Scenario for the Republic Day holiday “Tatarstan is my republic. Conversation for older children "My native Tatarstan" material (senior group) on the topic My Tatarstan conversation for children

Age group: eldest.

« Cognitive development».

Target: introduce children to the concepts of “Tatarstan”, “Motherland” and its location on the map and globe, continue to teach children to answer questions with complete answers.



· give children an idea of ​​the Motherland - Tatarstan, its capital (“Cognitive development”); introduce proverbs and sayings about the Motherland (“Cognitive development”).


· develop in children the ability to navigate on a map, globe, to find their republic, the village in which they live (“Cognitive development”); continue to develop and consolidate the ability to recite poems clearly and loudly (“Speech Development”)


· cultivate love for one’s homeland, a sense of pride in one’s republic (“Cognitive development”); cultivate the ability to listen to each other carefully and not interrupt the speaker.

Types of activities: observation, reading fiction, cognitive-research, communicative.

Forms of organization: group, subgroup, individual.

listening to a story, talking about Tatarstan, working on a map and globe, reading poems and floorboards.

Equipment: book by N.F. Vinogradova “What is the Motherland?”, map, globe, text of poems about “Motherland”.



Conversation for children of the senior group on the topic “My native Tatarstan»

(as part of the “Love your land and sing praises” week. August 30 is the Day of Formation of the Republic of Tatarstan)

Sample general education program preschool: “From birth to school”, ed. N. E. Veraksy.

Age group: eldest.

Leading educational area:"Cognitive Development".

Target: introduce children to the concept of “Tatarstan”, “Motherland” and its location on the map and globe,continue to teach children to answer questions with complete answers.



  • give children an idea of ​​the Motherland - Tatarstan, its capital (“Cognitive Development”); introduce proverbs and sayings about the Motherland (“Cognitive development”).


  • develop in children the ability to navigate on a map, globe, to find their republic, the village in which they live (“Cognitive development”); continue to develop and consolidate the ability to recite poems clearly and loudly (“Speech Development”)


  • cultivate love for one’s homeland, a sense of pride in one’s republic (“Cognitive development”); cultivate the ability to listen to each other carefully and not interrupt the speaker.

Types of activities:observation, reading fiction, educational research, communication.

Forms of organization:group, subgroup, individual.

Forms of implementation of children's activities:listening to a story, talking about Tatarstan, working on a map and globe, reading poems and floorboards.

Equipment: book by N.F. Vinogradova “What is the Motherland?”, map, globe, text of poems about “Motherland”.

Progress of the conversation

Sound fragment piece of music from the movie "Shield and Sword" "Where the Motherland Begins...".
Educator: Guys, what is the song about? That's right, the song is about the Motherland.
Educator: Remember the name of the republic in which we live? That's right, the Republic of Tatarstan. This is our Motherland.
Educator: What do you think the Motherland is?(children's answers) Homeland means dear. Homeland is the place where we were born, where we live. Our republic is very large and beautiful. It has its own coat of arms and flag. Let's look at the coat of arms of our republic. What does it depict?(children's answers)


Statecoat of arms Republic Tatarstan is an image of a wingedleopard with round shield on the side, with the right front paw raised against the background of the discsun , placed in a frame made of Tatar folk ornament, at the base of which there is the inscription “Tatarstan”, the wings consist of seven feathers, the rosette on the shield consists of eight petals.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan is made in the colors of the flag of Tatarstan; has a round shape.

The central image of the coat of arms - a winged leopard - in ancient times, among the Volga Bulgarsdeity fertility, patron children. In the coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, the leopard is the patron saint of the citizens of the republic and its people. The leopard is depicted against the background of a red disk of the sun. The sun was the main deity of many peoples in ancient times. The red sun on the coat of arms of Tatarstan means goodsign , success , happiness , life . On the left side of the leopard there is a round shield, meaning the legal, economic, and power protection of citizens of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In the color image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan, the sun is red, the leopard, its wings and the rosette on the shield are white, the frame is green, the shield, the ornament on the frame and the inscription “Tatarstan” are golden.

Flower asters With even number petals symbolizes the eternal source of life,longevity , wishes for longevity.

