Auto parts franchise: how to choose and how much it costs. What benefits could come from such cooperation? What types of franchises exist and which ones are optimal for the auto parts market?

To get a guarantee of profit from a new business, you should not only choose the right idea, there is also the option of opening your own business as a franchise. You can open an auto parts store as a franchise on the Internet or as a regular retail outlet. Each type of activity has its pros and cons, and if desired, you can open both on the basis of one warehouse. A franchise business is not only profitable, all invested money is protected, and this particular franchise - auto parts - guarantees a constant flow of customers, because almost every citizen today has their own car, or even more than one.

Option with less investment

Of course, this is an online store. To open it, you only need to purchase goods and rent a small warehouse space. Costs are kept to a minimum and opening time is short. Over time, this type of activity, with sufficient profit, can expand to stationary retail outlets in large cities and result in a small chain of stores.

Option with more profit

A large profit comes from an auto parts franchise - reviews confirm this - based on regular stores. This is due to the ability of each client to first look at the product and then purchase it. Even detailed description parts in the online store cannot always guarantee that it will fit the car, and the return process will take too much time.

Preparatory actions

Since a private person does not have the right by law to become a franchisee, to open a franchise business, you must first register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. The easiest way is to choose the first option and, if necessary, expand in the future and re-register the business as an LLC. Registration of an individual entrepreneur takes about one working week and costs a little more than a couple thousand rubles.

As a result, the aspiring businessman receives:

  • confirmation of registration with the Pension Fund;
  • extract from the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • confirmation of registration with the tax service;
  • entries in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs;
  • confirmation of assignment of statistical codes.

Then all that remains is to open a bank account, which is done very quickly, and order a stamp. You can choose a bank for work at your discretion. Today they exist huge amount, so everyone can choose the most suitable one for themselves.

How to register an individual entrepreneur

For those who have no idea what is needed to register an individual business, you should know that everything can be done either during a personal visit to the tax office or via the Internet. Official forms of all necessary documents are available on the Federal Tax Service website, where you can print them out, fill them out and take them to the tax office at your place of permanent residence.

It is important to know that a franchise for the sale of auto parts can operate not only in a certain region, but subsequently throughout the country, but a business can only be registered at the place of registration. If you are actually located in another region, it will be more convenient to submit documents online through the official tax website. You can also pay the state fee via the Internet. After a successful registration stage, the applicant will receive an email with the date and time of receipt of documents for further activities. IN in this case It is already necessary to visit the tax office in person.

What is a franchise?

This type of business represents the opening of a point on the basis of a large influential partner, whose name will be used for the store in the future. The point is that a large partner - the franchisor - makes a profit from using own name other entrepreneurs and their sales of “big brother” goods. Newly founded businessmen - franchisees - thanks to their well-known name and form of doing business, receive a guaranteed profit. The agreement between the parties clearly regulates their obligations, which cannot be violated until its end. Usually subsidiary undertakes to conduct activities only in a certain place and in the declared form, and a major patron - to provide assistance with goods and technologies, provide staff training and other support.

Positive aspects

Since a franchise (auto parts) involves the patronage of a well-known brand, the benefit for a novice entrepreneur consists of several options. First of all this famous name on the store sign, which guarantees a stable profit from sales from the moment of opening.

The profit of a large company from the franchisee includes monthly fees, so the success of its activities is in the interests of the owner, and the latter always provides help and support. The issuance of loans to franchisees is almost always approved.

Those who open such a business are immediately provided with a detailed calculation of the business’s payback and regular profits.

The downside of business is the obligation of the franchisee to conduct business only according to an established scheme. On the one hand, this guarantees a stable income, but on the other hand, it simply does not allow you to make your own adjustments to your work.

Negative points

The Auto Parts franchise obliges you to work according to the strict regulations of a large company, which are described in detail in the contract. Also, since the profit of the main owner of the business depends on the fulfillment of all duties of the franchisee, the latter will constantly monitor all activities, and regular communication with him will make new business part of a larger system. New ideas can only be introduced with the permission of the patron, which is very difficult to obtain. But such rules are dictated by the franchise.

Auto parts are always in demand. And entering this business is not so easy. It involves full financing of all stages of opening, as well as payment of a lump sum fee and further monthly payments. Thus, you have to pay handsomely to guarantee profits.

In the event of the collapse of the patron's business, the franchise will cease to operate immediately after the end of the contract.

