When the creator of the stub passed away into the world. Steve Jobs: the story of the life and creation of the most famous Apple corporation

Hello again, dear readers! Do you know who is considered the key figure in the computer industry and who founded such a successful corporation as Apple? I believe that you know - this is Steve Jobs, a biography of his life, and the story of success - this is our topic today.

Steve Jobs is not only the creator of Apple, but also its inspirer, and also a talented businessman and leader, and until 2006, the director of the famous film studio Pixar, being also its founder.

Anyone who wants to achieve life success, always wonder how celebrities like Steve Jobs managed to achieve it.

Let's get started.

Steve's birthplace is the famous city of San Francisco, where he was born on February 24, 1955 in San Francisco. His parents were unmarried students: his mother Joan was from a family of German emigrants, and his father Abdulfattah was Syrian.

And of course, Joan’s family was against such a marriage, so she had to give the boy to the childless Jobs family for adoption. The boy loved his parents very much, and was offended when anyone called them adopted.

Stephen's childhood years were spent in the field of high technology, because he grew up in the very center of the development of the computer sphere - in Silicon Valley. Here, most residents had their own small garages filled with various electronics.

This is what was reflected in the passions of the boy, who was delighted with the IT sphere and technological progress, and led to a great friendship with Steve Wozniak, who was also crazy about technology and was well versed in it.

After graduating from school, S. Jobs decided to get an education at the prestigious and very expensive liberal arts college - Reed, which was located in Portland. But he did not study there for long - one semester, and then dropped out.

The guy wanted to find his destiny, became interested in the mystical teachings of the East and the free ideas of hippies. At the age of 19 he and his best friend Wozniak went to India for Enlightenment.

The beginning of success. Apple Company

After returning home to Silicon Valley, Jobs and Woz began working on computer circuit boards, and this was his path to success. At that time, Woz was attending a circle of computer enthusiasts, and there he came up with the idea of ​​​​creating his own computer. To do this, he needed only one board.

Stephen considered a friend's invention to be a product that would be in great demand among customers. They sold their board, after which the Apple company was born, which began to grow in Jobs' garage.

In the first year of the company's appearance, the guys collected boards, tested them, and tried to find their customers.

Also in parallel, on the initiative of Steven Jobs, they worked on an improved Apple II computer, which was released in 1977 and became the first real breakthrough in the field of computer technology, as it was superior to all previously existing models.

Began active search investors for further development companies. And such a person was Mike Markulla, who invested $250 thousand in Apple.

Due to its advanced technological capabilities (especially the existing VisiCalc program), such a computer had no competitors and already had thousands of users. The company began to grow very quickly, and within four years it reached a national scale. The 25-year-old genius Steve Jobs already had $200 million in his account by that time.

In 1981, when the Apple III was released, which also exploded the computer market, the company had a serious competitor - IBM. And then Steve began working on the Lisa project, which had a convenient graphical interface with a mouse. This technology was developed by Xerox PARC, and Apple introduced it to users for the first time. Lisa was also a breakthrough.

Due to his impulsive nature, Steve was removed from further work with the Lisa project. He was in a very offended, wounded state, and took up new project Macintosh with a desire for revenge. He wanted to make the new model affordable, convenient and easy to use.

At this time, the Lisa project did not live up to the company's hopes, and the Macintosh became its main bet. After the release of this project, the company's business went up again, but not for long. Due to further conflicts with the board of directors and demotion, Steve had to leave the company in 1985.

New successes

After leaving Apple, Jobs did not give up, but founded a new one in the same year - NeXT, which was developing a computer platform for businesses and universities.

The following year, 1986, he bought a small division of the film company Lucasfilm, which deals with computer graphics. With great effort, he turned it into a major studio called Pixar, which is known to the world for its films “Toy Story” and “Monsters, Inc.”

In 2005, Steve Jobs spoke to graduates of Stanford University, where he spoke about his childhood, studies, his aspirations, life and career, gave advice to students on how to go through life and listen to own desires and goals. If you haven't watched this performance, I recommend it!

In 2006, Steve's studio was bought by Disney, which made him the largest shareholder and member of the board of directors of this famous and successful company.

Return to Apple

Apple could not do without NeXT developments, and in 1996 bought this company, making Steve Jobs its advisor. A year later he headed the Apple Corporation.

New colossal successes

Steve saved the company from bankruptcy, which began to make a profit again. Jobs began developing world-famous products: the iTunes media player, the iMac computer, the iPhone, the iPod player and the iPad tablet, and also developed the online stores iTunes Store, Apple Store, and iBookstore.

These products became a huge success, making Apple the most profitable company in the world in 2011. This is a real achievement in business. The list of everything that Steve invented is really huge.

People never cease to admire this man, but many also criticize him for his aggressive management and attitude towards competitors.

Now let's talk a little about this man's personal life.

Personal life and death of Steve Jobs

Steve's first love was Chris-Ann, who bore him a daughter. But she never became his wife. Steve devoted too much time to his work - 150%, as he himself said.

After leaving Apple, which Jobs himself considers a turning point in his life, he met his true love– Lauren, who became his wife and gave him a son in the early 1990s.

When did this great man die

Jobs resigned in August 2011, no longer able to continue working. The world lost Steve on October 5, 2011, who died due to a serious illness that he had suffered from since 2003 - pancreatic cancer.

He died at the age of 56 in the city of Pal Alto.

In conclusion, I would like to conclude that everyone should know the success story of this person, draw conclusions from it and learn to live correctly, set goals for themselves, and never lose heart, no matter what.

That's all for me, see you tomorrow everyone!

