Jewelry stone chrysolite. Zodiac signs and chrysolite. What is fayalite

Extraordinarily beautiful, transparent “evening emerald” mineral known to people even before our era. Its healing effect has been known for a long time; archbishops, merchants and bankers wore amulets with it. Another, more well-known name is chrysolite stone. We will describe the properties for whom it is suitable below. The information will be useful to those who want to purchase jewelry with it as a talisman or will use it for treatment.

Peridot as a mineral

Peridot ( peridot) is a transparent variety of olivine (a rock-forming mineral, one of the most common on earth), which has jewelry value.

Has the following physical properties:

  • The color comes in all shades of green: from yellow-green to olive, emerald with a golden tint;
  • Contains: iron orthosilicate with magnesium, forming prismatic crystals;
  • It belongs to semi-precious gems, as it has a beautiful appearance after cutting;

The most famous and oldest deposit is located in Egypt, on the island of Zeberget. It is rare in Russia, mainly in the Murmansk region and Yakutia.

Abroad, the most important deposits are in:

  • Brazil;
  • Australia;
  • Pakistan;
  • Afghanistan.

The stone got its name thanks to the ancient Roman writer Pliny, who called all yellow-green gems this way, without distinguishing them into subclasses and varieties.

How to distinguish from a fake?

In fact, the price of peridot is not that high, even though it is a semi-precious stone. But it is in demand because of its unique color and transparency. Therefore, it is quite easy to find a fake on the market.

What should you pay attention to?

  • The natural mineral is durable. Run a sharp object over it, and not a single scratch will remain. The plastic will begin to curl into small shavings;
  • Peridot has a uniform color, without streaks;
  • Crystal does not conduct heat well. Hold it in your fist for a while, transfer it to your other hand and you will feel that it remains cold. The same cannot be said about a plastic product, which immediately heats up;
  • Almost never found in nature major representatives. If you are offered a stone of impressive size at a standard price, this is a reason to think about its authenticity.

It is best to buy jewelry in trusted stores. After all, when you buy jewelry with peridot, you get an inexpensive beautiful thing, this explains its popularity, which is valued by scammers. It is profitable for them to fake inexpensive jewelry, as they are more often purchased.

Health benefits of stone

Lithotherapists value chrysolite. In their opinion, it is effective for many diseases:

  1. Cardiovascular;
  2. Ophthalmic (farsightedness, myopia);
  3. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  4. Central nervous system.

It allows overexcited people to cope with chronic insomnia and calms them down during prolonged stress. Treats neuralgia of different origins. It has a positive effect on blood vessels: blood supply to the brain improves and, as a result, memory, attention, and migraines disappear.

For therapeutic purposes, peridot is applied to the diseased area. To treat the eyes, however, it is better to wear earrings with a gem, and for colds - beads on the neck.

You can make a tincture, put the mineral in water for a day and drink every day. Also used with ointments for the back and joints.

Peridot stone: magical properties

Back in Ancient Rus' the gem was highly revered. People believed that he drives away evil demons and helps to sort out complicated situations. Lawyers wore it, believing that it would tell them how to solve cunning crimes and bring criminals to clean water. And his golden green symbolizes peace, life and happiness.

The stone is suitable as an assistant when a person has:

  • Low self-esteem, which prevents you from achieving success in life;
  • Problems communicating with others. After all, even in ancient times, people considered it a symbol of friendliness and mutual sympathy;
  • Difficulties in achieving professional heights;
  • A high degree of distrust in people, which prevents you from establishing contacts with society;
  • Restless disposition: irritable and aggressive;
  • There are obsessions and phobias.

Napoleon gave it to his beloved as a sign of sincerity of feelings. The gift was chosen for a reason; olivine has always been considered the guardian of the hearth, fidelity and family well-being.

All this is not subject to scientific substantiation, scientists deny the healing and other properties of the stone. But, if a person is suspicious, it won’t hurt to have such a talisman with you. The main thing is to believe that his presence will help.

