Synopsis for an art lesson in the middle group, “A clumsy bear walks through the forest.” Direct educational activities on artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) in the middle group on the topic “Symbol of the Winter Olympic Games

Summary of direct educational activities in drawing


Middle group.

Program content: introducing children to the Russian artist Yu. Vasnetsov. Teach children to draw a Christmas tree using the poking method with a hard brush. Develop imagination, attention, horizons, vocabulary and interest in fine arts. Cultivate a desire to help each other.

Materials: Portrait of Yuri Vasnetsov, the fairy tale “Three Bears”, illustrated by Yu. Vasnetsov, sheets of paper with images of Christmas trees; gouache; water; bristle brushes.

Preliminary work: reading L. Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”, looking at illustrations different artists to the fairy tale "Three Bears".

Progress of the lesson.

Educator: Guys, do you like to look at books with or without pictures?

Children: With pictures.

Educator: Today I would like to introduce you to the Russian artist Yuri Vasnetsov (portrait show). He drew many pictures for fairy tales. I'll tell you a riddle, and you can guess what kind of fairy tale it is.

Near the forest on the edge of the forest, three of them live in a hut. There are three chairs and three mugs, three beds, three pillows. Guess without a hint Who are the heroes of this fairy tale?

Children:"Three Bears"

Educator: What are their names?

Children: Mikhail Ivanovich, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka

Educator: Look at this picture. Who is pictured on it?

Children: Girl Masha.

Educator: The girl Masha walks alone through the forest, she is lost, she is scared, who is she afraid of?

Children: Wild animals.

Educator: What else is shown in the picture?

Children: Hut.

Educator: Who lives in it?

Children: Bears.

Educator: Where is the hut located?

Children: In the forest.

Educator: Look at how dark the forest is painted, how tall the trees are, the fir trees have tall trunks and fluffy branches looking down. Do you hear someone crying? (the Masha doll appears.) Yes, this is Masha.

Hello, Masha.

Masha: Hello.

Educator: Why are you crying?

Masha: The bears invited me to visit, but I'm afraid to walk through the dark forest to their hut

Educator: Don't worry, Masha, the guys and I can help you. Really guys.

Children: Yes. We'll help.

Educator: We will draw for you cheerful bright green Christmas trees, among which you will have fun and not be afraid to walk.

The teacher demonstrates how to draw Christmas trees using the poking method.

Educator: Look how one fluffy, cheerful Christmas tree turned out, and there are many of them in the forest. Let's go to our workshop together and draw one Christmas tree each to make a forest.

Physical education lesson “Three Bears”.

“Three bears were walking home (Waddle in place) Dad was big - big (hands up, stretch) Mom is with him shorter (hands at chest level) And my son is just a little baby (sit down) He was very small (sway to the sides) Walked with rattles (stand up, hands in front of chest, clench fists) Ding-ding, ding-ding!” (Imitation of playing with rattles).

Children start drawing. The teacher provides individual assistance and support if necessary.

Educator: Masha look how many bright ones there are fluffy Christmas trees the guys drew (examining all the Christmas trees). When they dry, the guys and I will stick them near the path

Masha: Thank you guys. Now I won’t be afraid to visit the bears.

Educator: In the meantime, the Christmas trees are drying, Masha, play with us the game “At the Bear’s Forest.”

Summary of GCD for drawing "Bear" in senior group

Subject: "Bear"

Target : learn to draw a bear along the contour with a poke; instill an interest in drawing and educate cognitive activity. Learn to find similarities with a realistic image and be happy with the result.

Program content:

Educational objectives:

Concretize existing ideas about bears and their characteristics.
Provide conditions for transferring the structure of the animal’s fur using a glue brush using the “poke” technique.

Developmental tasks:

Develop attention, memory, thinking, speech, fine motor skills hands,imagination.

Educational tasks:

Bring upinterest in the surrounding world,value attitude towards one’s own work and its results. To develop children’s ability to solve riddles and involve them in developmentartisticperception and aesthetic taste.

Methods and techniques : verbal, visual, practical method; gaming techniques: detailed imaginary situation, role-playing (puppet character - a bear).

Preliminary work : Looking at illustrations, talking, reading fiction about forest animals in summer.

Equipment : demonstration material (illustrations depicting a brown bear in the summer), handouts (blanks with an outline of a bear), cups, gouache, oilcloth, poems about a bear and a squirrel, music center,recording of the music “Bears” by E. Tilicheeva, sample for drawing, soft thin and thick brushes, glue brushes, coasters, napkins, water, soft toy bear, photograph polar bear.