Search for a patron

The franchise of an auto parts store for foreign cars, domestic or truck models is successful only if you choose the right franchisor. Inexperienced entrepreneurs begin their search on the World Wide Web on their own. Of course, such a search will give results, but it will take a lot of time and effort, so it’s best to trust at the moment professionals. Paid inspection services charge about five thousand rubles for their reports. These mainly include private brokers, but the easiest way is to check a future partner through the SPARK business platform. Its reports are provided only upon provision of the TIN of the company being inspected and within a few hours.

Clients are offered several reporting options:

  • sheet;
  • profile;
  • finance.

In order to even choose the ideal option for yourself from the provided list of verified companies, you will need to spend a lot of time studying the data of each of the possible franchisors. For example, reviews of the AGIRA franchise (auto parts for Korean cars) have positive character, and some, even with all their primary attractiveness, according to reviews from real partners, are “not ideal.”

Opening a point

The "Auto parts for foreign cars" franchise opens much more often than others due to the high demand for this product. When choosing this line of activity and in addition to selecting a franchisor, you need to decide on the premises and personnel. Any auto shop requires start-up capital to open. For a franchise business, money should also be allocated for lump sum, so the minimum amount will be a million rubles. It is necessary to rent a premises and make cosmetic repairs in it in strict accordance with the requirements of the franchisor, but usually the area is at least 70 m2, where a third is occupied by the warehouse premises. Equipment trading floor also depends on the requirements of the contract.

As a rule, further monthly costs amount to about 10% of the profit and go to pay for:

  • employee salaries;
  • utility bills;
  • royalties (contributions).

According to average calculations, a franchise for the sale of auto parts for foreign cars fully pays off within the first few years of operation for any region.

Compliance with foreign manufacturers

According to statistics, there are much more foreign-made cars in our country than domestic ones. You can even determine this yourself by looking at passing cars. To ensure regular and decent profits, you should pay attention to this type of activity, because there will definitely not be a shortage of clients, especially if the store operates under the sign of a well-known brand.

So, it is necessary to determine the larger number of cars in the city that do not have specialty store spare parts in the same locality or nearby.

For example, lately Korean-made car brands have begun to gain popularity, and if there is no specialized store in the city yet, then a Korean auto parts franchise will be the ideal choice. You will only need to find a suitable patron for the business and conclude a deal with him.

Domestic auto industry

Despite the popularity of foreign-made cars, domestic ones do not give up their positions and have personal fans. Considering also the fact that our AvtoVAZ creations break down much more often, and the spare parts for them are much cheaper, the turnover in the spare parts store for such cars will be much higher.

Not a very popular franchise

Auto parts for foreign cars are always perceived as a business aimed at owners of foreign-made passenger cars, but you can direct your skills to large-sized vehicles. Of course, this idea is not the best option for starting a new business, since there are much fewer trucks, and the profit from such a store will be low. Stable income is ensured only by concluding large contracts for the supply of parts, but retail sales will be minimal. If you still want to pay attention to this vehicle, it is better to sell spare parts for trucks in parallel with the main focus on passenger cars.

Correct analysis

To do right choice business ideas for a specific city, you should study the existing market in detail. To do this, you can perform all the steps yourself or use the services of a specialized service, which, for a fee, will provide a detailed report on the optimal type of business. For this purpose, the YouDo service fully studies the demand and supply of a particular city for specific services with a description of the advantages and disadvantages of competitors. Saving time and evaluating the results provided is worth the money spent on this, because on your own, without experience, you can miss many nuances.

It’s not difficult to start a franchise business; the most important thing is to be able to raise it to a certain level in order to make a good profit.

One of the most profitable directions business – trade in auto parts. However, if you do not have the necessary skills and abilities to open such a business, you should turn your attention to the catalog of ready-made franchises.

Features of the auto parts business

Before deciding to open such a store, you need to clearly analyze all the information about competitors operating in the same area in which you plan to open a store.

After analyzing such information, you can make a conclusion about whether it is worth opening a store in this area. In addition, when opening a store, it is imperative to take into account the main areas of sale of spare parts:

  • Parts for foreign cars made in Europe.
  • Parts for domestic cars.
  • Parts for foreign cars made in America.

The main expenses in a business such as the sale of parts come from technical elements and premises. To organize such a car shop, an area of ​​at least 60 square meters is required:

  • 30% - warehouse.
  • 50% - trading floor.
  • 20% - office space.

