Golden Rose very brief summary. Konstantin Paustovsky golden rose

« golden rose" - a book of essays and stories by K. G. Paustovsky. First published in the magazine “October” (1955, No. 10). Published as a separate publication in 1955.

The idea of ​​the book was born in the 30s, but it took full shape only when Paustovsky began to put on paper the experience of his work in the prose seminar at the Literary Institute. Gorky. Paustovsky initially intended to call the book “The Iron Rose”, but later abandoned the intention - the story of the lyre player Ostap, who chained the iron rose, was included as an episode in “The Tale of Life”, and the writer did not want to exploit the plot again. Paustovsky was planning, but did not have time to write a second book of notes on creativity. In the last lifetime edition of the first book (Collected Works. T.Z.M., 1967-1969), two chapters were expanded, several new chapters appeared, mainly about writers. “Notes on a Cigarette Box,” written for the 100th anniversary of Chekhov, became the chapter of “Chekhov.” The essay “Meetings with Olesha” turned into the chapter “Little Rose in the Buttonhole.” The same publication includes the essays “Alexander Blok” and “Ivan Bunin”.

“The Golden Rose,” in Paustovsky’s own words, “is a book about how books are written.” Its leitmotif is most fully embodied in the story that begins “The Golden Rose.” The story of the “precious dust” that Parisian scavenger Jean Chamet collected in order to order a gold rose from a jeweler is a metaphor for creativity. The genre of Paustovsky’s book seems to reflect its main topic: it consists of short “grains” of stories about writing duty (“Inscription on a boulder”), about the connection between creativity and life experience(“Flowers from shavings”), about design and inspiration (“Lightning”), about the relationship between the plan and the logic of the material (“Revolt of Heroes”), about the Russian language (“Diamond Language”) and punctuation marks (“The Incident in Alschwang’s Store” ), about the artist’s working conditions (“As if it’s nothing”) and artistic detail(“The Old Man in the Station Buffet”), about imagination (“The Life-Giving Principle”) and about the priority of life over creative imagination (“Night Stagecoach”).

Conventionally, the book can be divided into two parts. If in the first the author introduces the reader into the “secret secrets” - into his creative laboratory, then the other half consisted of sketches about writers: Chekhov, Bunin, Blok, Maupassant, Hugo, Olesha, Prishvin, Green. The stories are characterized by subtle lyricism; As a rule, this is a story about what has been experienced, about the experience of communication - face-to-face or correspondence - with one or another of the masters of artistic expression.

The genre composition of Paustovsky’s “Golden Rose” is in many ways unique: in a single compositionally complete cycle, fragments with different characteristics are combined - confession, memoirs, creative portrait, essay on creativity, poetic miniature about nature, linguistic research, history of the idea and its implementation in the book, autobiography, everyday sketch. Despite the genre heterogeneity, the material is “cemented” by the end-to-end image of the author, who dictates his own rhythm and tonality to the narrative, and conducts reasoning in accordance with the logic of a single theme.

Paustovsky’s “Golden Rose” evoked many responses in the press. Critics noted the high skill of the writer, the originality of the very attempt to interpret the problems of art through the means of art itself. But it also caused a lot of criticism, reflecting the spirit of the transitional time that preceded the “thaw” of the late 50s: the writer was reproached for “limitedness” author's position“,” “excess of beautiful details,” “insufficient attention to the ideological basis of art.”

In the book of Paustovsky’s stories, created in the final period of his work, the early works artist's interest in the field creative activity, to the spiritual essence of art.

Very briefly About writing and the psychology of creativity

Precious Dust

Scavenger Jean Chamet cleans up craft workshops in a Parisian suburb.

While serving as a soldier during the Mexican War, Shamet contracted a fever and was sent home. The regimental commander instructed Shamet to take his eight-year-old daughter Suzanne to France. All the way, Shamet took care of the girl, and Suzanne willingly listened to his stories about the golden rose that brings happiness.

One day, Shamet meets a young woman whom he recognizes as Suzanne. Crying, she tells Shamet that her lover cheated on her, and now she has no home. Suzanne moves in with Shamet. Five days later she makes peace with her lover and leaves.

After parting with Suzanne, Shamet stops throwing away rubbish from jewelry workshops, in which a little gold dust always remains. He builds a small winnowing fan and winnows the jewelry dust. Shamet gives the gold mined over many days to a jeweler to make a golden rose.

