Orthodox daily prayer for granddaughters. Orthodox prayer for a grandson

Every grandmother loves her grandchildren madly and wishes them all the best. That is why daily prayer for grandchildren will be an excellent way to show your care, since the patronage of the saints will never be superfluous.

A prayer read with sincere faith will help protect a granddaughter or grandson in any of their endeavors.

Prayer to the Mother of God for children and grandchildren for health

At times when the health of children is at risk, you want to take all measures to help them. The strongest prayer for the health of children and grandchildren, read before the face of the Mother of God, will help alleviate the condition.

Showing sincerity, you can ask for a speedy recovery to all those suffering. After this, all that remains is to wait for help from above to come and the child to get back on his feet.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal gaze, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants.

Mother of God, lead me into the image of Your heavenly motherhood. Heal the mental and physical wounds of my children (names) caused by my sins. I entrust my child entirely to my Lord Jesus Christ and Your, Most Pure, heavenly protection. Amen".

Grandmother's daily prayer for the health of her grandchildren

Grandmothers always worry about their grandchildren. They are ready to do anything for them, so a grandmother’s prayer for her grandson is an excellent show of care. She has enormous power, so it is recommended reading for everyone who cares about their grandchildren.

This daily prayer will help all those who are ill to recover; the main thing is to read it with sincere faith in the help of the saints.

"Mother of God, Holy Mother of God, my Lord Jesus Christ, and the entire Holy Trinity, I ask, I pray - give consolation, bless my grandchildren for happy life, for longevity. I, sinful and unworthy, pray for them. I don’t pray for myself, but for my grandchildren.

So that they always have smart heads, clear views, playful legs, pure souls. Deliver them from hard times, as well as from bad life. Cover with your Holy Veil, protect from great illness, from dashing vodka, from a treacherous knife, from gun fire, from the evil eye, from damage, from all sorts of attacks.

Have mercy, save, save my dear grandchildren! I bow to you a hundred times, I ask you a hundred times and all about the same thing. Amen!"

Second option

“The Lord is happy with the love of people, and let my granddaughter (name) be happy. Bless you, God, (name) for happiness too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

The most detailed description: the most powerful prayer for a grandson - for our readers and subscribers.

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Mary,

save and keep my children (names) under Your roof,

all youths, young women and babies,

baptized and nameless and carried in the womb.

Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood,

keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to your parents,

pray to my Lord and Thy Son that He may grant them what is useful for their salvation.

I entrust them to Your maternal care,

for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants.

“Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, my Lord Jesus Christ, and the entire Holy Trinity, I ask, I pray - give consolation, bless my grandchildren for a happy life, for longevity. I, sinful and unworthy, pray for them. I don’t pray for myself, but for my grandchildren.

So that they always have smart heads, clear views, playful legs, pure souls. Deliver them from hard times, as well as from bad life. Cover with your Holy Veil, protect from great illness, from dashing vodka, from a treacherous knife, from gun fire, from the evil eye, from damage, from all sorts of attacks.

Have mercy, save, save my dear grandchildren! I bow to you a hundred times, I ask you a hundred times and all about the same thing. Amen!"

“The Lord is happy with the love of people, and let my granddaughter (name) be happy. Bless you, God, (name) for happiness too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Parents' prayer for children

Prayer is a person’s way of communicating with Christ or the Saints. Through it, a person always remains in contact with Heaven, while the Almighty constantly takes part in his life.

Prayer for children is most in demand today. With its help, you can protect a child from various adversities, cure diseases, and safely bear a future child. Orthodox people often resort to divine help, regularly coming into contact with the Almighty, praying to the icon and relics.

Initially, people turned to the icon of Jesus Christ in their own words, asked the saints to protect children from diseases, asked for their blessings, and tried in every possible way to appease higher powers so that the child grows up healthy and strong. Today there are many different prayers for children and godchildren that should be read when turning to God or the Saints. In the modern world, it is customary to say prayer, whatever it may be, in the morning and evening hours, while visiting church and facing the icon. However, there is no prohibition on communicating with Jesus Christ at other times of the day.

A child is the most precious thing a mother can have.

Most often, people turn to the Almighty for help in relation to children and loved ones who have died and are still living. The Psalter contains many similar appeals, with a separate section reserved exclusively for prayers for the well-being of children and care for grandchildren. Mothers and grandmothers often pray specifically for their children, since their journey in life is just beginning, their souls are pure and innocent, and relatives do their best to protect their children from negative impact and all kinds of troubles.

What is it, divine help?

By coming into contact with the Saints, a person asks them for help. With a pure heart and continuous communication with Heaven, you can cure a child of illness. Parents' prayer for their children helps protect the child from bad inclinations, cleanse the child's heart and guide him on the right path.

Having heard the request, God will take an active part in the child’s life and will not allow him to turn onto the wrong road.

The Guardian Angel will not leave the child in a difficult situation, he will suggest a way out. Expectant mothers carrying a baby under their hearts need divine help like no other. Prayers allow the baby to be carried to term and make the mother’s life easier. The baby is born healthy and strong. It is necessary to pray for the health of children - in the modern world, only an inextricable divine connection can protect children from diseases and other sorrows.