Sincerely, Steve Jobs Ruslan Miftakhov))

Today the subject of our conversation will be Steve Jobs: biography, success story this man who, from scratch, was able to achieve phenomenal success in business, steadfastly withstanding all the blows of fate. I am sure that in the biography and success story of Steve Jobs there are many role models and motivating factors, which is why, in fact, I decided to collect information and write this article.

So, Steve Jobs is a famous entrepreneur and IT engineer originally from the USA, who co-founded the equally famous IT corporation Apple Inc and was its executive director for a long time. Steve Jobs is called the pioneer of the American computer industry, the man who became its founder and determined the path for its further development.

At the age of 25, Steve Jobs became a millionaire, and at that time his fortune was already immediately estimated at over 250 million dollars. By the end of his life, he owned over $2 billion in Apple shares and $4.4 billion in Disney shares. In the year of his death, according to Forbes magazine, he owned $7 billion and was ranked 39th in the ranking of the richest people in the world.

Came out this year feature film Steve Jobs, telling the biography and success story of this brilliant man, his world premiere has already taken place and is demonstrating high ratings and fees. In Russia, this film can be seen from 2016.

Steve Jobs: childhood and youth.

Steven Paul Jobs was born in 1955 in San Francisco. Steve was not a wanted child, so his parents immediately abandoned him and gave him up for adoption. So the boy had adoptive parents, from whom he inherited his last name, and who gave him this name - Steven Paul Jobs. This was a family of ordinary workers and employees.

WITH early childhood Steve Jobs demonstrated hooligan tendencies and reluctance to study at school. The teachers spoke negatively about him, and only one teacher was able to find an approach to this child. Mrs. Hill (that was her name) began to motivate Steve financially, rewarding him for good academic performance with sweets, toys, and even money. Thanks to this, Steve “came to his senses” and began to study so seriously that he even “jumped” the fifth grade and transferred to high school from primary a year earlier. At the same time, the school director suggested that Steve's parents immediately transfer him to 2 grades higher, but they decided that 1 grade would be enough.

Meanwhile, Steve's adoptive father, who repaired old cars in the garage, tried to instill in his child the profession of an auto mechanic, but he did not like it. However, this is how the future IT leader acquired his first skills in working with electronics.

At the age of 12, in the biography of Steve Jobs, there was interesting point. He plucked up the courage to call Hewlett-Packard President Bill Hewlett on his home phone and asked him to help with parts to assemble a device needed for a physics classroom at school. Hewlett then talked on the phone with Jobs for about 20 minutes, as a result he not only sent him the necessary details, but also offered him a part-time job in his company, in which the so-called Silicon Valley.

Steve Jobs agreed. In addition to this work, he began to earn extra money as a newspaper delivery boy, as well as in the warehouse of one of the companies. Thanks to this, at the age of 15, Steve became the owner of a car, bought with his own money with the addition of his father’s funds. And a year later, Steve Jobs exchanged this car with an additional payment for a more expensive one.

At the same time, there were also negative aspects in the biography of Steve Jobs: he made friends with hippies and began using soft drugs.

Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

While working at Hewlett Packard, Steve Jobs became friends with Steve Wozniak, who was also interested in electronics and was 5 years older than him. At the time of their first meeting, Wozniak was already developing a strategy for creating a personal computer. This acquaintance in many ways became fateful for Steve Jobs.

At the age of 16, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak met a famous hacker at the time called Captain Crunch, who helped them create a device that allowed them to make free calls around the world. The basis for this development was the whistles that were included in the packages sold at that time. oatmeal“Captain Crunch” (hence the nickname). The hacker realized that they produced the right tone of sound, allowing him to connect to switching systems.

Soon, after an unsuccessful attempt, Wozniak managed to make such a device, which was called the “Blue Box”. At first, friends used it as entertainment, tapping into phone lines and playing telephone pranks. But then they came up with the idea of ​​making money from it. They were able to reduce the cost of one “blue box” from the initial 80 dollars to 40, then Wozniak began “mass production”, and Steve Jobs began selling Blue Boxes. Friends sold about 100 of these devices at a price of $150 apiece, made good money on it, but then were forced to stop this business due to unpleasant situations with the police and some buyers.

“Blue Boxes” created the basis for the future commercial cooperation of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak: the friends realized that by creating developments in the field of electronics necessary for humanity, they could make good money. After all, Wozniak is able to invent and create a new gadget, and Jobs is able to competently promote it to the market.

At the age of 17, Steve Jobs graduated from high school and went to college, moving to Oregon. However, after the first semester he dropped out, citing too expensive studies, which fell on the shoulders of his parents. After all, Steve then “wasted” the considerable money he earned on his own and spent it on entertainment, incl. and on drugs. Jobs later called the decision to drop out of university “one of the best decisions in life.”

Having dropped out of university, Steve Jobs was left without money. He couldn’t even pay for a dorm room, so he slept on the floor of his friends. To buy food, Jobs collected Coca-Cola bottles and traded them in for 5 cents apiece, and every Sunday he walked a long way to get to a free meal at a Hare Krishna temple. He lived in this mode for about 1.5 years.

Steve Jobs: working at Atari.

In 1974, Steve Jobs returned to California, where he met his old friend Steve Wozniak. He advised him to get a job at the video game company Atari, and Jobs took this advice.

At the company's expense, Steve Jobs went on business trips to Germany and India, where he successfully completed the tasks assigned to him. In addition, having arrived in India with his new friend Dan, he decided to follow the path of a pilgrim: from the very beginning of the trip, the friends exchanged their belongings for the rags of beggars and set off on foot, using the help of random passers-by. The harsh climate of the country even put their lives at risk several times, but they bravely endured all the trials.

