What to prepare from food and take on a long journey by car? What to eat on the road and what to take with you from food on the bus, train or car

The issue of food becomes acute especially when the family is going on a trip. It's not just about proper nutrition, but also making the right choice products taken on a long journey. Why do products have to be right?

Selecting products is a responsible task. Rarely does anyone take a refrigerator with them when going on vacation, and therefore there is a possibility that the food will disappear, resulting in a ruined trip due to poisoning.

Food on the road in summer, food storage features

Summer is a hot time of the year and it is during the summer that many people go on vacation. Often the road to the destination is long, and therefore the issue of food becomes acute. You cannot be reliably sure of the safety of products purchased along the way at a gas station, in a roadside station buffet, or in a nearby store. It's much better to cook your food at home.

The peculiarity of summer weather (high air temperature) prompts us to think about the features of food storage.

List of requirements for products that can be taken on the road in the summer:

  1. Products that are not classified as perishable.
  2. Do not melt under the influence of sunlight.
  3. Possibility of storage without refrigeration.
  4. No pungent odor.
  5. Completely ready-to-eat food.

What food to take on the road:

Regardless of the time of year, there are characteristics that food must meet due to the nature of its use.

These include:

  • ease of preparation;
  • dense consistency;
  • small dimensions, affordable weight;
  • no (or minimum) waste.

Why should products meet these criteria? It's very simple. Agree, few people want to bother themselves with cooking and then cleaning on the road? Who will like it bad smell food all over the cabin? And where to put the trash left after eating on the road? All these nuances should be taken into account before preparing dishes at home.

in summer

What is typical for summer? High air temperature and scorching sun. This weather is ideal for a trip to the sea, but it is detrimental to products that contain moisture; they automatically begin to quickly deteriorate.

Proper storage of home-cooked food will help extend its shelf life. At the same time, it is not recommended to store homemade food for more than 6 hours, due to the lack of chemical additives in the composition; after this time, at elevated temperatures, they begin to deteriorate. Even proper storage cannot help some products; they are unusable after just a couple of hours.

Products that are heat resistant:

  • raw smoked sausages;
  • bread;
  • dry foods: sandwiches, bread, dried fruits, crackers;
  • yogurt, subject to storage recommendations;
  • canned food, in addition to sprat in oil.

Prepared dishes that you can take on the road in the summer:

  • hard-boiled eggs;
  • potatoes: boiled, baked;
  • baked meat.

in winter

Traveling in winter is extreme in itself. The weather at this time of year is unpredictable. It’s not difficult to take sweets, a bun, and water with you on the road. But in case of a sudden breakdown or snowfall, you won’t be satisfied with these products.

To ensure that a delicious hot lunch is within reach, in winter it is better to travel with:

Another issue arises in food packaging. If a family goes on vacation by train or bus, then there is no point in carrying various containers and boxes with them. It's just not convenient. It is much easier to pack food in vacuum packaging, which you can simply throw away after eating.

As for the products themselves, it is better to choose those products that contain more calories, which means the body will spend more energy on processing them, you will be full faster, and the feeling of hunger will come later.

in the spring

Since spring is the season of the first vacations, the first long trips often fall during this period. What's good about it? An abundance of vegetables and fruits, which are firmly included in the diet and smoothly transition from a small snack to a full meal.

  1. Carrot, sweet pepper, cucumber. These and many other vegetables can completely replace the currently popular snacks and chips. Simply cut them into strips and place them in a tightly closed container.
  2. Fruits.

  3. Baked meat until fully cooked. Remember, rare, medium-rare meat is something that is strictly forbidden to take with you on the road.
  4. Sandwiches, sandwiches and rolls. Moreover, they may not be the ordinary boring ones: butter and sausage, but completely different, with any filling.

  5. Snacks are a product that will be relevant on the road at any time of the year. Snacks can be bought, or you can make them at home with your own hands.

    Meat snacks are not only a snack for beer, but also a satisfying snack.

    When preparing meat for the road, do not skimp on seasonings. They work as an environmental preservative, extending the shelf life of meat.

  6. Ready-to-eat products: porridge, muesli instant cooking, fruit baby purees.

in autumn

The road in autumn is like a velvet season at sea. It's not cold yet, but it's not hot either. Therefore the ride is much easier. But this does not apply to products. Food that spoils without refrigeration will continue to spoil. Therefore, when going on the road in the fall, follow all the same tips in choosing food as in the summer and spring.

