How old is Celine Dion? Gorgeous Celine Dion: biography and personal life

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is a Canadian singer who became a star in her teens. The performer sings in both her native French and English. Dion is considered to be the most successful French-speaking musician, and Dion's album D'eux is the world's best-selling non-English studio recording.

Celine was born in the Canadian province of Quebec into a large family. The singer's parents, Adhémar Dion and Teresa Tanguet, had 14 children, of which the future world star turned out to be the youngest.

Interestingly, Celine is distantly related to many North American stars. For example, she shares common ancestors with the actor, singer and Queen of Pop.

Music entered the girl’s life literally from birth. Not only did the family constantly listen to religious gospel songs, but they named Dion after the then fashionable composition “Celine” from the repertoire of the singer Hugues Aufrais.

She started performing at the age of five. The first time Celine sang a song was at the wedding of her older brother Michel, and it was not funny at all. children's gift, but a full number. Soon, together with his brothers and sisters, Dion begins to work professionally in bars and clubs.

When the girl was 12 years old, she wrote her first original composition, Ce n’était qu’un rêve, which, with the help of her brother, ended up with music manager Rene Angelil. The man was so inspired by the voice of the young talent that he mortgaged his house and used all the money to promote the aspiring singer.

Interestingly, as a teenager, Celine Dion wanted to imitate the American, but at the insistence of her manager, she still found her own niche in music. And to conquer English-speaking countries, the girl studied at the Berlitz language school.

By the way, due to the fact that the singer is virtually self-taught, it later turned out that she was using her vocal cords incorrectly. In 1989, there was even a question about ending his career due to a sore throat and loss of voice. During the new tour in support of the latest album Incognito, the singer completely lost her voice. It turned out that the girl was overloading her vocal cords.

Dion was threatened with surgery, but she found another way: she didn’t speak at all for about a month, and then consolidated the achieved result by learning to control her voice. Celine took a sabbatical and studied the art of vocals with William Riley in order to continue to properly load the ligaments.


Celine Dion's first professional composition was La voix du bon Dieu, which topped the local charts and turned young singer to the star of Quebec. A year later, another song, Tellement j’ai d’amour pour toi, sounded not only in Canada, but also in France and Japan.

A year later, the singer went on tour with a series of concerts “Les chemins de ma maison tournée”.

The singer's popularity grew. During this period, Celine Dion received a number of Felix awards, including Best Female Performer and Discovery of the Year.

With the hit "D" amour ou d "amitié, Celine Dion became the first Canadian to top the French charts. And the victory at Eurovision 1988, where the girl represented Switzerland with the hit song “Ne partez pas sans moi,” allowed the girl to say that Central Europe had been conquered. English-speaking countries are next in line.

To ensure her popularity in the world of English-language music, the girl decided to undergo dental surgery to improve the artist’s appearance.

After completing a course in the British language, the singer records her first album with English lyrics - Unison. The song from this record, Where Does My Heart Beat Now, became a big hit in the United States. They started talking about Dion even more when she performed the lyrical composition Beauty and the Beast, which became the soundtrack to the animated film "Beauty and the Beast".

The biggest commercial album of the 90s was The Color of My Love. The songs The Power of Love, Think Twice, and later To Love You More are heard on radio stations around the world. The next album, Falling into You, gave fans of the Canadian singer new beautiful compositions, and All by Myself and It's All Coming Back to Me Now entered the category of imperishable ones. But the main thing business card Celine Dion, of course, is the soundtrack to the Oscar-winning drama - the ballad My Heart Will Go On.

Of the subsequent songs, it is worth noting I"m Your Angel, That"s the Way It Is, Because You Loved Me, Taking Chances, I Drove All Night and Alone. The entire work of Celine Dion, whose style deviates from standard pop music, is permeated with sentimentality and is full of feelings and soulfulness. The main themes of Celine Dion's songs remained the theme of poverty and awakening spirituality, and after the singer herself had children, the motif of the connection between mother and child was also added to these themes.

Celine Dion publishes albums in French and English, and with the advent of various Internet services, the singer has come to new platforms. So, Celine Dion runs a channel on YouTube, where both official clips for a number of compositions and simply video messages from the star to fans are posted. Celine is also present in “ Instagram", on this platform the singer has more than 2 million subscribers.

Personal life

Celine Dion met her future husband when she was 12 years old and he was already 38. It was the man who made her a global star - manager Rene Angelil. Romantic relationships The future spouses began, of course, much later - in 1988, and a few years later the engagement was announced.

