How to learn to correctly calculate a combination of numbers. Lotteries you can actually win. The most unusual combination of numbers

There is a famous joke that will help answer the question of how to win the lottery " Russian lotto".

A man came to church to ask God for help. He begged to send him a big cash win in the lottery or good and expensive prizes. God heard his call and was silent for a long time. After which he could not stand it and told him: “Friend, maybe you should buy a lottery ticket first?!”

So, to play lotto, you must first purchase a ticket. It's very easy to do. To buy a ticket, you can go to a special kiosk or to a post office.

So, there is a ticket. What about Russian Lotto? Everyone has their own methods for winning, let’s look at the most common ones.

Several methods of obtaining big money when playing the lottery:

1. An American, Doug Myrock, lives in the states, who played the lottery for 17 years and entered the same combination, eventually winning 31.4 million dollars. Not ready to wait that long? Then it’s worth studying the theory of probability and optimizing the way to quickly win. If you are unable to do such calculations, a computer will come to the rescue. Using special programs, you can create a combination of lucky numbers.

2. Numerological method. How to win the Russian Lotto lottery using your date of birth or name? There is a special science - numerology, which determines favorable days for each person based on his personal data. To get your first lucky number, you need to add up all the numbers of your date of birth. The second number is obtained by adding the letters in your name, namely "a-1", "b-2", etc. The third lucky number is found by adding the first two. Now you have three that must be present on the lottery ticket.

3. Karmic-cognitive method. Some lottery fans believe that in order to hit the jackpot, magic is not needed. But often the thoughts that arise in the subconscious help you win. Some psychologists advise: in order to win, you need to believe in it all the time. To achieve the result, you need to take a piece of paper with a pen and depict yourself on it with a large bag of money. When you look at your creativity, truly believe that you will win.

4. Fatal method. Some are sure that only chance decides the outcome of a win. Some, for example, believe that lucky combination- this is the number of a car that was mined the day before somewhere in the world. A huge number of bets are placed on the 9th and 11th, after the famous disaster of September 11th. And the strangest thing is that these tickets won! Many people look for clues in the day of the week or the numbers of the month. Often they help them. It’s worth looking around you and finding out where your lucky number is hiding, which will allow you to understand how to win the Russian Lotto lottery.

5. Superstitious method. Purchasing a lottery ticket is a ritual that needs to be carried out especially. Firstly, you need to pay attention to appearance. Do not wear things that contain yellow and red colors. It is better to choose an outfit in dark colors. Striped or checkered clothes will also scare away good luck. And the most important rule is that you should not wear gold and silver jewelry!

It turns out that the probability of winning in any lottery, be it “Sports”, “Super” or another, depends on the goal set and the chosen method.

The human passion for easy money is ineradicable, it always has been and will always be so. Even a person who is rational to the core, in the depths of his soul, occasionally thinks about how good it would be to suddenly and unexpectedly receive a large sum (no matter if it is a lottery win or an inheritance from a rich relative). The question of how to win the lottery excites the minds of the population most of all because these same lotteries and success stories are constantly in sight, willy-nilly, thoughts arise “what if I were in the place of the next lucky winner...”.

A small educational program - classification of lotteries and chances of winning in them

If we try to give a scientific definition of the term “lottery”, then it can be called one of the varieties gambling, in which profit/loss is distributed randomly. In this case, all participants contribute part of the funds as an entrance fee, from which a prize fund, part of the money is transferred to the state in the form of taxes, and part goes to the organizers.

According to many scientists, people have been thinking about the question of how to win the lottery several thousand years ago. The first lottery, of course, was faintly reminiscent of modern ones (then warriors pulled pebbles from their helmets, and the lucky winner received the right to fight with God). And although dozens of lotteries have appeared these days, the basic principle remains the same - we buy a ticket and hope for luck.

