Hands to the side covering your face. The dab movement: its “parents” and description

The modern world is full of dancing. Almost all young people dance, come up with some new styles, while making some type of dance newer and newer. And in many dances there are individual movements that are remembered by many for a long time.

Today we will talk about one of these movements, which became very popular around the 2015s. What kind of movement is this “covering your face with one hand and moving the other to the side” we will analyze in this article and try to give an idea of ​​it. Let's get started!

So, this gesture has a very short and simple name - deb or in English dab. It's part of the dance one of the fragments of the movement, which has become extremely popular in our time. Almost all the youth use it to show how modern they are.

This is something in the style of the latest fashion, which is only gaining popularity and does not decrease in activity over time. What about young people? Even adults make this gesture, because it is very interesting and even helps to show coolness.

If you look into history, you can find out some interesting things. The dance was invented back in 2014 when it began to gain its popularity. Then they began to “force” him into social networks and he gained popularity.

Then in 2015 it was already popular worldwide and this is thanks to one of the first people who showed it in public - Paul Pogba. This is a football player of the English football club “Manchester United”, who decided to use this dance immediately after scoring a goal.

This was his signature celebration, and many football fans took over this dance and included it in the list of the most popular ones around the world. The dance is performed even today, although no less than 3 years have passed since that moment.

However, it was not even Pogba himself who made this dance popular throughout the world. No, he's not. But he was close. Made him famous throughout the world Italian singer Fabio Rovazzi back in December 2016, which helped this dance gain popularity all over the world.

It's funny that I the singer is a rapper, which made this dance the most popular among rap culture. And if we take into account that now almost every second person listens to rap, then at least half of the world’s population clearly knows about this dance. Here is such a fact.

This movement can be seen very often in different stadiums, where famous performers after they have sung their track, perform this simple, but very popular gesture. We talked about how the dance happened in 2014. Yes, that's true.

Although it happened precisely at that time, it is still unknown provenance this dance. Some say it came from one person, some say it came from another. In general, it is not entirely clear how it appeared.

What is clear is that he managed very well gain popularity all over the world and to this day is extremely bright movement. Let's be clear; Among your friends, there are those who have at least once taken a photo in this particular pose? I think there is.

But don’t consider it a shame, because such a gesture only emphasizes your knowledge in the modern world, so promote it further, let even more people know about it.

That's all we love dancing, they help us distract from problems, make our lives easier, and bring sports into it. For some, dancing is even more than just dancing. Someone lives from this and makes money. And imagine how happy this person will be if the invented dance is his creation.

Everyone repeats exactly the movement that he performed and tries to imitate this person. Even if they don’t know the name of the hero, they can repeat after him, because the movement is extremely simple and absolutely everyone can repeat it.

IN Saudi Arabia There was even a small conflict that is difficult for an ordinary European resident to understand. In 2018, one of the players “Al-Nojum” performed this very gesture after scoring. Yes, he simply repeated the dab to celebrate his goal.

There seems to be nothing so bad about this. However, this gesture is prohibited in this country and our hero had a hard time in the future, because he threatened with imprisonment. These are the strict rules. The commentator then even said the phrase “No, no, no,” because he understood what this meant for the athlete.

This concludes our article and we explained what a dab is. Or dub, you can call it whatever you want. Both options are correct.

We hope that after reading this article you understand how much this gesture helps to reveal personality and how much it means for the modern world. Use it, have fun and share it with your friends.

The modern world is full of different dances and this one will fit perfectly into your life. See you soon and wish you all the best in your life!

Elbow gesture or Half-hands, in France known as Hand of Honor(fr. Bras d'honneur) is a well-known offensive gesture expressing the refusal of someone's request. It consists of bending the elbow of the right arm by approximately 90–135°, in which the left hand is placed on the elbow of the right hand, and the right hand is quickly bent, or vice versa. In many countries, such a gesture is used as a symbol of rude refusal and direct insult. Synonymous with the middle finger in meaning as a phallic symbol.

Gesture in the ancient world

The gesture was known back in antiquity. In 121 BC. this gesture, with which the lictor Antillius insulted the supporters of Gaius Gracchus in the national meeting, served as the reason for the murder of the lictor, and the latter, in turn, was the reason for an armed clash in which Gracchus died.

Gesture in different countries

  • In Poland this gesture is called Kozakevich's gesture(Polish gest Kozakiewicza) in honor of the Polish pole vaulter Władysław Kozakiewicz, champion of the 1980 Moscow Olympics. After his winning jump, Kozakevich showed a similar gesture to the audience, who constantly booed him. They wanted to deprive the Pole of his medal, but the Polish delegation convinced the Soviet organizers that Kozakiewicz had not insulted anyone, and his arm bent involuntarily due to muscle spasm.
  • In Croatia this gesture is called Bosnian coat of arms(Croatian: Bosanski grb), since it was the image of a hand bent at the elbow with a sword that was the coat of arms of Bosnia during the existence of Austria-Hungary.
  • In Italy the gesture is called Umbrella(Italian: Gesto dell "ombrello), his most famous mention is his appearance in Federico Fellini's film "Mama's Boys". The hero Alberto Sordi shows a group of workers first his own tongue, and then an elbow-deep gesture.
  • In Colombia, this gesture is called “hodeta” (Spanish). jódete) or "friegate" (Spanish) frigate ).
  • In Portugal, the meaning of a similar gesture is called “mangito” (port. manguito) ambiguous: on the one hand, this is an outright insult; on the other hand, this is a signature gesture of one of the symbols of Portugal - Ze Povinho (English)Russian.
  • In Mexico, the elbow gesture is tantamount to insulting the mother.