Steve Jobs remembered his trip to India well because there he saw real poverty, completely different from what it was in the USA.

After returning home, Steve Jobs received a task from Atari to minimize the number of chips on the board of the company's new development: a video game machine. For each chip removed from the board, he was promised $100. Steve Jobs, in turn, entrusted this work to his friend Steve Wozniak, offering to split the payment equally, and he was able to reduce the circuit by 50 chips. But Steve Jobs deceived his friend, saying that the company paid him $700 for this work, and gave him half of this amount - $350. In fact, he received $5,000 from Atari.

Steve Jobs and Apple.

In 1975, Steve Wozniak completed the development of his first portable home personal computer model and demonstrated it to the management of Hewlett Packard. But they showed no interest in Wozniak’s model, since at that time no one even thought about home computers, and the computers themselves were associated with huge cabinets working for the needs of the military or big business. Then he approached Atari with the same idea, but even there his development was considered unpromising.

Looking at this, Steve Jobs invited his friend to create his own company that would develop and produce portable home computers, and Wozniak agreed. They also invited a colleague from Atari, Ronald Wayne, to their company, who was developing drawings of electronic circuits.

Thus, on April 1, 1976, Apple Computer Co was founded, the founders of which were business partners Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. To get money to start his own business, Steve Jobs sold the minibus he had at that time, and Steve Wozniak sold his programmable calculator. For this, all the friends received about $1,300 - with this money the company was created.

The aspiring entrepreneurs decided to locate the production itself in the garage, which was left to them by Steve Jobs' adoptive father. This garage became the first “production workshop” of Apple.

Ronald Wayne designed Apple's first logo, which included an image of Newton with an apple falling on his head. In the future, this logo was significantly simplified.

Soon after the start of its activities, Steve Jobs' Apple received its first order for 50 computers from one of the electronics stores. At that time, the partners did not have enough finances to purchase all the components for such a production batch, but Steve Jobs was able to persuade suppliers to defer payment, and borrowed part of the money from friends. Steve also recruited several of his friends and relatives to work on the order.

Three businessmen, together with hired staff, assembled the order in the evenings after their main work and were able to ensure delivery of the entire ordered batch within a month. They called their first computer Apple I. It was a regular circuit board with parts and didn’t even have a case. The keyboard and monitor had to be connected to this board separately. The cost of such a computer in the store then was $666.66.

Subsequently, Steve Job and Steve Wozniak called this order the most important in their lives. While working on it, Steve Jobs showed his business skills for the first time, because he took upon himself the leadership of the entire process and the resolution of all emerging issues.

Despite this successful start, Ronald Wayne soon became disillusioned with the job and decided to leave the business. He sold his 10% stake in the company to his partners for $800. So Apple was left with two founders: Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak.

Wozniak constantly worked to improve the computer model and soon developed a prototype of the Apple II, a device that became the first mass-produced PC in the world. The Apple II already had a plastic case, a disk drive, a monitor, a keyboard, and supported color images. Other specialists were brought in to work on the model: designers and electronics engineers.

Despite the fact that the Apple II was a clear breakthrough in the field of electronic technology, the partners could not find investors to finance the mass production of these gadgets: then both Hewlett Packard and Atari again did not consider this promising.

However, soon Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak still managed to find a major investor. It turned out to be Mike Markkula - he invested $92,000 of his personal capital in the development, and also ensured the opening of a credit line for another $250,000 in largest bank USA. At the same time, he appointed his own managers to the company.

As a result, the Apple II was put into mass production and was simply a tremendous success: computers were sold in batches of hundreds and thousands of copies, despite the fact that at that time there were no more than 10,000 PCs in the world.

By 1980, Steve Jobs' Apple company had already become a recognized world leader in PC production, it had its own production workshops and a staff of several hundred people. The company's shares constantly grew in price, and a simple guy without education, Steve Jobs, as one of the shareholders, very quickly turned into a dollar millionaire and became one of the richest residents of the United States.

Steve Jobs and Macintosh.

In 1979, Steve Jobs was shown a Xerox development - the Alto computer, which allows the user to control processes by hovering a graphical cursor on the monitor. He was amazed by this technology, and he said that in the future all computers must work according to this principle. Steve Jobs himself also decided to develop and release such a computer in his company.

At that time, Apple was developing the Lisa computer, named after the daughter of Steve Jobs, and Steve decided to implement the innovation he saw in it. However, initially the cost of this model was planned to be no more than $2,000, and taking into account the new technology, it no longer fit into this amount. Then the company's president, Michael Scott, removed Jobs from participation in the Lisa project, while simultaneously promoting him and appointing him chairman of the company's board of directors.

Soon after, Steve Jobs became interested in another development that was being carried out at Apple by engineer Jeff Raskin: he was working on an inexpensive computer, costing about $1,000, which he called Macintosh (from the name of his favorite apple variety, McIntosh). This device was supposed to combine a monitor, a system unit and a keyboard. Steve Jobs got the idea to add a graphical interface and a mouse to this computer and got Apple President Michael Scott to put him in charge of this development.

However, Jobs and Raskin had serious disagreements over the need for a mouse in the device. Their dispute went so far that both disputants were called “on the carpet” to the president of the company, who, after listening to them, nevertheless instructed Steve Jobs to complete the development of the Macintosh to the end, as he saw fit, and sent Raskin on vacation.

Soon after this, project investor Mike Markkula fired Michael Scott and headed Apple for a while. And Steve Jobs completed the Macintosh, creating it the way he wanted - using a mouse and a graphical interface.

