How to open a bookmaker's office and what documents are needed? How to open your own bookmaker's office

Bookmakers are familiar to everyone today. But few people know that this is a whole industry with its own deep history, rules of the game, heroes and pitfalls. Today we’ll talk about bookmaking as a business with the head of the “FIRST BOOKMAKER’S OFFICE” Baev Maxim.

Journalist: Maxim, tell us where this thing called “bookmaking” came from, when did it originate?

Maxim: Since time immemorial, sports competitions have attracted crowds of spectators and made them empathize with their participants. It is not known who was the first to think of betting on the outcome of an event - in the Colosseum, at a gladiator battle or at a horse race in Ancient Greece, but from that time to the present day sports competitions do not leave indifferent a lot of people all over the world and they are all united by a passion for risk and excitement. In the 18th century, an avid fan, the Duke of Queensberry, bet one thousand guineas (a fortune at that time) against five hundred on the outcome of one of the fist fights.

J: And when this type activity appeared in the post-Soviet space, and what contributed to its development?

M: Before the ban on gambling was introduced, the Russian bookmaker market was very poorly developed and had a narrow circle of clients. The offices operated in the “booth” format - minimal in area and extremely sparse in interior design. Such offices attracted mainly a clientele of fans of sports statistics, as well as rare random guests. In fact, we can say that in Russia in the 90s there was no bookmaking culture.

The impetus for the development of bookmaking was the introduction of a ban on gambling - bookmakers gradually switched to working in a slightly different format. Firstly, with the closure of gambling establishments, many “familiar” places began to be converted into bookmaker offices as the closest and most legal alternative that could retain the old clientele. Secondly, great emphasis was placed on the interior design of the teaching staff premises, equipping the halls with numerous monitors with the presentation of bookmaker products and sports broadcasts. The design of the PPP has acquired the features of a casino. This format was called a “sports bar”, since in most cases the betting point was combined with a bar and retail sales alcoholic beverages, although, in my opinion, this is contrary to the format of the bookmaker's office today.

Zh: How are modern bookmakers different?

M: Today in bookmakers there is such an important link as the analytical department, the main task of which is to correctly set the odds for events. The analyst, using mathematical calculation formulas and probability theory, as well as statistical estimates, sets a line coefficient for a particular event. An error-free analytical department is an indispensable guarantee of the profitability of a bookmaker’s office. On initial stage The activities of the analytical department are related to the collection of information (statistical indicators of players, teams, etc.), then its processing and the formation of a sports line. Analysts study incoming bets for a strong bias towards one outcome or another and promptly respond to changes in quotes for sporting events and factors influencing them.

Zh: What is the operating principle of the analytical department? Is it important to predict the outcome as accurately as possible?

M: In their work, analysts should always remember the principle of making a profit. To do this, several conditions must be met. The odds must be set in such a way as to attract the interest of players, but in case of any, even the most unexpected sports outcome, bring profit to the office.

Zh: How to avoid contradictions in the bookmaker’s line?

M: How to do this? Constantly monitor these contradictions, and, even more so, control the players’ ability to make a sure bet (i.e., bet on two events in such a way that the player remains a winner no matter the outcome). In this, the analytical department should not allow the slightest error.

Zh: What constitutes a “unique event” in bookmaking?

M: The fact is that bookmaking is not only about strict mathematics. The fruit of the creative imagination of the analytical department when creating a line is the so-called unique events (events that have no analogues in the lines of other bookmakers). For example, someone takes bets on the end of the world or whether it will rain tomorrow. In principle, the creative field for creating bets on unique events is limitless.

Zh: If you imagine the bookmaking business as a scale, what disadvantages could you counter with the advantages? Are there any pitfalls and what are the benefits of developing bookmaking?

