The most popular dish made from these ingredients is pvason ek diri.

  • The Pirates Arms restaurant is the most famous restaurant not only in the capital, but on the entire island of Mahe. It is located in the city center on Independence Avenue. The restaurant's menu features traditional Creole dishes.
  • Restaurant Le Rendez-Vous - located near the Clock Tower, in the city center. It features an ecological style of interior decoration. The restaurant's signature dish is mixed grill. They also serve a great milkshake.
  • Restaurant La Plaine St. Andre. - is located next to a local distillery and offers visitors a varied wine list. The menu includes an abundance of fish dishes; beef and tuna dishes are also popular. The restaurant has an excellent entertainment program.
  • Restaurant Kaz Zanana - suitable for family vacation with children. Famous for its abundance of fresh baked goods and soft drinks. The signature dish is banana pie.
  • Restaurant Marias Rock Cafe is ideal for relaxing with a large group. The restaurant offers an interesting entertainment program. Nearby is located art gallery, where you can take a walk after your meal.

Nightlife in Victoria

Each hotel offers its visitors entertainment program, but there are also popular places in the capital:

  • "Lovnat" is the best nightclub in the country, has one hall per fresh air, the second is indoors, but with air conditioning; VIP-class boxes; music - popular hits; the audience is mainly foreign;
  • "Barel" - a bar popular with the local population, is suitable for those who want to experience real Creole hot evenings;
  • Three casinos: at the Plantation Club and Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay hotels and a new casino in the center of the capital at the Barbarons Beach hotel.

The capital offers opportunities for road, air and sea excursions, not only around the island of Mahe, but also around the main tourist destinations of Seychelles.

Shopping in Victoria

Located in Victoria huge amount shopping centers, souvenir shops and street stalls.

The most popular souvenirs to buy in Victoria are the national hat, sailboat models, sea shells, coconut soap and coconut liqueur.

  • Sir Selwyn Selwyn Clark Market sells traditional crafts, fashionable clothing and all sorts of gourmet foods;
  • Victoria Street has numerous street stalls where you can buy all the traditional souvenirs.
  • The Craft Village offers exclusive souvenirs made from wood, coconut leaves, straw, ceramics and bamboo.

Victoria is a real African miracle, capable of satisfying all the needs of tourists thirsty aesthetic beauty, pleasant pleasures and exotic experiences.

The city of Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, is located on the east coast of the big island Seychelles - Mahe. This is the smallest capital in the world. It was founded in 1840, and received its name in honor of, as you probably guessed, the English Queen Victoria. A little over 20 thousand people live here. It was founded around a natural port - a bay formed by the nearby islands: Sainte-Anne, Moyenne, Ronde, Long and Cerf.

At the central point of the city, at the corner of Independence Avenue and Albert Street, stands a clock tower, the Clock Tower, reminiscent of London's Big Ben. It was built in 1903 in honor of Queen Victoria and her decision to give the Seychelles the status of an independent colony. Around the tower there are shops, institutions and small cafes in low houses.

However, not everything in the capital of the Seychelles is connected with the English monarchy. At the corner of Albert Street and Revolution Avenue, the renovated facade of St. Paul's Cathedral from the 19th century attracts attention. This Anglican church is the oldest on the island. In turn, in the northern part of the city there are churches built by French Catholics. The most important of them is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. The surrounding streets are bustling with life. Walking alongside the brightly dressed islanders are modest nuns from the nearby House of Capuchins. The founders of this monumental building, built in 1933, were Swiss Catholics.

The Museum of Natural Sciences, located on Independence Avenue, houses a unique exhibition dedicated to the fauna of the Seychelles - endemic species of birds and turtles. Of interest are the skulls of crocodiles that once inhabited the coastal forests of Mahe. These reptiles were exterminated by the colonists.

Tours to the Seychelles are popular at any time of the year, and among tourists who come to the Seychelles, the palm-lined Fien Esplanade is very popular. The only modern building in this part of the city is Historical Museum on Frances Rachel Street. A special exhibit at the entrance is the Stone of Possession, brought here by the French in 1756 from the continent. It was supposed to symbolize French dominance over the archipelago. Another museum is located in the ancient 19th-century building Kenwyn House. This is an art gallery with works by Seychellois artists.

