Natalia Oreiro biography children. Natalia Oreiro about beauty secrets. Millennium - new life

Natalia Oreiro is the idol of many people not only in her homeland, in Latin America, but also in Russia and Ukraine. This beautiful, talented girl with a charming smile won the hearts of millions back in the late 90s, playing main role in the television series "Wild Angel". Of course, fans are very interested in the details of the biography and personal life of Natalia Oreiro.

Childhood actress

The future actress and singer was born on May 19, 1977 in the capital of Uruguay. The girl's family was not rich. Her dad was an ordinary salesman, and her mother made her living as a hairdresser.

It must be said that in hometown Natalya lived only the first few years of her life, and after that, together with her sister and parents, she often moved from place to place. On this moment, the girl has been living in Argentina for many years, where she moved at the age of 16.

Future child star

Since childhood, Nati (as her many fans call her) has been very artistic. She loved to sing. At that time, her mother’s ordinary comb served as a microphone for the girl. Natasha walked around the house with her and performed in front of her friends.

Model career

When Natalya started acting, beautiful girl not only was it loved by the audience, but also noticed by representatives of the modeling business. Therefore, a few years later the girl decided to start a modeling career. She had all the data for this - an excellent figure and a beautiful face.

Fatal beauty Natalia Oreiro

When Oreiro was only 14, she was chosen to accompany the then famous TV star Shushi on tour. Nati often appeared on television programs and managed to win the hearts of her first fans.

In addition, the girl was offered a job by the cult television channel MTV. Ambitious Natalya did not take advantage of this opportunity - she wanted to completely devote her life to cinema. She started by often flying to castings in the capital of Argentina. And soon, luck smiled on her.

Natalia Oreiro: photo


Natalia's debut took place in the film “The Unruly Heart”. She was only 16 then. Another cameo role soon followed in her career - she played in the TV series “Tender Anna”. And in the television series “Models 90-60-90” she got a key role, thanks to which the young actress became recognizable.

A talented girl with a bright appearance could not go unnoticed. She began to receive profitable offer from the directors one after another. In 1997, she played the main role in the touching melodrama “Rich and Famous”, in a duet with Diego Ramos.

Still from the movie "Rich and Famous"

Even greater success followed. She got the role of the orphan Milagros in the series “Wild Angel”. Natalya recorded soundtracks for him and participated in writing the script. This project has gained incredible popularity. It was shown in the most different corners globe.

Oreiro became famous far beyond the borders of its country. The young girl's dreams of popularity and fame came true.

Natalia Oreiro and Facundo Arana in the series “Wild Angel”

In addition, in 1998, the girl played the main role in the film “An Argentine in New York.” This film was a great success. In its first week of release, approximately two million people watched it.

In 2005, Oreiro played in a joint project between Argentina and Russia - the television series “In the Rhythm of Tango.”

Still from the film “In the Rhythm of Tango”

In 2006, Oreiro met on the set with Facundo Arana, her partner in “ To the wild angel" They again played lovers in the series “You are my life.”

From 2008 to 2009, Natalya was involved in the television series “Amanda O,” where she played the role of an arrogant superstar, whose life unexpectedly changes in a different direction. Also in 2009, the films “Music in Waiting” and “France” were released.

Still from the series “You are my life”

In 2011, the girl played in the films “My First Wedding”, “Underground Childhood”, “Miss Tacuarembo” and “Bad”.

Other interesting projects Oreiro - TV series “Lynch”, “Among the Cannibals”. The films “Angel”, “Gilda” and the drama “Vakolda”.

Natalia Oreiro in the “Evening Urgant” program

Music career

Natalia Oreiro is no less popular as a singer. She has an excellent voice and moves well to the music. The girl's first producer was Gustavo Yankelevich. In 1999, he helped her release her debut album, “ Natalia Oreiro».

The following year, 2000, the singer’s second disc, Tu Veneno, was released, which was very much in demand by the audience. And already in the winter of 2001, the girl began to tour the world. She then came to Russia, where many already loved her dearly.

Famous Argentine singer on the set of a video

Oreiro's third album, Tourmaline, was released in 2002. This was followed by a long break in his singing career. The girl devoted more time to filming TV series and movies. Occasionally she released singles.

