The sacred handsome peacock is a symbol of greatness and immortality. The meaning of the peacock symbol

The peacock is a proud and beautiful bird. Since ancient times, these birds have attracted people's attention due to the bright colors of their feathers and majestic view. For many centuries in different countries and cities around the world (such as Greece, India, Ancient Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Rome, China) the peacock was revered and considered a symbol of wealth and power.

According to feng shui peacock is a symbol of beauty, immortality, joy and pride. Due to the interesting coloring of the peacock’s tail feathers (it seems to be strewn with many “eyes”), this bird is considered a symbol of wisdom.

Peacock as a feng shui talisman

white peacock

According to Feng Shui, the peacock talisman gives its owner good luck in business, promotes advancement in career ladder. Such a talisman can be a figurine in the form of a peacock, a painting with its image, or a peacock feather. Feathers “bring” potential opportunities.

As a talisman feng shui peacock can be used in the form of figures made of metal, glass, ceramics, paper, etc. In a word, from any material. It is also possible to use images of a peacock (drawn or embroidered). If you draw or embroider a peacock yourself, don’t skimp on the colors. The peacock's tail should attract attention with its bright and rich colors. Here I would like to add that there are not only “colored” peacocks, but also pure white ones. This type of peacock in Feng Shui is considered a symbol of spirituality, harmony, rich life. Therefore, it is also ideal as a talisman.

Peacock figurines can be of two types: with a loose tail and with a folded tail.

Peacock feathers

A peacock with a flowing tail will suit everyone (but not an overly proud, vain person). Such a Feng Shui talisman will help in business endeavors and will contribute to their promotion.

Peacock according to feng shui with a folded tail means caution and unity. Will do business people(businessmen, officials), since their work involves risk and stress. The peacock talisman will protect its owner from wrong decisions and dangerous situations.

Where to place the peacock talisman according to Feng Shui

According to Feng Shui, the placement of a peacock in your home will depend on what you want to achieve from this talisman.

If you want or need to solve business problems, place the peacock in the northern part of the house. To enhance the effect of the talisman, it is best to choose a peacock with a tail for this sector, which will mostly contain the colors of this sector (blue, light blue, black).

If you want to feel the taste of fame or earn an excellent reputation, place a figurine or hang an image of a peacock in south direction. To enhance the talisman, “fiery” colors (red and all its shades) and the presence of fire (fireplace, aroma lamps, (ideally red)) are suitable.

Peacocks are also famous for their fidelity to their partner. They are monogamous. Therefore, in the love zone (in the southwest), by the way, they will be those who want to improve the situation on the love front. Improve relationships with your spouse, strengthen your marriage.

pair of peacocks

But it is better not to place a peacock in the zone (in the west), as this can cause excessive pride in their achievements in the child or head of the family.

Activation of the peacock talisman according to the teachings of Feng Shui

To activate the peacock talisman, it is recommended to symbolically “feed” your “pet”. As if placating him. To do this, place a small plate with nuts, seeds or some kind of cereal next to it. This method is only good for feng shui peacock in the form of a figurine.

And finally, I would like to add that the peacock is a proud and beautiful bird, and accordingly it periodically needs praise. To activate the peacock feng shui talisman, praise it, talk to it and stroke it occasionally. In gratitude for this, he will provide you with such opportunities with the help of which you will achieve desired results. Be it career or personal life.

In this article you will learn:

Peacock is a symbol of grace and nobility. This image is found in many mythologies, but it is especially revered in China. Personifying beauty, sophistication and sophistication, it was the emblem of the ruling Ming dynasty. The feathers of the bird, which, according to legend, is protected by God himself, decorated the vases of the Manchu emperor.

An ancient legend about a peacock

In world culture, this bird with an extraordinary tail embodies the sun and stars and is a symbol of dignity, beauty and immortality. Thanks to the many “eyes” on the peacock’s tail, Indians see in its image not only beauty, but also wisdom. Buddhist monks had a custom of carrying feathers from a peacock's tail, because... they represented compassion.

There is an ancient Chinese legend about the peacock.