Forms of working with children : collective, individual.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment. The music “Bears” by E. Tilicheeva is playing.

Educator: Guys, kaWho do you think is coming to us?

He is brown and clubfooted,
Catches fish with a powerful paw.
And he also loves honey!
Who will call the sweet tooth?

He is brown and shaggy.
Guess what, guys?
Who, having built a warm house,
Sleeps in that house all winter?

The owner of the forest
Wakes up in the spring
And in winter, under the blizzard howl,
He sleeps in a snow hut.(Bear)

The teacher brings in a soft toy bear.


A bear came out of the forest,
He started stomping and roaring.
- What are you upset about, bear?
- I had a terrible dream,
I saw the girl Alina -
I ate all the raspberries in the grove!

Mishka, Mishka, couch potato!
He slept long and deeply,
I slept through the whole winter,
And I didn’t get on the tree,
And I didn’t go sledding,
And I didn’t throw snowballs,
The target would all be snoring.
Oh you little bear!

Educator: The little bear is upset, he is sad. Why are you sad, little darling?
Teddy bear: I'm sad because my friend Umka from the North Pole sent me a photo and asks me to send him my photo too.

Shows a photo of a polar bear.

Teddy bear: But the bears don’t have a camera or paints, what should I do?

Educator: Guys, can we help the bear?

Children: Yes, we can draw it, make an applique!

Educator: Let's first cheer up our guest, pass the bear around and say what it is like (soft, shaggy, brown, black-eyed, club-footed)!

Children pass the bear cub to each other and name it by one of its qualities.

Educator : Oh, the bear cub has questions for you guys! Can you answer them?

Children: Yes!

Didactic game"Q&A"
What do you call a mother bear? (bear)
What is Papa Bear called? (bear)

What are the bear's brothers and sisters called? (cubs)
Where do bears sleep in winter? (in the den),
When do they hibernate (autumn)?

Educator: In common parlance they say that a bear hibernates; biologists say that it goes into winter sleep.

Before going into a den, the owner of the taiga needs to accumulate nutrients- fat. The bear is an omnivore, but most of its diet consists of food of plant origin: berries, herbaceous plants, acorns, nuts. Cedar cones are one of the favorite delicacies of bears. Young animals can climb trees behind them and break off branches. But mostly they collect fallen cones from the ground. To get to the nuts, the bear collects the pine cones in a pile and crushes them with its paws, from where, then, lying on the ground, it picks out the nuts along with the shell with its tongue. Often the attention of bears is attracted by the stocks of nuts made by chipmunks.

In years favorable for food, adult bears accumulate a layer of subcutaneous fat up to 8-12 cm, and the weight of fat reserves reaches 40% of the total weight of the animal. It is this fat accumulated over the summer and autumn that the bear’s body feeds in the winter.

Bears that have not had time to gain sufficient fat reserves cannot hibernate. They are called Connecting Rods. Often they are doomed to death from hunger, frost or from a hunter. In winter, bears can be found in the forest whose sleep has been disturbed by humans or other circumstances. Such a bear is forced to look for a new, quieter place to sleep.

Before heading to the den, the bear diligently confuses its tracks: it meanders, walks through windbreaks, and even walks backwards along its own tracks. For dens, they usually choose remote and reliable places along the edges of impenetrable swamps, along the banks of forest lakes and rivers, in windbreaks and logging sites, in recesses under uprooted roots or tree trunks. The main condition is that the home should be dry, quiet and isolated from the presence of unexpected guests. The animal insulates its shelter with branches and lines the bedding with layers of moss. Sometimes the layer of litter reaches half a meter. It happens that several generations of bears use the same den.

At the beginning of winter, female bears have offspring, usuallytwo bear cubs. Babies are born blind, without fur and teeth. They weigh only half a kilogram and reach 25 cm in length. The cubs feed on the milk of their still sleeping mother and grow quickly; they emerge from the den in the spring already shaggy and nimble.

In the den, in warmth and safety, the bears sleep for a long time and cold winter. Often the bear sleeps on its side, curled up in a ball, sometimes on its back, less often it sits with its head lowered between its paws. If an animal is disturbed while sleeping, it easily awakens.

There is a funny opinion that a bear sucks its paw during hibernation. But in fact, in January, February it happenschange of hard skin on the paw pads, while the old skin bursts, flakes, and is very itchy, and in order to somehow reduce these unpleasant sensationsanimal licks its paws.

