What does the Mumu story teach? Zhilinko Z.V. Literary analysis of the story by I.S. Turgenev "Mumu"

Two-kilogram brain female voice and bad laughter. The owner of all this was Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Perhaps the only Russian prose writer who demands almost nothing from the reader. He is respectful and kind to him. When you read Turgenev, you get the feeling that you are at an appointment with an unusually smart and pleasant psychotherapist who understands all your problems and experiences them himself. But are fifth grade children suitable for appointments with such a psychologist? Let's see, because before us is the work "Moo-moo", which the children study in the 5th grade.

The real story of the work “Mu-mu” took place not far from the author’s estate, so all the events described in it are far from fiction. The Turgenevs' neighbor, Sofya Gerasimovna, became the prototype of the oppressive lady. This woman was distinguished by a nervous, even hysterical character, the “charms” of which she took out on the serfs. Among the souls belonging to the noblewoman, Gerasim Orlov stood out, who in life is not at all deaf, not in one ear, and speaks perfectly, although not with everyone. And he was considered almost the most educated of the peasants, he wrote a lot. He was as strong as a literary double, lived in solitude, aroused respect and sometimes fear. It was Gerasim’s pen, the one who really existed, that includes works on the study of Turgenev’s works, even the translation of “Mu-mu” into various languages.

But let’s return to the estate, and in it, Lady Sophia, in order to better manage her three hundred souls, got a huge dog, distinguished by its ferocity, as a result of which it brought severe injuries to the serfs. She did not bypass Gerasim either, biting him several times on the wound. After which Gerasim seemed to be speechless, and the only thing he could say was “Mu-mu.” He and other peasants suffered from dog bites. Some even went crazy. Then Gerasim decided to act, luring the dog into the boat, he tried to drown it, but in an unequal struggle he himself died in the water. In contrast to the cruel reality, in Turgenev’s work the relationship between the janitor and the dog is filled with tenderness, unaccountable devotion, which the hero expresses without words, it is visible in the look and actions of the man. Mu-mu answers him in the same way.

Why did Turgenev change the ending of Mumu? He was very upset by the news of Gerasim's death. The work became a gratitude for all the help received from this simple hard-working man. The ending of the story was changed in order to emphasize both the physical strength and fortitude of the main character.

Meaning of the name

Why did Turgenev call the story “Mumu”? If we consider the story from the point of view of the author’s goals and objectives, then it is directed against serfdom. In those days, although the serf peasantry was great power, but this force had no rights, it was silent, just as Gerasim was silent. It did not contradict orders and silently tolerated cruel treatment. The hero has absorbed all the main features of an ordinary hard-working man, and this is his “Mumu” ​​- the only contradiction and the only word that he is able to insert “across” the will of his mistress.

The writer draws a terrifying parallel between the position of a man and a dog: they are the same. The fate of the animal was decided by the owner, and the fate of Gerasim himself depended entirely on the master’s will. Therefore, there is a hidden hint in the title that main character- the same Mu-mu, only in human form, and this social injustice must be eradicated.

Genre and direction

"Moo Moo" is a story. The proof is that the story is based on one storyline, only 4 heroes participate in the action: Gerasim, the lady, Tatiana and Kapiton. The volume of the work is small, which also corresponds to the genre.

Turgenev worked within the framework of the direction traditional for his time - classical realism. This is confirmed by the fact that his story is taken from real life, all heroes had prototypes in reality.

The essence

What is Turgenev talking about? The plot is vaguely familiar to us all. The mute serf Gerasim took a liking to the lady, who, during a visit to the village, decided to take him to Moscow to clean the territory. The unfortunate peasant did not take root in big city, everyone avoided him, fearing his menacing appearance. He falls in love with the serf girl Tatyana, who is also shy of him, but still accepts his advances, although everyone else laughs at the clumsy couple. However, the landowner did not want to “marry the wretched,” so she marries the heroine to the drunkard Capiton. Such is life in the lady's house.

Meanwhile, Gerasim saved the puppy from the water. He took it out and grew into an affectionate and beautiful dog. But the mistress of the house did not like her barking, and she gave the order to carry and sell the dog secretly from her patron. The smart animal found its way home, but its return did not stop the stubborn landowner. She gave the peasant the order to get rid of the dog. Then the man drowns her, but this is where his stock of patience is exhausted. He walks back to the village and lives out his life alone.