One day a Chinese sage saw a beautiful bird standing near the water. Her feathers shimmered with amazing colors, sparkled in the sun in hundreds of various shades. The sage came closer to the bird and wanted to talk to it. However, she didn’t even turn around, because she was looking at her reflection on the surface of the water.

The old man was surprised by such inhospitability, raised his hand and blocked the sun with it. Darkness fell on the earth. The bird, looking up from its appearance, turned to the sage. He asked her who she was. The noble creature replied that his name was Peacock, and sadness settled in his heart, because he dreams of bringing joy, happiness and love to the people around him, but still has not understood how to do this.

The sage was surprised by the generosity and nobility of the bird. He took his hand away from the sun, and the Peacock’s tail began to sparkle with wonderful colors again. However, as soon as the world became light again, the bird immediately turned away and again continued to admire its reflection, forgetting about the old man and the conversation with him.

The man did not like this, and he decided to punish Peacock for his empty words. He made the bird become a source of joy for people. Admiring her, a person experiences happiness and admiration.

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In the teachings of Feng Shui peacock as a symbol good luck has found widespread use.

What does this talisman mean?

Talisman with image symbolizes the peacock beauty. The magical power is located in the bird's large tail, which makes it so beautiful that it has been honored, respected and extolled for centuries. An amulet with a peacock will attract joy into the house, which will bring with it beauty, wisdom and success.

Beauty is reflected in any field of activity. It matters both in your personal life and in your career. Depending on the direction in which the talisman is installed at home, positive changes will occur in a person’s life.

The image of a peacock can be used as a talisman: it will ward off danger and betrayal, and will also help a person cope with life’s difficulties, giving him mental strength.

It is believed that the peacock promotes the development of intuition and helps to influence people. Whether this is true can be found out only by resorting to the help of an amulet.

Suitable material for a figurine

Figurines made of gold are the most powerful talisman. Even a small image of a bird with inlay precious stones maybe at the very short time positively influence the course of a person's life.

However, not everyone can afford expensive amulets. Metal, glass, and ceramics will be suitable materials for a peacock figurine. Both painted and embroidered birds have power. You can even make a peacock out of paper, then paint it in the colors you like.

At the same time, to activate zones You can use more than just figures. Peacock tail feathers also have powerful energy that can bring change.

The action of a noble bird in any form will be favorable. For example, a clay figurine installed in the wealth sector activates cash flow. By decorating your career area with a metal talisman, you can achieve good luck in your professional field.

Painting with peacocks in the house

Not only bird figurines, but also its images can be used as a talisman, amulet or amulet. Paintings with peacocks They are often hung in a study or office, since the image of these creatures symbolizes good luck in all matters, which means it will help you climb the career ladder. Success can come in different forms, which depends on what activity a person is engaged in.

The energy that the painting will attract will create favorable conditions for the internal development of the owner of the office, and will also contribute to the appearance of new interesting people in his life.

How to make a feng shui symbol with your own hands

Handmade talismans have special value and power, since during the work a person transfers the energy of his thoughts to the amulet. You can make a peacock from any material, for example, clay, salt dough or plasticine. The main rule for making a figurine is to use as many colors as possible when decorating the bird's tail. It needs to be colored as brightly as possible. It will be good if the colors shimmer. If there are none, then you can use beautiful stones, beads and other materials.

The amulet can be made in the form of an appliqué, while the tail can be decorated using a peacock feather that fell from its tail.

If the peacock is the emblem, drawn by yourself, it will also bring prosperity, good luck and recognition.

Suitable place in the house

Establishing an image in the house divine bird, a person attracts comfort into his home, activates beneficial energy flows that create an atmosphere of joy, harmony and peace.

In this case, the bird can be depicted with a loose or folded tail. In the first case, it will help a person gain confidence in his abilities and give him a feeling of completeness and harmony in life. In the second case, it will serve as protection against rash decisions and rash actions.

If you decorate the northern sector with an image of a bird, you can soon achieve a promotion in your career or gain recognition important people. The north zone should be decorated using blue and black colors - these shades will enhance the effect of the amulet.