Peridot: magical properties

Astrologers say that peridot especially manifests itself with the following zodiac signs:

  • Virgo, one of the most practical signs. Chrysolite helps her develop, grow above herself. He softens her conservative disposition and makes her more tolerant of people;
  • Invincible on the outside, but vulnerable on the inside lions. Olivine gives them confidence. It also teaches sociability and makes them softer;
  • Doubters fish, thinking about each step for a long time. With such a talisman they become more decisive, inferiority complexes disappear;
  • Subject to the evil eye Capricorns. Having such a thing with them will protect them from negative energy.

The mineral is less suitable for other signs, but nevertheless can help in some matters:

  • Stubborn Taurus under his influence they become more loyal;
  • Men scales under his patronage they become calmer, get rid of false temptations, and achieve success in business;
  • Twins they become calm, stop endlessly doubting;
  • Sagittarius Only a light yellow-green mineral will do. He will calm their fiery nature, teach them to be friendlier;
  • Aries They gain prudence, because they are extremely hot-tempered people, which prevents them from completing their undertakings.

But for the remaining signs it is generally better to refuse an amulet with chrysolite:

  • Lazy, withdrawn Aquarius he is of no use. They need a more energetic friend who will make them more active and serious;
  • Suspicious crayfish become even more wary with him. So avoid it if you are a Cancer;
  • On secretive scorpios olivine acts like a calming pill. And they become vulnerable, they let people get too close, they trust other people’s opinions. And, as a result, they get into trouble;

We have described in detail how the gem protects each sign. Now you can decide for yourself whether you need it.

How to wear the mineral on your body?

You need to learn to combine its green-golden color not only with clothes and accessories, but also according to its properties. For example:

  • The healing capabilities are enhanced when framed in gold;
  • You can only wear an unworn copy, since it is a stone of one owner;
  • Any finger, the size of the little finger, is suitable for the ring. It so happened that the chrysolite ring on the little finger symbolizes the insincere, deceitful nature of the owner;

Take proper care of the product:

  • Remove dirt with soapy water and a soft cloth;
  • Remove if you are going to clean with caustic detergents.

Then the gem will retain its appearance and quality for a long time and will serve you well.

We have described the peridot stone in detail: its properties, who it is suitable for, how it helps and how to distinguish it from a fake, which is extremely important. Now you will not be deceived in the store, you will be able to use it correctly for your health and well-being.

Video: peridot helps you become rich

In this video, esotericist Marina Larina will tell you how to wear the chrysolite stone correctly so that you will enjoy prosperity throughout your life:

Chrysolite is a silicate of magnesium and iron and belongs to the olivine group. Green peridot is a precious stone, loved by jewelers for its beauty and unique ability double refraction of a light beam.

The name of the mineral can be translated from ancient Greek as “chrysos” - golden and “litos” - stone. Later, peridot became associated with the Greek solov, meaning “giver of abundance.” Having a bright juicy green or golden yellow color, the mineral has long attracted people with its joyful energy and extraordinary magical power.

The mineral chrysolite has been known to mankind since the earliest times. There is an assumption that its beauty and properties have been known since the 4th millennium BC.

In the Bible you can find mention of the mineral as one of the “Bible Stones”. Josephus, in his work dating back to the 1st century AD, described these gems in the clothes of the first preachers. This stone is also mentioned in historical works ancient Greeks, Romans and Egyptians.

The chrysolite stone and its properties were valued by many peoples. Indian traders believed that the mineral could bring them good luck in trading matters and protect them from thieves and loss of goods. It was also believed that it would make it easier for them to communicate with members of the other sex. In Mongolia, people especially valued this gem and associated it with the Dragon, as they found the mineral in the heart of volcanoes.

Peridot was also valued in medieval Europe. Him from trips to large quantities Christ's soldiers brought them as trophies. It found its application in religious church objects and stained glass. Ancient Russians also used this semi-precious stone in clothing and church utensils.

In the 19th century, the mineral regained its popularity. They began to especially appreciate magical properties chrysolite, associated with its ability to enhance the love power of men and reveal creative possibilities, promote their development.

Thanks to his emerald color- a religious symbol of Muslims, chrysolite was especially revered in the East. In Turkey, the sultans decorated their hats with it. This symbolized the wealth and nobility of the family. The Turks collected one of the richest and most extensive collections of this mineral.

