Application of meat and bone meal. Mineral supplements in chicken feed: what to give and how

Natural feed often does not have the full range of necessary substances, so feed additives for cattle help solve this problem. With their help, nutrition efficiency increases, the metabolic processes of the animal body are activated, growth is stimulated, milk yield increases, and the quality of milk improves. To form bone and muscle tissue and maintain the energy of cattle, it is necessary to enrich feed with vital vitamins and minerals. This diet will improve the health of calves and adult cows during lactation and dry periods.

Purpose and popular recipes for mixtures

So that the calf develops normally and does not get sick, but livestock farms got more cow's milk and high quality meat; supplements with minerals are used in feeding. A sufficient amount of minerals for the growth of skeleton and muscles is a necessary prerequisite for high productivity of animals.

Minerals are introduced into the diet of animals, enriching feed mixtures for meat and dairy breeds of cows. Mineral supplements are used when feeding young and adult livestock. Depending on the purpose, feed is prepared according to specific instructions. According to one method, the prepared feed is poured with hot water, and the resulting mass is compressed. Granules are made from it, which are dried and cooled. Another method is to add molasses and fish oil to the dry feed mixture.

Properly prepared feed mixtures are prepared using 70% of the feed base, which consists of wheat bran, ground corn, barley, grass meal, bread, and silage. In addition, the composition of the popular food must include 30% of minerals and vitamins (meal, cake, molasses, fish oil and 0.5% salt).

Calves with early age It is recommended to give grain mixtures filled with molasses, as well as oatmeal jelly based on high-quality “Hercules”. The amount of this food gradually increases from 200 g in the first days to 2.5 kg after a month and a half.

Combined feed for young animals consists of the following components: 34% corn, 37% barley, 17% meal, 6% eprin, 4% molasses, 2% chalk, salt, and other mineral additives.

Benefits of Vitamin and Mineral Concentrate

The growth, development, and productivity of farm animals largely depend on adequate nutrition, which must include important micro- and macroelements and vitamins. Premixes containing pulp, vitamins, biovit, fish meal, vegetable oil, glycerin, enzymes, flavoring additives.

Fish oil, molasses and pulp contain large number minerals. If you give cows, bulls, and calves products of this group, you can get the following benefits:

  • increase in weight gain, intensification of growth;
  • improving feed absorption, increasing animal appetite;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • reducing the consumption of feed mixtures.

In addition, a complex of minerals containing biovit will help prevent the development of diarrhea and reduce the likelihood of infectious infections in cattle.

Main types of mineral supplements

For full growth and productivity of farm animals, and prevention of diseases associated with mineral deficiency, it is necessary to introduce purified salt and mineral supplements in the form of fish oil, chalk, pulp, molasses and glycerin into the diet.

The main types of minerals used in feed include bone meal, calcium, and phosphorus supplements. Increasing cow productivity – main task meat bone meal for cattle. That is why it is necessary to enrich their diet with such additives of animal origin. In addition, the livestock must receive grass meal and coniferous branches.

The meaning of table salt

For humans and animals, the most important chemical components that ensure their vital functions are sodium and potassium chloride, which are part of table salt. Sodium is the main ion of the internal fluids of the body and is the basis of physiological solutions.

The question of why cows should add salt to feed mixtures when feeding, or give a special lick in the form of a stone or bar, which should be in the feeder at all times, has several answers.

First, sodium and potassium are required by the body to maintain chemical equilibrium, formation of muscle and nerve tissues, strengthening of the heart muscle. Secondly, breaking down inside the stomach, salt provides components for gastric juice. It also maintains homeostasis.

Thus, salt is a vital element for a cow. It is needed for milk production, increasing cattle appetite and weight gain, so bulls and cows are given salt 50-100 g per day.

Molasses is an important component in the diet of cows

Molasses is a by-product of sugar production from beets. Its other name is molasses. By adding molasses to feed for cattle, livestock farms achieve increased milk yield, improved protein structure of milk, taste qualities feed In addition, the activity of beneficial bacteria in the rumen of the multichamber stomach is stimulated, and digestion is improved. Molasses will be especially useful in diets rich in grass silages.