The main characters and their characteristics

  1. Lady- mistress of more than three hundred serf souls. In the work, she appears to us as an unmarried landowner with a difficult character. Sometimes she has nervous attacks. An important detail, we are not given its name, is a frequently used technique in the work when the author depersonalizes the hero, making it clear that anyone can play his role, just as tyrannical and frightening.
  2. Gerasim- a deaf, but unusually strong serf man who became a janitor in Moscow under his mistress. He was usually withdrawn and sometimes gloomy; even from his face it was difficult to determine what he was going through. Probably his stern character was as unshakable as his deafness. Despite the threatening appearance, he had a sensitive and kind character, knew how to love devotedly and strongly. For example, he fell in love with Tatyana once and for all, he simply could not replace her. Gerasim has the same attitude towards Mu-mu. You can find more detailed description hero.
  3. Tatiana- a peasant woman who also serves in the household. This is a timid, quiet, pretty girl who is distinguished by modesty. This is what attracted Gerasim to her. The heroine initially treats her admirer with fear; she is embarrassed by his menacing appearance. But when she was married to Kapiton, Tatyana realizes that the mute janitor really deserved her attention, unlike her husband.
  4. Kapiton Klimov- a courtyard drunkard, later Tatiana's husband. It was Tatyana who was Gerasim’s last connection with people, which ended after she was married off. It is important to understand that this was the whim of the lady, who was used to solving all problems quickly, and without thinking about anyone’s feelings. Likewise, the drunkard Kapiton did not care about the feelings of other people, he was a useless person. His appearance was distinguished by his yellow eyes and duck nose. He considered himself an educated person and believed that he was underestimated.
  5. Topics

    What does Turgenev sing about? This is, of course, compassion. Gerasim knew how to show mercy and kindness, although he was always deprived of this. But, despite the hard-heartedness of the landowner and the indifference of the servants, he did not forget how to empathize with the grief of others: he pitied Tatyana, saved the dog, etc. This is it main topic story. All others are described below:

  • Love and devotion. The hero loved Tatyana with all his heart. After her loss, he lived alone all his life. That is, this feeling, according to Turgenev, is irreplaceable: if we lose a loved one, then this loss cannot be compensated. Only then can we talk about true morality.
  • Man and society. Gerasim did not take root among people and avoided them because he saw in their eyes a reflection of his own illness. Being different from others, he became an outcast who was not taken into account. It was precisely because of his muteness that the lady did not take into account his intention to marry, because in her worldview he is poor, which means he should not bear offspring. But the author equalizes the rights of all people. His Gerasim is kinder, more merciful and stronger than healthy men whose ceiling is drunkenness in a tavern.
  • Attitude towards our smaller brothers. For real moral person treats animals well, knows how to appreciate their trust and affection, and takes care of those he has tamed.
  • City and village. The author compares urban and rural environments, identifying which is better for physical and spiritual life. Countryside idealized, there the hero lived calmly and contentedly, but the “metropolis” made him realize his own loneliness, because in the crowd of residents he never found a kindred spirit. All the townspeople are fixated on themselves and their vices, they are indifferent to each other.


  1. What is the story directed against? Without a doubt, against serfdom. As long as people become slaves from birth, the tyranny and cruelty of their masters cannot be defeated by any laws. Alas, the very situation of the peasants provoked the willfulness of the landowners, who treated people like cattle, regardless of their feelings and opinions. While it reigns serfdom in Rus', the people, its support and foundation, will suffer - this is Turgenev’s message.
  2. The immorality and depravity of the peasants. Kapiton compensated for his grief by drunkenness and rowdy behavior. He despaired of finding a worthy use for his powers, suffered from a feeling of the meaninglessness of life, so this tragic image. It reflected the disease of an enslaved and oppressed people - a craving for debauchery and alcohol. This is the other side of serfdom.


The image of the main character contains the entire Russian people. He is portrayed with all his honesty, decency and pain. Gerasim knew how to love, and feel sorry, and care. He worked tirelessly, even if he knew that his work would not be appreciated. His soul was pure and honest, even after all the humiliation and dirt, the only thing he did was close himself off from everyone. Gerasim was a worthy person, it was these qualities that Turgenev praised. That is main idea The purpose of the story is to convey to the ruling class (then the readers were only nobles) the full depth of suffering of the people who feed the country, but receive only the cruel and unfair treatment of the “masters”.

