Feng Shui lucky number combinations

There is a special attitude towards numbers in the practice of Feng Shui. Each of them contains the greatest meaning of Eastern metaphysics. All numbers, according to Feng Shui, are conventionally divided into Yin numbers (even) and Yang numbers (odd). The Yang numbers are considered to be the most favorable, i.e. odd numbers. However, from the point of view of Eastern knowledge, in any area of ​​human life it is important to maintain a balance of Yin and Yang energies. Therefore, when choosing the number of a house, apartment, telephone or car, it will be favorable to have both odd (Yang) and even (Yin) numbers.

The Chinese are very careful about choosing important numbers, especially when it comes to business or career. They are often ready to go to incredible lengths just to get a phone number that ends in one of the lucky numbers: 8 or 9.

Unlike Western numerology, in Feng Shui it is not so much the meaning of the numbers themselves that is important, but rather their combination and order of arrangement in the number.

It is important to know that in Feng Shui there are several different approaches to the interpretation of numbers. Moreover, the meaning of numbers from the point of view of classical Eastern numerology differs from the interpretation that is used in everyday life, where the meaning of numbers is determined by their phonetic sound. We will consider this option.

"1" - unit

One is a very successful and revered number; it means the primary source of all things. Symbol “1” – creation, unity, untarnished reputation and an honest name. One sounds like “win, honor.” It enhances and complements the beneficial meaning of other numbers.

"2" - deuce

It sounds just like the word "easy". Two ensures the harmony of Yin and Yang energies, which is necessary to create life. "2" is believed to create special luck if it comes before another lucky number. For example, 26 means “easy money.”

"3" - three

Associated with life and rapid development. The sound is like the word “growth”. Accordingly, this figure will be especially favorable in combination with others. For example, “3-2-8” can be interpreted as easy and rapid business development.

"4" - four

In Cantonese, many people's favorite four sounds like the word "death." Therefore, the Chinese themselves prefer to avoid this number, or rather any combinations with the number “4. So, “2-4” means “easy death”, “6-4” - financial losses.

However, the number "44" is considered auspicious because the sum of two digits 4 forms the very lucky number "8".

"5" - five

Means “no”, “nothing”. It is better to avoid combinations where “5” appears, since its appearance neutralizes the favorable meaning of other numbers. For example, “56” is interpreted as “there will be no profit.”

"6" - six

“Wealth, income” - this is precisely the meaning of the number 6 in Feng Shui. It is considered very favorable, since its appearance promises material wealth.

"7" - seven

The presence of the number 7 in any numerical combination is interpreted as “confidence, for sure.” The Chinese consider seven lucky. So "78" could mean "guaranteed wealth"

"8" eight

Pronounced like the word “jewel” in Cantonese. Therefore, it is considered one of the most profitable and lucky numbers. "8" attracts wealth, prosperity and well-being. Symbolizes development and growth of material wealth. The combination "8-8" means great wealth. Currently, according to Chinese calendar(from 2004 to 2024) the influence of the number 8 increases several times. It is this lucky star that now dominates the Earth.

"9" - nine

Another very good number from a Feng Shui point of view. Means the fullness of heaven and earth. Therefore, some Feng Shui experts consider it even more favorable than the Chinese favorite “8”. Nine is also associated with health and longevity.

"0" - zero

There is no figure for this consensus. Some experts find it unfavorable because it brings emptiness. Others believe that "0" maintains balance and stability.

Lucky numbers and their combinations according to Feng Shui

So, to summarize, the most favorable numbers can be called 8 and 9. The appearance of the numbers 1, 6, 7 is also considered very successful. The number 2, if it precedes one of the favorable numbers, also promises good luck.

Therefore, if you believe in the symbolism of numbers, when choosing a number for a car, telephone or future apartment, it is useful to know the luckiest combinations of numbers. Here they are:

  • 1-6-8 is a favorable combination of numbers in any combination;
  • 6-8 is a win-win connection, which means “ever-increasing wealth”;
  • 2-8 money that comes easily;
  • 2-8-8 receiving money quickly and easily;
  • 7-8 guaranteed wealth;
  • 4-8 can mean wealth, but earned through very hard work;
  • 7-8-9 are also good numbers in any variation

Unfavorable combinations

Some combinations that are best avoided if possible:

  • 2-4 “easy death”, usually in a figurative sense, losses;
  • 5-8 lack of money;
  • 2-7, 9-5 possibility of fire;
  • 6-4 financial collapse;
  • 5-6 there will be no expected income.

Knowing good and bad combinations can help you become luckier and happier. However, we should not forget that the science of Feng Shui is very complex and multifaceted and each master brings his own vision to this teaching. In Feng Shui, there are other methods of interpreting the influence of numbers on our luck in life. Therefore, you should not take everything described above too seriously. Explore various techniques and practice only those that your intuition approves of.

Numbers have interested people since ancient times. Today the science of numbers is called numerology; she can tell you a lot of interesting things, for example, identifying lucky numbers. Any of us associate numbers with mathematics, and this is an exact science. This is probably why everything that relates to them inspires confidence in the majority. The most important numbers for a person are those that accompany him throughout his life. They can help determine compatibility when choosing a friend, life partner, business partner, and tell about the character of a newborn child.

Almost no one doubts that every person has a certain program for life, which is determined by the forces of the cosmos at the moment of birth. Therefore, it is the date of birth that is considered the most magical number. After all, both the first and last names can be changed during life, but the date of birth remains unchanged.