Orthodox prayer does not imply any rules and conditions for its pronunciation. All the texts that the Psalter contains are strong and effective; the Lord wants to listen to every baptized person, no matter what he is. Prayer for children can be addressed to both the Almighty and the Saints. It’s good if at the moment of prayer you manage to turn your gaze to the icon.

Many prayers contain requests for the protection of the child. You should pray to the Saints regularly by attending church and church services, children are also encouraged to listen to church singing and preaching by priests. Before pronouncing the text and after reading it, you must cross yourself three times.

You can turn to the Lord in your own words, if they accurately convey the desired request; in any case, he will listen to both the adult and the child. Jesus Christ should be thanked for the miracles performed and in no case should we forget about him. Faith is the only thing that can protect a child, no matter what amulet he wears. The best amulet for Orthodox Christian- this is a cross. A child puts on such a talisman at the time of baptism, most often this happens in infancy.

What do the psalms say?

There are many known Orthodox prayers for children and godchildren. They may contain requests for the blessing of a child, for protection from adversity, for healing or help in business. Mothers fell in love with prayers about conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Appeals to the Saints for help are known - Matronushka of Moscow, Ksenia of St. Petersburg, and the prayer of Ambrose of Optina is also popular. Thus, it is best to pray by turning to the icon.

In addition, there is a prayer for the blessing of children. You should turn to the Lord God directly to receive grace. Through this request, the child's life will be filled with love and prosperity. This grace will protect the baby from troubles.

An appeal to the Lord with a request for the health of the child will help to get rid of the disease.

It will be useful for expectant mothers to know how to seek help in conceiving and bearing children. Only the Lord is able to give a mother a child, and it is he who should be asked for this. Turning to the icon of Xenia of St. Petersburg will help ease conception and pregnancy.

Prayers for children: comments

Comments - 4,

Many people resort to prayer when something happens, this is wrong, you need to pray every day, especially if it concerns the health of children. You don’t need to wait for something to happen; you need to try to prevent health problems while you have the opportunity. And if something does happen, pray doubly. When my daughter got sick, I prayed for her health in church every morning and evening.

It was very correctly noted at the beginning; indeed, a child is the most precious thing a mother can have. I am a mother of two children and these words are one of my main ones. life credos. However, my care alone is not enough, even though I give it to my children to the maximum. God's help is also needed. The material is very useful and interesting, all the prayers for every occasion for the flowers of our lives, everything is on the shelves. Thanks a lot for making me and my children even closer to God, love to you and your home :)

I often pray to God for my children, both in the morning before I start all my business, and when the children, God forbid, get sick. And you know, it always helps, and not only in the fact that prayer helps the child recover, but also in the fact that it makes the soul much easier. I think when he grows up, I will already read prayers for the child to find his other half and find himself in this world, I am sure that the Almighty will not be slow in answering.

I baptized Sonechka and before God I took an obligation to protect her pure, bright soul from the corrupting winds. I have an obligation before God for her spiritual growth. So that she does not follow a sinful path in the future, but a Christian one. I pray that God will protect Sonechka and save her. from all troubles. I want her to grow up to be a wise Christian. I no longer have goddaughters. Only one is my granddaughter Sonechka. I am Sonechka’s godmother and I am responsible for her to live a pious life full of love for God. I also ask the gentlemen that all children be protected.

Orthodox prayer for a grandson

Many grandparents treat their grandchildren more reverently than their own children. Usually they want to cultivate in their grandchildren what they were unable to instill in their parents at one time. To make life easier, grandchildren use the most different ways– from material assistance to spiritual education. Of course, any failure or illness of a beloved child is a major tragedy for grandmothers. In such cases, grandmothers often turn to God. A prayer for a grandson, offered from a pure heart and addressed to the Lord, Saints or Guardian Angels, is considered the most powerful.

The Essence and Power of Prayer

According to Theosophists, prayers that are directed to God himself have the greatest power. In order for him to hear your requests, you must have obedience to God and strong faith. Thus, Archimandrite Melchizedek claims that sinners who pray for health and turn directly to the Lord will not be heard. To offer prayer for a grandson, it is necessary to choose a spiritual intermediary, a canonized saint who possessed righteousness in earthly life and is considered an example for people.

The most powerful prayers are those that are permissible when addressed to the Saints: Healer Panteleimon (prayer for a grandson so that he does not get sick), John of Kronstadt, St. Ambrose of Milan, Seraphim of Sarov, Matronushka of Moscow. Most often, the appeals of older people (grandparents) are more powerful than prayers from parents, since over the years a person becomes more religious and sophisticated, and the strength of faith increases.

Sincere believers often directly turn to God or the Mother of God. A strong prayer for the health of a grandson can be exalted to the Virgin Mary, who is considered by the Orthodox to be a savior, a comforter, a mourner of all the sick and suffering. The prayer appeal in front of the icon “Joy to All Who Sorrow” has great power.

The grandmother’s prayer for the health of her grandchildren is the most powerful, addressed directly to our Creator, to the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Before reading a prayer message at home, you need to perform a special religious ritual. What does it include?