What to take on the road when traveling by train

A train ride is a unique little journey that you don’t want to spoil with situations that a person has the power to control. The classics of the train food genre are fried chicken, boiled eggs, smoked sausage, fresh vegetables (canned) and of course tea. But is this right?

You should not take the following products with you on the road:

Take care of the cleanliness of food ready to eat on the train better at home: Wash and dry vegetables and fruits. It is better to pack food in separate plastic bags, parchment, gauze, or boxes. It is better to store food in the darkest and coolest corner of the compartment.

What you need to take with you on the train:

  • wet and dry towels, napkins;
  • medications for disorders and poisoning;
  • hand sanitizer;
  • folding knife and salt.

Food on a long journey by car

When traveling by car, many families prefer not to take food with them, relying on a snack in a cafe fast food. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. The fact is that fast food itself is heavy food. Add here all the delights and stress on the body during the trip, and we may end up with unexpected results: food may not be digested, heaviness in the stomach, diarrhea, poisoning. You will remember this trip for a long time. In order not to be mistaken with a roadside cafe, you can evaluate it based on well-known practice: the more trucks a cafe has, the higher its level of safety. Truckers often eat at trusted establishments.

Traveling by car is all about comfort.

You are not dependent on the route schedule, and therefore can make a stop anywhere, at any time. You can take with you not only food and ready-to-eat food, but also cook something on the road on a gas burner or primus stove. You can heat up water, prepare instant soup, fry eggs (omelet), steam porridge (oatmeal, cereal).

Things to consider before deciding what to take on a car trip:

  1. Water. This product, especially on the road, should be an integral part of the diet. Still mineral water, coffee, tea, fruit drink.
  2. The food should be to your liking: sandwiches, baked goods.
  3. Having a refrigerator bag makes it possible to expand your travel diet; for example, you can take some dairy products on the road: milk, yogurt.

Remember, it is difficult to maintain a home diet while on the road. When traveling with children, it is better to eat more often.

Food for the trip on the bus

Considering the desire to chew something on the road, you should not deny yourself this for fear that the food will spoil. All you have to do is choose the right food.

  1. Grocery purchases should only take place in places where this is accepted.
  2. It is necessary to carefully study the label of the selected product, it indicates storage conditions. When traveling, it is better to purchase products that can be stored at room temperature.
  3. Vegetables and fruits must be washed and dried at home. Then pack carefully. You should not do this on the train, since it is impossible to provide normal conditions for this there.
  4. It is better to eat perishable foods first.

Food for the child on the road:

Children are a separate issue. Surely every mother cares about the safety of the products she feeds her child, worries about whether the child is hungry, trying to cram at least a little into him, despite refusals.

It is difficult to maintain an established home diet on vacation, and even more so on the road. It is very important to stock up on foodstuffs that do not spoil, but at the same time will interesting for the child, tasty, and most importantly healthy.

by car

When traveling with children, you need to be prepared for various surprises: from lack of appetite to the completely opposite result. Therefore, it is necessary to stock up on products that do not require long preparation and meet all safety parameters.

products that may be useful:

  • water, preferably not sweet and without gases;
  • fruits (apples, bananas), preferably washed in advance;
  • seasonal vegetables;
  • bread, bread sticks, straws, biscuits - will be an excellent snack;
  • fruit puree is not only tasty, but also convenient;
  • dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, dried bananas, nuts). It is better to exclude prunes, as they have a laxative effect;
  • simple sandwiches (preferably small sizes);
  • baked meat, potatoes;
  • instant porridge (muesli with dried fruits).

Children who cannot imagine their life without sweets can take marshmallows, marmalade, and marshmallows on the road.

Traveling by car makes travelers independent, and therefore provides the opportunity to prepare food at any convenient time and place.