M: Today, opening your own bookmaker’s office is a fairly profitable investment with good prospects for the future, because bookmaking is one of the few types of gambling business in Russia. And since there are no legal alternatives, bookmaking is a good platform for development. Opening your own office is an excellent solution for those who already have or have premises in mind, for those who are or have been involved in the activities of cafes, restaurants and catering establishments. Well, of course, this is a certain path further development for those who were involved in the gambling business and have retained their client base since those times.

The downside of the bookmaker business is, perhaps, a sufficient outflow of customers to the Internet to gaming sites, which are currently illegal under the laws of the Russian Federation. Such sites, popular among Russian players, operate on the basis of licenses from offshore territories. When playing on such sites, the player does not receive any legal protection, and at any time his account can be reset by the operator without explanation. If the bet is calculated incorrectly, the player will not be able to formalize his legal claims in any way. Thus, when playing on the Internet, the gambler is based only on trust in the office.

Also, the disadvantages of opening a bookmaking business include all sorts of underground gambling establishments, which attract some of the clients and cast a shadow on the business as a whole.

Zh: If we talk about legislation in the field of bookmaking, what restrictions could you name?

M: It is always worth being aware of the main restrictions in the law regarding the opening of teaching staff. These restrictions mainly relate to rather strict requirements for the premises: the betting office of a bookmaker cannot be located in residential buildings, in the same building with medical, educational or municipal institutions. The most stringent requirement, of course, is the restriction on residential buildings; in fact, even a separate extension to a residential building, which has the same address as the house itself, will not be able to pass the licensing procedure for bookmaking activities. Because of this, a lot is lost good places to open a bookmaker.

Zh: So, let’s imagine that the office is open. What is the profile of the audience you should target?

M: If the goal of a business is profit, then its source is the target audience. Who are these people? Most often these are male representatives from 18 to 50 years old (and older), fans of sports analytics and statistics. Or just gambling people who want to try their luck and just have a good time.

Zh: What advice could you give to novice bookmakers to attract visitors?

M: It is important to remember that in order to attract the target audience, it is necessary to provide players with a full guarantee of any payments for winnings. Players prefer to place bets in an office where winnings are always paid out on time and in in full, and possible conflict situations are smoothed out in their favor.

Having originated several centuries ago, bookmaking does not die, but remains a thriving and constantly developing industry. Why? Because passion and the desire to win are the same eternal needs of people as, for example, communication. This is a form of personal expression. A eternal values worth the investment.

The question: “How to open a bookmaker’s office?” are asked most often after reading world and Russian statistics: 650 billion dollars in annual turnover, more than half of which comes from the USA and Japan. The Japanese spend more than 200 billion dollars on racing alone. In Russia, the annual turnover is, according to various estimates, from 350 to 500 million dollars.

At first glance, this suggests that our bookmaking business is not yet developed and, perhaps, it is worth getting into it. But already a comparison of statistics for the Russian Federation and the CIS is alarming: throughout the CIS, official sources give the same from 350 to 500 million dollars. Meanwhile, anyone who vacationed at Ukrainian or Kazakh resorts simply saw with their own eyes that there are more bookmakers there than in the Russian Federation. It turns out that, at least in the fraternal republics, the bookmaking business is largely shadowy.

Hence the conclusion follows that those same 350-500 million dollars are the tip of the iceberg, but in fact the bookmaker niche has already been developed.

Start conditions

The state of affairs in bookmaking today, according to open sources, looks something like this:

  • Profitability – 5-10%.
  • The legislative framework is vague and questions about its improvement are not raised in the legislative bodies.
  • The start is either difficult to the point of impossibility, or you need a strong shadow “roof” with everything that implies.
  • The initial investment is huge compared to the profitability.
  • The competition is extremely tough.
  • Prospects for the future are disappointing. Size Requirements authorized capital and taxes are constantly rising.

However, sport and excitement are organically connected, and someone, having sufficient experience as a player, can decide for himself: “I want to open a bookmaker’s office!” Let's see where you need to start, how to register, what to expect and what you need to be prepared for. And in order to better understand the essence of the matter, we will first have to briefly turn to history, right up to the present time.