At the end of 2014, the singer performed concerts in many cities of Russia. She also appeared on Channel One, where she gave an interview to Ivan Urgant. In addition, the girl sang her popular song “Me Muero De Amor” in Russian and even starred in the video with Facundo Arana.

Personal life

In 1994, young Natalia fell in love with handsome Pablo Echarri after seeing him on TV. She was able to meet the guy and become his lover. She was only sixteen then.

Journalists closely followed the relationship between Pablo and Natalia. Soon the girl moved to live in Argentina, with her beloved. But still, after six years, this relationship has exhausted itself. The actor was jealous of his lover’s success and jealous of his partners on the set.

With first husband Pablo Echarri

It so happened that by the time “Wild Angel” was released, the couple had broken up. One of the reasons for the breakup was that the actress was not ready at that time to start a family and give birth to a child. In addition, photos of Natalia Oreiro, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, appeared in the men's magazine Play boy. Pablo did not like this, and the relationship was put to an end.

After breaking up with her loved one, Oreiro could not come to her senses for a long time. Despite the fact that the press attributed her to having affairs with her partners on the set, the actress did not confirm this information.

With second husband Ricardo Mollo and son

Changes for the better in the personal life of the “star” occurred in the fall of 2001. Then fate brought her together with rock musician Ricardo Mollo. Natalia and Ricardo played a modest wedding on a ship, in the presence of only their closest people. Star tattoos became a symbol of their love.

In 2009, information appeared in the press that the actress had a crisis in her relationship with her husband and that the girl was having an affair with Facundo Arana. Natalya denied the information, saying that she was happily married.

Natalia at the Cannes Film Festival

Fans who are interested in the personal life of Natalia Oreiro know that she has children. After 11 years of marriage, the long-awaited son of Natalia and Ricardo-Merlin Atahulpa was born. After the birth of her child, Natalia soon returned to her working rhythm. It was hard for the girl - she could not personally congratulate her son on his first birthday and it was not always possible to be there when the boy was sick. The actress often cried on the set because of this.

Now Natalya admits that she managed to organize her time in such a way as to devote more time to her family. The girl even took little son with you on tour so as not to be separated.

Natalia is still popular in Argentina and abroad

Oreiro continues to act in films and TV series, tours the world with concerts, and actively appears in commercials. Her popularity has not faded at all. Photos of Natalia Oreiro, whose biography and personal life are so interesting to fans, as well as her children, can be seen on the Internet. Fans still love her, and the “star” reciprocates their feelings.

Natalia Oreiro is an incredibly charming and attractive actress and singer originally from Uruguay. In the 90s, Natalia became the star of television series and the idol of many girls.


Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias was born in the Uruguayan city of Monetvideo. Her date of birth is May 19, 1977.

Natalya was born in ordinary family. Father Carlos Oreiro worked as a salesman, and mother Mabel Iglesias was a hairdresser in a local beauty salon.

Natalia also has an older sister, Adrianna, who older than the star for 4 years. Currently, Adrianna is the owner of her own clothing store.

Natalya in childhood and now

Natalia spent only a couple of years of her life in Montevideo, then her family began to move from city to city in search of a better life.

Natalya was an incredibly artistic child; from childhood, the little girl ran around the house with her mother’s comb, which Natya had as a microphone, and gave concerts to relatives.

The parents realized that they needed to realize their daughter’s talent. When Natalia was 8 years old, Mabel Iglesias enrolled her in a theater club.

Modeling career

Oreiro appeared on television at a very young age: at the age of 12, the girl first appeared in advertising.

When Natalya grew up, it became clear that she had a direct path to the modeling business. The charming girl had excellent parameters and, with a height of 174 cm, weighed 54 kg.

Natalya was able to prove herself in 1991. Then a serious casting was held: of all the beauties Latin America It was Oreiro who was chosen to accompany the TV star Shushi on tour.

The girl often appeared in the star’s television programs and thanks to this she gained her first fans. After the contract with Shushi came to an end, the famous MTV channel offered Oreiro cooperation.

But Natalya refused the offer, wanting to devote herself exclusively to filmmaking. The girl often flew to Buenos Aires, where she attended all the castings, including auditions for film roles.


In 1993, Natalia received her first film role. Then in the television series " High comedy“She got a cameo role. However, the series was never released: due to lack of budget, it was closed.

When the girl was 16 years old, Natalya was offered cameo role in the film "The Unruly Heart". This role became the debut in Oreiro’s career.