Having a refrigerator bag allows you to take fruit juice or compote with you. You can also make a stop near any supermarket to buy any of the necessary products.

by train

For children younger age, adherence to a diet for which is very important question, you can prepare both the first and second courses at home in advance. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about safety if you pour food into a thermos.

by bus

Due to the nature of traveling by bus, it is worth choosing food that meets the requirements:

  • light and not bulky;
  • food with the least amount of waste;
  • non-staining food, that is, food that does not melt, does not crumble, and does not have pungent/pungent odors;
  • It is worth excluding perishable products (dairy, undercooked/fried/overcooked meat products, milk sausages, cheeses (including glazed children's cheese curds), as well as those products whose storage conditions do not require storage at room temperature).

When traveling with children, it is recommended to always have on hand activated carbon, atoxil, or others medicines in case of food poisoning/stomach upset. You should also take care of water supplies if there are no stops in the near future. Be sure to take wet and dry wipes with you on the road.

When it comes to snacks, these are ideal:

  • biscuits (Maria, Napoleon, Zoology), straws;
  • fruit puree;
  • eco-chips, dried fruits;
  • granola;
  • dried fruits.

At the stops provided for the trip, you can always get some boiling water, so feel free to take instant cereals (rolled oats, muesli) or soups on the road.

Food for the road recipes, 10 simple recipes

  1. Classics of the genre: hard-boiled eggs and baked meat. It is better to wrap boiled eggs in paper. But for meat, it is better to give preference to chicken. It must be cooked until fully cooked, and when cooled, wrap it in foil.
  2. Frittata can become a favorite travel dish for the whole family, but it is not recommended to store it for more than a day. To prepare 8 pieces, you need to beat 6 eggs and 100 ml of sour cream in a large bowl until smooth. Then, add any filling to taste (spinach, tomato, raw smoked sausage, cheese, herbs). Knead the resulting mixture, pour it into a frying pan, or put the dough into muffin tins. Place in the oven, preheated at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

  3. Oatmeal cookies:
  4. Sandwiches, sandwiches and pita breads. Their preparation can be completely different.

    It is better to wrap the finished rolls and sandwiches in parchment and then in a special bag.

  5. If you have somewhere to cook on the road, you can use the following idea for hot lavash sandwiches: . But if this is not possible, the idea can be used as an example. After all, eating rolled pita bread as shawarma is not as convenient as an envelope.
  6. Pastila is an alternative to sweets for travel. It's not difficult to prepare:
  7. More information about meat snacks:
  8. DIY vegetable chips. Thinly slice the vegetables and place on parchment. Place in the oven for 7-8 minutes. Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings. Remove from the pan only after the chips have cooled.

    Homemade eco-chips are an excellent alternative to unhealthy store-bought chips.

  9. Puff pastries, buns with fillings allowed on the road. To prepare, you will need to knead the dough, lay out the filling, give it the desired shape and bake until done.

Delicious food for the road, recipes

It is doubly pleasant to cook delicious food for your household:

  1. Granola is not only a delicious travel food, but also nutritious and healthy. A great option when you want something sweet.

  2. Club sandwich. It didn't get its name by accident. It was originally a favorite snack at the golf club. To prepare it, you need to take toaster bread and dry it in a toaster or in a hot frying pan (without oil). Then fry the bacon in the oven (5 minutes at 220 degrees), or cook chicken, pork, beef. Place the bread with the cut off crusts on a baking sheet and, alternating, spread the pieces with mayonnaise and ketchup. Place meat and cheese on bread. Bake until the cheese is melted. Remove from the oven and place vegetables (tomato, gherkins, lettuce) on top of the second piece. Secure with a toothpick.
  3. to prepare banana bread you need to mix in a bowl: 2 cups flour, 1.5 tsp. baking powder, 0.5 tsp. soda, 1.4 tsp. cinnamon. In another bowl, beat 0.5 cups brown sugar, 1 egg + 2 whites. Beat until thick foam forms. Add 4 crushed bananas, 3 tbsp. butter, a third of a glass of yogurt. Beat until smooth. Mix the contents of the bowls and knead the dough. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, pour the dough into a greased cake pan and smooth it into shape. Bake for about an hour. After 10 minutes of baking, transfer the bread to a plate. For travel, wrap banana bread in parchment or a special bag.

    Another tasty travel food option is banana bread.

Healthy food for the road, recipes

Healthy does not mean not tasty at all. Often, it is proper nutrition is tasty, healthy and interesting. Here are a few options that make great lunches on the go:

Option 1: pancakes with apple and dried fruits, walnuts, blueberries, greens, carrots and cucumber (cut into strips).