If sugar-rich components, for example, beet pulp, are introduced into the feed, then it is necessary to reduce the consumption of this substance by one animal to 1.5 kg per day. When feeding dry cows straw, it is important to enrich daily diet using molasses and pulp. Such a menu will become more attractive to the entire cattle population due to an increase in its taste. When preparing feed, it is important to follow the instructions for use, strictly observing dosages and mixing recipes.

The role of glycerol in feeding

Glucose synthesis, activation of metabolic processes, high energy level Bulls, cows and calves are provided with glycerol within their bodies. This substance cleanses the blood, reducing the concentration of fatty acids, supports the normal functioning of the liver, and prevents the development of diseases.

Glycerin normalizes glycogen metabolic processes, quickly and easily absorbed by the digestive system of animals.

Adding glycerin to combined feeds normalizes the hormonal levels of cows after calving. It is important to comply with its norm, which is about 200 g per day. Such a diet restores the reproductive function of an adult within 100 days after the birth of a calf. Nutrition of this type has a positive effect on the fat content and quality of milk, increases milk yield, and normalizes blood glucose levels.

Thus, maintaining the health of cattle and its productivity directly depends on adequate nutrition, which should contain proteins, fiber, potassium, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, and carotene. Besides, great value has the addition of vitamin complexes.

The importance of vitamin complexes

A deficiency of useful elements in feed leads to vitamin deficiencies, which can be incurably painful and lead to dangerous consequences. Therefore, special vitamin complexes are offered on the modern veterinary market. Widespread various types drug "Biovit".

Lack of vitamins in calves leads to growth retardation and pathological changes in the structure of the body. For pregnant cows, vitamin deficiencies pose a particular danger. “Biovit” is a popular food additive during the dry period; it helps prevent diarrhea and accelerate the growth of animals.

When feeding calves, adding “Biovit” to the diet from three weeks of age strengthens the immune system, muscles, ligaments, and increases the resistance of young animals to various infections.

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We met with the management of PKF TIME-2005 LLC, the largest supplier of foreign and domestic meat and bone meal in Russia, and talked about the situation at domestic market.

SN: Today, in the context of rising feed prices, a number of enterprises are again faced with the issue of using meat and bone meal in their diets. Your company is one of the largest suppliers of this product in Russia. Tell us, what do you think is the situation in the animal protein market and what issues do consumers face?

Time: Our company often has to deal with issues related to biosafety and the general quality of meat and bone meal, both domestic and imported.

Previously, we gave quite detailed comments on imported meat and bone meal. Today in Russia there are new producers of meat and bone meal using imported equipment. The end consumer - mainly poultry farms - has a question: what is the Russian meat and bone meal market like today, what are its positive and negative aspects.

First, it is necessary to recall once again that domestic meat and bone meal is produced in accordance with GOST 17536-82, according to which flour can be produced from a “mix” of mortalities, slaughterhouse waste, pork, cattle, poultry waste, and veterinary confiscations. Accordingly, the veterinarian or livestock specialist of the enterprise faces the following questions:

1) At what enterprise and with what equipment was meat and bone meal produced;

2) What raw materials is it made from;

3) What is the maximum production capacity of this flour;

4) Reputation of the manufacturer of this product.

Oddly enough, but it is the reputation of the manufacturer that is often the decisive factor.

Each of these issues should be treated extremely carefully, since the return of low-quality meat and bone meal is always cheaper for the supplier than the beginning of the death of poultry or pigs from the buyer.

SN: Could you elaborate on these issues in more detail?

Time: Yes, of course. Although we are sure that the answers to them are known to almost every livestock specialist or feed technologist. So, in order:

1) At what enterprise and on what equipment was meat and bone meal produced?

Today in Russia about

6000 tons of meat and bone meal. Producers are: higher education institutions, meat processing plants, pig farms, poultry farms. Obviously, it is safer for a poultry farm to purchase flour produced by meat processing plants (not processing poultry) and pig farms. The second issue is the equipment - if it is not modernized, there are old Laabs boilers, there is no press for extracting fat, and the moisture exceeds 7%, then there is a risk of getting a product with a high biosafety risk.

2) What raw materials is meat and bone meal made from?

Here, in general, a completely understandable practice has developed: a poultry farm is interested in flour without poultry waste, and a pig farm is correspondingly interested in flour without pork waste.