The singer was afraid that fans would not take such a union well, but they supported the choice of their favorite, and the marriage did not affect Dion’s popularity. Celine and Rene's wedding took place on December 17, 1994 at Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal. The celebration looked extravagant, and was even broadcast live on Canadian television.

Celine Dion could not get pregnant for several years and, for the sake of the happiness of motherhood, underwent two special operations that improved her chances of conceiving. The first son of the Canadian singer was born in 2001 and received the name Rene-Charles Angélil, and 9 years later twin brothers were born within one minute of each other. The parents gave these boys names in honor famous people– composer Eddie Marne and former president South Africa.

The singer lived happily with her husband until the man’s death from cancer in January 2016. René Angélil battled laryngeal cancer for 20 years. The man underwent his first operation to remove the tumor back in 1999. This procedure allowed the man to forget about the disease for a while.

A relapse occurred in 2013. Angélil continued treatment and underwent another operation, but this did not help. The disease confined the man to bed. Celine Dion left the stage during this period in order to devote more time to her husband. But in 2015, Rene himself persuaded his wife to resume musical biography and sign a major contract with a recording studio.


  • 1981 - La voix du bon Dieu
  • 1990 - Unison
  • 1993 - The Color of My Love
  • 1997 - Let's Talk About Love
  • 2002 - A New Day Has Come
  • 2007 - D'elles
  • 2007 - Taking Chances
  • 2012 - Sans attendre
  • 2013 - Loved Me Back to Life
  • 2016 - Encore un soir

In 1980, Dion recorded a demo tape with the song Ce n'etait qu'un reve ("It was just a dream") and sent it to Montreal, where manager Rene Angelil heard it. Young Celine’s talent impressed the professional so much that he laid down own house and recorded two records for his ward, the release of which became a real sensation.

Soon the girl received her first awards, including a gold medal in Tokyo at the Yamaha World Song Festival. Over the next five years, the singer recorded 9 albums with songs in French. And in 1983, Dion became the first Canadian to have her own gold single in France - the song D "amour ou d" amitie.

Dion's popularity began to gain momentum. In 1986, the singer took a short vacation of one year and began working on her transformation. She corrected the bite of her teeth, changed her hairstyle and changed her wardrobe. Celine also began to study English.

In 1990, Celine Dion consolidated her success in France by releasing a disc with songs by Luc Plamondon that had previously been performed by other artists. In the same year, her first album in English, Unison, was released. The album went gold in the US and six times platinum in Canada. A year later, Celine, together with Peabo Bryson, recorded a song for the cartoon "Beauty and the Beast". The track took 9th place on the prestigious Billboard Hot 100. The singer was also awarded an Oscar and a Grammy.

Celine Dion's second English-language album was presented in 1992. It was certified nine times platinum in Canada and twice in the United States. A year later, the star's third album, The Color of My Love, was released, which captivated listeners in the UK and USA, and several songs became soundtracks for films such as Sleepless in Seattle and Close to the Heart.

But Celine Dion's real triumph was yet to come. First, in 1994, her track from the album Think Twice was at the top of the prestigious world chart UK Top 40. As a result, the composition stayed on the first line for seven weeks, which is very rare for this chart. In 1995, Dion released an album in French, D "eux, which became the best among the singer's other French records. The disc also received gold in Britain.

The most successful album in the Canadian singer's career was the 1996 album Falling Into You. The album topped the Billboard 200 chart and earned two Grammy awards; it also became the best-selling album of 1996. In 1997, Celine Dion sang the soundtrack to James Cameron's acclaimed film Titanic. This composition, My Heart Will Go On, won an Oscar and three Grammy awards.

After the dizzying success of the Canadian diva, her next album Let's Talk About Love was released. By that time, Dion was an established star and could afford to sing duets with her famous colleagues, such as Barbra Streisand, Bee Gees, Carole King, Bryan Adams, Andrea Bocelli, Luciano Pavarotti, Anastasia, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Richard Marx, Annie Murray, Cher, Ar Callie and many others.

In 2002, the singer presented the album A New Day Has Come and the grandiose show A New Day, which started at the beginning of 2003 and ended only at the end of 2007. At the same time, the artist worked tirelessly on her subsequent albums: 1 fille & 4 types, D’elles, Taking chances. In 2012, her French-language CD Sans attendre was released, and in 2013 the English-language Loved Me Back to Life was released.