Organizing a business with auto parts is quite profitable, however, it is difficult to implement on initial stages. In order to significantly facilitate the process of organizing a business, you should pay attention to franchising.

Franchising itself involves one party giving formal permission to another party to use the business model, style and other elements of the company for a fee.


This company offers one of the most profitable franchises. The company's chain of stores practices an individual approach to each client. Additionally, working under such a franchise implies participation in special system loyalty, which is provided for store customers.

The company has quite good reputation in the field of auto parts sales. Franchising a company involves selling auto parts in one of the following areas:

  • "Korean".
  • "Japanese".
  • "European".
  • "Chinese".

When working under a franchise, the user is provided with knowledge and experience, as well as clear regulation of all processes of working with staff, suppliers and clients.

At the moment, the number of the company's own stores is 32, and 43 franchise stores.

Advantages of the offer:

  • Using an advertised brand.
  • High level of demand for the product.
  • Central office support.
  • Good business profitability.

Franchise data:

  • Right to use the brand.
  • Basic principles and standards of doing business.
  • The right to use intellectual developments.
  • Full training.
  • Special software.
  • Legal advice.
  • Personnel management system training.
  • Recommendations for administration and accounting.


Franchising from this company provides for the sale of spare parts from well-known brands. The selection of products and spare parts features is made based on the region and personal preferences of the user.

In addition, the company guarantees that it will not make additional sales of rights to the selected brand in this region.

Advantages of the offer:

  • Access to a ready-made online store.
  • Providing instructions for starting a business.
  • Providing instructions for assortment selection.
  • Opening access to the supplier database.
  • Consultations and support of the main company.
  • Conducting business trainings.

Life in a traffic jam

This company primarily works with those people who spend part of their lives in traffic. The company sells products to improve the comfort and safety of cars.

Franchising from this company implies the sale of the following types of goods:

  • Car gadgets.
  • Textile products.
  • Car accessories.
  • Sets for women.
  • Sets for long trips.
  • Products that increase the level of comfort in the car.
  • Auto chemical goods.
  • Automotive products for children.

To open a business with this company, an investment of at least 250,000 rubles is required. An online store for organizing trade is provided free of charge.

Franchising involves the sale of parts with a markup from 50 to 100%. During the first 6 months, an advance payment for the goods of 100% is required. The user can work under the company's trademark, use its logo, equipment and design.


The franchise of an online auto parts store from this company involves the sale of spare parts via the Internet. The company offers to trade spare parts on a franchising basis. This franchise is the best way to open your own business.

When concluding a franchise agreement, the user is provided with the following information:

  • Scheme of the company's work.
  • Access to your own website.
  • Access to a database of suppliers and clients.
  • Document processing and record keeping system.
  • Personnel management system.
  • Program for accounting of your own clients.


The sale of auto parts offered by this company is carried out via the Internet. Advantages of the offer:

  • Obtaining a means of selling goods.
  • Access to an extensive database of auto parts.
  • Access to supplier data and spare parts warehouse addresses.
  • Advertising campaign from the company.
  • Extensive technical support.
  • Free staff training.
  • Minimum costs for setting up a business.
  • Providing promotional materials.

Opening your own business in the field of auto parts sales from scratch is quite difficult. To do this, you need to have certain business skills and abilities. Purchasing a franchise will allow you to start your own business as quickly as possible with minimal costs and risks. Most franchise offers from well-known companies involve providing comprehensive support to the user, which greatly simplifies the process of doing business. Therefore, purchasing a franchise is an ideal solution for novice entrepreneurs who do not have sufficient business experience.

Auto parts franchise: the essence of the business and its directions + 3 types of business models + assessment of the relevance of the business + review of 7 leading franchises.

With increasing imports and total number cars on the road franchising opportunities for auto parts dealers are one of the most promising business niches available today. Almost every brand has its own franchise, the auto parts of which are exclusively provided to partners. And with them - new opportunities for trade.

By opening your own spare parts store as a franchisee, you can ensure not only a stable profit, but also an increase in your customer base. Also, do not forget that you will receive a thoughtful marketing plan and a stable supply of high-quality components from the franchisor.

How popular is the idea? Statistically, more than 4.5 thousand cars are purchased every day in our country. It is unknown how many break downs occur on Russian roads every day. But it is obvious that each auto part may require replacement (sometimes more than one) during the period of operation of the car.