Bird with a luxurious tail, set in southern sector, will bring fame and glory. If you complement the interior of this area with decor in red or golden shades, the influence of the amulet will increase. You can use an image of a bird with a bright fiery tail.

A good place to place a peacock would be the southwest sector - it is responsible for love relationship and partnership. It is better to place a couple of birds here, which will symbolize mutual understanding between people, happiness and harmony in their union.

Only western direction is not a suitable place to put a figurine of a peacock or hang a painting with its image. This sector is responsible for children and creativity. The energy of a bird can contribute to the development of excess pride and bragging in a person, which will negatively affect his creative activity and the opinion of those around him.

When designing the selected sector, you should remember that the atmosphere and interior in it should please a person, and a figurine or image of a bird should bring joy and admiration.

Strengthening and activating the power of the talisman

Before placing the peacock figurine in any sector, it should be filled with additional energy using a burning flame, which will make the amulet even more effective. For the same purposes, twice a week the figurine is placed near the fire. If the figurine is made of a soft material that can melt, then it is placed in the same room with a fire, for example, a fireplace. You can use candles by lighting them next to the image.

The talisman will gain great power if you speak to it regularly. You should have a conversation with the peacock, in which, while admiring, pay tribute to its beauty. The bird also needs food. To do this, you can pour nuts, cereals or seeds into a small saucer and place the dish in front of the noble creature.

When decorating a house with an image of a beautiful bird, you should remember that it needs care, affection and attention. A figurine dusty and forgotten after a few days will not in any way affect the situation in business or the situation in the house. If she is taken care of, then soon a grateful multi-colored or white peacock will bring prosperity and happiness to a person and his family.

According to ancient Chinese legends, the peacock is the earthly embodiment of the Phoenix. Like the immortal prototype, it symbolizes wisdom, wealth and glory. A small figurine of this beautiful bird, charged according to all the rules of Feng Shui, will help its owner achieve a lot.

The unearthly beauty of the plumage makes you think about the magical, of which it is considered a symbol in legends? According to legends, this bird brings happiness and divine blessing to the house. In addition, such a talisman helps in dangerous and difficult situations. Some believe that the peacock, due to its beauty, helps to charm people, literally hypnotizing them.

Birds are mentioned as magical creatures not only in Chinese mythology. They were admired by the ancient Indians, Babylonians and Romans. Even in Russian folklore, the peacock left its mark: beautiful, proud girls were called peahens. According to one version, he is the prototype of the fabulous Firebird.

Golden figurine "Peacock"

The peacock is considered one of the most auspicious birds; it symbolizes longevity, happiness and harmony. Fancy “eyes” on the feathers create an aura of mystery and mysticism around it. In Feng Shui, peacocks bring not only spiritual benefits, but also material ones - wealth, career advancement, etc.

It makes no difference whether there is a figurine of a bird at home or only its beautiful feathers. The latter have the same power and can be worn as an amulet. For its production it can be used as natural material, as well as metal, enamel, wood, glass, etc.

Types of figures

First of all, peacock figurines differ in the position of the tail and composition:

  1. In Feng Shui, a peacock with a loose tail is a symbol of great luck. Such a figurine can be given to anyone, but the talisman will be especially valuable for those who are promoting any projects and ideas. You should not give such a thing only to vain people; it will only strengthen the negative quality, making it hypertrophied.
  2. A folded tail is considered a sign of alertness, but in Feng Shui it does not have a bad meaning. Such figures can be given to people whose activities involve risk or stressful situations. The talisman will become a reliable protector.
  3. Paired birds. A peacock couple is an ideal talisman for attracting love or harmonizing an existing relationship.

The figurines differ not only in shape, but also in materials. For their manufacture it is allowed to use the following:

  • precious metals (gold is especially valued);
  • bronze;
  • ceramics;
  • porcelain;
  • paper;
  • glass;
  • textile.

A Feng Shui talisman can be not only in the form of a figurine. Paintings, silk panels, embroidery on clothes, patterns on dishes, stucco on the ceiling, etc. will work just as well as a figurine. The main thing is that the bird itself is depicted as bright and beautiful, especially its tail.