This was followed by the series “Tender Ana”, in which Oreiro again got a cameo role. But in the next television series called “Models 90-60-90” Natalya got the main role.

After the release of the series, the aspiring actress did not gain much popularity, but it was followed by other more promising offers.

The 1997 television series “Rich and Famous”, in which the girl received the main role, became a real success for the actress.

The following year, Natalya consolidated her success by playing the main role in the series “Wild Angel”. This series became a real hit, it was broadcast all over the world and brought incredible popularity to the actress.

A crowd of millions of fans from all over the world, incredible success and celebrity - all the dreams of the young beauty came true.

Also in 1998, Oreiro starred in feature film. The film “An Argentine in New York” with Natalia in the title role became a real hit, attracting more than one and a half million viewers in the first week.

In 2002, the series “Kachorra” was released, in 2003 – the film “Cleopatra”, the series “Town of Desires” appeared on screens in 2004.

In 2005, Oreiro starred in the Russian-Argentine series “In the Rhythm of Tango.” Her colleagues on the set were Olga Pogodina, Valery Nikolaev and Andrei Smolyakov.

In 2006, viewers saw the star duet they already loved - Facundo Arana and Natalia Oreiro. Together the actors played in the series “You are my life.”

Then the actress switched to filming films, only occasionally appearing in TV series. In 2007, the films “Filmets” and “Possible Lives” were released.

From 2008 to 2009, the television series “Amanda O” with Natalya in the title role was released, and in 2009 the films “Music in Waiting” and “France” also premiered.

In 2011, the actress’s filmography was replenished with the films “My First Wedding”, “Underground Childhood”, “Miss Tacuarembo” and “Bad”.

In the following years, the actress starred in the TV series “Dark Angel”, “Among the Cannibals” and “Only You”, as well as in the films “Angel”, “Red Pepper” and “Vakolda”.

Singing career

In development musical career Natalia was helped by director and producer Gustavo Yankelevich. With his help, the girl recorded her first album called “Natalia Oreiro”.

In 1999, the album began to be sold in Argentina, and later an international version of the record appeared.

Already at the end of the same year, Oreiro began work on her second album. The disc “Your Poison” was released in 2000 and became incredibly popular: in total, more than 2 million copies of the album were sold.

In the winter of 2001, Natalya went on a tour around the world. As part of the tour, the star performed in the USA, Greece, Spain, Colombia and Russia.

Already in 2002, the third album of the celebrity was released, Natalya called it “Tourmalina”. In total, more than 1.5 million copies were sold.

The following year, Oreiro went on a world tour again, and once again visited Russia with a concert.

Due to constant filming, Natalya postponed the release of her fourth album from 2005 to 2010. But soon the singer completely abandoned this idea.

At this time, Oreiro did not engage in music for a long time, only occasionally releasing singles. In 2016, the Uruguayan beauty delighted fans with a new collection of songs, “Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor.”

In the fall of 2014, Natalya visited Russia again. Then the famous TV presenter invited her to his TV show “Evening Urgant”.

At the same time, Oreiro delighted her Russian fans by performing the song “Me Muero De Amor” in Russian, in which she starred in the video with her colleague Facundo Arana.

Personal life

The personal life of the Uruguayan beauty was not always happy. In 1994, the television series “For Couples Only” was broadcast on Uruguayan television.

Seeing actor Pablo Echarri on the screen, the girl exclaimed, “This dark-haired one will be mine!” Soon the young actress went to auditions in Buenos Aires.

Sixteen-year-old Natalya was cast in the television series “Unruly Love,” and on the set of this film she met Pablo.

With Pablo Echarri

Soon the lovers began dating, and the press closely followed the relationship between the Uruguayan beauty and the Argentine actor.

Pablo helped Oreiro get comfortable in Buenos Aires, and after several months of dating, Natalia moved in with Echarri.

But six years later one of the most beautiful couples Argentina fell apart. Echarri did not like the rapid success of his beloved, and when Oreiro's ratings exceeded his own, he began to constantly quarrel with the actress.

In 1997, Echarri urgently wanted a family and a child, but Natalya was not ready for such a serious step.

Then the first major scandal between Oreiro and Echarri happened. After some time, they got back together, but with the release of the series “Wild Angel” and Natalia’s decision to become a singer, Echarri left Oreiro again.