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Excerpt characterizing the Elbow Gesture

We have Bagrations,
All enemies will be at your feet,” etc.
The singers had just finished when more and more toasts followed, during which Count Ilya Andreich became more and more emotional, and even more dishes were broken, and even more shouting. They drank to the health of Bekleshov, Naryshkin, Uvarov, Dolgorukov, Apraksin, Valuev, to the health of the foremen, to the health of the manager, to the health of all members of the club, to the health of all guests of the club, and finally, separately to the health of the founder of the dinner, Count Ilya Andreich. At this toast, the count took out a handkerchief and, covering his face with it, completely burst into tears.

Pierre sat opposite Dolokhov and Nikolai Rostov. He ate a lot and greedily and drank a lot, as always. But those who knew him briefly saw that some kind of big change. He was silent the entire time of dinner and, squinting and wincing, looked around him or, stopping his eyes, with an air of complete absent-mindedness, rubbed the bridge of his nose with his finger. His face was sad and gloomy. He seemed to not see or hear anything happening around him, and was thinking about something alone, heavy and unresolved.
This unresolved question that tormented him, there were hints from the princess in Moscow about Dolokhov’s closeness to his wife and this morning the anonymous letter he received, in which it was said with that vile playfulness that is characteristic of all anonymous letters that he sees poorly through his glasses, and that his wife’s connection with Dolokhov is a secret only to him. Pierre decidedly did not believe either the princess’s hints or the letter, but he was now afraid to look at Dolokhov, who was sitting in front of him. Every time his gaze accidentally met Dolokhov’s beautiful, insolent eyes, Pierre felt something terrible, ugly rising in his soul, and he quickly turned away. Unwittingly remembering everything that had happened with his wife and her relationship with Dolokhov, Pierre saw clearly that what was said in the letter could be true, could at least seem true if it did not concern his wife. Pierre involuntarily recalled how Dolokhov, to whom everything was returned after the campaign, returned to St. Petersburg and came to him. Taking advantage of his carousing friendship with Pierre, Dolokhov came directly to his house, and Pierre accommodated him and lent him money. Pierre recalled how Helen, smiling, expressed her displeasure that Dolokhov lived in their house, and how Dolokhov cynically praised the beauty of his wife, and how from that time until his arrival in Moscow he was not separated from them for a minute.
“Yes, he is very handsome,” thought Pierre, I know him. It would be a special delight for him to dishonor my name and laugh at me, precisely because I worked for him and looked after him, helped him. I know, I understand what salt this should add to his deception in his eyes, if it were true. Yes, if it were true; but I don’t believe, I don’t have the right and I can’t believe.” He recalled the expression that Dolokhov's face took on when moments of cruelty came over him, like those in which he tied up a policeman with a bear and set him afloat, or when he challenged a man to a duel without any reason, or killed a coachman's horse with a pistol. . This expression was often on Dolokhov's face when he looked at him. “Yes, he’s a brute,” thought Pierre, it doesn’t mean anything to him to kill a man, it must seem to him that everyone is afraid of him, he must be pleased with this. He must think that I am afraid of him too. And really I’m afraid of him,” thought Pierre, and again with these thoughts he felt something terrible and ugly rising in his soul. Dolokhov, Denisov and Rostov were now sitting opposite Pierre and seemed very cheerful. Rostov chatted merrily with his two friends, one of whom was a dashing hussar, the other a famous raider and rake, and occasionally glanced mockingly at Pierre, who at this dinner impressed with his concentrated, absent-minded, massive figure. Rostov looked at Pierre unkindly, firstly, because Pierre, in his hussar eyes, was a rich civilian, the husband of a beauty, generally a woman; secondly, because Pierre, in the concentration and distraction of his mood, did not recognize Rostov and did not respond to his bow. When they began to drink the sovereign's health, Pierre, lost in thought, did not get up and take the glass.

The dab movement is a newfangled dance gesture that is not associated (at least in post-Soviet territory) with any traditions or rituals. Perhaps through this trick, the meaning of which at first was only guesswork:

  • Rugby players “feign joy” after each successfully thrown ball;
  • artists, such as rappers, use the dab hand movement to add variety to their performances;
  • people united by some common idea convey the news of their successes to the general public.

Dabbing is just a fashion statement

The fashionable gesture, the meaning of which has puzzled rugby fans for so long, is quite simple to perform: with their heads bent over their arm bent at the elbow, rugby players (and rugby players) freeze in this position for a few short moments.

A gesture vaguely reminiscent of the dab movement was seen in the "fearsome dance" New Zealand rugby players invariably demonstrate to the opposing team before the start of each match. The athletes from New Zealand, as it turned out, “borrowed” this spectacle “not for the faint of heart” from their distant ancestors, who called themselves the Maori people.

Some witty fans have already given the dab a fitting name - the "stupid bow", with most fans agreeing that if only one rugby player had made the stupid gesture, no one would have noticed it.

As it turned out later, the dab movement is nothing more than the newfangled hit the dab, borrowed by US youth from African dancers. It also became known that white-skinned “dancers” make African Americans extremely nervous. As the funds report mass media, black Americans are not happy that the movement is part of them national culture, "went to the masses."

The dissatisfaction of the African-American population is further aggravated by the fact that most “palefaces” do dab incorrectly.

“Parents” of dabbing. Who are they?