To calculate the date of birth, you need to count the numbers indicating the year, month and day of birth and reduce them to prime number(from 1 to 9). For example, if a person was born on June 27, 1975, then his magic number is calculated as follows: 2+7+6+1+9+7+5= 37=10=1.

In addition, the number indicating the date of birth corresponds to a specific planet: the Sun corresponds to “1”, the Moon - “2”, Jupiter - “3”, Mars - “4”, Saturn - “5”, Venus - “6”, Mercury - “7”, Uranus - “8”, Neptune - “9”, Pluto - “0” and “10”.

A talisman number is a number that is obtained if you determine not only your magic number, but also the magic numbers of your parents, count them and divide by 3. For example, if a person was born on July 13, 1988, and his mother was born on August 14, 1965, and father - November 4, 1961, then:


If the number is not an integer, it must be rounded. In the example we are considering, we get 32. Numerologists say that the image of a number talisman should always be carried with you. For example, embroider on a handkerchief, write on a piece of paper and put it in your pocket, write on a watch strap, order a pendant with his image, get a tattoo. The talisman number protects against failures and troubles, gives strength and self-confidence, and attracts good luck in life.

There is an opinion that such a talisman appears at the right moment and helps to accept important decision. For example, it appears in the form of a house, apartment, bus, or trolleybus number. A person stops being nervous in difficult situations; fate and the world present him with pleasant surprises, for example, winnings in lotteries (of course, if the talisman number is present in the ticket number). Whenever a person catches the eye of his talisman, any, even very difficult situation will certainly be resolved favorably.

Another lucky number is the one that is obtained from the first name, patronymic and last name. After all, each letter of the alphabet corresponds to a number: a, i, c, b - “1”, b, j, t, s - “2”, c, k, y, b - “3”, g, l, f, e - “4”, d, m, x, y - “5”, e, n, c, i - “6”, e, o, h - “7”, g, p, w - “8” ", з, р, ш - "9".

For example, Maria Anatolyevna Ivanova:

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For this woman, the lucky number is 3.

Problems may arise if a person changes his first or last name. Most often this happens to women after marriage. Numerologists believe that changing a lucky number can radically change not only the character, but also the destiny of a person, especially if the meanings of the numbers are sharply different. Therefore, experts advise that before changing your last name, determine the number that will be obtained after changing your last name.

You can navigate by the following characteristics:

  • "1" - dominance masculine traits character – leadership, independence, ability to make decisions independently in difficult situations;
  • “2” - the desire to seek a compromise in any situation, to work in a team;
  • “3” - enthusiasm, optimism, creative thinking, sociability, the ability to influence others with words;
  • “4” - desire to overcome difficulties, refusal to build life according to rules, diligence;
  • “5” - reluctance to take responsibility, passion for extreme sports, frequent changes of place of residence, work, partners;
  • “6” - a pronounced sense of responsibility for others, the desire for balance and harmony, the search for benefits when communicating;
  • “7” - ability to analyze, meticulousness, reserved character;
  • “8” - competent handling of finances, desire to convert everything into cash equivalent, craving for power and hoarding;
  • “9” - humility, submission to the desires of others, inability to make decisions independently, a tendency towards romanticism and daydreaming.

Nothing good about family life does not wait for a woman if, after changing her last name, her number changes, for example, from 1 to 9. After all, her husband loves her not only for her appearance, but also for certain character traits. If independent woman begins to turn into a romantic dreamer, pleasing those around her in everything, her husband will be at least unpleasantly surprised.

Numerologists consider 11 and 22 to be special numbers. “11” is a double unit, but at the same time the number 2. Numerologists claim that all those born on the 11th are psychics from birth, guides to other worlds, prone to hypnosis, alchemy and the occult. They have well-developed intuition, so they easily adapt to people and any conditions, have knowledge that is inaccessible to others, and achieve success in any endeavor. The only drawback is the desire to divide everything into separate components, that is, pettiness, meticulousness, pickiness.

People born on the 22nd combine the properties of the number 4 and the double two in their character. They are contradictory, calculating, both logical and emotional, possessing an analytical mind and intuition at the same time. They can achieve success both in economics and in creativity. Disadvantage - too great attention to one’s own failures and inability to recognize successes. In everyday life, these people need a partner who constantly reminds them of their strengths.

Lucky numbers for everyone

In addition to individual lucky numbers, there are luck numbers for anyone and everyone. For example, if you need to determine what is the best thing to do on a particular day, you can use a table based on the fact that single-digit numbers “command” double-digit ones.

It turns out that each day of the month is intended for some specific work and affairs:

  • 1 (10, 19, 28) – any problem is resolved favorably, especially if it is related to work or the implementation of legal plans;
  • 2 (11, 20, 29) – suitable for analyzing the past and planning the future, you should prefer things that require minimal energy expenditure and bring satisfaction;
  • 3 (12, 21, 30) – these days are suitable for fun and adventure, starting new projects;
  • 4 (13, 22, 31) – not suitable for complex tasks and exciting entertainment, it is best to complete the usual, not very difficult tasks;
  • 5 (14, 23) – days for risky affairs and surprises;
  • 6 (15, 24) – days of comfort, harmony and mutual understanding, not suitable for starting new things at work, but favorable for housework, meetings with family or friends, risk and uncertainty are unacceptable;
  • 7 (16, 25) – days for reflection, study, and creativity. Many consider these days to be happy;
  • 8 (17, 26) - intended for the most important matters, solving complex problems, making important transactions and investing (investments will definitely be profitable);
  • 9 (18, 27) – for starting large-scale, important things in business, finance, and art.