When choosing a figurine, it is important to consider color. The brighter and richer the colors, the more active the talisman will work. The picturesque plumage of a bird among the peoples of the East has long symbolized high position in society. The ideal option is gold and colored gemstones. The only exception is the white peacock, which is a symbol of spiritual purity, harmony and prosperity according to Feng Shui.

Figurine "Peacock"

Who will the peacock help?

The talisman will help overcome difficulties in life, and numerous “eyes” on the feathers will warn the owner of danger. This bird is suitable for people with risky work or media persons who, due to their profession, are forced to communicate with a huge amount of people. Not all of them are friendly towards those who are rich and popular, and the figurine is very useful here as protection.

For people with business acumen, active and purposeful, the talisman will help them gain wealth and fame. But the bird will help only if the person makes efforts to achieve the goal.

Expert opinion

Melnik Dmitry

feng shui master

Glory and financial well-being- the most popular qualities of a peacock. However, we should not forget that in Feng Shui this same bird symbolizes spirituality and spiritual harmony. Such a talisman will create a benevolent atmosphere in the house and help strengthen love feelings.

How to activate the talisman?

For a peacock to have an impact, it is not enough to purchase a figurine or other image of this bird. The talisman must be properly charged, taking into account the requirements of Feng Shui:

  1. Fire enhances the qualities of the figurine. To activate the magic figurine, you need to light a candle nearby or place the figurine on the fireplace. You should be careful - figurines made of plastic, fabric or paper should not be kept near an open fire. In this case, it is enough for the candles to burn within the room where the talisman is located.
  2. In order for the peacock to “work”, it needs to be treated periodically. To do this, place a small saucer with pine nuts or cereals next to the figurine.

And, of course, we should not forget that a Feng Shui talisman is not just a figurine in a room, but also a living creature. You need to talk to the figurine, regularly praise it, and stroke its feathers. A satisfied bird will reciprocate and give the owner, who is generous with praise, prosperity and success.

Where to place a peacock figurine in the house?

In Feng Shui, everything depends not only on the symbols, but also on the part of the world where the talismans are located in the room. Depending on the purpose, the figurine can be placed in different sectors of the room:

North. Direction career growth and progress in life, in general. A peacock in the northern part of the room will help solve a career issue or help in business. A figure with a predominance of blue shades in color will have a stronger effect.

South. Fame and success according to Feng Shui come from the south. Fiery colors and real fire will enhance the action of the figure.

Southwest. Sector family well-being. The peacock has become a symbol of strong relationships for a reason; in nature, it chooses one partner for life. It is assumed that the peacock's loyalty will be transferred to the owners of the figurine.

But in the west you cannot place any peacock images. Otherwise, the talisman will make the owner too proud and vain. Especially negative influence Children are susceptible, since the western zone in Feng Shui is responsible for childhood and creativity.

Love your peacock - and everything will be fine.

The peacock is a proud and beautiful bird, the image of which has been actively used in art and literature for more than 3,000 years. It was domesticated in India and has been bred for many centuries in different countries of the world. The peacock is a symbol whose meaning is of interest to anyone interested in the art of Feng Shui. What can you tell us about this?

History of domestication

What does the peacock mean as a symbol? Knowledge of the history of domestication of this bird will help you understand this. This happened for the first time in India. In many regions of this country, the peacock is considered a sacred bird and is under the protection of priests. It is dedicated to the god Krishna, and Buddha is often depicted riding on it. In 1963, the peacock was declared the national bird of India.

Mentions of poultry breeding are found in the history of many ancient states, including Egypt, Arabia, Assyria, Rome, Babylon, Greece and others. Inhabitants ancient world There was no doubt that the peacock is a symbol of power, wealth, and prosperity. IN Greek mythology it is called the favorite bird of the goddess Hera. The Romans also revered him, which did not stop them from eating and enjoying peacock meat. exquisite taste. It was from Rome that the bird came to Europe many centuries ago. For early Christians, the handsome peacock served as a symbol of the resurrection of Christ. Around the 12th century, it was introduced to China and Japan, where it also gained great popularity due to its spectacular appearance.

