Foreign classical literature. Classic foreign literature listen online

Homer. Iliad, Odyssey (Gnedich, Zhukovsky).
Giovanni Boccaccio - “The Decameron” - Renaissance, frivolous short stories.
Lion Feichtwanger – “Goya” - historical novel about the great Spanish artist, times of the Inquisition.
Miguel de Cervantes - “Don Quixote” is a philosophical parody of chivalric romances.
Jonathan Swift - “Gulliver's Adventures” - a classic of adventure literature + satire.
Daniel Defoe - "Robinson Crusoe" - a classic of adventure literature.
Fenimore Cooper - “The Last of the Mohicans”, “St. John's Wort”, “Pathfinder” - classics of adventure literature.
Louis Boussenard - “Captain Rip-Off” is a classic of adventure literature.
Anatole France – “Thais”, “Balthasar” - classics of historical adventure literature.
Haggard - "King Solomon's Mines", "The Brothers", "Cleopatra" - classics of adventure literature.
Rafael Sabatini - "Captain Blood's Odyssey" is a classic of adventure literature.
William Shakespeare - Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Beaumarchais - “A Crazy Day, or The Marriage of Figaro.”
Johann Wolfgang Goethe - "Faust".
THIS. Hoffmann – “The Worldly Views of Cat Murr”, “The Golden Pot”, “Little Tsakhes”
Victor Hugo - "Notre Dame Cathedral"
Washington Irving - "Rip Van Winkle", stories.
Charles De Coster - The Legend of Ulenspiegel is a masterpiece.
Ethel Voynich - "The Gadfly".
Raspe - “The Adventures of Baron Munchausen” is a classic of adventure humorous literature.
Mark Twain - "Life on the Mississippi"
Edgar Allan Poe's stories are the very first detective stories, classics of the genre, unexpected fruits of romanticism.
Gilbert Keith Chesteron - stories, "The Man Who Was Thursday" - a classic of a smart detective story.
Stefan Zweig - short stories.
Honore de Balzac - " Shagreen leather“You will understand for yourself.
Gustave Flaubert - “Salammbô” is a classic of historical adventure literature.
Oscar Wilde - The Picture of Dorian Gray, " Ideal husband", fairy tales are refined philosophical.
George Bernard Shaw - “Pygmalion”, “Heartbreak House” - classics of English drama.
George Orwell - Animal Farm, 1984 - one of the first dystopias.
Aldous Huxley - "O wondrous one, new world" - the most famous dystopia.
Franz Kafka – “The Trial”, “Metamorphosis”, “Castle” - a genius of surrealism and absurdity; more than one author’s imagination was so boundless.
Jack London - "Martin Eden", "White Fang", stories - classics of world literature
Erich Maria Remarque – “On western front no change", "Three Comrades", " Arc de Triomphe", "Night in Lisbon" - pre-war, post-war, second world war.
Richard Aldington - "Death of a Hero", "All Men Are Enemies" - World War I.
Anne Frank - "Diary", "Diary of a Girl" - World War II.
Ernest Hemingway - A Farewell to Arms, The Old Man and the Sea - 1960s classics.
Gabriel García Márquez – “One Hundred Years of Solitude”, stories – classics of Latin American prose, world classics.
Jorge Luis Borges is a classic of Latin American mystical, fantastic, and philosophical prose.
Julio Cortazar – “Hopscotch” - classic Latin American literature, one of the most unusual novels of the twentieth century.
Herman Melville - "Moby Dick" - a classic of adventure literature.
Ken Kesey - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is a 60's classic.
Richard Bach - “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, “Illusions” - a philosophical view from heaven.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery - " The Little Prince"- another masterpiece from a professional pilot.
William Somerset Maugham - "Theatre"
Akutagawa Ryunosuke – novels – Japanese modern prose, classic.
Knut Hamsun is a strong psychological Danish prose.
Jaroslav Hasek - “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk” is a classic of satire and humor.
Karel Capek - “War with the Newts”, “Factory of the Absolute” - classics of science fiction. It was Capek who coined the word “robot.”
Jerome Klapka Jerome – “Three in a Boat, Not Counting the Dog”, stories – classics of satire and humor
Rudyard Kipling - stories, poems, The Jungle Book.
Ephraim Sevela - “Monya Tsatske is the standard bearer”, “Stop the plane - I’ll get off”, “Why is there no heaven on Earth”, etc. - modern satirical and humorous literature.
Umberto Eco – “The Name of the Rose”.
Jean-Paul Sartre – “Nausea”, “Sloa” - classics of existentialism
Albert Camus – “The Stranger”, “The Myth of Sisyphus”, “The Plague”, “First Man” - existentialism, philosophy. During his lifetime, Camus received the common name “Conscience of the West.”
Erland Lu – “Naive. Super.”, “Doppler” - modern Norwegian classic, humor.
Anthony Burgess " A Clockwork Orange" - a stunning twentieth-century novel, a modern classic.
Patrick Suskind - "Perfume" - a modern classic.
Golding - Lord of the Flies - classic
Ray Bradbury – “Dandelion Wine” - a world classic
Selinger - “The Catcher in the Rye” - a world classic
John Fowles - "The Collector" - a modern classic
After the first course, I read a lot more, but I didn’t make lists. From the artistic side I can also recommend (it doesn’t seem to be on the list)
Daniel Wallace - "Big Fish", based on which Timothy Burton made the film, is read in one sitting
Lou, although it’s on the list, I highly recommend the novel “Doppler” - very funny in my opinion
Erich's remark to Maria - (he really is a man) I recommend all the books, but the literature is heavy and leaves a residue. There was a time, after reading all his books, I could not read other literature, everything seemed somehow empty.
I will not recommend Chuck Palahniuk, H. Thompson, Burroughs and other orange covers. Once at school, I was crazy about “Fight Club”, I liked all this literature in the ninth and tenth grade, but then I realized that with books like “One Hundred Years of Solitude” they would never stand anywhere near. Therefore, I stopped getting carried away with alt-Ernative literature, which most often is just rubbish and nothing more, without any deep meanings. Well, maybe only if the author is wildly high, then sometimes something comes out.
Julio Cortazar "Game in the classics" - for all those who love unusual literature. There you can read in order, without order, the book is killer.
Grishkovets also writes books, his stories are good: “Rivers”, “Shirt” can be read, of course, for reference, “Traces on Me” is interesting. What happened next was crap, in my opinion.
For lovers of surrealism - books by Salvador Dali (yes, he also wrote books). Only for fans and to broaden your horizons. He writes, for example, that today he went to the toilet very well, and feces came out in the correct shape... he was a strange man and a genius.
I recommend London's entire collection; he has extremely insightful and powerful stories. One 20-page story can give you more than a dozen books by Akunin or Coelho (or whatever his name is).