Personal life

The singer met her future husband and manager Rene Angélil in 1980, when she was only 12 years old and he was already 38. The couple began their romantic relationship in 1987, and in 1991 they announced their engagement. In 1994, Celine and Rene got married.

In May 2000, Dion had two minor surgeries at a fertility clinic in New York to improve her chances of conceiving. Their first child, Rene-Charles Angélil, was born on January 25, 2001, and on October 23, 2010, the couple had twins: Eddie and Nelson.

Interesting facts

In 2010 she was appointed ambassador goodwill FAO UN

According to various sources, Dion's vocal range is five octaves. According to Dion, her vocal range is mezzo-soprano.

Dion grew up listening to the music of Aretha Franklin, Charles Aznavour, Michael Jackson, Carole King, Anne Murray, Barbra Streisand and the Bee Gees, all of whom she later collaborated with

Her manager and future husband René Angélil mortgaged his house to finance the singer's first recording

Best-selling Canadian artist, second highest-selling female artist in the US according to Nielsen SoundScan, and only female artist to sell two million copies of two singles in the UK


French-language albums

1981 - La voix du bon Dieu

1982 - Tellement j’ai d’amour…

1983 - Les chemins de ma maison

1984 - Melanie

1985 - C'est pour toi

1987 - Incognito

1991 - Dion chante Plamondon

1998 - S'il suffisait d'aimer

2003 - 1 fille & 4 types

2007 - D'elles

2012 - Sans attendre

English albums

The famous singer Celine Dion has long captivated the whole world with her unique voice. And this is not surprising, because she vocal abilities span five octaves. Celine Dion is called one of the most influential artists of our time. Her beautiful sentimental songs penetrate the very soul and make you think about the main thing. Has it always been like this? What was the singer’s road to world recognition? About what he was like creative path Celine Dion, read this article.

Childhood and youth of the future artist

Celine Marie Claudette Dion (that's what it sounds like) full name singer) was born in a small town called Charlemagne, located near Montreal, on March 30, 1968 in a poor Roman Catholic large family. Adhémar and Thérèse Dion had fourteen children, Celine the youngest. When the girl was five years old, her parents bought the restaurant “Le Vieux Baril”, which became her first stage. To the delight of visitors, she often performed there with her sisters and brothers, accompanied by one of her parents. Very often, already being a world-famous artist, Celine in her interviews warmly recalled her parents, brothers, sisters, and their cozy home. Celine Dion always talked about growing up in a poor, but very happy family.

Start of a career

The first song called “Ce n"etait qu"un reve” for Celine Dion was written by her mother when the girl was 12 years old. Celine's brother Michel Dondalinge recorded her performance by his sister on tape and sent it to the manager of the popular Jeanette Reno. He found the address on one of the singer’s records. After several days of waiting for an answer, Michel Dondalinge called the manager and forced him to listen to the tape, saying: “I’m sure you didn’t even listen to the tape. If this were not the case, you would have called us immediately!” Intrigued, the manager promised to look at the recording and called back the same day.

Already in the early 1980s, Celine Dion, whose biography contains many interesting facts, signed a contract with Sony Records and began collaborating with the same manager Jeanette Reno, to whom she and her brother sent the recording of the first song. Rene Angelil, as fate would have it, would later become not only the singer’s mentor, but also her husband.

First albums and first success

Thanks to her talent and the support of her mentor, young Celine Dion quickly turned from a “well-singing teenager” into a world-class star. Her growth as an artist was noticeable with every rehearsal and every performance. Celine's first albums were only popular within Quebec. Rene rooted with all his heart for the success of his ward. It is known that he even mortgaged his house in 1981 in order to have the financial opportunity to develop young talent.

Real success came to the singer after participating in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1988, where she represented Switzerland. There she sang the song "Ne Partez Pas Sans Moi" in French. The entire French-speaking world then learned about the young performer.

Conquering new heights

In the 1990s, Celine Dion's husband Rene Angelil is trying with all his might to promote his talented wife to the American market. To do this, she and Celine are recording an English-language album called “Unison”. The main song of the album, “Where Does My Heart Beat Now,” rose to fourth place on the Billboard charts, and that already said a lot. The second album, entitled “Celine Dion,” was no less popular among the English-speaking population of the planet than the first.


In February 1995, René Angélil's goal was achieved. Finally, the song performed by Celine Dion began to occupy first positions in the most authoritative music chart in the world. For more than seven weeks, their joint creation was in first place, which is very rare for this hit parade!