When asked what the dab movement means, representatives of the older generation - regulars at discos in the 1970s and 1980s - answer that dab has nothing to do with attempts to offend someone or incite ethnic hatred. The movement really came from African Americans of yesteryear, who, after sniffing the “happy” powder, sneezed, involuntarily leaning to the side and taking such a fashionable position today.

According to another version, dab is a body movement from hip-hop dance, which before today was not particularly popular. To perform it correctly, you need to lower your head down and bend right hand, clench the palm of the same hand into a fist and bring it to the head, while the left arm remains straight and slightly extended to the left. The whole composition looks like dynamic

The reason for the interest of the Russian media in this strange and not everyone understandable dance step was... the conflict that flared up between the two popular performers Russian rap and their fans. The "Tiger" video, released by L"One, is driving Jacques-Anthony's followers crazy, not at all because of the traditional "who is better" debate, but because of the notorious gesture, or rather, because of which Russian rapper was the first to use the dab movement in his work (in in this case Jacques-Anthony claims authorship).

The founders of American dabbing are considered to be members of the group Migos. In any case, they were the first to show dab: first at concerts, and later in video clips.

What does dab movement mean?

To teach everyone how to perform this movement correctly, black rappers took the time to create numerous video lessons. According to black performers, it is necessary to bury your nose in inner part elbow of a bent arm, make a characteristic “sneeze” (the other arm is extended upward).

What is the meaning of this body movement that makes crowds of fans tear out their hair and clothes? Dab is a common dance gesture based on the habit of sniffing white powder from the elbow.

A funny incident happened in London

A group of young people gathered on the steps British Museum to conduct a flash mob, during which everyone present planned to perform the dab movement. A man who happened to be nearby also decided to take part. He raised his hand, but, misinterpreting the purpose of such a large meeting, instead of “debating”, he reproduced the SS salute.

The elbow may become sore from various reasons and in different ways. Pain cannot be ignored, because it can signal serious illnesses, which are best treated as early as possible.

Possible reasons

Elbow pain is often caused by:

- injuries and sprains that occur after sudden heavy loads or monotonous long-term overloads of the elbow joint area

- inflammatory processes in the elbow joint

- violation of the integrity of the cartilage and vertebrae of the cervicothoracic spine

- chronic diseases of the elbow joint

Types of pain

Depending on the reasons that caused the pain, they are divided into the following types:

- acute post-traumatic pain

- acute pain due to inflammation

- dull, muffled pain

- radiating pain

- It's a dull pain

What diseases can be a symptom of elbow pain?

1. Elbow dislocation can be posterior, anterior and lateral, with posterior dislocations being the most common. Any dislocation can be combined with a bone fracture and tendon rupture.

How does dislocation occur? During sports, industrial injuries, car accidents, falls on the hand and elbow.

A posterior dislocation looks like this: obvious deformation of the joint, shortening of the forearm, and a protruding olecranon process is visible. The pain is very severe, hand movements are very limited and sometimes impossible. When you try to straighten the joint, you feel a springy resistance in it.

An anterior dislocation looks like this: the joint is slightly deformed, the forearm is elongated, the olecranon is sunk and cannot be seen. The pain is moderate, joint movements are limited, but still possible.

A lateral dislocation typically moves the forearm toward the center or outer side of the chest. The hand seems to be pressed against the body. The pain is of moderate intensity, movements in the joint are painful and limited, raising your arm up is very painful or impossible.

With severe anterior and lateral dislocations, the ulnar and (or) median nerve is damaged, causing the hand to lose sensation.

When a tendon ruptures, the biceps brachii muscle is severely overloaded and, as a result, active movements of the upper limb are impossible, and the strength of flexion of the elbow joint is reduced. The shape of the muscles becomes asymmetrical, swelling and pain occur.

2. Olecranon bursitis or inflammation of the olecranon bursa may be a consequence of chronic injury to the back and lower surface of the elbow, for example, in drivers leaning on a car door with a bent elbow. Often found in combination with rheumatoid arthritis and gout.

Since the superficial bursa of the olecranon process is not connected to the cavity of the elbow joint, the source of inflammation may remain isolated, not penetrate into the joint and not immobilize it as a whole.

Thus, in the area of ​​the olecranon process, a rounded formation of soft consistency grows, low-painful, no larger than a chicken egg, clearly visible when the arm is extended.

If the bursitis remains isolated, the function of the elbow joint is preserved. If the inflammation affects a joint, it becomes inflamed and causes severe pain.

3. Arthrosis of the elbow joint accompanied by fairly tolerable muted pain. The joint can become very painful when trying to bend or straighten the arm to the maximum.

Characteristic of arthrosis is a crunch in the elbow joint and a gradual decrease in its mobility. After some time, the patient can no longer fully bend/extend his arm without feeling pain.

A sign of advanced arthrosis is an arm that is bent at the elbow all the time, as the bones of the joint are deformed. But the elbow itself is slightly painful to the touch and not hot.

4. Arthritis of the elbow joint most often it affects other joints with inflammation, so you can observe inflammation, redness and pain in the shoulder, knee, and ankle joints.

The pain in an inflamed elbow is very severe and manifests itself not only in movement, but also in complete rest. An inflamed elbow swells very much, becomes swollen, and is often even hot to the touch. If the inflammation is not stopped, the joint becomes red and even purple.

In some patients, arthritis of the elbow joint is accompanied by bursitis - inflammation of the periarticular bursa. In this case, a soft spherical formation appears on the back surface of the bend of the elbow, which is filled with liquid and is not painful when palpated.