Excerpts from the history of bookmaking

In the founder of sports - Ancient Greece - sports were not professional, but were mass. The ancient Greeks did not know bookmaking and betting; in any case, historians know nothing about it.

The Romans had professional athletes: gladiators, charioteers, fist fighters, wrestlers. The Romans were gambling people and willingly bet on the outcome. Bets were accepted by ancient Roman bankers - Argentarii, first according to the principle of an arbitrator: they took their percentage - a margin - from the entire amount of bets, and the remainder was distributed to clients who guessed the outcome in proportion to the amount of the bet.

The same Argentarians then began to make forecasts of the results of competitions (in today's terms - “lines”) and came up with the idea of ​​​​imposing a margin on the probability of one or another outcome, thereby providing themselves with a stable income regardless of the result.

In the Middle Ages, bets were actively made during knightly tournaments, but most of all in private. The ancient Roman betting system was practically forgotten.

The first racing betting modern type was opened by Parisian shopkeeper Pierre Oller in 1865. By 1875, bookmaking was completely established. Computerization has made it possible for small shops to calculate lines and payout odds and made it possible to place bets online.

How to open a bookmaker: stumbling blocks

Let’s say right away: if you reformulate the original question as follows: “How to open a branch of a bookmaker’s office?”, then you can omit this section, except for the paragraph on initial investments. All you have to do is get copies of the charter documents of the parent company, register with the tax office, rent premises, buy for 150,000 - 200,000 rubles. office equipment, audiovisual devices for broadcasting matches, and start working.

But such work, in bookmaker’s terms, “under an umbrella” is not independent business. You will have to do what they say and take what they give for it. And first save up a significant amount to start and establish yourself as trustworthy in the eyes of local gambling bosses.


Humanity is experiencing difficult times, And mass consciousness changes before our eyes. Among the positive changes is the unwillingness to put up with any more bad habits and associated non-productive expenses. Who could have imagined just 10 years ago that in Russia, famous for “Prima” and “Belomor” no less than vodka, today the anti-tobacco law would pass without a hitch? Even heavy smokers understand: this is how it should be.

Bookmaking has long become a type of gambling where money is made out of thin air. It can be assumed that as soon as the treasury’s revenues from bookmaking become lower than its shortfalls from the income lost by players, the days of bookmaking as a relatively legal business will be numbered.


Bookmaking is rightfully considered a gambling game, and it first of all requires a license from Roskomsport ( Federal agency By physical culture, sports and tourism). An indispensable condition for obtaining a license is “Sufficient experience of the applicant.”

But bookmakers are not taught or trained anywhere! Officially, there is no such profession at all - bookmaker. In bookmakers' offices staffing table there are administrators, managers, etc., but there are no bookmakers - they are not in the classifier of professions.

That is, how will you prove your experience in this matter by applying for a license? There is no and cannot be a diploma, nor is there a record of employment. There are no legal ways to prove your experience as a bookmaker. The rest is up to your understanding and discretion. And corresponding amounts of money.


For those wishing to open a bookmaker's office, real advice, not obviously of an advertising nature, boils down to approximately the following: “You can count on income if you find a fake clientele that is not used by competitors.” In Russian it should be read like this: “You can make a good profit if you see an open suitcase of money right on the sidewalk, which no one needs and which no one pays attention to.”

Income-generating players are a closed community; They see the rest of their life as if through a cloudy glass. Sociologists call such people marginal (self-limiting), and their communities - subcultures.

A subculture can expand and degrade. This depends on the coefficient of involvement of new members in it, whether it is greater or less than one. Currently, the coefficient of involvement in the community of betting players is slightly more than one and is slowly but steadily falling.


An acute shortage of a source of income - players - causes fierce competition, literally for survival. As soon as an independent bookmaker’s office opens, supposedly random visitors immediately appear, placing large bets.