As for classification, we can distinguish the following types of lotteries:

  • draw - the classic type, draws are held regularly. A person either buys a ticket with a ready-made combination of numbers, or chooses a successful one (in his opinion, a combination on his own). Thanks to the large number of participants, the organizers manage to collect a lot of money, so winnings can reach astronomical values;
  • instant - you buy a ticket at the kiosk and erase the coating; if you are lucky, you immediately receive a small prize. The chances of hitting a serious jackpot in such lotteries are small, and the maximum jackpot is less than that of their lottery counterparts;
  • lottery as a marketing technique - everyone remembers how various catalogs advertise the opportunity to win almost an apartment in the center of the capital, for this you only need to buy goods for a certain amount. This is not bad and most importantly effective method encourage a potential buyer;
  • lotteries in which the prize is not money, but some kind of product (possibly even housing). Draws, as a rule, are held among a certain category of people, that is, anyone who wants to take part will not be able to take part.

As for which lottery you have the best chance of winning, I will say this - the chance of winning is scanty in any existing lottery. It’s just that in some it is greater, in others it is less (more about the likelihood of success later in the article). Ask yourself whether the probability of winning is 1 in 100,000 or in 1,000,000. From a mathematical point of view, the first ratio is more profitable, but we all understand that real chance ridiculously small in both cases.

How to win the lottery - is there a way to increase the chances of success?

The mind refuses to believe that there are no ways to increase the probability of winning; in fairness, I note that such methods do exist, but they do not radically change the picture of the probability of success.

Down with stereotypes - increasing your chances of success

Practice shows that many people are superstitious, some wait until the necessary numerical combinations appear in their dreams, others can wait their whole lives for some sign from above. And some people use any memorable date for them (the birthday of a loved one or something similar) as a treasured set of numbers. This reduces the already small chances of success.

Even without being a mathematician, you just need to look at the statistics on lotteries (we are talking about the “guess N numbers from a set” type of lotteries) to see that the numbers are distributed approximately evenly throughout the sequence. So if you are focusing on any memorable date, then it may turn out that all the numbers will be from the first third or 2/3 of the set. What is the probability of winning the lottery in this case, I think there is no need to explain.

To avoid falling into this “stereotyping trap”, simply choose numbers that are evenly distributed throughout the set. Remember that the probability of getting any option is the same and is in no way related to what the results were in the previous draw. You can, of course, mark the numbers from 1 to 6, but in reality such a sequence is unlikely to appear, so I advise you to simply distribute them evenly.

Risk diversification

In human terms, just agree with your friends and take part in the sweepstakes together. To avoid problems later with the division of the winnings, you can draw up an agreement in advance on the proportion in which it will be distributed.

The advantage of this approach is obvious - you pay the same as you would pay if you were playing alone, but the chances of success increase in proportion to the number of participants. Of course, if it is your combination that wins, then sharing will not be very pleasant, but at the participation stage our task is to increase the chances of success, so you don’t have to think about it.

How to win the lottery with a spread bet

An expanded bet means participation in the drawing with more than one set of numbers. You can come up with at least 100 combinations and use them all in one draw, mathematically the probability of winning will increase significantly.

Some types of lotteries ask a person to choose more numbers to increase the likelihood of success. Let me explain with an example - let's assume that you are participating in the "6 out of 42" lottery or something similar. You have several options:

  • play with 1-2 combinations, choosing them yourself or trusting automatic selection;
  • select an order of magnitude more options and again mark them manually;
  • Instead of 6 numbers, mark 7, 8, 9 or even more. In this case, all possible combinations of 6 will be automatically made from the marked set of numbers. The cost grows exponentially, for example, if you mark 7 numbers, then there will be 7 combinations of 6, and if you mark 12 numbers, then there will be 924 combinations. At the same time, the cost of participation in the drawing will increase.

The calculation is made that people will not compare the number of combinations, but will limit themselves to a superficial analysis. As for the probability of winning the lottery with an expanded bet, it remains low - do not think that the organizers will work to their detriment.