And this reason alone makes the auto parts industry so profitable and evergreen. Therefore, as long as there are breakdowns in cars, the auto parts store will provide the owner with a constant income.

Choosing a direction to open a franchise business

Don't forget: it's not just tires, valves and bolts. This includes engine oil and custom-made body parts... the list goes on and on.

Therefore, when deciding to open your own franchise service, you should be guided not only by financial capabilities, but also by choosing what products you will sell. There is no way to do this without preliminary market research.

Please take a look at the statistics below. How might this affect the franchise you purchase? Auto parts for foreign cars will clearly be a priority in the coming years:

However, if we take the statistics of calls for breakdowns at service stations, we will see that domestic cars confidently top the anti-rating:

In addition, there are franchises that provide service exclusively for trucks and SUVs.

A lot depends on the choice of the initial direction, since for very obvious reasons an auto parts store simply will not be able to fully satisfy the needs of customers of all segments, especially at the beginning of work and with modest budgets. Therefore, you need to choose wisely - first of all, based on the demand in your region.

Please note: never try to start your own business as a side hustle or extra income. To become truly successful and profitable, this type of retail business will require constant attention, dedication, responsibility and effort.

Retail types and business models

To summarize, there are three business models for starting your own auto parts store. Each of them has its own characteristics. And when choosing, you often need to take into account not only the financial component, but also the location of the store. An important factor there will be current situation affairs on the market in the region of doing business.

So, there are these types of retailing:

    Automotive spare parts retail store without additional services.

    This is the simplest, most popular and least expensive type of business model. To start a business, you need to study the market, find a suitable place to open a store and negotiate supplies. At the same time it is required.

    Auto parts store with service station.

    Almost the same as a regular store, but with the opportunity not only to purchase auto parts, but also to install them on site. Requires much larger capital investments, as well as a larger staff. But it is worth understanding that due to the provision of additional services, the profit will be higher.

    Online distribution store.

    Products are sold through an online store; operation requires a warehouse and a convenient catalog with a selection of products. The least labor-intensive business model, but requiring clear understanding areas of online sales and reliable advertising campaigns.

The last option is the most actively developing type of retailing:

When calculating start-up costs, the first type of business model is usually used, since it is the most popular. Let's calculate the approximate starting capital that is needed to open an auto parts store.

Please note: Amounts will vary from city to city. Opening a store in Moscow, the Moscow region and St. Petersburg will cost more.

The calculation was performed using the example of placing an auto parts store in a covered area of ​​90 square meters. m.:

  • Repair and arrangement of the premises: $1500 - $2200.
  • Purchase of commercial and work equipment: $1150.
  • Preparation of documentation, obtaining all licenses: $400.
  • Ordering starting goods for sale: $18,000 - $20,000.

In total, we will receive an impressive amount - from $21,000. It is also worth considering that these are not final expenses. Every month it takes from 2.5 thousand to 3 thousand US dollars to maintain the business.

Nevertheless, the payback period cannot be disappointing. On average, it takes 8-18 months of active work to “recoup” an investment.

There is also a fourth method - creating a store by concluding an agreement with the franchisor. If you have no experience in the automotive industry, or the starting capital is small, but you want to open a large-scale business, it is better to have a reliable brand of auto parts.

We will talk about all the advantages and disadvantages of such work further.

How profitable will the idea of ​​selling auto parts (franchise) be?

Everyone has individual entrepreneur there will be an answer to this question. But I would like to note that sooner or later many independent stores begin to operate under a certain franchise. Why?

There may be several reasons why entrepreneurs want to open an auto parts store as a franchise:

  • The salon begins to operate under the name of a well-known brand, while receiving all the benefits of this brand, including exclusive products from the manufacturer.
  • Opening own business“from scratch” requires much more capital investment than a franchise. The savings occur due to the fact that franchisees practically do not have to invest in advertising. In addition, the franchisor provides products for the outlet at a significant discount.
  • Most often, franchisors also provide a ready-made development strategy or several business models at once, based on the partner’s budget.
  • Along with the conclusion of a franchise, auto parts receive assistance in attracting new customers through advertising and promotional events.

Despite everything obvious advantages, some entrepreneurs refuse to enter into an agreement with the franchisor, understanding that after it the franchisee undertakes to comply with all recommendations and requirements specified in the agreement.