Soon, Steve Jobs went on a business trip to Microsoft, where he met with its founders Bill Gates and Paul Allen, inviting them to Apple to inspect the development of the Macintosh. They liked the project, and the parties agreed that Microsoft would develop software for the Macintosh. Thus, the most famous program at that time, Microsoft Excel, soon appeared.

Steve Jobs personally developed a marketing plan to promote the Macintosh PC, which was aimed at selling 500 thousand copies of the product per year. At that time, Steve Wozniak had an accident, after which he was unable to continue working at Apple. Jobs understood that the success of the Macintosh would largely depend on him personally.

Steve Jobs purchased an apartment in Manhattan, where he soon met Pepsi President John Sculley. After talking with him, Steve realized that this man was well versed in business and could become a successful president of Apple. And Steve Jobs decided to lure John Sculley to his company. The phrase that Steve once told John, after which he agreed to move from Pepsi to Apple, became world famous:

Are you going to sell your sugared water all your life or do you want to change the world?

By that time, Microsoft programmers, working literally day and night, still managed to complete the necessary software to run the Macintosh within the given time frame. Steve Jobs personally presented this new product, demonstrating his oratory skills.

At first, Macintosh sales were simply stunning, but soon users began to feel a serious shortage software(at that time the only software was the Office package, and Microsoft simply did not have time to develop new programs for the graphical interface). Then sales began to fall. Soon problems with the technical part of the Macintosh were revealed, and they fell even further.

Steve Jobs tried to shift the blame for this onto others - in particular, onto the new president of Apple, John Sculley, accusing him of failing to fully refocus on computer business. He began to play various “behind-the-scenes games” with the goal of independently taking the place of president of the company. However, the project investor noticed this and fired Steve from the company.

So Steve Jobs lost his job at Apple, which he himself founded. In anger, he sold his entire stake in the company, leaving only 1 share for himself “as a souvenir.”

Steve Jobs after Apple.

After leaving Apple, Steve Jobs decided not to quit the computer business and founded a new IT company called Next. This company was immediately able to receive huge investments from businessman Rosa Perot - he invested $20 million in it. This is despite the fact that Steve Jobs did not even develop any specific one: the investor simply relied on him as an experienced and successful entrepreneur in the IT field.

However, Perot's hopes were not realized. Next's computers were not as successful as Apple's. There were some sales, but they did not bring the investor the desired profit and could not even recoup the investment. A lot of money was spent on promoting the company, but Steve Jobs was unable to “recapture” it. Nevertheless, Jobs did not lose hope and made new attempts.

So, in 1985, he acquired the Pixar company (its seller was George Lucas, the director of “Star Wars”). An interesting fact is that Lucas asked for $30 million for the company, but Steve Jobs negotiated down to $10 million, taking advantage of the moment when Lucas was in a critical situation and needed money. The Pixar company was engaged in computer animation and had at its disposal the most powerful computer systems for that time.

Steve Jobs hired artist John Lasseter, luring him away from Disney, and began producing animated videos demonstrating the capabilities of Pixar's hardware and software. The company subsequently released a short film, which was awarded an Academy Award. For a time, Pixar brought Steve Jobs a small income, but gradually the business became unprofitable.

However, this period became favorable for Steve Jobs's personal life: he met the woman of his dreams, Laurene Powell. Their acquaintance was very romantic, and soon, in 1991, the wedding took place.

At the same time, Steve Jobs signed a contract with the Disney studio, which included the creation and promotion of animated films. By that time, in the eyes of the press and public, Steve already looked practically bankrupt; no one believed that he could make his enterprise profitable. However, this contract was successful and made it possible to compensate for a significant part of the losses.

But in 1992, Steve Jobs realized that his company Next could not continue to exist without additional capital, and was able to persuade one of the largest investors, Canon, for the next tranche of financing - $30 million. Thanks to this, Next sales increased slightly, but in comparison with Apple they were still tens of times less.

In 1993, Steve Jobs made a difficult decision for himself - to gradually curtail PC production and transferred all the company's efforts to software production.

Steve Jobs: return to Apple.

By 1995, Apple also began to experience serious problems: it had already replaced several managers, but turnover was still falling, and its activities became deeply unprofitable. Apple investors wanted to sell the company, for this they negotiated with several major concerns (for example, Philips), but this did not lead to desired result.

Steve Jobs and his Pixar, meanwhile, released animated film“Toy Story”, which became a huge success. And the Next company developed a new operating system, NextStep.

Then the success story of Steve Jobs took an unexpected turn: his second company, Next, was bought by his first company, Apple. She needed the NextStep software itself, which became the basis for Mac OS X, and its team of developers (more than 300 specialists). The transaction amount was $377 million + 1.5 million shares of the company.

However, this acquisition did not immediately lead to the desired result. When it was unable to bring Apple out of losses, the board of directors fired the next president of the company, Gil Amelio. And taking advantage of the situation, his place was taken by... of course, Steve Jobs.

Having taken control of the company into his own hands, he immediately made a lucrative deal with Bill Gates and his Microsoft. Gates' company invested $150 million in Apple in exchange for several developments and the installation of the Microsoft Internet Explorer browser on Mac computers.

Soon, Steve Jobs was again able to bring Apple to breakeven, and then to profit. In 1998, one might say, the revival of this company began. At the same time, his second brainchild Pixar released several highly successful films, including “Monsters, Inc.”

Then Apple worked successfully, with a profit, constantly developing, its shares showed stable growth. In 1998, the company released the first iMac, which was a great success and was put into mass production.

The first ones were opened in 2001 specialty stores Apple Store. Today, it is these stores that generate the greatest income per square meter of space in the USA and Europe, and there is already an Apple Store on the Internet.