That same year, Celine released the album D'eux in French. The title song from this record became the most successful French composition. In addition, it reached number six in the British charts, where foreign songs rarely enter the TOP 10.

Top career

In 1996, Celine Dion, whose biography was already of interest to millions of her fans around the world, gave connoisseurs of her work another album, “Falling Into You,” which became the pinnacle of her musical career. The collection became the best-selling collection of all time in world show business, and Celine Dion became a world-famous star.

The next album, Let's Talk About Love, released the following year, was no less successful. It contained many duet songs by Celine with other world stars. Among the compositions was the legendary soundtrack from the film “Titanic” - “My Heart Will Go On”, which took top positions in dozens of world charts.

In parallel with recognition in the English-language market, Celine Dion found critics in the form of her French fans. They reproached the singer for neglecting them. Celine managed to regain the favor of her fans by publicly refusing to receive the Felix Award in the English Artist of the Year category. The singer said that she will always remain a French performer, not an English one.

Relationship with Rene

Celine and Rene began their relationship in 1987, but for a long time they kept it a closely guarded secret. The lovers, who are twenty-six years apart in age, were afraid that others would consider their relationship inappropriate. The couple announced their engagement in 1991, when Celine was already 23.

On December 17, 1994, Celine Dion and Rene Angélil got married in Notre-Dame Cathedral in Montreal. Since Angelil is of Arab origin, on January 5, 2000, the couple confirmed their vows of fidelity and love at a wedding ceremony stylized in Arabic traditions in Las Vegas.

Career break

After the release of her thirteenth album, Celine Dion announced to her fans that she was going on vacation for an indefinite period of time. The reason for this was the singer’s fatigue from everyone’s attention and the news of her husband’s illness. Angélil was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Fortunately, the couple managed to overcome this disease.

In 2001, Celine returned to the stage and soon released new album"A New Day Has Come" In December of the same year, she published an autobiographical book entitled “My Story, My Dream,” where she described the path of her ascent to musical Olympus.

Celine Dion. Biography. Children

For a long time, Celine and Rene tried to have a child, but to no avail. After two operations at a reproductive center in New York in 2000, Celine became pregnant. On January 25, 2001, the singer gave birth to a son, who was named Rene Charles Dion Angelil. The couple dreamed of several children in the family, but Rene Angélil was able to tell the media only in August 2009 the good news that Celine was pregnant. Unfortunately, already in November the singer had a miscarriage.

After five attempts at artificial insemination, in May 2010 it became known that Celine and her husband were expecting twins. The couple later announced that their family would soon welcome two more boys. On October 23, 2010, Celine’s sons, Eddie and Nelson, were born through a caesarean section. A month later, during an interview, the singer admitted that she was initially expecting triplets, but the third boy’s heart gave out.

Creative heritage

Over the entire period of her work, Celine Dion has released twelve French-language albums, ten English-language and three special holiday releases of compositions. She conducted twelve large-scale concert tours and became one of the most adored singers of all time.

Celine Dion sang a duet with such popular world stars as Luciano Pavarotti, Barbra Streisand, Carole King, Cher, Anastasia, Richard Marx, Cleve Griffin, Piabo Bryson, Garou, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Annie Muray and many others.

Celine Marie Claudette Dion. Born on March 30, 1968 in the province of Quebec. Canadian singer.

Dion, already a teenager, became a star in the French-speaking world after her manager and future husband René Angélil mortgaged his house to finance her first recording. In 1990, she released the English-language album Unison and established herself as a singer in North America and other English-speaking regions of the world.

Dion first gained international recognition in the 1980s, winning music festival Yamaha in 1988 and in the Eurovision Song Contest 1988, where she represented Switzerland.

After a number of French albums in the early 1980s, she signed a contract with CBS Records Canada in 1986. In the 1990s, after signing a contract with Epic Records and releasing several English albums along with other French albums, she, with the help of Angélil, achieved worldwide fame, becoming one of the most successful performers in the history of pop music.

However, in 1999, at the height of her success, Dion announced a career break to start a family and spend time with her husband, who had been diagnosed with cancer. She returned to pop music in 2002 and signed a three-year (later extended to nearly five years) contract to perform late-night in the Colosseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.