Tested by time and more than one generation of readers. Most of the novels from the selection below are included in the “top 100” world bestsellers. So choose the book you like based on the description and enjoy.

"Jane Eyre", Charlotte Brontë

Charlotte Brontë's novel is well known to many: it has been republished and filmed more than once. This book is a classic of foreign literature at its best.

The world appears before the readers through the eyes of Jane Eyre - the modest English girl, who lost her parents early and was forced to live in her aunt’s house and endure beatings and injustice. Enrolling in Lowood School for Girls only seems to be at first glance the best option: living conditions are even worse than in the house of the “benefactress,” but here Jane makes friends for the first time, and subsequently a job, thanks to which she meets the love of her life. However, on the way to the desired happiness, Jane will have to shed a lot of tears, learn to say goodbye and forgive.

Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë

A story of love, passion and hatred - this is how you can briefly describe it famous book Emily Bronte, who still excites the hearts of readers. What is so attractive about her? Foreign classics They know how to cleverly twist the plot and keep the reader in suspense until the very end of the story.

One day a new guest arrives at Wuthering Heights. Instead of a hospitable host and a cozy home, Mr. Lockwood expects something else: a rude landlord, his sullen relatives and a general feeling of gloom and neglect of the estate. After befriending an old maid, Lockwood discovers the story of Wuthering Heights - a story of destructive love, passion and hatred that spans decades.

"Notre-Dame de Paris", Victor Hugo

Do you like the way French (foreign) classics are written? Then be sure to read one of the best novels by Victor Hugo.

The author tells a tragic and beautiful story of the love of several young people for one girl. The heroes experience not a timid, tender feeling, but a love that leads to sin and overshadows common sense. But who will the beautiful Esmeralda choose? The one who is ugly in appearance, but beautiful in soul and ready to protect his beloved, no matter what? Or will he give preference to a sweet-tongued handsome man who sees only a toy in a girl?