Distribution circulation is a sure way to get more for the same money

The chance of winning in each particular draw is small, so sometimes it happens that no one manages to win for months. The jackpot accumulates and accumulates and reaches very large values, the organizers in such a situation may decide to conduct a distribution draw, that is, the entire amount will be distributed among the participants depending on how many numbers they guessed.

Ultimately, it all depends on exactly how many numbers you guessed. Even if only 3-4 of the required 6-7 match, you can count on a more serious win than in a regular draw. So, by and large, in this case we are not talking about increasing the chances of success, but about bigger win at standard odds.

Are there free lotteries where you can win real money?

I would like to note right away that the basic principle of any lottery (each participant pays to participate in the drawing) is not violated. It’s just that the standard fee for a lottery ticket is replaced by viewing advertisements, attracting referrals, etc. That is, payment for participation is provided, just in a slightly different form, and such lotteries are convenient because you can participate in them via the Internet and you can also win. By the way, via the Internet you can not only play the lottery, but also work. And by the way, the chances of making a profit in this case are much greater! You can read about the ways to make money online in the article.

An example of such a conditionally free lottery is “Social Chance”. At first glance, it may seem that this is a real goldmine - without investing anything you can win up to 10,000 rubles for 6 guessed numbers. But you are given scant chances for this, and then, when you use them up, the lottery shows its true face– you will either have to tinker with attracting new participants, or buy modifiers to multiply the existing chances.

The most famous foreign free lotteries include Luckysurf, 7Picks, and 9 years ago made a lot of noise, the jackpot of which reached an incredible 10 million pounds.

As for whether people win the lottery without paying a penny, such cases are known, but count on the same amounts as in major lotteries not worth it. The chances are small, but you can still win, and this is what attracts many.

About the probability of winning - mathematics VS hope

Not a single person is capable of deliberately killing the hope of winning in himself; mathematics can help in this matter. For most existing lotteries, you can calculate the probability of winning, although this information can ruin your mood.

What is the probability of winning the lottery by guessing n numbers out of m

In order to estimate the probability of winning you need to calculate total number combinations in number n, which can be made from the entire array m. The most common options are guess 7 out of 49, 6 out of 42 and other options. In some lotteries, in addition to the main pool of numbers (let's say 6), you also need to guess an additional number, which reduces the already small chances of success.

There is no need to perform calculations manually; you can use any online service. For the example of the 7 out of 49 lottery, the number of possible combinations is 85900584, that is, almost 86 million. Now imagine a person who bets on 1-2 combinations and sincerely hopes to win. Of course, there is a possibility, but it tends to zero.

And you don’t need to deceive yourself, hoping that next time you’ll be lucky. Remember that each draw has absolutely no connection with the previous one, and if, for example, according to statistics, the number 35 appears most often, this does not mean that it will appear this particular time. You can give an example with tossing a coin; everyone knows that if you throw it many times, the distribution of heads and tails will be approximately 50 to 50, but this knowledge will not help us determine which side the coin will fall on each new toss. It's the same story with lottery numbers.

Which lottery is more likely to win? We estimate the probability of hitting the jackpot in a free lottery

In lotteries of this type, the drawing may take place according to different rules. For example, in the same social chance, guessing numbers takes turns. That is, you need to guess 6 numbers in total, you guess them one at a time (from 0 to 9), that is, the chance of guessing each number is 1/10.

This is exactly what many people are caught up in, who think that winning the main prize is a piece of cake. Their main mistake is that they consider the probability of winning as 1/10, taking it to be equal to the probability of guessing only one number.

Let's remember the probability theory course - in the case of such a lottery, we have a classic case of a chain of events independent of each other. The total probability of winning in this case will be calculated as the product of the probabilities of occurrence of each of the individual events. In our case, there are 6 numbers, the probability of guessing each is 0.1, so the final probability of guessing all the numbers will be 0.1^6 = 0.000001 or 1∙10 -6, this is, of course, greater than in the case of lottery 7 out of 49, where the probability of winning is 1.16∙10 -8, but still winning the jackpot is 1 chance in a million.