In fact, they are representatives of major competitors, and each has a well-developed “line” (a series of probabilities for the outcome of a duel or match), based on correct mathematical calculations, taking into account unspoken factors from the depths of the sports business. In bookmaker terms, they know “fair odds” - fair odds, and you yourself are obliged to offer them your line.

So, competitors immediately know how to bet against you. One of these can deprive you of income for a long time (this is if they are just testing a newbie, but then they still let you work), and five will immediately ruin you completely if you are not in the right place.

Initial Investment

The tax authorities will not register a gambling business without a large authorized capital. Its required minimum size is constantly increasing and can be installed by local tax authorities above standard. So, without having at least 5 million rubles. free, non-credit, you don’t have to go to the tax office.

Next, software- “software”. Without your own website with online betting, there will be no income. There are more than enough offers for the sale of ready-made software or custom development, but the average price is 40-50 thousand dollars. This is another million and a half initial investments. Against this background, some 200 thousand for equipment are completely lost.

And finally, an insurance fund to pay players when they win massively. You must have it. This is at least 3.5 million rubles. with a monthly turnover of 1 million. Calculation is based on the average line issue ratio in the Russian Federation of 3.35.

Therefore, if you do not have the opportunity to shell out 8-12 million rubles for the start, then it is better not to raise the question “how much does it cost to open a bookmaker’s office.” And keep in mind that with such initial investments the monthly turnover will hardly be more than 1 million rubles, and monthly income after promotion - about 100,000-200,000 rubles.

Taxes, personnel, salary and line

From the current costs of a bookmaker's office, we exclude rent (a room of 4 sq. m. is enough, or 12-15 sq. m. if you install a TV for clients, on a sublease basis) and payment for utilities, because they are tiny. Taxes, too, compared to the rest, don’t really “bite”, although they are constantly being increased.

But it’s worth talking about salary. You will need at least three (for voting by the principle of exclusion) experienced analysts - athletes who can correctly assess the real strength of opponents, intuitively, according to rumors and information from undisclosed sources, take into account the accompanying factors of the upcoming fight and give your line.

These people must be willing and able to work hard - after all, for every event you are obliged to give clients a line. True, they can relax in the winter, when football players do not play - at least 3/4 of the bets are placed on football. But they won’t see any vacation in the summer.

Under such conditions, the salary is 50,000 rubles. with a full social package it will not be excessive. And you can count on no more than 200,000 rubles. income in the “feeding” place. You cannot take one or two analysts, otherwise the line will sooner or later turn out to be in favor of the players and you will go broke.

You can, as is often suggested, enter into an agreement with a large bookmaker network for 12,000-50,000 rubles. receive lines from them monthly. But there is also a danger in this: if you suddenly become undesirable, you can simply be set up.

Then, no less than the same 50,000 rubles. with a full social package you will have to give it to an accountant. Accounting firms most often refuse to serve bookmakers. The reason here is not so much that the gambling business is largely shady, but the absence of a solid legislative framework for him, because of which accounting entries become overly complicated and often conflict with the requirements of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation.

Experienced players

In addition, they themselves perform and can personally, in their favor, bring an unpleasant surprise to the bookmakers. A case of this kind is described with full knowledge of the matter by Ernest Hemingway in the story “Fifty Thousand” (Ernest Hamingway, “Fifty Grands”).

They are useful for large bookmaker networks: it is precisely such players who write reviews without any pretense, especially if they are also paid: “I’m buying an Audi Q7. Thanks to the bookmakers!”

But if one of these starts up in your neighborhood, you’re lost. I wish I could take him in, he’s an ideal analyst... But he, while ruining you and others like you, has 3-5 times more than you can offer him.

Internet option

Now let’s think: since everything is so complicated, isn’t it worth opening a bookmaker’s office on the Internet? Look, online commerce is thriving and expanding.

Not worth it. Gambling is not trading. Without your own website with online betting and the possibility of payments through electronic payment systems, you will not be able to work anyway. All that an online office will save you from is rent. And it is already insignificant compared to other expenses.