The leopard's raised right front paw is a traditionalheraldic gesture , emphasizing the greatness of the supremeauthorities . This also means the beginning of a movement (action) with a “step of the right foot”, a good beginning of Tatarstan’s movement along the path of renewal. The sharp teeth and claws of a leopard mean his ability to stand up for himself and for those whom he patronizes and protects. The seven feathers of the leopard's wings symbolize the space of influence of the patronizing power of the leopard - both on earth and in heaven. Positiontail Barsa means goodmood , friendliness .

What do you think the colors of the coat of arms mean?(children's answers)

Symbolic meanings of colors:

gold color - grace , beauty , wealth lands of Tatarstan;

green - greenery of spring, revival Tatarstan;

white - purity of thoughts of citizens of Tatarstan;

red - maturity , energy , strength , life , viability Tatarstan.

The coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan affirms such universal human values, moral values, Howgood , justice , well-being citizens, friendship between peoples world And progress .

Educator: Consider the flag of Tatarstan. What color is the state flag of Tatarstan? What do the colors of the flag represent? Where can you see the Tatarstan flag?(children's answers)

Educator: The flag of Tatarstan, along withcoat of arms And anthem , is a state symbolRepublic of Tatarstan , expressing the sovereignty of the Republic of Tatarstan, the identity and traditions of the people of Tatarstan.Stateflag Republic Tatarstan It is a rectangular panel with horizontal stripes of green, white and red. The colors of the State Flag of the Republic of Tatarstan mean:

According to another version, green means ethnic Tatars, living in the republic, and red color - Russians. White stripe symbolizes peace and harmony between them.

The author of the flag is folk artist RepublicTatarstan , laureate State Prize named after G. Tukay Tavil Khaziakhmetov.

Educator: Another symbol of the Republic of Tatarstan is the anthem. Hymn - the most important song in Russia. The anthem is performed on especially solemn occasions. The anthem is performed and listened to while standing.(D Children listen to a recording of the Russian anthem, talk about its content, and the teacher introduces them to the authors of the anthem.)

February 21 The Parliament of Tatarstan unanimously approved the text of the Anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan. The final text of the anthem is based on the poem “Tugan Yagym” (Native Side) by Ramazan Baytimerov, as is known from history, written by him in the 1970s. Many unknown authors took part in the revision of the poems. People believe that Batimerov’s poems inspired the composer Rustem Yakhin to compose a song, the melody of which became the national anthem of Tatarstan. The new text of the anthem consists of 8 lines in Tatar and 8 lines in Russian. The text was translated into Russian by the Russian poet Filipp Piraev (Assyrian by origin).

Text in Tatar

Translation into Russian

Mange yashә, gaziz Vatanybyz,

Blossom, my sacred land,

Halkym teli izge telәklәr!

May your firmament be peaceful!

Gomerlekkә yakyn tugan bulyp

We have one home, one family,

Yashi bezdә tөrle millәtlәr.

Our people live in harmony.

Kup gasyrlar kichkan chal tarikhly

Rich in the wisdom of hoary centuries,

Danly ilem, uzen ber dastan!

You have become our hope and faith,

Sindi genә bezneң yazmyshybyz,

And may my love protect you,

To the republics, Tatarstan!

My Republic, my Tatarstan!

(The anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan is played. Children listen to the anthem while standing).

Many wonderful songs and poems are dedicated to Tatarstan. They glorify our Motherland, its forests and fields, rivers, and talk about love and pride for our republic, small and large Motherland. There are many proverbs and sayings about this among the people.

Proverbs and sayings

A person has one natural mother - he has one Motherland.

The Motherland is your mother, know how to stand up for her.

Where someone was born, that’s where they came in handy.

The native side is the mother, the alien side is the stepmother.