  • Visit the nearest temple, leave notes about the health of your children and grandchildren, be sure to include the names given at baptism.
  • Place candles in front of the holy images: first of all, in front of the icon of Christ the Savior, in front of the image of the Mother of God and in front of the Saint, whom you will ask for help, pray for health and well-being.
  • At a certain icon, read a prayer address to the image.
  • At home, light candles or a lamp in front of the images of the Mother of God, the Savior, and pray selflessly, asking for the gift of health to your grandchildren.

The spiritual role of grandparents

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the older generation (grandfathers, grandmothers) in raising their grandchildren. Some even grew up without parents in the care of their grandmother. Their care and attention surrounded almost each of us, and this played an important role in the development of our personality. Great responsibility lies with Orthodox grandmothers, because often prayer for the health of a grandson is the strongest and has a greater impact than prayer from parents. Having lived long life, older people understand much more: how important it is to protect the young soul of a child from demonic temptations and attacks. Already in early age it is necessary to lay obedience, faith and love for God, the foundations of spiritual education. They help with this strong prayers about grandchildren.

Believing grandparents provide a lot in spiritual education. If the primary role of parents is to feed, clothe, focus on nurturing success, achieving good education(all this, of course, is necessary), then the older generation instills calmness, peacefulness, moderation and wise humility.

Prayer for a grandson decides a lot in fate. Orthodox Church teaches everyone that a huge role is played not by the chosen image itself, the Saint to whom we pray, but by the sincerity and faith with which we pronounce the words. Don't forget to contact your children's guardian angels and the Saints whose names they bear.

Prayer for adult grandchildren

Grandfathers and grandmothers always consider their grandchildren to be little children whom they raised, instilled in love and faith, and took to church. Prayer for an adult grandchild is just as important as for a child. After all, the older they get, the more their soul hurts for them: so that they study well, do not get involved with bad people, do not take the path of alcoholism and drug addiction, find personal happiness in life, a family, and at the same time be healthy. Throughout their lives, grandmothers ask the Lord not to abandon their grandchildren, to protect and save their children in difficult times. From childhood, teach your grandchildren to pray, raise them in faith, so that their lives in the future will be filled with joy and meaning. Address your prayer for your children and grandchildren to the Mother of God, our Lord and guardian angels. Texts of the most strong appeals look at the photos given in the article.

Prayers for grandchildren (health)

Children are a gift from God, and children’s children are doubly valuable. All grandmothers worry about the fate of their grandchildren. And if trouble happens, they pray with redoubled force. Prayers for grandchildren (for health) have enormous strength, reach heaven and are heard by God himself. All the worries and hopes for the recovery of their child are invested in them.

Prayer for health is a kind of church ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. Grandmother's prayer can be called a talisman that preserves and protects the life of the baby. What does a prayer for health resemble? This is a list of requests of the worshiper, exalted to the Almighty. When reading a prayer, you must believe in the power of your words, have faith in God and in his omnipotence.

Grandparents have a great life experience, and the younger generation should respect their age. Although this is not always the case in life, old people pray for the health of their foolish children. Their words have great power due to sincerity and faith.

Words from the heart

If we take a closer look at what prayer for grandchildren’s health is, we can say that it is a kind of ritual in which words play a huge role. Everyone knows that every word in our life has its own weight. Considering that the prayer words are spoken with love and concern for the children, you begin to believe that they achieve their goal and help in the most difficult situations, including in cases where it is necessary to cope with the most terrible illness.

Even those people who do not have a strong faith in God (and there are many of them due to the atheistic upbringing of the Soviet regime), in difficult life situations intuitively turn their thoughts to the Lord, even if they do not ask for help in words. Sincere and pure words spoken from the heart will achieve their goal. Prayers for our grandchildren have always helped, and if it were otherwise, this would have disappeared from our lives long ago. However, faith in miracles and love for God in recent years gained great strength. The Orthodox Church is accepting more and more parishioners and guiding its lost children on the true path.

Trust God

The Lord wants us to place all our worries and fears on him, even in those cases when the situation seems hopeless. This is confirmed by the Bible, which says that you should cast all your burdens on Him, because He cares about you. In difficult life situations, life often turns into chaos. Many people think that there is no way out, but this is not so. In those moments when we think that everything around us has collapsed, God begins to restore order and put everything in its place. In such cases, people often realize that everything is in His hands and experience the joy of relationship with Him. The Lord is always there, in your prayers you should always thank him for everything that we have in this life. Ask for your foolish children, and God will hear. A grandmother's prayer for her grandson will always have special power.

The Almighty will help even in the most difficult situations, will solve problems that seem hopeless. Any Christian can confirm this. Even if the situation cannot be changed, God will give you peace in your soul and some kind of consolation. We are all children for him, and he cares about us. Jesus told his disciples that he was leaving Peace to them, giving it so that their hearts would not be afraid or troubled.

In difficult circumstances, we must trust God, have strong faith, but not blind faith. It must be based on knowledge about God, His character. If you are driving across a bridge in a car, it doesn’t matter what you think about its strength. You just have to trust its reliability. Likewise, the Lord wants you to simply rely and believe in him, in his wisdom, reliability and holiness. God should become our refuge in all life situations.

Look through the texts of the prayers presented in our photos. All words have some spiritual meaning. And even if they are not all clear in meaning to you, believe that with sincere pronunciation they achieve their goal. Prayers for oneself, children, grandchildren, parents - everyone ascends in a fit of emotion, they are read with the soul, and it, as we know, is the bridge connecting us with God.