Natalia’s erotic photo shoot for Playboy magazine put an end to the relationship. Echarri accused his lover of cheating and announced that he was leaving forever.

For a long time after the breakup, the girl was depressed. After Natalia and Pablo broke up, articles about the star’s new romances began to appear frequently in the press, which the girl constantly denied.

In the fall of 2001, Natalya met the lead singer of the Dividios group, Ricardo Mollo. According to the actress, Ricardo brought her out of depression and made her enjoy life again.

With Ricardo Mollo

Natalia Oreiro, despite her young age, is the idol of an entire generation. In the early 2000s, the TV series with the classic Latin American plot “Wild Angel” was watched avidly by all Russian schoolgirls, and then tried to repeat the stylish hairstyle of the main character.

In the biography of Natalia Oreiro, this time is marked by the heyday of her career - the girl gained enormous popularity.

Biography of Natalia Oreiro - Cinderella's path

The dizzying success of Natalia Oreiro is the result of the girl’s incredible hard work and patience, although luck also played an important role in the artist’s life. The rich biography of Natalia Oreiro dates back to May 1977 - it was then that she was born in the capital of the poor Latin American state of Uruguay. future star. The girl turned out to be the second child in the family of Carlos and Mabel Oreiro - typical representatives of the middle class.

Natalya’s parents had to work a lot, and so that the girl would not be left to her own devices around the clock, it was decided to send her to theater studio. The reason was the girl’s pronounced artistic abilities - the future star learned to sing and dance almost before she could walk. Already at the age of 12, Oreiro signed her first advertising contract and became famous in Montevideo. Natalya clearly realized that she wanted to become famous, so she began to participate in all the castings and tried to break into the world of show business.

In 1991, Natalia Oreiro pulled out happy ticket– Brazilian singer and presenter Shusha chose her as her assistant. Cooperation with Shusha became an excellent school for Oreiro - the girl learned to behave in public, got used to the touring lifestyle, and also learned to look amazing in any conditions.

In 1994, Natalya’s three-year contract with Shusha expired, and the future star went to castings for TV series with a vengeance. Oreiro's first notable role is considered to be an episode in the TV series "The Unruly Heart", followed by the main role in the TV series "Rich and Famous". The name of Natalia Oreiro had already become quite famous in Argentina and Uruguay, but the girl soon experienced wild popularity.

Long-awaited glory

1998 was a turning point in the fate of Natalia Oreiro. The girl meets Gustavo Yankelevich, an Argentine producer and director who made her a star - Natalia Oreiro's autobiography could have been different without this man. At the suggestion of Yankelevich, Oreiro starred in the full-length film “An Argentine in New York,” which was positively assessed by viewers and critics. Natalia Oreiro's star shone throughout Latin America.

An important milestone in the career of the most famous Uruguayan woman was the release of her own album. In 1998, the disc Natalia Oreiro, produced by Gustavo Yankelevich, became the best-selling album in Latin America, and the hits Cambio dolor and Me muero de Amor were sung on all continents. In the same year, filming of the legendary series “Wild Angel” began, and Oreiro demonstrated all her knowledge and skills here. She became the leading actress, performed several soundtracks at once, and also took an active part in writing the script. The acting duo of Oreiro and Arana was recognized as one of the most beautiful in the history of Argentine television.

After the release of “Wild Angel,” Natalya was literally torn apart. In 1999, Oreiro began recording his second album, while touring Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, and Colombia. Next year Natalya decides to go on a world tour. Spain, Israel, Portugal, Turkey, Hungary, Poland and, of course, Russia - in these countries Natalia Oreiro's performances were a stunning success.

In 2002, the Latin American star began work on her third album, “Turmalina”. At the same time, Natalia starred in the TV series “Kachorra”, which added to her popularity; Several popular tabloids at once award her the title “Woman of the Year.” At the pinnacle of success, Natalia Oreiro again goes on a tour of Europe and the Middle East.
It’s not difficult to calculate, we had to go to such success. Even on the threshold of her thirtieth birthday, the actress and singer strives to be on time everywhere, which is why she decided to film for a long time away from her homeland. In 2005 Russian director Alexander Pavlovsky invited Natalya to play the main role in his series “In the Rhythm of Tango.” Needless to say, Natalya was a success in this role and the hearts of Russian fans were finally conquered by the charming Uruguayan.