1. Name the republic in which you live.(Tatarstan)

2. What is the name of the village where you live?

3. Which Russian river is called great?(Volga.)

4. What cities of Tatarstan do you know?

5. What is the name of the city that is the capital of our Tatarstan?(Kazan).

Educator: Now let's listen to the poem« MY SOVIET TATARSTAN" (Muhammad Sadri “Song of Happiness”) performed by Kirill, Aizili, Kamili, Alina, Danil, Samira, Danil:

My land is rich and beautiful,
My Tatarstan, you are dear to my heart,
The land where I grew up happy,
Whose delicious bread fed me,
Whose rivers I drank living water,
Where did I compose my songs;
My Kazan, my factories,
The houses and streets are mine! (Kirill)
The flow of cars is brilliant, bright,
Trolleybuses are visible in the window.
All these are gifts from Moscow
Kazan - therefore for me too! (Aizilya)
And my Green Valley with gardens,
And oil-bearing Bavly,
My villages with tractors,
Gone forever from the darkness. (Kamil)
My forests, fields and rivers,
My collective farm bread -
Everything is ours, everything is mine forever,
My Tatarstan! My destiny! (Alina)
My land is rich and beautiful,
Native Soviet Tatarstan,
Where did I become truly happy?
Where did you become a person in life? (Danil)
Living in captivity for centuries,
You have blossomed, my land,
Under the life-giving rays
Great Moscow and the Kremlin! (Dilyara)

Educator: What interesting things did you learn today?(children's answers.) You are still children, but even now you can do a lot to make our Motherland even better and more beautiful.I hope that you will take care of our Motherland and protect its nature.

See you again!

Scenario for the celebration of Republic Day “Tatarstan is my republic”

Target: Formation of love for one’s native land, for one’s republic.


- consolidating children's knowledge about the symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan;

- develop children's speech activity;

To instill in children patriotic feelings, love for their native land, for their republic, and a sense of pride in it.

SoundsMarch of Salikh Saidashev. The hall is decorated in a festive way: multi-colored balloons and flags.

Educator : Isә nmesez, balalar! Hello children! Why do you think we have gathered? (We are going to celebrate our Republic Day).Today we have an unusual holiday: the birthday of our republic. What is it called? (Tatarstan)

Min yaratam sine, Tatarstan! Altaң bunksң ө chen yaratam. TOү to toү crә p, yashen yashnә p Yaugan, Iң gyrlarsң ө chen yaratam.

At the beginninglet's listen to the holidayanthem of Tatarstan.

The children get up.

The anthem soundsTatarstan. The children sit down.

Educator : The author of the anthem is the outstanding Tatar composer Rustam Yakhin.

Tatarstan Day is one of the most important public holidays of the republic. Tatarstan includes different cities, towns, and villages. What is the name of our city? (Kazan) Kazan is the capital of Tatarstan.Is our city big or small? (Big). Guys, look at the screen, what sights of our city do you see? (Kul Sharif, circus, National Museum, Opera and Ballet Theater, G. Kamal Theater, Ekiyat Puppet Theater, Bowl, Kazan Arena football stadium). Well done!

Each country andrepublicshave their own symbols -flag and coat of arms. Look at the flagTatarstan. What are the colors on the flag? (Green, white, red.) What do these colors mean? ( Green on the flag it is the color of spring and youth, white– means purity, and red is the color of the sun, energy and strength.)

Now look at our coat of armsrepublics. What is shown there? (White leopard.) This is an unusual leopard - it is winged. What do you think the winged white leopard means? (freedom-loving and independence of ourrepublics). Guys, the Motherland is dear and loved to every person, only in the Motherland can a person be truly happy.

1 Child:

I love the FatherlandWide open spaces.My countryKazanbmy,Forests, fields and mountains!

2nd child: The thickets of forests and expanses of fields The freshness of the dawn over the scarlet lake, Everything without which one cannot live on earth, They tenderly and lovingly called it the Motherland!

3rd child:

Irken һәm matur yes

Bezne tugan ilebez.

Urmanga bai, suga bai

Golbakchaly ilebez!

4th child:

People live happily here

The peaceful work of people is celebrated here.

All this is called homeland

My great homeland!

Flash mob for the song Tynychlyk hyry.

Educator : Tatarstan is multinationalrepublic. Here in friendship and harmonyAndresideTatars, Russians, Chuvashs, Bashkirs, and they all speak to each other different languages. Guys, please tell me, what languages ​​do we communicate in? (In Russian and Tatar). Right!Both Russian and Tatar language in our republic are the official languages.

1 child: Know the Tatar language, know the Russian language too. We really need both, Equally important.

2nd child: Tatarcha and Yakhshy Bel,Ruscha da Yakhshy Bel.Ikese dә bezneң өchenIn kirkle, back tel.