Dion's music has been influenced by genres ranging from rock and rhythm and blues to gospel and classical. Although her work has often received mixed reactions from critics, she is known for her technically proficient and powerful vocals. Dion is the best-selling Canadian artist, the second best-selling artist in the US according to Nielsen SoundScan, and the only artist to sell two million copies of each single in the UK. Additionally, her 1995 album D'eux is the best-selling French-language album of all time.

In 2004, after selling more than 175 million albums worldwide, she received a Diamond Award from the World Music Awards, becoming the best-selling female artist of all time.

According to Sony Music Entertainment, Dion has sold more than 220 million albums worldwide.

Celine Dion - I"m Alive

The youngest of 14 children born to Adhémar Dion and Thérèse Tanguet, both of French-Canadian descent, Celine Dion grew up in a poor, but, in her own words, happy Roman Catholic family in Charlemagne (now a district in the far west of Montreal). .

Music has always been part of the family (Dion was named after the song "Céline", recorded by French singer Hugues Aufret two years before her birth).

On August 13, 1973, five-year-old Céline gave her first public performance at the wedding of her brother Michel, singing Christine Charbonneau's song "Du fil des aiguilles et du coton". She subsequently sang with her brothers and sisters in her parents' small piano bar, Le Vieux Baril. From an early age, Dion dreamed of becoming a singer.

In a 1994 interview with People magazine, she recalled: “I missed my family and home, but I don’t regret losing my youth. I had one dream: I wanted to be a singer.".

At the age of 12, Dion composed her first song with her mother and brother Jacques. "Ce n'était qu'un rêve"(“It was just a dream”). Her brother Michel Dondalinge Dion sent the recording to music manager René Angélil, whose name he discovered on the back of Jeanette Renault's album. Angélil was moved to tears by Dion's voice and decided to make her a star.

In 1981, he mortgaged his house to finance her first recording, La voix du bon Dieu (The Voice of God), which later became a local number one hit and made Dion an instant star in Quebec. Her popularity spread to other parts of the world when she took part in the 1982 Yamaha Music Festival in Tokyo, Japan and received an award. Best Performer"and also gold medal for “Tellement j’ai d’amour pour toi” (“I have so much love for you”) as “Best Song”.

By 1983, becoming the first Canadian artist, who received a gold record in France for the single "D'amour ou d'amitié" ("Love or Friendship"), Dion also received several Felix Awards, including Best Female Artist and Discovery of the Year. Further success in Europe, Asia and Australia came when Dion won the Eurovision Song Contest 1988 in Dublin(Ireland), representing Switzerland with the song “Ne partez pas sans moi” (“Don’t leave without me”).

Celine Dion - Eurovision 1988

However, American success was yet to come, partly because she was an exclusively French-speaking singer. At eighteen, after seeing a performance, Dion told Angélil that she wanted to be a star like Jackson. Confident in her talent, Angélil nevertheless realized that her image needed to be changed in order for her to gain commercial success throughout the world. Dion disappeared from the scene for some time, during which she underwent dental surgery to improve her appearance and was sent to the Berlitz School in 1989 to improve her English.

In 1989, during the tour in support of the album Incognito Dion has lost her voice. She consulted otolaryngologist William Gould. He gave her a choice: have surgery on her vocal cords or not use them at all for three weeks. Dion chose the latter and received vocal training from William Riley because, according to Gould and Riley, she was not using her vocal cords correctly.

Having learned English, Dion made her debut in the English-language market in 1990 with the album Unison, the lead single of which was originally recorded.

She accepted the help of many established musicians, including Vito Luprano and Canadian producer David Foster. Unison received good reviews from critics. The album established Dion as a rising singer in the United States and throughout continental Europe and Asia.

In 1991, Dion was also the lead singer in the song "Voices That Care", dedicated to American troops participating in Operation Desert Storm. Dion's real international breakthrough came when she recorded the title track for the cartoon as a duet with Peabo Bryson. "Beauty and the Beast" in 1991. Becoming both a critical and commercial hit, the song became her second top 10 single in the US and earned her an Oscar for Best Original Song and a Grammy for Best Pop Duo Performance.

Dion included the single "Beauty and the Beast" on her 1992 self-titled album. Thanks to the success of the lead-off single and collaborations with Foster and Diane Warren, the album was as well received as Unison. The single "If You Asked Me To" - a cover version of Patti LaBelle's song from the film "License to Kill", which took fourth place on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart, as well as the singles "Love" - ​​achieved moderate success Can Move Mountains" and "Nothing Broken But My Heart".