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Another way to determine your lucky number is to find out your zodiac sign and its corresponding lucky numbers:

  • Aries –7, 9, 10, 19, 28, 29, 39, 47 and all subsequent numbers containing the number 9;
  • Taurus – 6, 15, 24, 25, 75;
  • Gemini – 3, 7, 13, 16, 25 and all numbers that end with the number 3;
  • Cancer – 2, 8, 12, 26, 72;
  • Leo – 1, 9, 18, 27, 81, 91;
  • Virgo – 3, 7, 16, 23, 25, 35;
  • Libra – 5, 6, 15, 24, 25, 35;
  • Scorpio – 5, 7, 14, 23, 47, 87;
  • Sagittarius – 4, 13, 14, 24;
  • Capricorn – 3, 8, 12, 18, 28, 30;
  • Aquarius – 2, 9,11, 20, 39, 49;
  • Pisces – 1, 4, 10, 14, 19, 24, 28.

Those who are interested in Feng Shui know that in the East, numbers that bring good luck are determined separately for each number. The most important and lucky number is considered to be 8, followed by 1 and 6. If you put a 2 in front of them, the positive properties will double. Therefore, now not only in the East, but also in the West there are people who are willing to pay a lot of money to get a number containing 28, 66 or 88 for a car or apartment.

In the East, the numbers 2 and 5 or 2 and 3 are considered to bring misfortune, but only if they are located nearby. But the worst number is considered to be 4, which is pronounced “death” in Chinese. To reduce the level of negativity, feng shui experts advise circling the number in red. The exception is people born on the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 23rd or 25th.

In Chinese, the number 8 is pronounced the same as the words "prosperity and growth." The "8" sign is very similar to the infinity sign, drawing positive energy from space. Especially happy are people who have a telephone number or number credit card ends with 8. The number 28 (according to Feng Shui) gives success in all endeavors, happiness and a lot of money. In China, all spells are recited exactly 28 times. For people born on the 28th of any month, luck is tripled.

According to Feng Shui, the critical age (when energy changes) for women is considered to be 10, 20, 30, 40, 50... years old, for men - 19, 29, 39, 49, 59... years old. It is believed that at this time you cannot go on long trips, move, or perform operations using anesthesia.

Feng Shui differs from Western numerology in that it is very important to know the meaning of not only the numbers, but also their combination and order. You need to know that Feng Shui has several different approaches to the meaning of numbers. Significant differences arise between classical Eastern numerology and everyday life, in which numbers are determined by their phonetic sound. Let's look at this example.

  • 1 – unit. A lucky number in Feng Shui, responsible for all things. Symbol 1 speaks of unity, creation, good name, reputation. The unit has the sound of victory.
  • 2 – deuce. Two has the sound of lightness. Contains the harmony of Yin and Yang energies necessary to create life. According to the Feng Shui system, two is the creator of special luck.
  • 3 – three. Associations with life, knowledge and development. Three has a sound from the word growth.
  • 4 – Feng Shui four. The Chinese people avoid this number because it is consonant with the word death.
  • 5 – five. Avoid combinations with the number five, as it threatens the unfavorable meaning of other numbers. So - no, nothing.
  • 6 – six. This number is considered favorable and lucky. This means income and wealth. The Feng Shui value of number 6 speaks of material wealth.
  • 7 – seven. If the number 7 appears in any number combination, this indicates confidence. Eastern people They consider this number favorable and happy.
  • 8 – eight. Eight is a jewel, capable of attracting wealth, bringing harmony and prosperity. Symbol of development and growth.
  • 9 – nine. The meaning of the number 9 in Feng Shui is lucky. Many Feng Shui professionals give this number greater preference than 8.
  • 0 – zero. No one can say for sure what this number means. Some people talk about its negative side because it brings emptiness. Others claim that this number can create a balance between balance and stability.

Lucky numbers according to feng shui

Let's summarize. So, we can say with confidence that the lucky numbers according to Feng Shui are eight and nine. The appearance of numbers such as one, six and seven are considered no less successful and favorable. If the two corresponds to one of the lucky numbers, then it means good luck. If the symbolism of Feng Shui numbers plays an important role for you, then when choosing a phone number, apartment or car, you can choose the most “winning” combinations. For example, these are: 4-8 - wealth obtained through hard work; 7-8 – guaranteed profit; 6-8 – constant increase in material well-being; 2-8 – money that comes easily. More complex combinations of lucky numbers according to Feng Shui: 7-8-9 – lucky numbers in all variants; 1-6-8 – positive combination; 2-8-8 – quick and easy receipt of money.

The meaning of Feng Shui numbers is very important to know, because each of them directly affects human life. Any number that appears in the space around you plays an important role.

Meaning of numbers from 0 to 9

People who follow the principles of Feng Shui should also understand the meaning of numbers. Even your phone number can affect everything that happens around you. If you remember the characteristics of all the numbers and their combinations, you will be able to select the most favorable ones.

From the point of view of the teachings of Feng Shui, each number present in a person’s life has its own sacred meaning. And a number is a combination of numbers, the meaning of which we will consider.