3rd child:

Let's try together

We will be strong friends

In Tatar and Russian,

Let's all talk!

Song And Tugan Tel!

Educator: What's a holiday without games? (Games are played:“Assemble the puzzle”, “Who is faster?” )

1 child: We are walking along a bright road, There is fun, songs, laughter all around. You are the homeland of friendship and goodness, myTatarstan - you are the best!

2nd child:

Nindi matur minem Tugan ilem,

Җ ir sharynda tiң dә sh yuk aң ar!

Kiң kirlarda usә mule igennә p,

Shaulap aga ozyn elgalar.

3rd child:

Our Tatarstan is famous for its friendship, and we really like living in Tatarstan!

Children perform a song“Min yaratam blue, Tatarstan"

Educator : Guys, oursholiday, dedicated to the birthday of the Republic of Tatarstan, is coming to an end. We wish ourrepublicbecome even more prosperous, more beautiful and richer. And we will love and take care of her.

Nikitina Natalya Vyacheslavovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU "Malolyzinsky kindergarten"
Locality: Malye Lyzi village, Baltasinsky district, Republic of Tatarstan
Name of material: methodological development
Subject: summary of a lesson in the senior group on moral and patriotic education, taking into account the regional component "Big and Small Motherland" "Symbols of Russia and Tatarstan"
Publication date: 23.10.2019
Chapter: preschool education

MBDOU "Malolyzinsky kindergarten"

Baltasinsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Lesson notes for the senior group

on moral and patriotic education, taking into account

regional component

"Big and Small Motherland"

“Symbols of Russia and Tatarstan”

Completed: teacher Nikitina N.V.

October, 2018

Target: To develop in children a sense of patriotism and love for their Motherland.


Continue to form in children the idea of ​​Russia as a native country;

Form a respectful attitude towards state symbols;

Introduce children to the concept of the small and large Motherland;

To instill in children love for the Motherland,

Form civic-patriotic feelings.

Learn to answer adult questions, construct simple common sentences;

Expand vocabulary due to nouns (parents, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother,

grandfather, house, country, village, village, Motherland) and adjectives (Native, native, big, small)

Develop attention and memory - recognize flags and coats of arms in pictures

Develop self-control and the ability to follow the rules of the game;

Develop memory, intelligence, resourcefulness.

Vocabulary work: native, native side, Motherland, Russia, big Motherland, small Motherland, Tatarstan,

Malye Lyzi, Bolshie Lyzi, Nizhnyaya Ushma, Baltasi.


Images of the President of the Russian Federation, coats of arms and flags;

Visual and didactic aids;

Photographs with views of villages and villages, countries;

Slides with sights;

Audio recordings.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about Russian symbols;

Reading poems, proverbs and sayings about the Motherland;

Looking at photographs of villages;

Examination of illustrations and completion of work on coloring the Flag and Coat of Arms of Tatarstan

Methods and techniques: playful, verbal, visual, questions, instructions, additions, reminders,

artistic expression, self-esteem.

Progress of the lesson.

The song “At My Russia” is playing

Educator: Hello my dear guys! Did you like the song you listened to? Oh

what was sung in it? ( About Russia, about mom...)

Educator: What is Russia? (children's answers)

Educator:Today, we will talk about our country, about our native land in which we live.

The teacher offers to listen to a poem

“Russia is my Motherland!”

Russia, my Motherland!

Take care of yourself!

Its expanses are blue

Painfully dear, dear ones.

Russia is my homeland, yours,

And our loved ones

We say thank you for everything!

And we bow low!

What does the word "Motherland" mean?

- “Native side” is the place where everything is dear to us, close, where we were born, where everything is dear to us.

This place is called differently Motherland! Our Motherland is Russia!

Guys, what is the name of the capital of our Motherland? ( Moscow)

What is the name of the president of our country?

– Like all states in the world, Russia has its own state symbols. Which? ( Coat of arms, flag, anthem.)

Who can tell me the colors of the Russian flag? ( White, blue, red)

Guys, these colors were not chosen by chance. They have long been considered the most beautiful in Rus'. Often while reading

In Russian fairy tales we meet these colors: the sea is blue, the maiden is red, spring is red, white. What

represents each color of the flag.