5. Osteochondrosis of the spine and intervertebral hernias segments C5-C6 and ThI – ThII. The cause of pain is pinched nerve roots.

This is a radiating (referred) pain that brings anxiety during movement, at rest, even during night sleep. Coming from the neck and shoulder blades, the pain permeates the entire arm, not just the elbow area. The appearance of the elbow joint does not change, its mobility is not limited, only it becomes very painful.

If the disease is left untreated for a long time, flexion in the joint will begin to be impaired, and a decrease in the skin sensitivity of the surface of the forearm will spread, leading to numbness. In very severe cases, the biceps muscle partially or completely atrophies.

6. Epicondylitis most often occurs due to prolonged overload of the joint or injury. An expressive sign of epicondylitis is pain when carrying heavy objects and rotating the wrist.

The pain is aching in nature, does not bother when flexing and extending the elbow, performed without load, and completely subsides with rest. The mobility of the joint is preserved in full - the angles of flexion and extension do not decrease. The elbow has no external signs of disease and looks unchanged and healthy. When palpated, only the condyles (bones protruding from the sides) are painful, and not the joint itself.

How to relieve elbow pain

  • In case of dislocation or bruise, the joint must be immobilized and cold applied (ice pack, snow, container with cold water). Apply a cooling gel or ointment, they contain analgesics, menthol, essential oils that reduce local sensitivity and relieve pain (Menovazin, Amprovisol, Alfacain)
  • For arthritis and arthrosis, warming ointments are applied, based on plant components and animal products: pepper extract (Finalgon, Nicoflex, Espol), mustard, bee and snake venoms.
  • Diclofenac ointment, which is effective for arthritis of all joints, helps to successfully relieve joint pain. Apply it to the site of inflammation in a thin layer no more than 3 times a day, use it for no more than 2 weeks in a row. If there are no tangible results at the beginning of treatment, its application should be stopped and consult a doctor for a prescription. effective remedy. Has serious contraindications - read the instructions!
  • Ketorol ointment excellently relieves pain, but does not cure the disease. You should consult your doctor to determine the dose and frequency of use.
  • Nise ointment is effective even for gouty inflammations, does not contain steroids, can be used for a month without interruption, has a therapeutic effect and provides excellent pain relief
  • For epicondylitis, ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are most effective; their active ingredients are: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen (Finalgel, Nise, Ketonal)

Remember that effective treatment Your doctor may prescribe it for you after examination and diagnosis.

We have provided reliable, but still general information.

Treatment of joints / Elbow joint



Take it and do it!


1. We kneel down, arms bent at the elbows and resting on the floor. The head looks forward.

In this position, we move our right leg up, bent at the knee, and lower it into place. We repeat raising the leg in this way 20 times to begin with (if it’s hard, then according to how you feel).

TIP: Subsequently, the number of times in one approach of each exercise should be increased according to your well-being.

Then we abduct the left leg upward 20 times. (or according to health the same as the right one)

Before starting the second exercise, you can stretch and relax for a few seconds: put your pelvis on your heels, stretch your arms forward, then move your pelvis to the left and right. Do this exercise between each set.

2. Return to the starting position (stand on your knees, arms bent at the elbows - on the floor). Now we raise our right leg, bent at the knee 90 degrees, not straight up, but up to the right, then lower it down. Raise up and left and down again. Repeat this way 20 times in total.

Similarly with the left foot 20 times.

We stretched ourselves.

3. Get into the starting position. We raise the bent right leg up, lower it first not to the starting position, but crosswise behind the left leg. Raises again and now to the starting position. Do this 15 times.

We repeat similarly with the left leg 15 times.

Stretching for a few seconds.

4. We get into a similar position. Now we raise the right bent leg strictly to the side, i.e. to the right. And we lower it into place. Repeat 15 times. If it is difficult to perform the exercise when your arms are bent at the elbows, straighten them and rest on your palms.

Repeat 15 times for the left leg.

It stretches and strengthens internal muscles hips. For the same purpose, we will perform the 5th exercise for the hips and buttocks.

5. Lie down on your right side. The right arm, bent at the elbow, rests on the floor. We bend the left leg (it’s on top) at the knee, move it forward and place the foot on the floor. Thus, the left foot is on the floor at the level of the middle of the right thigh. We begin to raise our right leg up (it should be straight). Repeat 20 times.

Similarly, we raise the left leg on the left side.

6. We kneel again, but our arms are not bent at the elbows, but straight, resting on the floor. The head looks forward. We take our right leg back and swing our legs up. Repeat 20 times.

Similarly, we swing up with our right leg.

7. The last exercise of the 1st part for elastic buttocks and thighs is the well-known squats. But! with one difference. Before you sit down, squeeze your buttocks thoroughly. So we perform 2 approaches to feel better.


The second stage of exercises for the buttocks is performed lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, resting on the floor, arms lying along the body.

1. Raise your pelvis as high as possible without lifting your shoulders and feet 30 times.
2. Raise your pelvis as high as possible, without lifting your shoulders and feet, while bringing your knees together 30 times.
3. Raise the pelvis as high as possible, without lifting your shoulders and feet, 4 times and bring your knees down to the fifth level while lifting - 10 times.

The complex is completed.

Standardize the number of times and approaches based on how you feel.

The proposed set of exercises for the buttocks and thighs is widely used in various sports institutions, but it is easy to perform at home, spending 20-30 minutes. Believe me, the result is worth it!

Don't forget to be systematic.
Group: "Lifestyle"
We have everything you need!!