Rose is ready, but Shamet finds out that Suzanne has left for America, and her trace has been lost. He quits his job and gets sick. Nobody takes care of him. Only the jeweler who made the rose visits him.

Soon Shamet dies. The jeweler sells a rose to an elderly writer and tells him the story of Shamet. The rose appears to the writer as a prototype of creative activity, in which, “like from these precious specks of dust, a living stream of literature is born.”

Inscription on a boulder

Paustovsky lives in a small house on the Riga seaside. Nearby lies a large granite boulder with the inscription “In memory of all who died and will die at sea.” Paustovsky considers this inscription a good epigraph for a book about writing.

Writing is a calling. The writer strives to convey to people the thoughts and feelings that concern him. At the behest of the call of his time and people, a writer can become a hero and endure difficult trials.

An example of this is the fate of the Dutch writer Eduard Dekker, known under the pseudonym “Multatuli” (Latin for “Long-suffering”). Serving as a government official on the island of Java, he defended the Javanese and took their side when they rebelled. Multatuli died without receiving justice.

The artist Vincent Van Gogh was equally selflessly devoted to his work. He was not a fighter, but he contributed his paintings glorifying the earth to the treasury of the future.

Flowers made from shavings

The greatest gift remaining to us from childhood is a poetic perception of life. A person who has retained this gift becomes a poet or writer.

During his poor and bitter youth, Paustovsky writes poetry, but soon realizes that his poems are tinsel, flowers made from painted shavings, and instead writes his first story.

First story

Paustovsky learns this story from a resident of Chernobyl.

The Jew Yoska falls in love with the beautiful Christa. The girl loves him too - small, red-haired, with a squeaky voice. Khristya moves into Yoska’s house and lives with him as his wife.

The town begins to worry - a Jew lives with an Orthodox woman. Yoska decides to be baptized, but Father Mikhail refuses him. Yoska leaves, cursing the priest.

Upon learning of Yoska's decision, the rabbi curses his family. For insulting a priest, Yoska goes to prison. Christia dies of grief. The police officer releases Yoska, but he loses his mind and becomes a beggar.

Returning to Kyiv, Paustovsky writes his first story about this, in the spring he rereads it and understands that the author’s admiration for Christ’s love is not felt in it.

Paustovsky believes that his stock of everyday observations is very poor. He gives up writing and wanders around Russia for ten years, changing professions and communicating with a variety of people.


The idea is lightning. It arises in the imagination, saturated with thoughts, feelings, and memory. For a plan to appear, we need a push, which can be everything happening around us.

The embodiment of the plan is a downpour. The idea develops from constant contact with reality.

Inspiration is a state of elation, awareness of one’s creative power. Turgenev calls inspiration “the approach of God,” and for Tolstoy, “inspiration consists in the fact that suddenly something is revealed that can be done...”

Riot of Heroes

Almost all writers make plans for their future works. Writers who have the gift of improvisation can write without a plan.

As a rule, the heroes of a planned work resist the plan. Leo Tolstoy wrote that his heroes do not obey him and do as they want. All writers know this inflexibility of heroes.

The story of one story. Devonian limestone

1931 Paustovsky rents a room in the city of Livny, Oryol region. The owner of the house has a wife and two daughters. Paustovsky meets the eldest, nineteen-year-old Anfisa, on the river bank in the company of a frail and quiet fair-haired teenager. It turns out that Anfisa loves a boy with tuberculosis.

One night Anfisa commits suicide. For the first time Paustovsky witnesses the immeasurable female love which is stronger than death.

The railway doctor Maria Dmitrievna Shatskaya invites Paustovsky to move in with her. She lives with her mother and brother, geologist Vasily Shatsky, who went crazy in captivity among the Basmachi Central Asia. Vasily gradually gets used to Paustovsky and begins to talk. Shatsky interesting conversationalist, but at the slightest fatigue he begins to delirium. Paustovsky describes his story in Kara-Bugaz.

The idea for the story appears in Paustovsky during Shatsky’s stories about the first explorations of the Kara-Bug Bay.

Studying geographical maps

In Moscow, Paustovsky gets detailed map Caspian Sea. In his imagination, the writer wanders along its shores for a long time. His father doesn't approve of hobbies geographical maps- it promises a lot of disappointments.

