Simple ways to teach children to draw. How to teach a child to draw. Advice from artists, teachers and parents

Nature gifts every child creativity. But in order to discern it and develop it as the baby grows up, it is not necessary with early years buy him expensive play sets and training centers. One of the most accessible types of creativity with which you can captivate your baby is to teach him to draw.

Drawing classes have a beneficial effect on development fine motor skills toddlers, discipline young artists, educate aesthetic taste and correct perception of the world around them, and most importantly, help them reveal their “I” and embody their fantasies in painting.

In vain, some adults postpone the development of their child’s ability to draw until the moment when he stops putting everything in his mouth. Even before your child reaches the first year of life, you can safely offer him finger paints and whatman paper and then gradually move on to new levels. For children, painting with bright colors is a sea of ​​joy and new impressions.

Drawing lessons should be taught in stages from the very beginning. As soon as your baby gets bored with his first experiments in creating simple patterns using the “Free Children's Creativity” technique, invite him to put dots or stripes on paper with his fingertips, as well as make handprints and foot prints. In further lessons, help your child create whole pictures based on what he already knows. The development of associative thinking stimulates children's figurative memory.

During your baby's first and second year, try other color drawings in your lessons:

To prevent your child from getting tired of creating masterpieces, spark his interest in a variety of ways, For example:

  • Sew aprons and arm ruffles for the little artist. No matter how old he is, he will begin to perceive his moments of creativity as something important, he will take the necessary supplies himself and listen to your every word.
  • Surprise your 2-year-old with how new colors and shades are formed by mixing different paints, and let him experiment for himself.
  • Gradually introduce your child to other art supplies. If the baby already skillfully uses a spoon, show him how to paint with finger brushes, give him paint brushes, a palette, later a pencil and felt-tip pens and tell him how to use them.

We teach painting to children aged 3-4 years

The ability to draw with a pencil or pen is gradually taught:

1) For the first lessons, choose a soft stylus for your child, the mark of which remains with light pressure. Show him how to hold a pencil. An adult must supervise the development of the child’s skill in holding the instrument correctly.

2) First, it is important to teach children to draw clear, even, confident lines. You can move on to the next stage when the small pen does not tremble and the drawn line is of the same thickness along its entire length. Watch how the artist teaches these basic skills to children:

3) Buy your child a notebook for tracing shapes and drawings. Take him by the brush to help him draw his first lines and shapes. Later, let him repeat the pattern or complete the dotted image himself.

4) Over time, the turn will come to master simple geometric designs. Show your child how you can gradually transform familiar shapes into an image, for example, make a sun out of a circle.

5) Then give him the task of drawing something using certain figures(a locomotive made of rectangles and circles, a house made of a square and a triangle, a snowman made of three circles, a butterfly made of a circle and ovals, etc.). Discovering amazing world creativity, the child will learn step by step to create beauty, and the development of his abilities will become an incentive for new discoveries.

6) Use printed or electronic step-by-step guides. Your child will learn how to draw animals, cartoon characters and other heroes step by step.

Using instructions designed for children and adults, you can also depict people by adding details step by step. Here, for example, is how to teach a child to draw a person:

It is worth noting that the banal redrawing of a certain image neutralizes the development of the imagination and creativity of a young creature. Then how to teach a child to draw a person, birds and animals and other real objects in a different way without these basics? Try the number drawing method. Children of four or five years old can usually do this.

Mathematics and art for children 5 years old

Your child is diligently preparing for school and is already mastering the technique of writing numbers, and perhaps he has already mastered this skill at the age of 4, thanks to his family. In any case, this skill will be useful for turning numbers into drawings, gradually adding details to them.

The diagrams below will tell you how to teach your child to draw animals using numbers.

All techniques for teaching drawing to children from 0 to 5 years old are good. It doesn't matter if you follow a certain method early development creative abilities of the baby or develop individual program For a child, the main thing is that your activities are interesting and varied.

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You are faced with the task of how to teach your child to draw? Drawing is an important skill that provides the foundation for developing creativity along with reading, writing and mathematics. At the same time, this activity allows you to have fun, developing fine motor skills and thinking, so it is very important that this process is interesting, enjoyable and free of force.