  • It symbolizes the beginning of everything, the primary source, as well as the unity of man with the surrounding world and the Universe. It is both a minimal particle and a general whole.
  • Associated with a good reputation, authority in the eyes of others, social success
  • Complements and enhances the beneficial effects of other numbers in a person’s life
  • Helps to win in any business and endeavor
  • A symbol of lightness, relaxation, tranquility and satisfaction from life
  • Helps you enjoy everything that happens around you, enjoy the little things and not lose heart even during a period when you are faced with a lot of problems
  • Attracts quick and easy money, provides incredible opportunities for getting rich without any serious effort
  • Represents rapid growth, rapid development, constant movement forward towards new opportunities
  • This is a powerful push that helps overcome the period of stagnation and continue the development process in the future.
  • It is better not to use it separately, but to use it in digital combinations to complement and enhance the effect of other numbers


  • A symbol of death and destruction, it is considered an unfavorable number. If you strive to live “according to Feng Shui”, this figure should be avoided even in combination with others
  • In number combinations, changes the favorable meaning of other numbers to negative

Five is also a negative symbol. “Multiplies by zero” everything useful that other numbers can provide in your life. Therefore, it is better to avoid five

Seven is a symbol of good luck, success, luck. It is believed that it gives a person enormous self-confidence, he begins to notice many opportunities around him, and realizes them faster. creativity and achieves its goals.


  • The luckiest number in Eastern philosophy. Attracts people into life financial well-being and prosperity
  • Helps you constantly develop and move forward, stopping at nothing to achieve your goals
  • Symbolizes the unification of heaven and earth
  • Endowed with very powerful energy, attracts health and longevity into a person’s life, protects against problems, troubles, protects against diseases

Zero is emptiness, nothing. Doesn't have any specific meaning. Some sources interpret it as auspicious symbol, maintaining harmony in the human environment.

Lucky and unfavorable combinations of numbers

You can choose lucky digital combinations for yourself. You can use this knowledge when choosing a phone number or a future apartment, car, as well as in any other cases when you come across numbers.

The following combinations are considered the most favorable in Feng Shui:

  • 6-8 - attracts financial well-being, activates flows money energy, gives prosperity and success at work, ensures rapid career growth
  • 2-8 - a monetary combination for the quick fulfillment of desires related to the acquisition of material wealth. Can be used if you want to quickly buy an apartment, car or something else
  • 1-6-8 - attracts luck and success in all areas of life. Symbol of harmony, happiness and prosperity
  • 7-8 is a symbol of guaranteed wealth, which you will come to sooner or later. Fate itself will send appropriate opportunities - it is important to notice them and not miss them
  • 4-8 also means wealth, but you will have to work very hard for it. Four in this combination is a sign of incredible effort and hard work. But in the end, your hard work will pay off.
  • 7-8-9 - harmonizes a person’s energy state, a favorable symbol without a specific meaning

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in Chinese numerology:

There are also unfavorable combinations that it is advisable to exclude from your life:

  • 2-4 is a symbol of death, but not in its literal sense. It can lead to the loss of something important, to the destruction of significant things in a person’s life. Losses, unexpected expenses, separation, illness
  • 5-8 - to financial losses. If this combination of numbers is constantly present in your life, there will never be money, no matter how hard you try
  • 9-5 - a threat to the surrounding space, you risk losing acquired property or loved ones, becoming a victim of a catastrophe, natural disaster
  • 6-4 - collapse in financial matters, a person can go bankrupt in one day, become poor, starve
  • 5-6 - puts a block to the fulfillment of desires. Everything comes at the cost of incredible effort, nothing comes into life easily. Success is possible only through overcoming oneself, daily and incessantly.

It is worth noting that odd numbers are considered the most favorable in Eastern numerology, because they are influenced by Yang energy, creative and beneficial. Even Yin numbers can lead to losses and damages.

And if you use number combinations, it is important to maintain balance - for every even number, add one odd one. Then negative consequences can be avoided.

The meaning of numbers in feng shui

In the art of Feng Shui, interpretation plays an important role. meanings of numbers and their influence on the fate of a person. There is a special science - numerology, which is very popular in China.

Chinese and representatives of others traditional cultures were confident that numbers have magical power . Since ancient times, they have used in the architecture and planning of cities and other settlements those numbers that they considered favorable.

For example, in a book about the construction trade called "Jous Rites", describing ritual practices Jou dynasty, it is said that the repetition of especially auspicious numbers “sanctifies” the capital: “The capital should extend nine li (Li-Chinese mile) in all directions, and there should be three gates on each side. Within the city there should be nine streets running from north to south and nine streets running from west to east. Nine wheel tracks should run along the streets oriented in a north-south direction.”

As an example Chinese architecture Based on the magic of numbers, one can cite the Imperial Palace in Beijing, built on the principle of “magic squares,” as well as the Heavenly Temple (Ming Tan), in the steps of which there is a combination of numbers 3 and 9.

According to Eastern teachings, all numbers are divided into Yin numbers(even) and Yang numbers(odd). On the one hand, odd numbers are considered the happiest and most favorable. On the other hand, all Chinese philosophy is based on the idea of ​​balance between Yin and Yang. Therefore, to ensure such balance, even and odd numbers must be present in equal numbers. It’s very good when in the number of a house, car, phone or date of birth There are elements of both Yin and Yang.

When choosing numbers - for example, license plates- first of all, you should pay attention to how the numbers “sound” and whether they attract favorable energy. In China, Malaysia, Taiwan and Macau, people listen to how numbers sound in Cantonese. By the way, it is in these countries that more than 90% of motorists choose their own license plates based on a very complex analysis of their favorability. According to statistics, cars with lucky numbers are much easier and more profitable to resell in the future.

The happiest numbers are considered numbers "8", "6" and "9". They carry positive vibrations in any combination: “168”, “8998”, “7788”, and of course “8888” (four eights are a special case, favorable even in the absence of Yang).