"Sister Carrie" by Theodore Dreiser

Why are foreign classics still interesting? Probably because the stories that live on the pages of written books are no less relevant than at the time the works were published.

Eighteen-year-old Kerry Meeber is hoping for better life moves from a small town to Chicago. But the girl’s hopes are not justified: neither her relatives nor the city are happy about her arrival. Only a casual acquaintance of Drouet shows interest in her, and he introduces the pretty Kerry to the bar manager, George Hurstwood. The ensuing relationship with George, which at first seemed like luck, brings the girl to New York, where she finally finds her calling on the theater stage.

Wives and Daughters, Elizabeth Gaskell

This novel is deservedly included in the selection of “foreign classics, the best.” The plot may not be new, but it is interesting to read, and many situations seem real.

Molly Gibson has been in love with Roger Hamley since childhood. But she is only the daughter of a simple doctor, and he is the heir of a noble and rich family, so there can be no talk of any feelings. Moreover, it turns out that Roger is not indifferent to the girl - the temperamental Cynthia, and she seems to reciprocate his feelings. However, it soon becomes clear that Cynthia has her own secrets, and she only needs Roger to gain freedom from her past. However, despite love triangle, everyone eventually finds their happiness.

The Adventures of Oliver Twist, Charles Dickens

If you like foreign classics and prefer books with a happy ending, then pay attention to this story.

The plot centers on the life of Oliver Twist, a boy who finds himself in an orphanage after the death of his mother. Due to a minor offense, the child is given as an apprentice to an undertaker, but, unable to withstand the mistreatment, Oliver escapes from the office and heads to London. The boy’s misadventures do not end there: he manages to get caught up in a gang of pickpockets. And only a meeting with Mr. Brownlow promises to put an end to the dark streak in the life of the unlucky thief.

"Red and Black", Stendhal

The book is considered the pearl of the work of Stendhal, the master of the psychological novel. The basis for writing the work was real events.

Julien Sorel is ambitious, reasonable, and ready to go over his head to achieve his goals. When the vacancy of a tutor in the mayor's house became available, the young man did not think long and easily got the vacant position. Just as easily, Julien won the heart of Madame de Renal, the wife of his employer. But due to rumors spreading throughout the city, the young man has to leave. However, fate is favorable to him, and Sorel receives the position of secretary of the Marquis de La Mole in Paris. Smart and ambitious, he attracts the attention of the marquis’s daughter and, although he does not have reciprocal feelings for the girl, begins a relationship with her and makes plans for the future. However, everything is spoiled by an unexpected letter from ex-lover: a young man loses his position and bright prospects and, inspired by a thirst for revenge, decides to kill Madame de Renal.

"Tender is the Night" Fitzgerald

The works of foreign classics, and not only foreign ones, often evoke mixed impressions after reading. “Tender is the Night” was no exception: a bright premise, interesting development plot and an ending that leaves a bitter aftertaste. What is this: a love story or moral degradation, a happy ending or a meaningful ellipsis? Everyone decides for themselves after reading.

A young psychiatrist, Dick Diver, falls in love with a patient and marries her. The couple lives in their own house on the banks of the Riviera, leading a rather secluded lifestyle, occasionally having get-togethers with friends. Everything changes when Rosemary arrives on the coast. The eighteen-year-old actress is strikingly different from Nicole, and Dick falls in love with her. However, the romance did not last long - the beauty leaves and appears in the psychiatrist’s life only four years later, still just as beautiful and brilliant. The romance flares up again and fades away just as quickly, and after it, Dick’s career begins to fade. However, the hero meets his beloved again after a while. What awaits Dick now, and will he finally be able to decide on his desires and find happiness?

"Dangerous Liaisons" by Choderlos de Laclos

If you are interested foreign novels(classic), then pay attention to this book. This is a novel in letters, but although it is easy to read, the language and style are beyond praise. A special intrigue lies in the fact that the author assures of the authenticity of all correspondence, only slightly corrected by the editor.

The plot is simple and predictable in places, but events develop rapidly, passions heat up, and even though the reader does not know what the characters look like, this does not in the least interfere with the perception of the picture as a whole.

Madame de Volanges takes her daughter Cecile from the convent and plans to marry the girl to the Comte de Jarcourt. The Marquise de Merteuil learns about the upcoming wedding and, wanting revenge ex-lover, persuades his friend Viscount de Valmont to seduce an innocent girl.