Traveling to another country can be difficult.
You may be surprised, but if you show the typical American or European gesture “goat” or “that rocks” ( index finger and the little finger look up, the middle and ring fingers are pressed to the palm, and the thumb is set aside), which may mean belonging to such musical style like rock, in Italy this is a gesture that tells someone that their wife is cheating on them!

In this regard, on the eve of the New Year holidays, the book “Don’t Get Me Wrong – The Global Gestures Guide” was published in the UK.

"Good" or "excellent" in the UK, USA, South Korea, South Africa
"One": France, Poland, Switzerland
"Vulgar insult": Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq

"What does it feel like?" or “What do you want?” in Italy
"Small" or "little" in Congo
"Beautiful" or "good" in Turkey
"One Moment" in Egypt

"Two" in Belgium, Liechtenstein, the Netherlands
"Eight" in China
"Bad" in Italy

“Excellent” in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Switzerland
"Vulgar insult" in Brazil

“Get out of here!” in the Czech Republic, Denmark, the Netherlands
"Let's come here!" in Ghana, Philippines, Vietnam



- “Attention”, “stop” - arms raised above the head, slightly bent at the elbows or crossed at head level.
- “Attention” - the index finger is raised up, the rest are clenched into a fist.
- "Look" - pointing gesture hand.
- Calling - flexion and extension of the palm, four fingers (except the thumb) closed together, arms (or hand) can be bent at the elbows or extended forward.
- Familiar calling - flexion and extension of the index finger, palm back down.
- Invitation - a nod of the head with a slight turn to the side from bottom to top.
- Invitation by waving your hand from the elbow towards you in a horizontal plane.
- Attracting attention - waving your hand from side to side above your head.
- Attracting attention - tapping on an object with a finger or palm.
- Tap the table with your fingertips or palm.
- Attracting attention - clapping your palms.
- Raising an arm or both arms up.
- Raise one or both eyebrows up and down, bring the eyebrows to the bridge of the nose, while moving the eyes up and down to the side (coquetry, the desire to attract attention).
- Suddenly look at someone and quickly lower your eyes. In this case, the gaze can be direct, you can look sideways (out of the corner of the eye), you can glance from bottom to top, or, lowering your head, cast a glance from below (showing interest in the person you are looking at; desire to establish contact; coquetry).
- Follow the gaze of another person with your eyes, trying to look into his eyes (the desire to get into contact with a person who does not show such a desire is ingratiation).
- Look into the eyes of the other person, and then slightly move your eyes or head to the side, while raising your eyebrows slightly (the call to leave together is a familiar gesture).
- The index finger is raised and the first phalanx presses the lips (a call for silence, a call to keep a secret, a secret).
- Slowly shake your shoulders back and forth alternately - the desire to attract attention.
- They take someone by the arm or shoulder, by the clothes and tug (the gesture is usually accompanied by an address, an expression of a request, a complaint, etc.; more common in children).
- Using your hand, elbow or shoulder, lightly push the other person on the shoulder, side, chest, with a playful, sly facial expression (familiar gesture).


Kiss on the lips, cheek, forehead (depending on the degree of intimacy and age).
- Air kiss.
- Touch your cheek to the cheek of another person.
- Nod head forward.
- Men pat each other on the shoulder or back.
- Handshake.
- Swinging the hand left and right with the palm facing forward.
- Swinging your entire arm from side to side above your head.
- Raising your arm up above your head. This may include: an open palm, fingering, or a clenched fist with the back side facing backwards.
- Greeting several people or one at a distance - raise your clasped hands above your head.
- Comical trumping.
- A somewhat old-fashioned raising or removing of a hat.
- Kiss the lady's hand.
- Close your eyelids, closing your eyes (greeting, farewell at a distance, when it is impossible to make contact in words).
- Lower your head and tilt your body forward, and then straighten up. Option: the hand is placed on the heart. A gesture of respectful greeting; the lower, the more respect they want to express.
- Clicking heels - connecting heels, accompanied by knocking (a dashing expression of greeting, readiness to do something; typical for the military).


Increasing the distance - pushing away, removing the partner's hand.
- During a conversation, support your partner by the elbow.
- During a conversation, keep your hand on your partner’s shoulder.
- Hold your interlocutor's hand.
- The man puts his hand on his partner’s chest.
- If your partner is non-contact, lightly touch him.
- Lean your whole body forward - the desire to switch to friendly, confidential communication.


Touching, stroking the interlocutor's arm or shoulder.
- “Understanding” - nod your head from top to bottom.
- Tilt your head forward and slightly to the side.
- A slight turn of the head towards the speaker.
- Sit with your torso tilted forward towards the interlocutor (an expression of interest, full attention to the interlocutor’s words).
- “Toss up” - the head is raised upward with a nod, eyebrows are raised, eyes are wide open (showing interest in what the interlocutor is saying, stimulating the interlocutor to continue speaking).
- “Jaw dropped” - look at someone with your mouth slightly open and your eyes wide open (showing extreme attention, interest; usually in children).
- Touch the other person’s chin with your hand, slightly lifting his head up and looking into his eyes (friendly attention; a patronizing gesture, most often among older people in relation to younger ones, especially children).


A pointing gesture that is not directed at any specific object.
- Tapping on something hard.
- Increasing the number of gestures that match the meaning of speech.
- The closed fingers move apart and close again.


- “Between us” - palm with a bracket near the mouth.
- Cover your mouth with the palm of one hand or the palms of both hands.
- “Prompt” - searching movements addressed to the partner: circular movements with the index finger or hand, fingers moving in a pinch.