Nowadays, chrysolite gemstones are valued no less than in past centuries. They decorate jewelry, it is used in medicine, the magic of the stone is still in demand.

Development sites

Chrysolite is found quite widely in nature, but not all stones are suitable for jewelry purposes and such deposits are rare.

In Russia, chrysolite stone with high jewelry characteristics is developed in the area of ​​the Yenisei River, and is also mined in northern diamond mines and in the mountains in the Urals.

Mongolia, Afghanistan, Tanzania, Zaire, South Africa, Brazil, and Egypt have significant developments. The field in the Red Sea on the island of St. Johns, known since ancient times as Zeberget, has also not exhausted its reserves to this day. New deposits have recently been discovered on the Indian Peninsula.

Use of the mineral in the treatment of diseases

Lithotherapists are specialists who use stones in the treatment of diseases, widely use chrysolite and the properties of this stone in medicinal purposes. For example, it is used in the treatment of various eye diseases and to improve vigilance.

Experts use the mineral for diseases such as colds, stomach, and kidneys. It will help with problems with the spine and heart. Chrysolite is useful for neuralgic diseases and endocrine system failures.

The magic of peridot

IN modern interpretation magical meaning Astrology experts classify the chrysolite stone as a part of human relations. The gem attunes its owner to romance and love, makes him sentimental, and brings poetry into relationships. The stone is considered a talisman for couples in love, which preserves and develops them love relationship. The magic of chrysolite harmonizes feelings within a person and helps strengthen family ties.

The ornamental stone chrysolite is popular in jewelry. The owner of jewelry with this mineral is not afraid of disagreements. The stone has the ability to smooth out misunderstandings and eliminate contradictions. These magical abilities extend to acquaintances and those around the owner of the mineral.

Chrysolite will allow its owner to gain confidence in actions and help restore peace of mind after love failures, it will smooth out stress and open up new colors of life. The mineral may be suitable for people whose profession is related to finance. Even now, as in ancient times, he will protect you from monetary losses and dishonest partners.

The chrysolite stone is suitable for travelers. On the way, the mineral will help you restore strength and protect you from dangerous encounters. If the stone remains in the house, then you can have peace of mind while traveling. The house will not be attacked by thieves and fires will bypass it.

It is believed that the magic of the mineral is enhanced if the jewelry is chosen with love. Chrysolite is a monogamous stone, and its amazing abilities appear only for the first owner. A gold frame can enhance the magical effect of chrysolite. When the owner changes, amazing properties are not inherited.

Impact of the stone on the zodiac signs

It’s easy to choose peridot for your Zodiac sign, because it can be worn by any sign, both without a frame and in jewelry. But highest value it has for people born under zodiac signs Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Pisces, Sagittarius and Libra. And for those who have a patron sign of Cancer, it is the most significant.

The gem will allow Pisces to avoid controversial life situations, and if they arise, it will suggest a correct and rational solution to the conflict. Also, the mineral will instill confidence in Pisces in their actions and increase their assessment of their personality.

Since Leos really value the attention of others, chrysolite will help them to be in the center of events. In addition, the stone will strengthen you along the way in achieving your goal.

For those born under the sign of Virgo, the presence of peridot will help them treat people with more patience and understanding. The stone will contribute to their self-improvement and the accumulation of new and useful knowledge.

But for those people who are Capricorn according to their horoscope, it is better not to wear or purchase products with chrysolite.

In addition to matching the mineral according to the zodiac sign, it can be recommended to those women who bear the names Angelina, Alevtina, Karina, Lyudmila, Marina, Renata. The stone is favorable for men with the names Alexey, Maxim, Gleb, Semyon.

What is fayalite

Fayalite chrysolite as a mineral also belongs to. It was first discovered in Germany on the shores of Lake Faial. This is where its name comes from. But the stone does not come from these places, but most likely was brought.

The color of fayalites is brown-red, yellowish-green or black. The mineral has a luster similar to glass or a so-called resinous luster (greasy).