"The Catcher in the Rye", Jerome Salinger

Considered a cult novel by Jerome Salinger, it still evokes conflicting emotions among readers: some consider it a masterpiece and do not think best books foreign classics without this work, others sincerely try to understand what special the author wrote and why everyone likes it so much.

The main character is sixteen-year-old Holden Caulfield, who is being treated in a clinic. He has difficult relationships with his peers, he doesn't get along well with girls, and the only person he can trust is his younger sister Phoebe. Everyone else seems too overacting or off-putting to him. Holden is trying to find his place in life, but there comes a time when only desire the teenager becomes an escape from everything.

The book is quite interesting psychologically, if you don’t wait for adventure or the hero’s attempt to change the world or at least himself.

The section contains 715 audiobooks

"Romeo and Juliet" is classic story tragic love, which is one of the central dramatic works European culture. This play came from the pen of Shakespeare at the end of the 16th century, and soon became one of the most widely circulated works. The plot of two star-crossed lovers who are not destined to be together has inspired books, operas, ballets, musicals and...

It’s impossible to create drama without Shakespeare, English writer, who brought so much to this direction of literature. In turn, Shakespeare’s work is unimaginable without the tragedy “Hamlet,” perhaps his most famous work. " Tragic story Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” was written at the very beginning of the 17th century and has not left the stage since then. Greatest Actors tried to play...

“One for all, and all for one!” Each of us is familiar with this motto. And it’s hard to imagine a person who hasn’t at least once watched the film “The Three Musketeers” with Mikhail Boyarsky in the title role (in fact, in the world on at the moment More than 100 film adaptations of the novel have been released). However, not everyone read the original book, written by Alexandre Dumas in the mid-19th century, but now you have the opportunity to listen...

The most filmed novel by the English writer Jane Austen can now be listened to online. “Pride and Prejudice” immerses us in the world of the English village at the end of the century before last. Manners and traditions rule the show here, and the only path to self-realization for a woman is a successful marriage. For the Bennett family, marriage is more than hot topic, because they have five daughters growing up. At the center of the story...

You can listen to the classic adventure novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” by Alexandre Dumas online on our website. This novel is one of the most popular books in French literature, and it has inspired many films and even several musicals. The universal love for this work is quite understandable. The plot of the novel “The Count of Monte Cristo” is so tightly twisted that it doesn’t let go until the last...

It is impossible to imagine French drama without the famous comedies of the great Moliere. He wrote his plays during the Great Age French culture during the reign Louis XIV, Sun King. The monarch even honored with his presence some of Moliere's premieres, for example, the comedy-ballet "The Bourgeois in the Nobility." Let us note that at that premiere show the playwright himself performed main role, Mr. Jourdain. God...

\"Life on Loans\" is one of the most poignant novels by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque. It was published in 1959 and deeply impressed readers with its frankness and swiftness. At the center of the story is a strange pair of desperate people. She is dying of tuberculosis and counting her remaining days. He rushes recklessly racing car along the most dangerous roads, not expecting to taxi on a steep...

If you think that ancient literature- this is something dull and uninteresting, then we suggest you listen online to one of ancient monuments literature, the Iliad. The creation of the Iliad is attributed to Homer; it is believed that it was created on the basis of tales and legends of an even earlier time. The plot of The Iliad contains all the elements of a popular story: love, kidnapping, battles, revenge and despair. Kr...

One of greatest works You can listen to the Middle Ages online in a convenient audio format - “ Divine Comedy» is now on our website. This monumental poem was written in the 14th century by the incomparable Dante Alighieri and is considered one of the most significant works in the Italian language. Don’t let the word “comedy” confuse you, because according to the medieval classification, that’s what all literary works were called...

English literature mid-19th century gave the world a number of brilliant women writers, and Charlotte Bronte is rightfully considered one of the brightest. Her most famous novel is Jane Eyre, a book about a strong and determined woman. The fate of Jane Eyre, which is described in the work, is complex and tragic in many ways, but the strength of character of the main character allows her to overcome everything on the way to her...

The well-known story about a man who was shipwrecked and stuck alone on an island far from the continents is now on our website! This wonderful book by Daniel Dafoe is a diary young man with a craving for long journeys. Contrary to the words of his parents, who have prepared a successful career for their son in York, Robinson goes to sea and ends up...