Option 2: Muffin, apple, boiled chicken breast, vegetables and herbs.

Option 4: vegetables, chopped chicken muffin, dried fruits and berries.

How to store food on the go:

Storing food on the road is the main issue of interest to people who pack provisions for the journey. There are two options: either in a refrigerator bag, or using traditional methods described below.

in the refrigerator bag

Using a cooler bag makes storing food on the go much easier. It is compact and convenient. The market offers a wide range of such products: from containers, vessels to bags. Pricing policy for any pocket.

There are several rules for using a cooler bag;

  1. Naturally, like an ordinary refrigerator, it is not recommended to open the bag back and forth. The less often you do this, the slower the temperature in the bag rises.
  2. It is recommended to fill the container to the brim. This will keep the temperature even.
  3. If you are planning a trip lasting more than 1 day, it is better to take a cooler bag with forced cooling. These bags have a special battery that powers Peltier cells.
  4. Also choose the bag that is most convenient for you.
  5. Use separate bags to store all products. It is better to choose vacuum packaging, or wrap food in food foil or parchment.

no refrigerator

IN modern world, with current nanotechnology, various devices have been developed to extend the suitability of any product, as well as preserve its taste and external qualities.

Among them are:

  1. Cheese paper and cheese storage bag. They are a two-layer paper that has a smooth coating, similar to wax paper, allowing the cheese to breathe. Maintains optimal humidity, prevents cheese from drying out, preserves cheese aroma, preventing cheese from absorbing other odors.

  2. Paper coated with natural wax. Paper is ideal for storing baked goods, vegetables, fruits and even cheese. The advantage of this packaging is that it is reusable. This eco-friendly device requires the warmth of your hands to tightly wrap your food or plate.

  3. Special bags for flour products from linen. You can make a bag with your own hands, or buy a ready-made one. Such a device will not only extend the life of the bun, but will also preserve its qualities: fresh aroma, crispy crust. Ordinary plastic/polyethylene packaging cannot boast of such properties.

  4. Another device will help preserve the freshness of flour products. A napkin made of thick fabric.

    This napkin is very convenient for transporting sandwiches, rolls and other products.

  5. Glass containers with tight lids. The seal makes this container suitable for canning food, so why not use it for storing food on the go? The only negative is the bulkiness.

    A more environmentally friendly container is glass.

  6. More economical packaging is made from plastic. Maintains optimal conditions for food preservation inside the box.

  7. A natural way to extend the life of perishable foods is to cover the food with nettle leaves. The method is especially good with meat products. Effective method thanks to the phytoncides contained in nettle and formic acid, which covers the leaves. By the way, it is formic acid that makes nettle leaves stinging.

How to Store Frozen Food on the Go

There may be a need to transport perishable products. How to find a way out of the situation if you don’t have a cooler bag at hand? The solution is to freeze the product before traveling. But what to do if the road is not close? How to keep a product frozen until the end of the journey?

  1. Before traveling, it is good to freeze the required product in a freezer bag (or in a clean new plastic bag). Before your trip, take the bag out of the freezer, wrap it in cloth, then in another bag, then in cloth again, repeat the layers several times. After this, wrap everything with a piece of synthetic padding (this could be an old jacket). Then put everything in a thermal bag.

    The cold accumulator may look like a box filled with blue liquid.

  2. Another method that is suitable for a trip not exceeding 7-8 hours. To do this, a bottle of water is also frozen along with the food. Then they create a multi-layer wrapper for the products using food foil. A bottle and a frozen package are placed in a thermal bag.

    The process of wrapping food in foil. However, it is recommended to alternate layers of foil with paper towels, so the cold will last much longer.

A list of products that are strictly not recommended to be taken on the road, based on the condition of reduced storage temperature.

Among them:

  1. Dairy products: especially curd cheeses, which children love, kefir is allowed, provided it is consumed immediately.
  2. Confectionery with creamy custard.
  3. Sausages, pates, fish.
  4. Salads, especially those containing mayonnaise and sour cream.
  5. flour products with filling: curd, fish, offal.

This is explained by a well-known fact: at temperatures above +8, an ideal microclimate is created for the reproduction of various microorganisms. This process is dangerous for the human body. If there are products from the list on the table, it is recommended to consume them first.