The habit of imagining different places helps Paustovsky to correctly see them in reality. Trips to the Astrakhan steppe and Emba give him the opportunity to write a book about Kara-Bugaz. Only a small part of the collected material is included in the story, but Paustovsky does not regret it - this material will be useful for a new book.

Notches on the heart

Every day of life leaves its marks in the writer’s memory and heart. Good memory- one of the fundamentals of writing.

While working on the story “Telegram,” Paustovsky manages to fall in love old house, where the lonely old woman Katerina Ivanovna, the daughter of the famous engraver Pozhalostin, lives, for its silence, the smell of birch smoke from the stove, old engravings on the walls.

Katerina Ivanovna, who lived with her father in Paris, suffers greatly from loneliness. One day she complains to Paustovsky about her lonely old age, and a few days later she becomes very ill. Paustovsky calls Katerina Ivanovna’s daughter from Leningrad, but she is three days late and arrives after the funeral.

Diamond tongue

Spring in low forest

The wonderful properties and richness of the Russian language are revealed only to those who love and know their people and feel the charm of our land. There are many in Russian good words and names for everything that exists in nature.

We have books by nature experts and vernacular- Kaygorodov, Prishvin, Gorky, Aksakov, Leskov, Bunin, Alexei Tolstoy and many others. The main source of language is the people themselves. Paustovsky talks about a forester who is fascinated by the kinship of words: spring, birth, homeland, people, relatives...

Language and nature

In the summer Paustovsky spent in forests and meadows Central Russia, the writer re-learns many words that are known to him, but distant and unexperienced.

For example, “rain” words. Each type of rain has a separate original name in Russian. The stinging rain is pouring vertically and heavily. A fine mushroom rain falls from the low clouds, after which mushrooms begin to grow wildly. People call blind rain falling in the sun “The princess is crying.”

One of the beautiful words in the Russian language is the word “zarya”, and next to it is the word “zarnitsa”.

Piles of flowers and herbs

Paustovsky fishes in a lake with high, steep banks. He sits near the water in dense thickets. Above, in a meadow overgrown with flowers, village children are collecting sorrel. One of the girls knows the names of many flowers and herbs. Then Paustovsky finds out that the girl’s grandmother is the best herbalist in the region.


Paustovsky dreams of new dictionaries of the Russian language, in which it would be possible to collect words related to nature; accurate local words; words from different professions; garbage and dead words, bureaucracy that clogs the Russian language. These dictionaries should have explanations and examples so that they can be read like books.

This work is beyond the power of one person, because our country is rich in words that describe the diversity of Russian nature. Our country is rich and local dialects, figurative and euphonious. The maritime terminology and spoken language of sailors is excellent, which, like the language of people of many other professions, deserves a separate study.

Incident at Alschwang's store

Winter 1921. Paustovsky lives in Odessa, in the former ready-to-wear store Alschwang and Company. He serves as a secretary at the newspaper "Sailor", where many young writers work. Of the old writers, only Andrei Sobol often comes to the editorial office, he is always an excited person about something.

One day Sobol brings his story to The Sailor, interesting and talented, but torn and confused. No one dares to suggest that Sobol correct the story because of his nervousness.

Corrector Blagov corrects the story overnight, without changing a single word, but simply by correctly placing punctuation marks. When the story is published, Sobol thanks Blagov for his skill.

It's like nothing

Mine good genius Almost every writer has one. Paustovsky considers Stendhal his inspiration.

There are many seemingly insignificant circumstances and skills that help writers work. It is known that Pushkin wrote best in the fall, often skipped places that were not given to him, and returned to them later. Gaidar came up with phrases, then wrote them down, then came up with them again.

Paustovsky describes the features of the writing work of Flaubert, Balzac, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Chekhov, Andersen.

Old man in the station cafeteria

Paustovsky tells in great detail the story of a poor old man who did not have money to feed his dog Petya. One day an old man walks into a cafeteria where young people are drinking beer. Petit starts begging them for a sandwich. They throw a piece of sausage to the dog, insulting its owner. The old man forbids Petya to take a handout and buys her a sandwich with his last pennies, but the barmaid gives him two sandwiches - this will not ruin her.

The writer talks about the disappearance of details from modern literature. Detail is needed only if it is characteristic and closely related to intuition. Good detail evokes in the reader a true picture of a person, event, or era.