Educator: Mishenka, that’s how much the guys know about bears. We read and watched a lot of fairy tales, looked at albums about bear life. The guys will now tell you what fairy tales they know in which bears are found.

Children: “Three Bears”, “Kolobok”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Two Greedy Little Bears”, “A Man and a Bear”, “Teremok”, “ Winnie the Pooh and his friends."
Educator: Today we will draw a bear, and then we will arrange an exhibition of our portraits of bears so that our guest can choose the drawing that is most similar to him.

Physical exercise “Three Bears”

Three bears in lived a fairy tale,

We went to the transshipment point.

The girl ran to them,

Run in place.

I went into the house and saw:

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touching each other.

A huge table by the window,

The right hand is clenched into a fist, the left palm rests on the fist.

Three chairs - wow.

Left palm vertically, the right fist is pressed horizontally to the palm.

Three cups and three spoons,

Squat down, one hand on the belt, then stand up, raise your arms up and

touch each other with rounded fingers.

Three beds: look.

Masha ate and drank,

They depict how they hold a spoon and bring it to their mouth.

She lay down on the bed

Hands in front of the chest, elbows bent and lying on top of each other.

And fell asleep in a sweet dream.

The palms are folded, the head is tilted and lies on the palms.

What happened next?

Hands slightly spread to the side.

Then the bears returned,

They walk waddling from side to side.

When they saw Masha, they got angry.

Hands on the belt, making an angry face.

Masha was very scared

They show a frightened face.

And she rushed home.

Hands are raised above the head, fingertips touching each other.

Educator: Before we start drawing the bear, let's take a closer look at it.

Showing an image of a bear.

Educator: Let's look at the torso first.

What shape is the body? (oval).

What else does the bear have? (head).

What shape is the head? (round).

Don't forget, if you look from the side, its muzzle is elongated.

Where is the head located? (the head is located in front (above) the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck).

What do the paws of a bear look like, what shape are they (oval, but elongated)?

Where are the bear's paws (at the bottom of the body)?

How many paws does a bear have (2 front and 2 hind legs)?

What is on the bear's head (ears)?

What shape are they? (semicircular)

Are the bear's ears big or small? (small)

What else is on the bear’s head (eyes, nose)?

Look closely at the bear's paws, what do they have (claws)?

Guys, what color are the bears? (brown, brown)

What color are the eyes, nose and claws? (black)

Finger gymnastics “Who sleeps in winter?”

The bear in the den is fast asleep,

(squeezes fingers right hand into the fist, starting with the big one))

He snorts all winter until spring.

Chipmunks sleep in winter,

Prickly hedgehog and badger.

Only the bunny can’t sleep -

(shows little finger, twirling it)

Runs away from the fox.

He flashes among the bushes,

(the fingers of the left hand depict the clicking face of a fox catching up

He screwed up and was like that!

Educator: Oh, now let’s sit down and draw a fluffy, brown bear with black eyes, nose and claws.

Look, now I’ll take a glue brush and put on a brown fur coat for the bear. I dip the tip of the brush in brown paint and with these “pokes” I paint the whole bear. Now you too will put a fur coat on the bear.

Children draw.

Educator: Now guys, I'll take it cotton swab, dip it in black paint and draw an eye on the bear’s head. The bear stands sideways and therefore we cannot see the second eye, and on the tip of the muzzle I draw a black nose. Now take a cotton swab, dip it in black paint and carefully draw on the bear, first an eye, then a nose.

Children draw.

Educator: Now I will draw claws on the bear's paws. To do this, I will take a thin brush, dip it in black paint and carefully paint the claws on the paws. To make the bears find themselves in the forest, you can complement your drawing - for example, draw trees, grass, a river, mountains far away (draw them yourself).

Children draw.

Educator: Let's show our drawings to the little bear!

The works are laid out and examined together with the children.

Educator: How beautiful and fluffy they all turned out! Our little bear asks to give one drawing, which he can send to his friend Umka at the North Pole. Which drawing will we choose?

Children choose a drawing and give it to the teddy bear.

Educator: The little bear is very happy with the gift. It's time for him to leave! Let's say "Goodbye" to him!

Children: Goodbye!

Educator: Rwhat the hell did we do today? What did we draw with? For whom did we try, who did we want to help? What will we do with the rest of the drawings?

Children: We will organize an exhibition in the locker room on the creativity board and tell our parents in the evening who came to us.