This was followed by the release of the iBook and iTunes, and the iTunes Store network of music stores began to develop. The success of iTunes contributed to Steve Jobs' interest in the mp3 player market, and so the first iPod was soon developed and released, then new versions began to appear.

At the same time, the use of the Mac OS X operating system again increased sales of Macintosh computers, at which point they received their rebirth.

Well, a little later, Apple released the first iPhone, which became a real breakthrough in the IT technology market. It was first introduced in 2007. Sales of this gadget brought Apple revenue of 150 billion dollars over 5 years.

And even later, the iPad appeared: Steve Jobs personally presented it in January 2010. Already in March 2011, he presented the iPad-2.

In August 2011, Steve Jobs resigned as president of the company due to health reasons, but remained chairman of the board of directors. The stock market then reacted to this event by falling Apple shares by 5%.

And on October 5, 2011, Steve Jobs died due to respiratory failure at home, surrounded by his family.

In the last years of his life, Steve Jobs spoke a lot to wide audiences; his speeches were always long-awaited and were a great success. And his biography and interesting facts Many authors described life in their books.

This is the long story of Steve Jobs' success that I have. I hope that you were interested and were able to form your own opinion about this man, who has made many breakthroughs in the IT field. We have used many of the developments of Steve Jobs and his Apple ourselves and still use them today.

See you again at ! I wish you success in all your endeavors. Stay with us and receive a lot of useful and interesting information that will help you with this.

Madmen, confident that they can change the world, actually change it /
from Apple's "Think Different" commercial

Apples can be different: sour, sweet, rejuvenating, the kind that fall not far from the apple tree right on Newton’s smart head. And they can also be gnawed. One of these apples became the logo (from the English “apple”).

Today we will talk about Steve Jobs, the co-founder of this company, an innovative businessman who gave another definition to the word “Apple”.

The world lost this talented man in 2011. Steve Jobs, who never minced words, during his lifetime spoke about this eternal topic:

And although there is no ready-made recipe for success suitable for everyone, we will try to highlight those qualities of Mr. Jobs that helped him reach heights, and which can be safely adopted.

It begins with this fact unusual story. Immediately after birth, his biological parents abandoned him. They were not at all disadvantaged - their mother, Joan Schieble, was the daughter of German immigrants who settled in Wisconsin and were farmers, and their father, Abdulfatt Jandali, worked at the university. Joan's father was against their marriage and threatened to disinherit his daughter. Because of this, the couple did not get married, but gave their child up for adoption. The adoptive parents were given the condition that the boy must receive a higher education, and the couple who adopted Steve would subsequently keep this promise.

This is how little Steve ended up with the Jobs, whom he called dad and mom: “They are my real parents 100%.” Subsequently, some colleagues saw in Steve’s behavior the influence of the “abandoned child” complex, but Jobs himself denied such an opinion: “I knew I was adopted and felt more independent, but never abandoned.”

Steve's adoptive father, Paul Jobs, served in the Coast Guard and then worked as an auto mechanic, and his mother, Clara Agopian-Jobs, worked as an accountant. Paul was a kind, calm and hardworking man. Steve fully adopted this last quality from his father, who from childhood tried to involve his son in his work. Steve recalled: “I didn’t like fixing cars, but I enjoyed being with my dad.”

The habit of involving “little helpers” in joint work is worth taking note of.

This is a good technique in raising children and strengthens family relationships. And although the “younger generation” sometimes causes more harm than real benefit, such moments are not forgotten. Steve always watched his father work with delight.

The lesson taught by Jobs Sr. is etched in his memory: “ It is necessary to carefully finish the back side of the fence“, he taught his son. “It doesn’t matter that she’s not in sight.” Steve will continue to maintain this attitude of excellence when developing his own products.

As a child, Steve considered himself a humanitarian, but at the same time he was also attracted to technology. The first time he saw a computer terminal in Ames, he simply “fell in love with computers.” Having once read a phrase about how important people are, problem solving At the intersection of the humanities and the exact sciences, Steve made a decision in life: “This is exactly what I want to do.”

Jobs was one of the first to understand that to achieve success in the modern world, it is necessary to combine creativity and technology.

He liked it when something combined beauty and functionality, and it was Jobs who later brought culture to computer production. "We made the buttons on the screen so cute you'll want to lick them"– this is exactly how he will position the new operating system.

As a child, his parents supported Steve's endeavors. Their belief in the exclusivity of their son was the seed that later bore fruit in adulthood. According to Jobs, this had a greater influence on the formation of his character:

Parents should not forget that it is their attitude towards their child that forms his self-esteem and determines his future place in the world.

Steve grew up as a resourceful and independent child, but he started having problems at school. The wayward boy did not recognize authority and did not want to learn. He was expelled from school for poor discipline, but new school Steve was lucky to meet a real teacher.

She taught mathematics and managed to find an approach to the contradictory child. Thanks to this, in the 4th grade, Steve passed the exam in the subject with the result of a tenth grader. He “jumped” a year of study, but, unable to find a common language with high school students, he applied to another school.

Quite often, when looking at the biographies of successful people, we are faced with the fact that during their school years they were “black sheep.”

Parents should always be on the side of the child in such a situation, because the “dissimilarity” of your child from other children may indicate his unique abilities.

Jobs later met his namesake, Steve Wozniak, who later became the co-founder of Apple. Their first joint operation defined the principles of the partnership: Wozniak came up with a brilliant invention, and Jobs decided how best to adapt it to the needs of the consumer and benefit from it.

In 1972, Steve entered the expensive Reed College in Portland, but dropped out in his first year. Pay attention to this fact. Steve Jobs did not have the higher education that every person today strives for. That is, what you achieve in life is influenced by completely different things.

