How old is Maslyakov senior kvn. Life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov (November 24, 1941, Sverdlovsk) - Russian TV presenter, founder and owner of AMiK - the organizer of KVN.

Life and career

Alexander's father was a military pilot, and his mother was a housewife. Maslyakov studied first at the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and then at Higher courses television workers. It is worth noting that the team of his university managed to shine throughout the USSR. This team won one of the games, after which it was decided that the next episode would be led by players from the MIIT KVN team. The captain of the MIIT team offered Maslyakov the role of presenter. After his debut, an ordinary student woke up famous.

1964 – began working on television. Any program with his participation instantly became popular.

In 1971, KVN was closed, but Maslyakov did not disappear from television screens. He managed to become a good presenter of youth programs thanks to his ironic humor, rare self-control in live, good voice timbre and clear correct speech without a touch of academicism.

Maslyakov was the host of such programs as:

  • “Come on, girls”;
  • “Hello, we are looking for talents”;
  • “Addresses of the Young”;
  • "12th floor";
  • “Come on, guys”;
  • "Alexander Show";
  • "Cheerful guys."

In addition, Alexander Maslyakov reported from youth festivals held in Havana, Sofia, Berlin, Moscow and Pyongyang. He was also a regular presenter at Sochi international song festivals. 1976-1979 hosted “Song of the Year”.

1986 - Maslyakov again becomes the host of KVN.

1990 – Alexander Vasilievich created creative union"AMiK".

Maslyakov has been a permanent presenter, director and leader of KVN, president for many years International Union KVN and the creative association "AMiK". He served as a jury member twice: the 1994 final and the 1996 Summer Champions Cup.

Alexander Vasilievich is also the chairman of the jury of the TV show “Minute of Glory”.

Maslyakov turned KVN into profitable business. He became the main ideologist and censor of this movement. The role of KVN in the development of television is characterized by the following joke: “One gets on TV either through bed or through KVN.” And indeed, many VIPs of modern Russian TV have gone through the school of being “cheerful and resourceful.”

According to some reports, in 1974 Maslyakov went to prison for illegal currency transactions. But after a few months he was released. However, Alexander Vasilyevich himself denies that he has a criminal record.

Alexander Maslyakov was the first presenter of “What? Where? When?". In 1975, he conducted the first 2 editions of the game. Once he even hosted the “Vzglyad” program (broadcast on April 1, 1988)

In 2012, Maslyakov was a member of the “People’s Headquarters” of presidential candidate V. Putin.

Asteroid 5245 Maslyakov was named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich.

In 1971, Maslyakov married Svetlana Anatolyevna Smirnova, who was an assistant director of KVN. From this marriage a son was born, Alexander (1980), general director of AMiK, presenter of KVN.

Four generations of Maslyakovs bore the name Vasily.

Maslyakov does not drink alcohol.

In 2011, Alexander Vasilyevich starred in an advertisement with his son digital television.

KVN is the only one entertainment program, which was attended by all Russian presidents.

Thoughts of Alexander Maslyakov:

  • I never take a break from work because it brings me pleasure.
  • I never wanted to become a boss. My favorite word- “professional”. That's what I consider myself to be.
  • I am not a businessman or a theorist. I am a practitioner who, together with my colleagues, does television program.
  • You can't make evil jokes about a person. Jokes should not only be funny, but also “environmentally friendly.”

Name: Alexander Maslyakov
Birthday: November 24, 1941 (age 75)
Place of birth: Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg)
Weight: 86 kg
Height: 170 cm
Zodiac sign: Sagittarius
Eastern horoscope: Snake
Activity: KVN TV presenter

Biography of Alexander Maslyakov

The father of the future celebrity, Vasily Maslyakov, was from the Novgorod region and connected his life with aviation. He worked as a military pilot, navigator and, naturally, fought on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. And after that he served in the General Staff of the Air Force. Alexander’s mother Zinaida Maslyakova devoted herself to her family and raising her son.

In 1966, the future TV presenter graduated from the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, and two years later received a diploma from the Higher Courses for Television Workers.
Immediately after graduation, Alexander Maslyakov went to work as an engineer. However, after completing additional courses for television workers, he went to work in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth. There he was listed as a senior editor from 1969 to 1976, after that, until 1980, in work book The entry is a special correspondent. Next year, Alexander Vasilyevich is already working as a commentator. After that, Maslyakov concentrated specifically on commentary activities and until 1995 he worked in the television studio “Experiment”, and then in the studio of artistic, journalistic and mass programs of TO “Experiment”.
It is worth noting that Maslyakov was the first presenter of the TV show “What? Where? When?". True, in 1975 he devoted only the first two issues. After this, the creator of the program, Vladimir Voroshilov, understood in which direction the program should be developed, and so the voice-over appeared. The need for a TV presenter disappeared by itself.