But there is another idea, which, as many believe, is the main one in the work. She answers frequently asked question: Why did Gerasim drown Mu-mu? But the fact is that Mumu is the only word that Gerasim can say. This is all the best he has in life. All goodness, all happiness, the only being dear to him. So, if you don’t kill your “Moo-moo” a free man you can't become. The first act of liberation is to kill everything you love, everything that holds you. If you killed, you are free. As long as Gerasim has Mumu, he cannot leave the lady, but he is also unable to stay, because the dog is being taken away from him. The mute janitor resolves this dilemma in his own way: he gets rid of everything that is loved and important in order to risk his life (the lady could punish him for running away in any way) and leave the house where he is tyrannized. By losing love, he gains independence. This is the most complex Turgenev idea, which you cannot explain to any child at school; to kill the soul, according to Turgenev, means to become free. And the best beloved Turgenev heroes are not free.

But independence is not synonymous with happiness. Of course, in Gerasim’s departure from Moscow to the village we see the hero’s protest against the cruelty of his mistress, but the ending of the work is not life-affirming, but quite the opposite:

And Gerasim still lives as a bob in his lonely hut; healthy and powerful as before, and works for four as before, and is still important and dignified. But the neighbors noticed that since his return from Moscow he had completely stopped hanging out with women, didn’t even look at them, and didn’t keep a single dog.

What does it teach?

Turgenev’s work teaches that we should not use our power to harm people; we are not gods to control someone’s destinies. The author shows how far a powerful person can go if he is not contradicted, and also how indifferent we sometimes are to other people's lives and values. These vices - indifference and despotism - need to be eradicated in oneself.

The work also teaches us that there are good and bright people, who, however, because of their kindness and devotion, lose their last. Thus, one must be strong when required and weak with those who need it.


Reviewers' opinions were divided. Critics from the government magazine Northern Bee were skeptical of the story told by Turgenev. They insisted that he had exaggerated the colors and depicted only extremes.

More liberal newspapers and magazines rated the work highly; it brought fame and respect to the author. For example, a noteworthy review is from I. S. Aksakov, who praised the image of Gerasim:

It contains the personification of the Russian people, its terrible power and incomprehensible meekness, his withdrawal to himself and into himself, his silence to all requests...

Some reviewers were alarmed by Turgenev's work, because he himself is a nobleman who lives at the expense of unwitting peasants, so it is strange to hear from him that serfdom is destructive for Russia.

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The genre of the work is short story. Main characters: janitor Gerasim, dog Mumu, lady. Minor characters: butler Gavrila, laundress Tatyana, shoemaker Kapiton. Episodic characters: servants, hangers-on companions of the old lady.

The plot of the work begins with the story that a janitor Gerasim was brought to Moscow from the village to an old lady. The development of the action continues until the meeting of the lady and the dog, found by Gerasim and fed by him. The scene when Mumu bared her teeth at the lady is the climax of the story. The denouement comes when Gerasim drowned Mumu and went to the village.

The story “Mumu” ​​describes with great artistic truth the life of a serf who is completely dependent on the tyranny of his mistress.

Gerasim was brought from the village and, therefore, cut off from his usual peasant labor. His feelings are not taken into account; the lady in her own way controls the fate of the washerwoman Tatyana, whom Gerasim fell in love with and protected in every possible way. Even the dog, the only joy of the dumb janitor, was ordered to be destroyed.

The writer's talent created bright artistic images. A lady, lonely and useless to anyone. “Her day, joyless and stormy, has long passed; but the evening was darker than night.”

Endowed with extraordinary strength, efficiency and kindness, the janitor Gerasim is as powerful as the Russian people, and just as powerless.

The “unrequited soul” washerwoman Tatyana, who has no one to protect her from her mistress’s tyranny, silently accepts all the blows of fate, hardworking, but just like Gerasim, submissive and powerless.

The hangers-on catch the lady’s every word and try to please her in everything. Servants and numerous servants surround the old lady.

We should dwell in detail on the image of the main character - the deaf-mute janitor Gerasim. He was brought to Moscow from the village, where he worked in the field for four people. “He didn’t really like the new city life at first.” He did all the assigned work as a joke in half an hour and at first “suddenly went somewhere in a corner... and lay motionless on his chest for whole hours, like a captured animal.” But still, he got used to city life and performed his duties regularly. Among the servants, he enjoyed respect bordering on fear; thieves walked around the lady's house a mile away after he caught two lovers of strangers and hit their foreheads. He loved rigor and order in everything. A man of great physical strength, he furnished the closet to his liking - the same as he did, with a heroic bed, a sturdy chest, a strong table and a strong chair.