In 1976, he founded the company with Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne. There are a couple of versions of the origin of the “apple” name. One of them says that Steve wanted to see the company on the first pages of the telephone directory, hence the name with an “a”. The second story claims that during a brainstorming session the name of the company did not come together, and the expressive Steve exclaimed:

The version looks plausible, since Steve’s colleagues always noted his categoricalness: “... everything with him was either “amazing” or “poor.”

In the late 70s, Apple introduced the Apple II series of personal computers. They sold over 5 million worldwide and paved the way for the PC manufacturing industry once and for all.

At the age of 29, Steve becomes the youngest American to be included in the ranking of rich people according to Forbes magazine.

In general, if you trace the chain of capital growth of the founder of Apple, then according to him, at the age of 23, his net worth was a million dollars, at 24, it exceeded ten million dollars, and at 25, he had more than a hundred million.

One day, or rather a night, in the life of Steve Jobs was remarkable, when in one night his fortune increased to 217.5 million dollars. This happened in December 1980, when Apple's initial public offering (IPO) took place on the stock exchange.

What allowed him to reach such heights?

Speaking of Steve Jobs, we definitely recognize him as a talented businessman and innovator. He was convinced that it was “Innovation distinguishes the leader from the catcher.”

Jobs always had an intuitive sense of what the consumer wanted:

I think we should take on board his recommendation to Stanford graduates: “Stay hungry. Stay reckless." Jobs argued that " It's great to have a newbie's opinion." and emphasized the important role of an unconventional view of things.

In 1985, US President Ronald Reagan awarded Jobs and Wozniak medals for the development of technological progress. Jobs’s innovation was also noted by his competitor, who commented on his colleague’s work at the D5 conference in 2007:

"..what Steve did, simply phenomenal... Steve's team did a great job and was even a little ahead of its time..."

Thus, another secret of Steve Jobs' success was his ability to assemble a team. He was a charismatic business leader whose drive and energy commanded everything and everyone. Steve knew how to identify talent and surrounded himself with professionals:

He was not an ideal leader and could offend people. But at the same time, Jobs, like no one else, knew how to inspire productive work. Here, for example, is how Jobs formulated a technical problem:

And the Apple specialist agreed that in this case he would have found a solution. And Jobs shared with him a simple calculation:

“If 5 million people use a Mac every day and it takes an extra 10 seconds to turn it on, then reducing that time would save people up to 300 million hours every year, which equates to 100 lives saved.”

In 1985, Jobs left Apple due to management conflicts. In the same year he founded the company NeXT. In 1986, Jobs co-founded the animation studio Pixar, which under his leadership released such cartoons as “Toy Story” and “Monsters, Inc.” In 2006, Jobs became a member of the board of directors of Disney, which bought the Pixar studio.

In general, if you have watched the amazing cartoons that were created by the Pixar studio, you should imagine what kind of person Steve Jobs was.

Of course, he did not take part in the creation of the cartoons themselves. He was always a first-class manager, an executive who could attract the most the best people. And most often he seduced them not with high wages, but infected with an idea.

He always wanted to make the world a better place. All his thoughts were aimed precisely at this. And this quality needs to be adopted and cultivated in yourself. Only with this attitude can you become great and change the world like Jobs did.

In 1991, Steve Jobs married Laurene Powell, the couple had three children - a son and two daughters.

Meanwhile, by the end of the 1990s, Apple was already suffering millions in losses. Jobs returned to the company in 1996, and thanks to his innovations, the company opened up new market segments.

Not only bibliographers are concerned about the topic of the fate of people who left their mark on world history. Those who want to succeed in life are interested in the life paths of celebrities. For example, they study both the biography of S. Jobs and the history of his success.

Steve Jobs's full name is Steven Paul Jobs. This American IT entrepreneur was born on February 24, 1955. Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco. It was Steve Jobs who stood at the origins of the CEO of Apple Corporation, being not only its founder, but also the chairman of the board of directors. The CEO of the Pixar film studio owes his birth to him.

Steve Jobs died relatively recently - on October 5, 2011. Steve Jobs' death was the result of pancreatic cancer, which he had been fighting for eight years.


The biography of Steve Jobs is different from the destinies of many people. After all, he did not spend his childhood and youth with his own parents.

Steve Jobs was fathered by Joana Schieble out of wedlock. Steve's father was Syrian Abdulfattah (John) Jandali. The young people were both students. Joan's parents - German emigrants - were against their daughter's marriage to Jantali. As a result, the pregnant Joan, hiding from everyone, went to San Francisco, where she was safely delivered of her pregnancy in private clinic and gave the child up for adoption.

The childless Jobs family adopted a baby. His adoptive father, Paul Jobs, worked for a company that produced laser systems, serving as a mechanic. His wife Clara, nee Agopyan, was American, with Armenian blood flowing in her. She worked in an accounting firm.

Steve Jobs saw his own mother only at the age of 31. At the same time, he met his blood sister.


When Steve Jobs celebrated his second birthday, he got an adopted sister, Patty. Almost at the same time, the family moved to Mountain View.

Paul Jobs, in addition to his official work, did a part-time job, repairing old cars for sale in his own garage. He tried to involve his adopted son in this matter. Steve Jobs was not interested in the work of an auto mechanic, but thanks to the hours spent together with his father repairing cars, the young man learned the basics of electronics. In his free time, Paul and his son were engaged in disassembling, assembling and repairing radios and televisions - this was a job that young Steve Jobs liked!