On the pedestrian street Market Street there is a market - Selwyn Clark Market. A true extravaganza of colors and aromas is in full swing here. Dark-skinned young men in wide-brimmed hats offer rolled cinnamon sticks, beads of vanilla or dried hot peppers. The counters are bursting with exotic fruits: bananas, melons, papayas, rambutans. The biggest crowds are where they sell seafood - barracuda, tuna, octopus and dozens of other species, many of which are found only in the Indian Ocean. Tourists willingly look at works of art, wooden sculptures or fabric.

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Victoria, Seychelles on Google Maps.

Another attraction of the smallest capital in the world is the famous botanical garden at the foot of Mount Fleury. It was founded at the beginning of the 20th century by the French naturalist Rivalt Dupont. Its shady alleys lead along rows of exotic trees; somewhere you can hear the calm sound of streams and birdsong. Many species of very valuable plants grow here - lodoicea, Seychelles palm, which is called “coco de mer” here. These huge trees reach a height of more than 30 meters. They are said to live up to 400 years. But the most valuable thing about them is the fruits, huge, larger than a human head, nuts, their outlines reminiscent of female forms. They mature over the course of 10 years, and once upon a time entire ships from Europe were equipped for them. In 1908, merchants paid 50 cents apiece, but now more than $100 and an official permit to export are required, since all the trees are protected.

In the western part of the city is the unusually interesting Bel Air Cemetery. This is the oldest necropolis on the islands. Although many plaques with the names of colonists or slaves buried here are missing, it is a beautiful and intriguing place. Despite the passage of time, it is easy to recognize the status of the persons buried here - the rich built majestic tombs for themselves, while the poor or slaves were left with simple graves.

Victoria is the smallest capital of the world, Seychelles. Photo.

In the eastern part of Victoria is the port of Inland Quay. From here ships and catamarans leave for neighboring islands, and here are the best fish restaurants in the city, such as Le Mariner. Having walked around the city to their heart's content, tourists, of whom a great many come to the capital of the Seychelles, can relax and recuperate in numerous cafes and restaurants.

This is what it is - the smallest capital in the world.

And finally, a video walk through the streets of the smallest capital in the world.

Sergey Dolya says: “Victoria is the capital of the Seychelles and the only city in the state. There are, of course, small settlements on the islands, but these are more like what we call “urban-type settlements.” Due to the compact population, there are practically no streets here. In letters it is customary to indicate only the area (it can be a separate island) and the name of the recipient. The center of Victoria is small, measuring one and a half by one and a half kilometers. I saw about 3-4 new modern buildings here. You won’t find any incredible delights here, however, people don’t fly to the Seychelles for the city’s beauties.”

(Total 26 photos)

1. Against the background of a modest, and in some places completely provincial surroundings, the man-made island looks like an incredible oasis. Expensive yachts and mansions and the main attraction of capitalist culture - a shopping center.

2. At the intersection with Independence Avenue there is the main and, it seems, the only attraction of the city - the Clock Tower.

3. The island has the only cinema with its own characteristics. First of all, they show the same movie all week. Secondly, in the European style, the sessions are interrupted by a half-hour smoke break. I saw this for the first time in Amsterdam: I went to the cinema, watched it until the middle, and - rise! - the lights come on and the audience exits. At first I was even confused: how could this be? and the end? Then I realized that this was an “intermission”.

4. A typical street looks like this.

5. Although “typical” is a strong word. There are only two and a half of them here.

6. Suddenly, such a colorful house grew out of the ground.

7. Rue du Bazar - Seychelles Arbat. Suspicious elements are roaming along the pedestrian street.

8. The same street, view from the other direction.

9. Cathedral Immaculate Conception Virgin Mary. In the foreground there is a thin girl, which is very atypical for Seychelles.

10. Hindu temple, beautiful.

11. The Pirates Arms is the most famous and popular restaurant not only in Victoria, but throughout the Seychelles. Open every day, until late, and offers draft beer (the locals are very proud of this).