Almost all children, starting from 1.5 years old, draw with enthusiasm. First, these are the so-called scribbles, which are meaningless lines and shapes, and then - elementary images that lend themselves to a certain rhythm, in which you can see real objects, animals, people close to the baby, etc. The older the child gets, the higher the demands he places on his drawing. Many children who do not have sufficient visual skills cannot satisfy their need for drawing and simply refuse this entertaining activity. Therefore, only we, adults, can help a child overcome the difficulties that arise and teach him visual basics necessary to create the most basic drawing.

In order to effectively and successfully teach a child to draw, you need to arouse his interest in this activity, as well as show that all surrounding objects can be represented in a drawing. To this end, create several simple images in front of your baby. The sustainability of interest in drawing any object depends on its novelty and attractiveness, as well as on the variety of places from which it will be presented to the child. Therefore, it is best to present the objects that you will depict from different spatial points, for example, from behind a table, from a box, from behind a door, etc.

Drawing with pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, brushes and paints is quite a difficult task for a child. This is due to the fact that the child not only needs to imagine what an object will look like on a piece of paper, but also be able to use visual tools and materials. Therefore, show your child the difference between a drawing made with a pencil and a drawing created with a felt-tip pen or brush. Also pay your child’s attention to how to properly hold a pencil and brush and position a sheet of paper.

Where to start learning to draw?

If you are thinking about how to teach a child to draw, first of all you should pay attention to. As observations show, almost all children preschool age There are certain motor difficulties that arise in the process of acting with visual tools. To eliminate these difficulties, you need to select tasks aimed at developing fine motor skills of the fingers. For this purpose, you can use a variety of game exercises, contributing to:

  • development of free and easy movements in the elbow and shoulder joints (“Locomotive”, “The bell is ringing”, “The little sparrow flaps its wings”, etc.);
  • relieving tension and dosing the force when bending the fingers (pressing the fingers on the spray gun, balloon, rubber ball, etc.);
  • formation of correct differentiated grip (grabbing objects that are contrasting in size, shape and structure, moving objects from one place to another, from hand to hand, collecting beads, pyramids, mosaics, fastening buttons, zippers, etc.)

All drawings are a varied combination of lines. In order to teach a child to draw individual lines and then combine them into a complete image, it is best to adhere to a certain sequence of actions. At the same time, you show what needs to be done and how, and the baby repeats after you. First, draw a line with a pencil (you can use any materials). Swipe it index finger(according to the direction of the pencil movement). After this, draw a line in the air (you can use your index finger and a pencil). When you and your child have completed the basic preparatory steps, you can begin to directly draw the line.

How to teach a child basic drawing?

To make learning basic drawing interesting for a child and not tire him out, create play situations.

For image vertical lines(from top to bottom) you can play out the plot by tying strings to balls. To develop the ability to draw horizontal lines (from left to right), use tasks such as “The car is driving along the path”, “The path to the house”, etc.

To teach a child the ability to carry out slanted, broken and closed lines You can offer game-activities on the themes: “Spruce tree”, “Bunny jumps”, “Over the bumps”, “Napkin for mom”, “Beautiful ball”, “Colored balls”, “Multi-colored rings”, etc.

When a child masters basic drawing skills and believes in his own strengths and capabilities, he will boldly experiment, and therefore create.

People gifted with talent can paint beautiful pictures, but even small children can learn to draw. How to facilitate the acquisition of such skills in young children, and what should parents of children pay attention to during the educational process? Children aged 3-6 years simply love to draw, but the result obtained is not always clear. At what age can you start learning, what materials are needed for this, and what are the benefits for a child’s development from this type of creativity? We will answer all these questions in the review.

About the benefits of drawing for children 2-7 years old

About the state of the emotional background, feelings in society and inner world can be judged by children's drawings. Child psychologists, analyzing a child’s “masterpieces,” can create a picture of his spiritual, emotional and mental state.

A reflection of the influence of the surrounding world on the child as a whole can manifest itself in children's drawing. In addition, the development of the cerebral hemispheres, small hand motor skills in parallel with the improvement of speech, memory, intelligence, discipline and perseverance.

Each child begins to join this activity at different times. Some children first began to draw with finger paints at the age of 2, others with crayons on the asphalt from the age of 3, and still others even with their mother’s lipstick at 12 months. But no matter what the first experience of drawing is associated with, we can say with confidence that this will be a favorite pastime for a long period of childhood.

Teaching children to draw

Parents are required to take care of the purchase necessary materials for creativity (paints, colored pencils, albums, felt-tip pens, easels, etc.). Of course, you can enroll your guys in art school or drawing courses, but the review will talk about what overwhelming help parents themselves can provide.