Along with perishable products, there are also those whose shelf life is much longer than others. Also, such products are not afraid of heat, which is an undeniable advantage on the road.

Nuts can top the list due to their nutritional properties, healthiness and safety.

You can also take on the road:

Still, despite the advice received and confidence in the quality of the products, you should not grab an armful of food with you. It is enough to take the minimum of what may be useful. It is worth putting aside thoughts about what if the child/husband remains hungry. Not suddenly, and they won’t stay. You can always buy safe food on the road by knowing which foods are allowed.

and finally, when going on the road with a child, you should find out his opinion on what he would like to eat on the road. Then this trip will become a pleasant and delicious memory for your family.

Experienced tourists easily stock up on food for travel, beginners carefully make lists before going to the store, and some don’t even know what to take with them on the road. did the site understand what food is and is not worth taking on a train, bus or car?

Railway menu without harm to health

Whether you're a meat eater or a vegetarian, it never hurts to have plenty of fruits and vegetables on the road. Advantage railway transport– the ability to immediately wash the desired product. Will not interfere with the train and bakery products. However, it is better not to take buns with filling, especially cottage cheese and berry. A good and satisfying option for a snack are nuts, dried fruits, chocolate and gingerbread.
A few portioned porridges, which can easily be prepared with boiling water, also wouldn’t hurt. Don't forget about drinks too. It is better to take juice and still water. The fact is that small bubbles in water increase the acidic environment in the stomach, and as a result, provoke bloating. A noble drink for long train journeys is tea. It will be especially interesting if the conductor brings it in a glass with a special stand. It is a pity that today this good tradition is gradually disappearing. And some modern travelers no longer know that tea can be drunk not only from plastic cups.

As for “serious” food, it is better to take canned liver or meat in small packages on the road. This will allow you to eat this dish in one sitting. In addition, travelers' favorite food - baked chicken - will not be out of place. However, it is better to pack it not in a bag, but in foil. It will not “sweat” from the heat, and will allow you to preserve the taste of the meat longer. Fans of fried and smoked foods are unlikely to refuse homemade cutlets or chops when traveling. But you will have to eat them no later than 6-8 hours from the start of the journey.

What do travelers themselves think?

Anna, 19 years old, Minsk:I haven't been on a train for more than a day. I usually take sandwiches with cheese, kefir or yogurt, fruit, and cookies. I buy tea from the conductor. I noticed that I almost don’t feel like eating on the train, because you hardly move there.

Sergey, 27 years old, Gomel:I believe that if you have a long train ride, it is best to eat in the dining car. There is both hot and liquid food. Personally, I don't travel that often, so I think I won't go broke.

Bus food ration

The bus food ration is practically no different from what is usually taken on the train. Is it possible to supplement the entire list with sandwiches with dry sausage, boiled eggs and a light salad without mayonnaise. Most modern buses are equipped with boilers with boiling water. However, if you come across one where there is no boiling water, you can take a small thermos with hot tea with you. It is impossible to predict this, so it is better to ask. When purchasing a tour, an experienced traveler is always interested in which seats on the bus are still free. He will also find out whether there will be a water boiler in the cabin and disposable cups. After all, as they say, whoever owns the information owns the world.

It is curious that, despite the prevailing stereotype that on a bus, unlike a train, they do not sell serious food, this is not true. Many Belarusian, and even more so European carriers are ready to provide tourists with a wide range of products. Moreover, these are not only sweets and light alcoholic drinks, but also a hot dinner. Modern buses are equipped with microwaves especially for this purpose.

Thus, if you have a long bus journey ahead, it is better to think about the issue of meals on the road in advance. So, for example, for breakfast you can eat oatmeal fast food, a sandwich with cheese and a glass of coffee. For lunch - homemade chicken with vegetables. It is better to have dinner with yogurt, fruit and tea with cookies.

Tourist opinions

Katerina, 24 years old, Minsk:I often travel by bus. I recently went to Bulgaria. I never take too much food. As a rule, these are bread, water, fruits and vegetables. I might also take some sandwiches. The bus often stops at gas stations; if you wish, you can always buy ice cream, soda, and even sausages.