Prayers for children and grandchildren

Prayers are constant communication with God and the Saints. Through prayer we contact heaven, and the Lord always takes part in our lives. The most popular are prayers for children and grandchildren. They help protect the child from illness, various adversities, and even help the mother safely carry the baby and be relieved of the burden. Orthodox people often resort to prayer help and exalt holy words over images, relics, faces of Saints, and come into contact with the Almighty. Throughout their existence, people turn to the Gods in their own words, asking to save and preserve their offspring so that they grow up healthy and strong.

Today we know many prayer messages that we address to God, the Saints, and the Mother of God. Modern world I got used to praying in the morning or evening in front of icons, coming to church, observing church rituals. But there are no prohibitions if you turn to Jesus Christ and all the Saints at any time of the day or night. The most precious thing a mother has is her child, and requests for his well-being are constantly made in any situation.

They often turn to God with prayers for their relatives, children, parents, those who are alive and those who have already passed on to another world. The Psalter contains a whole section of prayers for children and grandchildren. The most fervent prayers are for them. Mothers and grandmothers sincerely wish their children peace, goodness and health. It is children's souls that are the most fragile and pure. Life path It’s just beginning, and I really want to protect my child from mistakes and adversity on a difficult road. The most popular prayers for children:

  • Prayer for the birth of a child.
  • Mother's prayer.
  • Prayer for health.
  • Prayer for a restful sleep.
  • Prayer for my son's health.
  • Prayer not to drink.
  • Prayer for my daughter.
  • Prayer to get married.
  • Prayer to get married.
  • Prayer for recovery.
  • Grandmother's prayer for her grandson's health.

Divine help, what is it?

Prayer is the path to God, contact with the Saints. By entering into this connection, a person asks for help. Sincere, pure communication helps correct the most difficult situations, overcome the most severe illness. Parental prayers and the prayers of grandmothers make it possible to protect from bad inclinations, guide them on the right path, and cleanse the heart and soul of a child. Having heard the fervent words of prayer, the Lord will not leave your child and will help him in difficult times. Guardian angels also play a huge role. Don't forget to turn to them with your prayers. In an absurd situation, they will suggest a way out and will not leave your child in a hopeless situation.

Mothers carrying babies under their hearts need the special attention of the Lord. Constant prayers help you go through pregnancy without problems and give birth to a healthy baby. Make contact with the Mother of God more often through reading prayers; she, like no one else, supports and protects expectant mothers. The modern world is very dangerous and often threatens the health of not only adults, but also children. Only prayer for health and constant appeals to God will help protect our children from everyday threats.

Will God hear us?

Orthodox prayers do not imply any rules or conditions for their pronunciation. All the texts contained in the Psalter are very effective and powerful. No matter what a baptized person’s life may be, even the lowest sinner, the Lord will hear his sincere prayer, spoken in faith to the Almighty. Orthodox prayer for grandchildren can be addressed to God, the Mother of God, and the Saints. It’s good when, when reading it, there will be an image in front of you to which you turn. It is recommended to have small icons with you, and also to store the images in the house in the Red Corner. While addressing them, light candles or lamps in front of them.

Many prayers contain requests for the protection of children. It is best to pray to the Saints regularly. It is recommended to attend temple and church services. Teach your children to this from childhood, let them listen choral singing, as well as sermons by clergy. Before saying the words of the prayer, you need to cross yourself three times, also after reading it.

You can turn to the Lord in your own words, if you can accurately convey the essence of your request. In all cases, the Creator will listen to both the adult and the child. Never forget Jesus Christ and always thank him for the miracles performed and the fulfillment of your desires and aspirations. Whatever amulet a child wears, the only thing that will truly save him is true faith. For Orthodox Christians, the main talisman is the cross on the body. It is worn as an infant during baptism in church and protects its wearer throughout his life.

The Psalms contain many prayers for children, grandchildren, and godchildren. They contain petitions for the granting of health, prosperity, joy in life, and help in business. Mothers often resort to prayers about conception and childbirth. At the same time, they pray to Xenia of St. Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow, Ambrose of Optina. During prayer, it is better to turn your gaze to their images. One of the most important is the prayer for the blessing of children. In this case, you need to turn to the Lord God himself, then grace will descend on the head of your child. Through the blessing of the parent through God, the child's life is filled with prosperity and love. Protects the baby's blessing from troubles.

Prayer is a person’s way of communicating with Christ or the Saints. Through it, a person always remains in contact with Heaven, while the Almighty constantly takes part in his life.

Prayer for children is most in demand today. With its help, you can protect a child from various adversities, cure diseases, and safely bear a future child. Orthodox people often resort to divine help, regularly coming into contact with the Almighty, praying to the icon and relics.

Initially, people turned to the icon of Jesus Christ in their own words, asked the saints to protect their children from illness, asked for their blessings, and tried in every possible way to appease the higher powers so that the child would grow up healthy and strong. Today there are many different prayers for children and godchildren that should be read when turning to God or the Saints. In the modern world, it is customary to say prayer, whatever it may be, in the morning and evening hours, while visiting church and facing the icon. However, there is no prohibition on communicating with Jesus Christ at other times of the day.