In ancient times, preference was given to males. They were considered a symbol of prosperity and wealth, a talisman of good luck and luck. The choice was due to the fact that females are smaller in size and have a more modest coloration. It is also worth noting that they lack elongated tail feathers.

Beautiful legend

How did the peacock become a symbol of wealth and prosperity, a talisman of good luck? There is a beautiful legend explaining the metamorphosis that happened to him.

One day a sage met a most beautiful bird on the shore. He admired the way her feathers shimmered in the sun. The sage approached the peacock and tried to talk to him. However, the bird did not pay attention to this, as it was busy. She admired her reflection and could not take her eyes off it.

The sage was outraged by such impoliteness. He blocked the sun with his palm, and the ensuing darkness finally forced the peacock to be distracted from contemplating his own beauty. The bird said its name and announced its desire to bring good to people. She also mentioned her kindness and generosity. The sage wanted to admire this, but then the sun rose again. The bird immediately forgot about its interlocutor and returned to admiring its reflection.

The sage got angry and decided that the narcissistic and insincere peacock should be punished. Since then, the bird lives only to bring people luck, prosperity, and wealth.

Peacock - a symbol of wealth and prosperity

The image of a bird is considered one of the strongest talismans. According to Feng Shui, the peacock is a symbol of prosperity and wealth. This talisman will be useful to careerists who dream of moving up the career ladder, getting a raise wages. It will also be useful for businessmen, helping in concluding profitable contracts and finding reliable partners.

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, Magic force enclosed in a peacock's tail. A large number of The “eye” located on it symbolizes wisdom.

Luck in love

This talisman can bring good luck into the life of its owner not only in monetary matters. Peacocks are also a symbol of happiness and love. For lonely people, the image of this bird helps them organize their personal lives. The talisman protects those who have already found their soul mate from conflicts and quarrels. The marriage union will be strong and happy, the spouses will certainly have children if they dream of them.

How to ensure that a peacock attracts good luck in your personal life? To do this, you should use a pair of birds, which symbolizes an idyll of love.

Material, color

According to the art of Feng Shui, what is the peacock bird a symbol of? This talisman attracts luck, wealth, prosperity and love. Its effectiveness directly depends on the materials from which it is made.

It’s great if the talisman is made of gold, silver, or precious stones. However, other materials are also relevant: crystal, clay, glass, metal, paper. Instead of a peacock figurine, you can use its image for your own purposes. These can be paintings, embroidery and so on.

What colors should be preferred by those who are trying to create a talisman with their own hands? Special attention should be given to the bird's tail. It would be great if it shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. A riot of colors in in this case not only is it not condemned, but even welcomed.

Another possible solution is a white peacock. Symbol peace of mind, balance, wisdom, this bird serves. White color preference should be given to those who feel physically and mentally exhausted. With the help of a talisman, a person will quickly restore his strength and will be capable of new achievements.

How to activate the talisman

The meaning of the peacock symbol is described above. How can you make a talisman work and attract wealth, prosperity and love into the life of its owner? To do this, you need to take care of its activation.

  • So, what should a person who decides to put an image or figurine of a bird in their house know first? The peacock needs regular care. You need to make sure that this powerful symbol always remained clean and had an attractive appearance.
  • Fire is an element that enhances the effect of the talisman. It's great if the house has a fireplace. In this case, it is worth placing the symbol on the mantelpiece or placing it there from time to time. It is also useful for the talisman to be near a burning candle. If the peacock is made of wax or plasticine, it is enough to simply keep it in a room with a fireplace.
  • Treat - The best way turn the proud and beautiful bird into your ally. You need to pour nuts, seeds or cereals into a saucer, and then place the plate next to the image or figurine of a peacock. This will help enhance the effect of the talisman.
  • The peacock is a great connoisseur of affection and praise. From time to time, the owner of the talisman should talk to it and extol its beauty. It is also useful to stroke a figurine or image of a bird. In gratitude, the peacock will attract prosperity and luck into the life of its owner.

If the owner of the talisman adheres to these simple recommendations, then he will work at full capacity. A person will receive everything that is expected from him.