Sometimes franchisors, guided by corporate policy, prohibit a partner from carrying out any independent activities. Otherwise, they may lead to penalties agreed upon in advance when concluding the contract. For creative people, such conditions are too significant a disadvantage.

But most often, franchise cooperation is mutually beneficial. Looking at the experience of our Western colleagues, we can confidently say that the auto parts retail industry is rapidly developing, and franchises are largely to thank for this.

7 Russian auto parts franchises for foreign and domestic cars

So, you have decided to open a car parts salon, having entered into a cooperation contract with the franchisee. First you need to figure out which franchises are considered leading on the Russian market in 2019, and what “features” they have.

Franchise #1.

The company "Quick Order" has gained popularity due to its pricing policy, as well as a wide variety of products - auto parts for foreign cars, a wide selection of oils, additives and body parts. In total, more than 70 million parts are available in the database.

The cost of purchasing a franchise will be from 30,000 rubles. up to 80,000 rub. Read more about the terms of cooperation here:

Franchise No. 2.

The range of products produced by Suprotek includes lubricants for machines and industrial equipment. In general, we are talking about the largest manufacturer on the Russian market.

In the company's product catalog you can find a whole range of additives for gearboxes, engines, and engine oil. This is exactly the franchise that provides partners with an exclusive selection of products.

The cost of concluding a franchise agreement is from RUB 500,000. up to 600,000 rub.

Franchise No. 3.

The franchise stands out among the rest with its low prices from the manufacturer. Because of this, the payback period is quite fast, acceptable for franchisees with a small amount of funds on hand.

If a partner plans to further develop in the sale of auto parts from Japan, the USA, Germany, this is exactly the franchise. Auto parts for foreign cars are the “backbone” here.

The required investment in the purchase of an auto parts franchise is from RUB 30,000. up to 60,000 rub.

Franchise No. 4.

A chain of auto parts stores that covers the entire territory of Russia. The minimum cost of the contract will be 85,000 rubles. The franchisee provides a full range of services - from the arrangement of premises and the purchase of equipment to advertising and a customer database.

For a franchise partner who wants to engage in online retailing, a high focus on sales through an online store will be a plus.

Franchise No. 5.

A network of tire stores focused on products for two- and four-wheeled vehicles. A bonus for the partner will be the franchise’s assistance in organizing a service station.

Franchises available for purchase different offers, the maximum cost of the package is 500,000 rubles.

Franchise No. 6.

"Masuma" is engaged in placing orders and producing auto parts in Japanese factories, which undergo a full customs control and have all the necessary certificates. The most profitable option for those who want to rely on the sale of individually manufactured parts.

The cost of the Masuma franchise depends on the terms of the contract. However, despite the exclusivity of the details, franchise cooperation is possible even with minimal starting capital.

The best auto parts franchise of the AvtoMoyo Group of Companies.

How to open your own business?

Franchise No. 7.

One of the few Russian franchises that is an official partner largest producers tires: Yokohama, Bridgestone, Continental, Goodyear, Michelin, Pirelli, Cooper, Marangoni. It differs from other franchises in the greater financial independence of the franchisee and the range of certified products.

There are no entry fees as such. Annual payments include payment under a franchise license agreement for the use of a trademark.

Business in the automotive sector is no longer new look entrepreneurship, but at the same time rapidly developing, including in Russia. This employment is profitable, especially if a franchise helps you to realize your business. Auto parts are an integral part of this business. And so far the competition here is not as tough as in other areas.

If you currently have too little capital, even to open a franchise, consider selling online. In today's digital age, it is simply impossible to ignore the online audience and convenient tools for trading online.

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Why is it that the spare parts business, and even using franchising schemes, is most profitable in Russia now?

There are several objective reasons for this.

  1. First, the fall automobile market Russia, starting from 2012-2013. is gradually approaching its end and there are already the first signs that the downward trend has ended and an increase in sales has begun across the entire spectrum of the automotive market, including spare parts.
  2. Secondly, there is a clearly visible trend of growth in the total service life of vehicles from 4.5 to 6-7 years or more. This suggests that owners of used cars are no longer in such a hurry to part with their assistant and will in every possible way support the purchase of spare parts for it.
  3. Thirdly, the general trend in the Russian car market is increasingly leaning towards the purchase of less status and expensive cars, towards more mass-produced models that require maintenance costs. All this also encourages car owners to use spare parts in order to extend their service life as long as possible.