The mute servant fell in love with the washerwoman Tatyana, but the landowner decided in her own way the fate of the unrequited girl. With all the strength of his heart, unfortunate Gerasim became attached to the dog he had saved. The lady ordered to exterminate the last joy of the serf. The mute abandoned his mistress and left Moscow on a long journey, to his native village. Attracts attention symbolic meaning Gerasim's muteness. The hero cannot say anything, cannot defend himself. This is a symbol of the entire simple Russian people.

The genre of the work is short story. Main characters: janitor Gera-sim, dog Mumu, lady. Minor characters: palace-cue Gavrila, laundress Tatyana, shoemaker Kapiton. Episodic characters: servants, hangers-on companions of the old lady.

The plot of the work begins with the story that a janitor Gerasim was brought to Moscow from the village to an old lady. The development of the action continues until the meeting of the lady and the dog, found by Gerasim and fed by him. The scene when Mumu bared her teeth at the lady is the climax of the story. The denouement comes when Gerasim drowned Mumu and went to the village.

The story “Mumu” ​​describes with great artistic truth the life of a serf who is completely dependent on the tyranny of his mistress.

Gerasim was brought from the village and, therefore, cut off from his usual peasant labor. His feelings are not taken into account; the lady in her own way controls the fate of the washerwoman Tatyana, whom Gerasim fell in love with and protected in every possible way. Even the dog, the only joy of the dumb janitor, was ordered to be destroyed.

The writer's talent created vivid artistic images. A lady, lonely and useless to anyone. “Her day, joyless and stormy, has long passed; but the evening was darker than night.”

Endowed with extraordinary strength, efficiency and kindness, the janitor Gerasim is as powerful as the Russian people, and just as powerless.

The “unrequited soul” washerwoman Tatyana, who has no one to protect her from the mistress’s tyranny, silently accepts all the blows of fate, hardworking, but just like Gerasim, submissive and powerless.

The hangers-on catch the lady’s every word and try to please her in everything. Servants and numerous servants surround the old lady.

We should dwell in detail on the image of the main character - the deaf-mute janitor Gerasim. He was brought to Moscow from the village, where he worked in the field for four people. “He didn’t really like the new city life at first.” He completed all the assigned work as a joke in half an hour and at first “suddenly went somewhere into a corner... and lay motionless on his chest for whole hours, like a captured animal.” But still, he got used to city life and performed his duties regularly. Among the servants, he enjoyed respect bordering on fear; thieves walked around the lady's house a mile away after he caught two lovers of strangers and knocked their foreheads. He loved rigor and order in everything. A man of great physical strength, he furnished the closet to his liking - the same as he did, with a heroic bed, a sturdy chest, a strong table and a strong chair.

The dumb servant fell in love with the washerwoman Tatyana, but the landowner decided in her own way about the fate of the unrequited girl. With all the strength of his heart, unfortunate Gerasim became attached to the dog he had saved. Material from the site The lady ordered to exterminate the last joy of the serf man. The mute abandoned his mistress and left Moscow on a long journey to his native village. The symbolic meaning of Gerasim’s muteness attracts attention. The hero cannot say anything, cannot defend himself. This is a symbol of the entire simple Russian people.


  1. Mention of an old lady who lived in one of the houses in Moscow.
  2. Gerasim's life in the village before he was taken to the city.
  3. Gerasim's life in the city, his activities and relationships with others.
  4. Gerasim's love for Tatiana.
  5. The lady decides to marry the drunken shoemaker to Tatyana.
  6. Gerasim finds Mumu.
  7. A janitor raises a dog and takes care of it.
  8. Meeting of Mumu and the lady.
  9. The lady demands that the dog be destroyed.
  10. Gerasim obeys the will of the landowner by drowning the dog.
  11. Immediately after Mumu’s death, he leaves the city for his native village in protest.

One of the most striking literary works Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's story "Mumu" is rightfully considered. Analysis of the work will allow you to better understand the depth social problems, revealed by the writer. In addition, a thorough analysis according to the “Mumu” ​​plan will help 5th grade students prepare for a literature lesson, and for graduates it will be an important help for the Unified State Exam.