Let's take a closer look at the meanings of the numbers, and figure out which numbers can be called lucky and which ones are best avoided.

Number "1" is very successful. The unit symbolizes unity and sounds like “win, honor.” The one enhances the favorable meaning of other lucky ones, for example, “1898” or “1389.”

Number "2" sounds like "easy". Two brings special luck if it is placed in front of other numbers. You yourself can already decipher that the number “21” sounds like an “easy win.”

Number "3" is also considered favorable, and symbolizes “life”. Three also sounds like “growth”, “path”. The combination “328” is very popular; it means “an easy and successful path in business.”

Numbers "4" The Chinese try to avoid it because four means “death” in Cantonese. The most unfavorable combination is “24” meaning “easy death”. Avoid it, because unhindered death is not what you want, right? But in combination with five (the number “5” sounds like “no”, “will not happen”), four is not dangerous, since “45” means “there will be no death.” And the most important rule is never put 4 at the end of a number combination.

Regarding numbers "5" it should not be combined with other favorable numbers, since its meaning - “no”, “will not happen” - will weaken luck. Try to decipher the number “51” yourself. You will not see anything good - it will be “lack of gain”, “loss of honor”.

Number "6" is very favorable, it means “wealth”, “income”. Moreover, six is ​​double three! Therefore it means "double growth", "double everything you have." If your car number is, for example, “1368”, then this means “you are lucky, and your wealth will double all the time.” And the combination “68” means “a lot of money.”

Number "7" means “confidence”, “certainly”. For example, the combination “78” means “guaranteed wealth.” But you should not use seven with unfavorable numbers. So the combination “57” will express “no confidence”, and “74” sounds like “surely will die”.

Number "8" is considered the most favorable and happiest, especially now, in the eighth period of time according to Feng Shui (2004-2024). The number eight brings great wealth and prosperity. The number eight also symbolizes growth and development and is interpreted as " great wealth", "prosperity". So “18” means “rich winnings”, and “88” means “extraordinary wealth”.

Number "9" is also very successful. It symbolizes “health” and “longevity”.

IN numerology numbers 1-9 have a slightly different meaning (see table below)

The method of interpreting combinations of numbers in the East differs from Western tradition. In the West, it is customary to determine the value of a number by the sum of all digits reduced to one digit, but in eastern countries it is interpreted each digit separately. For example, the number 58 means “no money”, 68 means “a lot of money”, 18 means “won money”. Interesting fact is also the fact that in a number of situations four is interpreted not as an unlucky number, but, on the contrary, as one that brings good luck. For example, the combination of 4 and 8 does not sound like “deadly money”, but like “great wealth”, since the number 4 is also associated with hard, honest work. Therefore, the number 48 is a symbol of wealth that a person has earned by working honestly and hard.

Having become familiar with the meanings of the numbers, you can make a forecast for yourself and your family members, for example, by your office number. Let's say you work in office number 75. This combination of numbers can be interpreted as follows: in the near future you will pay a lot of attention to improving your professional knowledge and skills, and you will also experience significant changes in your life. But another interpretation is possible here: a short trip on a business trip for the purpose of improving skills. In Feng Shui, numbers are closely related to the five elements and geographic directions. If necessary, the influence of a direction that is important at a certain period of your life can be strengthened using not only color, design, material, but also using numbers. After reading Table 36, you will be able to use the correspondences of numbers, directions, elements and Ba-Gua zones in practical activities.

Using it correctly number meanings, and also by placing them in a certain way, you can attract favorable Qi energy to your home or office, influence the success of your endeavors, create harmonious relationships with people around you, etc. In Feng Shui, a sign indicating the number of a building or office in an office is, although not decisive, an important element in the life of the business owner and his activities, as well as the employees of this office, since it embodies the spirit and nature of the room and affects the success of the people living in it . Table 36 will also tell you what its color should be. Favorable dimensions from the point of view of Feng Shui are determined using a geomancer’s ruler or by selecting Yin and Yang numbers. For example, if the height of the sign is 5 cm ( odd number Yang), then its width should represent the Yin element, that is, an even number, for example, the number 12.

Connection of numbers, directions, five elements, colors and Bagua zones

NumberGeographical directionElementBagua Zone
1 North Water Career
2 Southwest Earth Personal relationships, marriage, friendship
3 East Tree Family, parents
4 Southeast Tree Welfare, prosperity
5 Center Earth Health, luck
6 Northwest Metal Helpers, patrons
7 West Metal Children, creativity
8 Northeast Earth Wisdom, self-improvement, education
9 South Fire Fame, self-realization, recognition

If numbers your office numbers will be located diagonally from bottom to top, this will contribute to increased energy and success in any of your business. The exception is numbers whose last digit is 4. This number means slow development and limitation, so it is better to place the numbers of such a number horizontally, at the same level, to neutralize negative influence fours.

Numbers 8 and 9 are considered the luckiest in Chinese numerology. This is due to the fact that we are now living in the eighth period of the Chinese calendar and in Cantonese the number 8 is homonymous to the word “jewel”, and the number 9 has magical properties and promises prosperity in the future. Nine means completeness, harmony of Heaven and Earth, and if you multiply the number 9 by any other, the sum of the digits of the resulting result will also be equal to 9. For example, 9 x 8 = 72, 7 + 2 = 9; 9x31 = 279, 2 + 7 + 9 = 18, 1 +8 = 9. Therefore, the Chinese believe that the magic number 9 cannot be spoiled by anything.