First drawing lesson

You can start teaching your child to draw with a picture of a flower. First, draw an oval, and inside it is a second oval, which will serve as the core. To ensure that the petals turn out beautifully and correctly shaped, it is recommended to use a ruler. The planes of the oval are divided by two perpendicular lines, and then several vectors are drawn that equally separate the right angles. Next, you should show your child how to connect two adjacent lines in a semicircle, thereby creating a petal.

It’s time to introduce the heir to the grater and remove extra lines. In conclusion, flower to be painted colored pencils or paints.

On the basis of an oval, you can similarly teach your child to draw a tulip, bell or daisy. The main thing is to remember the shape of the geometric figure and the sequence of its improvement.

You can teach boys to draw cars after familiarizing them with geometric shapes: rectangles and circles.

You can start depicting a truck using three parts:

  • wheels;
  • body;
  • cabins

A rectangle will do for the cabin, two circles will be needed for the wheels, and a larger rectangle will be needed for the body.

After receiving the schematic drawing, we begin to depict the details. During the drawing process, it is necessary to communicate with the child and draw his attention to various nuances. For example, a driver sits in the cab and controls the truck using a steering wheel and pedals. But the gas, clutch and brake pedals are not visible. To travel at night, you need headlights, which are best painted yellow or orange. It is also worth paying attention little artist on the size of the body in which various objects and building materials can be transported.

It is not necessary to talk about all the details, otherwise the process will turn from an exciting one into a tedious lecture and will lose all the charm of creativity. Using the same principle, it is recommended to draw a passenger car, where a smaller one stands on a larger rectangle, and the role of the wheels is played by 4 circles, two of which will be incompletely visible. It is enough to bevel the corners on the upper rectangle to get the silhouette of a car. Here we can add that almost every country produces passenger cars, among which the fastest are sports cars. And in this spirit, you can significantly enrich your child’s knowledge about cars.

It is not difficult to teach little girls and boys to draw a house. To do this, you will need to introduce them to three figures from the world of geometry: square, rectangle and triangle. Having drawn a square, they “build” the walls of the future house. Then using a triangle on the house the roof appears. The role of the window and door will be performed by rectangles. Next, all that remains is to decorate the house, add curtains to the windows, a handle to the door, a threshold and a doorbell.

This homeschooling children younger age can be an excellent basis for a more in-depth study of drawing. In the creative process, parents will be able to judge their child’s abilities and development. You shouldn’t give up coloring books that have been popular at all times. With their help, the child will learn to respect the boundaries of the drawing, not to go beyond the contours and see the entire drawing as a whole, coloring it step by step. A wide variety of such coloring pages can be found on the Internet for different ages. You can show an example and download the image you like for the parent and child, so that everyone is busy with their own drawing.

How to teach a child to draw? This question arises among parents when their children unsuccessfully try to portray something and become very upset because of failures. Children have the right to count on parental help; a loving father and mother can teach basic knowledge. It won't be easy at first. The baby will be embarrassed hold a pencil, its lines, devoid of smoothness and clarity, will hardly depict objects. But with each lesson the drawings will improve.

We teach children to paint with watercolors

Children simply love to paint. To begin with, it is recommended to paint with watercolors. An ordinary honey watercolor consisting of 12 colors will do. A landscape sheet or whatman paper is suitable as a basis for drawing. It is recommended to fix the paper on the board with pins and dilute three basic colors. Having armed your child with a brush, you need to show how to dip it in paint and apply a stroke on paper. Place a glass of water nearby to wash off the paint from the brush. Explain to your child that even if the drawing doesn’t work out right away, it can be corrected when the paint on the paper dries. Reveal to your child the secret of mixing basic colors to create new ones.

How to teach a 4 year old child to draw? By my own example. Start drawing the clouds and the sun, and then you can move on to more difficult subjects. For very young children, the finger drawing technique is suitable. To do this, you will need to prepare the place by carefully covering the table with oilcloth or newspapers so that the heir does not stain everything around. Next, apply paint to the baby’s fingers or palms and offer to make prints on clean slate Whatman paper Keep a bowl of water and paper towels on hand to clean your baby's hands in time for color changes.