Self-analysis of the GCD for drawing:

Subject: "Bear"

Target : Learn to draw a bear along the contour with a poke; instill interest in drawing and foster cognitive activity. Learn to find similarities with a realistic image and be happy with the result.

What went well : the activity aroused great interest among the children, they showed great interest in this topic, actively expressed their opinions, guessed riddles, asked questions and answered them. For the first time, we used this technique in drawing - drawing with a poke, which aroused interest among the children. The works turned out bright and colorful.

The children completed their work diligently, carefully, took a creative approach to composing the composition, shared their ideas with other children, enjoyed looking at the work of their peers, discussed their work, and shared their opinions.

Difficulties encountered: The children had some difficulty mastering this technique. For example, Gleb did not want to completely paint over the entire bear; the bear’s hind legs remained white.

Summary of a drawing lesson in the preparatory group Polar Bear
Target : Formation of sustainable interest in visual arts. Tasks: Educational: Cultivate interest to animals of cold countries.Educational: Teach children to use their knowledge and ideas about features appearance polar bear.Improve the ability to obtain the required paint color for painting (light yellow, blue) by mixing the original colors (white and yellow, white and blue).Build skill depict a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.Educational: To develop in children the ability to convey in a drawing a simple plot with one character (a polar bear).Develop the child's creative abilities and imagination.Strengthen the ability to draw a contour with a thin brush, use a dry, hard brush when painting the bear's fur.Material for the lesson: - illustrations with the nature of the North,- image of a polar bear (toys, photographs, drawings);- gouache; - palette; - glue and watercolor brush.Preliminary work: - Conversation about animals of cold countries,- Examination of the series of paintings “Animals of the North”,- Reading the story: “Why does a polar bear have a black nose?”- D/i “Who eats what?”, “Guess the animal”, “Find out whose trace?”.Progress of the lesson. Educator : Guys, guess the riddle:I love to swim and splashWhere is the cold water?Tumble in the snow heaps,Where it's always winter.White fur and fat layerAnyone can help out in trouble.Children: Polar bear.Educator : Right. Today we will draw a polar bear. Let's remember where they live?Children: In cold countries where there is eternal winter.Educator: Yes, winter is a difficult, cold, but at the same time very beautiful time of year. Let's close our eyes now and imagine that we are at the North Pole. A cold wind is blowing, a blizzard is howling, the whole earth is covered with snow, and a large white polar bear is walking nearby. Consider it.Educator: Now open your eyes.(story by 1-2 children about a bear)Educator: Let's look at the bear that is shown in our picture. This is a huge beast, the largest predator on our planet. The bear has a large round head. It is located in front (above) of the body, and is connected to it by a powerful short neck. The bear has small, semicircular ears on its head. The bear has eyes and a nose on its face. They are black as coals. The bear has a large oval body. The bear has powerful, elongated, oval-shaped paws; there are 4 of them located at the bottom of the body, 2 front and 2 rear. There are claws on the paws. And the bear also has a tail.Educator : Guys, what color is the bear?Children: White. Educator: That's right, and when the sun shines on him, he has a pale yellow tint to his coat.Demonstration and explanation of the drawing method.Draw a big bear in the center of the sheet. Where do we start drawing? (from the head, then the body, and 4 legs, tail.)Divide the sheet horizontally in half and draw a horizon line. Using blue paint we paint the sky.We paint the lower part of the sheet with a slight shade - snow.We draw a bear, trying to accurately convey the features of the animal’s appearance (nose, eyes, ears, tail)Educator: Let's admire our bears. How beautiful and fluffy they all turned out. Now you can draw these bears yourself at home and please your parents. And we will decorate our exhibition with these white beauties. Our lesson is over.

Summary of GCD on drawing using the “poke” technique with a dry glue brush in middle group"Little Bear"

Purpose: To consolidate the drawing technique - “poke” (dry glue brush);

Development of fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements;

Strengthen the ability to paint along the contour using the “poke” method;

consolidate knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


Cultivate an interest in wild animals.


Encourage children to use their knowledge and ideas about the features of a bear’s appearance.

To develop the ability to depict a bear, accurately conveying the features of appearance and proportions.


To develop in children the ability to convey a simple, simple image with one character (a bear).

Strengthen the ability to draw a contour with a simple pencil, use a dry, hard brush when painting the bear’s fur.

Material for the lesson:

Teddy bear toy;
- simple pencils;

The brush is hard and watercolor.

Preliminary work:

Conversation about wild animals

Examination of the series of paintings “Wild Animals”

Strengthen knowledge of color (brown, instill interest in drawing in different ways.