When a veterinarian or livestock specialist wonders what production capacity recycling enterprise, then first of all they are trying to understand how homogeneous the meat and bone meal coming to them will be in terms of zootechnical indicators. Simply put, if a high school produces about 200-300 tons per month of any type of meat and bone meal, which is considered a small volume, then certain difficulties arise in making the product homogeneous.

SN: Please clarify what you are talking about?

Time: Everything is simple here: today they brought raw materials from the meat processing plant after deboning, and tomorrow they will die. Accordingly, in one case the crude protein will not be higher than 42-45%, in another 55-65%. Of course, you can mix the finished product in bags in the warehouse, but it still remains high risk get assorted meat and bone meal.

SN: You said that the reputation of the meat and bone meal manufacturer is one of the most important issues, why do you place such emphasis on this?

Time: The fact is that we are a large trader of meat and bone meal, that is, we buy goods and then resell them. Our successful existence for 15 years in the animal protein market is primarily due to the fact that the supply of low-quality meat and bone meal to the end consumer is perceived by us as a blow primarily to our reputation, and not to the reputation of the manufacturing plant.

It's no secret that the culture of conducting Russian business, unfortunately, sometimes leaves much to be desired. Most acute this question arises when proposals from veterinary and sanitary recycling plants are considered. Lately It has become fashionable to call the most ordinary higher education institution some attractive name, thereby diverting the attention of the end consumer.

Our area of ​​responsibility includes conducting an in-depth analysis of the meat and bone meal offered to us from manufacturers. Only after this we begin to implement it. In fact, this is exactly what the end consumer pays us money for.

SN: What negative examples has your company encountered in this regard?

Time: I would like to say that we don’t have “returns,” but I repeat, sometimes the business culture, including the market for meat and bone meal, leaves much to be desired.

Often, even after a familiarization trip to the plant, inspection of equipment, monitoring of veterinary documents of incoming raw materials (to the extent that the plant allows this), there is still a feeling that you are “walking through a minefield.”

Our main task is to understand the management culture of the flour manufacturer. If we come to the conclusion that it is at the proper level, we build mutually beneficial long-term work.

Today, the competitive environment and the clear desire of poultry farms not to introduce third-party meat and bone meal with poultry waste is pushing higher education institutions to separate raw material flows. That is, to process poultry and cattle-pork waste on separate lines. And there are such higher education institutions.

However, as our practice shows, the declaration by universities of the division of raw material flows sometimes remains only a declaration.

SN: Can you voice any of these examples of “declaration”?

Time: An example of this is our negative experience of working with the Abiogroup (Biotek) Higher Educational Institution, located in the Sheksny SEZ in the Vologda region. New imported equipment has been installed at this higher education institution, and management declares separate processing of poultry and cattle-pork waste on two lines. However, as soon as official sampling was carried out as part of our monitoring, impurities of hydrolyzed feathers and wheat bran were found in the supposedly cattle-pork meat and bone meal that arrived at the poultry farm. We do not want to assert that the Higher Educational Institution "Abiogroup" ("Biotek") always produces flour that is dangerous for the end consumer. Perhaps this was a special case. But our relationship with this company is suspended for today.

SN: What advice would you give to consumers who use animal protein in their feed?

Time: It’s difficult to advise anything specific here. There are common truths: “cheap cheese can only be found in a mousetrap,” and, probably, before buying meat and bone meal, it always makes sense to carefully check whether what you are told is true. commercial offer or by phone sales managers.

Meat and bone meal is used as a vitamin and mineral supplement for feeding animals and birds. The mixture is a valuable product, as it contains a sufficient amount of protein and allows you to supplement and balance the nutrition of large and small livestock.

Physical and technical characteristics of the product

By appearance, the mixture is a powder with a specific odor, the color is certainly brown. It is necessary to pay sufficient attention to color, since the presence of a yellow tint indicates low quality flour. For example, feeding poultry with low-quality raw materials results in a decrease in egg production. Based on fat content, the mixture is divided into 3 groups, minimum quantity fat indicates the highest quality. You should pay attention to the smell - musty, putrid - a sign of poor quality of the product. A high-quality product will have a uniform structure, the absence of large lumps or granules.