Vitaly, 22 years old, Minsk:On any trip, including a bus tour, I take plenty of tea and coffee bags. In addition, I stock up on homemade food in containers and a large thermal mug. You can drink tea from it, and always eat hot soup or porridge.

Food for the road trip

If your car is equipped with a cooler bag, then you can deny yourself almost nothing. Drinking yoghurts, vegetables and fruits, as well as home-cooked food can easily fit there.

If you decide to take boiled eggs on the road, it is better not to put them in a plastic bag, but to wrap them in paper. The advantage of car travel is that you depend on yourself. If you want, you can stop at a roadside cafe, or if you want, you can go to a store. In addition, you can put as many things and products as you like in your own car. It wouldn't hurt to pack small juices. After all, they are convenient to drink from a straw.

As for serious food, you can take vegetable pancakes and cutlets, baked potatoes and pies on the road. However, here you need to remember that the filling is best made from vegetables, rice and boiled eggs. If you want to take meat pies with you, it is better to pre-fry this filling. Baked goods with fruits and berries spoil faster, so it is better to eat them on the first day of the trip.

Thoughts from travelers

Alina, 29 years old, Brest:We most often travel in the car as a family. To make it easier for children to endure the journey, I even turn meals into a game. For example, from straws they drink not only juice, but also mineral water. As for food, I pack it in small boxes. So, it’s more interesting for the children, and it’s better for me. After all, food doesn't crumble.

Alexey, 23 years old, Minsk:I often travel by car. Recently I traveled from Minsk to Omsk. The road is long and difficult. I don't take much food with me. I buy water and snacks at gas stations and relax in motels.

What to feed your baby on the road?

Whatever type of transport you prefer, traveling with children is more responsible. Of course, it all depends on the age and preferences of the child. However, one of the best options baby food on the road - fruit and vegetable purees. You can also pamper your children with porridge. Moreover, not necessarily instant. Regular buckwheat is “steamed” in a thermos for 20-30 minutes. No child will also refuse sweets and a well-done piece of meat. But it is better not to feed your child berries and instant noodles.

How to protect yourself from germs?

An indispensable thing for a traveler is wet wipes. Moreover, it is better to give preference to those created on alcohol based. They can not only wipe your hands, but also disinfect a table on a train or bus. You can also use a special antiseptic gel. It is suitable for wiping your hands before eating or going to bed. Plus, this bottle takes up very little space in your bag.

For a comfortable trip, it is also better to use disposable tableware and try not to touch various surfaces with unprotected hands. As for soap, it is better to use your own soap on the train rather than “public” soap. The exception, perhaps, is liquid soap. You should also behave when visiting restrooms at gas stations (while traveling by bus or car).

It’s no secret that a tourist’s “get-together” depends not only on his personal preferences, travel time and time of year. The type of transport you use is also important here. For example, it is better not to take dairy products on trains or buses. A car allows you to stock up on personal travel refrigerators and store there whatever your heart desires. In any case, it is better not to take too much provisions on the road. After all, any train has a dining car, and a bus or car can always slow down near a roadside service cafe.

A long journey in your own transport is a reason to immerse yourself in your own thoughts and think about life.

Most people love trips precisely for the opportunity to disconnect from the world and immerse themselves in memories.

This is a form of meditation that allows you to restore mental health and put your thoughts in order.

Business trip or vacation - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to think through the details. Otherwise, the trip can turn from pleasant to adventurous.

This is good in films, but in real life you should be prepared for anything, calculate everything possible options. Then you can go with peace of mind.

In addition to the spare wheel, long journey You need to take a few more things:

  • First aid kit.
  • Phone with charger.
  • A certain amount of money.
  • Stun gun / gas spray.
  • Wet wipes.
  • Drinking water supply.
  • Matches/lighter.
  • Warm things.
  • A pillow and blanket if the trip takes more than a day.
  • Food supply.

This last point should be taken very seriously. Food is necessary for the driver and passenger for a comfortable trip.

Important! If a person gets motion sickness on the road, it should be remembered that nausea is more likely to occur when the stomach is empty.

Eating healthy food will protect you from nausea and will make your journey easier and more enjoyable.

How you feel during the trip determines what impressions you will have later. No matter what the road turns into a painful nightmare, you need to remember what products you are prohibited from taking on the road.