Some free lotteries where you can win real money offer good conditions at first glance, but the probability of winning is still low. Note that the probability of winning is higher than in more well-known draws such as 7 out of 49, but the size of the jackpot is several orders of magnitude smaller. In this way, the organizers are on the safe side; after all, more than one thousand people play.

How to win the lottery – should you trust the strategies?

You can find many strategies online that are designed to increase your chance of guessing the right numbers. The only problem is that almost all of them are based on statistical analysis of data obtained earlier in previous draws.

Many sincerely believe that, based on statistical analysis, it is possible to construct some kind of strategy for guessing numbers. For example, just look at which numbers appear most often and select 6 from those that appear most often and make combinations of them. On this simple analysis The strategy of cold and hot numbers is based.

The essence of this technique is simple - we select from statistics a number of numbers that Lately appeared most often and, in contrast to them, we take a number of outsiders (some numbers may not appear for several dozen draws). We will have to make a combination from them.

Such a strategy should include both the most rarely drawn numbers (half of the combination) and the hottest numbers. True, according to the law of meanness, if the “cold” numbers fall out, then the “hot” ones will misfire.

The next technique is to compile tables with the obligatory entry of all numbers participating in the drawing. In this case, it is recommended to mentally divide the entire numerical array into 3 parts and select a combination evenly from all three parts. It is more convenient to maintain such a table in Excel, this way you are guaranteed not a single combination will be lost or duplicated.

The listed systems are only suitable for lotteries of the type guess n numbers from m, for example, they are no longer suitable for free lotteries where you can win real money because there are no statistics, and the drawing itself is carried out according to a different principle.

The strategy based on the correlation between the marked combination and the real result looks interesting. The entire numerical array is divided into ranges of several pieces and then, depending on the result, the numbers with the highest correlation are selected.

Also worthy of attention are systems based on screening out obviously unviable combinations. The fact is that there are combinations that have practically never been seen in the entire history of drawings (for example, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, etc.). This allows you to filter out many combinations and increase the chances of success. True, reducing the number of combinations from 90 million to, for example, 10 will not make much difference.

I have even seen systems based on the order in which numbered balls are entered into the game. Everyone remembers how the balls are loaded into the drum - sequentially in columns of several pieces. True, given that they are then mixed for quite a long time, such systems should not be taken seriously. Ultimately, the authors of this strategy themselves came to the conclusion that there was no visible connection and they did not move one step forward in the question of how to win the lottery.

I deliberately did not mention strategies based on belief in the supernatural. This is a little like the placebo effect in medicine, only there people are actually cured due to the belief that they are taking the medicine, and in our case the effect of self-hypnosis does not work.

Such systems look interesting; even the position of the planets and other astrological things can be taken into account. Some perform directly on the ticket with numbers geometric constructions and in the end they come to the desired combination, but all this is nothing more than self-deception. The probability of winning with this approach does not increase.

Do people win the lottery - it's not as bad as it might seem

From everything written above, you may get the impression that it is simply impossible to win the lottery. But a refutation of this can be seen almost every day. People win regularly, and sometimes, thanks to luck, they receive simply gigantic sums, ensuring the future not only for themselves, but also for their great-grandchildren.

In 2016, a new record was set, the jackpot in the Powerball lottery almost reached $1.5 billion. It is known that this amount will have to be divided into three (and taxes will be as much as 35%), but even taking this into account, there will be enough money for several generations, even if you don’t really limit yourself in spending. For reference, a lottery ticket costs only $2, so it was definitely a very good investment.

Some people even defy the theory of probability with their luck; the chance of winning is already scanty, but they manage to do it several times. This happened, for example, in the story with Jennifer Houser (an employee of CNN), for a warm-up she won $100,000, and a few months later her winnings were already $1 million.