Personal life

Natalia Oreiro's career was rapidly going up, but in the girl's personal life there were unfortunate falls. The artist’s first love was her colleague, Argentine actor Pablo Echarri. Natalia Oreiro was in love with him in absentia - the biography is now replete with interesting details of their acquaintance. At the time the young people met, Natalya was only an aspiring actress, and Pablo was already a famous person, so some journalists subsequently called their romance a misalliance. However, it was with the constant support of Pablo Echarri that Natalya managed to achieve incredible heights in her creativity. Despite this, the artists did not have a family - there were rumors that Echarri was simply jealous of his beloved’s success. After a seven-year relationship, a painful breakup followed in 2000, and only work saved the girl from depression.

A year after breaking up with Echarri, Natalia met rock musician Ricardo Mollo. The girl charmed him at first sight: incredible thinness and sad eyes - this is how Natalya looked after an exhausting tour. Despite the 20-year age difference, Mollo and Oreiro quickly found mutual language, and soon they played a secret wedding. According to Natalya herself, her husband became her most important spectator and critic.

Natalia Oreiro: biography 2014

Now Natalya regularly performs in Latin American countries - the star’s last album was released in 2010, and Ricardo Mollo also took part in its creation. Natalia’s film career also does not stand still - in 2013 the series “Only You” was released, which was received with a bang by the audience. Despite creative success, spends a lot of time - the long-awaited child appeared in 2012, when the actress turned 34 years old.

According to Natalia herself, her son Merlin Atahualpa is her main achievement in life, and for his sake she would not hesitate to leave her career. However, viewers and producers are not ready to let “the idol of a whole generation” retire to a well-deserved rest – this is what she says official biography. Natalia Oreiro plans to devote 2014 to her family and raising her son, and to relegate work to the background. A smart choice, especially considering how long Natalia’s path to fame was.

Pop singer, clothing designer, actress, beloved in Russia and Israel...

She says that she is a matryoshka, i.e. There are many Natalias inside her and that she would never pose for a magazine like PlayBoy.

But we know this: - a fatal woman with beautiful figure, charming, changeable.

Yes, she is divinely built, she has a wasp waist and a charm that many envy.

Natalya does not lose weight or gain weight, like many stars - she is always in great shape! Let's take an example!

Natalia Oreiro prefers to take all the good things that happen to her: she is the face of the Sedal campaign, played in the film "We Don't Need Nobody", and most recently premiered the film "Music in Waiting" (together with Diego Peretti and Norma Aleandro). Natalia Oreiro is also preparing to launch the autumn-winter collection Las Oreiro.

In this interview the most successful and beautiful girl talks about the details of his real life.

“I just recently arrived from New York, where I go twice a year with my sister to look at new fashion trends. Every time we come, we go to Central Park and we start looking at what people are wearing,” she says.

Are you constantly changing, what pushes you to make so many changes?

It comes out naturally. I'm versatile, if I walk past a store door and see a light bulb burnt out, I go in to change it. In any case, I consider myself first and foremost an actress rather than a singer or designer. And this is where I want to put one hundred percent of my energy.

What do you do to relax and unwind?

I like to go to the dacha that Ricardo and I have in Uruguay, go dancing with my friends and ride my bike.

Do men hit on you when they see you?

They give me compliments, but in a friendly way, they don’t say to me: “Hey, beautiful, I’d love you to the fullest.”

When people come up with affairs for you, do you talk about it with your husband or do you laugh about it?

No, we're not laughing. And we talk about this a lot. Because this happens to me all the time. For example, I have been pregnant thousands of times...

Why do you think these things are said?

I don’t understand where they come from, I wonder, I ask myself who might need this news... but the more I dig, the more anger and resentment grows in me. So I repeat to myself: “This has nothing to do with me.

Why did you fall in love with Ricardo Mollo?

Because he is sensitive and shows his feelings. I hate majors. I like the bohemian type of men - cultured men, but not abstruse.

How much sex and how much romance should there be in a relationship?

50% sex and 50% romance.

9 Facts about Natalia Oreiro

1 At the age of 8, Natalya began to sing and play, and was considered a big star at the school where she studied.

2. At 12 years old she starred in her first commercial advertisement.

3. Her disadvantage- lack of patience.

4. Natalya believes that her great success lies in that she does not stop there and continues to work further.

5. speaks Spanish, English, French. She also speaks some Italian.