Top 5 products that you should not take with you on a trip:

Products. Why shouldn't you take them?
1 Fish and its possible variations: fish casseroles, sandwiches and sushi of any kind. Fish spoils quickly even in the refrigerator. Shelf life in a warm place is a couple of hours. And fish poisoning is the most serious. The exception is dried fish - it definitely won’t spoil.
2 Chips, crackers. It is known that in the West these products began to be called “cancer sticks”. The analogy is not with the Soviet-era “cancer neck” candies.

Additives in them provoke the development of tumors. Chips and kirieshki literally destroy the body, starting with the stomach and the entire digestive tract. It’s definitely not worth taking them on the road.

3 Soft main courses: stew, goulash. Soft, juicy dishes spoil quickly, and they are also unpleasant to eat on the road due to their consistency.
4 Milk. Dairy poisoning is accompanied by vomiting. Milk deteriorates very quickly, and you don’t notice it right away.

It also does not harmonize well with other products; it is recommended to drink it separately. You should replace it with yogurt or cottage cheese.

5 Fast food. This food can remain fresh for a long time regardless of temperature conditions. But fast food often causes heaviness in the stomach and indigestion. This junk food, you don’t need to take it on the road.

What products are preferable on a long journey in your own car? The owner of the car will slow down and eat calmly at any time, which means you can take broths with you for a snack.

But it’s worth remembering that meat broths don’t last that long; it’s better to eat them first.

Options for snacks on the road:

  • Sandwich with vegetables, mayonnaise and smoked meats.
  • Smoked sausage and cheese.
  • Cheese in a braid.
  • Yogurt, kefir.
  • Fried potatoes, french fries.
  • Bread.
  • Rusks, cookies.
  • Muffins.

Important! Avoid rich, creamy fillings in cookies or any desserts you take on the go.

They cause acute poisoning if spoiled. And it’s difficult to notice. This is a very fatty food and will cause discomfort and nausea.

What food to take on the train?

Boiled eggs and potatoes are considered traditional food on the train. Many people take smoked lard - this is a bad option, the product emits a strong odor, which will cause dissatisfaction among others. It's not good if you smell of smoked lard.

By the same principle, you should not take garlic and onions with you. If we are not talking about flu season, then an exception should be made.

Pickles, casseroles, and pies work well. They are worth treating your fellow travelers. Pies are suitable; they are made both sweet and salty. A hearty snack will brighten up your trip.

What can you take to eat on the bus?

Traveling by bus means that you will have to eat while driving. This immediately excludes all liquid dishes. It's better to take food that you can't accidentally drop on your neighbor's pants.

Light and small-volume products that are easy to hold while shaking are suitable:

  • Fruits: apples, pears, bananas.
  • Sandwiches.
  • Pies.
  • Bun with sausage.
  • Lavash with vegetables.

You should not take products that have a strong smell, since the bus ride will take a long time, and there will be a lot of people nearby.

Not everyone likes to smell the aroma of smoked sausage all the way. There are people who get sick from the smell of food while traveling. You need to think about the comfort of others.

Sandwiches made from bread and vegetables are prepared for children on the road. You can put some cheese in there. Cookies, pies and casseroles are suitable.

Sweets include candies, marmalade, and dried fruits. You can buy pillows or crackers with filling. For children the best option vegetables will become.

As for meat, it is taken on a trip with caution. It is better to choose smoked pork or boiled chicken.

You will have to eat them first; the meat spoils quickly. You can take it on the road if it is fresh, carefully processed and well packaged.

Take care of your comfort in advance. Place food so that it is easy to reach. The products you choose for travel should be practical: perishable food is best left at home.

Use plastic containers and foil to pack food. Take care of wet wipes for your hands. It's worth bringing paper towels with you.

When a trip is planned, it will be unforgettable and will not be spoiled by problems such as poisoning, hunger or nausea.

Remember the main components of a pleasant road: light food, pleasant music and good travel companions.

When everything is taken care of in advance, there is simply no reason to worry. Bon voyage and bon appetit!

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In this article:

Stay away from roadside cafes

You know, I can’t say for myself that I am a very picky person when it comes to food. I eat almost everything, any dishes that do not go beyond what is reasonable. But I am very picky about food in terms of quality. That is, even if the chicken is very appetizingly fried, I can still smell the bleach in which it was previously soaked.