To introduce children to paints, the method of painting with a sponge is suitable. This method can be mastered by a 3-year-old child. To do this, you will need to prepare paper, several pieces of foam sponge, saucers for paint, gouache, a basin of warm water and paper towels.

This technique is also suitable for younger children.

The creative process looks like this:

  • prepare the desired colors of paint on a palette or saucer;
  • attach the paper to an easel or fix it on a table;
  • cut the dishwashing sponge into three parts;
  • moisten clean water paper;
  • dip the sponge in desired color paint on the palette and apply the drawing onto the paper with jerky movements.

For kids it’s worth choosing simple drawings, for example, depict a rainbow. The main thing is that the parents are nearby and suggest the sequence of actions during the fascinating process.

It is no less fun to paint pictures using wax. To do this, you will need the same items as for painting with a sponge, only you should additionally take a wax candle and a brush.

Wax from a lit candle is dripped onto a dry sheet of paper. At this stage, the presence of parents is mandatory so that the child was not injured from fire. It is recommended to form wax stains not randomly, but by weaving them into a pattern or words. After the wax has hardened, paint is applied to the paper using a brush. From the surface where wax is present, the paint will roll off. You will really like the resulting drawing because of its originality, and you will want to repeat the creative process itself in the near future.

As you can see from the review, you can introduce your favorite child to drawing using various objects and methods. The main thing is that the child enjoys the time spent with his parents or loved ones, and he gains not only general concept about this exciting process, but was also pleased with the result.

How to teach a child to draw? To begin with, the parent himself needs to master or become familiar with a certain technique that will gradually allow him to achieve desired result. And there are many drawing techniques. We recommend trying each of them and determining which one suits your child best. And in the process of creative experiments, children and their parents will definitely not be bored.

In this article we want to talk about drawing with children aged three to four years. What should you remember when drawing with children? How to make the activity fun and exciting? How and with what can you draw?

Let's try to find answers to these questions together.

How to organize a drawing lesson for children 3-4 years old?

  • Think about the activity. Play out in your mind the entire sequence of what you and your child will do. Stock up on wet wipes and cloths so that you have them at hand if necessary.
  • Give an example of what should happen as a result of the lesson. This can make it very easy to explain the material.
  • Take a doll, animal or cartoon character and conduct an activity with its help. Children will be happy to support and help the puppet teacher.
  • Think about what photographs, pictures, videos and audio materials you can use in class. This will make your lesson fun and interesting.

Best drawing techniques for 3-4 years old

Let's look at some drawing techniques for children 3-4 years old.


The point of this technique is to paint over any area without going beyond the boundaries of the drawing. It is better to do shading with a pencil or pen.

Invite your child to color the bunny gray.

coloring book "bunny"

fish coloring page

We color the fox red.


Shading is similar to shading, but is done with paints. The meaning is the same - to paint over a certain area. For example, it is very interesting to draw colorful circles using plastic cups, and then paint them in a suitable color.


Straight, wavy, interrupted, spiral, etc. Here is an example of how you can draw the sky, grass and sun with different lines.


This is one of the first techniques that children learn and their favorite. Children can use this technique to paint sand, rain, snow, flies, etc. For example, you can decorate a pineapple with dots using a brush.

Or draw a clover with cotton swabs.

Splashes and blots

If splashes and blots are usually considered something untidy, then in this technique everything is just the opposite. Here's an example beautiful butterfly from a blot. We painted the blot on paper with different colors and then simply folded it in half. However, to get a butterfly pattern, you need to practice a little in applying paint.

But such a monster can be made if you apply paint with a lot of water to a sheet of paper, and then blow on the drops of paint into a tube. Under air pressure, the drop will flow, leaving a mark on the sheet of paper.

An interesting messy picture is obtained if you apply finger paints or gouache to a sheet of paper.

Then we press them with transparent film.

By pressing the film onto the paints, you can see how the paints spread and mix. And as a result, we get an interesting pattern!

Watercolor over crayon drawing

The point of the technique is to draw a design with a white wax crayon or candle on white paper. He won't be visible. Then, when a layer of watercolor is applied on top, the drawing begins magically"manifest".

Kids will probably be able to draw rain with horizontal lines.

Chalk drawing “Rain”

It’s a real miracle when the spirals drawn in chalk begin to appear.

Chalk drawing “Spirals”

You can draw fish in the same way and then cut them out.