Cheerful and charming

In 1990, Alexander Maslyakov created the television creative association “AMiK” and was the general director there until 1998, and then he became the president of the association.
Alexander Maslyakov appears in the most popular TV show on Channel One “Minute of Glory” as the chairman of the jury.
Alexander Maslyakov appeared on television in 1964, at which time he was still a student. During his studies, he loved to engage in amateur performances, and was also an active fan of the institute’s KVN team.
As Maslyakov himself recalls, he became a TV presenter by accident. One day, one of the students, Pasha Kantor, approached him and asked him to join the team. He explained that the youth editorial office of central television was planning to film a fun program. Its host should be five students from the institute that won the last KVN game. This is how Maslyakov first appeared on television, and so accurately that he has been working there for more than 40 years.
After the first filming of the program, the youth editors invited student Maslyakov to host the games of the Fun and Resourceful Club. Until the moment the show “Cheerful and Resourceful” was taken off the air, Alexander Vasilyevich was the permanent presenter. And this is before 1972. This was followed by the programs “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, as well as “Addresses of the Young” and “Virage”.
Alexander Maslyakov reported from various world festivals of students and youth, for example, from Sofia, Havana, Berlin, Pyongyang and, of course, Moscow. For several years in a row, he alone hosted the international song festival in Sochi, and also under his leadership the programs “Alexander Show”, “Song of the Year” and others were held.

Already as President of the International KVN Union, Alexander Maslyakov became the leader of a mass informal movement. Tens of thousands of Russians are involved there, as well as residents of the CIS countries and non-CIS countries. Under his leadership it was also created huge amount"Kaveen" tournaments. Most of them already have international status and are broadcast by leading TV channels, while constantly showing good ratings.

With my beloved wife

For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received more than one award. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist Russian Federation, in the same year - laureate of the Ovation Prize, and in 2002 became laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. He was awarded this honor “For his personal contribution to the development of domestic television.” Among other things, the TV presenter is an Academician of the Academy of Russian Television.
In the year of the 45th anniversary of KVN and the 65th anniversary of the presenter himself, in 2006, Maslyakov was awarded a lot of awards, including the Russian Order of Merit for the Fatherland, the Ukrainian Order of Merit and the Chechen Medal for Merit to the Chechen People.
Prison term
In 1974, Alexander Maslyakov ended up in the Rybinsk colony YN 83/2. He received a sentence for illegal transactions with currency. However, the term was short, and the TV presenter was released ahead of schedule a few months later.
The conclusion coincided with the closure of the KVN program. At first, Alexander hosted the program with co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova. One of the versions of stopping KVN broadcasts was a ban on appearing on air with a mustache and beard. However, Maslyakov never observed either of these. As the TV presenter himself explains, they closed the program without explaining anything. Perhaps the student jokes bothered someone. Initially, KVN was conceived as an entertainment program, but when a student opens his mouth, you can expect anything from him. And not only jokes about college life, but also political remarks.

Maslyakov Alexander on video

However, most Russians sincerely believed that KVN was closed because Alexander Maslyakov was sent to prison. The TV presenter recalls that after the program disappeared, the taxi driver who drove him to Ostankino asked worriedly, “Is Shurik really sitting there?” Maslyakov was stumped by such a question; he only muttered something inarticulate in response.
One way or another, after 14 years, Alexander Maslyakov returned to the post of host of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. His co-host Svetlana Zhiltsova refused to return to the air. Since then, Maslyakov has been running the program alone.
It is worth noting that KVN fans believed that Svetlana Zhiltsova was in the life of her husband Alexander Maslyakov. Allegedly, humorous program- sort of family. However, the TV presenter denies the fact of an affair with a colleague.
By the way, Maslyakov himself says that he did not break the law. And if he had seriously “fined himself” and was actually imprisoned, he would not have been allowed back on television at all. This simply could not happen in the Soviet Union.
Personal life of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov
Alexander Maslyakov has family ties with Svetlana Maslyakova. After school, in 1966, the woman went to work on television as an assistant director of the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. In 1971, Svetlana married Alexander Maslyakov. For many years she has been a KVN director and the wife of the club president.