White night

Gorky is planning to publish a series of books “The History of Factories and Plants.” Paustovsky chooses an old plant in Petrozavodsk. It was founded by Peter the Great to cast cannons and anchors, then produced bronze castings, and after the revolution - road cars.

In the Petrozavodsk archives and library, Paustovsky finds a lot of material for the book, but he never manages to create a single whole from scattered notes. Paustovsky decides to leave.

Before leaving, he finds in an abandoned cemetery a grave topped by a broken column with the inscription in French: “Charles Eugene Lonseville, artillery engineer of Napoleon's Grand Army...”.

Materials about this person “consolidate” the data collected by the writer. Participant French Revolution Charles Lonseville was captured by the Cossacks and exiled to the Petrozavodsk plant, where he died of fever. The material was dead until the man who became the hero of the story “The Fate of Charles Lonseville” appeared.

Life-giving principle

Imagination is a property human nature, creating fictional people and events. Imagination fills the voids human life. The heart, imagination and mind are the environment where culture is born.

Imagination is based on memory, and memory is based on reality. The law of associations sorts memories that are intimately involved in creativity. The wealth of associations testifies to the richness of the writer’s inner world.

Night stagecoach

Paustovsky plans to write a chapter on the power of imagination, but replaces it with a story about Andersen, who travels from Venice to Verona by night stagecoach. Andersen's traveling companion turns out to be a lady in a dark cloak. Andersen suggests turning off the lantern - the darkness helps him invent different stories and imagine yourself, ugly and shy, as a young, lively handsome man.

Andersen returns to reality and sees that the stagecoach is standing, and the driver is bargaining with several women who are asking for a ride. The driver demands too much, and Adersen pays extra for the women.

Through the lady in the cloak, the girls try to find out who helped them. Andersen replies that he is a predictor, he can guess the future and see in the dark. He calls the girls beauties and predicts love and happiness for each of them. In gratitude, the girls kiss Andersen.

In Verona, a lady who introduces herself as Elena Guiccioli invites Andersen to visit. When they meet, Elena admits that she recognized him as famous storyteller, who in life is afraid of fairy tales and love. She promises to help Andersen as soon as necessary.

A long-planned book

Paustovsky decides to write a collection book short biographies, among which there is room for several stories about unknown and forgotten people, unmercenaries and ascetics. One of them is the river captain Olenin-Volgar, a man with an extremely eventful life.

In this collection, Paustovsky wants to mention his friend - the director local history museum in a small town in Central Russia, which the writer considers an example of dedication, modesty and love for his land.


Some stories of the writer and doctor Chekhov are exemplary psychological diagnoses. Chekhov's life is instructive. For many years he squeezed the slave out of himself drop by drop - this is exactly what Chekhov said about himself. Paustovsky keeps a part of his heart in Chekhov's house on Outka.

Alexander Blok

In Blok’s early little-known poems there is a line that evokes all the charm of foggy youth: “The spring of my distant dream...”. This is an insight. The entire Block consists of such insights.

Guy de Maupassant

Maupassant's creative life is as swift as a meteor. A merciless observer of human evil, towards the end of his life he was inclined to glorify love-suffering and love-joy.

In his last hours, it seemed to Maupassant that his brain was being eaten away by some kind of poisonous salt. He regretted the feelings he had rejected in his hasty and tiresome life.

Maxim Gorky

For Paustovsky, Gorky is all of Russia. Just as one cannot imagine Russia without the Volga, one cannot imagine that there is no Gorky in it. He loved and knew Russia thoroughly. Gorky discovered talents and defined the era. From people like Gorky, one can begin the chronology.

Victor Hugo

Hugo, a frantic, stormy man, exaggerated everything he saw in life and wrote about. He was a knight of freedom, its herald and messenger. Hugo inspired many writers to love Paris, and for this they are grateful to him.

Mikhail Prishvin

Prishvin was born in the ancient city of Yelets. The nature around Yelets is very Russian, simple and sparse. This property of hers lies the basis of Prishvin’s literary vigilance, the secret of Prishvin’s charm and witchcraft.

Alexander Green

Paustovsky is surprised by Green's biography, his hard life as a renegade and restless vagabond. It is not clear how this withdrawn and suffering from adversity man retained the great gift of a powerful and pure imagination, faith in man. Prose poem " Scarlet Sails" ranked him among the remarkable writers seeking excellence.