A child is the most precious thing a mother can have.

Most often, people turn to the Almighty for help in relation to children and loved ones who have died and are still living. The Psalter contains many similar appeals, with a separate section reserved exclusively for prayers for the well-being of children and care for grandchildren. Mothers and grandmothers often pray specifically for their children, since their journey in life is just beginning, their souls are pure and innocent, and relatives do their best to protect their children from negative influences and all kinds of troubles.

Popular prayers for children

What is it, divine help?

By coming into contact with the Saints, a person asks them for help. With a pure heart and continuous communication with Heaven, you can cure a child of illness. Parents' prayer for their children helps protect the child from bad inclinations, cleanse the child's heart and guide him on the right path.

Having heard the request, God will take an active part in the child’s life and will not allow him to turn onto the wrong road.

The Guardian Angel will not leave the child in a difficult situation, he will suggest a way out. Expectant mothers carrying a baby under their hearts need divine help like no other. Prayers allow the baby to be carried to term and make the mother’s life easier. The baby is born healthy and strong. It is necessary to pray for the health of children - in the modern world, only an inextricable divine connection can protect children from diseases and other sorrows.

Will God hear?

Orthodox prayer does not imply any rules or conditions for its pronunciation. All the texts that the Psalter contains are strong and effective; the Lord wants to listen to every baptized person, no matter what he is. Prayer for children can be addressed to both the Almighty and the Saints. It’s good if at the moment of prayer you manage to turn your gaze to the icon.

Many prayers contain requests for the protection of the child. You should pray to the Saints regularly, attending church and church services; children are also recommended to listen to church singing and sermons by priests. Before pronouncing the text and after reading it, you must cross yourself three times.

You can turn to the Lord in your own words, if they accurately convey the desired request; in any case, he will listen to both the adult and the child. Jesus Christ should be thanked for the miracles performed and in no case should we forget about him. Faith is the only thing that can protect a child, no matter what amulet he wears. The best amulet for an Orthodox Christian is a cross. A child puts on such a talisman at the time of baptism, most often this happens in infancy.

What do the psalms say?

There are many known Orthodox prayers for children and godchildren. They may contain requests for the blessing of a child, for protection from adversity, for healing or help in business. Mothers fell in love with prayers about conception, pregnancy and childbirth. Appeals to the Saints for help are known - Matronushka of Moscow, Ksenia of St. Petersburg, and the prayer of Ambrose of Optina is also popular. Thus, it is best to pray by turning to the icon.

Complete collection and description: prayer for the health of grandchildren and children for the spiritual life of a believer.

Many grandparents treat their grandchildren more reverently than their own children. Usually they want to cultivate in their grandchildren what they were unable to instill in their parents at one time. To make life easier for grandchildren, they use a variety of methods - from material assistance to spiritual education. Of course, any failure or illness of a beloved child is a major tragedy for grandmothers. In such cases, grandmothers often turn to God. A prayer for a grandson, offered from a pure heart and addressed to the Lord, Saints or Guardian Angels, is considered the most powerful.

The Essence and Power of Prayer

According to Theosophists, prayers that are directed to God himself have the greatest power. In order for him to hear your requests, you must have obedience to God and strong faith. Thus, Archimandrite Melchizedek claims that sinners who pray for health and turn directly to the Lord will not be heard. To offer prayer for a grandson, it is necessary to choose a spiritual intermediary, a canonized saint who possessed righteousness in earthly life and is considered an example for people.

The most powerful prayers are those that are permissible when addressed to the Saints: Healer Panteleimon (prayer for a grandson so that he does not get sick), John of Kronstadt, St. Ambrose of Milan, Seraphim of Sarov, Matronushka of Moscow. Most often, the appeals of older people (grandparents) are more powerful than prayers from parents, since over the years a person becomes more religious and sophisticated, and the strength of faith increases.

Sincere believers often directly turn to God or the Mother of God. A strong prayer for the health of a grandson can be exalted to the Virgin Mary, who is considered by the Orthodox to be a savior, a comforter, a mourner of all the sick and suffering. The prayer appeal in front of the icon “Joy to All Who Sorrow” has great power.

The grandmother’s prayer for the health of her grandchildren is the most powerful, addressed directly to our Creator, to the Holy Trinity (Father, Son and Holy Spirit). Before reading a prayer message at home, you need to perform a special religious ritual. What does it include?

  • Visit the nearest temple, leave notes about the health of your children and grandchildren, be sure to include the names given at baptism.
  • Place candles in front of the holy images: first of all, in front of the icon of Christ the Savior, in front of the image of the Mother of God and in front of the Saint, whom you will ask for help, pray for health and well-being.
  • At a certain icon, read a prayer address to the image.
  • At home, light candles or a lamp in front of the images of the Mother of God, the Savior, and pray selflessly, asking for the gift of health to your grandchildren.

The spiritual role of grandparents

It is difficult to overestimate the role of the older generation (grandfathers, grandmothers) in raising their grandchildren. Some even grew up without parents in the care of their grandmother. Their care and attention surrounded almost each of us, and this played an important role in the development of our personality. Great responsibility lies with Orthodox grandmothers, because often prayer for the health of a grandson is the strongest and has a greater impact than prayer from parents. Having lived a long life, older people understand much more: how important it is to protect the young soul of a child from demonic temptations and attacks. Already at an early age it is necessary to lay obedience, faith and love for God, the foundations of spiritual education. Strong prayers for grandchildren help with this.