Thus, we can draw the following conclusion: in the next few years, the Russian spare parts market will outpace the market for the sale of new and even used cars in growth rates. Moreover, this is due not only to the general unstable economic situation in the country, a drop in income levels (in 2018 alone, the average income of a Russian decreased by 11% according to official statistics from Rosstat), but also to the shifting attention of car owners to inexpensive models. All these factors will ultimately determine the increased demand for spare parts for cars of different brands and types.

Naturally, in such a market that is quite resistant to various crisis economic phenomena, even a person who is far from the automotive field and with a relatively small capital can make money. But here one thing should be understood simple thing- such a market attracts more and more players and a newcomer will have to compete with retail chains, well-known brands, and online stores.

Those. We need a business scheme that would help a newcomer with little capital and little practical experience in running a business to enter the auto parts market. One such option is to use a franchise.

In simple terms, franchising is a method of doing business under the name or brand of a company well-known in the market, paying for this help a fixed fee in the form of a lump sum fee or royalty (the fee for the trademark is the franchise). What does this mean for an entrepreneur:

  • You can, with minimal capital, immediately gain access to the supply chain and logistics of the franchisor’s company (that is, the one who gives the right to work under his own brand). You no longer need to spend any effort or time searching for suppliers, working out the supply chain, traveling and looking for counterparties, and concluding contracts with them.
  • the entrepreneur immediately receives powerful marketing support, since working under an already well-known brand eliminates the need to win customer loyalty over the years and spend money on advertising. We already have all this - high-quality auto products and loyal customers.
  • You can receive from a senior business partner certain knowledge and technologies for doing business, including education and training of personnel, connection to the company’s general information network, to its payment systems. This will save a lot of money, especially if the entrepreneur begins to independently implement electronic accounting systems, warehouse programs such as 1C, etc.
  • Also, in certain situations, a franchisee can receive from his partner not only technical or even financial assistance, but also legal support in organizing and running a business in a specific territory.

As you can see, the advantages of using a franchise far outweigh the risks that a beginning businessman may face when independently entering even such a relatively simple market as automobile spare parts.

What types of franchises exist and which ones are optimal for the auto parts market?

Several franchise agreement standards are used in business practice. But, as a rule, franchisors who have been working on the market for more than one year use several such forms at the same time. Here are the most common franchise formats.

In addition to the most common types of franchises presented, the Russian auto parts market also uses such formats as leasing an online auto parts store franchise, corporate franchise, etc.

Structure of a business plan for a franchise

In order to become a partner of a large trading network auto parts, desire and even money will not be enough. To do this, you need, at a minimum, to have a specific business plan for creating such a project, which includes the following mandatory items:

  1. The potential market for auto parts in the city or region is determined, taking into account all risks and competition. It is also being investigated which spare parts are most in demand and with what frequency. This is critical to choosing the right franchise partner. So, for example, to supply parts for foreign cars, one logistics system is required and this is a certain group of clients, but to work with trucks, a different supply chain, a set of suppliers, and a distribution scheme are used.
  2. Opening a legal entity. To begin with, you can limit yourself to opening an individual entrepreneur, but you should not forget about such an aspect of the issue as VAT. If the business format is an individual entrepreneur, you will have to write off this tax on your expenses, but if you have an LLC company format, then you can transfer VAT (re-invoice) to a further chain of clients and buyers legal entities. The total cost to open a store will be a maximum of 15-20 thousand rubles.
  3. Room. For a medium-sized auto parts store, you will need a room of about 100 square meters. m. The cost of rent, purchase, repair is largely determined by local conditions. But many franchisors set one of the main conditions to have a ready-made, renovated premises for a store, with full legal registration. Those. at a minimum, another 2-3 million rubles need to be provided. in the budget.
  4. Staff. Not only customer loyalty, but also product turnover and, accordingly, profit largely depend on how the staff works. Employees must be competent and be able to use all modern accounting and logistics programs used by the franchisor in his business. Personnel costs per month will be at least 150-200 thousand rubles.
  5. Shop equipment. Shelving, office furniture, as well as computer and other equipment are required. All this can be purchased from the same franchisor at a minimal price. This is better than buying the equipment yourself. The cost of such equipment will be at least 200-300 thousand.

Thus, in order to open a store selling spare parts under a franchise, you need an average of 3 million rubles. Moreover, taking into account the cost of the franchise itself, the minimum amount of initial investment can reach 3-4 million rubles.