Chalk drawing "Fish"

Seals and stamps as a drawing technique

The meaning of the technique is that the design is applied to a sheet of paper not with a brush, but with a seal. Let's see what you can use to make a print for a child: An amazing flower can be obtained if folded celery leaves are used to apply it.

A celery print makes a very beautiful rose.

You can cut a convenient stamp out of potatoes, for example, in the shape of a leaf.

Nature itself gives us ideas. If you apply green and brown paint, then the imprint of cauliflower is very similar to a spreading tree.

Stamp using a dishwashing sponge. To do this, dip a sponge in paint and apply the design to the paper.

Imprint of a rubber ball with spikes. Just like when working with a sponge, we dip the ball in the paint and run it across a sheet of paper, getting a funny dotted print.

A paper mouth, eyes and ears will help bring our drawing to life.

Finger paintings

You can use your fingers to draw dots, lines, or cover a certain area. Here we decorated an autumn tree with dotted movements.

You can simply smear the paint with your fingers, filling the selected contour.

Drawing from a pen print

The point of the technique is to make a amazing picture, adding a few extra touches to the print. For example, we can make green prints and add orange rectangles to them - we get a carrot.

Drawing from prints “Carrot”

Or glue toy eyes to the print and add a mouth - you get a real goldfish.

Drawing from the print “Fish”

A very touching picture drawn with palms and fingers “nest”. Children will be able to draw birds, and also find out with what love the mother bird incubates her eggs and feeds her babies.

Drawing with palms and hands “nest”

Very interesting way drawing is drawing something three-dimensional on big poster or the reverse side of unnecessary wallpaper. This way you can do group work.

We looked at several drawing techniques for children aged 3 to 4 years. However, things can go wrong. Paint may spill, water may turn over, and clothes may get dirty. Try not to get upset or upset your child. Believe - next time everything will work out! A lot of things just come with experience.

See how you can draw a hedgehog with your child:

Dear parents, remember the first “portraits” that your children proudly displayed? Nothing resembling a real object, but the baby proudly declared: “It’s me!” Such masterpieces must be praised no matter what. Put it on the wall, encouraging the child to further exploits. But as we grow and develop young artist The question arises of how to teach a child to draw children so that it is clear who is depicted.

At what age should you start training?

There are no strict limits; starting from six months, markers and paper can be offered. But you should understand right away: at the age of one to three years, there is still no talk of purposeful activities, with a specific plan and a fixed duration. Leave pencils and paper in sight, try drawing for your baby, he will probably be interested in it.

Even a two-year-old baby is not yet able to depict a complete, clear picture. These are still abstract images, spots and dashes. They perform an important function - Usually the drawing process does not last longer than 5 minutes, be prepared for this and do not insist. After three years, you can begin short training sessions, since teaching a child to draw without preparation will not work.

Paints, pencils, felt-tip pens - what to buy?

The variety of stationery products today is simply amazing. After three years, the child’s motor skills are already well developed enough to hold a pencil and brush and trace a contour. He is familiar with primary colors. It is best to buy a little of everything: pencils and gouache, watercolors and wax crayons. And don’t rush to buy expensive sets with many shades. Six colors are more than enough.

It is better to start preliminary classes by getting acquainted with the rainbow. Give it time to become friends with each magical color. For example, the first day is an introduction to red. Take gouache and paper (pink, burgundy, scarlet). Draw a sunset, a beautiful fly agaric, make a three-dimensional path. Use paint to draw large poppies with your fingers, and try to feel this color with your child. This kind of work awakens interest in future creativity; drawing lessons no longer seem boring, because they open up such an amazing world.

How to turn an activity into an adventure

First of all, forget about the diagrams. Usually, if an adult thinks about how to teach, he starts from his cliches: you need a circle, an oval, dashes and dots, and also a triangular skirt and hair on top - and the advice begins. Take the child's hand with yours and show him how to do it. Setting a ready-made program or diagram does not mean teaching how to create.

Visualization, of course, is needed, but it is better to use small plastic figures of men. Let the baby depict his world, and then you will populate it with little inhabitants who will have unforgettable adventures. Next time the child will try to capture them on paper on his own, even if they are represented by multi-colored squiggles. Do not forget to praise your child and carefully store his works.

Let's continue to create

Your child is three years old, but the world depicted on paper is still the same daub. The only cardinal difference is the great interest in circles. It is at this age that the drawing can be a whole tangle of repeating circles in the form of a spiral or creeping on top of each other. By drawing a circle, the child comes to the conclusion that it looks like a head and begins to complement it with various details. From this moment on, the topic of man becomes the most relevant.