12. Statue (OK, figurine) of Queen Victoria, after whom the city is named.

13. A street with an obviously Russian name. I don’t remember the history of its origins - maybe someone knows?

14. What else is there in the city? Eat local history museum(permanently closed).

15. A couple of traffic lights for the whole country (in other places there are traffic controllers).

16. Beau Vallon Police Station.

17. And the modern headquarters building of Seychelles Airlines.

18. There is also mail.

19. There are mailboxes next to the office, apparently for delivery.

5.8k (54 per week)

Every tourist who arrives in the city of Victoria, the capital of the Seychelles, is left with the feeling that this place is unlike any other. With a population of 25 thousand people, the cozy and quiet capital of the Seychelles impresses with its measured life, with locals and visitors idly walking around. The absence of fuss and noise, usual for modern megacities, evokes a feeling of relaxation, peace and rest.
Foreigners are attracted by the numerous Creole restaurants, colorful markets and souvenir shops, and the extraordinary architecture and traditional three-story houses with openwork balconies only enhance the feeling that you are in an earthly paradise.
The capital of Seychelles, Victoria, was founded in 1842 and since then has been considered one of the most beautiful resort cities, and for good reason. From the very first minutes, the delightful coastal area and lush exotic greenery, which can only be seen here, will take your breath away. Victoria is at the very top large island archipelago - Mahe, whose area reaches 150 square kilometers. Naturally, the city became the economic and political center of the archipelago, and an international airport was built here.
The climate in the capital of the Seychelles is extremely favorable - the average annual temperature is comfortable and is +24 from June to November and +29 from December to May, the rains are short and bring with them pleasant freshness.

The Seychelles has long been nicknamed “earthly paradise”, and it seems completely justified. It is these islands that abound in the magnificent sparkle of snow-white beaches, washed by the clear, warm waters of the Indian Ocean. To this should also be added many species of exotic animals and plants. Comfortable climate, pristine untouched nature, incredible beauty and diversity underwater world attract tourists from all over the world to the city of Victoria, from which they are already distributed to different islands.

What to visit in Victoria

If you come to the Seychelles for sightseeing, then Victoria is the ideal option for this. The capital boasts historical and architectural monuments, monuments, museums, colonial buildings, churches, cathedrals and mosques. Tourists are offered excursions along the Avenues of the Revolution and the 5th of June, see the “Bicentennial Monument”, and stroll along Victoria Street, where the National Library and the Parliament of the country are located. The symbol of the city of Victoria in the Seychelles is the Clock Tower, low (3 meters), carefully decorated with lanterns, a small copy of the English Big Ben.


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What to see in Victoria

Regardless of whether you come to Victoria for the whole vacation, for a week, or you are just passing through for 1 day, we will help you choose the most interesting places. There is something to see here - for example, attractions, you will find information about each place with us: from opening hours to detailed description with photographs. Below is a list best places in Victoria, based on the ratings and reviews of users of our site. You, too, can take part in the formation of the ranking of places by leaving your review and rating. This will help our future users choose what interesting things to see in Victoria.

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Upon arrival in Victoria, any traveler immediately understands that this city is not at all like other capitals of the world. The population of this paradise is only 25 thousand people, and its idle and measured atmosphere strongly contrasts with the rush and bustle of modern megacities. The city attracts tourists not only magnificent beaches and beautiful nature, but also traditional houses with openwork balconies, Creole restaurants, souvenir shops, colorful markets and greenery of coconut palms. In addition, there are practically no houses here whose height exceeds three floors, since local authorities care about the beauty of the urban landscape and prohibit the construction of high-rise buildings.

Mahe Island


25 thousand (2002)

155 km² (Mahe Island)

Population density

464,516 people/km²

SCR (Seychelles rupee)

Time zone

Postal code

Not used

International dialing code

Climate and weather

On the territory Mahe Islands, where the city of Victoria is located, has a maritime subequatorial climate. From June to November the weather here is relatively cool with an average temperature of about +24 °C, but from December to May the air usually warms up to +29 °C.

The hotter period of the year is considered the “rainy season”, but the tropical downpours here are very short-lived, so the island all year round The weather is comfortable. Although it is worth noting that the most favorable months for holidays in Victoria are May and October.