Brief Analysis

Year of writing– 1852.

History of creation– The material for writing the story was Turgenev’s personal memories. The main characters in the work had their prototypes in real life.

SubjectCentral theme- the hopelessly hard life of serfs, whose lives are completely dependent on the whims of the lords. At the same time, the story raises themes of love, trust, and inner freedom.

Composition– The composition of the story is distinguished by its logical sequence. In the exposition, the author introduces readers to the main characters of the story. In the plot, Gerasim is forced to give up his love for the washerwoman Tatyana, but finds joy in the dog he rescued named Mumu. The climax of the story is shocking in its power - Gerasim is forced to drown his pet. At the end, he leaves the estate and goes to his native village, and spends the rest of his days alone.

Genre- Story.

Direction- Realism.

The history of the creation of "Mumu"

Turgenev's story "Mumu" was written in the spring of 1852. In those who read it, he evoked, without exception, very strong, sometimes contradictory, emotions and feelings. It was published only in 1854 in the third issue of the Sovremennik magazine, after a long struggle with censorship.

The story is based on Turgenev's real memories of his childhood and youth. The writer's mother, Varvara Petrovna, had the reputation of a difficult, uncompromising woman. It was from her that the lady’s model of behavior was copied, which absorbed everything negative traits landowner class.

The prototype of Gerasim was Varvara Petrovna’s serf, the janitor Andrei, nicknamed Mute. He was also a large, hard-working man with remarkable strength.

There was also a story with a dog named Mumu, but its ending was somewhat different. By order of Varvara Petrovna, Andrei drowned his favorite, but did not leave the cruel lady, continuing to serve her resignedly.

In his work, Ivan Sergeevich, who was always deeply worried about hard fate serfs, made the main character more complex and dramatic. In him he saw all the common people oppressed by the landlord regime, and dreamed that sooner or later they would throw off the shackles of slavery.


The main theme of the work- the difficult situation of serfs in Russia. Now it’s hard to imagine, but just a century and a half ago, a serf was the property of the landowner, and was completely dependent on him: he could be sold, lost at cards, given away, and escape was often punishable by death.

In essence, Gerasim is collective image of the Russian people, who have absorbed the best traits: hard work, kindness, endurance, inexhaustible reserves of physical and spiritual strength, the ability to empathize. However, all this power meekly agrees with the oppressed situation, and does not even strive to gain freedom. This is main idea of ​​the work And meaning of the name- the serfs were as silent as Gerasim, and the only response to cruel treatment was a resigned “moo.”

The story of Gerasim's life on the lady's estate and his touching attachment to Mumu ends tragically: Gerasim, unable to enter into conflict, drowns the dog with his own hands. This act contains the slavish habit of unquestioningly obeying the master's will. And only the strong emotional shock he experienced awakens an internal protest in Gerasim. Thus, the author leads readers to the conclusion that only by losing everything dear to you can you gain freedom.

In addition, the author raised and problems person in society (Gerasim’s muteness made him an outcast in society), love and devotion ( strong love Gerasim to Tatyana and attachment to Mumu, which he did not change throughout his life). But, despite all the trials of life, Gerasim did not become bitter, did not cease to be a kind and sympathetic person. This is what the work teaches - under any circumstances you need to remain human.


When analyzing the composition of the work in Mumu, it should be noted that the plot is characterized by a logical sequence. Enough great place occupies in the story exposition, in which the author gives general characteristics the place where events once took place. He paints images of servants, among whom the mute janitor Gerasim, brought by the lady from the village to the estate, especially stands out. Immense power the hero who yearned for native land, does his job regularly, but among the courtyard servants he is known as an unsociable recluse.

IN beginning central storyline An extravagant lady decides to marry the washerwoman Tatyana to a drunkard shoemaker. This news comes as a real blow to Gerasim, who is secretly in love with a young defenseless woman. During the same period, he rescues a small dog, to which he gives the nickname Mumu. Gerasim with all the strength of his great kind heart becomes attached to the dog, in which he sees the joy of his joyless life.

In the work several climaxes, and all of them are inextricably linked with the image of Gerasim. The episode of the protagonist's farewell to Tatyana becomes emotionally difficult - it becomes clear that their personal happiness is forever destroyed by the master's whim.