Steve Jobs' mother also works a lot with her son. As a result, the boy enters school knowing how to read and count.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (legend 1)

The biography of Steve Jobs might have turned out differently if not for one seemingly insignificant phone call that wrote an important line in the success story of Steve Jobs.

While assembling some electrical device, the teenager made a call to the home number of William Hewlett, who was then the president of Hewlett-Packard, asking him to help him find some parts. After a twenty-minute conversation with Steve, Hewlett agreed to help the boy.

But most importantly, he invited the teenager to work for summer holidays in the company he led. Happened there fateful meeting Steve Jobs with Steven Wozniak, from there the story of his success originates.

Meeting with Stephen Wozniak (legend 2)

According to this version, Steve Jobs met Steven not at all at work at the company, but through his classmate Bill Fernandez. It’s just that the acquaintance seemed to coincide with the start of work. By the way, besides this, Steve Jobs was also engaged in delivering newspapers. And the very next year he became a warehouse employee in an electronics store. Thanks to his hard work and high ability to work, at the age of 15, Steve had the opportunity, with the help of his father, to buy his own car, which the next year he exchanged for a more modern one. We can say that the success story of the future creator of Apple, Steve Jobs, begins precisely at this time - in his early youth. Even then, an insatiable desire to become rich awoke in him, which he tried to realize through hard work.

Father's indignation

Jobs Jr.'s free money brought the family not only joy, but also trouble. It was then that the biography of the future entrepreneur added an ugly page: the young man became interested in hippies and became addicted to marijuana and LSD. The father had to make a lot of efforts to return his son to the right path.

Friendship with Stephen Wozniak

Jobs's new friend was considered a "legend" of the school; he was a graduate. Among themselves, the guys called Stephen “Woz.” Despite the fact that Woz was five years older than Jobs, they had a wonderful relationship. They collected Bob Dylan records together. School evenings, music and light shows that young people put on at school were always a huge success.


Enrolling at Reed College in Portland, Oregon in 1972, Jobs Jr. decided to drop out immediately after the first semester. This was quite a decisive step, because the parents had already paid a substantial amount to pay for their studies. But the young man insisted on his own. He later called this step one of his best decisions.

But in reality, making the decision to leave college was much easier than surviving in a new environment. Steve now had to sleep on the floor in the rooms of his former classmates. He gave away empty Coca-Cola bottles so he could buy himself some food. By Sundays the guy walked 7 kilometers to the other end of the city to the Hare Krishna temple to get the opportunity to eat normally.

This life continued for a full year and a half, until Steve returned to California in the fall of 1974. And once again, a wonderful meeting with Stephen Wozniak helps him make a fateful turn. Jobs decides to go to work at Atari, a company that produced video games. And again Steve starts working. At that time, Jobs Jr. did not think about becoming a billionaire, did not make ambitious plans for the future in his imagination. His greatest wish, cherished dream then it was time to go to India.

The first steps to stunning success

In his free time from working at the company, Steve and Wozniak visited the Homebrew computer club in Palo Alto. And there they came up with a “wonderful idea” - to produce underground devices with which they could make free calls to long distances. The young people called their “discovery” “blue boxes.” Of course, this can be called a dishonest business, but the guys simply did not know where to invest their intellectual potential and earn money as quickly as possible.

But Jobs’s success story itself began in the late seventies of the last century, when he and “Woz” designed one of the first personal computers with commercial potential. This was the Apple II, which later became Apple's first mass-market product. Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak founded this company themselves. Then a year later the “descendants” of the Apple II, Apple Lisa and Macintosh (Mac) appeared.

During this period, the fortune of Apple shareholder Steve Jobs was $8.3 billion. Moreover, only $2 billion was invested directly in Apple shares.

However, Jobs had to leave his “brainchild” in 1985, so he lost the struggle for power on the board of directors of Apple. And then another remarkable trait of his character appeared again, thanks to which Jobs’s success story during this difficult period did not stop, but entered a new stage.

NeXT and Pixar

After the defeat, Jobs did not become despondent, but began to look for new ways to apply his energy. And now he is the creator of a new company that develops a computer platform for business and higher education. educational institutions. This company is called NeXT.

A year later, Jobs’ success story added a new page: he acquired a division of the film company Lucasfilm, which deals with computer graphics. He worked hard to turn the small division into a major Pixar studio. It was here that the films “Toy Story” and the famous “Monsters, Inc.” were created.

But even now Jobs is no longer just the creator of the studio, but also its main shareholder. Purchase of the studio in 2006 The Walt Disney Company turned Jobs into one of the largest private shareholders and members of the board of directors of the world-famous Disney company.

Jobs family

Constantly busy with business, creation and promotion latest technologies, developing unique projects, Jobs devotes “150% of his time and effort” to his work, as he himself put it. But here's to life young man a love named Chris-Anne bursts in. Jobs spends quite a lot of time with her, but suddenly the entrepreneur’s personal life again faded into the background.

The mother of his daughter Lisa did not become Steve’s legal wife. Even the birth of his daughter in 1977 did not change the life of the “workaholic” at all. They joked that Steve hardly noticed the birth of his daughter. And, despite the fact that during this period the young father’s fortune had already exceeded the million mark, Jobs did not even want to pay her child support.

The girl lived with her mother, Jobs practically did not communicate with her. Steve's personal life never changed until his death. Although, closer to old age, Steve Jobs realized that personal life is not just about yourself. He remembered his daughter, began to communicate with her a little, to get to know her.

Later, Steve’s wife became a certain Lauren, who gave birth to his son Reed in the early 90s.