Educator: White means peace, nobility, purity.

Blue - heaven and fidelity.

Red color – fire, courage, heroism.


White color - birch,

Blue is the color of the sky,

Red stripe -

Sunny dawn


Russia has a majestic

The coat of arms has a double-headed eagle,

So that to the west, to the east

He could look right away

He is strong, wise and proud.

He is Russia's free spirit.

What is an anthem? (The anthem is the most important song of the country. The anthem is listened to while standing.)

- Right! Each country has its own anthem. Now we will listen to the Russian anthem.

The “National Anthem of the Russian Federation” is played

Music A.V. Alexandrova, lyrics. S.V. Mikhalkova

Educator: What kind of music does the anthem have? ( The music was solemn, majestic, proud.)

Our country is huge, there are oceans and seas, rivers and lakes, mountains and forests. There are more than one thousand in Russia

cities, there are a lot of them. All this is our Big Motherland!

Proverbs Children.

The native land is a paradise for the heart.

There is no more beautiful country in the world than ours.

A man without a homeland is like a nightingale without a song.

On the other side, the Motherland is doubly sweeter.

Learn to defend your motherland.

If friendship is great, the Motherland will be strong.

To live - to serve the Motherland

Take care of your homeland like the apple of your eye.

The native land is sweet even in a handful.

And people also say: “Where you were born, that’s where you come in handy.” What do you think this means? (answers

There is a place in our country where we were born and grow up, where our parents and friends live, where

our home– this is our city, this is our native land, this is our Small Motherland.

Each of us has a small Motherland. What is the name of the village where you live? ( Lower

Ushma, Baltasi, Malye Lyzi, Bolshie Lyzi).

The place where our villages and villages are located, called the Republic of Tatarstan.

Many Tatarstan poets, artists, writers dedicated their poems and paintings to the Small Motherland.

So today I want to talk to you about my native land, about our Motherland - about Republic of Tatarstan. Our

The republic is very large and beautiful. She has her own national flag and coat of arms (showing the flag and

coat of arms)

She also has her own anthem, which was written by a Tatar composer

Rustem Yakhin

Children, let's stand up and listen to the anthem of the Republic of Tatarstan (the anthem plays). Sit down guys.

Now let’s look at the flag of the Republic of Tatarstan

Please tell me what colors the flag of Tatarstan is divided into? (green, white and red)

Educator: Right. Each color has its own meaning. Red– the color of the sun, fire. Green

the color of living nature and youth, and white the color means a symbol of purity and peace (flag display).

On state emblem Republic of Tatarstan(showing the coat of arms) depicts a winged white leopard on

background of the red sun. The leopard represents wealth and strength. On the leopard's side is a round shield, on which

an aster is depicted. The shield means protection, the flower means long life. All colors of the state emblem

resemble the colors of the national flag. Inside the green ring is written in gold Tatar ornament,

symbolizing the beauty and fertility of our land.

Educator: What is the widest river flowing in our republic?


Educator: Well done. Volga, one of the longest and deepest rivers in Russia.

Are you probably a little tired already? Let's take a little rest. Come out to me, everyone.


“The territory of our republic is very large ( arms to the sides).

Beautiful ships sail along deep rivers (depict waves).

Tall trees grow in the forests ( Hands up).

Clubfoot bears live in the thicket of the forest ( we depict bears, gray hares(jumping, red foxes

(depict foxes).

Colorful butterflies flutter in the fields (wave your arms, green grasshoppers jump (jump)."

Well done guys, take your seats. Let's continue our conversation about the Republic


Guys, who can tell me what the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is called?

(The capital of the Republic of Tatarstan is Kazan)

The city of Kazan is very large and beautiful city. Many legends are associated with the name of this city. Kazan –

in Tatar



Do you still know the Republic of Tatarstan?

(Naberezhnye Chelny, Nizhnekamsk, Bugulma, Chistopol, Almetyevsk, Elabuga and others.

Educator: Well done, everything is correct. Guys, do you know the name of this car? (Show

pictures of KAMAZ.)




release ?


Naberezhnye Chelny.)