A sample of a finished drawing of a bear, a toy - a bear cub. Bristle brushes, thin soft brushes, gouache (brown, black, red, napkins, jars of water.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, name me the toys that you know. (Children's answers)

Now let's check if you have listed all the toys? (Show demo material)

Guys, I'll tell you a riddle. You have to guess which toy I made a riddle about. (Mystery)

That's right, it's a bear.

The teacher invites the children to look at the image of a bear. He asks what kind of fur the bear cub has. (fluffy, shaggy).

Physical education lesson "The bear cubs lived in the thicket."

The cubs lived in the thicket

They turned their heads

This is how they turned their heads.

The cubs were looking for honey,

Together they rocked the tree,

Like this, like this, they rocked the tree together.

The cubs drank water

We followed each other,

This is how, this is how everyone followed each other.

The cubs danced

They raised their paws up,

Like this, like this, they raised their paws up.

Would you like to draw a bear cub with the same beautiful fur? (children's answers)

By what method can we draw it? (“Poke method”).

Yes, children, we will draw a bear cub in a way already familiar to you, using a hard brush and gouache, the outline of the bear cub using a simple pencil.

(children sit down).


Remind and show children how to hold a brush correctly: just like a pencil, with three fingers, but above the metal part of the brush.

Where do you think you should start drawing a bear cub? (Children's answers)

Well done! First, we use the “poke method” to trace the outline of the teddy bear. Drawing the body always starts with the downward direction. What part of the bear's body is on top? (Head)

Right! What shape does the bear's head have? (Round)

Fine. Which body part should be drawn next? (Torso/body of a bear cub)

It’s great, what kind of figure does the bear cub’s body look like? (Oval)

What parts still need to be drawn for our teddy bear? (front and hind legs, they are oval, ears are semicircular).

When the outline is ready, fill the space inside using the “poke method”.

The teacher accompanies the instructions with a demonstration and invites the children.

What is our little bear missing? (Children's answers)

But first we'll play with our fingers.

Do the warm-up exercise with a brush, with your hand resting on your elbow. (Children perform movements in accordance with the text on a small sheet of paper).

Hold the brush like this - (Hand on the elbow. Hold the brush with three fingers at the base of the sheet metal.

Is it difficult? No, it's nothing! - Movements of the hand along the text.

Right - left, up and down

Our brush ran.

And then, and then - The brush is held vertically.

The brush runs around. Perform pokes without paint

Spun like a top. on the sheet.)

After a poke comes a poke!

Let's draw these fluffy bear cubs!

Independent work of children.

When the drawing dries, with a thin brush, in black, we will add the eyes, nose, mouth and claws to the bear.

4. Independent activity of children.

And now you will each draw your own bear. What kind of bears will you have - happy or sad? If anyone needs help, I will come and help.

5. Summing up.

Analysis: (I take the toy) Bear, look how many drawings you have now with your image. The kids tried so hard to help you. Now you can give them to anyone you want!

Teddy Bear: (Looks at the children's drawings) - Thank you, guys, I like this funny little bear, and this one is funny, and I really like them all and I can send them to my brothers! Hooray! Goodbye!

Educator: Guys, you are all great! Let's hang our drawings at our exhibition.

Summary of OOD on drawing in the middle group using non-traditional techniques (drawing with foam rubber) “Bear cubs”.

Target: Mastering a new method of drawing - printing with a foam sponge, which allows you to most clearly and colorfully show the characteristic texture of the appearance of the depicted object (volume, fluffiness).

Tasks: Continue introducing children to unconventional drawing sponge

Promote the emergence of sustainable interest in this species activities.

Develop creativity, fine motor skills, coherent speech through conversation, song, finger game. Reinforce the concept of “similarity” and “difference” between objects.

Cultivate accuracy, independence, responsiveness, goodwill, and the ability to help each other.

Equipment used: Toy bear, cardboard templates of bear cubs, brown gouache, a piece of foam sponge on clamps.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's say hello to them. (Knock on the door)

Educator: Oh! Who could it be? (Brings in a toy bear)

Guys, a bear cub came to visit us, and his name is Mishutka. What a beautiful, affectionate name Mishutka. He wants to make friends with you and find out your name, but you must also say your name affectionately. (Egorushka, Anechka, etc.)

