How to learn to breakdance at home. Breakdancing training for beginners

School modern dance Trinity Dance invites everyone to take breakdancing lessons. Breaking lessons are often chosen by those who do not want to blend in with the crowd. The culture of breakdancing and hip-hop promotes a special lifestyle: in clothing, in language, and, of course, in movements. Classes at our school will help you emphasize your individuality.

Anyone can learn to breakdance, at least the basic movements. At our school, breakdancing is taught by professional choreographers and real breakdancing fans. Both adults and children are accepted into the groups; there are classes for beginner and advanced levels.

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How to learn to breakdance: school for children and adults in Moscow

In the lessons, in addition to how to dance, you will learn a lot about this culture, but brief history that's how it is. Back in 1967, Clive Campbell, who later received the nickname Cool Herc, came to the South Bronx from Jamaica. It was this man who is considered the founder of the hip-hop style, he became what we now call in a familiar word"DJ". At that time in Jamaica the DJ was the "master" musical life, around which the youth of that time were formed. After some time, they began to call him MC (“MC”, master of ceremony - master of ceremony) - Kul Herk selected records, announced them, and played them. Later, in addition to announcements, the DJ began to read rhythmic texts to the music; this was called “rap.”

Kul Herk soon, for the convenience of the dancers, begins to repeat instrumental breaks between verses - breaks. It was during such breaks that dancers took to the dance floor and showed their maximum skills. Kool Herc noticed the enthusiasm of those dancers for breaking and coined the term b-boys (pronounced "b-boys"), break boys - describing those who moved in a breaking manner, and the dance itself was called breakdance, or breaking.

Breaking in the late 60s existed in the form of two separate dances - the New York acrobatic movement, which we now call the lower break, and the Los Angeles pantomime (the same upper break). It was this acrobatic style of breaking that was originally played by b-boys in breaks. It became popular after James Brown created the funk hit The Good Foot in 1969 and introduced elements of this very dance on stage.

Break dancing is a street dance that was formed in New York in the 60s of the last century. This is an amazingly spectacular movement that combines complex acrobatic movements and demonstrates excellent physical fitness dancer This is the oldest and most popular hip-hop dance, with a rich history of development and improvement. It originates from the clarification of relations between rival street gangs. The winner in such battles was the one who performed greatest number complex movements that opponents could not reproduce. Over time, this street phenomenon reached popular culture, causing the rise of teams specializing exclusively in this dance direction.

Break dancing for children is a very diverse direction, combining a lot of styles and even acrobatic elements. In its general form, breakdancing is divided into lower and upper. Upper breakdancing is dance elements and combinations, lower is acrobatic stunts and racks. Thanks to the combination of both, dancers acquire the ability to feel the music and catch its rhythm, dance confidently and perform complex tricks, developing all muscle groups of the body and increasing its tone.

The lower break helps to acquire endurance, strengthens muscles, trains agility and flexibility, giving the student a sports lifestyle associated with constant physical activity. The upper break creates a culture of movements - they all become free, smooth and easy, pumping up the figure, shaping the back, arms, shoulders, removing muscle blocks and clamps. In addition, training strengthens the spine and develops coordination of movements. This is an extremely impressive street dance for children, having learned which it is simply impossible to remain unnoticed at any disco, attracting admiring glances.

For boys, it is especially interesting and attractive because it gives absolute freedom of expression and attracts convenient form for classes: sneakers, T-shirts, wide pants. Boys rarely gravitate towards learning to dance and it can be difficult to interest them in training. With street dancing, everything is completely different: in the eyes of a child it is impressive and prestigious, this allows you to become successful in the eyes of your peers and gain authority in any company.

Like any others sports training, breakdancing lessons have huge health benefits. Energetic, dynamic movements improve blood circulation, which simply cannot but affect the work of everyone internal organs and systems most in a positive way. The loads received during training improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and strengthen blood vessels, help to even out breathing and learn to breathe correctly.