Educator: - Every city in Tatarstan is famous for something, but in our republic, in addition to cities, there are

There are also villages where rich harvests are grown. Tatarstan is an agricultural region. In his fields

grow a lot different cultures. What crops do we grow? ( Buckwheat is grown in the fields,

oats, peas.)







Rye and wheat are grown.

The Republic of Tatarstan is a multinational republic. Throughout Tatarstan, people live in different

nationalities: Tatars, Udmurts, Russians, Chuvashs and many others. They all live in peace and harmony.

Together they work, relax, build houses, cities, increase the wealth of their native land and take care of it.

Let the trees grow lushly in our gardens and forests, let the birds sing calmly. Let in springs and wells

the water will be clean and transparent, let there be a lot of fish in the ponds and lakes. All this is our wealth.

Loving your homeland, nature, means taking care of it, taking care of it, and being friends with it!

Educator: Guys, do you love your Motherland?

Let's see what memorable places is there in our village?

View slides with views of the village.

Lesson summary:

Guys, what did we do today? What did you like most?

(children's answers)

Why do you love your small homeland(Children's answers.)

Why do people say: “On someone else’s side, I’m glad to have my little crow”? (Children's answers.)

What needs to be done to make our Motherland become more and more beautiful over the years? (Children's answers.)

Dear guys! Love your homeland - big and small. Try to find out more about its people and

history, take care of its nature, preserve its customs and traditions.

Mingazova E.N., teacher of kindergarten No. 54 “Iskorka”, Naberezhnye Chelny

Leading: Hello children! Isanmesez balalar!

Today we celebrate Tatarstan Independence Day. Every year

On August 30, our Republic celebrates its birthday. When we talk about Tatarstan, we talk about our homeland. Because Tatarstan is our Motherland. We were born here, we live here. And we like our Motherland, our Tatarstan. Our Republic is rich in fertile lands, rivers, and forests. Some of largest rivers Europe is our rivers: Kama, Volga. Wheat and rye grow well on our lands. The greatest pride of Tatarstan is the people living in the republic. And everyone who lives here deeply loves their native Tatarstan, the peoples live together and peacefully.


Tatarstan’s native land

From an early age you have always been with me

Lovely land, forest, lilac, mushroom

Nightingales sing songs for me here

And spring streams gurgle for me.

Song: “Tatarstan” music Andreeva R. words by Rakyipov R.


Our Tatarstan

Famous for friendship

And we will live in Tatarstan

I like it very much


Komesh sularyn, zәңgәr urmanyn

Yakyn kүңelgә Tatarstan

Sintugan yageum

Sinmin Tatrstan!


Tatarstan Uz Ilebez

Bezneң gaziz җirebez

Shushi gaziz hirebezne

Balalary inde without

Song: “Koyashli Il”


They live in our area

Udmurts and Mari

I am Russian, I am Tatar

Together: But we are very friendly.


We are in our native Tatarstan

We live together happily

In Tatar and Russian

We dance and sing.

Dance: “Colorful game”

The Clown comes in:

What kind of holiday? (children's answers)

How well do you know about the Republic of Tatarstan? Now I’ll ask you questions about who knows the most about you, so I’ll check.

What is the name of our Republic?

What is the name of the capital of our Republic?

What rivers flow in our Republic?

What cities do you know?

What national holiday is held in summer?

What kind of headdresses do Tatars have? For men, for women?

What colors are on the flag of Tatarstan?

What is written on the coat of arms of Tatarstan?

Clown: how much you know! Do you know how to play?

Leading: our children play the Tatar round dance game “Kapkala”.

Round dance game "Kapkala"

Clown: How smart and funny you all are, and now let’s see how clever you are.


  1. Running in sacks
  2. Jumping on a big ball.

Clown: Well done! It was so much fun, but now it’s time for me to go back to the circus, goodbye!

Leading: This concludes our holiday. Thanks everyone! Zur rahmat!

Olga Ivanova

Summary of the integrated lesson


(Acquaintance with the surroundings and application)

Preparatory group

Target: Fostering patriotic feelings - love for the Motherland, respect for the flag and coat of arms of Tatarstan.


To cultivate love for the native land, for its nature, careful attitude to her, respect and pride for her people;

Give children an idea of ​​what the Motherland, native land is;

Introduce the map and symbols of the Republic of Tatarstan;

Tell about the natural resources of your native land;

To consolidate children's knowledge about the capital of Kazan and their hometown;

Get to know the sights and historical monuments Kazan and your city.