Manufacturing technology

This raw material is produced from meat that is no longer suitable for human consumption. This could be dead animals (with the exception of infected ones), waste from meat processing factories, and much more. The process of making meat and bone powder occurs in stages. Initially, the waste is boiled, cooled, and after reaching a certain temperature, the mass goes through a crushing process. After this, it is sifted and passed through separators, where metal impurities are removed. The resulting product is treated with special antioxidants to prevent fat spoilage. Finished products packaged and sold.

Application of meat and bone products

Feeding hens increases egg production several times, but the percentage of the total portion should not exceed seven percent. You should not buy a cheap product from little-known manufacturers, best option- meat and bone meal wholesale Biotek, which is different high quality, contains a perfectly balanced amount nutrients. You should not overfeed the bird, as diseases such as amyloidosis and gout may develop.

Feeding cattle and small ruminants perfectly stimulates carcass weight growth and weight gain. It should be noted that after adding powder to the feed, further heat treatment is prohibited, as the usefulness of proteins and vitamins may be lost. For cows, given their herbivory, raw materials should be mixed into the bran, starting with small portions. Even some pet owners are considering adding meat and bone powder as a budget-friendly complementary feeding option. Thus, it is possible to significantly reduce the cost of feed and add additional components to the diet: protein, amino acids, phosphorus.

Meat and bone meal is a product obtained from waste from the meat processing industry and carcasses of dead animals (except those killed from infectious diseases).

The production of meat and bone meal includes several stages: boiling of raw materials, crushing, sifting through a sieve and removing metal impurities using magnetic separators, treatment with antioxidants to prevent fat spoilage. The finished product is a powder brown, with an odor without mustiness or putrefaction, a homogeneous composition without lumps and large (more than 12 mm) granules.

Composition of meat and bone meal: protein - 30-50%, fats - 13-20%, ash - 26-38%, water - no more than 7%, adenosine triphosphoric and glutamic acids, carnitine, bile acids, seratonin, thyroxine, etc. Meat and bone meal differs from meat meal in its high calcium content. This is due to the fact that meat and bone meal is made from raw materials that contain more bones. Nevertheless, this product is a valuable high-protein feed additive. Feed meat and bone meal is characterized high content essential amino acids. It is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, and sodium.

Application of meat and bone meal. It is used as a vitamin and mineral supplement for feeding large and small livestock, as well as pigs and poultry. This is a very valuable product containing a lot of protein. The use of meat and bone meal enriches animal diets with necessary biologically active substances, reduces the cost of raising farm animals and improves the quality of the final product. When feeding livestock and poultry, meat and bone meal is added to mash or concentrated feed, and heat treatment of the feed after adding flour is not allowed. Approximate optimal rates for including meat and bone meal for chickens are 7% of the total amount of grain, for pigs - 5-15% of the total weight of feed, for large and small livestock - 10-100 g per head per day. In small quantities - 5-10% of the total amount of feed - this product is given to ducks, geese, rabbits, guinea fowl, turkeys, etc.

Storage. Feed meal of animal origin - meat, bone, meat and bone - contains a large amount of protein and fat and therefore requires proper storage. The basic rules are to store in a dry, ventilated area without direct sunlight and do not allow the air temperature to rise above +30 degrees. Spoiled or expired flour will not only be useless, but can be harmful to the health of animals and birds.

Energy nutritional value of 1 kg of meat and bone meal 40-50%, SP*
Feed units1,04
Energy feed unit (EFU) for cattle0,86
Energy feed unit (EFU) for pigs1,15
Energy feed unit (EFU) for sheep0,86
Metabolic energy for cattle, MJ8,63
Metabolic energy for pigs, MJ11,50
Metabolic energy for sheep, MJ8,63
Dry matter, g900,00
Crude fat, g112,00
Crude fiber, g0,00
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF), g0,00
Nitrogen-free extractive substances (NEF), g46,00
Starch, g-
Sugar, g-
Vitamin composition of 1 kg of meat and bone meal 40-50%, SP*
Carotene, mg-
Vitamin A, IU-
Vitamin D, IU-
Vitamin E, mg1,00
Vitamin B 1, mg1,10
Vitamin B 2, mg4,20
Vitamin B 3, mg3,60
Vitamin B 4, mg2000,00
Vitamin B 5, mg46,40
Vitamin B 12, mg12,30

*—average data for the Central Federal District are shown.


on the use of meat and bone meal


Meat and bone meal is a protein feed of animal origin. It is a good source of macroelements: calcium contains 6.5-11.6%, phosphorus 3.3-5.9%, sodium 1.5-1.6%. It has a number of useful biologically active substances. The composition and nutritional value vary depending on the type of raw material. First grade flour contains no more than 9% moisture, no more than 11% fat, no more than 28% ash, no less than 50% protein. 1 kg of such flour contains about 0.8 feed units and about 320 g of digestible protein.