Very often in Chinese stores (as well as in many European) they install prices, ending not with zeros, but with eights or nines. It is also considered very favorable if the last digits of the office or home phone– 8 or 9.

In the practice of Feng Shui, there are special methods for determining a favorable date for making a transaction, opening an exhibition or other business event. These methods are only available good craftsmen feng shui. Also in China, the annual almanac Tong Shu is published, which describes favorable and unfavorable days.

Numerology can be used not only to study your own character. But also to make changes in your life and destiny.

Happy Feng Shui to you!

Each number has its own meaning - it is a symbol of the spiritual, physical or energetic aspect of our life. Find out how numbers and the teachings of Feng Shui are connected - this will help you attract good luck to your home and avoid troubles.

General information about numbers

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, all numbers relate to the energies of Yang and Yin. Odd numbers belong to the Yang aspect and are considered the luckiest. However, this does not mean that all Yin numbers bring misfortune. Many of them also have a positive impact on our lives.

Try not to combine numbers that have radically different different meaning. For example, numbers symbolizing luck and death will overlap each other. Such a neighborhood can bring illnesses into the house - this, of course, does not mean that one of your loved ones will die, but troubles cannot be avoided, for example, quarrels or illnesses. Let's look at the meaning of the numbers in more detail.

Independence and simplicity

The meaning of one is interpreted the same way in many teachings - it is a symbol of independence. If you need to achieve complete independence from others, try to make sure that this figure can enter your life. For example, get yourself a talisman with your favorite number.

Number 2 means simplicity and accessibility. Do you want life to be easier for you? Then get yourself a talisman with the number 12. By the way, here is an example of a successful juxtaposition of the numbers Yin and Yang. The second digit always complements the meaning of the first, or overlaps it, depending on what it symbolizes.

Growth and failure

The number 3 is a symbol of growth. This does not mean physical growth, but moral, personal, spiritual or career growth. A talisman with the number 23 will help you move up the career ladder - if you want to achieve career growth, then you simply need to acquire such a thing.

Despite the fact that the number 4 belongs to the Yang aspect, it is not favorable - it is a symbol of failure, loss and illness. Try to avoid this number from appearing in your life. The fewer contacts with the energy of this figure, the better.

Emptiness and Wealth

The number 5 is very different from the rest - it symbolizes emptiness. Five greatly downplays the significance of other numbers or completely neutralizes their energy. Do you want failures, minor quarrels and other unpleasant events to disappear from your life? Then get a talisman with the number 45.

Wealth is attracted by the number six. This is one of the happiest numbers of the Yang aspect - financial well-being makes life better. If you want to achieve financial independence, then you should get a talisman with the number 16. The more numbers 6 you have in your life, the richer you will become.

Probability, Prosperity and Longevity

The number 7 significantly increases the likelihood of your dreams coming true. Do you dream of wealth? Then a talisman with the number 76 will suit you. Do you want to achieve independence, but for some reason beyond your control, you cannot do this? A talisman with the number 71 will help you make your dream come true.

The number eight symbolizes prosperity - it will become great addition any number except 4 and 5. This number goes very well with the three, which is a symbol of growth. Sometimes in the offices of managers you can see a talisman with the number 81 one, explicit or hidden, stylized as an interior decoration.

Nine symbolizes longevity. This figure should be present in the lives of people who are in poor health or have reached old age. Nine, like eight, goes well with any number except 4 and 5.

The symbolism of numbers in ancient times had magical powers, but it still exists today: in skyscrapers you will not find the 13th floor, for example.

Some numbers bring people good luck, others attract misfortune, people from different countries and religions, so according to Feng Shui numbers have a sacred meaning.

Our article will help you understand the meaning of a particular symbol and recognize the energy of each mathematical sign.

Numerology according to Feng Shui

Feng Shui numerology differs from other spiritual practices that deal with the interpretation of signs and numbers. For example, Feng Shui in to a greater extent relies on how exactly the combination of numbers affects a person, and also studies the influence of each individual number on the one located next door.

The meaning of numbers in Feng Shui can change radically: for example, the number 8 in Feng Shui is considered very favorable, but if the number 4 is on at least one side of it, then it will greatly hinder the action of the number eight. Conversely, if a negative feng shui number 4 is surrounded by positive mathematical meanings, they will weaken its negative effect.

At first glance, you may think that figuring out what Feng Shui numbers mean is very difficult, but it is not. Although this spiritual practice examines the whole number as a whole, studying combinations of numbers according to Feng Shui, the interpretation is based on each sign separately. Namely: it decomposes the combination into individual, component numbers, and then interprets the Feng Shui of numbers.

What do Feng Shui numbers mean?

The meaning of Feng Shui numbers is easy to interpret: even the most large number can be “broken down” into individual numbers from 0 to 9. Knowing the meaning of Feng Shui numbers, you can independently analyze any number, understand exactly how it affects you and your destiny, what it brings into your life.