6. Her virtues- diligent, not afraid of hard work, loyal friend.

7. B free time Natalya prefers wear a simple T-shirt and jeans.

8. Favorite sport: swimming.

9. Favorite color: red.

What is your wildest side in love?

When I want to surprise him, I dress super sexy. I want him to tell me beautiful things, I want my boyfriend to like me.

And what is the outfit that works flawlessly for you?

I put on red stockings and high heels.

I just bought myself a pair in New York, which are 18 centimeters high. I have a passion for shoes and handbags.

What's the craziest thing you've done out of love?

Well, I married Ricardo two months after we met.

Although he does more for my sake, first of all, because he lives, tolerating my high publicity.

Would you like to record a song with him?

Who says we haven't done this yet?

And for the public?

No, I don’t want to exhibit even more!

Are you still afraid of the Internet?

I hate Facebook. I am terrified of the Internet, there is a lot of perversion there. Besides, it seems ridiculous to me to post photos for the whole world to see. I have friends who tell me that they met again with comrades from high school thanks to Facebook, and I think: “I don’t even have time to meet my current friends, much less my past ones.”

Why do you want to remain unnoticed?

To go to an amusement park, or buy earrings in Plaza Francia and so that they don’t charge me more, seeing that it’s me. Do people in business abuse the fact that you are Natalia Oreiro? Natalia Oreiro: A very funny thing happens to me: either they give me something... or they steal it from me. And I want to be charged a reasonable price.

How do you feel about luxury?

I like to have beautiful things, but I don't work for them. Today I am more satisfied to be barefoot, watering the tree I planted, than to be in best room Ritz de Paris. I’ve already experienced this, and it won’t surprise me. I like to play a beautiful Cinderella, but I also like naturalness.

In clothes too?

Yes, I go to extremes. It's funny because I buy myself sexy clothes that I can only fit into when I'm recovering from the flu and losing three kilos. There are clothes that I like, but which are not for my body, so I end up going back to the eternal wide trousers and Hindu skirts. I have a whole bunch of trousers that don’t fit me because I have a lot of butt!

Do you have a secret to a beautiful slim figure?

No. I don't go on diets, I pay more attention to quality than quantity of food. Besides, I don’t like going to the fitness club: I hate dumbbells, treadmill, tights I also don’t believe in magic weight loss capsules. If I have cellulite, I try not to show it. I can tolerate defects that appear over time.

What traits of your character remain unchanged, despite achieved success?

My character is completely unchanged! Loyalty, trust, not wishing harm to others, not being envious, not thinking badly of others, I like to help... and, fortunately, everything works out for me!

A few more photos of Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias (Spanish: Natalia Marisa Oreiro Iglesias). She was born on May 19, 1977 in Montevideo (Uruguay). Uruguayan actress and singer. Known for the TV series “Rich and Famous” and “Wild Angel”.

Father - Carlos Oreiro, businessman.

Mother - Mabel Oreiro (nee Iglesias), worked as a hairdresser, then became a housewife.

The older sister, Adriana, owns a clothing store.

When Natalia was 8 years old, she started studying acting. At 12 she began acting in Uruguayan commercials. And already at the age of 14, she was chosen as the main assistant in the show Shushi (Port. Xuxa - Brazilian singer and TV presenter), from many applicants from other countries, and thus she accompanied Shusha on her travels and represented her at special events.

At the age of 16, Natalia went to Buenos Aires to take part in auditions for roles in TV series. She didn’t manage to win the castings right away, but in the end, at one of them she got the role of an extra in the film “The Unruly Heart.”

After that, Natalia had a small role in the series “Tender Ana” and one of the main roles in the series “Models 90-60-90”. But real success and fame came to the actress thanks to filming in the series "Rich and Famous", where her partner was Diego Ramos.

She said about that period: “I attended hundreds of castings until I was offered a cameo role in the series “High Comedy,” then there was another series, “The Unruly Heart,” however, my heroine did not say anything there. But as soon as The camera was approaching me, I started chatting. They said to me: “What are you doing?” and I answered: “So at least someone will notice me.” series “Models 90 x 60 x 90”, “Tender Ana” and “Rich and Famous”.

At the beginning of 1998, she began working on the Argentine television channel TeLeFe, where Gustavo Yankelevich offered her the main role in the film “An Argentine in New York.” The film was a great success. At the same time, and with the support of Yankelevich, Natalia released her first solo disc, Natalia Oreiro.