But the most famous is the story of a woman, mathematician Joan Ginther, this person knows exactly which lottery has the best chance of winning. Just think about it - she won 4 times large sums in the lottery different types. In total, she managed to get:

  • mid-90s – winnings $5.4 million;
  • mid-2000s - another jackpot, this time the winnings were $2 million and $3 million with an interval of only 2 years;
  • Well, the crown of this story was winning $10 million in 2008. It is noteworthy that Ginther received her first win by guessing 6 numbers out of 36, and the rest - in another type of lottery (where you need to erase the coating from the ticket).

The probability of one person winning the lottery 4 times (meaning jackpots) is 1/18∙10 -24 (one chance in 18 septillion). For reference, if you count all the grains of sand on our planet, there will be only 1 septillion of them, the same number as there are stars in the universe.

Evil tongues managed to accuse Ginter of having unraveled a certain algorithm by which winning ticket lotteries. But be that as it may, law enforcement officers have no complaints against her, which means there is no reason not to believe that she is a damn lucky woman (and, on top of that, a millionaire).

So if you doubt whether people win the lottery, don't think it's impossible. You can win, the main thing is not to hope for it, in this case, participating in the lottery and winning will be a pleasant surprise, and failure is just a reason to laugh at the vagaries of fate and buy a new lottery ticket.


The question of how to win the lottery does not have a clear solution; too much depends on luck. Nevertheless, millions of people do not give up and buy lottery tickets over and over again, without losing hope of success.

As for how to win, the answer is simple - believe in your luck, don’t get hung up on the next draw and play only with money that you don’t mind losing. If these rules are followed, the lottery will not result in Bad mood or depression, but a win (even if insignificant) will be a pleasant surprise.

In this article:

A person who has never bought a lottery ticket is quite a rare event. We all believe in Her Majesty - Lady Luck. We just don’t know how to attract luck to win the lottery. How to calculate and find out lucky numbers? Let's call on the wonderful science of numerology to help.

After all, thanks to numerology, our chances of winning increase several times.

There are patterns by which people have won million-dollar jackpots. Sometimes, to attract luck into your life, you can use the advice of those who have already won the lottery. Many of them used numbers based on numerology. The lucky owners shared their secrets, which was confirmed by numerology experts.

Destiny numbers and their influence on the result

Have you often crossed out numbers on a ticket that are close to you? Dates of birth of loved ones, significant dates in life. Why does a person choose these particular numbers? It’s simple - our subconscious begins to help even in such a matter. Numerology experts fully agree with this action, because the vibration of the selected numbers doubles, which inevitably leads to a positive result. Your chance to win increases.

Here is the example of Tony and Robert Harris. They bought a lottery coupon, the numbers being the birth dates of their six grandchildren. The Kharisov couple won $270 million. A simple numerology secret brought the couple a huge fortune. It’s a sin not to take it into service.

Your birth number will increase your chances of winning

The second step to increasing your chances of winning is to buy a lottery ticket on a day that is identical to your birthday. It is also good to use your numerology code in playing lotto. It can be recognized by adding full date your birth to one digit.

Lucky Eight

Number 8 is responsible for material success, luck in money. The second meaning of the number 8 is reliability. This is because if we divide it in half, we get equal parts 4 and 4 - a double square. We divide more fours - again we get equal parts, only twos. This knowledge can be successfully applied in lottery numerology. It makes sense to bet on the numbers: 2, 4 and 8 to increase your chance and win. This way we will enlist the support of number 8 - the most monetary and favorable in material terms.

Number of tickets and chance to win. Experts' answer

There are people who buy lottery tickets in batches. They think that more is better. Do the chances of winning depend on the number of coupons?

Experts on this issue give a clear answer - no. After all, even from a mathematical point of view, by buying one more ticket, you do not exclude millions of possibilities for other combinations. It's like a small grain of sand on the ocean coast. What can she change in the fate of the whole beach if she is gone?