On the Internet you can find offers for the sale of ready-made online bookmakers on a turnkey basis. When considering this, you need to remember: large bookmaker networks do not sell franchises.

To summarize, we can say: opening a bookmaker’s office is not best choice for beginners, even those who are truly passionate about sports.

? ABOUTrelatively high profitability of this type entrepreneurial activity It is of great interest to many, but it is difficult to imagine a more costly startup than organizing a business accepting bets. What you need to become a bookmaker, how much it will cost and what requirements the law puts forward, you will learn from this article.

I want to open a bookmaker’s office: what is needed for this and how much does it cost?

A bookmaker's office is one of the types of gambling establishments where the organizer and the participant make a bet between themselves, backed by a monetary bet. Since the gambling business in Russia is under special attention state, legislation establishes clear conditions for its implementation. First of all, strict restrictions apply to the founders of bookmaker firms.

Basic requirements for organizing a bookmaker's office

  • Only a legal entity can become a founder. Individual entrepreneurs, partnerships and other business entities are not allowed to carry out bookmaking activities.
  • You must have a license to conduct gambling in bookmakers and betting shops.
  • You need to join a self-regulatory organization of organizers of gambling in bookmakers.

Basic requirements for founders

  1. No criminal record - the founder of a bookmaker’s office cannot be a person convicted of an economic crime, as well as for serious and especially serious crimes of any nature - until the criminal record is expunged or removed.
  2. Having experience in the gambling business - before you are puzzled by the question of whether, you need to work in this field for some time. However, the legislator does not establish length of service.
  3. Reaching adulthood (18 years old).

How much money will you need?

Those who wonder about how to open a bookmaker's office, must be prepared for huge investments. The Law “On State Regulation of Gambling Activities” dated December 29, 2006 No. 244-FZ names specific amounts that must be available at the stage of business registration.

In particular, the size of the authorized capital of such a company cannot be less than 100 million rubles. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to use borrowed funds for this - the origin of the money will have to be confirmed when obtaining a license, so any attempts to deceive the state are doomed to failure in advance.

IMPORTANT: In accordance with the Procedure for determining the cost net assets(approved by Order of the Ministry of Finance dated August 28, 2014 No. 84n) this is the difference between the total assets of the organization and its liabilities. In other words, this is how much the entire business will be worth, taking into account all the property and cash in the company's accounts, minus any kind of debt.

Compared to these amounts, the costs of opening a company, obtaining a license, etc. do not look so global, but you will still have to bear them:

  • state registration fee legal entity— 4,000 rubles;
  • obtaining a license for bookmaking activities - 100,000 rubles;
  • joining an SRO - 30 million rubles plus entrance fees, and subsequently monthly fees.

Another fairly large expense item for future bookmakers is the conclusion of an agreement on the provision of a bank guarantee. According to the law, its size must be at least 500 million rubles, and only a bank can act as a guarantor. The size of the commission depends on the rate of a particular credit institution. On average, this is about 10% of the guarantee amount - such a high rate is due to the high commercial risks in this area of ​​​​business.

In addition, you should take into account the costs of purchasing or renting premises, opening a current account, making an organization seal, purchasing equipment, software, hiring personnel, etc.

Is it possible to reduce costs?

How to open a bookmaker's office at lower cost? You can reduce costs by organizing a franchise business, that is, in fact, becoming a division of an already existing bookmaker. In this case, the costs of licensing, joining an SRO, recruiting and training personnel, as well as purchasing expensive software are eliminated or significantly reduced.

But you will have to register a legal entity and form an authorized capital in any case.

How to open a bookmaker's office: instructions

The startup process in the bookmaking business is very lengthy and extremely energy-intensive - you will have to visit many authorities, collect a lot of documents, etc.

Stage 1: company registration

Registration of a legal entity - the future organizer of a bookmaker's office - is carried out in accordance with the general procedure. The period for consideration of an application for entering information into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is 3 business days.