At the same time, in 1991, Dion released a French-language album Dion chante Plamondon. The album consisted mainly of cover versions, but included four new songs: "Des mots qui sonnent", "Je danse dans ma tête", "Quelqu'un que j'aime, quelqu'un qui m'aime" and "L 'amour existe encore'. It was originally released in Canada and France in 1991-1992, but then received an international release in 1994. Thus, it became Celine Dion's first international French album. Single "Un garçon pas comme les autres" from the rock opera musical Starmania, became a hit in France, reaching number two and going gold. In Quebec, the album was certified gold on the day of release.

By 1992, Unison, Céline Dion and performances had catapulted Dion to superstar status in North America. She achieved one of her main goals: to gain a foothold in the English-speaking market and achieve fame. However, during her growing popularity in the United States, her French fans in Canada she was criticized for neglecting them. She later returned to fans' favor when, after winning the Felix Award for English Artist of the Year, she publicly refused the award. She stated that she was and always will be French, not English singer. In addition to commercial success, there were changes in Dion's personal life: Angelil, her senior by twenty-six years, turned from her manager into her lover. However, they kept their relationship a secret because they feared that the public would consider it inappropriate.

In 1993, Dion declared her feelings for her manager, calling him "the color of [her] love" in the dedication to her third English-language album, The Color of My Love. However, instead of criticizing their relationship, as Dion feared, fans accepted the couple. Angélil and Dion eventually married in an extravagant wedding ceremony in December 1994, which was broadcast live on Canadian television.

Dion stuck to her guns French roots and continued to release many French-language recordings between each English release. They were generally more successful than her English-language works.

In 1996, she received the World Music Awards as "world's best-selling female singer of the year" for the third time. By the mid-1990s, she had established herself as one of the best-selling singers in the world.

In 1996, Dion released her fourth album in English, Falling into You, already at the zenith of her popularity. In an attempt to attract a larger audience, the album combined many elements, such as complex orchestral sounds, African chants and musical effects. In addition, instruments such as the violin, spanish guitar, trombone, cavaquinho and saxophone, created a new sound. The album received a Grammy for Best Pop Album and best album year.

Dion's status on the world stage was further cemented when she was asked to perform "The Power of the Dream" at the opening ceremony Olympic Games 1996 in Atlanta.

In 1997, Dion released Let's Talk About Love, which was presented as a sequel to Falling into You.

Dion ended the 1990s with three more hugely successful albums - the Christmas album These Are Special Times (1998), the French-language album S'il suffisait d'aimer and the compilation All the Way... A Decade of Song (1999).

By the late 1990s, Celine Dion had sold over 100 million albums worldwide and received numerous industry awards. Her status as one of the biggest pop divas music industry She was further established when she was asked to perform on VH1's Divas Live in 1998 with superstars Aretha Franklin, Gloria Estefan, Shania Twain and .

That same year she received two of her highest awards home country: "Officer of the Order of Canada for distinguished contributions to peace modern music" and "Officer of the National Order of Quebec". A year later, she was inducted into the Canadian Hall of Fame and was awarded a star on Canada's Walk of Fame.

After releasing thirteen albums in the 1990s, Dion said she needed to calm down, get away from the spotlight and enjoy life. Angélil's diagnosis of esophageal cancer also prompted her to take a break.

However, during the break, Dion was unable to escape the attention.

In 2000, the National Enquirer published a false story about the singer. After printing a photo of Dion with her husband, the magazine distorted Dion's words, publishing it with the headline "Celine - "I'm Pregnant With Twins!" Dion later filed a lawsuit against the magazine for more than twenty million dollars.

Enquirer editors printed an apology and full retraction in the next issue and donated money to the American Cancer Society in honor of Dionne and her husband. A year after the incident, after undergoing fertility treatment, Dion gave birth to a son, Rene-Charles Dion Angelil, on January 25, 2001 in Florida.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Dion returned to the music scene and performed the song "God Bless America" ​​in a televised performance at the benefit concert "America: A Tribute to Heroes." Dion performed it again in 2003 before Super Bowl XXXVII in San Diego.

Album A New Day Has Come, released in March 2002, marked the end of Dion's three-year absence from the music industry. With Dion becoming a mother, the album showed a more mature side of her with the songs "A New Day Has Come", "I'm Alive" and "Goodbye's (The Saddest Word)".