And I am no less concerned than Lena Letuchaya about the conditions in which the food was prepared, with what hands, and in what oil.

During our trip we stopped at different cafes and the best they could offer us was tea or coffee. Everything else was disgusting: from the baked goods to the side dishes.

I'm not saying that all roadside cafes feed their visitors bad products, since we did not stop at all of them and did not conduct checks there. But in about 90% of the ones we visited, I wouldn't order anything. At all.

You may not agree with me, it's yours legal right. I’ll just say that if, God forbid, you get poisoned on the road, you won’t have time to travel, believe me.

The best food

The best food for road trips is the one you prepare for yourself. Even the simple confidence that all the fruits and vegetables have been thoroughly washed, the salad has been cut with clean hands, and the sausage with dyes was voluntarily chosen by me makes my soul feel lighter.

The main problem is that food spoils quickly. Let me tell you about a few techniques that we used to organize our meals.

1. Take it with you more products, which can be stored long time in the heat. These include:

  • snacks
  • cookies, waffles
  • nuts (very nutritious)
  • dried fruits
  • candies
  • canned food

2. If possible, buy a car refrigerator that can be powered by a cigarette lighter. It is relatively inexpensive (around 3.5 - 4 thousand rubles). I was too lazy to deal with this issue before the trip, since I was hoping for food at roadside cafes. Now I’m sure I’ll definitely buy one for myself for my next trip.

3. Before leaving, prepare food for the next couple of days (if you have a refrigerator) or for the first day of the trip (if you don’t have a refrigerator) and put it in containers. You are provided with normal nutrition for this period.

However, if you have a refrigerator, another problem arises: how to heat this food. Even if it’s hot outside, it’s unlikely that anyone will want to chew cold cutlets and side dishes.

There can be two ways out here. Or have a gas burner, a frying pan and heat food on it. This is a very useful device, by the way, and everyone who often drives a car has it. long distance(my parents) or to nature.

Or prepare dishes for the road that are eaten cold, for example, salads (just don’t need to dress them in advance), pies or pizza. In hot weather this will even be a plus.

4. Don't forget about vegetables. We took cucumbers and tomatoes with us, but in order for them to last longer, you need to initially choose slightly unripe tomatoes (they are quite hard and not rich color). Well, don’t bypass fruits, such as bananas. I do not recommend apples, as they stimulate the appetite. And don't take grapes: they're dangerous for your stomach.

5. I admit, eating on the road is a little difficult for me, since I really love soups, and it’s difficult for me to live on dry meat or side dishes alone. Therefore, I took with me a “Hot Mug”, which, albeit vaguely, resembles chicken soup. I know that slippers will now fly at me for this, but I’d rather eat byaka once than suffer for several days or get poisoned by soup from a roadside cafe.

6. Well, don’t forget to replenish your food supplies. If you are not traveling into the wilderness, you will come across shops quite often. We constantly bought yoghurts, juices, vegetables, fruits, and baked goods.

7. Don't forget to stock up clean water on the road, take at least 5 liters. Plus a thermos with hot water. By the way, in roadside cafes or campsites, boiling water supplies can be replenished for a small fee.

Dishes for travel

For your trip, be sure to stock up on a set of plastic utensils. You don’t need to take a lot of it, it’s enough to have 1 cutlery more than the number of passengers.

Here is a list of items that we actively used:

  • plastic mugs
  • plastic plates (preferably deep ones)
  • plastic tray to place food dishes in the car
  • ordinary forks, spoons and teaspoons
  • 1 medium knife for any food
  • several packs of paper napkins and 2 large packs of wet wipes
  • a set of disposable tableware just in case
  • several kitchen towels
  • small cutting board

It seems like I haven't forgotten anything. You can use disposable tableware, it's even easier. But I'm not very comfortable using it.

We had a large sealed container with us that could hold all the dishes. This is very convenient: you can quickly get any item, and I used the lid from this container for cutting vegetables and other products. Nowadays small travel sets of plastic dishes are sold, this is also, in my opinion, an excellent option. In general, any unbreakable cookware will do.

Here they are simple tips, dear friends. I hope that my article has helped you at least a little orient yourself in this matter, although the final decision, of course, remains yours. That's all for today, thank you for your attention and bye!