Stage 2: search for premises

The premises can be rented, purchased as property, or used as an existing one. The main thing is that it should not be placed in:

  • educational, religious, medical, sanatorium and resort organizations;
  • transport infrastructure buildings;
  • state and municipal institutions;
  • residential buildings.

IMPORTANT: the organization of bookmakers is allowed only in facilities capital construction, that is, various non-stationary premises - kiosks, pavilions, etc. are not suitable for this.

In addition, the room must be zoned - the service and client areas are separated from each other in such a way as to exclude the possibility of free access from the second to the first.

Stage 3: technical and personnel support

In addition to the standard office set, the bookmaker's office equipment must contain the hardware and technical base for accepting and recording bets, including the appropriate software.

In addition, it will be necessary to provide proper storage cash and its collection - for this purpose the premises are equipped with safes, agreements are concluded for the security of the facility, etc.

The personnel composition also differs from the standard - the presence of specialists such as:

  • programmers (system administrators);
  • cashiers;
  • software and financial analyst;
  • accountant.

Stage 4: Licensing

In the case of bookmakers, the licensing authority is the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation - you should contact the inspectorate at the place where the company is registered. The following documents are attached to the application:

  • company registration certificate;
  • certificates of no criminal record for the founders;
  • documents confirming the right of ownership of the premises in which the office is located (certificate of registration of rights, lease agreement, etc.);
  • certificates confirming the availability of sufficient hardware and technical equipment;
  • information about the size of the authorized capital and the sources of its formation;
  • calculation of net asset value;
  • business plan;
  • an agreement with a private security company or private police department (confirmation of the presence of employees responsible for the safety of visitors and staff is also allowed);
  • information about office employees with copies of their passports and work books.

Stage 5: joining an SRO

The choice of a specific bookmaker SRO depends on personal preferences and entry conditions. If the contribution to the compensation fund is fixed and amounts to 30 million rubles, then the amounts of entrance and monthly contributions vary from 1,000 and 7,500 to 15,000 and 1,200,000 rubles, respectively.

Online betting business: how to open a bookmaker on the Internet

Russian legislation does not allow the opening of an exclusively online version of a bookmaker's office. In any case, you will need to register a company, have an office, licensing, membership in an SRO, etc. That is, you will have to go through the entire above procedure regardless of the place and method of accepting bets.

But accepting interactive bets via the global network is quite possible - this will require your own Internet resource (website), as well as renting or purchasing a virtual server.

IMPORTANT: bookmakers have the right to accept bets in any way, with the exception of postal and bank transfers. In other words, it can be cash or electronic money.

In addition, the formula “one office - one site” applies. The use of two or more domain names to accept interactive bets is prohibited by law.

In this article we will look at how it is theoretically possible to open a bookmaker's office in Russia and why almost all domestic offices operate illegally. So, let's begin... There are two ways to open a bookmaker's office on the Internet: create it from scratch or connect to ready-made platforms.

Opening a bookmaker's office from scratch


First thing when opening of this business you need to get a license. It’s worth noting right away that it is almost impossible to obtain such a license in Russia; here are the financial requirements put forward by our legislation:

  • bank guarantee in the amount of 450 - 500 thousand rubles;
  • authorized capital – 100 million rubles;
  • asset value – at least 1 billion rubles.

For most, these requirements are prohibitive, so the best option is to obtain a license on the Isle of Man or Seychelles, where it will cost from $50,000. This is the answer to the question why most bookmakers in Russia operate illegally.

To implement betting on the Internet, in addition to the initial capital, you will need good team. On average for implementation of this project it will require a huge team and an investment of approximately $150,000.

Line organization

One of important points The further work of your bookmaker is to create lines along which players will make bets. Organize yourself this work unrealistic. To create lines you will need a large staff of analysts, since creating lines requires a thorough analysis of each sporting event. Even many well-known bookmakers use other people's lines, changing the odds at their own discretion.