The disc went on sale in Argentina on July 14, 1998, and in January 1999, its international version was released. Thanks to such singles as Cambio dolor and Me muero de Amor, Natalia became even more famous, and the disc itself soon went gold. In Argentina, the disc sold 750,000 copies, and about a million more copies were sold in Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Natalia Oreiro - Cambio Dolor

The next role that Natalia got on TeLeFe is the role of the orphan Milagros/Cholito from a Catholic monastery in the series "Wild Angel", which began filming in November 1998. According to the actress, she herself took an active part in creating the image of Milagros and came up with the script. It was this role that brought the actress fame and love from numerous fans around the world.

The series “Wild Angel” won the Viva 2000 competition in Israel.

After finishing filming “Wild Angel” in 1999, Natalia began recording her second solo disc. New album artist Tu Veneno (“Your Poison”), released in Argentina in August 2000. The international version of the album was released on September 19, 2000. Thanks to such successful singles as Tu Veneno, Rio de la Plata and Como te Olvido, the album sold more than two million copies.

On January 29, 2001, Natalia goes on her first major tour. The singer gave concerts in Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Venezuela, the USA, Spain, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey, as well as in Russia, where the performance took place in the Kremlin Concert Hall.

On one of the concert tours, she starred in the video for the song Como te Olvido. The singer filmed it in Dracula's castle, dressed in a chic medieval dress.

In 2002, Natalia starred in the TV series “Kachorra” together with Pablo Rago. The third was released in the fall of 2002 solo album Oreiro - Turmalina. Disc sales reached 1.5 million copies. In January 2003, Natalia again goes on a world tour and gives concerts in 14 countries.

Two years later, at the end of April 2005, Natalia again came to Russia to film the 16-episode film “In the Rhythm of Tango.” In May 2005, Natalia also took part in the Golden Heart charity event. At the ceremony, Natalia performed the song Alas de Libertad.

Natalia Oreiro in Moscow

At the beginning of December 2005, Natalia began filming in the series “You Are My Life,” where Facundo Arana again became her partner; filming ended in December 2006.

In 2008, Natalia entered into a contract with Dori Media Group and began filming the series “Amanda O,” which was distributed exclusively via the Internet.

In 2011, Oreiro played the role of an underground activist in the left-Peronist guerrilla organization Montoneros and the mother of the main character in the film Underground Childhood. The film was nominated for the Spanish Goya Award, and was also nominated by Argentina for the Oscar in the category Best movie on foreign language"at the 85th awards ceremony, but was not included in the final number of nominees.

On September 9, 2011, Natalia Oreiro became Ambassador good will in the La Plata region, that is, in Argentina and Uruguay.

In 2013, Natalia starred in the series “Only You” (Solamente vos).

In 2015, Natalia starred in the TV series “Among the Cannibals”, where she played the role of Ariana. In 2016, films with her participation “Red Pepper” (Juana Azurduy) and “I Don’t Regret This Love” (Hilda) were released.

Does business. Las Oreiro - designer clothing two sisters and partners Adriana and Natalia.

Natalia Oreiro's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Natalia Oreiro:

From the age of 16 she was in a relationship with Pablo Echarri. They met when she came to Buenos Aires to take part in auditions for roles in TV series and received the role of an extra in the film “The Unruly Heart.”

In early October 2000, after six years of close relationships, Natalia experienced a difficult breakup with Pablo Echarri.

In November 2001, Natalia Oreiro met the 44-year-old leader of the rock band Divididos, Ricardo Mollo, and in early 2002 they got married. The couple got tattoos on their ring fingers instead of rings and vowed eternal love to each other.

According to Natalia, Ricardo brought her out of terrible depression and taught her to rejoice in every day.

On January 26, 2012, Natalia Oreiro gave birth to a boy in a clinic in Buenos Aires. The child was named Merlin Atahualpa.

In 2013, UNICEF launched the “Breastfeeding is giving your best” campaign to highlight the benefits breastfeeding during the first two years of a child's life.

Natalia supported the company by her own example. Emphasizing that the development of a child from the first days of his life is very important, breastfeeding is especially important.