Willingness to answer - raise bent arm edge of the palm forward.
- “Speak faster” - small circular movements of the hand towards yourself - away from you.
- “Take your time”, “don’t worry” - the hand is extended forward with an open palm towards the interlocutor.
- “Stop, let me rest” - take your partner’s hand or put your hand on his shoulder.
- “I don’t understand” - a questioning nod of the head from bottom to top.
- “I didn’t hear” - turn your head with your ear towards the interlocutor or put your outstretched palm to your ear.
- “Silence”, “secret” - index finger across the lips.
- Take a close look at someone (a sign of ending a conversation).
- “Wrap up” - form your fingers into a fist, sticking out only your index finger, and draw circles in the air with it (a gesture indicating that it is time to stop speaking or talking, since the allotted time has expired).
- Fingering - both arms are bent at the elbows, the fingers are relaxed, spread and alternately strike each other with pads, while the thumbs are involved in the movement or connected to each other; the face is tense, the movements are fast, nervous (the gesture expresses impatience, the desire to hurry the interlocutor).
- Rinse with your hand - bend your hand at the elbow, fingers extended; With a sharp movement, move your hand away from you, slightly down; the facial expression is decisive, strong-willed (a decisive statement of one’s opinion, often emphasizes the end of a conversation).


- “Goodbye” - flexion-extension of the hand away from you.
- Handshake.
- Swinging the entire arm overhead from side to side, palm open.
- Hugs.
- Air kiss - place your index and middle fingers on your lips and move your hand towards the person you are saying goodbye to.
- Raising your hand up above your head or the same thing, but with fingering.
- Nod head forward.
- A pat on the back or a pat on the shoulder.
- Raising and putting on the hat.
- Kiss the lady's hand.
- Hold your gaze on the interlocutor, look after the person leaving (the norm of politeness when saying goodbye).


- “That’s enough” - the palm of the outstretched hand (or both hands) is facing the interlocutor.
- The arm is bent at the elbow and the hand is turned away from you, the raised hand or the entire arm up to the elbow is lowered down and slightly away from you.
- “I give up” (comic gesture) - fold your arms crosswise on your chest or raise your arms up.
- “Step back from someone” - take a step back or away from the interlocutor, or sharply tilt the body back (increasing space - refusing contact).
- Refusal to shake hands (a sign of a break in the relationship) - the right hand is removed behind the back or the straightened arms are crossed behind the back (while holding the other hand with one hand).
- The hand with the palm turned away from you is extended towards the interlocutor, as if determining the distance closer than which you cannot approach, or you lightly push the interlocutor to increase the distance between him and yourself (refusal of contact, impolite gesture).
- Arms bent at the elbows, hands lying on opposite forearms: right palm on the left, and the left on the right, head raised high (categorical refusal; reluctance to contact the interlocutor).


- “Take” - extending a hand with some object.
- “Give” - extending the open palm of one or both hands.
- “Give” (children) - clenching and unclenching the palm.
- “Move away” - waving someone away with one hand or both hands.
- “Half” - place the palm of your hand edgewise in the middle of the other hand.
- “Give me money” - rubbing the thumb on the index and middle fingers.
- “Give me a match” - a movement simulating lighting a match.
- “Let me smoke” - moving the open index and middle fingers to the lips or showing a cigarette between the index and middle fingers.
- Invitation to go forward - pointing forward with your hand.
- “Sit down” - pointing with your hand to a seat from top to bottom.
- “Get out!” - pointing gesture sharply to the side, arm extended.
- “Stop it, I don’t see it” - cover your eyes with your palm.
- “Be silent” - cover the interlocutor’s mouth with your palm.
- “Keep your mouth shut” - pointing at your lips with your index finger.
- “What time is it?” - use the index or middle finger of one hand to tap the wrist of the other.
- Looking at another person, quickly squint one eye and relax your face again (an invitation to take part in a prank, a joke; please do not give away any secret).
- Crawling on your knees - standing on your knees, moving around without getting up (a plea for forgiveness, mercy).
- Raise your arms and head up, as if turning to the sky, with your fingers extended upward and your palms turned slightly towards you (a gesture of prayer, entreaty, as well as the desire to convince your interlocutor of something, calling heaven and God as witnesses).
- Prayer - the palms of the hands are closed at chest level or the hands (arm) are pressed to the chest.
- The arm is raised and bent at the elbow, the hand is turned away from itself, with the whole arm from the elbow (or just the hand) a pushing movement or oscillatory movements are made to the right and left (the meaning of the gesture is: “no”, “stop”; a call for silence, calm).
- The hand with fingers folded together is extended to the side and slightly forward, towards the vehicle (ask the driver to stop or give you a ride).
- Vigorous shaking of the head from side to side.
- Vigorously waving your arms crosswise from bottom to top.
- Swinging the straightened index finger (the remaining fingers clenched into a fist) from left to right.


Pat on the shoulder.
- Handshake.
- Stroking the hand.
- “I’m sorry” - fold your hands palm to palm on your chest or put your hand with your palm to your heart.
- Fall to your knees - the legs are bent at the knees and lowered onto them, the head is lowered down. Option - go down on one knee (a plea for forgiveness or submission, humility).


Putting two fingers to your head in the form of horns.
- “Parsley” - an outstretched palm with the thumb placed on the nose, the fingers oscillating up and down.
- Putting your thumbs to your temples, the other fingers waver.
- Show tongue.