Therefore, it will be very difficult to organize such work on your own and it is better to rent lines. The average price is about 10,000 euros per month.

Technical part

As with any other service on the Internet, the bookmaker’s office consists of two parts: the back office and the front end. The first part implies the administrative part of the site, that is, the speed and reliability of your resource. Frontend– this is the external part of the site, that is, it determines how comfortable it will be for clients to use the resource. It should be convenient so that even a beginner in the world of betting can understand its use.

Particular attention should be paid to choosing a server to host the site. He must have high degree protection against cyber attacks and withstand heavy loads.

Payment system

It is clear that without a financial component, not a single bookmaker can function. Therefore, when creating a website, you need to connect payment systems with which clients can deposit and withdraw funds on your resource. For the convenience of clients, you will need to connect the most popular payment systems: webmoney, yandex money, qiwi, visa/master card.

Connect to ready-made platforms

For those who do not have that much time and huge starting capital, it is possible to connect to ready-made platforms (white label). For certain cash you get a ready-made working website with work lines, payment systems and a personal account.

Setting up a ready-made resource takes about a week and the bookmaker is legally ready to work. Your task is to promote and attract customers to your resource.

Legislation for entering the betting business

Since 2016, sports betting has become legal. According to the new laws, bookmakers are united into the so-called Self-Regulatory Organizations of Bookmakers (SRO). The minimum number of bookmakers in an SRO must be at least 10 offices. Next, the Self-Regulatory Organization of Bookmakers must organize a fund of 30 million rubles.

In SRO, all financial transactions are required to go through “ Internet betting registration center"(TSUPIS). This center works only with licensed payment systems. The main task of TsUPIS is to record bets and financial transactions for the future collection of a 13% tax on bookmaker winnings. The center also guarantees the payment of winnings to the player, even if the bookmaker has become bankrupt at the expense of a special compensation fund created by bookmakers included in the SRO.

The main obstacle to legalizing the betting business in Russia is the vague wording of the laws, an underdeveloped regulatory industry and constant tax pressure on bookmakers from the state.

For 2017, the main goal of the legal online betting industry is the introduction of remote identification for gaming through TsUPIS, so that it will finally be possible to open an official bookmaker that could fully compete with offshore bookmakers.

The opportunity to earn money simply by betting and watching sports and social events has been attractive to brave and gambling people since ancient times.

Modern development information technology made this process even more streamlined and accessible.

The relevance of starting a bookmaker business

Bookmaking is an interesting and profitable business that began to flourish after the closure of casinos and slot machines. This legal type of gaming business, which provides good tax payments to regional budgets, so both organizers and clients, as well as local administrations, are interested in its development. In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, a bookmaker's office is a gambling establishment in which gambling in the form of a bet between the establishment and the participants.

Opening your own bookmaker's office is both a chance to get rich quickly and the risk of facing a lot of difficulties at the same time.

Bookmaking is a business that requires large financial investments (if you organize everything yourself), gambling skills and analytical calculation skills.

Benefits of starting an online business

With the help of computer technology, bookmakers are becoming more informative and functional, allowing customers to place bets from mobile devices and even without leaving home from anywhere in the world.

The online bookmaker has a number of significant advantages before a similar one:

  • Saving on renting or purchasing premises, finding a favorable location;
  • Savings on the maintenance of a betting point and some equipment;
  • Savings on paying salaries to staff (cashier, cleaner, security guard);
  • Possibility of using a ready-made script;
  • Availability of an extensive customer base from different cities and even countries.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically, signed electronically and sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Step-by-step action plan

To start running this business, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities.


Obtaining a license is the most difficult stage in organizing an online bookmaker. A license is required, but it can only be obtained if the applicant has “sufficient experience” in this type of activity. The paradox is that bookmaking, to some extent, is an art, the basics of which are passed on by a professional to a future specialist, and such a specialty does not officially exist. If you have no experience in running a gaming business, you will have to take on an experienced partner, or choose the option.