According to psychologists who study the periodization of child development, up to the age of 4, he will draw “cephalopods,” that is, a circle depicting both the head and torso, with a certain number of branches. This is a normal drawing of a person (yourself, a peer, another child) for this particular age.

Adults are often in a hurry natural processes. Parents wondering how to teach their child to draw can be handed a ready-made diagram to their child long before the time comes. Is this good or bad? This teaches you to live by ready-made templates and kills creativity.

The best way to teach a child to draw from the age of 3 is to provide him with constant access to plasticine, paints and pencils. Moreover, the choice of materials should be up to the child. The second point is attentiveness and sensitivity, you need to be able to praise and support, be nearby and participate in the creation of the next masterpiece. There is no good or bad, right or wrong, the main thing is a positive attitude and pleasure from the activity performed. And the third rule is to look at picture books with your child more, so that he can form his own image of a person.

Paint paintings

A whole world is revealed here, bright and mysterious, but if until the age of three a child is allowed to simply try and look at the result, then after three there are already some rules that the child must take into account. Each paint must have its own brush, and it cannot go into someone else’s “house”. If you then each of them is responsible for one color appearing on the paper. Mastering these rules takes time, but in return it makes it possible to use expensive gouache for a long time. The earlier you started such activities, the more fun they will be later, when you have accumulated some experience.

The question of how to teach a child to paint is more likely addressed to parental desire and patience. But remember that no one will be able to draw a picture right away. Start small, for example, using dots to represent apples on the finished tree. Then you can add a second color - with one finger, draw a bush with one paint, and add a berry with the other. Gradually complicate the task, offer to color a picture consisting of large quantity details.

Remember the fairy tale about Dunno? It is in paints that you can try to create an illustration depicting little people among large plants and flowers.

The child has become a year older

Is your son or daughter already 4? This is the age when horizons expand incredibly, little man compares, analyzes and strives for knowledge. The method of depiction is also changing; now, when a child draws children, he uses a primitive scheme, independently developed or suggested by adults.

It is already possible and necessary to explain that a little man has not only a head and arms, but also a torso. Draw your baby's attention to his own reflection in the mirror. This will quickly find expression in the drawing, but it is still impossible to achieve smooth lines. All individual parts: arms, legs, head - are depicted glued to each other. There are also forms that are disturbed (a square body that is smaller than the head), but this is the age norm.

Not only humans live in the world of colors, but also a whole world of different images. Don’t know how to teach a child to draw at 4 years old? Show him an example, start drawing with him. The process of creativity on one large Whatman paper is fascinating. Offer to create a picture that does not contain images, but consists only of different colors, children love mixing shades and watching how the boundaries between them blur. Draw his attention to the beauty of the world around him.

Mom, dad, me

At this age, children often want to portray themselves and their family. Are you wondering how to teach your child to draw a person? There is nothing simpler - give it a try geometric shapes. First, they are cut out of paper so that they can be used to put together a picture, then the child can try to trace them, and after that create his own person, with smoother lines. The older the baby gets, the better he will get at it.

Preschool child

If you haven't tried drawing yet, then it's time to start. Starting from the age of five, a child is already able to feel the vertical and horizontal, so the person turns out to be straight and not leaning to the sides. The baby will quickly learn the proportions of the human body, so you can carefully structure the drawing.

Creativity is not limited to drawing a person. Think about what is interesting to children, and you will understand how to teach a child to draw. 5 years old is no longer the age when you can give the first coloring book you come across, you need motivation. For example, after reading a fairy tale about a caterpillar, offer to draw her adventures. A row of ovals with horns, a large circle - now your traveler and her apple are ready. And many squares are already the city in which you live. Paint them in dark color and stick foil on the windows, now night has fallen and the stars have risen. It is living, changing pictures that can interest children at this age.

Let's sum it up

Teaching a child to draw a person is not difficult, just do not forget about the periods of development and take into account the child’s capabilities. Creativity must be alive, so use it different techniques and materials: colors and textures (transparent watercolor or thick gouache), different surfaces, drawing on dry and wet, plain and corrugated paper, using fingers, a sponge, a brush, a cotton pad, a feather or a stick (in the case of drawing an image on water). This will give each activity an element of novelty.