Believing grandparents provide a lot in spiritual education. If the primary role of parents is to feed, clothe, focus on nurturing success, achieving a good education (all this, of course, is necessary), then the older generation instills calmness, peacefulness, moderation and wise humility.

Prayer for a grandson decides a lot in fate. The Orthodox Church teaches everyone that a huge role is played not by the chosen image itself, the Saint to whom we pray, but by the sincerity and faith with which we pronounce the words. Don't forget to contact your children's guardian angels and the Saints whose names they bear.

Prayer for adult grandchildren

Grandfathers and grandmothers always consider their grandchildren to be little children whom they raised, instilled in love and faith, and took to church. Prayer for an adult grandchild is just as important as for a child. After all, the older they get, the more their soul hurts for them: so that they study well, do not get involved with bad people, do not take the path of alcoholism and drug addiction, find personal happiness in life, a family, and at the same time be healthy. Throughout their lives, grandmothers ask the Lord not to abandon their grandchildren, to protect and save their children in difficult times. From childhood, teach your grandchildren to pray, raise them in faith, so that their lives in the future will be filled with joy and meaning. Address your prayer for your children and grandchildren to the Mother of God, our Lord and guardian angels. For the texts of the most powerful appeals, see the photos given in the article.

Prayers for grandchildren (health)

Children are a gift from God, and children’s children are doubly valuable. All grandmothers worry about the fate of their grandchildren. And if trouble happens, they pray with redoubled force. Prayers for grandchildren (for health) have enormous power, reach heaven and are heard by God himself. All the worries and hopes for the recovery of their child are invested in them.

Prayer for health is a kind of church ritual that has been passed down from generation to generation since ancient times. Grandmother's prayer can be called a talisman that preserves and protects the life of the baby. What does a prayer for health resemble? This is a list of requests of the worshiper, exalted to the Almighty. When reading a prayer, you must believe in the power of your words, have faith in God and in his omnipotence.

Grandfathers and grandmothers have a lot of life experience, and the younger generation should respect their age. Although this is not always the case in life, old people pray for the health of their foolish children. Their words have great power due to sincerity and faith.

Words from the heart

If we take a closer look at what prayer for grandchildren’s health is, we can say that it is a kind of ritual in which words play a huge role. Everyone knows that every word in our life has its own weight. Considering that the prayer words are spoken with love and concern for the children, you begin to believe that they achieve their goal and help in the most difficult situations, including in cases where it is necessary to cope with the most terrible illness.

Even those people who do not have a strong faith in God (and there are many of them due to the atheistic upbringing of the Soviet regime), in difficult life situations intuitively turn their thoughts to the Lord, even if they do not ask for help in words. Sincere and pure words spoken from the heart will achieve their goal. Prayers for our grandchildren have always helped, and if it were otherwise, this would have disappeared from our lives long ago. However, faith in miracles and love for God has gained greater strength in recent years. The Orthodox Church is accepting more and more parishioners and guiding its lost children on the true path.

Trust God

The Lord wants us to place all our worries and fears on him, even in those cases when the situation seems hopeless. This is confirmed by the Bible, which says that you should cast all your burdens on Him, because He cares about you. In difficult life situations, life often turns into chaos. Many people think that there is no way out, but this is not so. In those moments when we think that everything around us has collapsed, God begins to restore order and put everything in its place. In such cases, people often realize that everything is in His hands and experience the joy of relationship with Him. The Lord is always there, in your prayers you should always thank him for everything that we have in this life. Ask for your foolish children, and God will hear. A grandmother's prayer for her grandson will always have special power.

The Almighty will help even in the most difficult situations and resolve problems that seem hopeless. Any Christian can confirm this. Even if the situation cannot be changed, God will give you peace in your soul and some kind of consolation. We are all children for him, and he cares about us. Jesus told his disciples that he was leaving Peace to them, giving it so that their hearts would not be afraid or troubled.

In difficult circumstances, we must trust God, have strong faith, but not blind faith. It must be based on knowledge about God, His character. If you are driving across a bridge in a car, it doesn’t matter what you think about its strength. You just have to trust its reliability. Likewise, the Lord wants you to simply rely and believe in him, in his wisdom, reliability and holiness. God should become our refuge in all life situations.

Look through the texts of the prayers presented in our photos. All words have some spiritual meaning. And even if they are not all clear in meaning to you, believe that with sincere pronunciation they achieve their goal. Prayers for oneself, children, grandchildren, parents - all are offered in a fit of emotion, they are read with the soul, and it, as we know, is the bridge connecting us with God.

Prayers for children and grandchildren

Prayers are constant communication with God and the Saints. Through prayer we contact heaven, and the Lord always takes part in our lives. The most popular are prayers for children and grandchildren. They help protect the child from illnesses, various adversities, and even help the mother safely carry the baby and be relieved of the burden. Orthodox people often resort to prayerful help and exalt holy words over images, relics, faces of Saints, and come into contact with the Almighty. Throughout their existence, people turn to the Gods in their own words, asking to save and preserve their offspring so that they grow up healthy and strong.