Family tea party

In 1980, an heir was born into the Maslyakov family, Alexander Maslyakov, Jr. He followed in the footsteps of his parents and, after graduating from the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, hosts the “Planet KVN” and “Priemier League” programs.
Interesting facts
In honor of the permanent presenter of KVN, the asteroid “5245 Maslyakov” was named. It was opened by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory.

Personal life

Alexander Vasilyevich does not drink alcoholic beverages at all. At least, he said this during one of the KVN games in 2010.
In the book “The Beatles of Perestroika” it is written that Maslyakov once hosted the “Vzglyad” program.
Since 1964, he has been the director and host of the TV show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club.”

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and after that was on the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha’s mother Zinaida Alekseevna was involved in raising Sasha. Interestingly, four generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida decided to break this tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, which he successfully graduated in 1966. Further, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. Since 1969, he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, and after that as a special correspondent. Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.

Maslyakov came to television quite by accident, as a student. fourth year. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the institute’s KVN team asked him to become one of the five presenters of a humorous program that was to be filmed by the winning team of the previous game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The humorous TV show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” appeared in 1961. Its prototype was Sergei Muratov’s program “Evening of Fun Questions” in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech analogue “Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller”. At the evening, questions were answered not by the teams, but by TV viewers. The creation of the program was carried out by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival Editorial Office of Central Television.” On the third episode of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the host, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

Four years later, the creators of “An Evening of Fun Questions” released a new humorous program called "KVN". The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to the traditional meaning of “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” the name hinted at the KVN-49 TV brand, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. At first, Maslyakov was a co-host, and the Soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova hosted the program with him. Subsequently, Alexander Vasilyevich became the sole presenter, which he remains to this day.

For the first seven years, KVN was broadcast exclusively live. But later, since the teams’ jokes sometimes touched on Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be recorded, having previously cut out from them all points that were objectionable to the party leadership.

The head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, and at some point the Committee began to closely engage in censorship of the program State Security. The KGB directives were sometimes simply absurd: for example, participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, since this was a mockery of Karl Marx. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed completely.

The break lasted for 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, on the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. Alexander Maslyakov remained the presenter.

The confidence with which the young man stood in the frame, his competent speech, innate tact and excellent sense of humor made Maslyakov an indispensable presenter. In addition to KVN in different years Alexander hosted various programs. Among them were the talent show “Hello, we are looking for talents.”

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in very unusual programs for himself. So, in 1976 he held the second edition intellectual game"What? Where? When?”, the author and creator of which is Vladimir Voroshilov. And in 1988, the famous TV presenter hosted the April Fool’s edition of Posner’s “Vzglyad” program.

Maslyakov also acted as the host of Sochi song festivals, in the late seventies he hosted the “Song of the Year” program, and also reported from international festivals of youth and students, which were held in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the creative association "AMiK" filed a Federal service By intellectual property Russian Federation documents for registration of the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”.

Two years later, he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

Awards and Prizes of Alexander Maslyakov

Ovation Award (1994).

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (September 13, 1994) - for services in the field of art.

Certificate of the Commonwealth of Independent States (June 1, 2001) - for active work to strengthen and develop the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The highest award of the Academy of Russian Television - “TEFI” (2002) - “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television.”

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 21, 2006) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.

Order of Merit (Ukraine) III degree (December 14, 2006) - for significant personal contribution to the development of cultural relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, many years of fruitful creative activity.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (November 12, 2011) - for great services in the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order of Alexander Nevsky (2015).

Order of Merit for the Kaliningrad Region (July 8, 2016) - for contribution to the development of the culture of the region and the popularization of the region.

Certificate of Honor from the Moscow City Duma (October 19, 2016) - for services to the city community and in connection with the anniversary.

Honorary Worker of Culture of the City of Moscow (November 7, 2016) - for services to the development of culture and many years of conscientious work.

Insignia “For Services to the Sverdlovsk Region”, III degree (November 8, 2016) - for special services in the field social development Sverdlovsk region.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 24, 2016) - for outstanding contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan (2016).

People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (January 18, 2017) - for a significant contribution to the development of pop art and cultural ties between peoples, an activity that has become widely known.

Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) (January 25, 2017) - for great personal contribution to strengthening the military commonwealth and assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Order of Dostuk (November 22, 2017, Kyrgyzstan) - for his great contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, long-term and fruitful creative activity.

An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, is named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov

2008 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
1985 - How to become happy - competition host
1982 - I don’t want to be an adult - TV presenter
1975 - Ar-hi-me-dy! - Entertainer
1970 - The mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Shtepsel

Family of Alexander Maslyakov

Wife - Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova (nee Semenova, born October 11, 1947) - KVN director, came to television as an assistant to the KVN director in 1966. On October 2, 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married.