Goal: career, fame

It has already been mentioned above that the peacock is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. However, the effectiveness of the talisman directly depends on where exactly it is located. Where to put a figurine or image of a bird for a person who dreams of receiving high paying job, career advancement? The best place for the mascot - the northern zone. It is also worth placing a peacock here for entrepreneurs who are facing problems in business.

How to achieve maximum effect? The colors of the northern zone are black, blue and blue. It would be great if they dominate the color of the bird.

Where to place the talisman for those who dream of becoming famous, conquering good reputation in society? Such people should be given preference southern zone. The power of the talisman will be enhanced by the presence of fire. This can be achieved with candles, lamps, and a fireplace. The dominance of red in the color of the bird is also welcome.

Goal: love, family

Wealth is far from the only meaning of the peacock symbol. The talisman helps single people meet their soulmate and start a family. However, its strength directly depends on its correct placement. The southwest is considered the sector of love and partnership. It is best to place figures of two peacocks here, that is, create a pair. She will serve as the personification of happy family ties and harmony in relationships.

IN western sector It is better not to keep the talisman. A bird, being in this zone, can provoke in a person the development of a tendency towards bragging, causing him to attach excessive importance to his achievements.

Peacock feathers

People use not only images and figures of a proud and beautiful bird as a talisman. According to Feng Shui, what is the peacock feather a symbol of? First of all, this talisman is used to attract wealth and prosperity into your life. Feathers are a symbol that can not only improve your financial situation. They protect rich people from envious eyes, thieves, and ruin. Feathers reliably protect ordinary workers from dismissal and the disfavor of their superiors. The ideal place for this talisman is the office.

What else might peacock feathers be used for? Single people can acquire this talisman to attract love into their lives. He will definitely help them meet their soulmate and find family happiness. For married couples this magic symbol will also come in handy. Feathers protect against betrayal and conflicts.

How to choose where to get it

The meaning of the “peacock feather” symbol is revealed above. We must not forget that the effectiveness of the talisman depends on whether it is chosen correctly. Feathers must certainly come from a living bird. The drawing in the form of an eye should be shiny and bright, with clear contours.

It is very easy to get peacock feathers these days. Private poultry farms breed these birds precisely for their magnificent feathers. You can purchase them either directly at the farm or online. The cost depends on the length and quality of the pen.

How to “appease” a talisman

Peacock feathers - powerful talisman. However, simply buying them is not enough. A person must take care to “appease” them. The magic feather must constantly hear words of gratitude and admiration. You should definitely pick it up and stroke it from time to time. Only in this case the talisman will provide exactly the effect that the owner expects from it.

Alternative opinion

There are peoples who do not believe in the magical property peacock feathers. Moreover, this symbol is attributed negative qualities. It is believed that it attracts misfortune, misfortune, failure, betrayal. The design on the feather of some nationalities evokes associations with an envious and evil eye.

For example, residents of England are convinced that feathers plucked from a peacock's tail should under no circumstances be kept in a house where there are daughters. Girls will never know family happiness. Also in this country it is believed that this “talisman” can cause serious illness or even death of one of the family members.

It is forbidden

The teachings of Feng Shui contain references to the fact that you should never keep a stuffed peacock in your house. The same applies to the skin and body parts of the bird. These attributes create negative energy. They negatively affect the health of family members and destroy the positive aura of the home.

The image of a peacock and its feather carry the same meaning. The sacred bird of India influenced the culture not only home country, but also the whole world. The article discusses the main meanings of the “peacock” symbol.

From it you can learn: why you can’t keep bird feathers at home; Is it possible to get a promotion with the help of a talisman; what to expect if you dreamed of a peacock.

Symbol of countries and cities

National bird of India

The blue peacock was officially elected as the national bird of India in 1963. The choice was between him and the bustard. The association of the kingbird with Indian culture has ancient history. Birds were deified by the ancient Hindus, as evidenced by the myths that have reached us.

The peacock has been involved in the life of a Hindu since childhood - he is the hero of fairy tales and legends, songs and poems.

Birds live near cities and settlements, therefore they are in interaction and close connection with the local population.