Natalia is a big fan of football, it is no coincidence that in the series with her participation soccer balls often appear, with which the actress juggles and plays; Since childhood, she has been a fan of the Rampla Juniors football club from Montevideo. Before the 2002 World Cup, she was chosen as the “godmother” of the Uruguay national team, and also sympathizes with the Argentine national team.

In 2010, Natalia Oreiro began the procedure for obtaining Argentine citizenship (along with Uruguayan and Spanish). She explained: “I want to become an Argentine citizen because this country has become everything to me... I adhere to the left political views, and vote in Uruguay. But soon I will be able to vote here in Argentina. It is very important for me".

Natalia Oreiro about beauty secrets:

“I use the services of laser medicine. I had my freckles removed; they stood out so much on my skin that I had to put on makeup for a long time. I also love procedures that activate collagen. Much attention I pay attention to nutrition: I am a raw foodist, I prefer “live” food without heat treatment. True, I can’t give up chocolate. In general, I am not very demanding of myself compared to other women. I'm cheerful and open man and I try to care more about my loved ones than about my appearance.”

“I think it’s important to enjoy life and eat well. I'm a vegetarian... so I have to be careful when choosing what I eat to make sure I'm getting enough protein. Being a vegetarian means constantly thinking about what to eat in order to have enough strength. For additional energy sources, I like pollen and echinacea. I also never go to bed without taking off my makeup, no matter how tired I am. Well, I take care of my hair. My mother worked as a hairdresser, and our living room most often served as a beauty salon, so from childhood I saw how to care for hair.”

Filmography of Natalia Oreiro:

1992 - High Comedy (Alta comedia) - Extra
1994 - Unruly Heart (Inconquistable corazón) - Extra / Victoria
1995 - Tender Ana (Dulce Ana) - Veronica
1996 - Models 90-60-90 (90-60-90 modelos) - Lucia Peralta
1997 - Rich and Famous (Ricos y famosos) - Valeria García Mendez de Salerno
1998 - Casablanca (Ojitos verdes) - Rosa
1998 - An Argentino in New York (Un argentino en New York) - Veronica de Ricci
1998 - Wild Angel (Muñeca brava) - Milagros "Mili" Esposito Di Carlo de Miranda
2002 - Kachorra - Antonia Guerrero “Kachorra”
2003 - Cleopatra - Sandra
2004 - Town of Desire (El Deseo) - Carmen
2005 - Trophies (Botines) - Rene
2005 - The Gymnasium War (La guerra de los gimnasios) - TV actress
2006 - In the rhythm of tango (V ritme tango) - Natalia Solanos
2006-2007 - You are my life (Sos mi vida) - Esperanza Muñoz “Monita”
2007 - The Movie (La peli) - Lola Montero
2007 - Possible Lives (Las vidas posibles) - Marcia Miconi
2008-2009 - Amanda (Oh Amanda) - Oh Amanda
2009 - Music in Waiting (Música en espera) - Paula Otero
2009 - France - Cristina Marcela
2010 - Miss Tacuarembó - Natalia Prato “Crystal” / Candida Lopez
2011 - My first wedding (Mi primera boda) - Leonora Campos
2011 - Underground Childhood (Infancia clandestina) - Charo
2011 - Bad (Mala) - Rosario
2012 - Dark Angel (Lynch) - Isabel / Mariana
2013 - Only you (Solamente vos) - Aurora Andres
2013 - Wakolda - Eva
2015 - Among the cannibals (Entre caníbales) - Ariana Mendoza
2015 - El retiro - Laura
2015 - Angel (El angel)
2015 - Cuando dejes de quererme - Laura
2016 - Red pepper (Pimienta roja) - Juana Azurduy
2016 - I don’t regret this love (No me arrepiento de este amor) - Hilda

Discography of Natalia Oreiro:

1998 - Natalia Oreiro
2000 - Tu Veneno
2002 - Turmalina
2016 - Gilda: No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor

Singles by Natalia Oreiro:

1998 - Que si, que si
1998 - De Tu Amor
1998 - Cambio dolor
1998 - Me Muero De Amor
2000 - Tu Veneno
2000 - Rio De La Plata
2000 - Como Te Olvido
2002 - Que digan lo que quieran
2002 - Cuesta arriba, cuesta abajo
2007 - Esclava
2010 - What A Feeling
2013 - Todos Me Miran
2014 - Me muero de amor
2016 - No Me Arrepiento de Este Amor
2016 - Corazon Valiente