Among other things, break dance is constant communication and interaction with other enthusiastic children. Often, battles are practiced in classes, during which students compete with each other, showing everything they have learned during the lessons. All this directly affects the development of communication skills, which increase from lesson to lesson.

In addition, the positive attitude of this dance simply cannot help but affect your mood. An energetic, explosive character serves as a real antidepressant, completely restructuring thinking and serving as a guarantee of constant good mood which is gradually becoming part of the lifestyle. This dance gives confidence in yourself and your abilities, eliminating complexes, anxieties and fears before performing in public.

These lessons develop musicality and artistry, and teach you to look as impressive as possible in any setting and situation. This is a very important skill that will help you more than once outside the dance floor. The classes are very energetic and never boring or uninteresting. Having learned basic movements, students quickly connect their imagination to classes and begin to improvise, not embarrassed to be the center of attention.

Our breakdancing school for children is located in Moscow near the Voykovskaya or Sokol metro stations (SAO). Send your child to lessons and make sure that this is a whole ocean of freedom and endless self-expression, helping to become more athletic, more beautiful and more successful! We are recruiting for a breakdancing group for beginners.

Street dance school Trix Family started its journey with breakdance, at a time when hip-hop was still a very young culture, and breakdancing was its only dance manifestation. Times have already changed, but breakdancing remains and cannot be banished from our hearts. Anyone who truly loves this dance, would like to start learning break-dance and is ready to join our ranks, we are waiting for you at our training sessions!

Learning to breakdance is not easy!

He does not tolerate the weak. Break-dance- dance for real men, strong in spirit and the character of a warrior, which is why girls are a very valuable, but, unfortunately, rare phenomenon here.

Back in 1969, a certain James Brown surprised everyone with the unusual movements he made while performing his hit “get on the good foot.” These movements still had little resemblance to breakdancing, but the real boys from the Bronx (a poor and gangster area) really liked New York, a real ghetto) and off we go. Breakdancing turned out to be a very contagious phenomenon and the number of people infected with it grew by leaps and bounds. After quite a bit of time, it became no longer fashionable in the regions to sort things out by “shooting arrows” and using weapons, street guys More and more often they began to challenge each other to “Battle” (translated from English - Battle), but issues in this battle were decided not by blood, but by dance, whose name is breake-dance.

Breakdancing for beginners is work worth going forward for!

The first to dance it were guys from poor areas and with very bad characters, which is why breakdancing is a dance that is quite tough, uncompromising and requires an incredible amount of strength to perform, being essentially its manifestation. That is why, as it developed, breakdancing absorbed the best not only from dancing, but also from martial arts, artistic gymnastics and acrobatics. It is not so easy to captivate street kids with ordinary dance, but breakdancing turned out to be close in spirit even to gangsters.

Break dancing(break-dance) is a dance that people fall in love with at first sight, especially children. What is it that attracts them so much? The fact is that breakdancing is not a circle of choreography or some kind of dancing according to certain rules and steps. Breakdancing is freedom and the opportunity for creativity, so children whose imagination is not yet constrained by any boundaries simply adore it. What matters here is what’s inside you, your energy, your desire to study and improve yourself. Breakdancing for children- it’s a whole world, just put on your sneakers and you’re already there, in the world of the dance floor with its indescribable atmosphere and team spirit.

Distinctive feature of breakdancing is that, like gymnastics, it develops absolutely all muscle groups and provides incredible physical training. Useful with pleasant, because all this happens during an interesting and exciting dance. It helps you to realize yourself, then what your breakdancing will be depends only on you. Thanks to the break, many people gain confidence in life and find like-minded friends.

To start training you don't need to have anything other than desire. Break-dance begins with the simplest and easiest movements that absolutely anyone can perform. IT'S SIMPLE: as the movements become more complex, so does your physical fitness. The more you dance, the stronger you become and the more complex and cool your dance becomes.

Teaching breakdancing to children with us is:

We are waiting for you at our training sessions!