The greatness and beauty of this feathered representative of the fauna is combined with an unpretentious disposition, so it is rightly called the national bird of India.

Other countries and cities

The green peacock is national symbol Myanmar since 1940. The culture of the country was greatly influenced by the royal nobility of India, so the similarity of the symbols of the states is natural.

In the ancient Egyptian Heliopsis there was a temple of the sun, so a representative of the pheasant family, as a sign of the luminary, became a symbol of this city.

The symbol of the peacock or its feather is widely represented in heraldry. In Russia this is the city of Serpukhov.

The bird also adorns the coat of arms of cities:

  • Newark-on-Trent (Britain);
  • Albach (Germany);
  • Saint-Paul-Cap-de-Joux (France);
  • Pego (Spain).

Universal symbol

Divine Bird

  • In India, the peacock is a sacred bird. Religions in other countries also use this symbol.
  • Representatives of Christianity respect birds, considering them a symbol of divine reverence. The “eyes” on the feathers symbolize the “all-seeing” Church. The ability to renew (change plumage) has caused Christians to associate it with immortality. And the legend that speaks of the incorruptibility of the meat of this bird made the peacock a symbol of resurrection. He is often depicted on icons, dedicated to Christmas. The Great Martyr Barbara holds in her hand the feather of a sacred bird as a sign of her immortality.

  • Buddhism recognizes the bird as a symbol of compassion and vigilance. His feather is an attribute of Avalokiteshvara.
  • In Islam, the peacock's "eye" symbolizes clairvoyance and intuition.
  • In the Yazidi religion, the archangel Tausi Malak appears in the form of a peacock.
  • Peacock feather is an attribute of Lord Krishna. For Hare Krishnas, this bird symbolizes immortality. "Eye" represents all-seeing eye Krishna.

Symbol of the Chosen

IN Ancient China the emperor encouraged his subjects by giving them a feather from a sacred animal. Having received the favor of the emperor, the Chinese were ranked among upper strata society. Therefore, the talisman is still used as a symbol of dignity and greatness. The beautiful bird is the totem animal of the Ming Dynasty.

In Iran, the Shah's court was called the "Peacock Throne".

In Rome, bird feathers were the emblem of the empress and her daughters. The image of a peacock was used on coins as a sign of the divinity of the imperial daughters.

Astral symbolism

IN Ancient Greece The peacock's tail, decorated with multi-colored patterns and precious stones, was the embodiment of the endless starry sky. One of the myths tells of the revival of the hundred-eyed Argos by the goddess Hera, who transferred the eyes of the sleepy hero to the tail of a beautiful pheasant.

According to the legends of the ancient world, these birds symbolize the entire cosmos or the moon and sun separately.

Peacock in a dream

A peacock appearing in a dream can symbolize hopes and fantasies or an arrogant person.

  • Feeding a bird in a dream means that an approach will be found to an unapproachable person.
  • According to the dream book, seeing a peacock spreading its tail in a dream is a sign of deception. If the tail is not loose, this means minor troubles.
  • If a peacock loses a feather in a dream, it means exposing an influential person.
  • You dream of a screaming peacock to remind you of some small but important matters.
  • A dream from Wednesday to Thursday promises a fun pastime for the rest of the week. And if you dreamed about the bird from Sunday to Monday, then renovations will soon begin in the house.

Negative symbol value

Only the rich classes could breed peacocks. Due to its association with luxury and vanity, the bird has become a symbol of arrogance and arrogance. Hence the expression “spread its tail like a peacock.” In mockery of feigned arrogance, the famous Faina Ranevskaya once said: “Under the most beautiful peacock tail hides the most ordinary chicken ass. So less pathos, gentlemen".

In England it is not customary to keep peacock feathers in the house. "Eye" reminds the English of the evil eye and is associated with bad luck. The British believe in omens: the owner may be in big trouble; and the unmarried women in the house will not find a husband.

In South Asia, the bird is considered a harbinger of trouble. She warns of approaching predators and thunderstorms.

Bird feathers placed in the house of a lonely person will attract love to the house.

It is possible to “appease” the talisman so that it works with the help of praise.