But again, it all depends on the specific market conditions and the type of contractual relationship between the entrepreneur and the franchisor. Let's say, for a small online store selling car accessories, such investments will amount to a maximum of 15 thousand rubles. monthly royalty payment or lump sum payment.

However, despite the fact that entering the market even as a franchise still requires significant money, one must take into account the fact that the return on such investments occurs much faster than when opening and running a business on your own. The average payback period for an auto parts franchise is usually no more than 4-6 months, since the entrepreneur uses ready-made business schemes and the client base of his senior partner-franchisor.

Trade in spare parts for cars has always been a profitable activity due to its demand. Similar business You can create it either on your own or with the help of a well-known brand on the market. Let's consider whether a spare parts store franchise is profitable.

It's no secret that car manufacturers earn more from spare parts than from selling the vehicles themselves.

Any car is subject to wear and tear, and therefore requires timely repairs and preventive measures to replace one or another element.

The components come in handy here.

It is worth noting that the demand for them never falls. Therefore, selling auto parts is a profitable business. And not only for manufacturers. Intermediaries also manage to make good money from this. The easiest way to “enter” the business is through an auto parts franchise. It doesn’t matter where exactly you open your store. Cooperation with a well-known senior partner in the market will make your business successful.

Franchise benefits

Sales of auto parts is a niche market for which there is always stable demand.

However, anyone who decides to open even a small store will have to face a lot of difficulties from finding suppliers to forming a customer base.

In this case, profit will have to wait at least a year. An auto parts franchise will make it easy to “join” the business.

Buyers tend to trust a well-known brand. Therefore, they will buy products even at inflated prices. No one skimps on their own safety.

A store operating under the name of a well-known brand will not have to be “promoted.” The issue of design and creation of a popular assortment also “disappears.” All this has long been done and tested in practice.

In other words, franchisees will be provided, under certain conditions, with a business plan with all calculations and support at all stages of project development. However, for those who want to create a business according to their own taste, independent of the senior partner, a franchise is unlikely to be suitable. After all, you will have to share both business values, work patterns, and financial success.

Masuma auto parts franchise

The real benefits of opening a point for selling auto parts on a franchising basis are as follows:

  1. The first and main advantage is the relatively low amount of investment. The franchisor will take on half the worries. For example, there is no such large expense item as spending on an advertising campaign. At the same time, franchisors provide junior partners with contacts of “their” suppliers from whom they should purchase products high quality at reasonable prices. Low cost multiplied by trade margin, will lead to high level profit.
  2. “Demand” among clients is ensured. Consumers know who they are going to, why they are going, and what quality of product they will receive. Having never visited you, they already trust you. It is important to note that a certain brand has its own specific advantages that distinguish it from similar companies. It’s its own “trick” (be it pricing policy, product range or payment methods for goods) makes the company’s activities successful. Together with the “name”, all this will be available to you. Create impeccable service and the flow of clients will flow like a river.
  3. Typical mistakes for a “newbie” (extra expenses, unpopular assortment, unfavorable location, etc.) can be avoided. The staff will most likely be trained by the franchisor, the premises will be “approved”, competitors will be researched inside and out, phased development strategies will be worked out, and comparable income levels will be calculated. After all, the franchisor is directly interested in the prosperity of the business of its franchisees. By following a business plan verified by predecessors, you will be able to avoid all the pitfalls of this business.

It is much easier for entrepreneurs operating under a franchise scheme to take out loans for business development/expansion. Banks are willing to provide financing, because the franchisee acts as a guarantor of the transaction.

We decide on the format taking into account the specifics of the business

There is capital, an idea too, but where to start? This question interests many daredevils who have decided to become entrepreneurs. As for the auto business, or more precisely a store selling auto parts, you need to:

  • register as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity;
  • decide on the type of store (standard outlet or online service);
  • select personnel (minimum 3 employees);
  • find a retail space (minimum 20 m2) in an area with convenient access roads;
  • find a reliable franchisor.

The last point is especially important. The specificity of the spare parts trade is that it is necessary to open a store directly for a specific car make or brand. The fact is that auto parts franchises, unlike other franchises, imply specialization. You can sell spare parts under a franchise for:

  • domestic cars;
  • foreign cars;
  • trucks;
  • special equipment;
  • universal components.

Auto parts hypermarket Auto Moe

That is why it is advisable, before giving preference to a franchise of any brand, to study the market widely, and not focus solely on the profitability of the project.