Taking inspiration from personal experience, in 2003 Dion released One Heart- an album that represented her appreciation for life. The album mainly consisted of dance music. Although One Heart received moderate success, the album was met with mixed criticism, with words such as "predictable" and "corny" appearing in even the mildest of reviews. A cover of Cyndi Lauper's hit "I Drove All Night" released to launch her new ad campaign with Chrysler featured dance-pop and rock 'n' roll, but the advertising deal itself was met with mixed criticism.

After One Heart in 2004, Dion released her next studio album in English - Miracle. This multimedia project, conceived by Dion and photographer Anna Geddes, was dedicated to children and motherhood. The album was filled with lullabies and other songs mother's love and inspirations, the two most popular of which were covers of Louis Armstrong's "What a Wonderful World" and "Beautiful Boy".

Francophone album 1 fille & 4 types("1 Girl and 4 Guys"), released in October 2003, featured Dion's attempt to distance herself from the "diva" image. She recruited Jean-Jacques Goldman, Gildas Arzel, Eric Benzi and Jacques Veneruso, with whom she had previously worked on her French albums S'il suffisait d'aimer and D'eux. Dubbed "an album of pleasure" by Dion herself, the album received widespread commercial success in France, Canada and Belgium, where it reached number one.

Although Dion's albums were commercially successful, they did not reach the level of sales or reception of her previous works. Her songs received less airplay as radio switched from ballads to modern urban and hip-hop. However, by 2004, Dion had sold over 175 million albums worldwide and received a Diamond Award from the World Music Awards for her achievements.

In early 2002, Dion announced a three-year contract for 600 shows, five nights a week in the entertainment extravaganza "A New Day..." at the Coliseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas. The move was noted as "one of the smartest business decisions of any major musician." Dion got the idea for the show when she saw Frank Dragone's "O" perform. She began performing on March 25, 2003, in a 4,000-seat arena created for her show. The premiere was attended by many stars, including Dick Clark, Alan Thicke, Kathy Griffin and Justin Timberlake. The show, co-produced by Dragone, was a combination of dance, music and visuals. Dion performed her hits with a variety of dancers and special effects.

Dion's latest French-language album is D'elles("About Them") - released May 21, 2007. It debuted at the top of the Canadian charts, selling 72,200 times in its first week. The album was certified double platinum in Canada and sold half a million worldwide within its first month.

On August 22, 2008, Celine Dion performed a free show in French at the Fields of Abraham in Quebec, Canada, to celebrate Quebec's 400th anniversary. About 490 thousand people gathered for the celebration (including TV broadcasting).

In May 2009, Celine Dion was named the 20th best-selling artist and 2nd best-selling female artist of the decade in the United States, having sold an estimated 17.57 million albums.

In June 2009, Forbes reported that Dion earned $100 million in 2008. Dion earned $522.2 million over the course of the decade, most of which came from her five-year residency at Caesars Palace.

In September 2010, she released the single "Voler" in a duet with French singer Michel Sardou. The song was later included on Sardou's album. Additionally, in October 2010, it was announced that Dion had written new song For Canadian singer Mark Dupre called "Entre deux mondes".

On September 15, 2011, Dion took part in a free concert by tenor Andrea Bocelli in Central Park in New York.

In 2012, she performed at the 16th Jamaica Jazz and Blues Festival. On November 2, 2012, Dion released her first French-language album in five years, Sans attendre.

Celine Dion's height: 171 centimeters.

Personal life of Celine Dion:

Celine Dion is related to (their common ancestors are the first settlers of Quebec named Jacques Vézina and Marie Boisdon), Mark Wahlberg, Madonna (their common ancestor is the French carpenter Zachary Cloutier).

Dion met her husband and manager René Angélil in 1980, when she was 12 and he was 38, when she and her mother sent him a demo of a song they had written.

They started dating in 1988 and got engaged in 1991.

On December 17, 1994, they got married at Notre Dame Cathedral in Montreal (Quebec, Canada).

In May 2000, Dion underwent two minor surgeries at a fertility clinic in New York to improve her chances of conceiving, deciding to use in vitro fertilization after several years unsuccessful attempts get pregnant. Their first son, René-Charles Angélil, was born on January 25, 2001.

In May 2010, Angélil announced that Dion was 14 weeks pregnant with twins after her sixth in vitro fertilization. On Saturday, October 23, 2010, at 11:11 and 11:12 am respectively, at medical center St. Mary's in West Palm Beach (Florida) Dion with help caesarean section gave birth to two healthy twins.