The stone is quite hard, but not durable. For this reason and because of the way the mineral looks (not very aesthetically pleasing), it is not used in jewelry. It found its application in the metallurgical industry.

Care and storage

It should be borne in mind that chrysolite, which is fragile and intolerant of chemicals, needs special conditions, namely:

  • It is necessary to protect jewelry from various physical damages and impacts;
  • Do not expose the stone to chemicals when cleaning;
  • When cleaning, use only soft cloths;
  • Remove jewelry during various chores to protect the stone from adverse influences;
  • You can remove dirt using clean water, and subsequent drying.

Jewelry with lush green or lemon yellow chrysolite has long found recognition throughout the world. This stone of the Sun is able to surprise its owner, help him discover new colors of the world, inspire love and help in communication.

In modern jewelry, non-standard solutions are often made using various stones, which may be unknown to many. However, products with them look luxurious, expensive and unusual. Chrysolite is a stone that has been known since antiquity; it is sometimes called the “evening emerald,” but the attitude towards it was not always the same.

Olivine. Its color is most often olive green, which is why it is called olivine. Precious transparent varieties of olivine with golden-green hues are called peridots or peridots. Chrysolite – silicate of magnesium and iron – (Mg, Fe)2.

Chrysolite from the Greek chrysos - golden and lithos - stone, that is, golden stone. Glass shine. But its crystals may have various shades green - mustard, tobacco, pistachio, golden, grassy. Chrysolite is a fairly fragile stone.

This stone is highly valued by jewelers. It has been known since ancient times. But the attitude towards him was not always the same. He gained particular popularity in, then in the 60s XIX century. At the beginning of the twentieth century, it again found itself at the peak of popularity in connection with the “green fashion”.

The stone was highly prized among jewelers and admirers precious stones. It is still used today as inserts in jewelry. The golden-green color of peridot requires a gold frame. The cut stone sparkles, yellow-green shades shimmer, reflected in the gold frame. Its beautiful golden-green color, transparency and shine allow jewelers to create unique pieces.

Rings with peridot are made extremely rarely, as the stone can quickly be scratched. Brooches, earrings and necklaces are mainly decorated with chrysolite inserts. Jewelers constantly compete with nature, and thereby create masterpieces.

Researchers call the volcanic island of Zaberget in the Red Sea one of the first deposits of chrysolite. There are chrysolites in Brazil, South Africa, the USA, Zaire, Russia, and are also found in Norway. However, today the main suppliers are Burma and Pakistan.

They learned about this stone from the crusaders; it was they who brought it to Europe. In the Middle Ages they were used to decorate church utensils, regalia of monarchical power. For this stone, tabular, step and occasionally diamond cuts are most often used.

Large crystals of peridot are quite rare. The largest faceted peridot, 310 carats, was found on the island of Saberget; it is kept in the Smithsonian Institution in the USA. A 287-carat peridot (from Burma) is also stored there. The Diamond Fund of Russia exhibits a 192.6-carat chrysolite. Large crystals can be seen in Vienna and in the London Geological Museum.

Peridot can be confused with other transparent green stones, such as beryl, chrysoberyl, demantoid, etc., including emeralds. Peridot is sometimes called “evening emerald”. Indeed, it is similar to some varieties of emerald. And this can be confirmed by the famous “Emerald of Nero”, which is kept in the Vatican; in fact, it turned out to be chrysolite. After sunset, its golden hues disappear and it becomes pure green.

Peridot is considered powerful. Since ancient times, it has been credited with the ability to protect against the evil eye, envy, and to win the friendly attitude of others towards the owner of the stone. He preserves love and mutual understanding in the family, and the most interesting thing is that he reveals the secrets of existence.

With an emerald soul, they still knew primitive people. They used it in various fields of your life. Thanks to him, they influenced the weather, conquered the elements, and most importantly, changed the course of fate.

Ancient knowledge

The life of our ancestors was inseparable from nature; they clearly felt its signals and could independently choose magical gems. Previously, every civilization knew what power a particular mineral had. But the higher the technical process became, the more more people moved away from the magic of the world of earth.