Eduard Bagritsky

There are so many fables in Bagritsky’s stories about himself that sometimes it is impossible to distinguish the truth from the legend. Bagritsky's inventions are a characteristic part of his biography. He himself sincerely believed in them.

Bagritsky wrote magnificent poetry. He died early, without having achieved “a few more difficult peaks of poetry.”

The art of seeing the world

Knowledge of areas adjacent to art - poetry, painting, architecture, sculpture and music - enriches inner world writer, gives special expressiveness to his prose.

Painting helps a prose writer to see colors and light. An artist often notices something that writers don't see. Paustovsky sees for the first time all the variety of colors of Russian bad weather thanks to Levitan’s painting “Above Eternal Peace.”

The perfection of classical architectural forms will not allow the writer to create a ponderous composition.

Talented prose has its own rhythm, depending on the sense of language and a good “writer's ear”, which is connected with a musical ear.

Poetry enriches the language of a prose writer most of all. Leo Tolstoy wrote that he would never understand where the border between prose and poetry is. Vladimir Odoevsky called poetry a harbinger of “that state of humanity when it will stop achieving and begin to use what has been achieved.”

In the back of a truck

1941 Paustovsky rides in the back of a truck, hiding from German air raids. A fellow traveler asks the writer what he thinks about during times of danger. Paustovsky answers - about nature.

Nature will act on us with all its strength when our state of mind, love, joy or sadness will come into full harmony with it. Nature must be loved, and this love will find right paths to express yourself most powerfully.

Parting words to yourself

Paustovsky finishes the first book of his notes on writing, realizing that the work is not finished and there are many topics left that need to be written about.

The language and profession of a writer - K.G. writes about this. Paustovsky. "Golden Rose" ( summary) is exactly about this. Today we will talk about this exceptional book and its benefits for both the average reader and the aspiring writer.

Writing as a vocation

"Golden Rose" is a special book in Paustovsky's work. It was published in 1955, at that time Konstantin Georgievich was 63 years old. This book can only be called a “textbook for aspiring writers” only remotely: the author lifts the curtain on his own creative kitchen, talks about himself, the sources of creativity and the role of the writer for the world. Each of the 24 sections carries a piece of wisdom from a seasoned writer who reflects on creativity based on his many years of experience.

Unlike modern textbooks, “The Golden Rose” (Paustovsky), a brief summary of which we will consider further, has its own distinctive features: There is more biography and reflections on the nature of writing, and no exercises at all. Unlike many modern authors Konstantin Georgievich does not support the idea of ​​writing everything down, and for him writing is not a craft, but a vocation (from the word “call”). For Paustovsky, a writer is the voice of his generation, the one who must cultivate the best that is in a person.

Konstantin Paustovsky. "Golden Rose": summary of the first chapter

The book begins with the legend of the golden rose (“Precious Dust”). It talks about the scavenger Jean Chamet, who wanted to give a rose made of gold to his friend, Suzanne, the daughter of a regimental commander. He accompanied her on her way home from the war. The girl grew up, fell in love and got married, but was unhappy. And according to legend, a golden rose always brings happiness to its owner.

Shamet was a garbage man, he did not have money for such a purchase. But he worked in a jewelry workshop and thought of sifting the dust that he swept out of there. Many years passed before there were enough grains of gold to make a small golden rose. But when Jean Chamet went to Suzanne to give her a gift, he found out that she had moved to America...

Literature is like this golden rose, says Paustovsky. "The Golden Rose", a summary of the chapters of which we are considering, is completely imbued with this statement. The writer, according to the author, must sift through a lot of dust, find grains of gold and cast a golden rose that will make the life of an individual and the whole world better. Konstantin Georgievich believed that a writer should be the voice of his generation.

A writer writes because he hears a call within himself. He can't help but write. For Paustovsky, the writer is the most beautiful and most difficult profession in the world. The chapter “The Inscription on the Boulder” talks about this.

The birth of the idea and its development

“Lightning” is chapter 5 from the book “Golden Rose” (Paustovsky), the summary of which is that the birth of a plan is like lightning. Electric charge builds up for a very long time, only to hit later with full force. Everything that a writer sees, hears, reads, thinks, experiences, accumulates in order to one day become the idea of ​​a story or book.