  • Digit 1- This good value for those who need luck. Positive number. In plural quantities, it enhances its own effect and incredibly increases luck. For example, the number 11 in Feng Shui is considered almost a symbol of success.
  • Number 2 Feng Shui gives the effect of a certain catalyst: it enhances the effect of other numbers if it is paired with them. It also increases the negative effect of “bad” numbers. Repeating twos have no effect, because they literally reinforce the emptiness; this number itself has no power. So, the meaning of the number 2222 according to Feng Shui is an “empty” combination if there are no more numbers next to the twos.
  • Digit 3 according to Feng Shui, this is a good number, it is especially favorable for development in material affairs, it promotes career growth. It has a pronounced positive effect if present in a combination of numbers on the phone: according to Feng Shui, this helps financial well-being. Feng Shui considers the number 33 to be especially strong; it will quickly allow you to achieve what you want.
  • Number 4 Feng Shui considers it the most unfortunate. According to Feng Shui, this negative number can be easily determined by its pronounced effect: an insurmountable barrier in business, inexplicable failures, failures. In Chinese teaching it literally means “death”.
  • Number 5 Feng Shui means harmony and balance. Fives are Feng Shui numbers that symbolize the intercourse of the five elements.
  • Number 6. The meaning of this number in Feng Shui is literally interpreted as “wealth”. A very good figure.
  • Number 7 According to Feng Shui, it is usually referred to as wisdom; it is a symbol of knowledge and learning. A positive sign for people who think deeply, are creative, and are looking for their calling.
  • Number 8. This number has the most favorable meaning in the East, a symbol of all blessings and earthly abundance. Use eights as numbers for good luck in Feng Shui, they will help you in any matter.
  • Number 9 According to Feng Shui, this is a favorable number for people thirsting for spiritual enlightenment. It has the maximum positive value of numbers in Feng Shui when it is duplicated if two nines are nearby, or “surround” another positive number.
  • Value 0- This is a sign of a neutral number according to Feng Shui. It has neither negative nor positive effects. Often it is not interpreted if it is found in a combination of numbers.

A combination of numbers in Feng Shui, as you can see, always has a different meaning, depending on what other meanings are in this combination, how many negative numbers there are and where they are located. The particularly strong meaning of feng shui numbers is manifested in identical numbers that duplicate each other; they are even considered sacred by the people. For example, everyone knows the “number of the beast”, which consists of three sixes, as well as the symbol of good luck – the number 777.

Literal translation of numbers

If you want to correctly interpret a number, then it is not enough just to know what kind of energy it carries. The Chinese also pay special attention and literal translation of numbers, many practitioners read the signs this way:

Digit 1"honor and gain."

Digit 2"easily".

Digit 3"height".

Digit 4"death".

Number 5“nothing, no.”

Number 6"wealth, income"

Number 7“confidence, for sure.”

Number 8"jewel".

Number 9"fullness of heaven and earth."

Examples of number values

In Feng Shui, the number 39 will literally mean “the growth of the fullness of heaven and earth,” this is a favorable combination that foreshadows unprecedented heights of your development, both material and spiritual.

Feng Shui reads the number 38 as “the growth of a jewel”; this is also a very positive combination, but in this case it foreshadows material wealth, abundance in the home.

The meaning of the number 639 in Feng Shui is read as “income growing to the fullness of heaven and earth,” literally it symbolizes simply incredible financial success in business.

Feng Shui understands the number 15 as “no honor and no gain”; this is a combination that foreshadows stagnation and failure.

How to determine the Gua number according to Feng Shui

In the spiritual practice of Feng Shui, the Gua number is an individual “number” of a person, his sacred, special number. And each of these “numbers” is associated with certain knowledge, has its own individual characteristics, which you should know in order to live in harmony with the world.

How can it be connected certain number and our place in life? According to Feng Shui, the Gua number is our personal number, reflecting our essence, a symbol of our energy. And, as the wisdom of Feng Shui teachings proves, our energy interacts with hundreds of others, even if we do not notice it. And any energy, as you know from school, obeys certain laws!

Both our material: physical health, level of well-being, and intangible: a feeling of happiness, peace and harmony in the soul depend on invisible energy flows. If your energy flows are disrupted, then you may not have the strength to do even what you love, your anxiety level will increase, depression and apathy will develop, and your overall well-being will worsen. This is where the ancient Feng Shui technique can help: the Gua number will correct and eliminate all errors in your energy field.

How to calculate Gua number according to Feng Shui? For this, there is a special formula by which you can easily make calculations yourself; you can also calculate the gua number according to Feng Shui using special online calculators.

How to calculate the Gua number using the formula yourself

In order to make the calculation, we only need the date of birth and gender of the person whose Gua number we want to know. There are several important nuances, which you should know before you start calculating.

Month and birthday

These values ​​are necessary only to know for sure whether a person was born during the new Chinese lunar year. Remember that the dates of the New Year in the East are shifted and different from ours.

So, New Year among the Chinese it begins in early February. Therefore, even if you were born in January, before the 4th or 5th of February, then count yourself among the previous year.

For example: if you were born on January 15, 1981, then the correct year for calculations will be the previous year, namely 1980.

Calculation formula

The formula for people born before 2000 and the formula for those born exactly this year or after it are different!

So, if a person was born before 2000:

  • men, according to the formula at the end of the calculation, subtract the resulting number from 10;
  • Women born before 2000 add 5 to the result when calculating.

For those people born in 2000 and later, the formula is:

  • the man subtracts the resulting number from 9 at the end of the calculations;
  • the girl adds the number 6 to the result.

Gua Number 5

If you get the Gua number 5, then another number is substituted in its place, because the Chinese claim that in Feng Shui the Gua number 5 does not exist! The man replaces his rolled number 5 with Gua number 2, and the woman with Gua number 8.

Now let's start the calculations. Everything is very simple here: add the last two digits of your year of birth. If you get a two-digit number, then add its components until it becomes simple. For example, if you roll 11, add 1 and 1 to get the prime number 2.

Then make the final calculations according to your gender and year of birth (see above). So, a man born before 2000 subtracts the resulting number from 10.