Son - Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov (born 1980) - MGIMO graduate, general manager TTO "AMiK", presenter of the KVN Premier League.

Daughter-in-law - Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova (Marmeladova) journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House (born February 14, 1980).

Granddaughter - Taisiya Maslyakova (b. 2006) since 2009, soloist of the group "Fidgets", since 2017, host of children's KVN.

They say that nature rests on the children of celebrities. The same cannot be said about Maslyakov Jr. He inherited from his legendary father, the host of the beloved Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful, the ability to work with the public and surprise viewers with his professionalism. For my father, the main work of his life was the creation of a number of programs for young people: “Come on, girls!”, KVN, “Jolly Guys,” etc., which later became the most popular. From childhood, Sasha lived among the film crew and, as they say, with his mother’s milk he absorbed a love for various types of entertainment programs.

All photos 7


Maslyakov Jr. was born in Moscow on April 28, 1980. Alexander Maslyakov's parents are famous people. The father, the well-known Alexander Vasilyevich, is the permanent presenter of KVN, Svetlana Anatolyevna - the mother of our hero - worked as a television producer. She was the constant companion of her star husband and worked on releases of KVN programs. While studying at school, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. did not particularly show interest in all types of sciences. He was easy to handle math problems and read poetry perfectly, pleased teachers in all subjects. But I didn’t like going to an educational institution. Toward graduation, he decided to enter the Faculty of Economics at MGIMO. He passed the exams successfully, moreover, in 2006 he defended his Ph.D. in Economics. But he did not work in his main specialty.

At the age of 20, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. repeatedly appeared on screens as a regular viewer or host of KVN. Many were sure that Alexander Vasilyevich saw his son as the main contender for the presidency. And they were right, since Sasha already became the head of the KVN Premier League in 2003. This project allowed us to raise a whole galaxy of talented participants in the popular program. Moreover, the young presenter, without interruption from the league, created the programs “Planet KVN”, “First League”, “Outside the Game”. Maslyakov Jr. was often seen at regional competitions, after which he began to be called the most active and energetic member of the club. In 2013, Alexander Alexandrovich appeared on the stage of the next competition as a guest star for the number of one of best teams- “Team of the Kamyzyak region.” Thanks to his wit, the guys emerged as the winners of the season, and Maslyakov Jr. grew in the eyes of critics. But still, he was repeatedly attacked by his colleagues on TV. The well-known Maxim Galkin openly expressed the opinion that Sasha does not have such talents as his star father, builds a career due to the popularity of Maslyakov Sr., etc.

But the son of the talented Alexander Vasilyevich decided to ignore unnecessary conversations and never entered into conflicts. This manner once again proved good upbringing. And Sasha continues to work at the club, successfully leads the Premier League, and his reputation as a professional is growing every day.

Personal life

While studying at his diplomatic alma mater - the Institute of International Relations - Alexander Maslyakov met charming girl. Her name was Angelina Marmeladova. Before this the guy had no serious relationship and reasons for gossip in the yellow press. He constantly encountered the beautiful Lina within the walls of the university, in the dining room. Soon she decided to transfer to the group where Alexander studied. At first it was friendship, the girl helped him curb science. Over time, the friendly relationship grew into a deeper feeling, and the couple began to meet more often. The guy tried his best to impress Marmeladova pleasant impression, invited me to a cafe, then to a restaurant. Lina was especially pleased by the invitation to the next season of KVN, where Sasha felt like the master of the situation. After this, the strict girl gave up and agreed to marry Maslyakov Jr. The scale of the celebration amazed the seasoned restaurateurs, and as a gift the newlyweds received the keys to own apartment. Thus, Alexander finally became completely an independent person and found happiness in my personal life. You should not assume that Angelina is in some way behind her star husband. She was a successful student and has amazing knowledge of literature and journalism. Now Marmeladova famous writer, has published three novels that have become bestsellers, and works for various publishing houses. In 2006, she gave her husband a daughter, Taisiya, which also made her father-in-law, Alexander Vasilyevich, very happy. Together with her husband she works on television, directs theater studio“Fidgets”, and Alexander Maslyakov, the youngest, spends time with his favorite Club of the cheerful and resourceful.

According to one version, Maslyakov went to prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When?”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Turn”, “Jolly guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international festivals songs in Sochi, the program “Song of the Year”, “Alexander Show” and many others. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular!4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded the creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (“AmiK”), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and accompanying programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was even named after him. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked whether he was really convicted, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least not in Soviet era. Which is really true.