In the next five chapters, the author talks about naughty characters, as well as the origins of the idea for the stories “Planet Marz” and “Kara-Bugaz”. In order to write, you need to have something to write about - main idea these chapters. Personal experience very important for a writer. Not the one that is created artificially, but the one that a person receives while living active life, working and communicating with different people.

"Golden Rose" (Paustovsky): summary of chapters 11-16

Konstantin Georgievich reverently loved the Russian language, nature and people. They delighted and inspired him, forced him to write. The writer attaches enormous importance to knowledge of language. Everyone who writes, according to Paustovsky, has his own writer’s dictionary, where he writes down all the new words that impress him. He gives an example from his life: the words “wilderness” and “swei” were unknown to him for a very long time. He heard the first from the forester, the second he found in Yesenin’s verse. Its meaning remained unclear for a long time, until a philologist friend explained that svei are those “waves” that the wind leaves on the sand.

You need to develop a sense of words in order to be able to convey its meaning and your thoughts correctly. In addition, it is very important to use punctuation marks correctly. An instructive story from real life can be read in the chapter "Incidents at Alschwang's Store."

On the Uses of Imagination (Chapters 20-21)

Although the writer seeks inspiration in the real world, imagination plays a big role in creativity, says The Golden Rose, whose summary would be incomplete without this, is replete with references to writers whose opinions about imagination differ greatly. For example, a verbal duel with Guy de Maupassant is mentioned. Zola insisted that a writer does not need imagination, to which Maupassant responded with a question: “How then do you write your novels, having only one newspaper clipping and not leaving the house for weeks?”

Many chapters, including "Night Stagecoach" (chapter 21), are written in short story form. This is a story about the storyteller Andersen and the importance of maintaining a balance between real life and imagination. Paustovsky is trying to convey to the aspiring writer a very important thing: under no circumstances should one give up a real, full life for the sake of imagination and a fictional life.

The art of seeing the world

You can't feed your creative juices only with literature - main idea last chapters books "Golden Rose" (Paustovsky). The summary boils down to the fact that the author does not trust writers who do not like other types of art - painting, poetry, architecture, classical music. Konstantin Georgievich expressed an interesting idea on the pages: prose is also poetry, only without rhyme. Every Writer with a capital W reads a lot of poetry.

Paustovsky advises training your eye, learning to look at the world through the eyes of an artist. He tells his story of communicating with artists, their advice and how he himself developed his aesthetic sense by observing nature and architecture. The writer himself once listened to him and reached such heights of mastery of words that he even knelt before him (photo above).


In this article we have discussed the main points of the book, but this is not full content. “The Golden Rose” (Paustovsky) is a book that is worth reading for anyone who loves the work of this writer and wants to know more about him. It will also be useful for beginning (and not so beginning) writers to find inspiration and understand that a writer is not a prisoner of his talent. Moreover, a writer is obliged to live an active life.

1. The book “Golden Rose” is a book about writing.
2. Suzanne's faith in the dream of a beautiful rose.
3. Second meeting with the girl.
4. Shamet’s impulse to beauty.

The book by K. G. Paustovsky “Golden Rose” is dedicated, by his own admission, to writing. That is, that painstaking work of separating everything superfluous and unnecessary from truly important things, which is characteristic of any talented master of the pen.

The main character of the story “Precious Dust” is compared with a writer who also has to overcome many obstacles and difficulties before he can present to the world his golden rose, his work that touches the souls and hearts of people. In the not entirely attractive image of the scavenger Jean Chamet, wonderful person, a hard worker, ready to turn over mountains of garbage to obtain the smallest gold dust for the sake of the happiness of a creature dear to him. This is what fills the life of the main character with meaning; he is not afraid of daily hard work, ridicule and neglect of others. The main thing is to bring joy to the girl who once settled in his heart.

The story "Precious Dust" took place on the outskirts of Paris. Jean Chamet, decommissioned for health reasons, was returning from the army. On the way, he had to take the daughter of the regimental commander, an eight-year-old girl, to her relatives. On the road, Suzanne, who lost her mother early, was silent the entire time. Shamet never saw a smile on her sad face. Then the soldier decided that it was his duty to somehow cheer up the girl, to make her journey more exciting. He immediately dismissed dice games and crude barracks songs - this was not suitable for a child. Jean began to tell her his life.