For example, we subtract the number 2 obtained in the previous paragraph from 10, obtaining the Gua number 8 according to Feng Shui. This is the desired final figure. As you can see, everything is not difficult enough if you know some features, because Feng Shui allows anyone to calculate the Gua number.

Gua numbers meaning: your favorable and dangerous direction

According to Gua numbers, people are divided into eastern and western groups, and each of them has its own distinctive features energy flows. The eastern group includes those whose Gua numbers are 1, 3, 4, 9. western group Gua numbers are 2, 6, 7, 8.

Separately, it is worth noting that if you belong to the Western group, then directions favorable to the Eastern group will be extremely undesirable for you, they will upset your energy balance and can cause a whole bunch of problems, inexplicable failures in your career and failures in your personal life. The same applies to the eastern group, for which the favorable aspects of the western group are dangerous.

If you strive to find harmony, achieve balance in all areas of your life, establish family relationships and build an excellent career, then follow the rules of proper home arrangement. Do not place important items such as the head of the bed or desk in inappropriate areas (cardinal directions).

For the eastern group, the most favorable zone in the house is the east, and for the western group, accordingly, the west. Place the most important attributes in your home in these directions. This way you will become more accessible to the positive energy flow of qi, preventing painful failures and stagnation in your life.

Gua number in love

Sometimes it is necessary to learn Gua numbers not only in order to harmoniously arrange your home. There is a rule by which the most harmonious unions of people can be determined by their Gua numbers. For example, the most durable, strong and loving couples are those in which the partners have Gua numbers of 1 and 6, 4 and 9, 3 and 8, as well as 2 and 7.

  • In the union of people with Gua numbers 1 and 6, material wealth, abundance, and career growth will always reign.
  • For a couple with numbers 3 and 8, the partnership will bring hot, passionate love, which they will be able to maintain throughout their lives.
  • The union of people with Gua numbers 2 and 7 is a marriage full of harmony, warmth, care and comfort.
  • And partners with numbers 4 and 9 will become each other’s strong support, real helpers; together they will be able to reach unprecedented heights and achieve any planned goals.

As you may have learned from what you read, Feng Shui numbers have incredible, sometimes even fatal, meaning. And if in your life for many years something goes awry despite all your efforts, then you should seriously think about whether energy imbalances in your home have become an obstacle to success?

The number of wealth in Feng Shui is a combination of several numbers that can enhance each other. Indeed, even in the time of Pythagoras, whose main teaching was the doctrine of numbers, people began to realize that the variety of physical phenomena is subject to a certain order. This order can be expressed numerically. That is why the Feng Shui monetary number will be a certain combination of numbers depending on the purpose of use.

The meaning of numbers in feng shui

To understand numerical combinations that carry the energy of money, you must first understand the meaning of individual numbers. This way you can independently create the order of numbers you need. Unlike the Pythagorean teachings, Feng Shui considers combinations of numbers, without adding them and reducing them to one number. In addition, there is a division into even numbers - they belong to Yin and odd numbers, belonging to Yang. To avoid an imbalance, the presence of both is necessary in equal quantities.

So, with the help of numbers, you can either attract positive energy or repel it. Numbers in Feng Shui have the following meanings:

  • 1 is an honorary number for Taoists. The unit symbolizes the beginning of everything and the unity of spirit. In Feng Shui, this number is considered positive, which means it brings good luck, gain and honor.
  • 2 is not very favorable, since translated from Chinese it means “easy,” but when combined with other numbers, two gives strength.
  • 3 – symbolizes the juice of life and growth, in translation it sounds like “strength” and “growth”.
  • 4 is a negative number meaning death, unfavorable changes. When combined with good numbers, it will give obstacles to achieving the goal.
  • 5 – symbolizes the harmony of the five main elements, the balance of energies and movement. However, when translated it sounds like “nothing” and is therefore not used by the Chinese.
  • 6 is a lucky number that carries the energy of stability and wealth.
  • 7 – acts as a symbol of confidence and deep knowledge, translated as “surely” or “surely.”
  • 8 – in the East, this number is the most revered and beloved, since it means the totality of all benefits: success, great wealth, abundance, development, prosperity, etc.
  • 9 is another one of the most lucky numbers from a feng shui point of view. This figure represents completeness, health and well-being.
  • 0 – not everyone has a positive attitude towards this number. For some it means emptiness, for others it means the Absolute.

Lucky numbers and their combinations in Feng Shui

It turns out that the most favorable numbers in Feng Shui are 8 and 9. In addition, the appearance of numbers 1,6,7 in a combination will be quite successful. The number 2 will also bring good luck if it is followed by one of the positive numbers.

If you believe in the symbolism of numbers, knowing the luckiest combinations will come in handy:

  • 7-8-9 strengthen each other and bring good luck in business;
  • 4-8 means wealth, but earned through hard work;
  • 7-8 guaranteed receipt of wealth;
  • 2-8-8 quick and easy receipt of money;
  • 2-8 money that comes easily;
  • 6-8 winning combination, meaning “ever-increasing wealth”;
  • 1-6-8 is favorable in any combination.

By and large, if the issue of money is relevant to you today, you need to build right attitude to money. In order not to participate in the rat race and the race for wealth, you need to remember that money is an egregor to which you give your energy. Once you shift your energy to the positive, you will have more money. This is easy to do - after each purchase you need to mentally say to yourself “Let there be more good in this person’s life and in the world,” and when you accept the money, mentally say “I take the responsibility to increase goodness in the world.”

Thus, when the Universe understands that something good can be spread through you, you will have more money. Don't spare money and take part in projects.

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