What is the meaning of life when the world around you is collapsing? Is there any reason to continue to exist when it brings only pain, loss and misfortune? What does it mean to be good person in a world that has gone bad? Writers of the lost generation are trying to find answers to these questions, one of the most prominent representatives of which is the German novelist Erich Maria Remarque. These questions are extremely pressing...

The story of Faust, a man who sells his soul to the devil, is a traditional one. European art. But, despite the abundance of versions, the tragedy written by Johann Wolfgang Goethe is a true masterpiece of world literature. Faust is a doctor, his medicines save lives, but he himself is dissatisfied with life. He despises everything and everyone, he is filled with pride and anger. One day a certain Mephistoph appears to him...

“Where are you going, Odysseus, from your wife, from your children?” Many people know this line from the song, but not many know where Odysseus really went and how he returned to his wife. You can find out this by starting to listen to the poem “Odyssey” online. It is believed that it was written by the ancient Greek poet Homer, although it is not known for certain who its author is or even whether it was created in writing or orally. The plot of the epic...

At the center of the American Dream is the self-made man, who through hard work and self-belief achieves success no matter the circumstances. The novel “Martin Eden,” which Jack London published in 1909, tells the story of just such a man. Title character comes from a poor family, with youth he worked as a sailor on a ship and managed to be in various troubles, he is strong and...

It is unlikely that one can find a more sparkling writer in world literature than Oscar Wilde. This English prose writer of the early twentieth century became famous not only for his brilliant works, but also for his ability to subtly look through the vices of society and notice them in the most amusing form. Many of his works were scattered into aphorisms, for example, “We cannot stand people with the same shortcomings as ours.” This is a quote...

\"Three Comrades\" is one of the most widely read novels by the German writer Erich Maria Remarque and one of the most striking works about \" lost generation\". The main characters of the book are three friends who, as young men, went through the horrors of the First World War. Now they are about thirty years old, they are leading peaceful life and work in a car repair shop, but their military past haunts them in nightmares. The central plot...

Some may not like feminists, but it is difficult to disagree with the fact that thanks to their movement, most women now have the opportunity to realize themselves in life not only in a successful marriage. At the beginning of the 19th century, if you were the orphaned daughter of a drunken artist and dancer, you had virtually no chance of a normal position in society. However, Rebecca Sharp, main character novel "Fair...

The novel “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” was written by Cervantes back in 1605, but is still one of the most popular works in the world. It has been translated into many languages, and in 2002 it was even recognized best novel in history. Indeed, many are familiar with such names as Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Dulcinea and Rocinante and, for example, the episode with the mills, but few can boast...

After reading the novel "Notre Dame de Paris", it becomes clear that no one can compare with Victor Hugo in the skill of describing medieval France. He managed not only to captivate readers with his fascinating style and dramatic, vibrant plot, but also to realize a noble intention: the preservation of Gothic culture in its original form. Victor Hugo was inspired to create the novel...

    If you want listen to English literature online, then our website is ready to offer you a huge selection. First of all, it is necessary to name such a master of British literature as Charles Dickens. Listen to novels such as A Tale of Two Cities or Great Expectations"to enjoy the monumentality and emotionality of a true classic. If you are interested in unraveling the secret of the famous English humor, then we suggest you pay attention to “” by Jerome K. Jerome.

    Listen to French books online They will prefer sensual and romantic natures. Tragic love stories, for example, Stendhal's "" or Antoine-François Prevost's "Manon Lescaut" will definitely stir your blood. If you prefer adventures of a different kind, then there are magnificent classic books"The Three Musketeers" and "The Count of Monte Cristo".

    Getting to know American literature you can start with the stories of the famous representative of the Gothic and the creator of the detective genre. His audiobooks in good quality will make your blood freeze in your veins. An equally dramatic, but much more realistic direction is represented by Theodore Dreiser and his “The Financier,” which shows the underside of a prosperous American society.

    The literature of whatever country or whatever era appeals to you, in our library you can listen to classical foreign literature online for free and without registration, when it is convenient for you. This section is constantly updated with pearls of foreign prose, so we encourage you to stay tuned for updates.

Anna Karenina. Leo Tolstoy

The greatest love story of all time. A story that has not left the stage, has been filmed countless times - and has still not lost the boundless charm of passion - destructive, destructive, blind passion - but all the more bewitching with its greatness.