At first, his stories were unpretentious, but Suzanne greedily caught more and more details and even often asked to tell them to her again. Soon, Shamet himself could no longer accurately determine where the truth ends and other people’s memories begin. Outlandish stories emerged from the corners of his memory. So he remembered amazing story about a golden rose, cast from blackened gold and suspended from a crucifix in the house of an old fisherman. According to legend, this rose was given to a beloved and was sure to bring happiness to the owner. Selling or exchanging this gift was considered a great sin. Shamet himself saw a similar rose in the house of a poor old fisherman who, despite her unenviable position, never wanted to part with the decoration. The old woman, according to rumors that reached the soldier, still waited for her happiness. Her son, an artist, came to her from the city, and the old fisherman’s shack “was filled with noise and prosperity.” The story of the fellow traveler made a strong impression on the girl. Suzanne even asked the soldier if anyone would give her such a rose. Jean replied that maybe there would be such an eccentric for the girl. Shamet himself did not yet realize how strongly he became attached to the child. However, after he handed the girl over to the tall “woman with pursed yellow lips,” he remembered Suzanne for a long time and even carefully kept her crumpled blue ribbon, gently, as it seemed to the soldier, smelling of violets.

Life decreed that after long ordeals, Shamet became a Parisian garbage collector. From now on, the smell of dust and garbage heaps followed him everywhere. Monotonous days merged into one. Only rare memories of the girl brought joy to Jean. He knew that Suzanne had long since grown up, that her father had died from his wounds. The scavenger blamed himself for parting with the child too dryly. The former soldier even wanted to visit the girl several times, but he always postponed his trip until time was lost. Nevertheless, the girl’s ribbon was just as carefully kept in Shamet’s things.

Fate presented a gift to Jean - he met Suzanne and even, perhaps, warned her against the fatal step when the girl, having quarreled with her lover, stood at the parapet, looking into the Seine. The scavenger took in the grown-up blue ribbon winner. Suzanne spent five whole days with Shamet. Probably for the first time in his life the scavenger was truly happy. Even the sun over Paris rose differently for him than before. And as if to the sun, Jean reached out to him with all his soul. beautiful girl. His life suddenly took on a completely different meaning.

Actively participating in the life of his guest, helping her reconcile with her lover, Shamet felt completely new strength in himself. That is why, after Suzanne mentioned the golden rose during farewell, the garbage man firmly decided to please the girl or even make her happy by giving it to her. gold decoration. Left alone again, Jean began to attack. From now on, he did not throw out garbage from jewelry workshops, but secretly took it to a shack, where he sifted out the smallest grains of golden sand from garbage dust. He dreamed of making an ingot from sand and forging a small golden rose, which, perhaps, would serve for the happiness of many ordinary people. It took the scavenger a lot of work before he was able to get the gold bar, but Shamet was in no hurry to forge a golden rose from it. He suddenly began to be afraid of meeting Suzanne: “... who needs the tenderness of an old freak.” The scavenger understood perfectly well that he had long become a bogeyman for ordinary townspeople: “... only desire people who met him were quick to leave and forget his skinny, gray face with sagging skin and piercing eyes.” The fear of being rejected by a girl forced Shamet, almost for the first time in his life, to pay attention to his appearance, to the impression he made on others. Nevertheless, the garbage man ordered a piece of jewelry for Suzanne from the jeweler. However, severe disappointment awaited him: the girl left for America, and no one knew her address. Despite the fact that at the first moment Shamet was relieved, the bad news turned the unfortunate man’s whole life upside down: “...the expectation of a gentle and easy meeting with Suzanne inexplicably turned into a rusty iron fragment... this prickly fragment stuck in Shamet’s chest, near his heart " The scavenger had no reason to live anymore, so he prayed to God to quickly take him to himself. Disappointment and despair consumed Jean so much that he even stopped working and “lay in his shack for several days, turning his face to the wall.” Only the jeweler who forged the jewelry visited him, but did not bring him any medicine. When the old scavenger died, his only visitor pulled from under his pillow a golden rose wrapped in a blue ribbon that smelled like mice. Death transformed Shamet: “... it (his face) became stern and calm,” and “... the bitterness of this face seemed even beautiful to the jeweler.” Subsequently, the golden rose ended up with the writer, who, inspired by the jeweler’s story about the old scavenger, not only bought the rose from him, but also immortalized the name former soldier 27th Colonial Regiment by Jean-Ernest Chamet in his works.