Continue to introduce children to Tatar national costumes and patterns.

To cultivate interest in Tatar folk ornamental art.

Learn to create your own pattern.

Vocabulary work: president, coat of arms, anthem, mosque, skullcap, ornament, tulip, pattern, kalfak, camisole, apron.

Enrich and activate the vocabulary: flags, flagstaff, coat of arms, familiarity with proverbs and sayings Tatar people, artistic word.

Previous work: Give general idea about the Tatar republic, its cities. Looking at albums, illustrations on the topic, getting to know the legends of Kazan, a geographical map, coat of arms, flag, listening to the anthem of the Russian Federation, talking about Tatarstan and its cities.

Equipment: Geographic map, flags of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Russian Federation, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan, portraits of presidents, audio recordings, silhouette of a boy and a girl in Tatar national costumes, glue, colored paper, waste material.

Progress of the lesson:

Circle of Joy

Hello guys! I want to invite you to a wonderful “circle of joy”. We will join hands and show how big and great our country is (children and teacher join hands) And now let’s raise our hands up (raise their hands). Look! This is what it is, our huge Motherland with endless fields and lakes, magnificent villages and cities! And our Motherland is very friendly, let's give each other the kindest smile. Well done!

Educator: Guys, what do you think the Motherland is?

Children's answers.

Educator: Motherland, guys, is first of all the closest people: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa. This is your home, the street, the village where you were born and live, this is the kindergarten where you go, your teachers, this is the nature that surrounds you. And to make it even clearer for you, I would like to ask Alina to recite a poem about the Motherland.

A child reads a poem about the Motherland:

What do we call Motherland?

The land where you and I live,

And birch trees along the road we are walking along.

What do we call Motherland?

The sun is in the sky blue and fragrant, golden

Bread at the festive table!

What do we call Motherland?

The house where you and I grow,

And the starlings' spring songs

Behind the open window.

Educator: For all of us, the Motherland is our Republic.

What is the name of our Republic?

Children: Tatarstan.

Educator: Tell me, children, who is the biggest and main man in our Republic?

Children: Minnikhanov Rustam Nurgalievich

Educator: What do you think his main task What should he do first?

Children: So that in our republic all peoples live peacefully and harmoniously, work together - grow bread, build new cars, airplanes, modern and beautiful houses.

Educator: Which city is called the capital of our republic.

Children: City of Kazan.

Educator: Let's look at the stand that depicts our capital.

The teacher leads the children to a stand with state symbols

Educator: Children, do you know what this is?

Children: Flag, coat of arms of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Educator: Each country has distinctive signs - state symbols: flag, coat of arms and anthem. Let's remember what parts the flag consists of? Show us what colors we see on the panel and what they mean?

Children: Shaft, cloth. The flag is divided into three parts: the top is green, the bottom is red, the middle is a narrow white stripe. Red is the color of the sun and fire. Green is a symbol of wildlife and youth. White is a symbol of purity, honor and peace.

Educator: Well done, guys!

Children: The state emblem of the Republic of Tatarstan depicts a white leopard, winged against the background of a red sun. Leopard is wealth and strength. On the side of the leopard is a round shield with an aster depicted on it. The shield means protection, and the flower means long life. The winged white leopard - he protects our republic so that there is no war. All colors of the coat of arms resemble the colors of the State Flag. The red sun brings warmth and goodness to our people. Inside the green ring there is a Tatar ornament carved in gold, this is a symbol of the beauty and fertility of our land. At the top of the coat of arms is a tulip - a favorite element of the Tatar people’s ornaments. The entire coat of arms speaks of the goodness, prosperity and friendship of our republic.

Educator: Where do you think you can see the state emblem?

Children: On border posts that are installed on the borders of Russia with other countries, on important documents, on money.

Educator: Well done, guys.

Educator: Our Republic is so big that we cannot take one look at it and travel around it from one end to the other in one day. But where can we immediately see its borders and rivers, forests, and cities?

Children: On the map.

Educator: That's right, well done children! Let's look at the map of the Republic of Tatarstan. The border is a red ribbon. What is the territory of our Republic like?