Popular auto parts franchises

Among the abundance of brands, it is important to choose the one that is in demand on the market and offers best conditions. At the same time, you should not trust companies offering very modest investments. Let's look at franchises that may be of interest to “newbies”:

  • Bavaria Auto (focus on spare parts for luxury cars - Mercedes and BMW).
  • TM Autosland (emphasis on providing franchisees with a complete ready-made outlet with an assortment of more than 4 million items).
  • Novaton (emphasis on the widest range of parts produced in the CIS countries).
  • Autodevice (emphasis on an expanded range, including DVRs, navigators, etc.).
  • Gearex (a franchise of an online store of auto parts for foreign cars with prices that are quite attractive to consumers).
  • Automag (emphasis on the sale of related products in addition to spare parts - auto chemicals, repair tools, accessories).
  • ru (emphasis on a popular assortment suitable for all categories of vehicles).

Avtomag – shops for motorists

There are actually a lot of options. When choosing a franchise, it is important to take into account the specifics of the region.

It is unlikely that parts for luxury cars will be in enormous demand in a small town. At the same time, spare parts for VAZs will literally be swept off the shelves.

For a border town, it makes sense, for example, to open a store focused on trucks.

Payback and possible income

Profit from the sale of spare parts is not easy to predict, but not in the case of franchising.

Approximate calculations of the company's profitability and payback period for investments are justified in most cases.

This can be judged based on the experience of predecessors – already existing franchisees:

Brand Specifics Price Total costs Deductions Payback
BoxBattery Trade in thermal products for car batteries 42 thousand rubles. 110 thousand rubles. No 1 month
Autoreality Auto parts for foreign cars 95 thousand rubles. 95 thousand rubles. 5% of profit 5 months
Yulsun Online hypermarket of auto parts 42 thousand rubles. 89-104 thousand rubles. 16 thousand rubles. 1 month
Autodevice Sale of auto electronics 30-89 thousand rubles. 0.35-1.5 million rubles. No 1-2 years
Auto-Moe Spare parts for European, Japanese, Chinese, Korean cars 300 thousand rubles. 2.8 million rubles. 20 thousand rubles. monthly in the 1st year of operation, after 2-3% of profit 2 years
Kuzov-detal Sales of body parts 200 thousand rubles. 200 thousand rubles. 20 thousand rubles. from 4 months of work 3 months
Kaiser Maschinen Gru Supply of special equipment and spare parts for trucks 520 thousand rubles. 1.4 million rubles. 78 thousand rubles. 6 months
Ecomotors Sales of alternative energy products and electric vehicles 2 million rubles 3.5 million rubles. 3% of monthly turnover 2.5 years
Bavaria-Auto Auto parts for BMW and Mercedes 280 thousand rubles. 0.6-1.6 million rubles. No 6-9 months
Life in a traffic jam Auto accessories 57 thousand rubles. 566 thousand rubles. No 8 months
Autolandia Sale of car accessories (radar detectors, alarms, DVRs) 50 thousand rubles. 80 thousand rubles. 15% of profits starting from 3 months of operation 4 months

A feature of auto parts franchising is a wide range starting investments to the project. It is possible to open a store by investing either 300 thousand rubles or several million rubles. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the franchisee.

The markup on spare parts is usually 50% of the cost of the product. The turnover of an average point with an area of ​​70 m 2 or more, in the opening of which 1.5-2 million rubles were invested. investments reaches half a million rubles. per month. Accordingly, you can return the starting capital in 3-4 months with high-quality work. In general, the profitability of such a project fluctuates at 25% for a small store and 50% for a large store.


The number of cars in Russia is growing from year to year, and with it the demand for components.

This is due to the need vehicle always “be on the go”, that is, in working order.

Car repair is impossible without spare parts, therefore, those who sell them have a stable income.

An auto parts franchise provides benefits to both parties to the transaction. The franchising scheme deprives “newcomers” of the difficulties of the company’s formation stage, but gives the main company the opportunity to expand its network.

Having studied the offers for the sale of auto parts from popular franchisors in Russia, you can choose an offer that suits you, based on the available budget for the project. It is wise to rely on versatility. If there are serious competitors, choose a narrow direction.

Many people find the idea of ​​opening a travel agency attractive. With proper calculations and business organization, you can make good profits. , required capital investments and business plan.

You can read useful tips on opening a bookmaker's office in the section.

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