The city of Victoria is located on the northeast coast Mahe Islands, which is the largest in the Seychelles archipelago. The capital is surrounded by low mountains " Three Brothers"and hills Creve Coeur, Signal And Niol, as well as picturesque cinnamon plantations. On the coast of the island there is a huge number of incredibly beautiful beaches, and the city itself is literally buried in the greenery of coconut palms and flowering trees. In addition, in the west of Victoria there is a beautiful Bay Intendanse, which was chosen by divers.


It is recommended to start exploring local attractions with Revolution Avenue, next to which there is an ancient Anglican Church. Well, not far from it there is a traffic light, which is famous for being the only one in the entire city. The main symbol of Victoria is considered clock tower, which is a smaller copy of the famous London Big Ben. This tower is decorated with very beautiful lanterns, and its height is approximately three meters.

Another interesting tourist attraction is a small, decorated mosque, which is located in the business district of the city.

An equally popular place is 5th June Avenue(5th June Ave), where the monument “ Free man", installed in honor Socialist revolution 1977. In addition, in Victoria there is another symbolic monument called “ Bicentennial Monument", the opening of which was timed to coincide with the beginning of the development Mahe Islands.

In addition, it is worth taking a walk around Victoria street, on which there are several colonial-style buildings, Parliament and the National Library. Located there Natural History Museum.

Other attractions include:

  • Church of the Immaculate Conception,
  • St. Paul's Cathedral,
  • Bank of Seychelles,
  • Church Park,
  • colorful Market Street.


The city of Victoria is famous not only for its surrounding nature, but also for its excellent national restaurants. The main components of the local menu are seafood and rice, so it is not surprising that the most popular dish here is considered “ pvason ek diri"from fish and rice. In addition, local restaurants offer to try:

  • tuna steaks,
  • « Shatini"from shark,
  • fried shrimp,
  • lobsters in lemon sauce,
  • crabs Trululu"and parrot fish fillet.

Also in great demand among tourists are:

  • soup from tekteka,
  • banana " kat-kat»,
  • boiled cassava,
  • puree from giramon,
  • stewed breadfruit,
  • coconut nougat,
  • candied bilimbi and stewed banana " Saint-Jacques».

Well, the main local delicacy, which not everyone dares to try, is bat with curry and fruit.

The selection of alcoholic drinks is no less wide here. Of these, the most unusual are lemon balm tincture, “ Kalu"(fermented coconut juice) and " tank"(fermented sugar cane juice), as well as local beer Seibrew. In addition, you can try good South African wines in almost all local bars and restaurants.

It is worth keeping in mind that Seychelles dishes are quite spicy, so you can ask the waiter in advance for the cook to add less spices. In addition, most hotels, as well as some restaurants in the city, serve familiar European cuisine.


The capital of Seychelles has the most developed infrastructure in the country, so there is a great variety variety of options accommodation. Most of them are located near the beaches and are low-rise luxury buildings or stylish bungalows.

It is worth noting that the cost of living in most hotels is high, for example in Beachcomber Sainte Anne Resort & Spa(from $647) or Maia Luxury Resort & Spa(from $2300), although this is justified by royal service and comfort. Of course, there are also less expensive hotels on the island ( Coral Strand Smart Choice, Albizia Lodge etc.), however in this case it is recommended to book rooms in advance.

Entertainment and relaxation

In Victoria, the most popular entertainment options are, without a doubt, excursions to St. Anne's National Marine Park And Seychelles Morne National Park, and also beach holiday and visits to local entertainment venues.

In addition, for lovers of outdoor recreation, the city has beautiful small parks and gardens, of which the garden is the most popular Le Jardin Du Roi Spice Garden. It occupies a fairly vast territory, within which there are tropical thickets, picturesque meadows, walking paths and observation platforms.

Of the many sandy beaches, the most famous and visited is considered beach Beau Vallone. Well, for fans of active entertainment (surfing, windsurfing, diving, scuba diving and spearfishing) the ideal place is Anse Intendance beach. Moreover, there are many small cafes on both beaches, which makes them even more attractive.