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The Master and Margarita. Mikhail Bulgakov

This is the most mysterious novel in history Russian literature XX century This is a novel that is almost officially called “The Gospel of Satan.” This is “The Master and Margarita”. A book that can be read and reread dozens, hundreds of times, but most importantly, it is still impossible to understand. So, which pages of “The Master and Margarita” were dictated by the Forces of Light?

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Wuthering Heights. Emily Brontë

A mystery novel included in the top ten best novels of all time! The story of a stormy, truly demonic passion that has been exciting the imagination of readers for more than one and a half hundred years. Katie gave her heart to her cousin, but ambition and a thirst for wealth push her into the arms of a rich man. Forbidden attraction turns into a curse for secret lovers, and one day.

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Evgeny Onegin. Alexander Pushkin

Have you read “Onegin”? What can you say about “Onegin”? These are the questions that are constantly repeated among writers and Russian readers,” noted the writer, enterprising publisher and, by the way, the hero of Pushkin’s epigrams, Thaddeus Bulgarin, after the publication of the second chapter of the novel. For a long time now it has not been customary to evaluate ONEGIN. In the words of the same Bulgarin, it is “written in Pushkin’s poems. That's enough."

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Notre Dame Cathedral. Victor Hugo

A story that has survived centuries, become canon and given glory to its heroes common noun images. A story of love and tragedy. The love of those to whom love was not given and not allowed - by religious dignity, physical weakness or someone else's evil will. The gypsy Esmeralda and the deaf hunchback bell-ringer Quasimodo, the priest Frollo and the captain of the royal riflemen Phoebe de Chateaupert, the beautiful Fleur-de-Lys and the poet Gringoire.

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Gone with the wind. Margaret Mitchell

The Great Saga of Civil War in the USA and about the fate of the wayward and ready to go over heads Scarlett O'Hara was first published more than 70 years ago and does not become outdated to this day. This the only novel Margaret Mitchell, for which she received a Pulitzer Prize. A story about a woman whom neither an unconditional feminist nor a staunch supporter of house-building is ashamed to emulate.

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Romeo and Juliet. William Shakespeare

This is the highest tragedy about love that human genius can create. A tragedy that has been filmed and is being filmed. A tragedy that does not leave the theater stage to this day - and to this day it sounds as if it was written yesterday. Years and centuries go by. But one thing remains and will forever remain unchanged: “There is no sadder story in the world than the story of Romeo and Juliet...”

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The Great Gatsby. Francis Fitzgerald

“The Great Gatsby” is the pinnacle not only in Fitzgerald’s work, but also one of the highest achievements in world prose of the 20th century. Although the novel takes place in the “roaring” twenties of the last century, when fortunes were made literally from nothing and yesterday’s criminals became millionaires overnight, this book lives outside of time, because, telling the story of the broken destinies of the generation of the “Jazz Age”.

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Three Musketeers. Alexandre Dumas

The most famous historical and adventure novel by Alexandre Dumas tells about the adventures of the Gascon d'Artagnan and his musketeer friends at the court of King Louis XIII.

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Count of Monte Cristo. Alexandre Dumas

The book presents one of the most exciting adventure novels of the French classic literature of the 19th century century of Alexandre Dumas.

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Arc de Triomphe. Erich Remarque

One of the most beautiful and tragic novels about love in the history of European literature. The story of Dr. Ravic, a refugee from Nazi Germany, and the beautiful Joan Madu, who is entangled in the “unbearable lightness of being,” takes place in pre-war Paris. And the alarming time in which these two happened to meet and fall in love with each other becomes one of the main characters of the Arc de Triomphe.

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The man who laughs. Victor Hugo

Gwynplaine, a lord by birth, was sold as a child to comprachicos bandits, who made a fair jester out of the child, carving a mask of “eternal laughter” on his face (at the courts of the European nobility of that time there was a fashion for cripples and freaks who amused the owners). Despite all the trials, Gwynplaine retained the best human qualities and your love.

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Martin Eden. Jack London

A simple sailor, in whom it is easy to recognize the author himself, goes through a long, hardship-filled path to literary immortality... By chance, he finds himself in secular society, Martin Eden is doubly happy and surprised... both by the creative gift that has awakened in him, and by the divine image of young Ruth Morse, so unlike all the people he knew before... From now on, two goals are relentlessly facing him.