- “Ladushki” - clapping your hands.
- “Ghouli” - waving the hands of both hands near the shoulders, arms slightly bent at the elbows.
- “Goat” - the index and middle fingers (or little finger) are extended forward, the remaining fingers are in a fist.
- “The Thieving Magpie” - with the index finger of one hand, circles are drawn on the open palm of the other, then the fingers are bent one at a time.
- Carefully, so as not to be noticed, they come up from behind and clasp the other person’s head with their palms, covering his eyes or ears and preventing him from turning around - “Guess who it is?” (a friendly gesture of a playful nature; found more often among children and youth).
- “Shuffle your foot” - bring one leg forward and noisily pull it back, making a bow (a playful demonstration of humility, helpfulness).
- “I give up” - both arms are raised above the head, palms turned away from you.
- "Eat!" - straightened arms are pressed to the body, the head is raised up, an expression of readiness to obey and do what is required.
- “Grow big!” - they take another person by the ear (or both) and slightly pull them up (a gesture that usually accompanies birthday greetings; the ears are pulled as many times as one turns one; a familiar gesture, used, as a rule, in relation to children).
- Open your mouth slightly and push your tongue forward (a playfully familiar gesture in adults; refusal to do anything).
- “I swear!” - the right hand is raised up, bent at the elbow, the palm is turned forward, the fingers are connected and straightened or clenched into a fist.




Standard gestures

The current rules require the use of only three official gestures. It is worth understanding that they are applied exclusively with the left hand - the right one must always be on the gas handle and control the brake lever. This applies not only to standard gestures, but also to informal signals that motorcyclists give to each other.

The most important gesture is the arm raised vertically without bending at the elbow. In this case, the motorcyclist's palm should be fully open to improve the visibility of the signal over a long distance. If we are talking about driving at dusk, it is better to use gloves with reflective inserts or wrap them with light fabric. This gesture means serious braking or a complete stop - it is a replacement for the brake light.

The motorcyclist's arm extended to the left indicates that it is in this direction that he is about to make a turn. However, what about right-hand turns? Since it is prohibited to lift your right hand from the steering wheel, to signal such a change in direction of movement, you should raise left hand, bending it at the elbow and turning the palm with the edge towards those riding behind vehicles. Such signals, given by the motorcyclist’s hand, will help to avoid an accident and get to the repair site without the slightest problem.

But it is better not to resort to such gestures, since their effectiveness is still much lower than that of signal electric lamps. Therefore, it is better to purchase a special device, which consists of an electronic control unit and a battery. If the electrical circuit breaks, it will automatically switch the power to the light bulbs to the built-in battery, which will allow you to get to the nearest repair point without experiencing any inconvenience. In this case, the driver will not be able to ignore the problem - a special warning lamp on the device will indicate its presence.

Informal gestures

However, traffic signals do not allow motorcyclists to communicate with each other without slowing down. Therefore, biker associations are developing their own signaling systems based on special gestures. Of course, in individual organizations the meaning of gestures may vary, with the total number reaching hundreds. In this article we will consider only universal gestures that will be equally understood in any country in the world and will not cause any conflict situations or misunderstandings.

Hand signals can be given not only while moving, but also before moving. The left arm bent at the elbow with the index finger extended means readiness - if the team leader gives such a signal, everyone should put on helmets, check their equipment, make sure there is enough fuel, and, if necessary, let other team members know about problems. If you make several rotations with your index finger counterclockwise, this will indicate the need to start and warm up the engines. Next, you need to decide on the mode of movement - a palm raised obliquely above the head (pioneer greeting) means that motorcyclists are lined up in one column, and the index and middle fingers pointed upward (peace sign) - in two columns. The signal to start moving is a sharp swing of the left hand from bottom to top, and while moving it also means the need to speed up.

In addition, a quick swing of the left hand with the palm raised up means that the vehicle driving behind can overtake the motorcyclist without the slightest hindrance. On the contrary, if the palm is lowered up and the motorcyclist makes movements from top to bottom, this means that overtaking will be dangerous or he himself is going to get ahead and asks to let him pass so as not to create an emergency situation. A smooth movement of the left hand from top to bottom will indicate that the column of motorcyclists must slow down in order to avoid the danger presented by a bad road or a traffic police post. If the driver who is driving next to you forgot to turn off the turn signal, you need to form a ring with your thumb and index finger (OK sign), and close and open the resulting circle several times. If you find a dangerous object on the road, you should point at it with the index finger of your left hand or your right foot - this is what you do if you see an obstacle, a hole or other obstacle that could cause a significant problem.

In many situations, motorcyclists have to stop because the movement cannot continue indefinitely. If there are no special reasons for this, but a stop is still required, for example, for negotiations or for sightseeing, you should lower your left hand down at an angle of about 45 degrees and point your palm in the direction of travel. If there is a certain reason, the stop signal is given by placing the elbow to the side and extending the thumb, which should point in the desired direction:

  • You need a snack - your thumb points to your mouth (to your helmet);
  • You need to rest or the motorcyclist is not feeling well - the finger is pointed at the chest;
  • You need to refuel - your finger points to the tank.

When the column has stopped, you should make a sharp movement with your arm bent at the elbow from left to right - this will mean that all riders must turn off the engines.