Today we know many prayer messages that we address to God, the Saints, and the Mother of God. The modern world is accustomed to praying in the morning or evening in front of icons, coming to church, observing church rituals. But there are no prohibitions if you turn to Jesus Christ and all the Saints at any time of the day or night. The most precious thing a mother has is her child, and requests for his well-being are constantly made in any situation.

People often turn to God with prayers for their relatives, children, parents, those who are alive and those who have already passed on to another world. The Psalter contains a whole section of prayers for children and grandchildren. The most fervent prayers are for them. Mothers and grandmothers sincerely wish their children peace, goodness and health. It is children's souls that are the most fragile and pure. The journey of life is just beginning, and you really want to protect your child from mistakes and adversity on a difficult road. The most popular prayers for children:

  • Prayer for the birth of a child.
  • Mother's prayer.
  • Prayer for health.
  • Prayer for a restful sleep.
  • Prayer for my son's health.
  • Prayer not to drink.
  • Prayer for my daughter.
  • Prayer to get married.
  • Prayer to get married.
  • Prayer for recovery.
  • Grandmother's prayer for her grandson's health.

Divine help, what is it?

Prayer is the path to God, contact with the Saints. By entering into this connection, a person asks for help. Sincere, pure communication helps to correct the most difficult situations and overcome the most severe illness. Parents' prayers and grandmothers' prayers make it possible to protect against bad inclinations, guide them on the right path, and cleanse the heart and soul of a child. Having heard the fervent words of prayer, the Lord will not leave your child and will help him in difficult times. Guardian angels also play a huge role. Don't forget to turn to them with your prayers. In an absurd situation, they will suggest a way out and will not leave your child in a hopeless situation.

Mothers carrying babies under their hearts need the special attention of the Lord. Constant prayers help you go through pregnancy without problems and give birth to a healthy baby. Make contact with the Mother of God more often through reading prayers; she, like no one else, supports and protects expectant mothers. The modern world is very dangerous and often threatens the health of not only adults, but also children. Only prayer for health and constant appeals to God will help protect our children from everyday threats.

Will God hear us?

Orthodox prayers do not imply any rules or conditions for their pronunciation. All the texts contained in the Psalter are very effective and powerful. No matter what a baptized person’s life may be, even the lowest sinner, the Lord will hear his sincere prayer, spoken in faith to the Almighty. Orthodox prayer for grandchildren can be addressed to God, the Mother of God, and the Saints. It’s good when, when reading it, there will be an image in front of you to which you turn. It is recommended to have small icons with you, and also to store the images in the house in the Red Corner. While addressing them, light candles or lamps in front of them.

Many prayers contain requests for the protection of children. It is best to pray to the Saints regularly. It is recommended to attend temple and church services. From childhood, teach your children to do this, let them listen to choral singing, as well as the sermons of clergy. Before saying the words of the prayer, you need to cross yourself three times, also after reading it.

You can turn to the Lord in your own words, if you can accurately convey the essence of your request. In all cases, the Creator will listen to both the adult and the child. Never forget Jesus Christ and always thank him for the miracles performed and the fulfillment of your desires and aspirations. Whatever amulet a child wears, the only thing that will truly save him is true faith. For Orthodox Christians, the main talisman is the cross on the body. It is worn as an infant during baptism in church and protects its wearer throughout his life.

The Psalms contain many prayers for children, grandchildren, and godchildren. They contain petitions for the granting of health, prosperity, joy in life, and help in business. Mothers often resort to prayers about conception and childbirth. At the same time, they pray to Xenia of St. Petersburg, Matrona of Moscow, Ambrose of Optina. During prayer, it is better to turn your gaze to their images. One of the most important is the prayer for the blessing of children. In this case, you need to turn to the Lord God himself, then grace will descend on the head of your child. Through the blessing of the parent through God, the child's life is filled with prosperity and love. Protects the baby's blessing from troubles.


It is difficult to argue about the importance of the role of grandparents in raising their grandchildren. I think that I will not be mistaken if I express the idea that the majority of readers were raised by their grandparents, and if they were not raised, they had a huge influence on the development of their personality. An even greater responsibility lies with Orthodox grandparents. Their prayer for their grandchildren before God has no less power than the prayer of parents for their children. Having lived their lives and gained enormous life experience, they understand how important it is not to spoil the delicate, vulnerable soul of a child, which is much more susceptible to demonic attacks and temptations than the souls of adults. How important it is to lay the foundation of spiritual education in children at an early age. Such grandparents try not only to put into their young heads basic concepts about faith, piety, love of God, but also pray as much as possible for your grandchildren.

Who should you pray for your grandchildren?

Raising believing grandparents gives a lot. If modern parents primarily focus their upbringing on success and education (which, of course, is also necessary), then the older generation will be able to teach their grandchildren prayer, peacefulness, calmness, wise humility, moderation - everything that parents, due to their youth, still We didn’t know it ourselves. Prayer for grandchildren also gives a lot. The Orthodox Church teaches us that when we pray, what is important is not the chosen saint or icon, or even the words of the prayer, but our faith, sincerity, inner humility and willingness to accept help. Prayer for grandchildren can be read in front of icons Mother of God, Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Holy Blessed Matrona of Moscow, St. Sergius Radonezh and Seraphim of Sarov. When praying for your grandchildren, do not forget to contact their heavenly patrons (the saints after whom the children are named), the Guardian Angels.