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Sister Kerry. Theodore Dreiser

The publication of Theodore Dreiser's first novel was fraught with such difficulties that it led its creator to severe depression. But further fate The novel “Sister Carrie” turned out to be lucky: it was translated into many foreign languages, reprinted in millions of copies. New and new generations of readers enjoy immersing themselves in the vicissitudes of Caroline Mieber's fate.

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American tragedy. Theodore Dreiser

The novel “American Tragedy” is the pinnacle of creativity of the outstanding American writer Theodore Dreiser. He said: “No one creates tragedies - life creates them. Writers only portray them.” Dreiser managed to portray the tragedy of Clive Griffiths so talentedly that his story does not leave the modern reader indifferent.

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Les Misérables. Victor Hugo

Jean Valjean, Cosette, Gavroche - the names of the heroes of the novel have long become household names, the number of its readers in the century and a half since the publication of the book has not become smaller, the novel has not lost popularity. A kaleidoscope of faces from all strata of French society in the first half XIX century, bright, memorable characters, sentimentality and realism, intense, exciting plot.

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The adventures of the good soldier Schweik. Jaroslav Hasek

A great, original and outrageous novel. A book that can be perceived both as a “soldier’s tale” and as classic, directly related to the traditions of the Renaissance. This is a sparkling text that makes you laugh until you cry, and a powerful call to “put down your arms,” and one of the most objective historical evidence in satirical literature.

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Iliad. Homer

The attractiveness of Homer’s poems is not only that their author introduces us to a world separated from modernity by tens of centuries and yet unusually real thanks to the genius of the poet, who preserved in his poems the beat of contemporary life. Homer's immortality lies in the fact that in his brilliant creations contains inexhaustible reserves of universal human enduring values ​​- reason, goodness and beauty.

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St. John's wort. James Cooper

Cooper managed to find and describe in his books the originality and unexpected brightness of the newly discovered continent, which managed to captivate the whole of modern Europe. Every new novel The writer was eagerly awaited. The exciting adventures of the fearless and noble hunter and tracker Natty Bumppo captivated both young and adult readers..

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Doctor Zhivago. Boris Pasternak

The novel “Doctor Zhivago” is one of the outstanding works of Russian literature, throughout many years remained closed for wide range readers in our country, who knew about him only through scandalous and unscrupulous party criticism.

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Don Quixote. Miguel Cervantes

What do the names of Amadis of Gaul, Palmer of England, Don Belianis of Greece, Tirant the White tell us today? But it was precisely as a parody of the novels about these knights that “The Cunning Hidalgo Don Quixote of La Mancha” by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra was created. And this parody has survived the genre being parodied for centuries. “Don Quixote” was recognized as the best novel in the entire history of world literature.

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Ivanhoe. Walter Scott

"Ivanhoe" - key work in the series of novels by W. Scott, which take us to medieval England. The young knight Ivanhoe, who secretly returned from the Crusade to his homeland and was deprived of his inheritance by the will of his father, will have to defend his honor and love beautiful lady Rowena... King Richard the Lionheart and the legendary robber Robin Hood will come to his aid.

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Headless Horseman. Reed Main

The plot of the novel is so skillfully constructed that it keeps you in suspense until the very last page. It is no coincidence that the exciting story of the noble mustanger Maurice Gerald and his lover, the beautiful Louise Poindexter, investigating the sinister mystery of the headless horseman, whose figure terrifies the inhabitants of the savannah upon his appearance, was extremely loved by readers in Europe and Russia.

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Dear friend. Guy de Maupassant

The novel “Dear Friend” became one of the symbols of the era. This is Maupassant's most powerful novel. Through the story of Georges Duroy, who is making his way to the top, the true morals of high French society are revealed; the spirit of corruption that reigns in all its spheres contributes to the fact that an ordinary and immoral person, such as Maupassant’s hero, easily achieves success and wealth.

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Dead souls. Nikolai Gogol

The publication of the first volume of N. Gogol’s “Dead Souls” in 1842 caused heated controversy among contemporaries, splitting society into fans and opponents of the poem. “...Speaking of “ Dead souls“-you can talk a lot about Russia...” - this judgment of P. Vyazemsky explained main reason disputes. The author’s question is still relevant: “Rus, where are you rushing, give me the answer?”