In his notes, the writer said that Shamet’s golden rose “seems to be a prototype of our creative activity.” How many precious specks of dust does a master have to collect in order for a “living stream of literature” to be born from them? And pushes towards this creative people, first of all, the desire for beauty, the desire to reflect and capture not only the sad, but also the brightest, best moments of the life around us. It is the beautiful that can transform human existence, reconcile it with injustice, and fill it with a completely different meaning and content.

A very brief summary of the story by K. Paustovsky The Golden Rose. Paustovsky Golden Rose

  1. golden rose

    Summary of the story
    Reads in 15 minutes
    original 6 h
    Precious Dust

    Inscription on a boulder

    Flowers made from shavings

    First story


  3. golden rose

    Summary of the story
    Reads in 15 minutes
    original 6 h
    Precious Dust
    Scavenger Jean Chamet cleans up craft workshops in a Parisian suburb.

    While serving as a soldier during the Mexican War, Shamet contracted a fever and was sent home. The regimental commander instructed Shamet to take his eight-year-old daughter Suzanne to France. All the way, Shamet took care of the girl, and Suzanne willingly listened to his stories about the golden rose that brings happiness.

    One day, Shamet meets a young woman who they recognize as Suzanne. Crying, she tells Shamet that her lover cheated on her, and now she has no home. Suzanne moves in with Shamet. Five days later she makes peace with her lover and leaves.

    After parting with Suzanne, Shamet will stop throwing rubbish out of jewelry workshops, in which a little gold dust will always remain. He builds a small winnowing fan and winnows the jewelry dust. Shamet gold mined over many days is given to a jeweler to make a golden rose.

    Rose is ready, but Shamet finds out that Suzanne has left for America, and the trail is lost. He quits his job and gets sick. Nobody takes care of him. Only the jeweler who made the rose visits him.

    Soon Shamet dies. The jeweler sells the rose to an elderly writer and tells him the story of Shamet. The rose appears to the writer as a prototype of creative activity, in which, as from these precious specks of dust, a living stream of literature is born.

    Inscription on a boulder
    Paustovsky lives in a small house on the Riga seaside. Nearby lies a large granite boulder with the inscription In memory of all who died and will die at sea. Paustovsky considers this inscription a good epigraph for a book about writing.

    Writing is a calling. The writer strives to convey to people the thoughts and feelings that concern him. At the behest of the call of his time and people, a writer can become a hero and endure difficult trials.

    An example of this is the fate of the Dutch writer Eduard Dekker, known under the pseudonym Multatuli (Latin: Long-suffering). Serving as a government official on the island of Java, he defended the Javanese and took their side when they rebelled. Multatuli died without receiving justice.

    The artist Vincent Van Gogh was equally selflessly devoted to his work. He was not a fighter, but he brought into the treasury of the future his paintings glorifying the earth.

    Flowers made from shavings
    The greatest gift left to us from childhood is a poetic perception of life. A person who has retained this gift becomes a poet or writer.

    During his poor and bitter youth, Paustovsky writes poetry, but soon realizes that his poems are tinsel, flowers made from painted shavings, and instead writes his first story.

    First story
    Paustovsky learned this story from a resident of Chernobyl.

    The Jew Yoska falls in love with the beautiful Christa. The girl also loves him, small, red-haired, with a squeaky voice. Khristya moves into Yoska’s house and lives with him as his wife.

    The town begins to worry: a Jew lives with an Orthodox woman. Yoska decides to be baptized, but Father Mikhail refuses him. Yoska leaves, cursing the priest.

    Upon learning of Yoska's decision, the rabbi curses his family. For insulting a priest, Yoska goes to prison. Christia dies of grief. The police officer releases Yoska, but he loses his mind and becomes a beggar.

    Returning to Kyiv, Paustovsky writes his first story about this, in the spring he rereads it and understands that the author’s admiration for Christ’s love is not felt in it.

    Paustovsky believes that his stock of everyday observations is very poor. He gives up writing and wanders around Russia for ten years, changing professions and communicating with a variety of people.

    The idea is lightning. It arises in the imagination, saturated with thoughts, feelings, and memory. For a plan to appear, we need a push, which can be everything happening around us.

    The embodiment of the plan is a downpour. The idea is to develop