Today only fragments of ancient knowledge have reached us, but even this is enough to protect and improve the invisible force that is present in each of us. The properties of chrysolite, a stone that is distinguished by a pleasant green light, have been known to lithotherapy (a science that studies the healing properties of gems) since the beginning of its foundation. In almost every corner of the world where this mineral could be found, people endowed it with supernatural properties.

Chrysolite as an object of study

The unconventional practice of lithotherapy is based on knowledge various peoples about the nature and spectrum of action of stones. The tool with which the subject is studied is history. Experiments are carried out not in laboratories, but on books, chronicles and legends. Science is based on faith, and that is what plays main role in the effectiveness of treatment.

Every mineral has its own characteristics. Chrysolite has special energy. A photo of this gem can be seen in the material. It is characterized by a green color of various tints: from delicate apple to bluish-light green. It rarely sparkles with bright colors and is usually found in dull, cloudy and pale shades. But due to its glassy shine, it stands out well among other emerald minerals.

Historical origins

The gem got its name in Ancient Greece. The word consists of two parts: chrysos And lithos, where the first is translated as “golden” and the second as “stone”. The properties of peridot, a stone that French jewelers call peridot, have been deeply valued at all times. It beckoned with its soft color and radiant energy.

It was often confused with topaz due to its similar greenish tint. Another name for this precious mineral is olivine, because its color resembles the olive fruit. There is also a more romantic synonym for peridot, which sounds like “evening emerald.” This is due to the fact that under artificial light the yellow-golden tint disappears, but a rich green appears.

You can get it on all continents, but most often it is found in the USA, Arizona.

Instructions for use

The meaning of peridot varies depending on the beliefs of the people. The Mongols discovered these stones near volcanoes, so they considered them a symbol of the dragon. In ancient India, the mineral helped to find common language with the opposite sex. He was also a favorite of merchants because he protected their goods from theft, fires and damage.

Lithotherapy teaches that gems must be selected very responsibly. The energy of the talisman must correspond to the person’s aura. It is worth buying an amulet only if you have previously read the information about its properties. Astrology is the easiest way to determine which mineral will help you.

Peridot contains unique magic. Your zodiac sign will tell you who the evening emerald is suitable for. Typically, the talisman is recommended for persons born under the constellation Leo, Virgo, Scorpio or Sagittarius. It is also advisable for people whose date of birth contains numbers such as 5, 6 and 7 to wear the stone.

Precious mineral gifts

Color plays the main role in the magic of stone. Green olivine is responsible for decision making. With him you will feel more confident, the things that will be implemented will be successful. Even for the most difficult questions a person will find good answers. This effect is due to the fact that peridot deepens intuition and promotes the development of prophetic abilities. In the Middle Ages they also believed that it had the power to inspire and promote creativity.

The properties of peridot, an aristocratic stone, were extolled by Renaissance thinkers. They believed that the mineral was capable of improving mental abilities, helps to open new horizons of knowledge, promotes learning and acts as the patron of all virtuosos.

In addition, olivine has a very strong effect on the emotional side of the wearer: it stabilizes the internal state, relieves depression, and helps get rid of negative thoughts.

Another advantage it has over other gems is peaceful sleep. It becomes a kind of wall between the peace of the night and the demons that seek to harm your health through sleep.

Magnet for good luck

Many sources note: the stone that helps losers as much as possible is chrysolite. The magical properties of emerald olivine are aimed not just at the duration of good luck, but at preventing both small troubles and big troubles.

It protects the owner from the negativity of the surrounding world, evil views (damage) and dangerous decisions. Therefore, it will be especially useful for those people who deal with unstable financial situations every day. The power of chrysolite is to prevent collapse and loss of material wealth. That is why it became the main amulet of the rich, bankers and businessmen.

It also promotes fairness. Peridot, as a symbol of right decisions, takes on the responsibility of a moral and ethical barrier through which evil intentions and bias cannot pass. But if the wearer of an olivine talisman consciously wishes trouble for those around him, then the mineral will turn its intentions against its owner.