Christian prayer for adult grandchildren

For grandparents, their grandchildren will forever remain small children whom they taught to speak, count, and whom they carried to Holy Communion. Prayer for adult grandchildren is just as necessary as for little ones. After all, when they grow up, the grandmother’s heart begins to ache even more strongly: so that she studies well, does not get involved with bad company, does not become addicted to drugs or alcohol, does not crash while riding a motorcycle, and finds happiness in love. Prayer for your grandchildren throughout your life is your feasible spiritual help and support for them, regardless of their age. Teach your grandchildren to pray, pray with them from childhood to help them take the path of spiritual life, and not waste it.

Text of the Orthodox prayer for your grandchildren to the Most Holy Theotokos

O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and in obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Thy maternal gaze, for Thou art the Divine Cover of Thy servants.

Text of a Christian prayer for the health of your grandchildren and children to the Lord God

Sweetest Jesus, God of my heart! You gave me children according to the flesh, they are Yours according to the soul; You redeemed both my soul and theirs with Your priceless blood; For the sake of Your Divine blood, I beg You, my Sweetest Savior: with Your grace, touch the hearts of my children (names) and my godchildren (names), protect them with Your Divine fear, keep them from bad inclinations and habits, direct them to the bright path of life, truth and goodness, decorate their lives with everything good and saving, arrange their fate as You yourself want and save their souls in the image of fate. Lord God of our fathers! Give to my children (names) and my godsons (names) a right heart to keep Your commandments, Your revelations and Your statutes and to fulfill all this.

Text of a miraculous prayer for grandchildren to the Guardian Angel

Holy Guardian Angel of my children (names), cover them with your protection from the arrows of the demon, from the eyes of the seducer, and keep their hearts in angelic purity. Amen.

Each person shows love and care for their loved ones differently. Many older people are very devout and believers, so they channel their love for their children and grandchildren through faith and God. So, many grandmothers believe that prayer for grandchildren is the most powerful.

When is prayer used?

Prayer is a kind of connection between a person and God, it is a way to ask for help or blessing. There are many cases in the world when a simple prayer coming from the depths of the soul, filled with sincerity and faith, helped people cope with a serious illness, life difficulties, gain confidence in their abilities and the support of the Lord.

Prayers for children are considered the most frequent and strongest, because we put all our love, strength and soul into children, and therefore we pray for them fervently and sincerely.

There is a separate chapter in the Psalter dedicated to prayers for children and grandchildren:

  • Prayer for my daughter;
  • Prayer request for the health of my son;
  • Prayer service for the birth of a child;
  • Mother's prayer;
  • Prayer request for a restful sleep;
  • Grandmother's prayer for the health of her grandchildren.

A prayer for grandchildren can be said in different situations: with a request for the birth of a grandson, with a wish that he does not get sick, for a successful marriage or marriage of grandchildren, and in other cases.

Powerful prayers for grandchildren

A grandmother’s prayer can be different, depending on who she turns to for help: the Most Holy Theotokos, the Lord, or the saints.

Prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary

The prayer to the Blessed Virgin Mary is as follows:

Mother of God, the Most Holy Theotokos, my Lord Jesus Christ, and the entire Holy Trinity, I ask, I pray - give consolation, bless my grandchildren for a happy life, for longevity. I, sinful and unworthy, pray for them. I don’t pray for myself, but for my grandchildren.

So that they always have smart heads, clear views, playful legs, pure souls. Deliver them from hard times, as well as from bad life. Cover with your Holy Veil, protect from great illness, from dashing vodka, from a treacherous knife, from gun fire, from the evil eye, from damage, from all sorts of attacks.

Have mercy, save, save my dear grandchildren! I bow to you a hundred times, I ask you a hundred times and all about the same thing. Amen!

Prayer to the Lord God

And the prayer to the Lord God for grandchildren will sound like this:

The Lord is happy with the love of people, and let my granddaughter/grandson (name) be happy. Bless you, God, (name) for happiness too. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen

How to pray for the health of your grandchildren?

The prayer to the Mother of God for grandchildren is considered daily, so you can read it every day. Also, along with reading a prayer, you can ask for help in the temple. To do this, you need to come to any temple and write on a sheet of health the names of your grandchildren, granddaughters and children. The names that the children received at baptism must be indicated. Then you need to buy candles and place them in front of the icon of Christ the Savior, the Mother of God and the image of a saint, if your prayer is addressed to one of the saints. For example, in Orthodoxy, the patron saints of children are the holy martyr Neophytos of Nicea, the holy infant martyr Gabriel of Bialystok, as well as guardian angels. After you have placed a candle in front of the image of the saint, turn to him with prayer for your children and grandchildren. After this, you can watch the service in the temple or just spend some time there alone with God and your thoughts. And when you return home, light a candle or lamp near the icon of Jesus Christ or the Blessed Virgin and read the prayer several times. The main thing is that the prayer is sincere and comes from the depths of the soul, from the very heart.