In appearance, this product is a dry crumbly mass with a specific odor; it may have various shades from gray to brown, and different grind sizes.


Meat and bone meal has high nutritional value and is used both in its natural form and as a premix for the production of animal feed.

Using meat and bone meal good quality(grades 1 and 2) a balance of essential amino acids in the feed, except for methionine and cystine, is achieved. In properly made flour, with a low content of scleroproteins, protein digestibility is 85-90%.

Good-quality meat and bone meal should have an acid value of fat of no more than 25 mgKOH/g, and a peroxide value of fat of no more than 0.5% J (42 mmol/kg). Meat and bone meal is a good source of vitamins B1 especially: riboflavin, choline, nicotinic acid, cobalamin. It contains some unidentified extractive beneficial factors such as intestinal growth factor from the gastrointestinal tract of pigs, Ackermann factor, growth factor present in the ash.

Some compounds that play an important role in metabolism pass into meat and bone meal along with muscle tissue. These are: adenosine triphosphoric acid (ATP), creatine (in the form of creatine phosphate), glutamine and glutamic acid. Free glutamic acid contained in muscle tissue is a carrier of the H2 group. If it is deficient, growth depression may occur in chickens whose diet is supplemented with synthetic amino acids.

Other substances that stimulate growth and regulate metabolic processes: bile acids, carnitine, pigments, serotonin, somatropic hormone, glucocorticoid hormones, thyroxine and some others enter meat and bone meal along with: the pituitary gland, thyroid and parathyroid glands, ovaries, testes, gastric mucosa, spinal and the brain, abomasum of ruminants, parenchymal organs (lungs, spleen, kidneys, liver).

Depending on the content of protein, fat and mineral salts, meat and bone meal is divided into three grades, the rest of its types are produced of the same grade.

Quality indicators of meat and bone meal


Meat and bone meal

Mass fraction, %:

moisture, no more

protein, no less

fat, no more

ash, no more

fiber, no more

antioxidants, no more

mineral, insoluble in hydrochloric acid, %, no more

Presence of pathogenic microorganisms

Not allowed

General toxicity

Not allowed


Meat and bone meal is used as feed for poultry, pigs and to enrich feed for young animals and for fattening farm animals, cattle, poultry and fish. The addition of meat and bone meal allows you to increase the productivity of the feed, enrich it with proteins, beneficial amino acids, vitamins, minerals of the feed and increase their nutritional value. In addition, it helps normalize metabolism and increases the nutritional properties of food.


The dosage of the supplement supplied varies and depends on the body weight of the animal or bird. In particular, for large livestock this norm is determined from 10 to 100 g per day, for small livestock - 8-20 g. In the composition of mixed feed, this ratio is recommended to be 2-4% per 1 kg of feed. For piglets, replacement pigs and boars, meat and bone meal is included in the diet up to 15%, for pregnant sows, fattening pigs, laying hens and young poultry - up to 10%, most often it is introduced into the diet of birds in the amount of 3-7% of the dry weight grain flour feed. Meat and bone meal is usually added to any prepared food, be it dry, wet or mixed. After introducing flour into the feed, do not heat it, because in this case, most of the protein and vitamins are lost.


Excessive amounts of meat and bone meal in poultry diets can cause gout. When using an excessive amount of meat and bone meal, animals may develop the disease amyloidosis - a disorder of protein metabolism, expressed in the deposition and accumulation of protein substances with characteristic physicochemical properties in tissues and organs.



If overheated, improperly stored, or after the expiration date, meat and bone meal is dangerous. Overheating of meat and bone meal is especially dangerous, during which intensive decomposition of fat can occur with the formation of unsaturated toxic aldehyde acrolin.


Tightly closed, in a dry (relative humidity no higher than 75%), well-ventilated place, out of reach of children and animals, at a temperature not exceeding +30 C. In unopened manufacturer's packaging, the shelf life is 12 months.