A little history of breakdancing:

Breakdancing originated in the late 60s in New York. New dance took elements as a basis folk dances, acrobatics, Afro-Brazilian capoeiro wrestling and Chinese kung fu. Also influenced by the uprock style - dance wrestling, which gave rise to battles in which dancers compare their skills.

Initially, breakdancing had the following directions: toprock (vertical footwork in a standing position), downrock (footwork in a position with hands on the floor), freezes (fixation in a position on one or two hands, sometimes with the head), and then powermove (rotation) was added.

In the 70-80s, breakdancing became one of the areas of hip-hop culture, and in the early 80s they learned about breakdancing in Europe.

Breakdancing came to Russia in 1985 with the film “Breakin”. The first festivals in this dance direction were held in Moscow at the Moloko cafe; in 1998, after a short lull, the second wave of breakdancing came.

During the period when break-dance was especially popular, television programs appeared in Europe that talked about the correct execution of dance elements. Some schools have replaced physical education lessons with breaking lessons.

Nowadays there are no such classes in school physical education classes, but breakdancing has a lot of fans among teenagers and young people. Therefore, the Trix Family street dance school provides classes not only for adults, but also for children. In our training we work on body control, sense of rhythm and acting skills. Breakdancing for children develops both adults physically and creatively. The “lower” break develops endurance and shapes the figure, while the “upper” breaks train muscles, improve posture, develop a sense of rhythm, and provide unlimited opportunity for “self-expression.”

The Trix Family street dance school provides breakdancing training for children and adults, and at the moment is the largest and most friendly hip-hop family in Russia. We always welcome newcomers to our ranks, because the more of us there are, the stronger hip-hop we are in our country. We are located a minute's walk from the Dubrovka metro station (we are also easily accessible from Proletarskaya metro station, Volgogradsky Prospekt or Avtozavodskaya). Our professional teachers are waiting for adults and children to take breakdancing classes!

Break-dance, this energetic and very spectacular dance, appeared in the 60s in America. These days, breakdancing for children in Moscow is much more than just choreography. Dance develops endurance, strengthens willpower and becomes a guide to the world of health, success and fame. If you still don't know what to do with your child, Breakdancing for children is a great solution.

Breakdancing for children in Moscow at TrixFamily: features

Learning break-dance at our school gives you an incomparable feeling of belonging to an incomprehensible world. choreographic art. Every new lesson includes not only group study of technology and practice of the material covered, but also individual work with every student. An individual approach in Trix Family is not an empty phrase. We don’t just teach Breakdancing for children in Moscow, but we look for gifted children and help them become champions. Who knows, maybe your child is the future greatest dancer modernity?

We confidently speak about our competence because we specialize in street dancing. And our teachers are the current champions of the CIS countries, Europe and even the world. In addition, Breakdancing for children at Trix Family also offers a warm, friendly atmosphere. We call ourselves a family and surround our students with warmth and attention. This is why breakdancing for children gives children so much pleasure. Grateful reviews serve as the best confirmation of our professionalism.

Breakdancing for children: the best solution

By studying with us, your child will be able to reach the limit of his abilities and constantly develop. This is one of ours basic principles: move forward and don’t stop there. Combined with a warm, friendly atmosphere it gives the best results. Breakdancing for children at Trix Family is an excellent solution for parents who care about the future of their child.

We are waiting for you:

  • absolutely free 1 lesson;
  • the opportunity to consult with teachers, find out all your questions about Breakdancing for children;
  • halls located just 1 minute from the Dubrovka metro station (near the Volgogradsky Prospekt, Proletarskaya, Avtozavodskaya, Peasant Zastava stations in the Central Administrative District, South-East Administrative District);
  • opportunity to develop from beginner level to champion.

Give your child the opportunity to become the best. Under the guidance of our champion coaches, children reveal their full potential and reach great heights. The best breakdancing training for children in Moscow is at Trix Family. Sign up for a class right now!