The license can be obtained from the representative office of the Federal Tax Service for a period of five years with the possibility of subsequent renewal. The application is considered for about a month and a half, thorough checks are carried out, and the profitability of the future business is assessed. The main difficulty lies in the compliance of the applicant’s financial capabilities with the licensing conditions. To do this, you need 100 million rubles, a bank guarantee for 500 million rubles, as well as assets worth at least 1 billion rubles. Of course, setting up a company with licensing on your own is not suitable for every entrepreneur.

If all conditions are met, then prepare package of documents To obtain a license to operate a bookmaker on the Internet:

  • licensing application;
  • information about employees with copies of passports and;
  • characteristics of the hardware and technical support of the bookmaker's office;
  • information on the size and sources of authorized capital;
  • calculation of net asset value;
  • confirmation of a bank guarantee.

Prices for licensing services gambling business start from 150 thousand rubles.

An overview of the operation of the software, website and administrative panel of one of the bookmakers is given in the following video:

Collection of necessary documents and registration

After obtaining a license, you must also obtain a taxpayer number. On the territory of the Russian Federation, a bookmaker's office can only be registered by a legal entity.

Gambling business organizers cannot be persons with an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record. Society with limited liability– the future organizer of an online bookmaker’s office – is registered in accordance with the general procedure. The cost of registering an activity in the form of an LLC is from 25 thousand rubles.

Choosing the Right Software

To start operating a bookmaker's office, you just need to download or develop a script, buy a domain name and hosting. Then create your own website with online betting and the possibility of payments through electronic payment systems. You can develop a gaming website yourself or entrust it to specialists. There are offers on the Internet for the sale of turnkey online bookmakers, but this may be unsafe.

Required purchase of licensed software, which will cost approximately 2.5 million rubles. It can be purchased from competitors, but this is risky, or you can order it from independent companies, which will be the best option. The choice of software depends on the type of competition on the results of which the office will accept bets.

Software for organizing an online bookmaker must have the following characteristics:

  1. increased stability of the software package;
  2. function of working in real time and offline;
  3. reliable website protection from hacker attacks;
  4. the presence of an analytical function for bookmaking activities;
  5. intuitive interface, etc.

You will also need equipment worth about 200 thousand rubles: a server, computer or laptop, printer, scanner, 24-hour Internet access, licensed anti-virus software. You need a reliable provider and a high-speed connection with a security line. If the server is hacked, there may be large financial losses, so you cannot save on protecting information data.

Main features of work

When the bookmaker's website opens and the business starts working, it will be necessary to take into account a number of nuances of this type of activity:

  • Huge competition in the online gambling business. You will have to make considerable advertising and marketing efforts to win your “share” of space, and in the future, retain and expand it;
  • enlisting the help of experienced analysts and experts to determine the correct line and odds. They will need to pay wages(from 50 thousand rubles), but this is not commensurate with the possible financial losses from inexperienced business;
  • thoughtful protection from experienced and fraudulent players, misinformation. Colleagues will provide assistance here;
  • creating a reserve fund in case big wins(on average, 500 thousand rubles) and a limitation on maximum bets;
  • incompleteness of the legislative framework regarding gambling, especially in the Internet space.

Buying a franchise

Online purchasing is the most effective business model. You must have an initial capital in the range from 350 thousand to 2 million rubles, deposit lump sum(not always), pay a royalty of 10-20%.

The bookmaker's office opened under the franchise is completely ready for work and meets all modern requirements. The technique allows you to avoid unnecessary hassle of an organizational, technical, legal and financial nature. Business develops under the protection of a reliable company with a huge amount clients, impeccable business reputation. Issues of licensing and purchasing a software product disappear by themselves. The saved resources and time are spent on advertising and promoting your business on the Internet.

A bookmaking services website is a profitable and promising direction business development. Organizing your own line via the Internet has a good return of 20%, since a huge share of bets are made online today.