However, it is worth understanding that the peculiarities of the national culture of some countries do not allow the use of certain signals from motorcyclists, so you should carefully read this information when going to long journey. In the USA, a raised index finger along with a protruding thumb means that a person considers the interlocutor a loser, so local bikers will not be at all happy to see such signs. In Greece, you need to make gestures with any fingers except the thumb, since raising it means obscene swearing, but a fully open palm with spread fingers will show that you want to call the Greek a “pindos”. A peace-loving gesture with the index and middle fingers spread to the side in the countries of the former British Empire (Great Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, Hong Kong) means the same as the middle finger in other cultures, and the fingers brought together in a ring in the OK symbol are accusing a person of being unconventional sexual orientation. Of course, these traditions are gradually becoming a thing of the past thanks to globalization, but you still have the chance to get yourself into a stupid position by going abroad.

Using Gestures

Of course, it helps to deal with problems with electrical circuits in a motorcycle. modern technology, however, its potential is also not unlimited. Therefore, every driver should know the official gestures prescribed by traffic rules. In addition, bikers who often ride in groups should also learn non-standard sign language, which helps communicate even on the move. Its use will help avoid unpleasant situations and accidents, as well as synchronize the start of movement, acceleration, deceleration and stopping. Using informal sign language, you can receive a danger signal from another biker or give him a similar warning.


Why doesn't my arm straighten at the elbow?

Usually, people pay attention to the fact that the arm at the elbow does not extend through the full amplitude of physiological movements too late, when the pathological process has already entered the chronic stage of its course. Primary symptoms may remain unnoticed for a long time, since the elbow joint does not bear the functional load that is imposed on the large joints of the lower extremities

Meanwhile, the primary symptomatic complex may include creaking when moving, the rapid onset of a feeling of fatigue during a certain group of movements, and aching pain at the end of the working day. This is how tenosynovitis of the elbow joint begins. In order to reduce pain, a person gradually stops straightening his arm in in full. This leads to shortening of the ligamentous and tendon apparatus. Treatment may require a long time. Our clinic offers a range of manual techniques to restore full mobility.

It is not uncommon that problems with the arm not extending at the elbow arise after long-term healing of radial fractures in a typical location. While wearing a cast, partial immobility of the upper limb occurs; the patient tries not to disturb the sore arm and refuses to perform even the usual movements. This leads to the development of contracture, which is very difficult to treat. Traditional medicine does not have any conservative treatment methods at all. Most often, if the range of motion is significantly limited, surgery is prescribed to excise the fused ligaments.

We offer unconventional methods treatments that involve gradual physiological restoration of the ligamentous, muscular and tendon apparatus. The complex of therapeutic measures may include acupuncture and reflexology, therapeutic massage and physical education, and manual manipulation.

Why doesn't my arm bend at the elbow?

No less often in our practice we encounter situations when the arm does not bend at the elbow and at the same time there is a feeling of decreased muscle effort. When carrying out laboratory diagnostics, a decrease in muscle tone and a disruption in the process of innervation of soft tissues are actually revealed. Long time this was associated with various injuries that occurred hidden, and with deforming osteoarthritis of the elbow joint. However, nowadays doctors increasingly agree that the arm does not bend at the elbow due to the spread of dystrophic changes nerve tissue along the nerve that innervates the palm and undergoes changes against the background of carpal tunnel syndrome.

We invite you to receive a free preliminary consultation with our specialists medical center to clarify the diagnosis and choose a treatment method specifically for your condition.

In addition to tenosynovitis and tunnel syndrome, the following can cause the arm to not bend at the elbow:

  • sprains;
  • microscopic ruptures of tendon tissue;
  • mild forms of dislocations;
  • bursitis of the frontal and lateral planes;
  • acute inflammatory diseases of cartilage tissue;
  • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, especially complicated by prolapse and herniated disc;
  • fractures of bones whose heads enter the cavity of the elbow joint.

Each of these pathologies requires careful diagnosis using special laboratory equipment. Sometimes reveal the real reason Only atroscopy and computed tomography help ensure that the arm does not bend or straighten at the elbow. After passing these examinations, you can contact our manual therapy clinic, where you will receive qualified assistance. Most of our patients achieve complete restoration of motor activity of the upper limbs after just a few treatment sessions.

4 In this article I would like to talk about such a fashionable Dub gesture now. What does Dub gesture mean?? However, first I recommend reading several interesting articles on the topic of fashionable jargon Pipidastra, Twerk, B-Boy, Beatmaker, etc.
Many are now at a loss and are trying to Google the answer to the question of what the Dub movement means. You need to understand that this gesture was invented among rappers of the trap and crunk crowd, such as Migos, Skippa Da Flippa, Rich The Kid etc. Most likely, Dub dance originated in Atlanta, but this is not a fact.
Now the dance has become so famous that questions have certainly arisen about it, both among schoolchildren and adults. In fact, the Dub has essentially become the dominant dance of the summer. 2016 year. Someone without understanding could see LeBron James doing " Dab", and it looked like he either wanted to sneeze into his forearm or wanted to smell his armpit.

Dub movement -this gesture shows your inner state when you have done something cool and are very pleased with yourself. Please note that some football players often “sniff” their armpit

Some believe that the very first team that created the Dub movement were three " acrobat brother" Huey, Duey, and Louie - The Migos, while other individuals, foaming at the mouth, prove that it was created by such famous rappers, How Pee-Wee Longway, Rich The Kid, or Jose Guapo living in Atlanta. However, although they have certain merits in creating the Dub movement, they came up with the main part Skippa Da Flippa, which can be traced back to his videos before they became mainstream. Regardless of who did it first, it should be understood that most likely the now popular Dub movement has roots in Atlanta, where such dances are baked like pancakes at Shrovetide.

Myself the message of the dance means not just stupidly waving your arms and sniffing your armpit. This is what you feel at a given moment in time, your inner state, and what music means to you.