Children: On a running horse.

Educator: Guys, our great-grandfathers loved horses very much. They raised large herds of horses, rode them, fought, and plowed. Look, the rivers on the map are depicted with a blue ribbon: Volga, Kama, Belaya, Kazanka. Green spots - dense forests, meadows, yellow spots - wide margins, circles – cities.

Educator: What other cities of Tatarstan do you know?

Children: Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny, Leninogorsk, Elabuga, Chistopol, Almetyevsk, Nizhnekamsk, Zainsk, Nurlat, Aznakaevo.

Educator: Children, tell us what these cities are famous for?

Children: In Naberezhnye Chelny, on the banks of the Kama River, an automobile plant was built that produces Kamaz trucks.

Tires are produced in Nizhnekamsk, oil is extracted in the cities of Bugulma and Almetyevsk, and gasoline is made from oil. Beautiful watches are made at the watch factory in Chistopol.

Guys, tell me, what is the name of our city?

Children: Leninogorsk.

Educator: Let's try to find our city Leninogorsk on the map.

Children, together with their teacher, look for the city of Leninogorsk on the map.

What is the main wealth of our city?

Children: This is oil

Educator: Right. Are oil and gas also the main wealth of our Republic?

Tataria provides our entire country with oil; all republics receive gasoline, fuel oil, and fuel from Tataria, and they heat their homes with gas.

Educator: Children, what do they grow in the fields of the republic?

Children: Wheat, rye, barley, oats, buckwheat, peas, and beets are grown in the fields.

Well done guys, yes, Tatarstan is an agricultural region.

The teacher takes the children to the photo stand in the city of Leninogorsk.

Educator: Guys, do you recognize these places in our city?

Children name the city's landmarks

Educator: You know that we live in a multinational Republic. What nationalities do people live in Tatarstan?

Children's answers.

Educator: Do you know how one nation differs from another? Each nation has its own language of communication and outwardly they differ from each other. Each nation has its own music, songs, dances, games, and art.

The teacher brings the children to a doll in a Tatar national costume.

Educator: What do you think is her nationality? Why do you think so?

Children's answers.

Let's say hello to the doll in Tatar.

Children's answers.

Educator: Guys, what would you like to give this doll a Tatar name?

Children's answers.

Educator: Our Alsou doll invites you to play the Tatar national game.

Tatar national game

Educator: Guys, now I want to invite you and your doll to an art workshop.

Let's look at our Alsou's costume. I also want to introduce you to the boy Ilnur. We also have him in the Tatar national costume. Let's look at what elements their clothing consists of.

Children: Alsou's costume consists of a dress, an apron, and boots. Ilnur has a shirt, a skullcap, trousers, and a sleeveless jacket.

Educator: Guys, how are their national costumes decorated?

Children: Pattern, ornament.

Educator: You and I have already studied the Tatar ornament and played the game “Lay Out the Ornament.” Tell me which ornamental elements predominate in the Tatar costume.

Children: Floral (tulip, curl, petals, bells, daisies, etc.)

Educator: Right. Guys, let's see what other elements of Tatar there are national costume. And what are they called?

Children, together with the teacher, examine the elements of the costume.

Educator: Guys, since we came to the workshop, it means we will also make crafts. Today I invite you to decorate Tatar costumes yourself. In front of you is a girl and a boy in Tatar costumes. But their costumes are not decorated with ornaments. Let us decorate their costumes with ornaments. There are colored paper and element templates on the tables. floral ornament, scissors, glue, as well as waste material (beads, magazine clippings, sequins, rhinestones and much more).

Please tell me how you can decorate their costumes, where will you glue the ornament?

Children: The ornament will be on an apron, vest, skullcap, kalfak, and boots.

Educator: Guys, let's divide you into two groups. One group will decorate the girl's costume. And the other group is a girl's costume.

Children are optionally divided into two groups.

Practical work.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, did you like our activity today and what did you like about it?

Children's answers.

Educator: We talked about our native land, about its cities, about the people living next to us, about what they do, what is remarkable about our cities and villages. There is enough space for everyone under the sky of Tatarstan. All people try to live peacefully, in friendship and respect for the customs of other peoples.

Dear guys, you worked hard today, I’m happy for you, well done.