Poorest CEO

Looking for information about what Jobs's fortune was during the heyday of his business, the reader cannot help but be amazed. And there is something! Jobs even got into the Guinness Book of Records: he, the executive director of the largest company, has the most modest salary! It cannot be argued that the data recorded in official documents corresponded to reality. This was probably done to reduce taxes. But, one way or another, the documents showed Jobs’ annual income, which was equal to one dollar.

With the advent of the new millennium, Jobs's success story is replenished with new pages.

  • 2001 - Jobs introduced the first iPod;
  • 2006 - the company introduced the network multimedia player Apple TV;
  • 2007 - performance mobile phone iPhone, active promotion of it on the sales market;
  • 2008 - MacBook Air introduced. the thinnest laptop in the world.

Some facts from Jobs' life

It would be wrong to say that Steve Jobs, whose biography many people study today, was a man created from merit alone. The life of an entrepreneur had its dark sides, Many of Jobs' actions were negative character. Many people can condemn and blame Steve today. But how many can boast that they could create something truly significant out of practically nothing, that they made a billionaire fortune by starting to earn money by delivering newspapers?

October 20, 2015, 15:55

The other day I accidentally watched a documentary"Steve Jobs: The Man in the Machine"(imdb- 6.6 ; rotten tomatoes- 74% ) and to be honest, Steve’s personality left me with a very unpleasant impression.The film contains a lot of archival videos with Steve, interviews with his colleagues, friends, so to speak, the mother of his first child, etc.

The man is very tough, uncompromising - from his relationship with his daughter Lisa to the attack on the house of a Gizmodo journalist after this news portal published photographs of an iPhone prototype that one of the Apple employees left in a bar.

The film only mentions a few times that Steve was an adopted child, and therefore, after watching it, I was interested to know who his biological parents were, and whether this factor could somehow affect his character and attitude towards people. I was preparing to read a story about unfortunate refugees who fled to the USA from bullets, worked for pennies at McDonald's, were despised, and had to give up their child to a safe family, but...

Against the background of the Syrian crisis and the problems of migrants, on Twitter and other social networks, users began to share photographs of Steve Jobs, reminding migration haters that Jobs was the son of a Syrian migrant - Abdul Fattah Jandali, who is now 84 years old and lives in Nevada.

Abdul and Joana

Jandali was born in 1931. in Homs (on at the moment the city was destroyed), Syria in the family of a wealthy landowner. His father was a millionaire who owned several villages. His mother was a traditional Muslim who took care of her son and 4 daughters. According to Abdul, she was a conservative and submissive housewife.

Abdul wanted to go to Damascus University to become a lawyer, but his authoritarian father objected by saying that there were too many lawyers in Syria.

At the age of 18, Abdul left for Lebanon, where he studied at the American University of Beirut. At the university, Abdul was a supporter of Arab nationalism, a fighter for the independence of Algeria, and even spent 3 days in prison. Events of 1952-54 forced him to leave the Middle East and go to New York, where he lived with his relative, the Syrian ambassador to the UN.

Jandali was educated atColombia University(one of the best universities in the world) andUniversity of Wisconsinwhere he received his degreeDoctor of Economics and Political Sciences.

At the University of Wisconsin he met a Catholic woman Joana, who soon became pregnant by Abdul, but Joana's conservative father forbade her to marry a Muslim. Jandali and Joana separated shortly before Steve's birth in 1955.

Jandali and Joana

Steve's adoptive parents

Newborn Steve was put on the waiting list for adoption with the condition that his adoptive parents must be Catholic and have a university education.
The first adoptive parents in last moment abandoned Steve because they decided that they wanted a girl and so the choice fell on another couple - Clara and Paul Jobs. At the last moment, Joanna did not want to give the couple the child, since they did not have a higher education, but they promised that Steve would study at the university.

Steve and Paul

According to Steve, his adoptive father instilled in him a love of mechanics. Steve hated it when Paul and Clara were called foster parents, he always said that they were his " real parents 1000%". He spoke disparagingly about his biological parents, calling them " sperm and egg bank".

Clara and Paul

Shortly after Steve's adoption, his biological parents reunited and got married. A year later their daughter was born Mona, who later became a successful and famous writer. Mona and Steve met when Steve was 27 years old.
Steve's biological parents later divorced and after an unsuccessful return to Syria, Jandali worked as an assistant professor at the University of Michigan, later he bought a restaurant, and now he is the chairman of a casino in Nevada. Abdul is not a practicing Muslim and has never been to Hajji, but he says he believes in Islam, its doctrine and culture.

Mona Simpson

Has Steve met his biological parents?

According to Jobs, he only met his father by chance once, when he was working at his restaurant in Sacramento:

“I was in the restaurant once or twice, and I remember that I met the owner, who was from Syria. I was sure it was my father. I shook his hand, and he shook mine. That was all.”

Later, his sister Mona told him in person that it was his father. Jobs also told his biographer that he did not want to continue his relationship with his father because he learned something not very good about him.

Shortly before Steve's death, Jandali stated the following:
" I don't have a close relationship with him. I congratulated him on his birthday, but none of us took a step towards each other. I think that if he wants to spend time with me, then he knows where to find me."

Jandali also denies having anything to do with the nickname “ Father of Invention”, which some people attribute to him:
"My daughter Mona - famous writer, my biological son Steve is the founder of Apple. He was given up for adoption because Joanna's father forbade me to marry her and she decided to give Steve to another family. Steve is my biological son, but I didn't raise him and he has a family that took him in. If I consider myself a father of invention, it is only because my son is a genius and my daughter is an excellent writer. I thank God for my success in life, but I am not an inventor. I think that if Steve had grown up with a Syrian name, he would have achieved the same success. He has a brilliant mind, he didn't finish university, so I think he would have been successful despite his background."