Guys, do you know where a real bear lives? (in the forest)

If he lives in the forest, what kind of animal does that mean? (wild)

What is the name of a bear's home in the forest? (den)

Is it possible to meet a bear in the forest now, in winter? (no, he's sleeping)

Educator: But our bear is not real and he lives not in the forest, but in kindergarten at the guys. Guys, what is our bear? (Toy) He loves it when kids play and dance with him. Do you want to dance with Mishutka?

Dance "Bear with a doll."

The bear and the doll are stomping briskly, Children stand in a circle, hands on their belts.

They're stomping smartly, look! Stomp with the right foot.

And they clap their hands loudly, Clap your hands.

They clap loudly: one, two, three!

Teddy bear is having fun, Teddy bear is having fun, Hands on the belt.

Mishenka turns his head. Turns the head left - right.

The doll is having fun, it’s also fun, Spinning

Oh, how fun, oh, oh, oh!

We'll try, we'll try, Light jumps with movement in a circle,

Dance this Polish girl holding hands.

Can we, can we,

How can we lag behind!

Educator: Well done guys, you can dance so well. Let's sit down on the chairs now.

Educator: Guys, do you know that Mishutka came to visit us for a reason, he wants us to help him. The fact is that the guys from the group in which he lives very often quarrel because of him. After all, everyone wants to play with him. So Mishutka decided to turn to us for help. Let's think about how we can help the guys so that they stop quarreling over Mishutka? (children's suggestions).

Educator: Guys, I have a box on my table, it’s magical. I think she can help us. You just need to say magic words, and she will tell us the right decision. Let’s say together “one, two, three, magic box help us” (the teacher takes out cardboard bear cubs from the box.)

Educator: look, these are bear cubs! It seems to me that they are even similar to Mishutka. Look, they also have a body, a head, and legs.

But cubs also have differences. And what different things will you find among our cubs?

Size (large, small)

What are they made of (fabric and paper)

What color are the bear cubs? (brown and white)

Educator: We won’t be able to make them the same size and material, but I think we can make the bear cubs the same color. Let's color them in brown so that they look more like Mishutka?

But before we start coloring the bear cubs, we need to stretch our hands and do exercises for our fingers.

Finger gymnastics “Visiting the bears”

The bears invited us to visit (palms on our cheeks, shake our heads),

And we walked along the path (fingers “walk” on the table).

Top-top (palms clap)

Jump-jump (fists knock)

We see a tall tree (we point our fists over each other),

We see a deep lake (wavy movements of the hands).

Top-top (palms clap)

Jump-jump (fists knock)

Chiki-brik Chiki-brik (palms and fists knock alternately).

Birds sing songs (palms crossed - “bird”)

The grains are pecked everywhere:

They peck here and peck there (the fingers of one hand “peck” the palm)

They are not given to anyone (we alternately clench and unclench our fist).

Top-top (palms clap)

Jump-jump (fists knock)

Chiki-brik Chiki-brik (palms and fists knock alternately).

We came to visit the bears (show a triangle with your hands - “roof”),

We found the door in the hut,

They knocked: one-two-three (knock your fist on your palm),

Open it for us quickly! (spread arms to the sides)

Educator: let's go to the tables, I'll give everyone a teddy bear, and you can color them. What do we need for this? (paints and brushes)

Educator: Oh, I didn’t prepare the brushes, what are we going to use to paint with? I think that our magic box can help us here too. Let's ask her “one, two, three, magic box, help us” (the teacher takes brushes made from a foam sponge from the box.)

Educator: Look at the unusual brushes the box offered us; they are made of sponge. Now I will show you how to paint with them. They paint with them using such dabbing movements and our cubs will turn out fluffy and even more like Mishutka. (children do the work)

The teacher picks up Mishutka and praises the children on what wonderful bear cubs they have made.

Educator: Guys, while your wonderful cubs are drying out, Mishutka wants to play with you.

Teddy bear

(child “bear” in a circle, and children walk in a circle)

Teddy bear walking through the forest

And he carries a basket

A bear walks along the path

looking for a raspberry.

(looks around, putting his palm to his eyes)

The bear loves to eat sweets

(pats belly with palm)

Oh, there are so many berries here.

Teddy bear collected mountains

(show hands and sway left and right)

And he roared with happiness

Rrrr! Yes, yes, yes!

The berry is very tasty

(the bear growls, bows to last words, choosing another child).

Educator: Guys, Mishutka really enjoyed playing and studying with you, he is very glad that you helped him, he decided to stay a little longer.

Educator: And I want to say how great you all are today. They answered so well, sang and danced, and drew beautiful bear cubs. I'm very pleased with you. Well done.