The twins were named Eddie (after Dion's favorite composer, Eddie Marne) and Nelson (after the former President of South Africa). Dion appeared with her newborn sons on the cover of the Canadian edition of Hello magazine on December 9, 2010.

January 14, 2016 in his own home in Las Vegas after a long battle with cancer. 2 days later, on January 16, 2016, Celine’s 59-year-old brother Daniel died from cancer of the throat, tongue and brain.

Celine Dion discography:

French-language albums:

1981 - La voix du bon Dieu
1981 - Céline Dion chante Noël
1982 - Tellement j'ai d'amour...
1983 - Les chemins de ma maison
1983 - Chants et contes de Noël
1984 - Melanie
1985 - C'est pour toi
1987 - Incognito
1991 - Dion chante Plamondon
1995 - D'eux
1998 - S'il suffisait d'aimer
2003 - 1 fille & 4 types
2007 - D'elles
2012 - Sans attendre

English albums:

1990 - Unison
1992 - Celine Dion
1993 - The Color of My Love
1996 - Falling into You
1997 - Let's Talk About Love
1998 - These Are Special Times
2002 - A New Day Has Come
2003 - One Heart
2004 - Miracle
2007 - Taking Chances
2013 - Loved Me Back to Life

Filmography of Celine Dion:

1991 - Des fleurs sur la neige - Elisa Trudel
1997 - Nanny - Cameo (Episode “Fran’s Gotta Have It”)
1998 - Touched by an Angel - Cameo (Episode "Psalm 151")
2007 - All My Children - Cameo (1 episode)
2012 - The jungle is calling! Finding Marsupilami - Cameo
2014 - Muppets 2 (Piggy Fairy) - Godmother

Greetings to regular and new readers! In the article “Celine Dion: biography, personal life, video” about the popular Canadian singer. If this is a new name for you, I'm sure you've heard her voice. Hard to find in the world modern man who has not heard the song from the movie Titanic. This is the voice of Celine Dion.

Celine Dion: biography

Celine Marie Claudette Dion is the singer's full name. She came into this world in the spring of 1968. Celine from large family, besides her there were 13 more children.

Mother and father were musicians and ran a small piano bar in Quebec. At the age of 5, Celine decided to become a singer. When she was 12, she wrote a French song with her mother and brother that changed her life forever.

Rene Angelil

The cassette with the song was sent to producer René Angélil. They say that when Rene heard her sing, he could not hold back his tears. A year later, this producer set a goal for himself: to make Celine a famous singer in the world. Rene mortgaged his own house to sponsor the debut album of the young singer!

With Renee's support, she begins musical career. In 1982, 14-year-old Dion won a composer's competition in Japan. Studying at an English school helped her polish English language.

This was a necessary pass to big world. Soon, Dion turned from a teenager into a young singer, ready for all difficulties.

After winning Eurovision, the 20-year-old singer was already enjoying superstar status in her native Quebec.

Soon the relationship between the producer and the singer grew from business to something more. The 26-year age difference forced the lovers to hide their relationship. After several years of conspiracy in 1994. happy couple got married. Rene Angelil became the closest person in the world after his parents. They will live in marriage for 22 years.


The pop star keeps a diary, which she remembers to write in every day. IN lately she often includes quotes from her late husband. Celine believes that he was a very wise man, and is afraid to forget some of his sayings, which seem especially valuable to her. The pop star started this tradition during his lifetime.

Rene Angelil died in January 2016 from cancer (at the same time her brother died from the same disease). She still has a hard time dealing with this loss. And when she misses her loved one, she tries to communicate with him using a diary.

– Constant travel around the world with tours is huge and difficult task, says the 49-year-old widow. – This is especially true when you have three children. Traveling becomes problematic, sometimes it scares me. And now everything has become even more difficult, my grief has not yet passed.

She took a long vacation in order to be with her husband in the last hours of his life.

“He suffered for three years,” the widow complains. - It's a long time. I took a year off and told him: “I can only live well next to you, I don’t live for a career, you are my life, my work.”

Any wife would do this, any mother would do this. And any artist will do the same. I took care of him in the best possible way, did everything she could. We talked a lot and made notes together. I still have my notebook and pencil. I write down all his questions, comments, thoughts there.

Today, Dion is learning to live again in a world in which his loved one no longer exists. Dion's height is 1.71 m, zodiac sign is

Video selection

In this video additional and detailed information"Celine Dion: biography, personal life." Photos of parents, husband, children, house, interior, etc.