Also on the island there is a fairly large Botanical Garden, on whose territory it grows huge collection exotic plants and are inhabited by turtles, some of which are over a hundred years old.

Victoria will also appeal to lovers of spa treatments, for whom there are several health complexes open here, among which the most famous is Cerf Island Private Mini Spa.

The city also has nightclubs, bars and casinos, most of which are located near the beaches. At the same time, in daytime many of them operate as regular cafes, but in the evenings they organize themed parties, discos and other entertainment events.


Victoria has a fairly large number of shops, souvenir shops, markets and street stalls, as well as several large shopping centers. For clothes, accessories and souvenirs, it is recommended to go to Market Street, which is simply replete with an abundance of shopping establishments. There is also a huge Sir Selwyn Selwyn-Clark Market. It stands out not only for its special flavor, but also for its large selection of all kinds of goods - from fashionable clothing and handicrafts to fresh produce and delicacies. It is worth noting that it is more profitable to buy products in local supermarkets, for example, SMB, since prices there are much lower than on the market. Although, on the other hand, the market offers a wider range of goods.

Another popular shopping spot in the city is Victoria street, where, in addition to shops and original shops, there are rows of small street stalls, whose traders offer to purchase inexpensive souvenirs and trinkets. Also definitely worth a visit Kraft Village(craft village), where you can find souvenirs made of bamboo, coconut leaves, wood, ceramics and straw.

If we talk about specific souvenirs, then usually national Seychelles hats, all kinds of shells, coconut liqueur, coconut soap and sailboat models are brought from Victoria. However, the most interesting purchase here may be the fruits of a unique palm tree Coco de mer, which are a source of pride for local residents. But products made from turtle shells Hawksbill There is no need to buy, since exporting them outside the country is prohibited.


In Victoria, the only form of public transport is buses. The cost of one trip here is quite inexpensive and is about $0.5. However, it is worth noting that local buses do not run very often and do not go to all parts of the island, so it will be more convenient to use the services of local taxis. Moreover, quite often local taxi drivers pay quite a reasonable price offer their services as a guide.

In addition, in Victoria it is possible to rent a car ($35-45 per day), in which you can travel around the entire island and get to the most remote beaches in just a few hours. Well local residents They prefer to travel by bicycle, which can also be rented.


Telephone communication in Victoria is quite modern and of high quality. For calls, there are numerous pay phones on the city streets that operate on magnetic cards (sold at post offices and kiosks) or local coins.

Cellular communications in the Seychelles operate in the GSM 900 standard. International and local calls are possible with the availability of a roaming service, which must be activated in advance in your home country.

Access to the World Wide Web is provided in all major hotels. There are also several Internet cafes in the city center.


For tourists, the capital of Seychelles is an absolutely safe place: there is practically no crime here, the locals are friendly and welcoming, and the city streets are patrolled by the police. Although, despite this, you should not forget about basic safety rules.

The tap water on the island is safe to drink, and from a sanitary and medical point of view, holidays here are absolutely safe. However, it is recommended to take sunscreen and local insect repellent with you. You should also be careful when swimming, as sea urchins are found in coastal waters.

Business climate

Victoria is the country's main financial and economic center, as well as a strategically important seaport and fuel supply base for many ships.

The main source of income for the city, on which almost its entire economy is based, is tourism. In addition, Victoria is home to tobacco, fish processing and furniture factories. The city is also actively involved in the export of copra, cinnamon tree bark and fish.

Real estate

Seychelles' policy is aimed at attracting any foreign investment to its country, so there are practically no restrictions or limits for foreigners when purchasing real estate. Moreover, local authorities are trying to do everything to attract foreign citizens here.

Well, since Victoria is the capital of the Seychelles, it is not surprising that its real estate is in greatest demand. However, it is worth noting that housing and land prices here are quite high.

In the Seychelles last Saturday each month is the official date of receipt of salary. That is why on this day almost the entire population of the island comes to Victoria to shop, occupying literally all supermarkets and shops. As a result of this, traffic jams constantly occur in the city, and there is a real crowd on the streets. Thus, if you do not want to participate in the street crush or stand in long queues at the shops, it is better to stay in a hotel on such a day.