Pill for diseases

In addition to a host of psychological properties, the stone improves physical health. With its healing energy it heals neuralgia. A bracelet with peridot on the wrist of the left hand will control the functioning of the heart. It has the power to relieve the wearer of kidney diseases and relieve pain in the stomach. The green mineral is capable of destroying the danger associated with liver and gallbladder diseases in the first stages.

If the above properties are not so easy to evaluate, then there is a list of problems that you can easily see getting rid of. One of them is stuttering. Olivine not only eliminates speech defects, but also makes the owner an excellent speaker who can confidently and skillfully express his thoughts.

A mineral with a soft minty hue helps cure colds and diseases associated with hypothermia.

Fashion for success

The stone enjoyed maximum popularity in the 19th century. It was then that the legend became known that the crusaders, who returned from campaigns, brought olivine with them. He provided them male strength. Another reason for its popularity was the light shade of autumn leaves, which corresponded to the then fashion trends for a variety of greens.

One of the stones that is present in celebrity jewelry is peridot. Photos where the necks, wrists and hairstyles of stars sparkle with evening emerald can be seen on the pages of glossy magazines.

The gem will not only become great addition image, and will fill your body with a positive charge of energy, attract success and become an amulet of happiness.

Peridot is a transparent variety of olivine, ranging in color from yellow-green to olive green and sometimes even emerald green. Another name for the mineral is peridot. It was once called the “evening emerald” because at dusk and especially by candlelight, its green color became more noticeable. In ancient times it was considered the stone of spring, a gift from Mother Nature.

The meaning of peridot

It is mentioned in many ancient sources, including the Bible, and was considered sacred by early Christians. Currently, Catholic bishops traditionally wear rings with peridot and amethyst as symbols of purity and morality. Once Napoleon gave this stone to Josephine as a sign eternal love and admiration.

Even the ancients noticed the connection of peridot with learning and the desire for knowledge, because its olive green color really helps to concentrate. This feature makes it an excellent talisman for students and those working in the field of science and research. If it is difficult to concentrate or lack perseverance when studying complex material, it makes it possible to concentrate on studying and allows you to easily absorb new knowledge.

These stones maintain the balance of forces representing opposing qualities, such as body and mind, emotions and logic, spiritual and material, etc. Wearing peridot is useful during periods when you encounter difficulties or feel instability, as it stabilizes energy flows and helps you find reliable support in life. Thanks to its vibrations, the owner gains self-confidence and sees the deeper meaning behind situations. It is especially useful for people who are not known for their balance; peridot allows them to moderate their temperament.

Signs of the zodiac

Chrysolite is a stone of the Zodiac signs Gemini, Leo, Virgo, Libra and Pisces. For Virgo and Pisces, this is an excellent stone, its vibrations bring a positive attitude, relieve depression and heal. Gemini, Leo and Libra wear it well for mental clarity and better understanding desires of the heart.

Magical properties of chrysolite

This is a stone of lightness and beauty. Only people endowed with spirituality and a clear mind can use it. A person who is too immersed in earthly problems is not able to perceive its beauty and energy. Spiritual individuals may wear a necklace with the stone at the base of the throat to experience its calming effects.

Among the magical properties of the stone is protection from negative emotions. It is used to reduce stress, especially in relationships, to relieve anger and jealousy. Also helps improve relationships of all kinds, especially marriage.

Peridot is associated with money and wealth. According to Feng Shui, it is a symbol of prosperity, so the Chinese often keep it in the center of the home to attract the energies of prosperity to the family.

Peridot has other magical properties. It attracts good luck to the owner, eliminates unfavorable energy, ensures peace and tranquility, and maintains good health. In addition, it gives perseverance, restores strength and lifts the spirit in times of trial.

Peridot has the ability to maintain balance between the mind and body. If you need to calm down and cope with stress, hold the stone in your hand. Its energy is calm and friendly and will help you release emotional stress. Good for meditation because it promotes high concentration of the mind. It also helps to find lost things and enhances psychic abilities.

Medicinal properties

These green stones are known for many healing properties:

Excellent as an aid in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. Heals ulcers and eliminates digestive problems.

Relieves allergies.

Slows down aging.

It is believed that chrysolite has a healing effect on the gallbladder and liver.