Sometimes it is enough to buy just one ticket and hit the jackpot. It would be better to be in right time and in in the right place. It is better to apply the tips described above, then the chance of winning and being among the list of lottery winners is much greater. It's better to attract beneficial influence number 8 into your life so that it will help you find yourself where you need to be at the right time.

Apply the advice of this exact science, use the lucky number 8, and then your chance of winning the lottery will increase significantly.

5 rules for winning bets - proven by science

“A miracle does not come on its own - we must perform it”

(Bodo Schaefer)

Today I became a millionaire!

According to probability theory, this phrase can one day be uttered by any lottery participant. In Gosloto “5 out of 36” people have become millionaires over the past three weeks. Their success got me thinking: is there a pattern to the victories? And is it possible to derive a formula for the ideal bet? Bets that can win?

Yes it is possible. The lottery has long been closely studied by mathematicians and statisticians. Scientists analyzed winning combinations and came up with several rules that you can use to win. I will give these rules below. And using the example of recent victories in Gosloto “5 out of 36” I will show their effectiveness.

Want to know how to win the lottery? Continue reading.

Rule #1
When placing a bet, everyone pays attention to the first numbers in the receipt. And only a few look at the latter... This is what we should use! First, the numbers at the end of the receipt appear with the same regularity as the numbers at the beginning. Secondly, with this approach there is a chance to be the only winner of the main prize.

How it works: in the winning combinations of this year's Gosloto 5 out of 36 were the numbers 36 (twice!), 35, 34 and 33. Moreover, the numbers 36 and 33 appeared in the same, 2303rd draw. All these numbers are at the end of the receipt. All these numbers made 5 people millionaires in 2015.

Rule #2
At first glance, the conclusion made by American researchers is ambiguous. After analyzing many winning bets, they came to a paradoxical conclusion. Yes, in the lottery the chances of getting any number are equal. Yes, theoretically any combination can win. However, try not to bet on the number 1. It is unlikely to appear in the circulation you need.

How it works: Surprisingly, in the considered winning bets “Gosloto “5 out of 36” there is really no number 1. Just as it is not in the winning bets of the “five” in November and December. However, there is a “one” in number combination The 915th draw of Gosloto 6 out of 45, which brought a record winnings to a participant from Russia.

Rule #3
Lottery is exciting game. Hobby. One of the ways to spend your leisure time. Therefore, many participants make beautiful bets (1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15). After all, it's funny. And this, of course, can work. But is it worth doing this if victory is your plan? No no and one more time no. And that's why.

How it works: We remember that any combination of the given numbers can win the lottery. For example, the combination 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 + 4 came out in Rapido. However, this is a unique case. And that makes it even more valuable.


Rule #4
A good way to achieve success is to remain faithful to one number combination from run to run. Why? The answer is in the law large numbers. The main law of statistics. According to him, what we consider impossible is actually possible. Moreover, this is exactly what will happen! After all, with a large number of possibilities, any event becomes probable. (David Hand, 2014)

How it works: winner of the 1157th Gosloto “5 out of 36” draw within six months. As a result, he became a millionaire. at the end of the year it happened to a couple from the UK.

Rule 72 hours
The key to success was discovered by the famous financial consultant, German Bodo Schaefer. He believes that any idea or knowledge can be brought to life only within 72 hours. If you set a goal and don’t start implementing it in the next three days (72 hours), the goal is doomed.
“If you take action within 72 hours, you have a 99 out of 100% chance of succeeding and only a 1% chance of failure. All you need to do is make a conscious decision to implement your idea.” (Bodo Schaefer)

Slot machines), quite a lot, and everyone hopes that luck will smile on him. That life will get better after this, and all wishes will come true. But not everyone’s dreams come true. Many people have probably wondered how to circumvent the rules so as to be sure to win. This can be facilitated by the formula for winning the lottery by Platon Tarasov.