The scene in which Mumu, sold on the orders of the lady, gnaws the rope and returns to her beloved owner, also touches the heart. However, truly strong climax the story is tragic death dogs: obeying the whim of a hysterical lady, Gerasim is forced to drown his only true friend.

Denouement no less sad: Gerasim, without warning anyone, goes to his native village, where he lives out his life as a bob, shunning women and dogs.

Main characters


"Mumu" has all the features characteristic of a story. This is the brevity of the work, the presence of one main storyline and a small number of characters.

The story was written according to all the canons of classical realism, traditional for that time. This is confirmed by the reality of the described story, in which all the heroes had prototypes in reality.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a brave author, whose works often came under careful review by censorship authorities. The story “Mumu,” known to every schoolchild today, was banned for publication for a long time. And if it weren’t for the author’s diplomatic skills, the world would never have known about this touching and tragic story.

History of creation

In the mid-50s of the XIX century. Turgenev was under house arrest, and then sent into exile for writing an obituary on the death of Gogol. While under the supervision of private bailiffs, in the spring of 1855 Turgenev wrote the story “Mumu”. He shares this thing with the family of the publisher Aksakov, who react positively to the work, but cannot publish it due to censorship protests. A year later, “Mumu” ​​still appears in the Sovremennik magazine, which becomes the reason for the report of the official and the official reviewer of the magazine. Representatives of the censorship authorities are unhappy that the audience can be imbued with compassion for the characters, and therefore do not allow the story to be distributed to other publications. And only in the spring of 1956, in the main department of censorship, after numerous petitions from Turgenev’s friends, a decision was made to include the decision to include “Muma” in the collected works of Ivan Sergeevich.

Analysis of the work


The story is based on real events that took place in the house of Turgenev’s mother in Moscow. The author tells about the life of a lady in whose service is the deaf-mute janitor Gerasim. The servant begins to court the washerwoman Tatyana, but the lady decides to marry her to her shoemaker. To resolve the situation, the lady’s butler invites Tatyana to appear drunk before Gerasim in order to turn him away from her. And this trick works.

A year later, the washerwoman and shoemaker leave for the village on the orders of the lady. Gerasim brings with him a puppy caught from the water and gives him the nickname Mumu. The lady is one of the last to learn about the presence of a dog in the yard and cannot establish a relationship with the animal. Having received an order to get rid of the dog, the butler tries to secretly sell Mumu, but she runs back to Gerasim. When the janitor receives information that the lady is unhappy, he goes to the pond, where he drowns the dog, and he decides to return to his village, and not to the lady’s house in the capital.

Main characters

The real prototype of the character was Varvara Turgeneva's servant Andrei Nemoy. The author paints an image of a reserved person who is unusually hardworking and has a fairly positive attitude towards people. This village peasant was capable of the most real feelings. Despite his external power and gloominess, Gerasim retained the ability to love and keep his word.


This portrait of a young servant includes all the features of a typical woman from a 19th century Russian estate. Downtrodden, unhappy, without her own opinion, this heroine receives protection only during the period of Gerasim’s love. Having no moral right and no real opportunity to contradict her mistress, Tatyana with her own hands ruins her chances for a happy destiny.


(The butler Gavrila on the right in the illustration)

The butler in the story appears as a simple-minded and stupid little man who, through ingratiation, strives to stay in the black and find benefits for himself. It cannot be said that Turgenev portrays Gavrila’s character as evil, but his direct role in the death of the dog and the destruction of the lives of Tatyana and Gerasim leaves a significant negative imprint on the perception of him as a person.


(The footman Kapiton in the illustration stands on the left next to the seated Gavrila)

The image of a shoemaker can be described as a portrait of an educated lackey. This person considers himself smart, but at the same time does not have the proper willpower and high life aspirations. Ultimately, he turns into a drunkard and a slacker, whom even marriage cannot change.

Of all the characters in Mumu, the elderly lady is the main negative character. It is her actions and decisions that lead to a series of suffering and irreversible tragedies. Turgenev describes this heroine as a capricious and hot-tempered woman who is stubborn and capricious in her desire to decide the destinies of other people. The only ones positive features The lady can be considered her thriftiness and ability to manage the house.


The story “Mumu” ​​by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev cannot be considered a simple work about the hardship of peasant life. This is a philosophical text that helps the reader understand the issues of good and evil, hatred and love, unity and separation. The writer pays great attention the issue of human attachment and the importance of the presence of loved ones, both in the lives of the rich and in the lives of the poor.