Who is Platon Tarasov

Platon Tarasov is a mathematician from Russia who came up with a special formula thanks to which you can be guaranteed to win when playing the lottery. Its formula became popular back in the 90s. As a student, he was keen on developing a method that would allow him to win the lottery. Initially, he did not succeed in everything, and the formula did not work completely. Tarasov had to conduct a lot of additional research to make this method fully working.

In the 90s, especially at the beginning, a lottery ticket could be bought for pennies. Once, after repeatedly using the method, Platon Tarasov managed to win the lottery. Rumors about the guy’s success quickly spread among the students. Many wanted to try their luck.

But it so happened that Tarasov abandoned this idea after graduating from the institute. Only after 10 years did he decide to revive it. He had a friend, at that time he lived overseas. They decided to join forces, and success was not long in coming.

How the method works

It is a kind of generator. Its operating algorithm is based on calculating certain combinations, after which they are given numbers. Platon Tarasov’s lottery generator, about which there are many reviews on the Internet, uses the following data to calculate winning combinations:

  • number of tickets sold;
  • uses numbers that brought winnings in previous drawings;
  • combinations of numbers that have led to success in past draws.

Platon Tarasov's generator can be accessed by going to simple registration. To do this, there is a form on the website in which information such as login and email address is indicated. To withdraw money after winning, you need to provide the details of a valid card account.

All the necessary information is presented in detail on Plato’s website. It claims that Platon Tarasov’s winning lottery formula, reviews of which are positive, will bring success. You can even watch video instructions on the website. At the very beginning, the player ends up on a single server, with its help foreign, state lotteries. To try your luck, you must purchase 5 lottery tickets.

How the lotto generator works

The way it works is very simple. You can learn in detail about the operating principle of Platon Tarasov’s lottery winning generator, reviews of which are also available, on the mathematician’s website. The formula works like this.

After registration, the generator becomes available. It looks like a simple form that has one “Calculate” button located at the bottom. Platon Tarasov’s formula works for “Gosloto 6 out of 45”, “Powerball”, as well as for large quantity similar lotteries.

In squares white you need to enter any 5 numbers from 1 to 59. And in the last red square, enter a number from 1 to 35.

After this, the generator begins to analyze all the winnings that have occurred over the past 7 years.

The next window will show the result. If it is lower than 70%, then it is necessary to change the entered combination, because the proposed one has little chance of winning.

Platon Tarasov's winning lottery formula for Gosloto 6 out of 45 is capable of predicting the possibility of success with great accuracy, down to units. The player will win 70% of the time. The point is to focus on that combination, the probability of which is more than 70%.

After receiving the desired numbers, you need to write them down on a piece of paper and then follow the instructions that are located under the generator.

What is IceLotto

IceLotto is a site that advertises and applies the Tarasov formula. There are many reviews on it that talk about the incredible success that can be achieved using this method. But many say that the site is often blocked due to scams. But you need to know information about it.

On this site you have the opportunity to play any lottery, both state and foreign. Each has its own page. When you visit the site, you can see great amount various information. Everything is presented in bright colors: reviews of the winners, who have become fabulously rich, and instructions.

At the beginning they ask you to go through the registration procedure. You must also provide details bank card, money from which will be debited for the purchase of lottery tickets. There they give a guarantee that, having purchased the first 5 tickets, the client will definitely win on the first try.

But once you see real reviews, it will immediately become clear that Platon Tarasov’s lottery is a scam.

What's the catch?

The IceLotto website looks pretty good. Lots of information in 4 languages. Everywhere there are pictures about how soon the client will become fabulously rich. But once you take a closer look, it becomes clear that the site is a complete carousel. There are too many bright pictures and text that is impossible to read. There are even pages that are only in English.

The company, judging by the address, is located in Cyprus, which means that it operates illegally in our country. It is impossible to reach the support service. Promises about 100% winnings that the client will receive by purchasing only 5 tickets also suggest deception. Experienced people, seeing this, will immediately understand that Tarasov’s formula is a pure scam.